Labor Relations & Performance Management

Deliverable Length: 5-7 slides + title and reference slides with speaker notes of 200-250 words pre slide.
Respond to the following scenario: (Fictitious company) is an online retailer that currently has 1,500 employees and warehouse operations in New York, Nebraska, and Nevada. The company is prospering and has decided to expand its operations globally by opening a new warehouse in South Korea, with hopes of continued expansion into Europe.
To open the new warehouse, management staff will be transferred from the company’s current locations. They will also have to hire approximately 500 warehouse personnel and a logistics manager. South Korea is proving to be a very competitive environment for online retailers. The human resources (HR) staff must develop a workforce plan that can create a competitive advantage for SaharaOasis. All functional areas of HR will be involved in making this expansion a success. As the human resources director for SaharaOasis, you will be held responsible for planning, managing, and presenting information to the vice president (VP) of HR and the board of directors for the organization.
Assignment details: A structured performance management strategy is necessary at SaharaOasis. As part of this strategy, a new performance appraisal tool needs to be developed for warehouse associates, as well as the management staff. Your recommendation must be presented to the vice president (VP) of human resources in a PowerPoint presentation for her review.
• Review the different performance appraisal tools, and make a recommendation for a tool to be used with warehouse associates and a tool to be used with management personnel.
• Why did you choose the tools that you did? What impact will they have on the organization’s HR information systems (Internet, telecommunications and networks, software, hardware, data, simulations, e-learning)?
• How would the tools be introduced in the work environment?
• What role will these tools play in performance management?
• What role do they play in avoiding litigation?
• How would you assess the effectiveness of the tools?
Assignment Objectives
• Discuss various performance appraisal systems, the legal and ethical issues associated with performance and rewards, and the critical training needs for managers and employees for performance improvement.
Examine, assess, and evaluate strategies and methods for determining employee training, development and performance needs.


Expert 10 points Proficient 8 points Apprentice 4 points Novice 0-2 points
Integration of Knowledge The paper demonstrates that the author fully understands and has applied concepts learned in the course. Concepts are integrated into the writer’s own insights. The writer provides concluding remarks that show analysis and synthesis of ideas. The paper demonstrates that the author, for the most part, understands and has applied concepts learned in the course. Some of the conclusions, however, are not supported in the body of the paper. The paper demonstrates that the author, to a certain extent, understands and has applied concepts learned in the course. The paper does not demonstrate that the author has fully understood and applied concepts learned in the course.
Topic focus The topic is focused narrowly enough for the scope of this assignment. A thesis statement provides direction for the paper, either by statement of a position or hypothesis. The topic is focused but lacks direction. The paper is about a specific topic but the writer has not established a position. The topic is too broad for the scope of this assignment. The topic is not clearly defined.
Depth of discussion In-depth discussion & elaboration in all sections of the paper. . In-depth discussion & elaboration in most sections of the paper. The writer has omitted pertinent content or content runs-on excessively. Quotations from others outweigh the writer’s own ideas excessively Cursory discussion in all the sections of the paper or brief discussion in only a few sections.
Cohesiveness Ties together information from all sources. Paper flows from one issue to the next without the need for headings. Author’s writing demonstrates an understanding of the relationship among material obtained from all sources. For the most part, ties together information from all sources. Paper flows with only some disjointedness. Author’s writing demonstrates an understanding of the relationship among material obtained from all sources. Sometimes ties together information from all sources. Paper does not flow – disjointedness is apparent. Author’s writing does not demonstrate an understanding of the relationship among material obtained from all sources. Does not tie together information. Paper does not flow and appears to be created from disparate issues. Headings are necessary to link concepts. Writing does not demonstrate understanding any relationships
Spelling and grammar No spelling &/or grammar mistakes. Minimal spelling &/or grammar mistakes. Noticeable spelling & grammar mistakes. Unacceptable number of spelling and/or grammar mistakes.
Sources More than 5 current sources, of which at least 3 are peer-review journal articles or scholarly books. Sources include both general background sources and specialized sources. Special-interest sources and popular literature are acknowledged as such if they are cited. All web sites utilized are authoritative. 5 current sources, of which at least 2 are peer-review journal articles or scholarly books. All web sites utilized are authoritative. Fewer than 5 current sources, or fewer than 2 of 5 are peer-reviewed journal articles or scholarly books. All web sites utilized are credible. Fewer than 5 current sources, or fewer than 2 of 5 are peer-reviewed journal articles or scholarly books. Not all web sites utilized are credible, and/or sources are not current.
Cites all data obtained from other sources. APA citation style is used. Cites most data obtained from other sources. APA citation style is used. Cites some data obtained from other sources. Citation style is either inconsistent or incorrect. Does not cite sources.
3-5 pages not including title and reference page

American history

In a well-written two page, double-spaced
essay, (500 word minimum) please examine
and answer the following questions.
The story of William Levitt and the creation of
the modern suburb that we know today is told
in the 1950 Time magazine article “Up from the
Potato Fields” as found below. If you can
possibly prevent yourself from vomiting as you
think about the dreadful and wretched
suburban blandness that Levitt brought to our
green and pleasant fields, please try to answer
the following questions, only after the Pepto
Bismol* has settled you down a little. Bleech.
1. What did Levitt do that had not been done
before? Why was his model of a home and a
community appealing to the many young
families that quickly snapped up these tiny
2. Why did this happen when it did? Basically,
why didn’t someone come up with this idea in
1920 or later in 1970 or never at all? What was
it about the postwar period that made Levitt a
millionaire and average middle-class white
Americans home owners?
3. The community was described by the
author of the article as “antiseptic.” What did
he mean by that and do you think the residents
wanted it that way? Would you want to live in
such a place??? Really, is there anything about
this sort of community that you might find
appealing?? (Maybe you live in such a place and
are mad at that smug Horner for even

Share a demographic group of which you’re a member and one healthcare statistic that pertains to your demographic group. This can be based on any factor of your choosing, such as gender, age, sexuality, race, religion, education, nationality, ethnicity, disability, employment status, etc. (275 words)

1. Use Harvard referencing style.
2. Each question the word limit is 275
3. The assignments need to pass to me on Sunday at 0800 in the morning, September 9, 2018 Australian time.

Question 1: Share a demographic group of which you’re a member and one healthcare statistic that pertains to your demographic group. This can be based on any factor of your choosing, such as gender, age, sexuality, race, religion, education, nationality, ethnicity, disability, employment status, etc. (275 words)



Question 2: Which ethical theory – utilitarianism or deontology – appeals to you the most? Or is there an alternative theory you prefer? Explain why. (275 words)


Ethical theories


  • Ethical theories are systems or plans used to deal with ethical dilemmas that hopefully enable the establishment of consistent and coherent processes when making ethical decisions. In health the two most frequently cited theories are:
  • Utilitarianism
  • Deontology



  1. Ethical theories: utilitarianism

One of the consequentialist ethical theories that is characterised by these principles:

  • Everyone should make choices that promote the greatest balance of good over harm for everyone.
  • An act is right when it is useful in bringing about a good end.
  • Consideration of the effects of action on everyone involved is encouraged.


Application of utilitarianism

  • Used when preparing cost/benefit analysis
  • All possible options are considered
  • Value of each option determined
  • Group benefit is valued
  • Option with highest total utility chosen





Weaknesses of the utilitarian view


  • End justifies the means
  • Difficulty identifying and measuring all of the possible benefits and negative consequences • Requires some prediction into the future


II.. Ethical theories: deontology

  • Decision-making is based on moral rules and unchanging principles
  • Derived from reason and applied universally
  • Looks at the intrinsic nature of an act
  • Determines its basic rightness or wrongness
  • Consequences of the act are irrelevant


Ethical theories: deontology


 Categorical imperative


– A command derived from a principle that does not allow exceptions

– Application of unconditional commands in a similar manner in all situations


  • Examples:

– Life is sacred. Killing is never justified.

– Medical research: value on freedom of choice. No subject should ever be tricked into participating.


Weaknesses of the deontological view


  • Does not consider the variety in real-life situations e.g. the need for a therapeutic abortion
  • Overly rigid
  • The disregard for consequences of action may lead to absurd results
  • Disagreement as to whether motivation is derived from universal values – one may be motivated by changing values instead.


The Long Walk To Freedom

Have a title that is inviting to the readers
-indentify and discuss a specific piece of media that is the book of Nelson Mandela “The Long Walk To Freedom”.
Use specific details, including personal experiences, to explore the relationship between this Book and me( my value.
-reflect on and analyzes your experiences or the book you are discussing.
– Be effectvely organized and use clear language.
– As far as where to go from here, my suggestions are to show us moments from your life before and after reading the book to help us see how it changed you. Was there a specific moment when your shyness kept you from something you wanted to accomplish? What kind of actions do you take now because of the book? Exploring those pieces will help us see the impact the book has on you.

What leadership model, style, or theory best describes you as a leader? Why?

For this assignment, you are required to write a Leadership Research Essay.

Requirement: Using the terms, concepts, and theories learned in this course, write a 5 to 7 page (Times New Roman 12 font with double-spaced lines) leadership essay defining your leadership philosophy with one or more of the leadership theories we have studied. Each page should be approximately 350 words, so the total word count (not counting the reference page and the title page) should be at least 1750 words. Papers with fewer than 1750 words will have deductions for lack of content. Quotes should be limited and if necessary, cited appropriately. For this assignment, the use of first person is allowed.

No abstract is necessary. Include a clear and concise introductory and concluding paragraph.

Research: Additionally, using the APUS Online Library, conduct research and incorporate at least two (2) additional sources other than your textbook and course articles to support your essay. Use the APA Style to cite your “in-text” references and to list your references on a reference page.

Your essay will address these questions:

A. What leadership model, style, or theory best describes you as a leader? Why? Give examples using the terms and concepts in your textbook.

1) Skills Approach

2) Situational Approach

3) Behavioral Approach

4) Trait Approach

5) Path-Goal Approach

B. What are your most distinguishing leadership traits? What traits do you strive to learn to develop?

C. As a follower, what leadership approach do you prefer from your leader?

D. What leadership model or theory best describes how you influence others? Give examples.

E. Based on your self-assessments, your current leadership and motivational skills, and the knowledge you have gained from the course materials, what goals will you set and what plan of action will you implement to improve your (1) leadership and (2) motivation? Include the type of leadership theory or model you intend to implement to achieve your goals.

F. Explain the steps you need to take to complete each of these self-improvement goals?

Save your essay as Last Name_Leadership Research Essay_MGMT312.doc (e.g. Smith_Leadership Research Essay_MGMT312.doc).

When you are ready, upload your essay for grading.

Paper Format:

A. Title Page – Include a title page with your name, student number, title of your paper, course number, course name, and date.

B. Introductory Paragraph – Include an introductory paragraph that ends.

C. Font and Spacing – Use Times New Roman 12 font with double spaced lines.

D. Length – Write a 5 to 7 page essay not including the title page and citation page.

E. Reference Page – Include all sources including your textbook on a Reference page

1. Utilize the APA Style for documenting sources. Remember to include at least 2 sources other than your textbooks. Finally, remember Wikipedia is NOT a scholarly source. Quotes must be properly cited. Limit quotes to less than 10% of your paper if you must have any.

2. Punctuation, essay format (thesis, supporting paragraphs with transition and topic sentences, and summary) grammar and documentation count toward your grade.

Using a real or hypothetical scenario, consider advocacy issues you are aware of at the individual client level. Who is experiencing a barrier that hampers their well-being?

  1. Using a real or hypothetical scenario, consider advocacy issues you are aware of at the individual client level. Who is experiencing a barrier that hampers their well-being?

What advocacy efforts would benefit the identified individual? What would it take for you to make that to happen? What resources are available? What barriers get in the way of advocacy efforts for this client?


  1.  Review the 20/20 Vision discussed in the chapter. Identify two of the seven principles that resonate most with you. How can you address this vision with your own advocacy efforts? What resources will you need? What barriers exist?

Find four companies considered to have “good” cultures

Define and find four companies considered to have “good” cultures
• Name of company and number of employees
• Description of the culture that is available from sources such as articles and YouTube videos
• Describe the impact on gross income and profit as compared to a competitor.
• The impact of company culture on the organization’s image and brand
• The company’s reputation among its customers/clients
• Evaluate and assess the positive impact on employees, profit margin, and its image/brand, or recommend what they could do to further improve culture with an analysis of the impact of the steps to improve culture further.• Evaluate and assess the positive impact on employees, profit margin, and its image/brand, or recommend what they could do to further improve culture with an analysis of the impact of the steps to improve culture further.

WHAT? Think about a patient care incident that has occurred in the adult medical-surgical clinical setting: a situation, event, encounter or experience which has elicited a feeling, emotion, relief, surprise, understanding or confirmation and describe it within the essential context of the incident. This is something that you experience as a student while in the 195 or 205 clinical. Use your clinical instructor as a resource.

The student will write a critically appraised summary of the selected evidence-based nursing article using American Psychological Association (APA) format, professional writing skills and language, while relating the information to the clinical incident in a succinct and clear manner.
The critical reasoning and reflective thinking for the assignment involves three questions:
1. WHAT? Think about a patient care incident that has occurred in the adult medical-surgical clinical setting: a situation, event, encounter or experience which has elicited a feeling, emotion, relief, surprise, understanding or confirmation and describe it within the essential context of the incident. This is something that you experience as a student while in the 195 or 205 clinical. Use your clinical instructor as a resource.
2. SO WHY? Why was this incident significant? Describe why this incident was significant enough to affect you or impacted your nursing care or practice
3. NOW WHAT? Describe specific lessons learned from this incident and what would the student do differently if the incident repeated itself. This section requires the student to search for a nursing article (peer-reviewed) that addresses the lesson learned or supports an alternative intervention or approach to the incident. Reference is made to the article appropriate APA format.
(Alpers, Jarell, & Wotring, 2013)
* NURSING journal ONLY. must have a PDF copy of the referenced article. MUST be evidence-based within the last 5 year. ALL assignment details and grading rubric are attached. Strict adherence to rubric and APA format must be followed

What level of responsibility do we have for looking after objects from the past? Should these items be on display and risk deterioration or should they be stored away in a dark environment for ideal preservation? What are the consequences to either choice?

Needs to be 300 words or more
1. What level of responsibility do we have for looking after objects from the past? Should these items be on display and risk deterioration or should they be stored away in a dark environment for ideal preservation? What are the consequences to either choice?
2. What level of responsibility does a museum or preservation site have to return cultural items to their origin? (remember the cultural theft in the Book of the Dead film) Should items be returned? What are the arguments for and against? What might be the social, economic and cultural consequences (positive and negative)?
3. Identify an Egyptian belief or practice that stood out to you from the Book of the Dead video. Why did this point strike you and how might it compare to common ideas or beliefs practiced today? Offer specific details.
A Quality Answer will support your points with specific examples to show that you are indeed learning about the topic.

After reading Pages 64-100 in the texbook
Needs to be 300 words or more

After learning about ancient India, the Minoans and early ancient Greece, discuss which parts (at least two) of your exploration of the topics you enjoyed most. Why? Offer specific examples to support your answer. Reference the textbook and videos help expand on your answer.
Please use paragraphs to separate the examples to support your answer.