Discussion: a one- two page paper on Corporate Social Responsibility

discussion will focus on a fictitious, publicly traded company named Global Energy Services, Inc. that provides oil to three states. This organization is facing significant challenges in a number of areas: 1) With the price of oil falling and revenues negatively impacted, the company is at risk of not meeting the shareholder expectations for the next quarter and perhaps even the year; 2) An EPA report on a lucrative oil drilling field in one of the states indicates that the fresh water supply may be contaminated and must be remediated immediately; 3) Organizational changes to reduce expenses and pay for the water supply cleanup will almost certainly require headcount reduction affecting employee morale and further reducing staff to work on the other issues. The rumor mill is already active with concerns about layoffs and budget reductions.

Provid a one- to two-page summary of recommendations to the organization’s board of directors regarding the following issues:

  • How to balance the performance objective of revenue growth and increased market share
  • Remediating the costly environmental issue caused by the company
  • Addressing the hard decision to downsize at a critical time

The summary can be bullet points or narrative but must clearly:

  • Identify the priority order of social (people), economic (profit), and environmental (planet) focus.
  • Address two steps you propose for your area relative to balancing the need to address the environmental issue while considering company growth and employee concerns.

It is possible that your proposed solutions may even encompass a holistic approach that serves all focus areas at once.

How do you feel about challenges faced by companies trying to stay both green and profitable given the intense global competition?

Step 1 Read the mini case, pages 442-444 “Patagonia”

How do you feel about challenges faced by companies trying to stay both green and profitable given the intense global competition? Do you see it as a difficult challenge, an exciting opportunity, or a mixture of both? Your answer may largely depend on your perceptions about climate change as part of your life experience, or perhaps what you’ve been told by others with that experience.

As you go through this course, your perceptions and life experiences about the role and responsibilities of managers—and your opinions—may change or be reinforced as ideas you’ve known instinctively. This assignment should document your opinions at this particular point in your educational process-with a sense of humor.

Step 2 Write a paper

Write a one- to two-page paper that answers questions 1-3 under Case Analysis
1. Which programs and pratices does patagonia used to achieve each component of the tripple bottom line? Use the case, company website and news article to answer this question
2.What is your assessment of Patagonia’s product lifecycle intiative (reduce,Repair,Recycle,reuse)?
3.How does each “R” impact their TBL?

Discussion of one key strength and one key weakness of the concept. Explaining why you think the strength outweighs the weakness or vice versa is a plus.

The purpose of the personal reflection paper is for you to reflect on one of the key ideas, issues, or
passages we have covered in our readings. To do this, you will need to explain clearly the idea, issue, or
the meaning of the passage first. Then, you should reflect and comment. Your reflection and comment
might take the form of any one of the following:
a. Discussion of one key strength and one key weakness of the concept. Explaining why you
think the strength outweighs the weakness or vice versa is a plus.
b. Whether the passage or idea has ongoing significance for you personally OR people today and
c. The relevance or usefulness of the idea or passage to people in the profession you plan to enter
d. How someone might apply or adapt the idea or passage to a situation faced in his or her own
e. Discussing an implication of the idea or argument if adopted.
f. Pointing out questions that a passage raises, but does not address.
g. Pointing out a key underlying assumption
If you have an idea for a different sort of reflection than these examples, run it by the instructor or your
The idea one must consider levels of decision making (individual, organizational, and societal) in facing
moral dilemmas in business (Boatright and Smith, pages 6-7). Perhaps consider the example of the beer
marketer to illustrate.
The distinction between describing what people do (descriptive) and what they ought to do (normative)
discussed by Boatright and Smith on p. 8.
An issue or concept arising in any of the case examples Boatright and Smith discuss in Chapter One. For
example, Merck and Vioxx, the Sales Rep, the Marketing Director, the Research Director, Home Depot,
Aristotle’s contention that “Every art and every kind of inquiry, and likewise every act and purpose,
seems to aim at some good: and so it has been well said that the good is that at which everything aims.”
(Aristotle. Nicomachean Ethics. Trans. F.H. Peters. Bk 1. Section 1).
Aristotle’s claim that there is a distinctive human function and this is to reason (Nicomachean Ethics. Bk
1. Section 7)
Aristotle’s claim that the summum bonum or highest realizable good is happiness or flourishing by living
an active life of reasoning well (exercising the unique human function well) producing good deeds and
good thoughts for a full term of years. (Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics. Bk. 1. Especially Sections 7, 10).
Aristotle’s concept of a virtue as a trained habit or faculty, that is, that people acquire virtues through
practice and make them part of who they are.
Aristotle’s idea of a moral virtue as a mean between extremes of excess and defect.
Aristotle’s criteria for someone to act virtuously in Nicomachean Ethics. (Trans. F. H. Peters) Bk. 2.
Section 4:
. . . in the case of the virtues, a man is not said to act justly or temperately [or like a just or
temperate man] if what he does merely be of a certain sort—he must also be in a certain state of
mind when he does it; i.e., first of all, he must know what he is doing; secondly, he must choose
it, and choose it for itself; and, thirdly, his act must be the expression of a formed and stable
Augustine’s argument that the summum bonum or highest realizable good is a life lived in harmony and
the perfect love relationship with God in the heavenly city.
Augustine’s discussion of rightly ordered love in City of God (trans. M. Dods) Book 14. Chapter 7 where
he writes,
The right will is, therefore, well-directed love, and the wrong will is ill-directed love. Love, then,
yearning to have what is loved, is desire; and having and enjoying it, is joy; fleeing what is
opposed to it, it is fear; and feeling what is opposed to it, when it has befallen it, it is sadness.
Now these motions are evil if the love is evil; good if the love is good.
Augustine’s redefinition of the key moral virtues of fortitude (courage), temperance, prudence, and justice
as four forms of love.
Pincoff’s idea that moral virtues help us to deal with the kinds of situations we encounter in life and the
kinds of persons we want to associate with and the kinds of persons we want to be (Velasquez, 130-131)
1. Your essay should be word-processed, double-spaced, one-inch to one and one-half inch margins. It
should be grammar and spell-checked. Pages Numbered. Font no smaller than 12 point. Correct
spelling, grammar, and style are required.
2. Your entire paper file should start with your check sheet. Your reflection paper should follow.
3. You should upload your file to Blackboard Learn. Your file must be in MS Word doc or docx, rtf,
or pdf file formats. Your TA cannot read googledocs, etc. Please label it with your name, section, and
assignment. For example, smithphil208-01personalreflectionone.
5. The body of your paper should be approximately 350-400 words, not counting the Works Consulted/
Reference/Bibliography list or the check sheet.
6. You must include a Works Consulted/Reference/Bibliography list. It does not have to appear on a
separate page. You need not consult any other sources than what we have read for class. Those sources
and any other sources you consult must be included in your Works Consulted/Reference List and cited intext
DOUBT, CITE. Remember that simply paraphrasing or changing every third word is not OK. Quote and
cite or radically summarize and cite. Use quotation marks when quoting or indent if quote is five lines or
longer. Guessing at where your information comes from is not OK. Use page numbers or in the case of
classical authors cite by Book and Section or Chapter in your in-text citations. Book or journal titles
are italicized. If you have questions Turabian 7th ed., Chicago Manual of Style, and current MLA are the
preferred citation formats. I will assume that you have consulted and understood K. Turabian et al,
Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations 7th edition, the Chicago Manual of Style
15th edition, or the current MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers on these issues.
7. Your reflection should begin with an “Executive Summary.” You can use first or third person. Here
are some examples:
In this paper, I first outline Aristotle’s idea that a moral virtue is a habit or trained faculty that
becomes part of who a person is through practice. Then I argue that Aristotle’s advice about how
to acquire a virtue such as temperance still applies today because . . . .
This paper first outlines Aristotle’s idea that a moral virtue is a habit or trained faculty that
becomes part of who a person is through practice. It then argues that Aristotle’s advice about
how to acquire a virtue such as temperance still applies today because . . . .
8. A STANDARD OUTLINE is as follows. Use these labels as headings.
I. Check Sheet
II. Personal Reflection Paper
A. Executive Summary
B. Concept, Passage, or Issue Explanation
C. Reflection
D. Bibliography/Works Consulted
GRADING – 40 points
Your T.A. will be looking for the following:
a. The degree to which you have explained clearly and adequately the key idea, concept, issue, or
passage chosen.
b. The degree to which you show evidence of having considered thoughtfully the idea or passage
as a basis for your reflection.
c. The degree to which your reflection includes cogent reasons for your views and provides
examples to illustrate where relevant. [Cogent means valid and convincing.]
d. Correct grammar, style, spelling, structure, and citation.
e. Well-crafted executive summary
f. Check Sheet at beginning of file.
Please type an “x” in the boxes to the left of tasks you completed.
I ran the paper through a grammar, style, and spell checker and made corrections as
I began the paper with an “Executive Summary.”
I identified and clearly explained the idea, concept, or passage considered.
I provided a thoughtful reflection on the idea, concept, or passage, offering cogent
(logical, convincing, and relevant) reasons for my views.
I included a Bibliography/List of Works Consulted and cited in-text if citation was required
or or via endnote/footnote style as in Turabian or CMS

Describe two new concepts or ideas from this unit’s readings that intrigued you or were meaningful to you in your profession and explain why you selected these items.


Read the following articles from the Capella University Library. These articles are intended to support the reflection process regarding individual and team leadership competencies.

  • Arunima, S., Ajeya, J., Sengupta, A. K., Mariamma, P., & Tripathi, K. K. (2014). Comparison of transformational leadership and its different attributes of leadership with emotional intelligence in Indian healthcare: An empirical aspect. Advances in Management 7(10), 37–45.
  • Brennan, S. E., Bosch, M., Buchan, H., & Green, S. E. (2013). Measuring team factors thought to influence the success of quality improvement in primary care: A systematic review of instruments. Implementation Science, 8, 1–17.
  • Budak, F., & Kar, A. (2014). The importance of strategic leadership in healthcare management. International Refereed Academic Social Sciences Journal, 5(15), 155–171.
  • Delmatoff, J., & Lazarus, I. R. (2014). The most effective leadership style for the new landscape of healthcare. Journal of Healthcare Management, 59(4), 245–249.
  • Frizzell, D. A., Hoon, S., & Banner, D. K. (2016). A phenomenological investigation of leader development and mindfulness meditation. Journal of Social Change, 8(1), 14–25.
  • Grandy, G., & Holton, J. (2013). Leadership development needs assessment in healthcare: A collaborative approach. Leadership & Organization Development Journal. 34(5), 427–445.
  • Kaplan, G. S., Gandhi, T. K., Bowen, D. J., & Stokes, C. D. (2017). Partnering to lead a culture of safety. Journal of Healthcare Management, 62(4), 234–237.
  • Kellis, D. S., & Ran, B. (2015). Effective leadership in managing NPM-based change in the public sector. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 28(4), 614–626.
  • Nica, E. (2015). Moral leadership in health care organizations. American Journal of Medical Research, 2(2), 118–123.
  • Ryan, S. (2017). Promoting effective teamwork in the healthcare setting. Nursing Standard, 31(30), 52–60.


Discussion 1

Applying NCHL Competencies in a Health Care Workplace

Review the NCHL Health Leadership Competency Model linked in the Resources and select three competencies that you have demonstrated during the research, interaction, and data review process. Explain how these competencies are relevant in the health care workplace. Suggest two specific, measurable action steps to further develop each competency.

Reflection on Readings

Describe two new concepts or ideas from this unit’s readings that intrigued you or were meaningful to you in your profession and explain why you selected these items.



Discussion 2 and 3 Readings

  • Abdallah, A. (2014). Implementing quality initiatives in healthcare organizations: Drivers and challenges. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 27(3), 166–181.
  • Caron, R. M., & Hooker, E. A. (2015). Teaching Population Health: Considerations for Educating the Future Healthcare Administration Workforce. The Journal of Health Administration Education, 32(3), 381–389.
  • Clochesy, J., M., Dolansky, M. A., Hickman, R. L., & Gittner, L. S. (2015). Enhancing communication between patients and healthcare providers: SBAR3. Journal of Health and Human Services Administration, 38(2), 237–252.
  • Kizer, K. W., & Jha, A. K. (2014). Restoring trust in VA healthcare. The New England Journal of Medicine, 371(4), 295–297.
  • Landry, A., & Erwin, C. (2015). Perspectives on multidisciplinary team processes among healthcare executives: Processes that facilitate team effectiveness. Journal of Health and Human Services Administration, 38(3), 350–380.
  • Lonenecker, C. O., Longenecker, P. D., & Gering, J. T. (2014). Why hospital improvement efforts fail: A view from the front line. Journal of Healthcare Management, 59(2), 147–157.
  • Mosadeghrad, A. M. (2013). Obstacles to TQM success in health care systems. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 26(2), 147–173.
  • Petros, P. (2014). The effect of human resource practices on employees performance in hospitals: A systematic review. Journal of Alternative Medicine Research, 6(1), 19–26.
  • Porter, J. A., Haberling, K., & Hohman, C. (2016). Employer desired competencies for undergraduate health administration graduates entering the job market. The Journal of Healthcare Administration Education, 33(3), 355–375.
  • Prijatelj, V., Rajkovic, V., & Sustersic, O. (2013). A model for risk assessment in health care using a health care failure method and effect analysis. Zdravstveno Varstvo, 52(4), 316–331.



Discussion 2

Reflect upon the feedback you have received from client communications, your instructor, and your colleagues.

Describe any insights or obstacles that you have encountered during your data review project.

Reflection on Readings

Describe two new concepts or ideas from this unit’s readings that intrigued you or were meaningful to you in your profession and explain why you selected these items.



Discussion 3


For this discussion:

  • Reflect upon your leadership personality, and conduct an independent research on the topic of emotional intelligence and team leadership.
  • Describe your leadership style, and propose a leadership brand (using only a few words).
  • Apply the concepts from your readings to explain how you would lead a team to solve the problem you selected for this course.
  • Provide one new insight regarding your leadership style.



Police Brutality in America Vs Other Countries

Thesis statement: Unlike other developed nations, cops are almost never prosecuted and convicted for use of force in the US.

First main category: The History of Police Brutality


Subcategory:  What is Police Brutality?

Police brutality is the use of any force exceeding that reasonably necessary to accomplish a lawful police purpose.

Subcategory: When did police brutality in America begin?

  • History
  • Countries with high rates of police brutality
  • Cases of police brutality (Eric Garner, Kelly Thomas, Etc.)


Subcategory:  There are different types of police brutality

  • Excessive Force
  • False arrest or Imprisonment
  • Unreasonable searches


Second main category: America vs other countries police


Subcategory: Why police is most likely never prosecuted?

  • Convictions rates
  • Cops are held to a different standard
  • The bias in virtually all of us


Subcategory:  US police kills more than any other countries

  • The ratio between countries
  • A different standard
  • More guns and aggression


Subcategory: What are the main causes of police brutality and the reasons of its increase in today’s world?

  • Stop and frisk policies
  • Consequences for misconduct are minimal
  • Fear is also a factor


Third main category: How can we make police brutality a thing in the past?


Subcategory:  Are police departments investing enough efforts in minimizing police brutality?

  • Training police over
  • Body cam
  • Police stop-and-frisk tactic be forbidden


Subcategory: Remedies to Reduce Police Brutality

  • Lawsuits
  • Losing job and pension
  • Jail time




Identify a theory in Criminal Justice and explain its basic tenets

Identify a theory in Criminal Justice and explain its basic tenets

Post an explanation of the role of theory in research. Next, identify a theory in your discipline (Criminal Justice) and explain its basic tenets. Then, with this theory in mind, consider your answer to the following question posed by Dr. Burkholder in last week’s reading: “What do I have to believe about the world and about human beings in order for me to accept or use this theory?” Finally, describe the extent to which the epistemological and ontological assumptions of your chosen theory align with the philosophical orientation that reflects your worldview.

Cannes Lions Film Festival

Discussion: Cannes Lions Film Festival

The Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity has been known as a premier competition to celebrate creativity. The winners are showcased at

See All 23 Grand Prix Winners From the 2017 Cannes Lions Festival

(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Watch several videos. Share the link with the one you liked the best and give a brief summary of the video. What did you think was the most creative aspect of the video? Does the video share results directly attributed to the video, such as an increase in revenues, clicks, etc? What do you believe made the video successful? (Try to find a video not already shared on the discussion board. There are plenty to choose from.)

Comment on two other other classmates’ posts. Did you watch the video that they commented on. Do you have thoughts to share?

2- Reply to this with a comment no less than 60 words :

the video I liked the best is called Meet Graham. It is the third video on the site. Graham was designed to show the (general) public what a person would need to look like in order to survive a low impact crash. The collaborative project was put into effect using decades of road safety data, medical research, and creativity. During the process, key weaknesses in the human body were recognized and altered to create Graham.

The most creative aspect of the video is the fact that a trauma surgeon, artist, and road safety engineer worked on the project to produce an incredible sculpture that promoted safety awareness. The video shares did result to an increase in revenues and clicks. This road safety message became a global phenomenon in several days. I believe the video was successful because people were fascinated by the creation of Graham; from the way he was structured to what he promoted. Graham made an incredible impact on road safety, and his existence was a reminder that we should always be attentive on the road. After all, we’re not like Graham.

The link I provided is a 360 degree view of Graham > http://www.meetgraham.com.au/view-graham

Work Health and Safety Plan

The aim of this assignment is to develop your knowledge and understanding of the
processes and activities involved in preparing a work health and safety plan for the
site establishment and the carrying out of a construction project in accordance with
the relevant WHS legislation.
This assignment relates to drawings PW1, available in the Drawings section of
You are the design and build contractor appointed to undertake the change of use
and adaption of the general office buildings (detailed in the drawings) into one
bedroomed retirement homes for the elderly.
You will undertake all of the work by your own directly employed labour force.
 The drawings detailed are the original as planned drawings (not the
original as built drawings).
 On initial investigation of the existing buildings’ you have found there are a
number of discrepancies in the materials actually used when the buildings
were constructed from those that were specified to be used on the original
drawings. As a result, part of the project is to remove those materials (as
identified by the building control and planning approval requirements) and
replace them with suitable alternatives more in line with the original
drawing specifications.
4 ARBE2303 Health and Safety in the Built Environment – Course Assessment 2018
 With this in mind, all building control and planning approvals, etc., have
been obtained (and you have poetic licence to assume that whatever
design you intend to carry out, and the materials you intend to use (within
reason) automatically comply with the approvals), and all works are to be
in accordance with current building code requirements.
 The main concern of the authorities during the change of use and adaption
of these buildings is the existing original roof tiles. It has been discovered
that the roof tiles that were originally used for the roof covering were
manufactured with an asbestos based material. Therefore these must all
be removed and replaced with a suitable alternative.
Your organisation is known for its strong beliefs and commitment to work health
and safety, and as such your health and safety plan should demonstrate this.
Your submission should contain:
 A company Work Health and Safety policy;
 Details of the Work Health and Safety roles and responsibilities of the
management team involved in the project;
 An outline of the necessary emergency procedures, materials storage
and handling procedures, and site boundary protection/hoardings, etc.,
to be implemented;
 Consultation and hazard reporting procedures;
 Details of the project health and welfare facilities required;
 Examples of project documents and registers that will need to be kept.
Note: Do not include any hazard identification and risk assessment procedures
within this submission (assignment 1) – this will be undertaken as another
assignment (you should include a section in your document indicating where these
would be contained in this document)

In an eight- to 10-page paper, describe each market structure discussed in the course (perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, monopoly)

In an eight- to 10-page paper, describe each market structure discussed in the course (perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, monopoly), provide a real-life example of each market, and respond to the following for each market structure:

  • Indicate how high entry barriers into a market will influence:
    • Long-run profitability of the firms
    • Cost efficiency of the firms in the industry
    • Likelihood that some inefficient firms will survive
    • Incentive of entrepreneurs to develop substitutes for the product supplied by the firms
  • Are competitive pressures present in markets with high barriers to entry? Explain.
  • Describe which market structure you would prefer for selling products. Explain why and support your answer with the characteristics of that market.
  • Describe which market structure you would prefer for buying products. Explain why and support your answer with the characteristics of that market.
  • How does each market structure respond to price changes of the products that they sell? Explain whether each market structure will be selling elastic or inelastic products, and how this will affect the market price charged.
  • How does the role of the government affect each market structure’s ability to price their products?
  • How does international trade affect each market structure?

The Market Structures Final Paper

  • Must be eight to 10 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Must use at least five scholarly sources from the Ashford University Library in addition to the course text.
  • Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.


Part A In this first portion of the assignment you are asked to analyze the iconography of the artworks listed below

Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar.  Sources must be cited in APA format.  Your response should be four (4) pages in length; refer to the “Assignment Format” page for specific format requirements.

Part A In this first portion of the assignment you are asked to analyze the iconography of the artworks listed below. Defined in the textbook, iconography is an understanding of the subject matter and symbols of an artwork (Stokstad and Cothern, 2016, pg. 6). Based on your understanding of the cultures and time periods you have encountered over the past 4 lessons of textbook readings, analyze the following artworks in terms of their iconography.

Adam and Eve, Albrecht Dürer, 1504. Engraving. Located on page 357 of the textbook.
The Founding of Tenochtitlan page from the Codex Mendoza, Aztec, 1545 CE. Located on page 411 of the textbook.
The Hip Pendant Representing an Iyoba (“Queen Mother”), Nigeria, c. 1550 CE. Located on page 433 of the textbook.
Tar Beach, Faith Ringgold, 1988. Acrylic on canvas, and pieced cloth. Located on page 572 of the textbook.

Part B Compare and contrast the function of the above works. Focus your analysis on how each artwork functioned spiritually and/or politically in their original context. Your discussion should include the importance of the artwork at the time of its creation for the viewer at that time. For instance, you could address issues such as, was the artwork used as a visual teaching of a concept, was it used as an historical record to document an event? Compare and contrast the function of the four artworks and distinguish the connections that can be made, pointing out patterns you find.

Conclude your essay with a short discussion on the use of symbols in the 21st century to communicate, applying what you learned regarding the use of symbolic imagery throughout the centuries of art studied in the past 4 weeks. (Think of advertising logos or emojis etc. when considering 21st century examples.)