Please choose from: e.g. staffing, training/development, compensation/benefits, employee relations, compliance, etc.


In this assignment, you will examine the research literature on a human resource function (e.g. staffing, training/development, compensation/benefits, employee relations, compliance, etc.) and discuss how this function adds to the overall organizational strategy.


  1. Choose a human resource function (e.g. staffing, training/development, compensation/benefits, employee relations, compliance, etc.) that your paper will cover.
  2. Research the function selected and discuss how this function adds to the overall organizational strategy.
  3. Discuss the major research theories that have influenced this human resource function.
  4. Give at least three real world examples that show how this function adds to the strategic organizational direction. (Real world examples of organizations that have not aligned this function with strategy and the issues that arise due to this are permitted.)



  • APA (American Psychological Association) format: Your paper needs to conform to APA format standards.  Use academic voice and avoid sland/colloquial language.  (Please refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th edition) for proper formatting guidelines.)


  • All submissions must be in Word format.


  • Your paper should be a minimum of 8 full pages of content and must have an abstract but not included in the 8 page count t (excluding the title page, abstract and references) and may not exceed 12 pages of content.


  • A minimum of eight scholarly sources are required. Other references are permitted, but do not count in the 10 scholarly reference requirements. (Wikipedia is not acceptable as a reference.) (add language around more sources maybe be required if you are including a thought that is not your own.)




The paper will be evaluated on the following criteria:


  • Content and Knowledge Integration (20 points) – Paper demonstrates full understanding and application of concepts from the course. Concepts are integrated into writer’s own insights and show synthesis of ideas.
  • Depth of Analysis (30 points) – Critical, in-depth analysis/diagnoses of issues, proposed resolutions/interventions, and expected results. Well-documented with relevant and significant research citations incorporated to support analysis.


  • Presentation and Structure (20 points) – Organization, structure, paragraph and topic transitions; logical flow from introduction to conclusion, well-constructed and delivered. (Even the best analysis is hard to follow if the paper is not well constructed and delivered.)


  • Writing Mechanics (15 points) – Spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence structure; coherent articulation and build. Academic tone.


  • APA Formatting (15 points) – Margins, spacing, font, in-text citations, references, running head, title page, abstract, proper headings, etc.



 Note: All submitted work is scanned using the University Safe Assign tool and web databases. Plagiarism, including self-plagiarism, is a serious ethical violation that can jeopardize your grade in the class and may also affect your standing in the program. Be sure to cite all sources fully and appropriately.


Topographic and Geologic Lab

Lab Exercise: Topographic and Geologic Lab (20 points)

Use geologic maps of the locations below to answer questions.

  • Lake Wales, FL
  • Blakley Island, WA
  • Cordova, AK
  • Lake Scott, KS
  • Geologic Map, KY
  • Geologic Map Jefferson, CO
  • Geologic Map Yavapai, AZ

Topographic Map of Lake Wales, FL

General Map Questions—use the border areas to answer the following questions.

  1. What is the scale of this map?
  2. What is the contour interval of this map?
  3. Observe the numbers at each corner of the map area. At each corner is a longitude and latitude number. Explain how you can tell which is which.
  4. On the bottom margin, there are two arrows together. One is geographic north, and the other is magnetic north. Suggest a reason why this would be included on this map.
  5. Why is there purple on this map?
  6. What is the date of this map?
  7. At each corner, and midway through each of the sides of the map, there is a place name in parentheses. What do these represent?
  8. This map is based on the 1929 datum (sea level). What major information would be altered if this was based on 2010 datum?
  9. Which township and ranges are partly covered by this map?

Specific map questions—to be answered by information inside the map area.

  1. What is the gradient between the bench mark at the north end if Iron Mountain and Mountain Lake?
  2. What is the highest elevation on this map?
  3. What are all those very round features with multiple hachured contour lines?
  4. What is the elevation of Lake Pierce?

Blakely Island, WA

  1. What is the highest elevation of Decatur Island?
  2. What is the northern latitude of this map?
  3. What is the elevation difference between Blakely Peak and Horseshoe Lake?
  4. What is the funny line that is dashed with spots that wiggles through Blakely Island?
  5. By what route does water move out of Horseshoe Lake to Lopez Sound?

Cordova, AK

  1. What is the morphology of Copper River south of Miles Lake?
  2. What glacial feature is Nelson Bay?
  3. What is the contour interval of this map?
  4. What is all the white on this map?
  5. Going north up the Copper River, there are several areas of purple next to some of the glaciers. What could this represent?

Lake McBride/Lake Scott, KS

  1. What direction is Ladder Creek flowing?
  2. Identify at least 3 ways to determine the direction of flow of Ladder Creek.
  3. What is the drainage pattern on this map?
  4. What is the elevation difference between the top of Morgan Draw to Ladder Creek?

Geologic Map, KY

  1. Observe the elevations of the color changes in Kentucky on this map. What does this suggest about the attitude (orientation) of the rock units?
  2. What is the oldest rock unit shown on this map?
  3. What does the yellow indicate on this map?
  4. What direction does the Ohio River flow on this map?

Geologic Map Jefferson, CO

  1. What is the age of the unit in the middle of the syncline?
  2. What type of fault is the Williams Range—Elkhorn Fault?
  3. Are there any Paleozoic units on this map? If so, what are they?
  4. In what section of this map are the Jurassic age units?
  5. Are the units in the middle of the anticline older or younger than the units in the middle of the syncline?
  6. What direction does Deadman Gulch flow?
  7. Someone told you the Morrison Formation had dinosaur bones, so you decide to check it out. Where on this map would you go to hunt for them?

Geologic Map Yavapai, AZ

  1. What is different about the attitude of the unit at Big Bug Mesa, compared to the other units around it?
  2. Towards the NW corner of the map, there is a bright green unit labelled as smb. What type of fold is here?
  3. This is an old map. There are some units shown as ‘Age relationship unknown.’ How can we determine what the ages of these units are?
  4. Going by the cross section, what is the orientation of the Chaparral Fault?
  5. Which unit on this map has the steepest slope?
  6. What is the age of the Yavapai Series?

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

What is a line? 2. What are two ways of showing perspective in a painting? 3. How can artists show volume with light? 4. Why are primary colors so called?

1. What is a line? 2. What are two ways of showing perspective in a painting? 3. How can artists show volume with light? 4. Why are primary colors so called? 5. How can a small object in a painting balance a much larger one? 6. Why do artists establish directional forces in a work? 7. Why might an artist distort the scale of an artwork? 8. What are the three principle theories of evaluating an artwork? 9. How do specialists decide what art is great? 10. What court case clearly established artist′s freedom of expression? ————————————————– After reviewing the required reading and course notes, students should then select an artwork from any of the online museums provided within Lesson 2. Students may either attach the image (don′t forget to share source information) or share a link to the image in a new discussion thread in this forum. Students will be expected to explain how the artwork relates to at least two of the following topics: Implied Depth, Value, Space, Color, Time or Motion. The second component of this assignment will include two responses to another student’s artwork submission addressing at least two of the following topics: Unity, Variety, Balance, Scale, Proportion, Emphasis or Focal Point. Peer responses should include the following: one response should pose a question about the image, the second response should be a response to question posed by a different peer. All artwork should include proper citation in MLA format. Please use the following source as a guide:

Factions, The Constitution, and Politics

The size and complexity of communities varied widely in the 1780s, producing tension
between citizens working in the old economy and those hoping to work in the new
economy. The transition between the loose federation of sovereign state governments
operating together under the Articles of Confederation to the partially decentralized and
partially highly centralized government described in the U.S. Constitution advantaged
many citi
Page 2 of 4
John P Roche, 1961, “The Founding Fathers: A Reform Caucus in Action,”
American Political Science Review, pp 799-816. This classic article is
available through JSTOR on the Henderson Library webpages.
In his 1961 article, Roche makes an argument for the economy being the most
compelling variable in understanding the political actions of the Founding Generation.
The basic explanation is that delegates voted in the Convention for proposals that they
believed would improve their own economic conditions. This older research has been
supplemented recently with additional data. Webb proposes that the waves of ScotchIrish
immigration were a significant contributing factor to the revolution, and that race
and ideology were thereby most influential to the formation of the government in the
summer of 1787. Webb’s explanation relies on the skepticism of the Scotch-Irish for
government rule and oppression, and the racial differences perceived between the Scots
and the English in the 18th century.
Using data available at the National Archives and Records Administration, and from the
U.S. Bureau of the Census Bureau, investigate for yourself the motivations of the
Founding Generation. Take the following steps:
Select three states from the twelve that sent delegates to the constitutional convention,
one each of the large, small, and transitional states. You will collect population counts
(four data points), as well as economic information in the Census Bureau tables. Do not
use your home state (only students new to Georgia should select that state), and since
Rhode Island did not send delegates to the Convention, do not select that state either.
For each of the states you select, examine the delegates to the Constitutional
Convention and compare the three states. Do this by asking some questions, either
these or your own. Who were the important delegates at the Convention from the
states you selected? Who were their constituents? How did they make their living (i.e.
the important economic sectors in the state)? With information from these questions,
summarize what you think is happening in that state.
Delegates and Factions:
Primary documents and information about the Founding generation are available
on the National Archives website (
Choose the “Research Our Records” tab.
Scroll to the bottom of the screen and Choose “Browse Online Exhibits”.
Choose “The Charters of Freedom” Exhibit. Next select the Constitution.
You will need the biographies of delegates to the Constitutional
Convention found in “Meet the Framers of the Constitution”. This section
keeps moving and was recently renamed. It was at this URL recently:
You may find that other aspects of the Charters of Freedom exhibit is
useful to supplement the Barbour and Wright text.
Page 3 of 4
Population and Economic Data:
Data are available for the Population of the States from the first U.S. Census in 1790
(Volume I, Series A 195-209) as well as the data from the colonial censuses (Volume 2,
Series Z 1-19).
The Census Bureau report, “Historical Statistics of the United States, Colonial Times to
1970” contains data that will help you make comparisons between states and economic
sectors. The electronic version of the tables that you need are located at the Fraser
Federal Reserve Archive:
Note that the citation is available on the “Cite” dropdown. The PDF files can be
accessed lower down that page at the links for “Volume 1” and “Volume 2”. Use the
“Table of Contents” tab for a preview; use the “Get” tab that appears to the right of the
selection box to download the document PDF.
Be forewarned that these links to the Historical Statistics access very large files. They
will require at least 4-5 minutes to load with a fast internet connection. Do not leave
this aspect of the assignment until the last minute. This part of the assignment may be
most quickly done on a campus hard wired machine (in a computer lab, not over the wifi
network), during low usage times (early morning, or supper time).
For the states you select, examine the delegates to the Constitutional convention
( Who were the important delegates from the states you selected? Which
economic interests in your states are important? Based on this information gleaned
from the delegate’s biographies, examine the economic information for the states that is
available in the Census data. For example, determine what the largest sector in the
state economy is (farming, shipping, commerce, or something else)? It will be easiest
to examine the population data from the Census first, and then examine the economic
Compare the populations of these states in 1790 to the population at the earliest
available census for that colony. Consider the relationship between the complexity of
the economy and the positions the delegates take toward the Constitution.
Format for the Report:
Your analysis should be typed following the Chicago Manual of Style, a subset of these
rules with examples developed for political science is found in the APSA Style Manual
available on Folio in the Reference Material folder. The length of the report is ultimately
up to you, but 2-3 double spaced pages of text is generally sufficient. Use standard 1”
margins and a font similar that used in this document. I selected Tahoma, 11, but you
may select a similar professional font. Be certain to list your sources fully with textual
references and include a bibliography. Provide a title page. An abstract is not
necessary for a short essay like this. Upload your final report as a PDF to Folio.
In the process of writing up your analysis, you should have at least one reference for
your textbook (Barbour and Wright). You should also have a reference to the Historical
Page 4 of 4
Statistics, to the National Archives and Record Administration website, to the Roche
article and to the Webb chapters. Additional sources may be used but are not
necessary, and may detract from your argumen

Gerontology – Delirium, Dementia and Depression in Older Adults

1. Explain the difference between delirium, dementia and depression in the older adult population
2. Choose one of the three; delirium, dementia and depression and answer the below questions. You can choose any setting (i.e. community setting, hospital setting, post-op) and any condition (depression related to decrease sex drive, delirium related to acute care hospitalization, dementia and the risks of being in the community, etc)
3. Is this a preventative condition? Or is this genetic? List and discuss from the literature preventative measures for the condition chosen
4. Are there any current policies/procedures implemented to help the older adult population with the chosen topic? In hospital, community setting, provincial federal, etc?
5. Provide one recommendation in detail from your literature search that you feel can assist with health promotion/disease prevention in this population in regards to your chosen topic

Write in Canadian with Canadian resources!! You can use U.S. resources if necessary.

-Length: 5 page maximum
-APA 7th edition- style and formatting

-A minimum of 5 scholarly references (peer-reviewed journals or other current, relevant, scientifically sound sources) are required to support your paper


Assignment – SWOT Analysis 

A SWOT analysis is a useful tool within the strategic planning process. It supports the concept of identifying internal and external factors that impact an organization, and then creating strategies to reflect what was identified. The SW relates to strengths and weaknesses. These are internal conditions, such as systems, processes, technology, organizational structure, people, and other resources. The SW addresses and then prioritizes all internal strengths and weaknesses. The purpose is to identify all aspects that are strengths (and then create strategies to accentuate these strengths) and to identify all aspects that are weaknesses (and remove or reduce the related risks). The OT relates to the opportunities and threats. Within strategic planning, these are the externalities that should be identified and either leveraged (opportunities) and/or minimized/removed (threats). Externalities may relate to competition, industry growth or decline, vendors, new products, politics and governmental requirements, economies, demographics, etc.




A SWOT analysis is also an excellent tool to use in auditing the effectiveness and potential strategies of a department. For this assignment, please identify one HR department, within one organization. You do not have to identify the organization for proprietary reasons, but you must identify the industry and organizational goals.


Create a 5-page SWOT analysis paper using one HR department as the SW, and HR’s alignment with the company as the OT.


  1. Be clear on the current state of analysis using the SWOT model, and based on the SWOT observations, create a formal plan of action to leverage strengths, reduce the weaknesses, optimize the opportunities, and remove/reduce the threats. Feel free to add a visual as part of the assignment if it helps to tell the story you are providing.
  2. Provide a minimum of 4 credible references


Note: This paper should follow proper APA Format and be a minimum of 5 pages in full length and must have an abstract but not included in the 5 page count (not including cover page, abstract, or references page).

stress management and time management in the healthcare workplace

The course is Healthcare Management. The professor provided a description of the paper below. Thank you!
There are many stressors in the work environment. Most people do not realize that when a supervisor or manger is stressed, this permeates into many areas of the department (personnel, mission objectives, patients, etc).

Since you have learned that time management and stress management are interlinked;

1. Differentiate time management and stress management.

2. Research techniques on time management and stress management relative to the workplace.

Use a minimum of three sources with keywords of stress management and/or time management in your analysis.
There are many stressors in the work environment. Most people do not realize that when a supervisor or manager is stressed, this permeates into many areas of the department (personnel, mission objectives, patients, etc).
1. Differentiate time management and stress management.
2. Research techniques on time management and stress management relative to the workplace. (healthcare)
Use a minimum of three sources with keywords of stress management and/or time management in your paper.

Poetic analysis

Choose one of the poems assigned last week from The Norton Introduction to Literature for your analysis. Using close reading techniques, develop an argumentative thesis for your analysis. Write a two-three-page paper that supports your thesis. At the end of the essay, provide a Writing Process Summation by answering the following questions:

  • Why did you choose this poem?
  • How did you arrive at your understanding and assertion about the poem?
  • What were the points you made in this essay?
  • How did you revise this?
  • What do you want your reader to see from your essay?

This paper must have a Works Cited page, separate from the body of the essay (insert a page break to make sure it is always on another page). See p. 462 in The Little, Brown Handbook for the example for citing a selection from an anthology, such as The Norton Introduction to Literature.

Some of you are having difficulty understanding how to analyze rather than just summarize a piece of literature. You understand that literary criticism means paying close attention to all the details, but still are not sure what to do with those details to analyze the poem. The following may give you some guidance so that you can start out well.

As you look at the poems, you need to focus on a specific topic and take a stance. One way of doing this is to answer a question by looking very closely at the poem from the perspective of the question.


“In the Park” by Gwen Harwood

  • Why does the woman want to avoid the passing man?
  • What do we know about the woman and her life?
  • How does the usage of dialogue “’How nice,’ et cetera,” create the tone of the poem?

Thesis Statements

Your thesis is never the question: it is always the answer to the question and should be as narrow and specific as possible.    The thesis should take a stance, must be in active voice, and should contain two or more key points that will be developed in your essay. The thesis will organize your presentation, provide a frame of reference for your reader, and give a sense of cohesion to your essay.

Every essay must have a thesis statement in the introduction. Let the reader know what your thesis statement is by putting it in bold type. Be sure you state the title of the poem and the author in the introduction.

For those of you who need help formulating a thesis sentence, I can give you a few prototypes to use. You will need to fill in the blanks with the key points you are going to use in your essay. Feel free to change any of the words or phrases in the sentence if you need to use it.

“In the Park,” by Gwen Harwood

  • The woman thinks the man sees her as ____________________, ________________________, and _______________________ because she is _____________________.

The blanks in these sentences are for the key points you will then make in the body of your essay.  Develop them in the order you present them.  Give examples from the poem and use in-text, parenthetical citations with the line of poetry—ex. (Harwood ll. 2-3).  After the first time you use line (l.) or lines (ll.) just give the poem line (14).

Summarize the points you make, and conclude your essay by somewhat mirroring your introduction in your final paragraph.    Do not use the same exact words and phrasing, but make sure the meaning of the introduction and the conclusion are the same.

Works Cited

At the end of your essay, insert a page break to ensure that your Work Cited page will be on a separate page.  I have cited one of the poems below.  After that I have given you the pattern for the citation.  You must use examples from the poem and you must cite the poem for this assignment.


Work Cited

Keats, John.  “To Autumn.”  The Norton Introduction to Literature. Kelly J. Mays, ed.  Portable 11th ed.  New York: Norton, 2016.  695-696.  Print.

Last name of author, first name.  “Title of the Poem.”  Title of book.  Editor.  Edition.  Place of Publication: publisher, date of publication.  Page number(s).  Medium.


Grading Rubric

The criteria below will be used to grade Essay 1.



Criteria Level 5 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

10 points

The essay presents clear, fully developed, distinct thesis statement that reveals stance on poem and direction of analysis. Thesis statement indicates stance, with some idea of direction toward analysis. Reveals stance or direction, but needs some more clarification. Initial thesis statement provided but needs significant development. No thesis statement or just summarizes the poem.

30 points

Fully-developed points analyzing poem presented. Points fully developed. Good use of quotes and close reading toward analysis with follow-through on demonstrating thesis. Includes excellent primary source into discussion effectively. Meets page requirement. Offers a pretty strong approach toward analysis and development of points. Good initial close reading of quotes, but could use some elaboration while focused on demonstrating thesis statement. Integrates material from the primary source. Good start on exploring the analytical approach of the poem. Has some close reading of quotes from the poem, but needs more development toward analysis and demonstrating thesis statement. Includes material from primary sources, but needs to connect it to analysis. Offers some insight toward analysis, but needs more follow through on developing an analysis of points. The essay focuses on summarizing and/or responding to the poem. Doesn’t include close reading, primary source.

25 points

Contains an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Points follow a clear progression and flow in distinct body paragraphs, and are thoroughly explored in body paragraphs. Points logically lead into each other. Strong use of transitions. Contains an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Most points distinct from each other, with some revising needed; however, the flow of points is pretty sound. Has some transitions, but more needed to connect points more smoothly. Contains a semblance introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Some points are blurred or spread out through the essay; writing goes back and forth between points. Needs more tightening and better use of transitions. Points are hard to follow and lack logical flow. Few transitions are used or need clarity. The direction of the essay is hard to follow and the poor distinction between points and analysis affect readability.
MLA Format

15 points

Quotes and sources are properly formatted and cited. The document contains all of the following MLA formatting details: double-spacing, headers with page numbers, paragraph indents, correctly cited and formatted works cited page. Quotes and sources are properly formatted and cited. The document contains many of the following MLA formatting details: double-spacing, headers with page numbers, paragraph indents, correctly cited and formatted works cited page. Quotes and sources are formatted and cited but have minor errors. The document contains some of the following MLA formatting details: double-spacing, headers with page numbers, paragraph indents, correctly cited and formatted works cited page. Quotes and sources are formatted and cited but don’t follow MLA guidelines. The document contains few of the following MLA formatting details: double-spacing, headers with page numbers, paragraph indents, correct works cited. Document has too few elements of MLA format and/or is missing citations for quotes, sources, etc.
One Paragraph Summation

5 points

Summation offers developed and clear insight into writing process and analysis. 1 paragraph long. Solid summation, but needs some more elaboration of writing process and analysis approach. Provides an initial description of writing process and analysis. Needs a little more clarity and development. Offers a brief description, but more elaboration is needed. Very brief or no summation provided.
Grammar, Style, Mechanics

15 points

Perfectly polished and clear writing observing correct grammar, effective clear style (concise and formal, use of third person only), with no typos. Writing is mostly polished and clear writing mostly observing correct grammar, effective clear style (use of concise and formal language; use of third person only), with no typos. Writing is effective but has some areas where grammar, style, typos need correction. Writing contains many errors in grammar or style that affect readability. Significant errors pervade the essay.



Ethical Analysis and Decision Making

Discuss and evaluate LePore’s actions in the Butterfly Ballot Case applying the different ethical codes.

Discuss the impact on the analysis of applying the government-focused ASPA Code of Ethics in comparison versus the nonprofit Mott Foundation Code of Ethics

Pose a clarifying question (e.g., “What did you mean by…?” “Why did you say…?” “What criteria did you use…?” “What was your intention…?” “What is the connection…?” “What were your assumptions…?”).
Provide an additional insight, an “ah-ha moment”, or a respectful refutation.

Discuss why the article is or is not professionally relevant.

Explain how the article ideas relate to your article’s ideas.

Provide an application (e.g., I have seen an example of this…, The result of this could be…).

Selection Plan

Choose your current job, a job you’ve had previously, or a job with which you are very familiar. Then in one document, effectively discuss the following points:
1. Assess the market for the position you have chosen.
2. Discuss the complexities in recruiting for that position.
3. Create a selection plan used to fill vacancies of that job. Follow the format shown in Exhibit 8.2, p. 373 of the textbook. Include both initial and substantive methods of assessment. Follow the selection plan table with a 1-2 page narrative explaining the selection plan and your rationale for the assessment techniques you chose.
Your paper should be 3-5 pages in length (excluding cover page and references), double-spaced, and formatted according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements. Be sure to discuss and reference concepts taken from the assigned textbook reading and relevant research. You must include a minimum of three credible, academic or professional references beyond the course textbook. Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.