
Research Proposal Plan Outline

  1. Title (signpost your intention to the reader)
  2. Introduction(c800-1000 words)
    Explicitly introduce your proposal to the reader, what will they find inside it.

    • Background to the study, including a statement of the problem (can be personal) your context and situate yourself in this context
    • Aims of the study.
    • Preliminary Review of the literature (brief narrative summary) including relevant educational theory. Highlight the gap in the literature that your study addresses. Brief outline of your literature review
    • Your rationale for the study – and outline of relevance to your context.
    • Specific and achievable research question(s) or in some cases a hypothesis
  3. Proposed Methodology of the study (c800-1000 words)
    • Overview of study design including theoretical basis for your researcher decisions  and the chosen research approach
    • Description of setting and educational context and how you have identified your participants
    • Sampling strategy, sample size, selection and recruitment
    • Data source and data collection procedures
    • Data management and analysis procedures
    • Strategies for ensuring quality and rigour.
  4. Ethics (approximately c500 words)
    • Discuss any important ethical issues and how they will be managed.
  5. Logistics (250 words)
    • Briefly outline the anticipated timetable using a Gantt Chart.
    • Possible limitations and or risks to the conduct of the project.
  6. Significance and impact (200 words)
    • Summarise the outputs and potential benefits of the project e.g. what contribution will your study make to the field of knowledge? To policy and practice? What are the wider implications of your study? In particular, outline how the methodology achieves the research aim, and how the outputs potentially address the research problem (alignment).
  7. Bibliography (not included in the word count)

Ensure that you demonstrate the depth of your engagement with research methodology literature. There is an expectation that you will have undertaken some self-directed learning i.e. beyond the essential readings for the module and relevant to your argument

What is it like to work in South Korea

Imagine your co-worker has just been assigned by your company to work in the South Korea office for three months. Your co-worker will be working with team members only from the South Korea office and, knowing you have experience working with other cultures, has asked for your advice on how to prepare for this new project. Follow the steps below and write a response in a Word document to your co-worker:

Conduct research on what it is like to work in South Korea. For example, how do employees in South Korea communicate in the office? How do the employees dress? Document your key findings.
Compare what you found out about South Korean business culture with how business is conducted in the United States. Answer the following questions about how U.S. business typically operates versus that of South Korea:
How are decisions made in the office? Who makes those decisions?
Describe meeting times and their importance.
How do co-workers greet each other in the office?
What is the dress code?
Put together a list of six to eight tips to help your co-worker be successful in this new workplace culture.
Your response should be from 400 to 500 words long. Submit your completed assignment using the link below.

Regarding the Willowbrook Hepatitis Experiments and the Tuskegee Syphilis Study, discuss the researchers’ rationale for launching and conducting these studies.

Write and submit a paper (not less than 1000 words, not including any front matter or references) discussing all of the following:

  • Regarding the Willowbrook Hepatitis Experiments and the Tuskegee Syphilis Study, discuss the researchers’ rationale for launching and conducting these studies.
  • Discuss the methodologies utilized in the Willowbrook Hepatitis Experiments and the Tuskegee Syphilis Study
  • Discuss the ethical problems inherent in the research protocols of both studies, including examples from the conduct of each study.
  • Discuss the biomedical ethical principles proposed in the Belmont Report and the application of each of these principles to biomedical research and practice.

Papers totaling less than 1000 words (not including any front matter or references), will receive an automatic 5-point deduction from the assignment grade.

Your paper must include four citations (references) in APA format, not including citations of the four target articles/reports.

Do not copy the content of the assigned articles. All Week One Assignment content must be original. Originality is evaluated by SafeAssign.

Your Week One Assignment SafeAssign Originality score must be below 20%. Week One Assignments with a SafeAssign Originality greater than 20% will receive a grade of zero.

Quoted phrases, typically, should not be longer than 10 words.

The recommended font is either Times New Roman (12-point) or Century Schoolbook (12-point).

Grading will be based on the substantive aspects and clarity of the paper and whether the student has demonstrated the ability to write critically and analytically.

Challenges of workplace communication

How can you maintain work-life balance in today’s 24/7 “anytime, anywhere” digital workplace?
What negative effects might you anticipate on your health and personal life as a result of the expectation that companies have for their employees to always be available?
Are smartphones and social media to blame for the loss of work-life balance? If not, what is to blame?
Imagine you are a new employee at a company that expects you to always be available. How can you set parameters around communication at all hours and still be successful?
What advice would you give employees to help them better balance work and life?
What should companies do to assist employees with work-life balance?

critical thinking

Some commonly mentioned charges against testing directed toward the use of aptitude and achievement tests are:

•Criticism 1: Tests Create Anxiety
•Criticism 2: Tests Categorize and Label Students
•Criticism 3: Tests Damage Students’ Self-Concepts
•Criticism 4: Tests Create Self-fulfilling Prophecies

No matter what your personal stance is, when you put on the teacher’s hat, you are expected by your school and TEA to persuade your students, parents, and the general community the benefits of mandated tests. Read through Chapter 1 and explain and defend 2 criticisms from above in your own words as if you were talking to parents in a teacher/parent conference.

You will write a 1-2 page analysis of the criticisms you have chosen. Include an introduction describing why you chose the criticisms you did. You will need to determine strengths and concerns, but overall your responses needs to be positive because you are addressing parents. Include references to course readings or other research articles you found in the UHD Library databases in order to support your work.

You will have the opportunity to complete 6 Critical Thinking assignments during the course of the semester. Each assignment should be approximately 1-2 pages in length, be written in APA format, and include references to the course readings to support your work.

Strategic Plan

For the Final Project, you will develop a strategic plan for a new non-profit or existing government organization. As you progress through the Readings, Discussions, and Assignments in the course, think about: how each might help you complete the Final Project.

To complete the Final Project you will write a paper that addresses the following:

Creating an Organization (Week 3)
Create a new non-profit organization with a global presence or identify a government organization at the local, state, or national level that works with multiple stakeholders.
Develop and explain the organization’s mission, values, and strategic initiatives.
Identify organizational stakeholders and conduct a stakeholder analysis.
Analyzing Organizations (Week 5)
Conduct a SWOT or Appreciative Inquiry (AI) analysis.
Evaluate the organization from multiple sustainable perspectives, including financial considerations, positive community outcomes, and innovation.
Strategic Goals (Week 7)
Develop 2–3 short-term goals (1–4 years) for the organization. Identify challenges that might impact these goals and explain how the organization might overcome them.
Develop 2–3 long-term goals (15–20 years) for the organization. Identify long-term trends (i.e., social, political, demographic, economic, ecological, technological, etc.) that might impact these goals.
Explain why it is important to define short-term and long-term goals. Identify resources that you might use to help you define your organizational goals.
Final Paper (Week 10)

The Final Paper will include:
A 12- to 15-page paper (not including title page and reference list) that addresses steps 1–4 of the Final Project
Proper APA formatting, including the following in your paper:
A title page and running head
An introduction that states the purpose of the paper
Level 1 headings to define each part of the paper
A conclusion to synthesize the entire paper
A minimum of 10 scholarly sources to support your paper
In-text citations as appropriate
A reference list

Global Water Shortage

Global Water Shortage

This Final Paper, an argumentative essay, will present research relating the critical thinker to the modern, globalized world. In this assignment, you need to address the items below in separate sections with new headings for each. In your paper,

  • Identify the global societal problem within the introductory paragraph.
    • Conclude with a thesis statement that states your proposed solutions to the problem.
  • Describe background information on how that problem developed or came into existence.
    • Show why this is a societal problem.
    • Provide perspectives from multiple disciplines or populations so that you fully represent what different parts of society have to say about this issue.
  • Construct an argument supporting your proposed solutions, considering multiple disciplines or populations so that your solution shows that multiple parts of society will benefit from this solution.
    • Provide evidence from multiple scholarly sources as evidence that your proposed solution is viable.
  • Interpret statistical data from at least three, peer-reviewed scholarly sources within your argument.
    • Discuss the validity, reliability, and any biases.
    • Identify the strengths and weaknesses of these sources, pointing out limitations of current research and attempting to indicate areas for future research. (You may even use visual representations such as graphs or charts to explain statistics from sources.)
  • Evaluate the ethical outcomes that result from your solution.
    • Provide at least one positive ethical outcome as well as at least one negative ethical outcome that could result from your solution.
    • Explain at least two ethical issues related to each of those outcomes. (It is important to consider all of society.)
  • Develop a conclusion for the last paragraphs of the essay, starting with rephrasing your thesis statement and then presenting the major points of the topic and how they support your argument.

effective communication

duend that you are working at a medical office and your supervisor, Darren, asked you to present at the monthly staff meeting about effective communication techniques. Darren believes that the presentation will help the staff understand how to communicate better in the workplace. For this assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation about effective communication techniques by sunday the 9/2/2018′ are the instruction:Go to the UMA library and research the topic: effective communication techniques. You must locate at least two different sources.
Step 3
Create a 6 slide (minimum) presentation. It must include the following:

Title slide: title of presentation and your name. (5 points)
Body slide 1: first main point with supporting facts & an image. (10 points)
Body slide 2: first main point with supporting facts & an image. (10 points)
Body slide 3: first main point with supporting facts & an image. (10 points)
Closing slide: re-cap the main points of the presentation & add an image. (5 points)
Reference slide: Cite at least two resources (in APA format) used to create the presentation. (10 points)

Effect of washing hands with soap on diarrhoea risk in the community: a systematic review

You will review the major points of a specific article or case study. You are expected to provide suggestions to address the problem in the article or case study. This assignment must be 450–600 words in current AMA format. You must include at least 1 peer-reviewed article source in addition to the citation of the assigned article or case study.


Article Review 1

“Effect of Washing Hands with Soap on Diarrhea Risk in a Community: A Systematic Review”

  • Summarize the article’s major points, focusing on 3 key aspects
  • Describe at least 2 strengths and weaknesses in the review of studies
  • Indicate implications of the article, and also possible future areas of research on the topic of handwashing and diarrhea risk at the community level
  • Use 1 peer-reviewed article, besides the assignment article or case study, to support your opinions

A substantive post adds to the discussion in a substantial manner. As a general rule, a substantive post is a minimum of 200 words and must be substantive responses, and all responses to your classmates and me must be at least 150 words.

Mathis and Jackson (2000) suggested that Frederick Herzberg concurred that Maslow Hierarchy of needs is an effective approach to motivate employees; however, individuals are confronted with other needs in the workplace, such as intrinsic needs.


Herzberg introduced the concept of the Hygiene /Motivation theory. He suggested that to produce high employee performance in the workplace, two factors were needed intrinsic and extrinsic, (motivation/hygiene) the intrinsic factors are basic needs for individuals to perform productively in a workplace and individuals can very often determine the outcome.


Achievement, the work itself, growth and advancement are called the motivation factors. In past years leaders/managers gravitated more towards the theory x concept, regarding managing employees. However, in the twenty-first century leaders/managers understand the concept of theory Y, which advocates the discourse of fulfilling the needs of both individual and organizational needs. Therefore, leaders/managers must continually guide employees in a positive direction to establish work ethics that produce optimal job performance.


Mathis, R., & Jackson, J. (2000). Human resource management (9th ed.). Cincinnati, OH: South-Western College.


Dr. Pat


Participation Policy

A substantive post adds to the discussion in a substantial manner. As a general rule, a substantive post is a minimum of 200 words and must be substantive responses, and all responses to your classmates and me must be at least 150 words.