Health Related Government Agencies

Introduction and Alignment

When a law is passed by Congress and signed by the President, the process is just beginning. Federal agencies are charged with putting together the administrative regulations that give the law its legs. The methods by which the law is implemented and the circumstances under which it is applied are outlined in the administrative regulation process.

Upon completion of this assignment, you should be able to:

  • Explain the structure and policy responsibilities of a federal government agency.
  • Elaborate on the administrative regulation process.
  • Analyze the impact of an administrative regulation on the healthcare industry.



  1. Read chapters 1 – 3 of Essentials of health policy and law.
  2. Read the article Implementing Health Reform: Federal Rules and State Roles located at
  3. View the video What is Rulemaking located at
  4. Examine the Department of Health and Human Services (DHS) agencies in Table 2.4 on page 26 of the text.
  5. Prepare a 3-5 page paper which addresses the following:
    1. The purpose and structure of the agency.
    2. The policy areas which fall under the purview of the agency (clarify its relationship to healthcare, if necessary).
    3. An example of a regulation developed by or under development by the agency. If the regulation is in the rulemaking process, include its current stage of development.
    4. The impact of the regulation on the healthcare industry or population.
  6. Before finalizing your work, ensure that you:
    1. Read the assignment instructions and grading rubric carefully.
    2. Check the content for spelling and the proper use of grammar, and APA citation.


Case Study

Choose one of the following examples for review and analysis. Selected questions have been
provided as a basis for initiating your written summary.
Upload your work in Blackboard. Specify the Case 1 or 2 in front or top of your summary.
Case One
A patient died after her third cerebral hemorrhage. When the patient was admitted to the
hospital following a cerebral hemorrhage, her physician determined that she should be given a
specific drug to reduce her blood pressure and make her condition operable, and he directed its
administration. For an unexplained reason, the drug was not administered. The patient’s blood
pressure rose, and after another hemorrhage the patient died.
Case Two
Following an automobile accident, a 16-year-old boy who had recently escaped from a
detention center was brought to the hospital emergency department by ambulance. The patient
seemed to be alert and claimed to be suffering withdrawal symptoms from a drug habit. The
patient claimed that he participated in a methadone treatment program. The physician
administered 40 milligrams of methadone. The patient needed blood but refused it. After being
observed in the emergency department for several hours, the patient was placed on a medicalsurgical
unit for observation. The following morning it was not possible to awaken him, and he
was pronounced dead. It was discovered that he had never been an addict or in a methadone
treatment program. Rather, the previous night he had been drinking beer and taking librium. He
had not told this to hospital authorities. His estate sued the physician. Consider the possible
outcomes if death was the result of (1) overdose, (2) failure to administer blood, or (3) subdural
hematoma. Consider the possible outcomes if the patient was not a minor.
Questions for Responses to Case
1. What are the facts of the case?
2. Are all the elements required in a negligence suit present?
3. What standard of care is required?
4. Who would you consider to be the potential plaintiff and defendant?
5. How would you argue for the plaintiff?
6. What evidence would you present?
7. How would you defend the defendant?
8. What are your defense options?
9. If you were on the jury, what would your finding be, based on only the facts as
10. If you fmd the defendant responsible, what damages would you award, and for what
11. What are your options if you, as plaintiff or defendant, are unhappy with the jury’s
Page40f 10
Please note the instructor determines the level of effort based on the student’s submitted works.
Responses must contain original complete thoughts and not be vague in details.
One (1) sentence statements are not acceptable and will not be graded.
Bullets are not a substitute for content and only should be used when appropriate.
Success in an online course depends greatly on your effort and self-discipline. Be sure
to stay current with works and readings. Don’t wait until the last minute.
I Case Written Assessment Rubric
. ! <
‘. Points i
,~ – ~
Written analysis must utilized materials or reference text or other suggested educational resources. 30
The writing should be written in narrative form with an introduction, a summary of relevant literature, 50
your personal position on the question with supporting references. You may answer in a question
format. Instructor will looking for responses to each of the question
Use of at least 2 current legal references relevant to the topic. Resources must be in MLA or APA 10
format (this may be an on-line journal). Penalty if not used or in error (s).
Document turned in on or before due date 10
TOTAL Points 100

Analyze your project in terms of project completion, critical path, and slack / float. Specifically, be sure to answer the following:  When will the project be completed?  What is the critical path for the project? How much slack / float is in your project? What activities have the greatest slack / float?

This assignment consists of two (2) parts: a project schedule, and a written response. You must submit both parts as separate files for the completion of this assignment. Label each file name according to the part of the assignment it is written for.

Part A: Project Schedule
(Submit as one [1] Microsoft Project file)

In Assignment 2, you developed a project plan. Now, using the information from your project proposal, create a multi-level work breakdown structure (WBS) and detailed project schedule.
Your project must include the following criteria:
The project must consist of at least twenty-five (25) tasks.
Each task must contain a start date, a finish date, and have main staffing and non-staffing resources assigned.
Assume that your work activities are completed during normal weekdays (no weekend work) under normal conditions (8 hours per day).
In terms of holidays, you can assume no work will be done the following days: New Year’s Day, President’s Day, Good Friday, Good Monday, Friday before Memorial Day, Memorial Day, the business day before Independence Day, Independence Day, the Friday before Labor Day, Labor Day, the day before Thanksgiving Day, Thanksgiving Day, Black Friday (day after Thanksgiving), the business day before Christmas, Christmas Day, the business day after Christmas Day, and New Year’s Eve.
Part B: Written Response
(Submit as a Microsoft Word file)

Write a one to two (1-2) page response in which you:

Analyze your project in terms of project completion, critical path, and slack / float. Specifically, be sure to answer the following:
When will the project be completed?
What is the critical path for the project?
How much slack / float is in your project? What activities have the greatest slack / float?
Summarize the recommendations or improvements you would make to your project schedule. Specifically, be sure to answer the following:
Identify the top three (3) activities that you believe could impact the project completion date.
What additional activities would you add to this project to make it more complete, from a project management viewpoint?
Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

London is on fast forward, a city state in which there is little relief from omnipresent technologies and surveillance. Traditionally, people in need of respite from the everyday pressures of life in the city resort to some experience in nature.

Research and Development of Topic

  • Researches the topic by referring to at least three sources that are referred to in the essay, cites the research in the essay, and creates a correctly organized Works Cited page.
  • Develops arguments logically and thoroughly and presents unique insights that are on-topic and related entirely to the topic.


  • Makes frequent and effective use of the novel by providing at least five quotations that explicitly reinforce arguments.
  • Discusses the quotations in detail, indicating how they support arguments.
  • Makes consistent and full use of research beyond the novel on at least five occasions to support arguments.

Organization and Thesis

  • Creates a thesis that directs, obligates, and controls the arguments and serves as a plan for the essay.
  • Organizes the essay in such a way that the best arguments occur just before the conclusion.
  • Writes a conclusion that effectively deals with the arguments presented in body paragraphs.
  • Uses transitional terms consistently to link sentences and essay parts.

Prose Style

  • Writes in a clear, mature style with no major grammatical or mechanical errors.
  • Creates sentences that are varied in style and length.
  • Diction is varied and sufficiently formal for essay assignments.
  • London is on fast forward, a city state in which there is little relief from omnipresent technologies and surveillance. Traditionally, people in need of respite from the everyday pressures of life in the city resort to some experience in nature. Comment on the significance of nature in Orwell’s novel by referring to Winston and Julia’s time beyond the city as well as to other elements that may be associated with nature.

    The rubric is attached and should be followed 100 percent.

To explore have a press performs its five core functions and I democracy

Answer the following in about 500-words. Include the web address for the story as well as the title, author, date and publication. You may use a different media outlet for each category.

To explore how the press performs its five core functions in a democracy, examine a local or national media outlet (newspaper, website, newscast, etc.) and find at least one example of content that illustrates each of the functions:

Informs, analyzes, interprets and explains
Creates a public conversation
Helps generate social empathy
Encourages accountability
Did you find content that performed multiple functions? Was it more difficult to find examples of some functions than others? Why or why not?

Use three page cites for this chapter to bolster  your answer. Use this form (PAJ, X) to reference the page. PAJ stands for Principles of Journalism, and the X stands for the page number.

Book source to use
Stephanie craft and Charles Davis
principles of American journalism an introduction
second edition

SIYP- Corporate Social Responsability

This assignment is part of the social engagement with an NGO. The NGO is the Salesian Institute of Youth Projects (SIYP)

In the reflective essay the student should address the following aspects in relation to the organisation that s/he worked with:

Describe the mission, objectives, activities and stakeholder context of the organisation.

Identify one sustainable development goal (SDG) in the domain of which the organisation primarily operates, and motivate the relevance of this SDG for society from an ERS (ethics, responsibility and sustainability) perspective.

Describe how the organisation is governed, managed and capacitated (people, funding and relationships) to make a measureable impact on the identified SDG and appraise the adequacy and effectiveness thereof.

Describe and appraise the extent to which the organisation collaborates with private and public sector entities in relation to the advancement of the identified SDG.

Make recommendations which the organisation’s leadership (board and/or management) may consider to further enhance its impact on the identified SDG.

Summarise what s/he has learned from this project in terms of responsible leadership and societal stewardship and elaborate on the value that s/he has gained from it for her/his personal and professional development.

On the sustainable development goals:

About the Sustainable Development Goals

Research and analyse a human service organisationthat provides a social work or welfare services,

Organisational analysis- Poster presentation-

Assignment One. This Task involves three steps:

  1. Research and analyse a human service organisationthat provides a social work or welfare services,
  2. Present this research and analysis as a Poster presentation- uploaded to Discussion Board and also Safe assignment drop box for assignment one- for marking,
  3. Comment on at least two other students’ posters on Discussion Board

Step 1- Choose a Human Service Organisation- You may select a small human service organisation or a small department of a larger organisation that provides a social work/social welfare service. It is crucial to select an organisation very early in the semester. Ideally you will visit the organisation by organising a meeting with the organisation/a worker within the organisation to obtain the information you needRemain respectful at all times– Human Service Organisations are busy places. They will help if they can. Use your own networks as much as possible to organise a visit. Organisations may not get back you- have a back-up plan.


Examples of an organisation you could visit include: the Social Work Department in a public hospital; support worker/social worker/psychologist at Centrelink; Dept of Housing; homelessness services; domestic violence services; Anglicare; Red Cross; Schools/universities where there are counsellors; Aboriginal health or housing services; Centacare; Lifeline; Mission Australia; disability support services; Child Safety; Health services eg Community Health; mental health services; community centres; Women’s Centre; Veteran Services; Women’s Shelter; Act for Kids; Youth Services; Migrant/refugee services; Salvation Army; Carer support services; NDIS.

It is much better if one or two students visit an organisation rather than a large group, or multiple visits by individual students turning up trying to make an appointment to talk to a worker. Such approaches have resulted in complaints to the Subject Coordinator of WS2512 in previous years. Talk to other students about where they are going- or use the Discussion Board thread to identify organisations and choose a different agency so organisations are not overburdened. If all else fails- you may use online research to find the resources/information you need- HOWEVER it is highly desirable that you visit an agency if at all possible – as some required information may not be available on the organisation’s web site. Also- visiting organisations helps you build your networks.

If you work in an HSO that provides a social work or social welfare-type service, you could use this organisation as a basis for your organisational analysis- particularly if you reside in a very small town with few human service organisations to choose from.However, ideally, you will select a HSO that is not known to you – this will provide a new learning experience and help you with contacts in the local field for your upcoming field placement (social work students) and future employment.  Please note: This research and analysis will incorporate a current experience of an HSO – not a past experience. Choosing a very small organisation may not offer the analysis detail you will need – if unsure check with lecturer.

Information you will need to inform the Organisational Analysis -Poster Presentation:

  • Name of organisation
  • The Mission of the organisation and/or goals of social welfare programs within a larger organisation, the auspice under which it operates (funding, larger organisation, legislation)
  • Range of services provided.
  • A chart of the organisation’s official structure (lines of authority). Include Organisational Chart as an appendix;
  • A brief description of the organisation’s direct (local) and indirect (larger network, political) task environments (insights offered by your contact person, own observations)
  • Challenges/Changes (positive or negative) influencing frontline workers (contact person observations; could include related media coverage; your observations; readings)
  • The power/ influence/presence/positioning of service users/consumers in the HSO
  • Diversity of staff/service users/ programs, evidence of inclusive practice; Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander staff
  • Use of volunteers
  • Own reflection on organisation and whether you think you would like to volunteer, do a placement in or work in this organisation (values, interests, career development/ aspirations).

Step 2. You need to transform your Organisational research and analysis into a poster presentation.

  • The program ‘Powerpoint’ poster or other technologies can be used to design your poster.
  • The Poster presentation should include images/colour, title (organisation), and information gathered from your organisational research and analysis (mission, frontline services provided, service users, environment, challenges/changes, volunteers, diversity, reflection)
  • Students will insert a voice file to present the information. Speak as if you were giving an informative  class presentation about the organisation (Approx 5-6 minutes). References and Organisational chart can be included on a second slide or appendix.
  • Upload poster into both Discussion Board (for sharing with other students) and into the Assignment 1 Safe Assign dropbox – for marking
  • See this useful Youtube recordings on how to develop a poster in powerpoint. However this offers a guide- Make sure you address assessment criteria/dot points


  • Include a statement about your own insight/reflection/observations in the voice file.

ALSO- see Instructional video above on ths Task, how to attach a voice file and how to upload into Discussion Board and Safe Assign.

The poster must be your own individual, original work.


Step 3- Comment on two other students’ poster presentation in Discussion Board

Students will engage with other students and their posters by providing comment on at least two other students’ posters in the Discussion Board Poster Forum- for example offering useful, supportive comment on design and presentation-  butwhy not look at lots more of the posters on the Discussion Board- and learn about more organisations!

A frequently heard complaint about merit raises is that the do little to increase employee effort. What are the causes of this belief? Suggest ways in which the motivating value of merit raises may be increased.

(1) Two pages with references and APA style

Compensation and Pay for Performance

Question A

  • Tomas Corporation had 400 employees and wishes to develop a compensation policy to correspond to its dynamics business strategy. The company wishes to employ a high- quality workforce capable of responding to a competitive business environment. Suggest different compensation objectives to match Tomax’s business goals.

Question B

  • A frequently heard complaint about merit raises is that the do little to increase employee effort. What are the causes of this belief? Suggest ways in which the motivating value of merit raises may be increased.


(2) Assignment Section, four pages, APA Style with references

United States Auto Industry Back on Top of CEO Pay

Answer the following questions:

  1. Do you think CEOs and other executives are worth the compensation packages they receive? Why or why not?
  2. Do you agree with Peter Drucker that corporate executives should receive compensation packages no larger than a certain percentage of the pay of hourly workers? Explain.
  3. Will the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act giving shareholders the right to vote on executive pay influence the size of these packages in the future?

The following requirements must be met:

  • Write between 1,000 – 1,500 words using Microsoft Word in APA 6th edition style.
  • Use an appropriate number of references to support your position, and defend your arguments. The following are examples of primary and secondary sources that may be used, and non-credible and opinion based sources that may not be used.
    1. Primary sources such as government websites (United States Department of Labor – Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States Census BureauThe World Bank), peer reviewed and scholarly journals in EBSCOhost and Google Scholar.


Code of Ethics

Now that you have been introduced to the Code of Ethics and have a clear understanding of the level of professional conduct expected from a project manager, read the scenario below and discuss the course of action that you would take.

The project sponsor has approached you, the project manager, with a dilemma. At the company’s board meeting, the CEO announced to the Board of Directors that the project you are managing is on scheduled and will be completed within the next 30 days. The meeting is over and the stockholders expect implementation to be completed by the date announced. At your next project meeting you begin to have concerns with one of the components of the project slipping. As the project manager, what would be the best course of action? Provide a detailed explanation to support your perspective. Be sure to tie your answer back to the course readings; specifically, the PMI Talent Triangle and Code of Ethics.

Human nutrition and the digestive system

You will need to analyse the key life stage scenarios provided and ensure that your report includes the following in relation to the data and information provided.

• Explain the constituent food groups of a balanced diet and their sources.
• Describe how food preparation and combination may alter the availability of nutrients.
• Explain the symptoms caused by a diet deficient in a mineral.
• Explain the symptoms of a vitamin deficiency disease.
• Explain how food intake and physical activity contribute to the maintenance of body mass.
• Calculate BMI as highlighted in the scenarios.


The report should be written using a recommended structure and format.

Conclusions and recommendations must stem from your findings and must be linked to the scenarios provided.

Relevant theory must be referenced where appropriate, and a references list and bibliography provided.

The report should be a maximum of 1,000 words in length.

You will find the dietary scenarios in the Assessor’s Guidance below