What did you find the most interesting about IDEO? IDEO has mantras for innovation. Five of them are discussed in the video. What are they? 

Watch the IDEO Shopping Cart Project on YouTube using the link below:

What did you find the most interesting about IDEO? IDEO has mantras for innovation. Five of them are discussed in the video. What are they?

2- Comment on this for at least 60 words!
The interesting about IDEO is the way that they celebrate who they are. They claim to be a group of people who celebrate lack of permission to be innovative. Hanging up bikes without permission, negotiating room in the budget for an airplane wing as decor in the office, and simply terrible ideas are just a few examples of this wild innovation. Their mantras, as I understand, are:
Be wildly innovative
Don’t criticize others
Dive deep into research of an issue
Have fun and don’t be “stiff”
Team trial and error is greater success than the plans of a lone genius.

SCAMPER is a thinking technique that allows for the generation of ideas by considering ways that might improve and change existing products or services.

SCAMPER is a thinking technique that allows for the generation of ideas by considering ways that might improve and change existing products or services. SCAMPER is a mnemonic that stands for Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate and Reverse. Each of the SCAMPER words has a set of questions associated with it that you can answer in order to develop ideas.

1. Pick ONE existing product. For this assignment, the product should be tangible. It should not be an idea, a process, an app, etc. It should be something that you can physically touch.

2. In a paper, identify what product you have selected. Apply the scamper technique to this product by writing out each of the words in the mnemonic, followed by at least one answer to the representative question. Upload to the submission link.

3. You should now have 7 new ideas for a redesign, new use, or new product. Select your favorite new idea and tell us a little about it.


Substitute: What materials or resources can you substitute in order to improve the product? Or, can this product be used somewhere else or in a different way?

Combine: What could you combine in order to maximize the uses of the products? Or, how can you combine this product with another one in order to create something new and possibly even better?

Adaption: What else is like this product? What other context could this product be put into?

Modify: What could you add to modify this product? How could you change the shape or look of the product in order to improve it?

Put to Another Use: How could this product be used differently or by different people in a new setting?

Eliminate: What can be removed from the existing product to maximize its effectiveness and efficiency?

Reversal: What could you reverse or swap in this product? Are you able to use the product in the exact opposite manner than which it was intended?

business analysis

You are required to provide the software requirements of a case study based
on a modern Information System such as Social Media, Analytics,
Virtual/Augmented Reality, etc. Your report should include the following:
 Provide a detailed description of your selected case study.
 Where appropriate, specify the goals, policies and operations of an
organisation that has influenced the development of this information
Assignment 1 Marking Schedule
Criteria – Report
Poor Good Very Good Excellent
Case Study
The case study is not
described in detail. The
case study is not about a
contemporary information
system. Goals, policies and
operations not addressed.
The case study is
described in detail,
though it can be
improved with additional
information. A few
requirements and
stakeholders are
provided with no
supporting reasons.
Some goals, policies and
operations have been
The case study is described
in detail. It is a modern
information system.
Identifies the purpose of the
system with some
requirements. Some
requirements and
stakeholders are identified
with reasons. Some goals,
policies and operations have
been discussed.
The case study is described in detail.
It is about a modern information
system and one of a kind. The purpose
of the system is well described
offering information that can be used
in building the system. Several
potential requirements and strong
reasons for them are provided.
Stakeholders are identified. Goals,
policies and operations have been
presented convincingly.
Less than 15 requirements
are provided. Some of the
requirements are not correct
and not in the correct
About 20 correct
requirements are provided
with the correct format
Between 20 and 30
requirements in the correct
format are provided.
More than 30 correct requirements
are provided in the correct format.
Elicitation Methods
Less than three
requirements elicitation
methods are provided. The
justification for the methods
are weak.
Three requirements
elicitation methods are
provided with justification
and appropriate supporting
Four requirement elicitation
methods are provided with
justification and appropriate
supporting literature.
More than four requirement elicitation
methods are provided with
justification and appropriate
supporting literature.
Criteria –
Poor Good Very Good Excellent
Grouping of
requirements into
themes (10%)
Most requirements have not
been grouped into themes.
The grouping needs
The criteria for the grouping
is not specified.
Most requirements have
been grouped into themes.
The criteria f or the
grouping is clearly
Majority of requirements
have been grouped into
themes. The criteria for the
grouping is clearly explained.
All requirements have been grouped
into appropriate themes. The criteria
for the grouping is clearly explained.
Requirement Sources
Only one source of
requirement is provided
Two sources of
requirements is provided
with justification needing
Three sources of
requirements is provided with
convincing justification.
More than three sources of
requirements is provided with
convincing justification.
Criteria – Report
Poor Good Very Good Excellent
List and justify any
potential stakeholders
Few stakeholders are
identified. The justification
for the stakeholders are weak.
Some stakeholders are
identified with justification,
however the reasons for the
stakeholders can be
Most stakeholders are
identified with
justification backed by
research literature.
Several stakeholders are
identified with strong
justification. Stakeholders
have been clearly link to
specific requirements or
group of requirements.
Research literature support
these stakeholders
Grammar and spelling
There are several grammar
and spelling errors
Most sentences are
grammatically correct.
There are very few spelling
mistakes. Most terms have
been well explained.
Majority of sentences are
grammatically correct.
There are no spelling
mistakes. All terms have
been well explained.
All sentences are
grammatically correct. There
are no spelling mistakes. All
terms have been well
Correct use of APA
referencing (5%)
Several references do not
follow the APA referencing
guide. Most of the references
are based on websites.
Most references correctly
follow the APA referencing
guide. Most references are
based on scholarly articles
Majority references
correctly follow the APA
referencing guide. All
references are based on
scholarly articles
All references correctly
follow the APA referencing
guide. All references are
based on scholarly articles
This assignment contributes 35% of your final grade. Please note that you must work alone since this is an individual
assignment. There should be no collaboration in executing any part of this assignment.
Approximately 2000 words excluding references

Identify and Describe how social media is impacting firms, individuals, and society?

Question: (Taken from the text Chapter 1)

Identify and Describe how social media is impacting firms, individuals, and society?


Initial Post: Please address the question based on your Chapter 1 reading in your textbook. Compose at least one paragraph each (firms, individuals and society) with 4 to 6 sentences.




Grading Rubric:

To receive full credit you must satisfy the following criteria:

1)   Content:

  1. What/how many social media technologies listed in the text are discussed.
  2. You may augment your text material with Internet sources, however make sure you use the proper APA reference.
  3. I recommend each item below be discussed within its own sentence.
    1. Specifically how these technologies impact firms
    2. Specifically how these technologies impact individuals
    3. Specifically how these technologies impact society


A family owned business that has managed for decades without a human resource department is now expanding and is uncertain whether a HR department can benefit their business. Advise the owner on the benefits of having a HR department.

Question 1

A family owned business that has managed for decades without a human resource department is now expanding and is uncertain whether a HR department can benefit their business. Advise the owner on the benefits of having a HR department.

(25 marks)

Question 2

(a) A close friend confides in you that she is distressed as a male colleague is constantly harassing her sexually at work. Advise her of the actions she can take.

(15 marks)


(b) Analyse the reasons why many incidents of sexual harassment are not reported.


(10 marks)

Question 3

(a) Explain what type of information need to be collected as part of the job analysis process in order to prepare job descriptions and job specifications.


(12 marks)

(b) Describe the steps of the job analysis process.


(13 marks)

Question 4

Read the article below and answer the questions that follow.

Striking a right balance in external, internal talent

About 75%-80% of Malaysian corporations should be filled by internal promotions and the remaining 20% by external hires, said Permodalan Nasional Bhd (PNB) chairman Tan Sri Abdul Wahid Omar. He said that there is a need for Malaysian corporations to strike the right balance between internal and external talent, saying that one in every four to five positions should be filled externally.

“I believe in nurturing your talent or to „grow your own timber‟. This is important to provide the employees with good career progression opportunities. However it is also important to bring in external talent from time to time, to refresh the organisation and to bring in external perspective,” Wahid said at the Malaysia Leadership Succession Summit recently. He said it is also important to consider imposing a time limit for board members to serve. “While long serving CEOs provide stability to the organisation, there is also the risk of the leader and his organisation slipping into complacency. A rule of thumb, no one should be in the same position for more than 10 years, whether as a 3

head of department or a CEO. If the person is good, he should be moved to a bigger role or a different organisation,” said Wahid.

He said corporations should also develop young talent as not many young people are given such opportunity now. Wahid was the CEO of UEM-Renong group when he was 37 years old. Other aspects of developing talent and leadership in Malaysia includes the need to select the right leader, focusing on integrity, competency and humility; the need to put into place a proper succession planning and talent review process to cover key positions; using diversity in terms of gender, skills, ethnicity, age and even nationality for multinational organisations which can be a source of strength.

(Source: Sunbiz, the Sun, 7 February 2018)

(a) Discuss Tan Sri Abdul Wahid‟s suggestion that only one in every four or five positions should be filled externally.


(15 marks)

(b) Explain why succession planning and talent review process is important.


(10 marks)

End of Case Study

Create a SIOP lesson plan in a content area of your choice for a group of ELLs at a grade and English language proficiency (ELP) level that you specify.

Create a SIOP lesson plan in a content area of your choice for a group of ELLs at a grade and English language proficiency (ELP) level that you specify.

Use the “SIOP Lesson Plan Template,” located in the Student Success Center.

Identify and select the ELP Standards from your state.

Create a content objective and a language objective using the English Language Arts Standards from your state.

Consider applicable language acquisition stages of development in your lesson planning.

Include a 500-750 word rationale that includes an explanation regarding how the following aspects of SIOP were accounted for within the design of your lesson:

Lesson Preparation
Building Background
Comprehensible Input
Practice and Application
Lesson Delivery
Review and Assessment
While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using the documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.

Create a brochure for immigrant families in your community that contains at least three community resources that support English acquisition.

Create a brochure for immigrant families in your community that contains at least three community resources that support English acquisition.

For each resource include:

The name of the resource or organization.
The URL of their website or relevant contact information (if applicable).
A brief explanation of how each resource or organization supports English acquisition.
Include a 250-500 word statement regarding culture and learning. Your statement should include:

Examples of how culture affects learning.
Examples of sociocultural influences on ELLs.
A discussion regarding bilingualism and home language use in ELL classroom learning.
Support this statement with at least three scholarly resources.

While APA style is not required for this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using the documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a grading rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.

Describe a specific social issue that interests you, include key contributing factors and explain why this issue is important.

Maximum length is 4 pages, your statement should be typed, double spaced and in 12
point font, handwritten statements or statements longer than 4 pages will not be
accepted. Your statement must address both section A and B. Neither section should
exceed two pages. Essays are scored based on content and quality of writing. A well-written
essay is clear, concise, and coherent. Use examples and descriptions to “show, not tell.” Finally,
be sure to proofread for grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
In writing your statement, please think about the following:
The mission of the Portland State University MSW program is to educate students for
advanced leadership and practice that recognizes and dismantles systems of
oppression; builds racial equity and social, political, and economic justice; and advances
the well-being of diverse individuals, families, groups, organizations, communities, and
tribal nations. We endeavor to deliver a social work education that is critically informed,
theoretically driven, empirically supported, reflexive, ethical, vigilant and resistive to
colonial, heteropatriarchal, classist, and white supremacist agendas.
Section A (1-2 pages double spaced):
1. Describe a specific social issue that interests you, include key contributing factors and
explain why this issue is important.
2. Discuss ways the social work profession could respond to this issue. This may include
plausible solution(s), challenges likely to surface in seeking a solution, possible steps for
implementation, and any roles you might play in addressing the issue.
Section B (2 pages double spaced):
1. Discuss significant factors influencing your decision to pursue a Master of Social Work
degree at Portland State University. Include information regarding personal, academic,
and past human service experiences that will contribute to your success as a graduate
student and Social Worker.
2. What is your understanding of social justice and its role in social work? What are your
personal and professional commitments to working toward the liberation of all oppressed
peoples? How have you demonstrated an ability to engage in social justice practice that
works toward the liberation of all oppressed peoples? How has your experience
prepared you for practice informed by social justice principles and what are your areas
for growth?

Assessing Analytical Methods in Health Care Literature

you have an opportunity to perform an assessment of the qualitative and quantitative analytical methods reported in two supplied articles from the healthcare literature (linked in Resources). This assignment parallels and complements the literature critique skill set you began to develop in NHS8060. Use the resources provided as well as course readings to complete your assignment.

For each of the articles, submit a separate 3–4 page paper in which you:

Describe and critique the recruitment and sampling approach used for the study described in the paper.
Describe and critique the adequacy of the sample size.
Describe and critique the interpretative (for the qualitative article by Umaña–Â�Taylor and Bámaca) and statistical (for the quantitative article by Shahnazi et al.) testing approaches.
Describe the study results.
Interpret the practical health care implications.
Suggest methodological limitations related to the statistical or analytical methods of the study.
For critiquing the quality of analytical methods in quantitative articles, complete the following:

Read Coughlan, Cronin, and Ryan’s 2007 article, “Step-By-Step Guide to Critiquing Research. Part 1 – Quantitative Research,” from British Journal of Nursing, volume 16, issue 11, pages 658–663.
Review the Capella video, The Value of a Research Critique to Translate Evidence Into Practice, linked in Resources.
For critiquing the quality of analytical methods in qualitative articles, complete the following:

Read Ryan, Coughlan, and Cronin’s 2007 article,”Step-By-Step Guide to Critiquing Research. Part 2 – Qualitative Research,” from British Journal of Nursing, volume 16, issue 12, pages 738–744.
Read the CASP Qualitative Checklist on the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme Web site (also linked in Resources).
WRITER see all links as resources:

CASP Checklists

Management Research

Format of ESSAY


  • No content page but remember to put page numbering
  • No section number but can use section heading
  • 5 line spacing, font TNR 12, Aerial 11, appropriate margins





The INTRODUCTION should provide a clear statement of the problem posed by the project, and why the problem is of interest. It should reflect the scenario, if available. If needed, the introduction also needs to present background information so that the reader can understand the significance of the problem. A brief summary of the unique approach (scope of report) you used to solve the problem should be given, possibly the content of the report.

This is what you should do:


Say what research methodologies you will be looking into

Justify the choice

  • State your objectives
  • Scope of research e.g. examine xx, followed by yyy, then ending with recommendations …




Literature Reviews


  • What are the key issues/problems/arguments in the areas chosen?
  • Critically review these issues
  • Try to focus into some convergent or agreements
  • Limit your literatures to same arguments or some ‘solutions’ that can solve issues highlighted.


You are expected to:


  • Explain the characteristic of your research method
  • The area of usage
  • Advantages and Disadvantages
  • The controversial
  • Contextual Supports needed :
  • Chose and discuss some concepts that can explain or support the findings from literature
  • Try to integrate theory/concept with literature findings to resolve issues
  • Literatures meant sources such as scholarly journals or applied literatures





  • Solutions based on literatures
  • Critically evaluate the advantages/disadvantages or maybe the feasibilities??


Note the followings when writing recommendations:


  • How are the recommendations link with the analysis above?
  • Any support from the models/concepts you have learnt?
  • Recommendations cannot be independent.  T
  • hey must arise from your analysis done and supported by concepts/journals.





The CONCLUSIONS should summarize the central point made in the Discussion section, reinforcing for the reader the value and implications of the work. The conclusions should never contain “surprises”. Therefore, any conclusions should be based on observations and data already discussed. It is considered extremely bad form to introduce new data in the conclusions.




  • Not bibliography
  • e. all in reference list has been used in essay
  • Harvard style (including in text citations)
  • Not more than 10% direct quotes





Common errors:


  • No right margin justification
  • No page numbering for every page
  • Improper citation format – should be (Surname, Year) for paraphrased statements of fact and information from other sources; (Surname, Year, p.X) for direct quote; NO INITIALs
  • Wrong essay format – no section numbering, no table of contents, no executive summary
  • Poor layout – should be 1.5 line spacing; Font TNR 12 OR Aerial 11; same font and line spacing throughout essay
  • Many one paragraph sections and one sentence paragraphs. Note that one paragraph does not form a section; one sentence does not form a paragraph.
  • Very huge paragraph. Basic English is for one paragraph to have only one central idea/point.



What topics are acceptable:


This is a RESEARCH METHODOLOGY essay.  The followings are research methods:


  • Philosophies
    • Ontology
    • Epistemology
    • Axiology
    • Rhetoric
  • Paradigm
    • Positivist
    • Interpretivism
  • Aproaches
    • Deductive
    • Inductive
    • Qualitative
    • Quantitative
  • Designs
    • Delphi
    • Brainstorming
    • Experiment
    • Survey
    • Case study
    • Action research
    • Grounded theory
    • Ethnography
    • Archival research
  • Sampling
    • Simple random
    • Systematic
    • Stratified radom
    • Cluster
    • Quota
    • Purposive
    • Snowball
    • Self selection
    • Convenience
    • Multi-stage
  • Techniques
    • Questionnaire
    • Interviewing
    • Observation


  • FOCUS on:
  • the method (i.e. characteristics, procedures), advantages, disadvantages, usage areas for background/literature
  • the controversial (i.e. what the comments, disadvantages)
  • Recommend improvements


  • DO NOT write or focus on some body essay that use the method to find some thing.


For Example:


An essay on Nike consumer report using mystery shopper method.


Your assignment should focus and talk about the mystery shopper method – procedures, advantages, disadvantages, improvements.  NOT on what Nike has found out about their consumers and how Nike used the data from the mystery shopper method or how should Nike improve their marketing technique after using the data obtained from mystery shopper method.