What are the differences between the NSHS drafted in 2002 and the NSHS drafted in 2007? Compare and contrast the two.

You are the emergency manager in a city of 200,000 people in the southeastern United States. Your city manager has directed that you create an article of 500–750 words for the city’s Web site clearly explaining national and state homeland security and emergency management strategies and Presidential Decision Directives. You have been directed to focus on the following documents; however, your project is not limited to these documents:

The National Response Framework
Quadrennial Homeland Security Review
National Strategy for Combating Terrorism
National Infrastructure Protection Plan
Summarize in detail the following 3 Homeland Security Presidential Directives:
What are the differences between the NSHS drafted in 2002 and the NSHS drafted in 2007? Compare and contrast the two.
What are the major provisions within the Quadrennial Homeland Security Review (QHSR)?
Why was this framework developed, and how should it be used? Explain.

What were the 5 most shocking pieces of information from these articles to you as a future teacher?  In light of the fact that many districts are cutting geography altogether, make 5 well reasoned arguments why geography needs to be taught.

Question:  Describe 4 of the “thinking strategies of effective readers,” Zemelman and Daniels write about in Chapter 2.  How do these strategies apply to you as a student (now or when you were in middle/high school)?  How do you think these strategies might be taught to your future students?

Survey Reveals Geographic Illiteracy” (https://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2002/11/1120_021120_GeoRoperSurvey.html)


“US Students Are Really Bad at Geography” (https://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2015/10/16/us-students-are-terrible-at-geography)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_pw8duzGUg (watch)


Question:  What were the 5 most shocking pieces of information from these articles to you as a future teacher?  In light of the fact that many districts are cutting geography altogether, make 5 well reasoned arguments why geography needs to be taught.

describe the ethical implications of implementing religion or spirituality into therapy.

In 1,250-1,500 words, describe the ethical implications of implementing religion or spirituality into therapy. Consider topics such as:

Multiple relationships
Imposing religious values in therapy
Informed consent
Use a minimum of three peer-reviewed sources as well as the textbook and the APA Code of Ethics with APA formatted in-text citations and references.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Mickey Mantle received a liver transplant in 1995. He was a Baseball Hall of Fame center fielder for the New York Yankees whose liver was failing because of cirrhosis and hepatitis.

Mickey Mantle received a liver transplant in 1995. He was a Baseball Hall of Fame center fielder for the New York Yankees whose liver was failing because of cirrhosis and hepatitis. Although the waiting period for a liver transplant in the United States is about 130 days, it took only two days for the Baylor Medical Center’s transplant team to find an organ donor for the 63-year-old former baseball hero.

According to the director of the Southwest Organ Bank, Mantle was moved ahead of others on the list because of his deteriorating medical condition; however, there were mixed feelings about speeding up the process for a celebrity. Mantle was known for overcoming immense obstacles, and many argued that the medical system should provide exceptions for heroes. He was also a recovering alcoholic, which further complicated the ethical implications of the case. Because of Mantle’s medical problems, doctors estimated that he had only a 60 percent chance for a three-year survival; whereas, liver transplant patients typically have about a 78 percent chance for a three-year survival rate.

As in the case of the liver transplant for Mickey Mantle, should the system make exceptions for anyone? Why or why not?

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you analyze the Mickey Mantle case using the Seven-Step Decision Model.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

Narrative Essay

The Narrative Essay
The narrative essay must be a minimum of 900 words and must conform to MLA specifications
for manuscript formatting (see item below). To be graded and receive credit, the narrative
essay must be submitted as a Word document to the Safe Assign link below by Saturday,
September 8, at noon.
For the narrative essay, in first person, write about an experience in your life from which you
have learned a significant lesson. This essay is not to be researched but is to be taken from
one of your own life experiences and your personal reflections about what you learned from that
Essentially, your narrative must provide the following:
(1) a clear context;
(2) well-chosen and thoughtfully emphasized details;
(3) a logical, often chronological organization;
(4) an appropriate and consistent point of view; and
(5) a meaningful point or purpose.

Behavior Modification

For the assignment you have to reflect on the behavior modification, critically analyze the process and dynamics and apply a theoretical framework. It should be ten pages APA times new roman and 12 font style of writing. Please address the following sections:
Introduction: ADHD
Short literature overview of the type of behavior you aim to change (use at least ten articles)
Identify the theoretical framework and apply it to the behavior
Explain all aspects of behavior modification as relevant to your behavior change
a. Identify strengths and barriers to behavior change
b. Discuss social work implications to behavior modification

chinese secret of prosperity: beliefs and behaviors towards industrial success

Masters degree level
Research Topic: a research study based on a business/economic problem.
Annotated Bibliography – an annotated bibliography of eight (8) articles from academic , peer-reviewed and/or scholarly journals. These articles should be related to your idea for a research study . The annotated bibliography will serve as a resource for developing and writing your literature review and research proposal. This paper should be formatted according to the 6th edition of the APA publication manual (examples of reference formats are also available at http://www.apastyle.org/)

Literature Review: relevant literature review to allow your reader some insight into the background of your topic (e.g., Papers 1 & 2).This paper must follow APA format (6th edition) and be approximately 4 pages double­ spaced.

Research Proposal: a prospectus indicating the background of the problem, the problem statement, the purpose of the study, the study’s hypothesis(es), a review of the literature to be employed in your proposed study. You will develop a questionnaire to be used to solve your problem. In a Prospectus, you will devise a research plan that will explain your ideas in a structured format for your analysis – You will do everything except collect the data. This paper must follow APA format (6th edition

“Before we measure something we must ask whether we understand what it is we are trying to measure.”

“Before we measure something we must ask whether we understand what it is we are trying
to measure.” (Gray et al, 2015)
Critically discuss the above statement in relation to effectively developing the strategic
knowledge b
General Considerations
70+ A confident and well written essay that answers the question and relates the ideas well.
Good case studies are used and there is awareness of key authors to illustrate points
60-69 A good essay that looks to answer the question and uses cases and authors to strengthen
the discussion. The main themes are clearly addressed but there are some gaps in the answer and
a little less comfort in the way that the themes are discussed
50-59 A solid essay that recognises the question but does not use it as a thread all the way
through. The main themes are covered clearly but in a more descriptive way and the links
between ideas are less explored. There are examples and authors included to expand the points
40-49 The essay does not address the question directly but does provide the main aspects of
the themes, but in a more ‘information dump’ manner; taking a more general approach to the
topics. At the lower end of this band there are likely to be essays that do not cover all of the
main points but do look to explain the ideas covered to a degree; these are bare passes as there is
an attempt to do more than just list a series of bullet points.
30-39 A weak essay that lists points related to the theme but there is no attempt at the
question. Also, at the lower end there may be essays that touch on general ideas of strategy and
source them but do not provide an analysis that develops the relevant themes
Less than 30 There is no clear understanding of the ideas covered in the essay and the
questions is not considered at all. Examples at this level are likely to have written very general
material that is very descriptive showing no sign of analysis.
Marking criteria:
(i) Introduction to the assignment describing scope, objectives, methods of investigation
a. Clear structure to the essay providing the course of the analysis
b. The essay should display a coherent introduction; analysis & conclusion
(ii) Discussion of key areas
a. The four main themes need to be clearly covered in the essay and it is important
to develop the links between them
b. Aspects of Knowledge i.e. tacit/explicit need to be clearly explored and discussed
in relation to how they can be developed
c. The categories of IC need to be developed and the reasons and challenges of
measuring should be examined
d. The potential for Communities of Practice to offer a way of developing
knowledge should be discussed, along with the challenges of managing them for
organisational benefit
e. The value and challenges of Performance Management need to be developed
within the discussion
f. Application of examples where KPIs and other measurement systems have been
used to develop performance e.g. Skandia, Essex police
(iii) Application of theory
a. Clear awareness of the relevant authors in developing the analysis of the main
themes e.g. Nonaka; Drucker; Rastogi; Nahapiet & Ghosal; Marr; Wenger &
Lave, etc
(iv) Structured analysis
a. The essay needs to display a coherent analysis drawing the themes together in
order to explore the question in a relevant way
b. The essay is not meant to be separate sections that should be left to the conclusion
to link. Weaker essays will fall into this pattern
(v) Creativity of thought
a. The essay needs to display a clear analysis drawing on the main theory being
explored to display the comfort with the ideas being covered
b. Examples from organisations can be effective in illustrating the thought of the
(vi) Presentation of document including clarity of expression and referencing.
a. The essay must be clearly set out and well written
b. Avoidance of confusing arguments and messy content e.g. overly long sentences
c. Consistent Harvard referencing is essential to support the analysis

Business Ethics in Toy Industries

Choose one of the topics Topic 8, Business Ethics. Read all required readings for that topic and carry out further research on the topic. Then discuss critically why this topic is important in contemporary business, by giving examples from your own business or your own industry. You should clearly describe the example from your own business or industry at the beginning of your answer to this question.
The following will be taken into consideration in marking your assignment:
• Critical analysis of the articles and research based on your own ideas and experiences in answering Question 2 above,
• Discussing the relevance of the topic chosen in Question 2 above to your own business and business environment with references to the practice,
• Presentational qualities of your paper- citation, bibliography, paragraphing, spacing, spelling, quotations etc.

Evaluating Pressures for Change

Being able to recognize potential pressures that require an organization to change its practices or processes is a vital for its success. Examine an organization in the field or industry in which you work, or are planning to work. In 1,000-1,250 words, evaluate the pressures the organization currently faces and discuss the potential effects these pressures could have on the organization. You will use your evaluation of this organization for your Implementing Change assignment.

Include the following:

  1. Identify and describe the organization you are evaluating. Provide an overview of the industry within which the organization operates.
  2. Identify the environmental and organizational pressures currently driving organizational change in your field or industry. Explain the origin or reason for these pressures, and explain how they directly affect the viability of your organization.
  3. Predict what type of organizational changes (first-order/second-order) these pressures may cause within the organization.
  4. Provide support for your analysis and prediction.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.