• Demonstrate your understanding of the Government’s aim of developing a CIPR initiative

The Australian Government is in the development of more efficient retirement income
products, which are typically referred to as ’Comprehensive Income Products for Retirement’, or CIPRs. The aim of developing CIPRs is to “increase individuals’ standard
of living in retirement, increase the range of retirement income products available, and
empower trustees to provide members with an easier transition into retirement.”
On 17 May 2018, the Australian Government released a position paper regarding CIPRs
(CIPR Position Paper.pdf). This position paper provides the definition of CIPRs and
proposes that superannuation fund develop and offer CIPRs to their members.
You (and your other group members) work in CaseStudy Super Fund that has a very large
pool of members. You can assume that CaseStudy Super Fund’s members have the same
demographic characteristics as the Australian population. You are given a task to write
a business report, interpreting the features of CIPRs and evaluating the Government’s
proposal that super funds develop and offer CIPRs to their members.
You come across an Excel model (MDUF Static Calculator.xlsb), which is developed by
Mine Super Fund (previously known as Mine Wealth and Wellbeing Super Fund).
This Excel model simulates outcomes and estimates utility for four different static retirement outcome solutions. Mortality risk and investment risk are modelled stochastically
and the Age Pension is incorporated. This model has four cases that correspond to four
simplified retirement income products, including:
(1) 100% life annuity
(2) Minimum drawdown rule on Account-Based Pension
(3) Target constant income stream on Account-Based Pension
(4) Target constant income stream with x% in life annuity and 1 − x% in AccountBased Pension, where 0 < x < 1.
Note: After you accepted the disclaimer, you will be able to view the model. The
“Inputs” tab details the model inputs and assumptions as well as the four cases. The
“Comparison” tab shows, for each case, the simulated retirement incomes (Income), the
simulated Age Pension amount to be received (Age Pension), the simulated drawdown
amount from Account-Based Pension (Drawdown), the simulated amount of wealth if
the individual dies (Residual Account), and the decomposition of expected retirement
incomes (Average Income Sources).
In your report, address the following key points:
• Demonstrate your understanding of the Government’s aim of developing a CIPR
• Demonstrate your understanding of CIPRs.
• Use the provided Excel model to compare the four cases and determine if each
of these cases meets the definition of a CIPR.
• Evaluate the impact (positive and/or negative) of a CIPR on an individual’s
retirement outcome, taking into account individuals’ demographic characteristics
and financial situations.
• Make a recommendation to the board of CaseStudy Super Fund as to whether
the fund should develop and offer CIPRs to some or all of their members.
Marking Criteria
Marks will be awarded for:
• Clear and concise writing in the report
• Addressing the key points from the task
• Thorough analysis of the four retirement cases and clear representation of quantitative results
• Thorough evaluation of CIPRs
• Appropriate recommendations
• Interaction with other sources and correct referencing

Most appropriate level of evidence for your PICO(T) question.

The purpose of this assignment is to help you begin to develop the skills that are necessary to sort the evidence to determine the most appropriate level of evidence for your PICO(T) question. For this assignment choose three quality studies from your search results, and complete columns one through seven in your Evidence Evaluation Table (EET) for these same articles.

You will eventually be using this technique to appraise at least 12 quality recently published works for your final synthesis paper.

Evidence Evaluation Table (EET): Excel File

The purpose of creating this table is to organize the evidence that you find r/t your clinical question. In subsequent weeks, you will add data to columns and more articles (rows) as directed until you gather at least 12 quality recent studies for your final synthesis paper in Week 13. This EET will be edited and re-submitted in weeks 6,7,8,9, & 13. This week you begin the process, you will complete the first seven columns.


Create an Excel file for your evidence table using the template (Excel) provided. Use the Sample EET (Excel) provided for a reference point.
Include the three studies that represent a variety of published data regarding your PICO(T). They should be published no longer than five years ago.
Use abbreviations and create a legend for readers and yourself.
Keep your descriptions brief. There should be no complete sentences.
The row is cited, but If you copy five consecutive words or more use quotations and note page number.
Complete columns 1 through 7 for your three quality recent (5 years or newer) published works.
Citation Reference
Purpose of the study
The methodology of the study
Measurement tools
Data Analysis
This assignment will be graded using the Week 5: EET Rubric found in your syllabus.
Submit your completed Excel file to the assignment link provided

Intervention and Evaluation Plan


Guidelines & Scoring Rubric



The purpose of this assignment is to assist students in developing an intervention and evaluation plan for their Capstone Project. Both intervention and evaluation are integrated in this paper to help students appreciate the importance of tying them together.


Total Points Possible: 125


  1. This plan follows a logical trajectory, starting with objectives. Add this paper to the proposal template you used in the Weeks 2 and 3 assignments. Use a separate paragraph or two for each of the following sections.
  2. Begin with the bolded heading, “Intervention and Evaluation Plan,” and write an introductory statement. Then state the long-term and short-term objectives of your Project. Long-term, what would you like to leave your mentor and practicum site? What will be your contribution to their success? Short-term, what objectives will you need to achieve to meet your long-term goal. (My long term objective is to improve knowledge of pressure ulcer care among nurses. My short term objectives include developing an evidenced care pathway for pressure ulcer care and developing a case study to measure knowledge of pressure ulcer care)
  3. Describe your practicum site and your stakeholders–those who will be affected by your intervention. Remind your reader what your educational problem or issue is and how your practicum site, administration, students, or staff are affected. (practicum site is virtual and online, stakeholders are peers and faculty)
  4. Select a change model to guide the implementation of your project and how it is related to your intervention.
  5. Outline each step in your intervention with a numbered list of what you will do, step by step.
  6. Complete and attach the NR621 Teaching Plan, available in ModulesàCourse Resources, for any teaching or presentations you will carry out. You will either teach a session to students or you will make a presentation to the staff about a practice change, depending on the nature of your Capstone Project. Add the teaching plan to the paper as an appendix.
  7. Relate each step of the change model to steps of your intervention with a table, with steps in the change model on the right and steps in your intervention on the right.
  8. Describe the outcome variables you are using. How will you know that your intervention was effective? Make sure that your PICOT question and outcome variables are consistent. You may need to alter your PICOT question at this stage to make sure you are measuring the appropriate outcomes.
  9. Attach any evaluation tools you will use. You need to know before implementation how you will measure your success. You may amend your evaluation tools right before you implement your project but need to identify early how you will evaluate your project.
  10. Add any additional references you have used to the reference list.
  11. The paper should be 2 to 4 pages long, plus reference page entries. This is an estimate to guide you and not a strict requirement. The goal is for you to end up with a 15-page document suitable for publication when you have finished your Capstone Project in NR522.

Preparing the paper

Reminder: You will add the Intervention and Evaluation Plan to the Review of Literature after first making any of the updates or corrections requested by your instructor. The faculty believes this is so important that you should lose points on the paper if you don’t make these corrections.

Additionally, you should use first person in this section of your proposal. Saying “I” is okay but you could call yourself a project manager; then you would say “the project manager.” Using phrases such as “this student” or “this author” is very awkward!


Grading Rubric



Assignment Criteria Exceptional


Outstanding or highest level of performance



Very good or high level of performance



Competent or satisfactory level of performance

Needs Improvement


Poor or failing level of performance



Unsatisfactory level of performance

Content = 105 points  






Long-term and short-term objectives 15 Points 13 Points 12 Points 6 Points 0 Points  
Describes realistic and well-formulated long-term and short-term objectives of the project. Describes long-term and short-term objectives of the project and they are for the most part realistic and well-formulated Describes long-term and short-term objectives of the project but they are unrealistic or are not well-formulated Describes long-term and short-term objectives of the project but they neither realistic nor well-formulated Does not describe any long-term and short-term objectives of the project.  
Practicum site and stakeholders


15 Points 13 Points 12 Points 6 Points 0 Points  
Describes practicum site and stakeholders and how they are affected by the educational problem or issue thoroughly. Partially describes practicum site and stakeholders and how they are affected by the educational problem or issue thoroughly. Barely describes practicum site and stakeholders and how they are affected by the educational problem or issue thoroughly. Briefly describes practicum site and stakeholders but not how they are affected by the educational problem or issue t Does not describe the  practicum site and stakeholders or how they are affected by the educational problem or issue.  
Change model


15 Points 13 Points 12 Points 6 Points 0 Points  
Describes a change model applicable to the project and relates each step in the change model with each step of the intervention. Describes a change model applicable to the project and somewhat relates each step in the change model with each step of the intervention. Describes a change model applicable to the project and barely relates each step in the change model with each step of the intervention. Briefly and vaguely describes a change model applicable to the project and the relationship between each step in the change model and each step of the intervention. Does not describe a change model applicable to the project or the steps of the intervention.  
Intervention plan, step by step


15 Points 13 Points 12 Points 6 Points 0 Points  
Lists each step of the intervention with a numbered list. The intervention plan is consistent with the change model and is displayed with a table. Lists each step of the intervention with a numbered list. The consistence between the intervention is somewhat unclear in the description and table. Lists each step of the intervention with a numbered list. The consistence between the intervention is very unclear in the description and table. Lists each step of the intervention with a numbered list but did not relate the plan to a change model in the description and table. Does not provide a numbered list or description of the steps of the intervention or a table.  
Attaches completed teaching plan to the end of the project.


20 Points 18 Points 16 Points 8 Points 0 Points  
Provides complete detail in the teaching plan, sufficient to guide others about the class or presentation. Provides some detail in the teaching plan, somewhat sufficient to guide others about the class or presentation..


Provides incomplete detail in the teaching plan, insufficient to guide others about the class or presentation..


Teaching plan is very incomplete Missing the teaching plan in the appendices


Outcome variables


25 points 22 points 20 points 10 points 0 points  
Describes the method by which the outcome(s) will be measured and attaches evaluation documents as appendices  (e.g. a quiz, survey, checklist, or rubric) used to evaluate the outcomes.

Evaluation tools are consistent with the PICOT question.

NOTE: Student may alter the PICOT question, if appropriate, to assure consistence with the outcome variable(s).

Describes the method by which the outcome(s) will be measured but the description is unclear AND attaches evaluation documents  as  appendices  (e.g. a quiz, survey, checklist, or rubric) used to evaluate the outcomes


Evaluation tools are consistent with the PICOT question.


Describes the method by which the outcome(s) will be measured briefly

But either fails to  attach evaluation documents (e.g. a quiz, survey, checklist, or rubric) OR evaluation tools are not   consistent with the PICOT question.


Describes the method by which the outcome(s) will be measured but does not attach  evaluation documents (e.g. a quiz, survey, checklist, or rubric) used to evaluate the outcomes AND evaluation  methods are not consistent with the PICOT question.


Does not describe the outcome(s) to be used in the Capstone Project or provide evaluation documents.



Possible Points = 20







Grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation 10 Points 9 Points 8 Points 4 Points 0 Points  
Proper grammar, spelling syntax, and punctuation are used, with no more than 1-2 errors. Proper grammar, spelling syntax, and punctuation are used, with no more than 3-4 errors. Proper grammar, spelling syntax, and punctuation are used to some extent, with no more than 5-6 errors. Proper grammar, spelling syntax, and punctuation are not used; assignment contains 7-9 errors. Proper grammar, spelling syntax, and punctuation are not used; assignment contains 10 or more errors.  
APA title page, citations, and reference page 10 Points 9 Points 8 Points 4 Points 0 Points
Proper APA format is used, with no more than 1-2 errors. Proper APA format is used, with no more than 3-4 errors. Proper APA format is used to some extent, with no more than with 5-6 errors. Proper APA format is not used, with no more than 7-9 errors. Assignment contains 10 or more errors in APA format..
    Total _____of 125 points


A self-assessment is an opportunity for you to review what you have learned in the program, evaluate your clinical skills, and develop goals before exiting the NP program

A self-assessment is an opportunity for you to review what you have learned in the program, evaluate your clinical skills, and develop goals before exiting the NP program. For this assignment, you will complete the Risk Control Self-Assessment Checklist for Nurse Practitioners and identify your areas of strength and weakness. You also will explain how you plan to improve on these weaknesses, as well as how you plan to master clinical skills you have not obtained prior to exiting NP program.

To prepare:

  • Complete the Risk Control Self-Assessment Checklist for Nurse Practitioners
  • Review preceptor and faculty evaluations in Meditrek for all completed clinical courses
  • Consider your strengths and weaknesses
  • Review types of patients treated and clinical procedures performed


Write a 2- to 3-page paper that addresses the following:

  • Identify at least three strengths
  • Explain why you consider these strengths and what you can do to maintain them in your practice
  • Identify at least three weaknesses
  • Explain how you plan to address each weakness
  • Examine at least three clinical skills you need to obtain prior to exiting the program
  • Explain how you plan to master the clinical skills before exiting NP program
  • Analyze the history of advanced practice nurses and the emerging role of your specialty area, and discuss what contributions you plan to make to advance the nursing profession

Overview of an healthcare policy concern and solution

Total Points: 200 points


Description of the Assignment

For this assignment, the focus is preparation for the presentation to the selected elected official regarding the healthcare concern and the proposed resolution.  A video presentation of the healthcare concern and its proposed resolution will be prepared and presented.  Following completion of this, a written self-evaluation is required.

Criteria for Content

  1. Video Presentation: (Don’t worry about the video)

Content: The video presentation is to include the following elements:

  • Introduction of self
  • Presentation of healthcare policy concern
  • Presentation of student identified solution to the healthcare policy concern
  • Summary

Evaluation of video presentation includes the following elements:

  • Content:
    • Introduction of self
    • Presentation of healthcare policy concern
    • Presentation of student identified solution to the healthcare policy concern
    • Summary
    • Information is relevant to healthcare concern and its solution
  • Method of Delivery:
    • Effective opening
    • Stayed connected to audience
    • Grammar was correct
  • Style of Delivery:
    • Eye contact
    • Voice clarity
    • Gestures
    • Appearance
  1. Paper Content:
  • Overview of the healthcare policy concern and solution: This section provides a concise but comprehensive overview of the healthcare policy as well as the solution. Required content includes:
  • Identification of the healthcare policy
  • Identification of the student identified solution
  • Relevance to the community or population group
  • Identification of communication techniques: This section requires the delineation of communication techniques useful to the upcoming presentation to the selected elected official. Required content includes:
    • Identification of the selected elected official and position
    • Rationale for the selection
    • Identification of 4 (four) beneficial communication/presentation techniques
    • Providing scholarly resources that support the use of the identified communication techniques
  • Self-evaluation of video presentation: This section provides an opportunity for self-evaluation of the video recording.  The student must self-evaluate oneself in each major content area by identifying one positive and one area to improve (i.e. content, method of delivery, and style of delivery):
    • Content:
      • Introduction of self
      • Presentation of healthcare policy concern
      • Presentation of student identified solution to the healthcare policy concern
      • Summary
      • Information is relevant to healthcare concern and its solution
    • Method of Delivery:
      • Effective opening
      • Stayed connected to audience
      • Grammar was correct
    • Style of Delivery:
      • Eye contact
      • Voice clarity
      • Gestures
      • Appearance
    • Conclusion: This section requires a summary of the key points from the video and paper assignment.

Preparing the Assignment

Criteria for Format and Special Instructions:

  1. The video presentation will be recorded via the use of Voice Thread located within the course on the initial page in the left column.
  2. The video presentation will last a minimum of 3 minutes and no longer than 5 minutes.
  3. The paper (excluding the title page and reference page) should be at least 2, but no more than 4 pages. Points will be lost for not meeting these length requirements.
  4. Title page, running head, body of paper, and reference page must follow APA guidelines as found in the 6thedition of the manual. This includes the use of headings for each section of the paper except for the introduction where no heading is used.
  5. A minimum of 4 (four) appropriate research-based scholarly references must be used.
  6. Required textbook for this course, dictionary and College of Nursing lesson information may NOTbe used as scholarly references for this assignment. For additional assistance regarding scholarly nursing references, please see the course Library Guide.  Be aware that information from .com websites may be incorrect and should be avoided.  References are current – within a 5-year time frame unless a valid rationale is provided and the instructor has approved them prior to submission of the assignment.
  7. Ideas and information from scholarly, peer reviewed, nursing sources must be cited and referenced correctly.
  8. Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are followed and consistent with formal, scientific writing.


NR506 Week 4: Preparation of Presentation to Elected Official (NOV18)

Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeVideo: Content
30.0 pts

Video presentation of information was exceptional and included all the following elements: • Introduction of self • Presentation of healthcare policy concern • Presentation of student identified solution to the healthcare policy concern • Summary • Information was relevant to healthcare concern and its solution

26.0 pts

Video presentation of information was good, but was superficial in places and included all the following elements: • Introduction of self • Presentation of healthcare policy concern • Presentation of student identified solution to the healthcare policy concern • Summary • Information was relevant to healthcare concern and its solution

24.0 pts

Video presentation of information was minimally demonstrated in the all the following elements: • Introduction of self • Presentation of healthcare policy concern • Presentation of student identified solution to the healthcare policy concern • Summary • Information was relevant to healthcare concern and its solution

11.0 pts

Video presentation of information in one or two of the following elements fails to meet expectations: • Introduction of self • Presentation of healthcare policy concern • Presentation of student identified solution to the healthcare policy concern • Summary • Information was relevant to healthcare concern and its solution

0.0 pts

Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in three or more of the following elements: • Introduction of self • Presentation of healthcare policy concern • Presentation of student identified solution to the healthcare policy concern • Summary • Information was relevant to healthcare concern and its solution

30.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeVideo: Method of Delivery
30.0 pts

Video presentation of information was exceptional and included all the following elements: • Effective opening • Stayed connected to audience • Grammar was correct

26.0 pts

Video presentation of information was good, but was superficial in places and included all the following elements: • Effective opening • Stayed connected to audience • Grammar was correct

24.0 pts

Video presentation of information was minimally demonstrated in the all the following elements: • Effective opening • Stayed connected to audience • Grammar was correct

11.0 pts

Video presentation of information in one of the following elements fails to meet expectations: • Effective opening • Stayed connected to audience • Grammar was correct

0.0 pts

Video presentation of information is unsatisfactory in two or more of the following elements: • Effective opening • Stayed connected to audience • Grammar was correct

30.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeVideo: Style of Delivery
30.0 pts

Video presentation of information was exceptional and included all the following elements: • Eye contact • Voice clarity • Gestures • Appearance

26.0 pts

Video presentation of information was good, but was superficial in places and included all the following elements: • Eye contact • Voice clarity • Gestures • Appearance

24.0 pts

Video presentation of information was minimally demonstrated in the all the following elements: • Eye contact • Voice clarity • Gestures • Appearance

11.0 pts

Video presentation of information in one or two of the following elements fails to meet expectations: • Eye contact • Voice clarity • Gestures • Appearance

0.0 pts

Video presentation of information is unsatisfactory in three or more of the following elements: • Eye contact • Voice clarity • Gestures • Appearance

30.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePaper Content: Overview of the healthcare policy concern and solution
10.0 pts

Presentation of information was exceptional and included all the following elements: • Identification of the healthcare policy • Identification of the student identified solution • Relevance to the community or population group

9.0 pts

Presentation of information was good, but was superficial in places and included all the following elements: • Identification of the healthcare policy • Identification of the student identified solution • Relevance to the community or population group

8.0 pts

Presentation of information was minimally demonstrated in the all the following elements: • Identification of the healthcare policy • Identification of the student identified solution • Relevance to the community or population group

4.0 pts

Presentation of information in one of the following elements fails to meet expectations: • Identification of the healthcare policy • Identification of the student identified solution • Relevance to the community or population group

0.0 pts

Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in two or more of the following elements: • Identification of the healthcare policy • Identification of the student identified solution • Relevance to the community or population group

10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePaper Content: Identification of communication techniques
30.0 pts

Presentation of information was exceptional and included all the following elements: • Identification of the selected elected official and position • Rationale for the selection • Identification of 4 (four) beneficial communication/presentation techniques • Providing scholarly resources that support the use of the identified communication techniques

26.0 pts

Presentation of information was good, but was superficial in places and included all the following elements: • Identification of the selected elected official and position • Rationale for the selection • Identification of 4 (four) beneficial communication/presentation techniques • Providing scholarly resources that support the use of the identified communication techniques

24.0 pts

Presentation of information was minimally demonstrated in the all the following elements: • Identification of the selected elected official and position • Rationale for the selection • Identification of 4 (four) beneficial communication/presentation techniques • Providing scholarly resources that support the use of the identified communication techniques

11.0 pts

Presentation of information in one of the following elements fails to meet expectations: • Identification of the selected elected official and position • Rationale for the selection • Identification of 4 (four) beneficial communication/presentation techniques • Providing scholarly resources that support the use of the identified communication techniques

0.0 pts

Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in two or more of the following elements: • Identification of the selected elected official and position • Rationale for the selection • Identification of 4 (four) beneficial communication/presentation techniques • Providing scholarly resources that support the use of the identified communication techniques

30.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePaper Content: Self-evaluation of video presentation
30.0 pts

Presentation of information was exceptional and included all the following elements: • Content: o Introduction of self o Presentation of healthcare policy concern o Presentation of student identified solution to the healthcare policy concern o Summary o Information is relevant to healthcare concern and its solution • Method of Delivery: o Effective opening o Stayed connected to audience o Grammar was correct • Style of Delivery: o Eye contact o Voice clarity o Gestures o Appearance • The student must self-evaluate oneself on each of the following areas by identifying one positive and one area to improve for each of the above headings (i.e. content, method of delivery, and style of delivery)

26.0 pts

Presentation of information was good, but was superficial in places and included all the following elements: • Content: o Introduction of self o Presentation of healthcare policy concern o Presentation of student identified solution to the healthcare policy concern o Summary o Information is relevant to healthcare concern and its solution • Method of Delivery: o Effective opening o Stayed connected to audience o Grammar was correct • Style of Delivery: o Eye contact o Voice clarity o Gestures o Appearance • The student must self-evaluate oneself on each of the following areas by identifying one positive and one area to improve for each of the above headings (i.e. content, method of delivery, and style of delivery)

24.0 pts

Presentation of information was minimally demonstrated in the all the following elements: • Content: o Introduction of self o Presentation of healthcare policy concern o Presentation of student identified solution to the healthcare policy concern o Summary o Information is relevant to healthcare concern and its solution • Method of Delivery: o Effective opening o Stayed connected to audience o Grammar was correct • Style of Delivery: o Eye contact o Voice clarity o Gestures o Appearance • The student must self-evaluate oneself on each of the following areas by identifying one positive and one area to improve for each of the above headings (i.e. content, method of delivery, and style of delivery)

11.0 pts

Presentation of information in one or two of the major headings fails to meet expectations: • Content: o Introduction of self o Presentation of healthcare policy concern o Presentation of student identified solution to the healthcare policy concern o Summary o Information is relevant to healthcare concern and its solution • Method of Delivery: o Effective opening o Stayed connected to audience o Grammar was correct • Style of Delivery: o Eye contact o Voice clarity o Gestures o Appearance • The student must self-evaluate oneself on each of the following areas by identifying one positive and one area to improve for each of the above headings (i.e. content, method of delivery, and style of delivery)

0.0 pts

Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in three or four of the major headings: • Content: o Introduction of self o Presentation of healthcare policy concern o Presentation of student identified solution to the healthcare policy concern o Summary o Information is relevant to healthcare concern and its solution • Method of Delivery: o Effective opening o Stayed connected to audience o Grammar was correct • Style of Delivery: o Eye contact o Voice clarity o Gestures o Appearance • The student must self-evaluate oneself on each of the following areas by identifying one positive and one area to improve for each of the above headings (i.e. content, method of delivery, and style of delivery)

30.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePaper Content: Conclusion
10.0 pts

Presentation of information was exceptional: • Provides a summary of key elements from the assignment

9.0 pts

Presentation of information was good, but was superficial: • Provides a summary of key elements from the assignment

8.0 pts

Presentation of information was minimally demonstrated: • Provides a summary of key elements from the assignment

4.0 pts

Presentation of information fails to meet expectations: • Provides a summary of key elements from the assignment

0.0 pts

Presentation of information is unsatisfactory: • Provides a summary of key elements from the assignment

10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAssignment Specifications
10.0 pts

This assignment included all of the following: Video presentation is a minimum of 3 minutes to a maximum of 5 minutes. Recording is via Voice Thread. Paper meets length requirements of 2 to 4 pages. Minimum of 4 (four) appropriate research scholarly nursing references. A dictionary, required textbook for this course and Chamberlain College of Nursing lesson information, may NOT be used as scholarly references for this assignment. References are current – within a 5-year time frame unless a valid rationale is provided and the instructor has approved them prior to assignment submission.

9.0 pts

This assignment included only five of the following: Video presentation is a minimum of 3 minutes to a maximum of 5 minutes. Recording is via Voice Thread. Paper meets length requirements of 2 to 4 pages. Minimum of 4 (four) appropriate research scholarly nursing references. A dictionary, required textbook for this course and Chamberlain College of Nursing lesson information, may NOT be used as scholarly references for this assignment. References are current – within a 5-year time frame unless a valid rationale is provided and the instructor has approved them prior to assignment submission.

8.0 pts

This assignment included only four of the following: Video presentation is a minimum of 3 minutes to a maximum of 5 minutes. Recording is via Voice Thread. Paper meets length requirements of 2 to 4 pages. Minimum of 4 (four) appropriate research scholarly nursing references. A dictionary, required textbook for this course and Chamberlain College of Nursing lesson information, may NOT be used as scholarly references for this assignment. References are current – within a 5-year time frame unless a valid rationale is provided and the instructor has approved them prior to assignment submission.

4.0 pts

This assignment included only three of the following: Video presentation is a minimum of 3 minutes to a maximum of 5 minutes. Recording is via Voice Thread. Paper meets length requirements of 2 to 4 pages. Minimum of 4 (four) appropriate research scholarly nursing references. A dictionary, required textbook for this course and Chamberlain College of Nursing lesson information, may NOT be used as scholarly references for this assignment. References are current – within a 5-year time frame unless a valid rationale is provided and the instructor has approved them prior to assignment submission.

0.0 pts

This assignment included two or less of the following: Video presentation is a minimum of 3 minutes to a maximum of 5 minutes. Recording is via Voice Thread. Paper meets length requirements of 2 to 4 pages. Minimum of 4 (four) appropriate research scholarly nursing references. A dictionary, required textbook for this course and Chamberlain College of Nursing lesson information, may NOT be used as scholarly references for this assignment. References are current – within a 5-year time frame unless a valid rationale is provided and the instructor has approved them prior to assignment submission.

10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Format
10.0 pts

APA guidelines, as per the 6th edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the • title page, • running head, • body of paper (including citations and headings), and reference page One deduction for each type of APA format error 0 to 1 APA error was present

9.0 pts

APA guidelines, as per the 6th edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the • title page, • running head, • body of paper (including citations and headings), and reference page One deduction for each type of APA format error 2 – 3 APA errors were present

8.0 pts

APA guidelines, as per the 6th edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the • title page, • running head, • body of paper (including citations and headings), and reference page One deduction for each type of APA format error 4 – 5 APA were are present

4.0 pts

APA guidelines, as per the 6th edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the • title page, • running head, • body of paper (including citations and headings), and reference page One deduction for each type of APA format error 6 – 7 APA were are present

0.0 pts

APA guidelines, as per the 6th edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the • title page, • running head, body of paper (including citations and headings), and reference page One deduction for each type of APA format error 8 or greater APA errors were present

10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCitations in Text
5.0 pts

There were 0-1 errors in the crediting of ideas, and information that contributed to knowledge

4.0 pts

There were 2-3 errors in the crediting of ideas, and information that contributed to knowledge

3.0 pts

There were 4-5 errors in the crediting of ideas, and information that contributed to knowledge

2.0 pts

There were 6-7 errors in the crediting of ideas, and information that contributed to knowledge

0.0 pts

There were 8 or greater errors in the crediting of ideas, and information that contributed to knowledge

5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting Mechanics
5.0 pts

1–2 errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation and other aspects of formal written work as found in the 6th edition of the APA manual

4.0 pts

3 – 4 errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation and other aspects of formal written work as found in the 6th edition of the APA manual

3.0 pts

5 – 6 errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation and other aspects of formal written work as found in the 6th edition of the APA manual

2.0 pts

7 – 8 errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation and other aspects of formal written work as found in the 6th edition of the APA manual

0.0 pts

9 or greater errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation and other aspects of formal written work as found in the 6th edition of the APA manual

5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLate Deductions
0.0 pts

0 pts lost – submission met deadline

0.0 pts

Student does not meet the deadline for submission 10% per day up to 30% total (3-days)

0.0 pts
Total Points: 200.0


Students will identify a selected faculty-approved topic, collect information regarding best practice, judge the quality of the evidence, analyze the information, and form conclusions and practice recommendations

This assignment provides students opportunities working in small groups to examine nursing focused interventions pertinent to critical care areas. Students will identify a selected faculty-approved topic, collect information regarding best practice, judge the quality of the evidence, analyze the information, and form conclusions and practice recommendations. Electronic presentations should focus on current evidence based research in nursing practice. Students will research and present an organized, logical analysis of information and will make recommendations for nursing practice.
Criteria for Development 1. Select a nursing focused topic pertinent to critical care areas 2. Analyze evidence concerning the selected intervention 3. Construct a presentation in a clear, logical manner 4. Make conclusions and make recommendation for practice

Criteria for Grading Faculty and Peer Evaluation Points Inclusion of appropriate background information and evidence 20 Organized logical analysis of information with clear, concise, objective data 20 Conclusions and recommendations for practice 20 Documentation of evidence within presentation and reference list, APA style 15 Presentation style

What interests are represented by the United States government?

What interests are represented by the United States government? How do interest groups play a role in those being represented? Be sure to discuss the roles, functions, and processes by which these groups operate referring not to just the groups themselves but also lobbyists.
· How does public opinion influence the government?
· What makes the media powerful? How much influence should it truly have over citizens and their perception of politics in the United States. How the media is able to shape public opinion and sway policy based on the representation it gives to any given person or issue. Discuss this with clear cut arguments

Pros and cons of both prospective and retrospective data.

Prospective data is data that is collected with a forward-looking view (the researcher sets up the methodology to recruit subjects to the study and then collect data as it occurs), whereas retrospective data is rear-looking data that is collected as part of a process (e.g. patient demographic or treatment data that is taken from the patient’s charts) and then evaluated after-the-fact. Write a 1-2 page paper that evaluates the pros and cons of both prospective and retrospective data.
Your submission should be in 12-point normal font (Calibri, Times New Roman, Arial, etc.), double-spaced, with 1″ margins. Your Word document must be uploaded to this Turnitin Assignment Link.
It is expected that you will use outside sources for this paper. All information taken from a source (direct quotes, paraphrasing, and ideas) must be cited, in text and in reference, in APA format. Failure to do so is plagiarism.

Use Barney’s VRIO framework to analyze the competencies of Electrolux.

Review the corporate strategy of AB Electrolux: found here: http://group.electrolux.com/en/category/about/
As the social and demographic trends continue to evolve so do the opportunities afforded to Electrolux. The most significant demographic shift globally is the growing middle class in Asia, which includes families with incomes between US$6,000 and US$30,000. It is estimated that by 2030 there will be 3 billion more people in the global middle class than there were in 2013.(Ernst & Young, 2013)
Correlated with rising incomes worldwide, homeownership has also increased at a substantial rate giving rise to increased demand for consumer durables such as refrigerators, washing machines, and dishwashers. (Electrolux, 2013)
Electrolux (2013) Electrolux 2013 Annual Report. Retrieved from http://group.electrolux.com/en/company-overview-271/
Ernst & Young (2013) Hitting the sweet spot. Retrieved from http://www.ey.com/GL/en/Issues/Driving-growth/Middle-class-growth-in-emerging-markets

Use Barney’s VRIO framework to analyze the competencies of Electrolux.

Discuss whether AB Electrolux can compete with local Chinese consumer manufacturers.
Discuss the three leading perspectives on strategy, and how this strategy tripod influences Electrolux.
Identify Porter’s four generic strategies. Discuss which of these would work best for Electrolux.
What is the corporate culture of Electrolux? Discuss two distinct attributes of culture within the organization.

Label your Word document as follows: yourlastname.doc (ex: Johnson.docx)
Use the attached, APA Word Document, template provided.
Read grading rubric below prior to submittal
Essay format; not bullet format.
All charts, graphs, pictures are to go in the appendix (not a substitute for content)
Refrain from excessive use of quotes in your response (less than 5%)
Once you submit your document to the assignment folder it will automatically be loaded to TURNITIN.COM within the course. Your similarity scan score must be 20% or less (the following will be excluded: headers, bibliography, etc. prior to instructor grading paper—focus on the content of scan percentage.
Plagiarism will result in an automatic zero for this assignment.
There are no late assignments accepted after the last day of the course.

For this reflection diary, you are required to write 140 words for each reading reflection.

Reflection diary


  • You are required to refer to the following five readings to write reflection diary:


Ronald G. Ehrenberg, and Robert S. Smith, (2016). Overview of the labour market. In Modern Labour Economics: Theory and Public Policy (pp. 25–58). Routledge. (Twelfth Edition)


Thorpe, B. (1992). Aboriginal employment and unemployment: Colonised labour’. In C. Williams (Ed.), Beyond Industrial Sociology: The Work of Men and Women (pp. 88–107). Allen & Unwin.


Stewart, A., & Stanford, J. (2017). Regulating work in the gig economy: What are the options? The economic and labour relations review, 28(3), 420–437.

ISSN: 1035-3046


Shaw, R. (2017). Working animals’ rights: A disruption to the status quo. Alternative Law Journal, 42(2), 130–136.

ISSN: 1037-969X, EISSN: 2398-9084


Cushen, J., & Thompson, P. (2016). Financialization and value: why labour and the labour process still matter. Work, Employment, 30(2), 352–365.

ISSN: 0950-0170, EISSN: 1469-8722



  • For this reflection diary, you are required to write 140 words for each reading reflection.


  • You should refer to the following structure for each reading reflection:


  1. Use 1-2 sentences to summarize each reading (30 words)
  2. Each reading must reflect on key issues, problems or questions can come up from

reading, you must include some commentary on how your reading practice was informed (eg. Confirmed, challenged or changed)–(110 words)


  • You should mainly focus on reflection!
  • You don’t need to write introduction and conclusion.