Identify a company; apply principles of strategic management with FOCUS on the ADR framework to increase market share in the business. 

Assignment:  Identify a company; apply principles of strategic management with FOCUS on the ADR framework to increase market share in the business.  I chose to do it on Chick-fil-a.  The paper must include an overview of the industry and competitors and explain the reason for the approach.  At least 2000 words ( I would like to stay close that that).  My writing style is very simple as I tend to write so that everyone can follow the paper.  Double space, APA style with citation/reference page.

Some of the competitors that I would like to include in my papers are:  KFC, Popeye’s, Zaxby’s, McDonalds, and PDQ.

I chose Chick-fil-A:  Some of my reasoning…A prime Franchise deal with quality and loyalty to their product, customer service, hours of operation, close on Sundays, managerial style philosophy, very little advertisement….

How can they expand globally to other locations like McDonald (well known and floods the airway) and KFC both have a presence in other countries (Middle East, South America, etc)

Other things to consider for the paper:  attractive vs unattractive industry as it relates to the competitors.

Competitor analysis, goals, strategies, assumptions, capabilities, response, etc.

Just wanted to provide with some pointers on some of what could possibly be included in the paper.

Assuming that this is a criminal case that will be heard in a court of law, which hashing algorithm will you use and why?

Overview 1 page
Lab notes (1 page) and reports (1 page) with using attaching secreenshots.
1. Imaging of a USB drive using Linux tools (2 pages: one lab note and one report)
2. Imaging of a USB drive using Windows tools (2 pages: one lab note and one report)
3. RAM and swap acquisition–live, local computer (2 pages: one lab note and one report)
4. Forensic imaging over a network (2 pages: one lab note and one report)

two-page memo responding to questions about imaging procedures (2 pages)
1. Assuming that this is a criminal case that will be heard in a court of law, which hashing algorithm will you use and why?
2. What if the hash of your original does not match your forensic copy? What kinds of issues could that create? What could cause this situation?
3. What if your OS automatically mounts your flash drive prior to creating your forensic duplicate? What kinds of problems could that create?
4. How will you be able to prove that your OS did not automatically mount your flash drive and change its contents prior to the creation of the forensic copy?

In responding to CAPO’s attacks, how will PPO keep their customers and continue to make money?

In the article The Benefits and Limits of Decision Models, the author describes some of the limitations that decision making models have in making decisions. Think about this in conjunction with the articles on gut instinct’s role in decision making as well as the last two weeks on bias influences and take a position on the following statement: Decision making models do not add value to the decision making process.

In your answer be sure to consider the unconscious nature of bias and its role in making decisions.


All learning activities including the responses to others must contain support from the class material and the use of APA in text citations and reference list. NO RESOURCES EXCEPT THOSE IN THE CLASSROOM are to be used unless research is specifically called for in the assignment.


  • Project 1  Collaboration Exercise Instructions

Using the case study, class material and any additional research, apply the MDQ decision making model to the dilemma PPO finds itself in currently namely: In responding to CAPO’s attacks, how will PPO keep their customers and continue to make money?

To address this scenario, each student will collaborate with classmates by applying the MDQ model to the above decision. Collaboration means discussing the elements needed to apply the model, the facts and research needed to apply the model, and what answers seem to give the best application of the model to the decision process.

Starting in week three and continuing through week six, each student is required to submit to the weekly discussion forum the following:

  • Your ideas on the application of the step(s) under discussion each week. All ideas must be justified with detailed explanations and supported using the case study facts, class material and research provided. APA formatting is required.
  • Each student is required to provide constructive feedback to the posts of at least five class mates over the course of the entire week.  Evaluate their posts in terms of how they have applied their ideas to the MDQ model. Remember to justify your responses with detailed explanations and support using the case study facts. APA formatting is required.


Beginning of Collaboration on the Decision Model Process

This is not a learning activity!

This week we begin the process of making a decision for the Perfect Palm Oil company. You will post in the discussion area for this week your initial ideas on what the Decision Statement should be for PPO’s dilemma. In this step you will try to identify the problem or opportunity in which a decision is needed. You do this by clearly stating what goal you want the decision to achieve for PPO. The more accurate you are in defining the statement the happier you will be with the choice you made. Why, because the alternatives, objectives and people concerned are more likely to be included in the decision alternative. Conversely, the more unclear the statement the less likely the alternatives, objectives and people will be included in the decision choice. Start by asking the questions what is the decision to be made and what it is not? Define the issues surrounding the decision. What is creating the need to decide?

Once you have made your initial post read those of you classmates and give them constructive feedback as to whether they have clearly defined the decision statement as delineated in the class materials. Be sure that the feedback is constructive and that you are actually collaborating with them to come up with the best decision statement possible.  You are expected to connect with as many classmates as much as possible. Discussion with them should be about the reasoning behind the statement they have chosen and how the process was applied to bring them to this reasoning. Use of only the class material to support your work is mandatory, as well as in text citations and a reference list .


Additional Requirements and Information:

  • All initial posts must have a heading indicating they are the initial posts.
  • All initial posts are due on Wednesday. Failure to post on Wednesday will result in a lower collaboration grade with part of the project. (See Rubric for Specifics)
  • Comments to others are to progress throughout the week. They should be responded to by the recipient of the comment much like you would carry on a discussion in the face to face classroom. This not group work it is more akin to brainstorming. Discussion from each week should be reflected in the final paper.
  • First Posts and comments to others appearing on Sunday will be worth considerably less than those posted earlier in the week. (See Rubric for Specifics)
  • Each week’s post is worth 5 points.


Visual Analysis

Visual Analysis


What: Rhetorical analysis is a way of understanding and interpreting “texts” by examining the components of their construction. For this essay, you will choose an image to analyze, considering its rhetorical situation and how the different elements of the image work together to try to make its audience do, think, or feel something. Your goal is to construct a thesis based on your interpretation of the image, using specific aspects of the “text” to support your conclusions.


Why: We live in a visually dominated society. Most of the texts we consume are visual in nature, and much of what we read is accompanied by images. These images are rarely neutral, and often contain implicit arguments connected to specific cultural contexts.

By analyzing an image, you will develop your visual literacy and critical thinking skills. You will also gain a deeper understanding of the ways different modes of composition can advance arguments.  As you become more adept at conducting analyses, you will find that you can apply the skill to a range of texts, both in and out of school.


How: Begin by selecting an image. Product advertisements are a popular choice for this assignment, but you should also consider propaganda, public health campaigns, memes, movie posters, paintings, photographs, graffiti, flyers, pamphlets, t-shirts, etc. As long as the “text” is primarily visual, it should work for this assignment.  You may also elect to work with a video if it is less than one minute in length. Next, consider:

  • The rhetorical situation of the image, including the author, audience, purpose, context, tone, genre, design, constraints, and exigence
  • The rhetorical strategies, or how the image is composed to produce a specific effect (use of color, layout, contrast, etc.)
  • The rhetorical appeals (ethos/pathos/logos), or ways the image seeks to engage its audience


After you’ve considered these aspects, think about how the appeals and strategies used in the image are connected to its rhetorical situation. Also ask yourself how the rhetorical strategies you’ve identified enable particular appeals.


Once you’ve done this, you’ll be ready to compose a thesis that argues your interpretation (i.e. a particular way of viewing the image) based on the choices made in its construction. As you compose your essay, you’ll also want to think about what the rhetorical moves made in this image say about the larger contexts and concerns surrounding it.



  • A 2-3 page visual analysis including
    • An approved image to work with
    • A thesis that argues for a specific interpretation of the image based on detailed supporting examples from the image
    • A coherent organizational structure that supports your thesis
    • A clear connection between your way of viewing this image and its context
    • A strong sense of audience
    • A citation for the image
    • Proofreading and MLA formatting

Traditional leadership, adaptive leadership and followership concepts and applications. While these concepts may appear to be disjointed, they can be woven together for an effective leadership approach within an organization. In a 4-5 page essay, create a comprehensive organizational leadership plan using adaptive leadership and followership concepts.

The first four units examine traditional leadership, adaptive leadership and followership concepts and applications. While these concepts may appear to be disjointed, they can be woven together for an effective leadership approach within an organization. In a essay, create a comprehensive organizational leadership plan using adaptive leadership and followership concepts.

1) Design a new leadership/followership model for an organization. (Hint: this could be a new leadership/followership approach for your organization/business/workplace.) Creativity is encouraged.
2) Analyze the design for effectiveness. Question how this design will work.
3) Compare the design with the previous leadership approach. Examine and relate what is different and what is similar in this design.
4) Consider your ah-ha moments, take aways, and impressions in this design. (Hint: Illustrate why you would like to work in this environment.)

In this essay, paragraphs should be concise, to the point, and convey the author’s message with little effort on the reader’s part.

Attached are the reading material:
Unit One Learning Outcomes:
1) Analyze characteristics of leaders
2) Assess activities of leaders and managers
Reading and Material (Attached)
Textbook Readings
1) Kouzes and Posner: Chapters 1-3
2) The Leadership Challenge Notes

Unit two Outcomes:
1) Examine the differences between technical fixes and adaptive challenges
2) Compare the four competencies of adaptive leadership
Reading Material:
1) Journal Articles
a. Heifetz, Ronald A., and Donald L. Laurie. 2001. “The Work of Leadership.” Harvard Business Review 79, no. 11: 131-141. Business Source Premier, EBSCOhost.
b. Gary, Loren. 2005. “Ronald Heifetz.” New Zealand Management 52, no. 7: 46. MasterFILE Premier, EBSCOhost.
c. Heifetz, Ronald A., and Marty Linsky. 2004. “When Leadership Spells Danger.” Educational Leadership 61, no. 7: 33-37. Education Source, EBSCOhost.
d. Heifetz, Ronald A., and Marty Linsky. 2002. “A Survival Guide for Leaders.” Harvard Business Review 80, no. 6: 65-74. Business Source Premier, EBSCOhost.
2. Video
a. Heifetz: Adaptive vs. Technical
on TEDEd
a. Adaptive Leadership Notes

Unit 3 Outcomes:
1) Analyze the four adaptive leadership competencies
2) Distinguish leadership from authority

Readings and Materials
1) Journal Articles
a. O’Malley, Ed. (2012). “The Competencies for Civic Leadership.” Kansas Leadership Center.
b. Heifetz, Ronald. (2010). “Adaptive Work.” Kansas Leadership Center.
2. Websites
a. Heifetz: “Lessons in Leadership” on NPR
3. Lectures/Documents
a. Adaptive Leadership Lecture

Unit 4 Outcomes:
1) Concepts of followership
2) Critique the activities of followers

Readings and Materials
1) Textbook Readings
a. Riggio et al.: Chapter 6 “Six Ways of Following”
2) Journal Articles
a. Kelley, Robert E. (1988). “In Praise of Followers.” Harvard Business Review, 66(6), 142–148.
b. Kellerman, Barbara. (2007). “What Every Leader Needs to Know About Followers.” Harvard Business Review. 85(12), 84-91.
c. Riggio, Ronald E. (2014). “Followership Research: Looking Back and Looking Forward.” Journal of Leadership Education, vol. 13, no.4, pp. 15-20. Education Source, EBSCOhost.
3) Lectures/Documents
a. A Match Made of Mission

analyze the reasons for America’s reluctance to enter the war, and then the reluctance of the United States on entering into post-war agreements made at Versailles in 1919, like the League of Nations.

U.S. History II Essay Prompt

World War I is unique. Prior to World War II, it was the most deadly war in history. This is due largely to increased militarism, technological and weapons developments, the use of trench warfare, and the sheer scale and involvement in the war. Among the involved countries, the United States was most reluctant to join, with President Woodrow Wilson even running for reelection in 1916 on the slogan “He kept us out of war!”

In this essay, analyze the reasons for America’s reluctance to enter the war, and then the reluctance of the United States on entering into post-war agreements made at Versailles in 1919, like the League of Nations. In addition, please discuss the emphasis on American isolationism that was prominent in this period (this should include, but is not limited to: what isolationism is and what isolationists argued, and who some prominent isolationists were). Finally, please discuss the arguments of those who opposed isolationism in this period. Consider for your argument whether or not the isolationists were “right” in the post-war period.

Remember, in a research essay, you must make an argument (this is found in your thesis) and support it throughout your essay with details. All details must be historically defensible; that is, they must be evidence found in your research from scholarly sources. More details are below:

Use the following formatting in your essay: 12pt font, Times New Roman, double spaced, normal margins (1” on all sides). Your essay should be approximately 2-3 pages in length. (Please pay attention to the attached section: “Writing a Scholarly Essay.”)

– You need three scholarly sources in addition to your textbook. (See the “Scholarly Research” section attached for more information.)

Use in-text citations, and prepare a list of sources using MLA or APA style. For more information, visit or, or feel free to consult with the NEMCC Writing Center. (It is not necessary for you to include an abstract with your essay, but do include at least a cover page if your chosen citation style calls for it. My main concern for this essay is that your in-text citations, as well as your Works Cited/References page are done in MLA or APA format.)






Scholarly Research

  1. Begin with your textbook.
    2. In addition to your textbook, you will need at least three more scholarly sources.
    3. What’s a “scholarly source?” Generally, this means something that is appropriate for college-level, objective research. A scholarly source will tell you who the author is, will provide his or her credentials for writing the material, will document where that author got his or her information, and will be unbiased (objective) in its presentation of the facts. Use the following website to see if your source is appropriate: If you have a question about the reliability of a source, ask your instructor, NetTutor, the NEMCC Writing Center, or any librarian.
    4. Use EBSCOHost or other library databases to conduct your research: A librarian at any of the NEMCC Libraries can help you.
    4. Avoid these sources:
    a. Wikipedia
    b. Sites that don’t give the author’s credentials
    c. Publications by religious groups or any other organization that are written to promote one viewpoint


Writing a Scholarly Essay

  • This website offers great information for students on writing scholarly essays:
  • The writing should be in essay form (remember to keep the tone formal and scholarly—avoid first and second persons (do not use “I” or other pronouns), abbreviations, and contractions). Be sure to have an introduction with a thesis statement, developed body paragraphs that serve your central ideas, and a conclusion. Be sure the essay is organized into paragraphs, and remember, your concluding paragraph shouldn’t introduce new ideas. (Use these links for a good guide on writing a college-level history paper: and
  • Above all, be careful to always use your own words. Plagiarism (using someone else’s words or thoughts without giving them credit) is cheating and WILL receive a grade of 0/F. Keep in mind that only changing the word order or a few words is still plagiarism. For more clarification on what constitutes plagiarism, refer to this site:
  • Remember to always use specifics from the readings and/or you research to support your main points. In a history paper, DETAILS and textual evidence that support your main arguments are of utmost importance.
  • Grades will be based both on content and quality of writing, including mechanics. The Grading Rubric for Writing Assignments is available for you to view on Canvas.
  • Include a list of sources (in-text citations (also sometimes called parenthetical citations) are necessary also!).

Computer Applications within the Nursing Career

Computer Applications within the Nursing Career

Search nursing databases for an article published within the last three years related to the use of databases in healthcare.
•Utilize APA format,
•Introduce the article, clearing stating how it is related to the week’s topic: Computer Applications for your professional career . (This is the book we are using “Informatics and Nursing: Opportunities and Challenges (5th ed.)” By J. Sewell.)
•After the summary, describe how the article was found through the database search
◦Include which database was searched, key words used, how the search was limited, how many results were returned, and how/why the article was chosen

Chapter Summary

Required Texts:
1) Born in Blood and Fire: A Concise History of Latin America by John Charles Chasteen Author: Chasteen Chapter 2
Edition: 4th
ISBN: 9780393283051
Copyright Year: 2016
Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company, Incorporated
2) The African Experience by Vincent B. Khapoya: Chapter 2
Edition: 4th
ISBN: 9780205851713
Copyright Year: 2013
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
3) In Search of Southeast Asia: A Modern History edited by David Joel Steinberg: Chapter 4,5,6
Edition: N/A
ISBN: 9783319681818
Copyright Year: 2018
Publisher: Springer Nature
Reaction paper
Read the above chapters on each book above and all assigned readings as set and then write reaction papers on the readings. The length of each reaction paper is between 2 and 3 pages typed-double spaced with the standard margins of 1’s on the top, bottom, left, and right. Each of your reaction papers should synthesize the book chapters, and each paper should include these components: a) a thesis, b) the rationales of the thesis, c) evidence supporting the thesis, (d) an insightful conclusion based on the analysis of the readings, and (e) interpreting the readings, if you can.
Note: 1. The reaction paper should not be a summary
2. It should be comparing and contrasting of the different book chapters

Is the Tesla Model S a radical innovation or an incremental innovation? Competence enhancing or destroying, and from whose perspective? Is it a component or an architectural innovation?

Please answer the following questions:

1. Is the Tesla Model S a radical innovation or an incremental innovation? Competence enhancing or destroying, and from whose perspective? Is it a component or an architectural innovation?

2. What factors do you think influence the rate at which consumers have adopted (or will adopt) the Tesla Model S?

3. Where do you think electric vehicle battery technology is on the technology s curve?

4. Do you think Tesla Motors will be profitable? Why or why not?

5. Importantly, apply as many of the COs (Course Objectives) as you can to the case. These are given for reference below.

Your Case should have at least three references using APA format.

CO A – Given a company situation be able to describe the industry dynamics of technological innovation.

CO B – Given a company situation be able to determine whether and how to protect its technological innovations.

CO C – Given an organizational and industry context, identify the core technological competencies of the organization

CO D – Given an organizational context, develop a plan to increase the innovative capabilities of the organization both through collaboration strategies and internal innovation.

CO E – Given information about a company’s industry, and organization, formulate a technological innovation strategy through its new product development strategy.

CO F – Given an organizational and industry context, identify and suggest a deployment strategy that will facilitate the success of a technologically driven organization.

predictors of helping behaviors


This short paper provides you an opportunity to use psychological research to explore what factors contribute to helping behavior.



Write a short paper on predictors of helping behaviors that engages the following:


What makes us help other people? Are the variables that make us more likely to help others genetic or environmental? Using research from the Shapiro Library, explain which factor—genetics or the environment—is more powerful in regards to helping behavior. Support your perspective using research and examples. Also, consider the strongest or most valid points that may be raised against your argument and counter them.


Guidelines for Submission:

Submit a paper of two to three double-spaced pages, submitted in Microsoft Word, with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, title page, subject headers and all sources cited in APA style within the text and in the reference section.