write a short paragraph about which “critical strategy for reading” from the summaries of them you find most useful and why, and which one you think might be most flawed or least useful and why. This paragraph need only be 6-8ish sentences long.

First, write a short paragraph about which “critical strategy for reading” from the summaries of them you find most useful and why, and which one you think might be most flawed or least useful and why. This paragraph need only be 6-8ish sentences long. Second, write three questions that you think “The Yellow Wallpaper” is asking us. People usually think about what questions we have about a book, and we’ll do that in this class for sure. But for this assignment, try to think about what the short story itself (as a piece of art, as a lesson, as a warning, as a political statement, as a cultural artifact) is asking its readers to think about

Journal Entry

Journal Entry 1

The well-known management consultant and writer, Stephen Covey (2004), has written that one of the seven habits of highly effective people is to “begin with the end in mind” (p. 95).

For this journal entry:

  • Spend 15-30 minutes writing a reflection on the following:
    • As you begin your doctoral journey, visualize the day that your receive your degree. Your family is there with you at the commencement. You are about to hear your name called from the stage. Upon hearing your name, you will step across to where your mentor and the dean of your school will put on your doctoral hood. Then you will walk to where the president of Capella will hand you your diploma and you will turn to face your fellow graduates and their families. What thoughts are going through your head? How are you feeling?
  • Imagine it. Write it. Look at it again.
  • Save your journal entry in a place where it is easily accessible for you to review later to help you write your final project reflection, due in Unit 10.


Covey, S. (2004). Seven habits of highly effective people. New York, NY: Free Press.



Journal Entry 2 – My Ideal Organizational Role

For this journal entry, address the following:

  • Spend 15-30 minutes writing a reflection on the following:
    • Think about your organization and the role you would most like to play in it.
    • How-and to what extent, if at all-does the description of the scholar-practitioner role in this unit resonate with you in the role to which you aspire?
  • Imagine it. Write it. Look at it again.
  • Save your journal entry in a place where it is easily accessible for you to review later to help you write your final project reflection, due in Unit 10.



Journal Entry 3 – My Organization as a System

For this journal entry, address the following:

  • Spend 15-30 minutes writing a reflection on the following:
    • What makes your organization a system that you will be able to change?
  • Imagine it. Write it. Look at it again.
  • Save your journal entry in a place where it is easily accessible for you to review later to help you write your final project reflection, due in Unit 10.


Journal Entry 4 – Organizational Strengths

For this journal entry, address the following:

  • Spend 15-30 minutes writing a reflection on the following:
    • Describe three important strengths that your organization can boast of that will contribute to its future success.
  • Imagine it. Write it. Look at it again.
  • Save your journal entry in a place where it is easily accessible for you to review later to help you write your final project reflection, due in Unit 10.


Journal Entry 5 – Plus/Delta of My Experience

For this journal entry, address the following:

  • Spend 15-30 minutes carrying out the following activity:
    • Review the Plus/Delta technique.
    • Build a Plus/Delta diagram for your experiences so far in this program.
  • Imagine it. Write it. Look at it again.
  • Save your journal entry in a place where it is easily accessible for you to review later to help you write your final project reflection, due in Unit 10.


Journal Entry 6 – Organizational Improvement

For this journal entry, address the following:

  • Spend 15-30 minutes writing a reflection on these points:
    • Describe three areas of your organization where the processes could be improved.
    • Select one area and describe briefly how you would proceed to change it.
  • Imagine it. Write it. Look at it again.
  • Save your journal entry in a place where it is easily accessible for you to review later to help you write your final project reflection, due in Unit 10.


Journal Entry 7 – Influencing My Organization

For this assignment, complete the following:

  • Spend 15-30 minutes writing a reflection on these questions:
    • What makes your organization a system that you will be able to change?
    • How did the ideas from Unit 7 help in your thinking?
  • Imagine it. Write it. Look at it again.
  • Save your journal entry in a place where it is easily accessible for you to review later to help you write your final project reflection, due in Unit 10.


Journal Entry 8 – AI and Critical Thinking

For this journal entry, think about what you have learned so far with regard to the affirmative perspective in approaching educational issues and the principles of critical thinking.

  • Spend 15-30 minutes writing a reflection on the following:
    • Is there a contradiction?
    • How can a leader-manager be both affirming and critical?
    • How can the two approaches be integrated in your career?
  • Imagine it. Write it. Look at it again.
  • Save your journal entry in a place where it is easily accessible for you to review later to help you write your final project reflection, due in Unit 10.


Journal Entry 9 – My Role as an Action Scientist

When you do your doctoral capstone as an action project, you will be bringing about some improvement in the processes of your organization.

For this journal entry:

  • Spend 15-30 minutes writing a reflection on the following:
    • Describe your role as an action scientist in your organization.
    • Describe three areas of your organization whose processes could be improved.
  • Imagine it. Write it. Look at it again.
  • Save your journal entry in a place where it is easily accessible for you to review later to help you write your final project reflection, due in Unit 10.


What are the legal requirements for Small Claims Court?  • Where does one file such an action? With whom? What hours? • What topics does a small claims suit include?  • What is the age limit, if any, to file a claim? • What is the dollar limit one can sue for?  • What specific papers must be filed? How much does it cost to file?  • Can an attorney be present at your appearance? Why or why not?

The purpose of this assignment is for you to learn how to file a small claims lawsuit. As discussed in class, small claims court is a great way for people to be able to resolve their differences over relatively small amounts of money at little cost to either party. The idea behind having such hearings is that there should be a cheap and easy way for people to be able to get a judge to rule on any given dispute.

All you have to do for this assignment is describe how you would file a small claims lawsuit in the event you ever had to. In the future if you ever have any business disputes in your personal life you will have benefited by doing this assignment because you will know exactly what you need to do to file a small claims suit. You will also know what to do in the event you are ever sued in small claims court.

You may use the San Mateo County or Santa Clara County Courts, or any other court in California. Please specify which court you are using in your paper.

Answer ALL of the following questions:

A) Where do you obtain the form you need to file a small claims suit against another person. Attach a copy or link to a website of this form to your paper.

B) In your own words, summarize the steps to file a small claims suit in Santa Clara County. Here are some questions you should answer in your paper:

• What are the legal requirements for Small Claims Court?
• Where does one file such an action? With whom? What hours?
• What topics does a small claims suit include?
• What is the age limit, if any, to file a claim?
• What is the dollar limit one can sue for?
• What specific papers must be filed? How much does it cost to file?
• Can an attorney be present at your appearance? Why or why not?

Rory Sutherland: Life Lessons from an ad man

Video Essay General Format

Length: Each Video Essay will probably be about three to five pages long in most cases. There is no “set length,” however.

Labeling : Your professor likes organization, and generally rewards those who label the various parts of their written work in such a way as to help the reader follow your train of thought. At the very least each of the Parts outlined below should be labeled, but there are usually opportunities for sub-labeling (headings).

Parts of the Essay: In most cases, your essay should contain at least the following parts….

  1. Identification of the Video and speaker (You need not use further citations to indicate the source material for your Essay, unless you bring in other material.)
  2. A statement as to what information is contained in the assigned video which is of importance to marketers.
  3. A statement as to why that information is important. It is important because…. For example: it may alter, clarify, or strenthen our thinking about one or more marketing tenets. E.g. Dr. Moscowitz’ ideas on market segmentation.
  4. A description of how the information might be used in a marketing situation.
  5. Your Summation/Conclusion. If a reader were to read only this section they should 
come away with a basic understanding of what you have said.

Signs of Trouble

(Source:https://writingcenter.fas.harvard.edu/pages/essay-structure ©2000, Elizabeth Abrams, for the Writing Center at Harvard University)

A common structural flaw in college essays is the “walk-through” (also labeled “summary” or “description”). Walk-through essays follow the structure of their sources rather than establishing their own. Such essays generally have a descriptive thesis rather than an argumentative one. Be wary of paragraph openers that lead off with “time” words (“first,” “next,” “after,” “then”) or “listing” words (“also,” “another,” “in addition”). Although they don’t always signal trouble, these paragraph openers often indicate that an essay’s thesis and structure need work: they suggest that the essay simply reproduces the chronology of the source text (in the case of time words: first this happens, then that, and afterwards another thing . . . ) or simply


lists example after example (“In addition, the use of color indicates another way that the painting differentiates between good and evil”).

Video Essay Assignments: You should write an Essay about each of the following videos…


  1. Rory Sutherland: Life Lessons from an ad man


Post a description of the priority you selected and the benefits and challenges of further researching this area.

To prepare:

  • Review Chapter 7 in The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Healthreport provided in the Learning Resources. Focus on the information in Box 7.3, “Research Priorities for Transforming Nursing Leadership.”
  • Select one of the research priorities listed in Box 7.3 that is of particular interest to you and applicable to your career interests. Consider the benefits and challenges of researching and addressing this priority in nursing.
  • Using the Walden library, identify two to three current articles that address your selected research priority. Consider the current state of research efforts on this priority.
  • Reflect on how the research findings for your area of priority impact nurses as leaders in organizations and health care reform. Why is research on this priority important?


Post a description of the priority you selected and the benefits and challenges of further researching this area. Provide an overview of the articles you found (using appropriate APA citations) relating to this priority, and highlight any key findings. Explain how continued research in this area could strengthen the ability of nurses to lead in both individual organizations and as advocates of health care reform.


(The priority that I have chosen is;  Identification of the skills and knowledge most critical to leaders of health care organizations, such as accountable care organizations, health care homes, medical homes, and clinics.)


What competitor information categories are useful in competitor analysis? Are these categories appropriate for health care organizations? How can these information categories provide a focus for information gathering and strategic decision making?

Q3: What competitor information categories are useful in competitor analysis? Are these categories appropriate for health care organizations? How can these information categories provide a focus for information gathering and strategic decision making?
Q4: What are some obstacles to effective competitor analysis? How may these obstacles be overcome?
Q6: Why must the service categories be defined first in service area competitor analysis for health care organizations?
Q9: Why is an identification and evaluation of competitor strengths and weaknesses and the determination of strategy essential in service area competitor analysis?

text book: Ginter, P. M., Duncan, W. J., & Swayne, L. E. (2013). The strategic management of health care organizations (7th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Josey Bass.

Page: Competitor Analysis Guidelines
Competitor analysis guidelines for a selected service category and service area
The following outline is provided as an initial guide:
I. Specify the Service Category.
II. Delineate the Service Area.
Health Status
III. Perform a Service Area Structure Analysis.
Threat of New Entrants
Intensity of Rivalry
Threat of Substitutes
Power of Customers
Power of Suppliers
IV. Do a Competitor Analysis.
Competitor Strengths and Weaknesses
Critical Success Factors
Strategic Groups
Map Competitors
Likely Responses of Competitors
V. Identify Service Category Critical Success Factors.
VI. Identify and Map Strategic Groups.
VII. Provide a Synthesis.
An extended example of a service area competitor analysis is provided

What were the causes of the sovereign debt crisis in Europe? How could it have been prevented?

What were the causes of the sovereign debt crisis in Europe? How could it have been prevented?

It all begin with the credit crunch that was in 2007-2008, where many European banks were receiving great losses especially the Greek banks. Thus, a reduction of lending and investment from banks occurred, creating a recession which occurred in 2009. With that being said, a high level of debt was already found in Greece previously which only further declined the public finances for them. Not having a competent economy, among other countries such as Romania, Hungry and Latvia. They were unable to handle the recession which made them request for an external financial assistance from the EU. Greece was a special case though; having a public sector that was poorly managed, insignificant fiscal policy, weakness in their structure and statistical misreporting led to the sovereign-debt crisis that we know of in Greece. Consequently, many investors lost faith in those countries’ ability to pay the debt off. Where many reasoned that they should be bailed out. In 2015, sovereign yield was returned to normal for all countries, except for Greece. And today, there is an uncertainty of whether the EU could survive. It could have prevented by establishing an insurance fund used to ease off countries in trouble or even propose a bail out from other countries that are willing to pay off the debts of suffering countries without asking for repayments.

Why did the Bretton woods system ultimately fail?

  • Agreement had a limit on the amount possible to borrow that the countries wanted
  • US wanted to spend more than the agreement under Bretton Woods
  • Members of the Bretton woods system were supposed to peg their currencies to dollar, and the US were supposed to peg their dollar to gold, so that it were operate as a gold standard.
  • Fiat money were introduced being more convenient, role of gold was outlived.


Do you think we should return to a gold exchange system?

No, because:

  • Value of gold is not stable and fluctuates widely
  • Inflation can be kept down better with the use of a fiat monetary system
  • Economic growth may outpace the growth of money supply since money could only be created with more gold which is harder to obtain
  • In the US history gold standard has shown to have caused bank failures, financial panics (money could not be printed unless there is more gold) , and a prolonged great depression (in 1933, US went off the full gold standard, and this recovered the economy).

Risk Assessment Report

For the purpose of the assignment, you are the most senior risk officer at National Australia
Bank Ltd and has responsibility for risk assessment and evaluation.
In an advisory capacity, you have been requested by the Board to submit a comparative risk
assessment report. The report should cover the strategic risk, interest rate risk, market risk,
credit risk, credit portfolio risk, liquidity risk and foreign exchange risk. The sample includes
ANZ, NAB, Commonwealth Bank and Westpac Bank. The sample period depends on data
availability in Orbis Bank Focus database available via Monash University Library website.
Use financial ratios that can be calculated from publicly available data (in Orbis Bank Focus)
for the comparative risk assessment. Utilize lower/upper control limits for each ratio to identify
‘red flags’ that require management attention. Remember, your report should contain
insightful data/trend analyses. The report should conclude with specific recommendations
to the Board based on your analyses.
The word limit is 2,000 words, excluding the bibliography and all appendices. An assignment
report, which substantially exceeds the word limit, i.e. 2,250 words or more, may be marked
only up to the word limit of 2,000 words. Students are encouraged to provide reports, which
are within the word limit.
Criteria for assessment: Assessment will be based on the following:
1. Depth and quality of research (2 marks)
2. Depth and quality of analysis (2 marks)
BFC5280 S2 2018
Dr Shrimal Perera
3. Application of knowledge (2 marks)
4. Insights and personal creativity (2 marks)
5. Professional report presentation/compliance (2 marks)
Overall, answers will be graded in accord with the table showing examples of grades and
corresponding achievement levels published in the Q Manual (2012, p. 6). Negative marks are
not awarded for wrong answers.
Referencing requirements: Work submitted for assessment must be consistent with the
guidelines set down in the Q Manual, which is the faculty’s student guide for producing quality
work on time. Copies of this manual can be purchased at the bookshop or accessed online
at URL: http://www.buseco.monash.edu.au/publications/qmanual/qmanual.pdf.
Marks may be deducted where in-text citations and/or the reference list is not consistent with
the American Psychological Association (APA) style, which is illustrated in the Q Manual.
Plagiarism: In order to ensure the academic integrity of your submission and to deter others
from copying your work, your submission will be processed by a plagiarism checker such as
Turnitin. The University’s plagiarism policy can be found at URL:

Deb Roy begins his talk by suggesting, “Imagine if you could record your life–everything you said, everything you did, available in a perfect memory store at your fingertips, so you could go back and find memorable moments and relive them, or sift through traces of time and discover patterns in your own life that previously had gone undiscovered.” Would you want to do this? If yes, what would you hope to recall or discover? Why? If not, why not?

“Every day, we create 2.5 quintillion bytes of data — so much that 90% of the data in the world today has been created in the last two years alone. This data comes from everywhere: sensors used to gather climate information, posts to social media sites, digital pictures and videos, purchase transaction records, and cell phone GPS signals to name a few. This data is big data.” — IBM

Watch the following Ted Talks:

Cesar Kuriyama: One Second Every Day

Deb Roy: The Birth of a Word


Watch both Ted Talks (Deb Roy’s The Birth of a Word and Cesar Kuriyama’s One Second Every Day)

Submit one Microsoft Word Document containing your answers to two of the following four questions (you choose which two questions to answer).

Font: Times New Roman, 12 point
Margins: One inch (top, bottom, left and right)
Line Spacing: Single
Length: 250 words (minimum) per question (choose two of the following four questions to answer)
Your answer is your thoughts/feelings/opinion. No additional research or works cited page is required.
Question A: you dont have to answer q A

At ~17:06 in Deb Roy’s talk, he states that the “implications are profound … whether it’s for science, for commerce, for government … or perhaps most of all, for us as individuals”

As an individual, what do you believe are the positive and negative implications as it relates to our increasing ability to collect massive amounts of data and “connect the dots” as Roy illustrates? Why?

Question B (from Ted Ed):

Deb Roy begins his talk by suggesting, “Imagine if you could record your life–everything you said, everything you did, available in a perfect memory store at your fingertips, so you could go back and find memorable moments and relive them, or sift through traces of time and discover patterns in your own life that previously had gone undiscovered.” Would you want to do this? If yes, what would you hope to recall or discover? Why? If not, why not?

Question C (from Ted Ed):

In order to probe the engagement properties of public media content, Roy, and his colleagues are collecting and analyzing about three billion social media comments each month. Roy says they’re even able to identify key people who seem to exert a lot of influence over what other people watch on TV and say online. What do you think of this? Pros and Cons?

Question D:

In Cesar’s talk, he indicates that he was tired of not remembering things he has done in his past. As a result, he “has been selecting one second of video from every day of his life, and editing them together into a montage that both records his life, and forces him to reevaluate how he approaches each day.”

If you were to do this (create a montage of one-second videos from every day of your life), what criteria would you use to select the one second to include in your montage? Do you believe, as Cesar does, that this would force you to reevaluate how you approach each day? Why? If not, why not?

Why does being relevant in business communication require customized messages that are important to the targeted audience?

1-Why does being relevant in business communication require customized messages that are important to the targeted audience?


2-Why must you always understand your audience’s needs and preferred method of communication?


3-How can planning and reviewing the content of a business communication heighten the relevance of the message and the message’s meaning?


4-When do peer reviews assist in the quality and content of a message being communicated?


5-When should business communication contain content that gets and retains the attention or action by the targeted audience?

1-Should business communication integrate multiple concepts to support positions? Why or why not?


2-What does using your “voice” mean in business communication in terms of developing a style of communication that is your own but also relies on accepted communication standards?


3-How many words used or borrowed from other authors might constitute or be considered plagiarism?


4-Why do good business communicators use evidence (primary and secondary research) to assure that the statements or claims they make are correct, reliable and valid?


5-How does attention to detail in your personal business correspondence help build your credibility as a competent communicator?