How do communicators assure they are being precise and clear about ideas being communicated?

Although audiences might be content with ambiguous, vague or equivocating business communications, why is the sender of the communication responsible and accountable for fashioning a clear and meaningful message that anyone can properly interpret?

1-How do communicators assure they are being precise and clear about ideas being communicated?


2-Although audiences might be content with ambiguous, vague or equivocating business communications, why is the sender of the communication responsible and accountable for fashioning a clear and meaningful message that anyone can properly interpret?


3-How does inaccurate and imprecise business communication confuse or discourage the audience in making a decision?


4- Why should proper nouns be used rather than pronouns in formal business writing?


5- How can the 3 x 3 writing process help you write better business reports?

Briefly explain why the U.S. poverty line is controversial. What is meant by the term the “feminization of poverty” and “juvenilization of poverty”? Why is it important for social workers to understand these concepts?

Reminder: Highlight concepts, terminology, and theories applied in critique. Given the compelling need to understand complexities associated with poverty and anti-poverty social work practice, for this critique you may exceed the normal page limit.
Given the tremendous importance of social work’s commitment to confronting issues exacerbated by poverty, the supplemental readings for this critique are required. This includes reading articles noted in the questions (e.g. “The Myth of the Culture of Poverty) and the folder on “Welfare Fraud.”
Before answering any of the following questions or watching any of the videos for this unit, write down your uncensored thoughts and current beliefs and attitudes about poverty and “poor people.” Keep this list/your notes for later reference.
How were your thoughts and beliefs formed?
How have these influenced your attitudes about poverty?
How might these impact your practice with people living in poverty?
Before completing the other questions, complete the simulation called Spent, an interactive game that mirrors the real world experiences of clients served by a homeless shelter. As you get to the end, assume the following:
You’ve always worked hard and done the right thing.
You believed that homelessness was something that would never happen to you.

Then, without warning or preparation, you’ve experienced a life-changing event (e.g. a job loss, death of a loved one, divorce, natural disaster, serious illness or injury). Before you knew it, a chain of events sent things spiraling out of control…and now you’ve landed on the street. How would you cope? Where would you go? What would you do? How did you negotiate difficult choices?
How does this simulation reflect the realities depicted in “What’s Life Like at the Poverty Line?” (scroll down on the website to view this video) or this article on “criminalizing the poor”? Juxtapose this to the 1% described in the video “Wealth Inequality in America.” What will you take away from the Spent simulation and the videos (Additional videos can be viewed in the “Videos” folder) that might inform your understanding on poverty?
The “culture of poverty” refers to the belief that people learn to be poor from growing up in impoverished areas. In The Myth of the Culture of Poverty , Paul Gorski argues that this belief needs to be scrutinized and debunked. Given his assertions, what could you say or how could you educate someone endorsing this contentious belief?
Briefly describe structural factors that contribute to, maintain, and perpetuate poverty. Given your sphere of influence, what action(s) can you take to address one of these factors?
Based on the readings, videos, and Spent simulation, use critical thinking skills to discuss how much of the process of escaping from poverty may be explained by motivational factors (i.e. human behavior) and how much can be attributed to the existence of a safety net of support (e.g. education, health care, crime prevention, job training, affordable daycare, family support, presence of opportunities, etc.) located in their community.
Briefly explain why the U.S. poverty line is controversial.
What is meant by the term the “feminization of poverty” and “juvenilization of poverty”? Why is it important for social workers to understand these concepts?
Briefly describe the three social welfare programs designed to address poverty.
To inform your response to this question, do two things: watch the video on “Critical Thinking” and read the articles in the “Welfare Fraud” folder. Poor people must cope with the stigma of poverty and are often blamed for being poor. This was alluded to in “Are recipients worthy or unworthy” in Chapter 2. Use academic reflection and critical thinking skills to explore how any of the beliefs you wrote down in Question #1 may contribute to stigma, e.g. recipients of public assistance are undeserving, poor people live off the system, etc

Analyze Quasi-Experimental (Non-Randomized) Designs

Using the article by Fitzpatrick and Meulemans (2011), prepare a written analysis that addresses the following:

Determine the general strengths and weaknesses of quasi-experimental designs. Based on your findings, identify the strengths and weaknesses of this particular study.

Explain when a quasi-experimental design is most useful within an educational setting, and then summarize whether this is an appropriate use of a quasi-experimental design in this study.

Explain why, and if it is not, recommend a more accurate research design.

Identify and explain the types of problems quasi-experimental designs could best address.

Discuss if this study’s problem is best addressed by a quasi-experimental design.

Review the research question being asked in this study, and then provide a sample research question corresponding to a different hypothetical quasi-experimental design.

Support your assignment with at least this scholarly resource. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.

Length: 5 pages, not including title and reference pages

Your assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Academic Integrity Policy.

Link to article here:

What are the common causes of morbidity and mortality for 48-year-old men in the United States?

C. T. a 48-year-old male patient presents for a checkup. He admits it has been 4 years since he has been seen by a medical professional and at that time was diagnosed with an upper respiratory illness. He did have his blood pressure takin a year ago at his employer’s health fair and was told it was a “little high”.

He has had no major illness or chronic diseases. He has no known allergies and does not take any regular medication.

His family history shows that is father died of a heart attack at age 68, his mother is alive and well at age 72, he has a 50-year-old brother with depression and alcoholism, and one son who is healthy at age 24. He did have a maternal uncle with prostate cancer.

On review of systems, he has occasional headaches, experiences shortness of breath when he walks upstairs, and gets up once a night to urinate.
•What should the major objectives of this health maintenance visit be?
•What conditions, risk factors, and health related behaviors should be screened for during this visit?
•What are the common causes of morbidity and mortality for 48-year-old men in the United States?

Find two screening guidelines for testicular cancer or prostate cancer. •Discuss the similarities/differences in the screening guidelines and find available resources to help encourage adherence to screening guidelines in the target population.

You have a 28-year-old female in the clinic with a complaint of an offensive and fishy-smelling, abnormal vaginal discharge. She denies a history of STDs. She reports getting yeast infections on two occasions. Her last infection was a year ago. She used OTC medication and reported relief. Reports that she is married and has not had any other sex partners. Otherwise, she is healthy. What two diagnostic/laboratory procedures would you order to evaluate her condition? Discuss your rationale (document), normal findings or range for the procedures, teachings associated with the procedures (e.g., NPO, fasting, etc,).

Your response should include evidence of review of the course material, websites, and literature through proper citations using APA format.

Find two screening guidelines for testicular cancer or prostate cancer.
•Discuss the similarities/differences in the screening guidelines and find available resources to help encourage adherence to screening guidelines in the target population.

Your response should include evidence of review of the course material, websites, and literature through proper citations using APA format.

A 60-year-old man is brought to the ER by ambulance because of slurred speech and left side weakness.

A 60-year-old man is brought to the ER by ambulance because of slurred speech and left side weakness. His wife states they went to bed at 11pm and woke up at 5am when she noticed his symptoms. He is right handed with a history of coronary artery disease, hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia and a heart attack at age 50. He currently is unable to move his left arm and leg. He had an episode of amaurosis fugux (blindness)in his right eye one month ago that lasted for 5 minutes. Around 3 months ago his wife states he had bilateral pain in his legs while they were on a walk that lasted about 15 minutes. He is taking a baby aspirin a day an ACE inhibitor, and statin as well. He does have a history of alcohol use and smoking in the past but stopped after his heart attack. His blood pressure is 195/118 Pulse 106, Respiratory rate 18, Temperature 99.8, o2 sat is 97% on room air. Although his pupils are equal and reactive, and the ocular movements are intact, he is unable to turn his eyes voluntarily toward the left side. The neck is supple, there is no jugular vein distension, and there are no bruits. The lungs are clear heart sounds regular without murmurs, and abdomen is normal. The limbs are not well perfused distally. The neurologic examination reveals that he is alert and oriented, although he does not recognize he is sick. He shows loss of awareness and attention with respect to objects or stimuli on his left side. He has mild dysarthria but, his speech is fluent, and he understands and follows commands very well. There is mild weakness on the left side of the face and left sided homonymous hemaianopsia, but there is no nystagmus or ptosis, and no tongue or uvula deviation. He is not able to move his left arm and leg, has hyperreflexia, and the left great toe is upgoing.
•What are two questions you would ask this patient?
•Identify the subjective data for this patient.
•Identify the objective data for this patient.
•What is the likely diagnosis?

Your response should include evidence of review of the course material, websites, and literature through proper citations using APA format

Describe person of importance in your life (ex: family member, loved one, old teacher, etc)

Describe person of importance in your life (ex: family member, loved one, old teacher, etc).

All descriptions should use concrete as well as abstract details to help the reader fully understand what the things described are like on a physical level as well as what greater meaning they have to the writer.

Whichever topic you choose, you should have a main focus in your paper that makes an ARGUMENT. Whether that argument is, for instance, “because of A, B, and C, this photograph exemplifies my childhood,” or, “due to 1, 2, and 3, my pet bunny is one of the most important things in my life,” or, even, “This, That, and the Other thing make my former boss Waldo W. Wallace a person I will never forget.” Show that this experience, thing, or person is important to you, is worth remembering, and use the specific descriptions you give to back this up. Let your reader know why they are reading this.

Your essay should contain a thesis statement that gives me an idea of how you will back this point up and how your support will be organized throughout. Successful essays will follow the course rubric and use plentiful details, including those from all five senses.

500 words (2 pages double spaced 12 point font)

Please include your name, a title, the date, and your class hour at the top.

Describe Mahdavi’s notion of “thinking globally, acting locally” and apply it to the El Monte case (Su and Martorell).


  • Part 1: Describe Mahdavi’s notion of “thinking globally, acting locally” and apply it to the El Monte case (Su and Martorell).
  • Part 2: Discuss: what were the experiences for the migrants trafficked in El Monte (see Su and Martorell)? What did you learn about their conditions? What were the structural factors and conditions that sustained their vulnerability as labor trafficked migrants? What made it trafficking? Anything surprising in the case example?
  • Part 3) Apply the EEOC questions to Minia (Mahdavi). Answer one set of questions in the case example of Minia (Mahdavi reading). Then when responding to a peer, make sure you respond to someone in the class who answered a different question. Choose A, B or C
    • A) Apply these questions to Minia: How was she recruited? What was she promised? Did someone else organize or force her to travel? Were her passport or documents taken before or upon arrival?
    • B) Apply these questions to Minia: What were the actual working conditions once in the United States?
Was she coerced? How?
    • C) Apply these questions to Minia: Was she paid? How much?
Did the employer try to prevent her from leaving the job? What happened?
Do you think she was afraid of her employer?
    • If you are interested in seeing where these questions came from, visit this file: brochure-human_trafficking.pdf



  • Post a thoughtful, critically engaged, and reading engaged one paragraph (minimum of 200 words) to CANVAS for designated weeks.
  • Do not summarize the readings.
  • Engage with the text and your critical reaction to/evaluation of its contents, and help stimulate discussion.
  • The prompt for the week will be made available on Monday at 10AM for the week it is assigned.
  • Each student will post one discussion entry by 11:59PM on Thursday on the readings assigned for the week.
  • Tips for strong responses
    • Response should explicitly respond to the prompt.
    • Students are encouraged to find linkages between concepts in multiple readings, rather than discuss one reading only.
    • Students may reflect on a personal or professional experience that clearly relates to the reading content, or apply the skills discussed in your practicum setting. Or, you might relate the reading to something else you have read, perhaps media coverage of the topic or a reading from another class.
  • Deadlines for response:
    • Discussion #2 – 9/6


Discuss the roles played by financial ratios in general and analyze the commonly used financial ratios by categories.

Discuss the roles played by financial ratios in general and analyze the commonly used financial ratios by categories.

You are a mid-level manager in a health care organization and you have been asked to prepare a report, with appropriate exhibits, for the senior financial officer.
Discuss the roles played by financial ratios in general and analyze the commonly used financial ratios by categories.
Additionally, select a local hospital and compare its financial ratios for the most recent three years against the national norms for this type of institution. Include analytical comments and how the organization compares to the national norms as well as any suggestions as to how results could be improved.

Define a problem or challenge within your topical area that you understand in some depth or have an interest in (examples include high crime rate, poor morale, high levels of violence or recidivism, high number of civilian complaints of harassment, inadequate equipment). Outline the context of the problem or challenge, including the history and any policy decisions that have contributed to the situation..

chose a topic area and problem or challenge within that area. Throughout this course, you have researched the dynamics of the problem. The final piece of your project is to develop a viable solution that considers resources, policy, stakeholders, organizational readiness, administrative structures and other internal and external factors, as applicable. Using the papers you have written throughout this course, consolidate your findings into a succinct project.

Write a ten (10) page paper that as a minimum, your project should include:
1.Identify the topical area (e.g., local police department, community jail, border patrol).
2.Define a problem or challenge within your topical area that you understand in some depth or have an interest in (examples include high crime rate, poor morale, high levels of violence or recidivism, high number of civilian complaints of harassment, inadequate equipment). Outline the context of the problem or challenge, including the history and any policy decisions that have contributed to the situation..
3.Describe how internal or external stakeholders have influenced the situation in a positive or negative way. How will you consider stakeholders in your solution to the problem? How will you motivate individuals to buy into your solution?.
4.Discuss how technologies or information systems have contributed to the problem and how you will propose technology be implemented into the solution..
5.Discuss what data you have collected or researched to indicate there is a problem. Include at least two sources of data and how each is relevant to the problem..
6.Develop an effective and efficient solution(s) and a course of action (i.e., plan) that addresses the problem or challenge..
7.Explain what methods of assessment you will employ to measure the effectiveness of your solutions..
8.Develop a 10-15 slide PowerPoint Presentation that summarizes the seven items above..
9.Use at least 8 quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources..

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
•Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions..
•Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length..

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
•Assess a policy or problem and develop solutions based on available resources, taking into account the political and global implications..
•Use technology and information resources to research issues in criminal justice..
•Write clearly and concisely about criminal justice using proper writing mechanics..