Case Study: Competency Modeling and Assessment Strategy for the Weston Family Practice Clinic

Case Study: Competency Modeling and Assessment Strategy for the Weston Family Practice Clinic

The Weston Family Practice Clinic is an outpatient facility that serves residents of suburban Denver. The clinic was started by the husband and wife team of Dr. Eric Weston and Dr. Emily Weston-Green. The two physicians opened the practice shortly after graduating from medical school at UCLA and completing a residency at University Hospital in Denver, Colorado. The couple decided to stay in Colorado because of the wonderful climate, the beautiful environment, and the supportive community they found for holistic family practice medicine.

When the couple first opened the clinic, they hired a nurse, two nursing assistants, and an office clerk to support them in their practice. Now, after seven years in operation, the clinic has grown appreciably, and the staff has expanded to include a third physician, Dr. Carl Anderson, two nurse practitioners who independently treat patients with minor health problems, three nurses, four nursing assistants, and four office clerks and a billing/insurance clerk.

While Dr. Emily Weston-Green has been the head medical officer at the clinic, Dr. Eric Weston has managed the office’s administrative and financial services. However, as the clinic has grown, the couple has recognized that they need to hire an Office Manager to oversee all non-medical aspects of the clinic. Their vision is that the new Office Manager will allow Dr. Eric Weston to concentrate on building the practice through affiliations and cooperative partnerships with other health care clinics, while Dr. Emily Green-Weston concentrates on maintaining a high level of patient service quality at the existing clinic. The couple hopes to add two additional physicians to the practice over the next five years, along with the necessary medical and office support staff to support the growing practice. There is additional office space available within the building that houses the existing clinic, so expansion in the same location would be extremely convenient and cost effective.

The new Office Manager will be responsible for overseeing the work of the five clerks who are responsible for office support services such as scheduling appointments, processing patients, requisitioning outside tests, x-rays and lab work, completing paperwork, billing insurance companies on behalf of patients, managing account receivable, maintaining medical records, and filing. The Office Manager will report to the chief physician, Dr. Emily Weston-Green, and will interact regularly with the Supervisor of Nursing Services, and the other nurses and physicians, as well as with administrative and health care personnel in other medical offices and clinics.

As an outside advisor, you have been asked to help the Weston Family Practice Clinic hire the new Office Manager. Using the resources of your Scott and Reynolds (2010) textbook, assigned journal articles, the O*Net website (, and at least three additional academic sources, conduct a job analysis for the new Office Manager position and develop an assessment strategy for evaluating the qualifications of potential candidates for the position.

In a paper of at least 1750 – 2100 words (or 5 -7 pages) in length (excluding title, abstract, and reference pages), address the following:

Summarize the key knowledge, skills and abilities that you believe are required for this position, based on information from O*Net and other sources. (Note: you do not have to do an exhaustive job analysis or construct a full competency model.)

Based on the critical knowledge, skills and abilities you have identified for the Office Manager position, outline an approach for assessing potential candidates for the position. Include in your assessment approach the use of at least two formal assessment instruments, as well as other assessment approaches you believe would be valid ways of determining performance capabilities of candidates.

Support your approach by discussing the strategic link between competency modeling, assessment, and the organizational objectives of the Weston Family Practice Clinic.

What is the difference between phonological and morphological awareness?

Question #1:
Based on the following paper:
Ten questions people ask about the role of phonological processes in learning to read. Shankweiler & Fowler 2004.
1. Choose two questions from the paper and explain how the scientific evidence discussed after each question justifies the conclusion reached for each.
2. From your experience as a teacher, do you agree with the conclusion that is reached for each question? You can relate to your experience as a teacher of English or of another language (Arabic or Hebrew).
Question #2:
Based on the following papers:
Phonological awareness, morphological awareness, and reading in … Saiegh-Haddad & Geva (2008)
Inflectional and Deviational morphological awareness… Saiegh-Haddad & Elouti (in press)
1. What is the difference between phonological and morphological awareness?
2. How do the findings reported in Saiegh-Haddad & Geva (2008) regarding the role of morphological awareness in English among bilinguals inform the findings reported in Saiegh-Haddad & Elouti (in press) regarding development of morphological awareness in EFL learners? In other words, why do the findings reported in the former paper make the findings reported in the latter interesting and informative?
3. Discuss two specific implications of the findings reported in the two papers for the teaching of English (as L1 or as L2).
Question #3:
Based on the following papers:
Orthographic and cognitive factors in the concurrent acquisition of reading. (Geva & Siegel, 2000)
Foundation literacy acquisition in European orthographies (Seymour et al, 2003)
1. What is orthographic depth? Give examples of languages that vary in orthographic depth.
2. How does orthographic depth affect reading acquisition in different languages? Use specific evidence from either of the two papers.
3. Seymour et al.’s (2003) paper refers to two main reading mechanisms/strategies/foundations that are used in reading. Geva & Siegel (2000) provide evidence from an analysis of errors that supports the two same mechanisms. What are these mechanisms? Explain how different types of errors (analyzed in Geva and Siegel, 2008) can reveal reliance on different mechanisms.

Assess findings from quality reviews of reported events to design and implement system improvements through root cause analysis.

The actions the healthcare community takes in response to adverse medical events and patient safety concerns are of paramount importance. The new knowledge acquired and the processes implemented become dispersed throughout patient care. In this competency you will work through the regulatory and Quality Improvement steps that follow adverse medical events.

Assignment Directions
Using the scenario described in section 304.1, discuss the Root Cause Analysis process (per the Joint Commission) that should occur following that adverse event. Use an outline format and list each step in detail within your outline. Imagine this document will be the roadmap that the healthcare team will use to meet regulatory requirements and improve care in their facility.
For example, include where appropriate: the timing of meetings, who should be present, what will occur, what is the expected outcome, who will carry out each task, etc. Attach any forms or supporting documentation that would be helpful for the interdisciplinary team to actually carry out the outlined plan.

What were the charges brought against Socrates and why was he found guilty by the jurors and sentenced to death, according to Plato’s dialogue Defence of Socrates (also known as The Apology of Socrates)?

A) What were the charges brought against Socrates and why was he found guilty by the
jurors and sentenced to death, according to Plato’s dialogue Defence of Socrates (also
known as The Apology of Socrates)? B) Some historians of philosophy claim that in fact
Socrates was convicted and sentenced to death for doing philosophy. According to you
and based on your reading of the above dialogue, is this claim justified? Why or why not?
C) Why, according to W.E.B. Du Bois’ essay “Galileo Galilei,” was Galileo prosecuted
by the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church? What was the outcome of that
prosecution? D) Can it be equally claimed that Galileo was condemned by the Church for
doing science? Why or why not? E) What kinds of societies were Socrates’ and Galileo’s
societies which condemned people for engaging in the search for truth and for new ways
of thinking and understanding reality? F) How different is our society from Socrates’
society concerning intolerance concerning openness to change? G) Is tradition—whether
religious or secular—essentially antagonistic to innovative thinking and practice or to
progress? Defend your answer. H) Can tradition be preserved and coexist in harmony
with innovation and progress? Why or why not? I) Is a government, a society, or a
religious group justified in censoring or limiting access to certain content of school
curriculum, regular media, social media, or films? Defend your answers.
[This set of questions is based primarily on readings a) and b) of Section 1].
P.S.: Please do not write down the above questions in your primary posts when providing
your answers to these questions. Just indicate which parts (A through I) are related to
your respective answers.

Create a proposal that describes two to three retirement plans that could be offered. In the proposal, you must identify specific requirements of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 that the organization would need to fulfill.

The CEO of your company would like to revamp the retirement options offered to employees.

Create a proposal that describes two to three retirement plans that could be offered. In the proposal, you must identify specific requirements of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 that the organization would need to fulfill.

In addition to the proposal, management has asked the HR Department to design a communication plan that encourages employee participation for one of the proposed retirement plans.

Prepare a 525- to 700-word proposal and communication plan. In your communication plan, include components that encourage participation in the retirement plan.

Answer the following questions:

  • How often will you communicate information to employees?-100 words only with references

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Click on the Assignment Files tab to submit your paper.


Retirement Plan Selection


A new employee joins your company at age 24 making $40,000 per year.  Currently, banks are paying 5% interest on saving accounts, and the rate of return on the company stock is 4% per year.  During benefits enrollment, the employee stated that she would like to retire at age 60 with 3 million dollars in her retirement account.

Compare the following retirement options for this particular employee in 1,050 to 1,400 words:

Only 1100 words with references

  • 403B
  • 401K
  • Pension
  • Annuities
  • IRA
  • Estate planning

Determine which retirement option(s) you would choose if you were this employee.

Assess the factors that this employee should consider when selecting a retirement plan.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Choose 1 of these histories and identify it by line numbers, then explicate the meaning of your chosen passage (who is being discussed and what is happening historically).

 Choose 1 of these histories and identify it by line numbers, then explicate the meaning of your chosen passage (who is being discussed and what is happening historically).
Beowulf: A Look at History
There are several passages in the poem which discuss the histories of other families and peoples not central to this storyline. Choose 1 of these histories and identify it by line numbers, then explicate the meaning of your chosen passage (who is being discussed and what is happening historically). Then connect it back to Beowulf explaining why you think the poet included this passage in the poem. You may also need to look back at the “Introduction” (pp. 3-28) for information on history of this time period. Book is the Norton Anthology Engish Literature 10th edition The Middle Ages.

Discuss two positive and two negative ways in which planning can affect instruction in the Literature classroom.

Discussion 1- This Unit offered an understanding of the way in which ‘readers’ (in this context, the students we teach in the literature classroom) ought to be seen as central to the process of reading, interpeting and responding to literature. Offer three points in your own words and based on the material you have read in Module 1, that demonstrate the value of teachers having this type of outlook as they attempt to enable their students to engage meaningfully with literary texts in the literature classroom.

Discussion 2– Through a reflection on your own practice, write two paragraphs indicating one major way you believe your practice has been/will be influenced by the idea that the literature classroom should be an evolving, changing and pliable environment, rather than a rigid, unbending and dictating one. (For example, will you set different tasks; utilize particular strategies in attempting to eliminate particular student weaknesesses? etc.)

Discussion 3- Discuss two positive and two negative ways in which planning can affect instruction in the Literature classroom.

Discussion 4- Discussion – Module 3, Unit 8 Assessment in the Literature Classroom

‘Achieving scores has become more important than achieving the results those scores are supposed to represent’.

  1. a) In what way do you find this statement to be true based on your own experience?
  2. b) How would you address this situation in your own classroom based on all you have studied in this course?


Do you believe there should be a national language adopted in the United States?  

The concepts of assimilation and pluralism are traced from their theoretical roots (Park on assimilation, Kallen on pluralism) to the present, and Gordon’s model of assimilation, as presented in the early 1960s, is featured. This model forms a major part of what is called the “traditional” model of assimilation throughout the remainder of the text. Pluralism is presented as a contrast to assimilation, which has increased in importance since the 1960s. Some reasons for this dynamic and some alternatives to “linear assimilation” are suggested.


Objectives of this unit include:

  • To understand the traditional perspective of assimilation, the history and contextual factors leading to its emergence, and arguments against it
  • To understand that pluralism has been a subject of interest in recent years – specifically, they will also differentiate between the different types of pluralism, including cultural, structural, integration without acculturation
  • To explore several theoretical perspectives concerned with stratification, including theories by Park and Gordon.


Unit 2.1 DB: Melting Pot

American culture is usually referred to as a “melting pot”.

What is meant by that and how does it differ from a multicultural appreciation of difference among people? 

Unit 2.2 DB: National Language

Do you believe there should be a national language adopted in the United States?  

What language should it be, and why?  

What purpose would a national language serve?  Are there benefits?  Are there any downsides?

Unit 2.3 DB: Globalization and Religious Pluralism

After watching the video below, discuss how pluralism stands in contrast to universalism today.

Resource References:
Eck, D. (2009). Globalization & Religious Pluralism. The University of Edinburgh. Retrieved from:

Do you agree that this is the new reality?  

What ethical questions are at the forefront of globalization? 

Dr. Rogen

Healey, J.F., (). Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Class: The Sociology of Group Conflict; 7th Edition;  ISBN: 1412987318

Participation Policy

A substantive post adds to the discussion in a substantial manner. As a general rule, a substantive post is a minimum of 125 words each UNIT and must be substantive responses, and all responses to your classmates and me must be at least 75 words each.

Implementation Plan for a New Economic Opportunity

In your 6–10-page plan, you have been asked to be sure to address the following. Note: The bullet points
below correspond to grading criteria in the scoring guide. Be sure your work is, at minimum, addressing each
of the bullets below. You may also want to read the scoring guide and the Guiding Questions:
Implementation Plan for a New Economic Opportunity document, linked in the Resources, to better
understand the performance levels that relate to each grading criterion:
Create a budget for relevant expected costs and earnings or benefits over the first five years of a
proposed economic initiative.
Propose a plan to roll out your economic initiative that will enable your care setting to successfully
implement it in an ethical and culturally equitable way that will ensure achievement of quality or
service improvements.
Analyze how your proposed initiative, once implemented, may impact other aspects of your care
setting and ways in which negative impacts could be mitigated.
Explain strategies you have integrated into your proposed economic initiative that will ensure it can
remain a viable asset to your care setting in the face of dynamic environmental forces.
Justify the relevance and value of the quantitative and qualitative economic, financial, and scholarly
Assessment 3 – NHS-FP6008 – Summer 2018 – Section 02 9/4/18, 1:46 PM Page 3 of 3
evidence you used to support your recommendations throughout your plan.
Communicate your business and implementation plan in a logically structured and concise manner,
writing content clearly with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
Effectively support your plan and recommendations with relevant economic data and scholarly
sources, correctly formatting citations and references using current APA style.
Example Assessment: You may use the assessment example, linked in the Assessment Example section of
the Resources, to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like.
Additional Requirements Additional Requirements
Your assessment should meet the following requirements:
Length: 6–10 double-spaced, typed pages (not including title page and reference list). Your paper
should be succinct yet substantive.
Be sure to include a separate title page and reference list.
Your completed budget plan should be included as an appendix within your final submission.
APA format: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style.
Resources: Cite 3–5 authoritative and scholarly resources. Be sure to include specific economic data
and support as part of your cited resources.
Portfolio Prompt: You are required to save this learning activity to your ePortfolio.

Counseling Group Meetings (Therapy/Psychology)

Imagine that in your private practice, you have chosen to start a twice-monthly therapy group for couples with the following theme:

  • Polyamorous relationships using SFT Therapy.


Describe how you would organize the group. Would you have an open membership or limit the membership further, for example, same-sex relationships only, a more specific presenting issue, et cetera? Would the group meet for a limited time or be open-ended? How would you find members for the group, and how would you advertise it? What guidelines would you establish for group participation?

Explain what topics the group might cover in your meetings, using references from the unit’s readings and your own research to support your ideas. Consider what the specific clinical needs of your target population might be.

Where might your self-of-the-therapist issues come up while working with this group? What issues would you need to manage, and what resources would you use to help you? What are the ethical considerations you would need to manage in running this group?





Green, S., & Flemons D. (Eds.). (2018). Quickies: The handbook of brief sex therapy (3rd ed.). New York, NY: W.W. Norton and Company.:

  • Chapter 5, “Healing the Relational Wounds From Infidelity,” pages 115–140.
  • Chapter 6, “Brief Therapy With Consensually Non-monogamous Couples: Challenging the Status Quo,” 141–156.



Harris, S. M., & Hays, K. W. (2008). Family therapist comfort with and willingness to discuss client sexuality. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy34(2), 239–250.