The Devil in Massachusetts

This research paper is a book review about “The Devil In Massachusetts” by Marion L. Starkey and this paper is supposed to describe who’s the characters and who was the protagonist and the antagonist and also which was my favorite character (Abigail William), explain her personality and why I like her and what the plot of the story in detail and also using some quotes from the book to back my statement and proof that I read the book entirely, unfortunately, I got too busy with my other classes but also to explain who’s the author and their background and why she wrote this book and what audience was she aiming at, and also what was the main she was trying to get across and last not to use too many complex words or else she would know that I didn’t write it and to cite where I got the information about the author.

This paper should be on T-Mobile US (TMUS) and the Wireless Telecommunication Carriers Industry

This paper should be on T-Mobile US (TMUS) and the Wireless Telecommunication Carriers Industry

Overview: For this task, you will assess your organization and how it is impacted by Porter’s diamond factors by researching key external, political, legal,
technical, and environmental factors.
Prompt: First, review the module resources, especially the Michael Porter article The Competitive Advantage of Nations, and then examine and answer the
following questions based on your chosen organization for the final project:
 Factor Endowments: How is your organization impacted by factor endowments? In other words, does your organization have a competitive edge based
on such things as land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship that can be exploited for production?
 Demand Conditions: How is your organization impacted by demand conditions? In other words, how is your company developed compared to other
 Related and Supporting Industries: Are the related and supporting industries located close to your organization in order to create a competitive edge?
 Strategy, Structure, and Rivalry: Is the organization’s strategy, structure, and rivalry providing the company with competitive advantage?
 Government and Chance: How do government and chance support the competitive advantage of the organization?
Refer to the case study, your textbook, and other course materials to support your responses


Search the Capella library or the Internet for an article from a reputable source about a specific genetically modified organism, such as one of the following (you are welcome to choose topics outside of this list):

Canola oil.
Animal feed.
Golden rice.
Sugar beets.
Growth hormones.
Follicle stimulating hormone.
Read the article and write a summary of its contents. Address all of the following in your summary:

What article did you read? Why did you choose this article?
What are the main points presented in the article? What message is the author trying to communicate?
What is gene of interest (being modified) and what is the purpose of this gene? Which organism is the gene inserted into, and what is the intended result of expressing this gene?
How are microorganisms that normally affect the immune system, such as bacteria or viruses, used beneficially as tools in biotechnology?
What are the pros and cons of this technology?
What do other sources of information say about the same concepts presented in the article? Are there discrepancies between the information in the article and that from other sources?
Where in your life (or in the life of a friend or family member) might the application of this form of biotechnology apply?
Your article should be from a reputable source and should meet all of the checklist items in the Source Evaluation Form. Complete an evaluation of your article, using the appropriate Source Evaluation Form (linked in the Resources under the Capella Resources heading). Download the form and answer the questions.

Formatting Requirements

Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: References and citations should be formatted according to APA (6th edition) style and formatting.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.
Format: Either submit both the bioengineering paper and the completed Source Evaluation Form, or write a paragraph in your paper addressing the questions from the form.

Parametric vs. Nonparametric Methods

Research the following statistical topics:
Levels of measurement
Parametric and nonparametric methods
On the basis of your research and understanding, respond to the following:
Find and state the definition of levels of measurement that distinguishes the five types of data used in statistical analysis.
In your own words, compare the five types of data and explain how they differ.
Find and state a definition of parametric and nonparametric methods that distinguishes between the two.
In your own words, explain the difference between parametric and nonparametric methods.
Explain which types of data require parametric statistics to be used and which types of data require nonparametric statistics to be used and why.
Compare the advantages and disadvantages of using parametric and nonparametric statistics.
Describe how the level of measurement helps determine which of these methods to use on the data being analyzed.

You are working, hypothetically, for a medium-to-large aviation-related enterprise, and thanks to your ERAU College of Business degree, you have substantial knowledge of IS.

You are working, hypothetically, for a medium-to-large aviation-related enterprise, and thanks to your ERAU College of Business degree, you have substantial knowledge of IS.You are working, hypothetically, for a medium-to-large aviation-related enterprise, and thanks to your ERAU College of Business degree, you have substantial knowledge of IS. Because of your expertise, you were placed in a mid-to-upper level management position. Now your superiors expect results! Upper management has asked you to investigate and evaluate five different IS solutions that, if implemented, could improve and enhance the efficiency of the company’s various business processes, leading to increased profitability.
1 Digital Dashboard with Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
2. Decision Support System (DSS)
3. Cloud Computing
4. Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW)
5. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

3D printing in medical field

Option 1: Identify a new invention or development. Using sources and personal experience, if appropriate, explain the new invention or development, and explore why it is important. Look for potential benefits and disadvantages. Your thesis should identify the significance of the new invention or development. Avoid selecting a topic that is well known or that has little chance of ever being useful.Option 1: Identify a new invention or development. Using sources and personal experience, if appropriate, explain the new invention or development, and explore why it is important. Look for potential benefits and disadvantages. Your thesis should identify the significance of the new invention or development. Avoid selecting a topic that is well known or that has little chance of ever being useful.

Minimum of 4 full pages 5 sources required Books read in class: On The Bus With Rosa by Rita Dove, Fear of Flying by Erica Jong, and Pennsylvania Station by Patrick Horrigan.

Minimum of 4 full pages
5 sources required
Books read in class:
On The Bus With Rosa by Rita Dove, Fear of Flying by Erica Jong, and Pennsylvania Station by Patrick Horrigan.

Nelson Algren wrote that “literature is made upon any occasion that challenge is put to the legal apparatus by conscience in touch with humanity.”

How do you assess Algren’s description of literature, and how does it apply to the literature we have read throughout the course? How can literature challenge a legal apparatus and social structure in ways that conventional political commentary and advocacy cannot?

Make sure to include specific references to the literature of the course, but also feel free to conduct outside research to support and supplement your arguments.

Select a country, state or place that has a treaty in place with its Indigenous peoples. Analyse the treaty as a tool for addressing the current and future realities and experiences of Indigenous and non-Indigenous people in that country.

I chose ‘The conflicts between the United States and Indian culture’ as the topic. So this presentation is basically about the Indian mascara.
It’s a group presentation, I only need to talk for 2-3 min.
My part is about what the treaty is and what makes Indians to sign that treaty.
Essentialism and non-essentialism are also the important part, you have to include those points.
‘The submission should be accompanied
by a PDF of about 300 words reflecting critically on your role and on the final product. ‘Essentialism and non-essentialism are also the important part, you have to include those points.
‘The submission should be accompanied
by a PDF of about 300 words reflecting critically on your role and on the final product. ‘

Sports theory Analysis

This paper is a 1 page proposal. I will upload a document that explains the assignment, but whatever I type mainly needs to be followed.
*This paper should include your:

Subject: What issue, organization, or team you will analyze for your paper.

Theory: you will use to analyze your subject.

You should write a paragraph that includes a definition, how you understand your theory, or how you will apply your theory to your subject.

You will cite the person or people that invented the theory, and you will cite the scholars that are recognized or became famous applying the theory to sports.

Working Thesis: Your thesis (argument) about what you believe you will find or conclude based on analyzing your subject using a specific theory.

Ex. of a working thesis: By promoting a public image that included tattoos, a sense of fashion, and a “sensitivity” usually performed by women, David Beckham allowed men, especially white male athletes, access to more socially acceptable options for performing masculinity.

APA references should be included after your thesis. The references should include:

Citations for your theory…who invented it, made it famous.

Then citations for your theory and the person that applied it to sports or is famous for applying the theory to sports.

Any other journals or references you plan to use for your paper.
I have typed an exmaple and I will upload an example of Hegemonic masculinity on Nolan Ryan, the article is an example of how it could or should be done.
*in the document, the theories or perspectives you have to choose from are Hegemonic masculinity, risk/ crisis, and intersectionality/ feminism.
Basically writer just has to choose a subject and select one of the theories to use

Recruitment, selection and induction practice

Unit 416 – Recruitment, selection and induction practice

1.1 -Explain workforce planning techniques

1.2 -Describe the information needed to identify recruitment requirements

1.3 -Assess the impact of an organisation’s structure and culture on its recruitment and selection policies and practices

1.4 -Analyse the factors involved in establishing recruitment and selection criteria

1.5 -Evaluate the suitability of different recruitment and selection methods for different roles

1.6 -Analyse patterns of employment that affect the recruitment of staff

1.7 -Explain the factors to be taken into account when developing job specifications, personal specifications and job advertisements

1.8 -Explain the induction process

1.9 -Explain the relationship between human resource processes and the induction processes

2.5 -Evaluate the cost-effectiveness of different methods of recruitment for an identified role

2.6 -Explain how recruitment policies and practices meet legal and ethical requirements

3.5 -Evaluate the effectiveness of the selection process

4.2 -Explain to new starters organisational policies, procedures and structures

4.3 -Explain to new starters their role and responsibilities

4.4 -Explain to new starters their entitlements and where to go for help