According the film, who “kick started” the New Testament?  Describe why and how Paul wrote letters. 

Paper 1 – Analysis of “Who Authored the New Testament

  1. Type the paper in Microsoft word processor.  Save document as .docx file.
  2. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited.  You must not copy sections from any paper, article, blog or any other source.
  3. Paper is due according to calendar date, if late, 15 points/day will reduce the paper grade.
  4. Grades will be based on both content and quality of writing, including mechanics.  Write in an essay form (keep tone scholarly— abbreviations and contractions).
  5. Each paper should be about 3-4 pages.
  6. Use 12 size font
  7. Use 1 inch margins, including the first page.
  8. Double space, but no extra space between paragraphs.  Use 5 spaces to indent the beginning of paragraphs.

Instructions for the Process:

  1. Watch carefully “Who authored the New Testament”.  The video is in Films on Demand in the Library
  2. Go to a place with a fast connection.  (Library is excellent).  It is about 53 minutes in length.
  1. Regarding style, write clearly in an active voice, put other people’s ideas in your own words as much as possible, and use footnotes wherever you have used someone else’s idea.
  2. Grades will be built by (1) a clear and accurate understanding of the issues; (2) clear reasons for accepting or rejecting a position; (3) and good mechanics.

Break the Paper into the following units:

  1. According the film, who “kick started” the New Testament?  Describe why and how Paul wrote letters.
  2. What questions does the narrator have about the Gospels?  How does he describe Mark, Matthew, Luke and John?
  3. Describe the converted street fighter.  How does he describe the Bible?
  4. Summarize the Bishop of Durham’s explanation of authorship.
  5. In the video, tell how the various books of the New Testament were created and managed to get into it.  What was “The Gospel of Mary?”  What point is the narrator trying to make about it?
  6. How did the Bible get translated into English?  Briefly tell the story of Tyndale English Bible and why King James commissioned a new English Bible?
  7. What did you think of the advisor to President Bush, Richard Land?  What did you think of the video narrator?  Were his questions honest?
  8. End the paper with a summary.

Web Application Design and development

develop a web
application for a hypothetical DVD rental e-shop. . The final application is similar to: or
From this moment, I will refer to the application as the movie_zone or the app.
When you have completed the assignment you are required to;
 Upload your web application to your student directory (on the school’s server
 Upload a zip file of your site (and the design documentation) to the MySCU
assignments folder.
Note to IBS students: Please check with your local lecturer/tutor the submission
requirements for your assignments. Typically, they will be different from on-shore students
of Southern Cross University.
Please note that all material used on your website has to comply with the Southern Cross
University “Web Hosting and Publishing Policy” located at:
In Assignment 2, you will redevelop version 1 of the application to a fully working
Page | 2
application. The following is the detailed description of Assignment 2:
 Part-A: Implementation. In this part you will implement and test version 2 of the
application. In particular, version 2 will have to meet all functional and nonfunctional
requirements you have specified in the design document. The following
are the key features of the version 2:
o The application should allow anyone to:
 Search for movies by different categories such as by stars,
directors, genre, new releases etc.
 Find the movie shop location on the map with information about
the contact person, telephone numbers and email addresses; and
submit online requests to the shop via web interface.
 Get online support about using the application
 Join and become a registered customer
o The application should allow registered customers to:
 Check if a movie is available for hire
 Book a movie DVD or Blu-ray from the shop if available
(maximum of 5)
o The application should allow the shop manager to
 Add/delete/update movies in the database
 Add/delete/update customer details
 Generate report about the movie stock.
o The application provides a responsive user interface that can adapt to at
least two type of devices: desktop and mobile.

What were the main reasons for venturing to the New World from Europe?

Guide to the Readings: Early Colonial America
Objective: To gain a thorough understanding of early colonial life in America and the impact of religion and slavery shaping society in that time.
Key Questions:
1) What were the main reasons for venturing to the New World from Europe?
2) How did the ideology of certain Protestant sects like the Puritans differ from that of other New England settlers?
3) What aspects of democracy, at a local level, can be identified in the assigned readings concerning the settlement of America?
4) How did the cultural differences between Native Americans of the East and white European settlers contribute to the rise of hostility between these two groups in 17th and 18th century America?
5) Why did slavery exist in America and how did this shape both society and the economy in both New England and the South during the 17th century?

How to Approach the Readings:
North America during the early 1600s was almost entirely uninhabited by European settlers. Spanish and French explorers had ventured through what is now Texas, Florida, up the Mississippi, and into the southwest. Conquistadors would establish, with the help of the Roman Catholic Church, further settlements like those already established in what is now Latin America throughout New Spain, expanding Spanish government and Christianity throughout the west. Yet British exploration had not made any significant contact with Native American peoples till the establishment of Jamestown in 1607. The study of this settlement will be the focal point of our second week in this course.
Jamestown was established by the Virginia Company and settled by men from England with little or no experience at pioneer life and soldiering. Within the first year of the settlement’s existence only two women were noted as present amongst the Jamestown community. Captain John Smith and the other senior leaders of the company competed for control of the settlement amongst in-fighting, attacks from local tribes, outbreaks of disease, and even cannibalism. It is also during this time that the local tribes inhabiting the area came into contact with British settlers. We will use the course documents and supporting visuals to decipher why Jamestown and other British colonies in America suffered poor relations with Native Americans, what role women played during this time and how this role was interpreted by both men and women of such settlements, and why slavery was incorporated into daily colonial life-both north and south- at that time.

Likewise we must compare the readings on Jamestown to the other primary documents of this course, notably the Salem Witch Trial and The Mass. Bay Colony established by the Puritans. The readings on Salem from the textbook examines the testimony of Tituba and explores how religion shaped the mindset and system of government within the Puritan community. The readings from the text on John Winthrop also examines the Puritan ideology but this time from the settlement’s birth in the early 1600s. We need to interpret the message of John Winthrop and connect it to the question as to why did this group of people leave Europe and what did they seek to create in the New World. The roots to our culture as a nation rests within his words as well as other similar individuals that we will investigate in this week and next week’s readings. Make sure to go back over the first week’s readings before continuing on to week two.
The historical documents from this folder examine two forms of labor, indentured servitude and slavery. To approach both we must examine why either form of labor existed in the Colonies during the 1600s and 1700s. What economic demand and political mindset helped to establish the Atlantic Slave Trade? (Keep in mind that slavery already existed in the Western Hemisphere centuries before the introduction of Europeans to the continent.) The real question then is why did this trade become a norm of society for that time? By examining the Middle Passage document we come to understand two things: one, the trafficking of humans as a brutal task that resulted in a high loss of life. The second point is that, over time, many participants of the slave trade became opponents of slavery, like the document’s author Dr. Falconbridge. It is important than to assess what factors of that time influenced this change in attitude. Keep in mind certain colonies in America were not dependent on slaves or did not tolerate slavery, but many did and were economically dependent on this form of labor. Putting it all together, we need to understand how colonial societies prevailed and what moral issues did colonial assemblies contend with by the eve of the American Revolution?
Your discussion board is posted in the Discussions module. Use the above summary to guide you through the readings and the supporting visuals to interpret the text and primary documents.

Develop a pamphlet to inform parents and caregivers about environmental factors that can affect the health of infants.

To prepare for this assignment view the following brief video from the American Medical Association titled, “Health Literacy and Patient Safety: Help Patients Understand.” The video can be accessed through the following link:

Part I: Pamphlet 

  1. Develop a pamphlet to inform parents and caregivers about environmental factors that can affect the health of infants.
  2. Use the “Pamphlet Template” document to help you create your pamphlet. Include the following:
  3. Select an environmental factor that poses a threat to the health or safety of infants.
  4. Explain how the environmental factor you selected can potentially affect the health or safety of infants.
  5. Offer recommendations on accident prevention and safety promotion as they relate to the selected environmental factor and the health or safety of infants.
  6. Offer examples, interventions, and suggestions from evidence-based research. A minimum of three scholarly resources are required.
  7. Provide readers with two community resources, a national resource, and a Web-based resource. Include a brief description and contact information for each resource.
  8. In developing your pamphlet, take into consideration the healthcare literacy level of your target audience.

Part II: Pamphlet Sharing Experience

  1. Share the pamphlet you have developed with a parent of an infant child. The parent may be a person from your neighborhood, a parent of an infant from a child-care center in your community, or a parent from another organization, such as a church group with which you have an affiliation.
  2. Provide a written summary of the teaching / learning interaction. Include in your summary:
  3. Demographical information of the parent and child (age, gender, ethnicity, educational level).
  4. Description of parent response to teaching.
  5. Assessment of parent understanding.
  6. Your impressions of the experience; what went well, what can be improved.

Submit Part I and Part II of the Accident Prevention and Safety Promotion for Parents and Caregivers of Infants assignment by the end of Topic 1.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.

Describe and evaluate the differences between evidence based practice and research.

•Describe and evaluate the differences between evidence based practice and research.
•Describe the importance and application of health care information, data mining, and importance to application in patient care outcomes
•Discuss how data mining and interpretation influences case management and utilization
•Describe participation in managed care and the importance of quality care initiatives and performance indicators (remember to use AHRQ as a resource)


• 1000-1500 words not including the cover page and references (total, not for each topic)

• Follow the APA 6th edition for references and citations

• Include a minimum of 6 scholarly references (does not include text or websites)

• Demonstrate analysis, evaluation and synthesis of information

Describe some of the unorthodox strategies covered by Terris during this era that made Lockheed become “…a byword for the shady practices of American multi-national corporations, and a major impetus for new legislation…”.

Lockheed has an interesting history that seemed innocent enough up until around the 1950s. You’ll note on p. 56 of Terris’ book that the company began to engage in some questionable sales strategies with other nations in an effort sell the F-104 Starfighter so as to recoup costs when their US sales strategy failed.
Describe some of the unorthodox strategies covered by Terris during this era that made Lockheed become “…a byword for the shady practices of American multi-national corporations, and a major impetus for new legislation…”.
On the issue of overseas bribes, Terris asks the questions, “Who was hurt by the [overseas bribes to secure sales of aircraft]? The competitors, of course, but what was unethical about beating out the competition that was playing by the same rules?” (p.59). What do you think about a situation where underhanded and back door deals are the way the game is played if everybody is on the same playing field? That is to say, if everybody is playing by the same shady rules, is it unethical to compete?

In your reading you will note that defense contractors continued to find themselves in hot water well into the 1970s as a result of overpricing and additional charges of bribery. In the late 70s Lockheed established its first code of ethics and later the major defense contractors came to the table to level the playing field with the Defense Industry Initiative (DII), by agreeing on a set of ethical principles. This was an important turning point as was bringing Norman Augustine on board.
Why was the DII so important to the eventual success of Lockheed Martin’s ethics program?
Discuss Norman Augustine’s and Dilbert’s contribution in helping Lockheed Martin turn the corner with its ethics program.
Terris, Daniel. (2005) Ethics at Work: Creating Virtue at an American Corporation. Brandeis University Press. Waltham, MA. Retrieved from ProQuest ebrary.
Snell, R. (2013). Teaching rules-based and values-based ethics. Journal of Health Care Compliance, 15(1), 29-32. Retrieved from the Trident Online Library.
Cavico, F. J., & Mujtaba, B. G. (2017). Wells fargo’s fake accounts scandal and its legal and ethical implications for management. S.A.M.Advanced Management Journal, 82(2), 4-19.

marketing and strategy

For this assignment you will looking at two completely different companies that sell completely different types of products. However, both companies have strong international potential. As you saw in the background materials, different types of products lead to different types of strategies regarding standardization or adaptation and whether you decide to become a global, multi-domestic, or transnational corporation.
The first business you will look at is Yogurtland, a California-based frozen yogurt franchise with 300 locations. Most of the company’s locations are in the United States and Australia, but it has also opened up a small number of locations in Mexico, Venezuela, Thailand, and the United Arab Emirates. The company has been successful in part because of customer satisfaction with the flavors, and in part because its self-serve model allows for local franchise owners to open up a new location at a relatively low cost.
The second business to look at is Micromax, an Indian smartphone company that is starting to expand internationally. The smartphone business is a notoriously tough market with dominant competitors such as Apple and Samsung. Micromax is the largest local smartphone company in India and is second only to Samsung in the Indian smartphone market. Micromax has recently started to expand to Russia and is hoping to expand to other countries as well. Given the high price of smartphones from Apple and Samsung, there may be room for a lower priced competitor in the global smartphone market.
Do a careful review of the concept of standardization and adaption in Chapter 18.3 of Carpenter and Dunung (2012) and the concepts of multi-domestic, global, and transnational strategies in Chapter 14.3 of Carpenter and Dunung (2012) and Chapter 12 of Jeyarathmm (2008). Then do some research on Yogurtland and Micromax in the Trident library or other sources. Here are some articles to get you started:
Yogurtland and Sanrio launch co-brand partnership. (2011, July 26). China Weekly News, p. 282. [ProQuest]
Leung, L. (2014, July 17). Yogurtland founder returns, trims staff: Fifteen are cut as Phillip Chang looks to reinvigorate Irvine chain. Orange County Register. [ProQuest]
Micromax: Cheap and best. (2014, December 23). Financial Express. [ProQuest]
Anwer, J. (2014, January 10). Micromax to foray into Russia, sell phones, tablets (hardware). The Times of India (Online) [ProQuest]

Carpenter, M., & Dunung, S. (2012). Chapter 14.3: Standardized or customized products. In Challenges and opportunities in international business. Flatworld Knowledge. Retrieved from https://saylordotorg.
Jeyarathmm, M. (2008). Chapter 12: Strategy in a global environment.
In Strategic management (pp. 155-165). Mumbai, India: Himalaya Publishing House.
Carpenter, M., & Dunung, S. (2012). Chapter 10.3: International strategy. In Challenges and opportunities in international business. Flatworld Knowledge. Retrieved from

What were the social and cultural values held by the audience for whom the film was made?

1) What were the social and cultural values held by the audience for whom the film was made?
2) Analyze the film, and provide a brief summary of the movie, identify the key historical event or series of events that the film is focusing on, principle characters, and plot.
3) Identify the films message. When was this film made? Who were the filmmakers? Why did they make the film? Did the filmmakers have a purpose for making the film that went beyond entertainment? Was the film historically accurate?
4) Does the message or messages provide insight into the cultural values of theater-going Americans at the time the film was created? Check analysis of films cultural values with other films that were created at the same time for the same audience.
*Citations Chicago Manual of Style
**Bibliography of the works used

Middlehurst House

In this case, management is presented with several decision options. For this assignment, you are required to provide a two to three single-spaced written memo evaluating options and providing recommendations. The written memo should be properly formatted according to APA guidelines and demonstrate research and critical thinking skills. Evaluations and recommendations should be supported by at least four scholarly sources from the Ashford University Library or other external sources, excluding the textbook.

In Question 1, evaluate each decision separately in full detail including calculations, as necessary. The evaluation should be included as part of the memo discussion, not a separate component. Evaluations can be included as appendices, exhibits or figures; however must be properly referenced within the written content.

In Question 2, prepare a comprehensive business memo addressing each decision and your recommendation. The memo should be properly formatted as a business memo and formatted according to APA guidelines.

An example of a properly formatted business memo can be found at this link (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

Week 5 Written Assignment should:

Demonstrate graduate level work including appropriate research and critical thinking skills.
Be presented as a business memo (not a question/answer format).
Incorporate case questions into the overall analysis.
Follow APA formatting guidelines including title page, reference page and in-text citations.
Consists of two to three single-spaced pages of content.
Provide at least four scholarly sources, excluding the textbook.

To what extent does Apple engage in related diversification? To what extent do they engage in unrelated diversification?

Apple and Samsung are often mentioned together, as they are both world leading producers of smartphones. However, they are much different companies in a variety of ways. Carefully review the background readings concerning diversification and vertical integration. Then do some extensive research on Samsung and Apple concerning their diversification and vertical integration strategies.
Case Assignment
When you have finished your research, write a four- to five-page paper answering the following questions. Make sure to cite both the required background readings as well as articles on Samsung and Apple:
1. To what extent does Apple engage in related diversification? To what extent do they engage in unrelated diversification?
2. To what extent does Samsung engage in related diversification? To what extent do they engage in unrelated diversification?
3. To what extent does Apple engage in backward (upstream) vertical integration? To what extent do they engage in forward (downstream) vertical integration?
4. To what extent does Samsung engage in backward (upstream) vertical integration? To what extent do they engage in forward (downstream) vertical integration?
5. Overall what major differences or similarities do you find between Samsung and Apple’s diversification and vertical integration strategies?