You have recently been elected as a Republican to the Texas House of Representatives from a competitive district (even number of Democrats, Republicans and Independents) just outside of Dallas

You have recently been elected as a Republican to the Texas House of Representatives from a competitive district (even number of Democrats, Republicans and Independents) just outside of Dallas. One of the first bills that you must vote on is House Bill 3- a Bill to require the death penalty for anyone convicted of selling opioids for a third time. Your constituents support the bill as does the Governor your party, but you oppose it on grounds that the death penalty should be reserved for heinous crimes (pre-meditated murder). The Speaker of the House opposes the bill as well.


  1. Write a paper that answers the questins below.
  2.  In explaining how you will vote on the bill, be sure to explain the following:
  • What Representational Role you will adopt (trustee or delegate). (Unit 4 Written Lectures, Slide 24)
  • How will the Speaker of the House, the Lt. Governor and Governor of Texas influence the fate of the bill? (Unit 4 Written Lectures, Slides 8, 9, 10 & 19)
  • How do you think constituents might try to influence your vote? (Unit 4 Written Lectures, Slide 17)
  • Which factors noted above and in your notes (constituents, governor, party leaders and your own opinion) will influence your vote? Rank them in importance. (Unit 4, Written Lectures, Slide 21)
  • Will you vote for or against the bill? Please explain your answer thoroughly. You should refer back to the representational role here. (Unit 4 Written Lectures, Slide 24)
  1. The paper should include subject headers (ie. Representational Roles, Influence of Legislative Leaders, etc.).
  2. Follow the rubric for grading criteria.


  Percent 0 % 60% 80% 100%
Representational Roles 25% No Effort Notes at least one of three roles or lists, but does not explain all three. Discusses all three roles, but does not apply to issue. Thoroughly explains each role as well as why and how they chose to vote.
How do different people influence public policy? 30% No Effort Limited discussion of how each institutional factor can influence their decision. Lists all people, but limited discussion of how they influence or does not discuss all people. Thoroughly explains how leaders, governor, citizens and personal opinion can influence decision.
Rank and Explain Influences of institutional factors. 20% No Effort Ranks institutional factors, but limited explanation or does not rank all factors. Ranks institutional factors, but does not thoroughly explain ranking of each. Notes ranking of each institutional factor and thoroughly explains why each is ranked.
Explain your vote. 15% No Effort Yes or no vote with no explanation. Yes or no vote with no reference to representational role and/ or institutional factors. Expresses yes or no vote and explains importance of representational role and institutional factors.
Grammar/ Structure 10% No Effort Numerous grammatical and typographical errors, no headers. Some grammatical and/ or typographical errors and/ or no headers. Well written and well organized

Shifting Towards Population Health

Health care administrators direct and coordinate medical services in facilities such as hospitals, public health agencies, and managed care organizations (U.S. Department of Labor, 2015). In order to accomplish this directive, health care administrators need to be current on mandates, health initiatives, and population health programs. This requires the exploration of a variety of resources on health initiatives and public health programs.

This week, you have been provided with a small sample of resources that can help inform a health care administrator. Review this week’s Learning Resources to determine the defined groups and outcomes on the international, federal, and state level. For this Discussion, you are not limited to what has been provided. Select one state and one federal initiative. If you live outside of the United States, select a local and a countrywide initiative.

By Day 3
Post a brief summary of the health initiatives that you selected. Explain how the initiatives shift the focus from individual to population health. Evaluate the consequences of the shift.


Use this Security Assessment Checklist as a resource to methodically prepare a comprehensive security assessment. Not all of the elements listed here will be applicable to every organization, but working through the checklist will help you avoid redundancy and improve accountability.



  • Nature of business or agency
  • Facility name
  • Address
  • Survey date
  • Hours of operation
  • Facility contact person
  • Phone number
  • Fax number
  • Email
  • Environment survey conducted by
  • Surveyor’s address
  • Surveyor’s phone
  • Surveyor’s email



  • Political conditions
  • Crime rates
  • Personnel safety
  • Availability of labor
  • Economic conditions
  • Medical treatment availability
  • Public fire fighting availability
  • Public utilities
  • Public transportation
  • Earthquake susceptibility
  • Fire susceptibility
  • Tornado susceptibility
  • Severe weather susceptibility



  • Crime rate
  • Aesthetic qualities
  • Public police protection
  • Fire protection
  • Emergency medical services
  • History of civil unrest
  • Graffiti and vandalism



Facility Perimeter

  • Fencing
  • Landscaping
  • Parking
  • Employee parking area illumination
  • Visitor parking area illumination
  • Employee parking area monitoring
  • Visitor parking area monitoring
  • Lighting
  • Vehicular traffic pattern
  • Trash removal
  • Protection from adjacent occupancies
  • Proper signage



  • Description of building
  • Common walls with adjacent occupancies
  • Exterior door construction
  • Exterior door locks
  • Door lock operation
  • Exterior window construction
  • Window height above ground
  • Window security
  • Roof access restriction
  • Building exterior lighting
  • Shipping and receiving area monitoring
  • Emergency exit
  • Emergency exits unobstructed
  • Interior door construction
  • Interior wall construction
  • Antitheft systems or mechanisms


Access Control

  • Intrusion detection
  • Building entrances minimized
  • Employee entrance monitoring
  • Visitor entrance monitoring
  • Interior door locks
  • Key control system
  • Key sign-out and assignment system
  • Keys accounted for
  • Key safeguards
  • Employee distinguishableness
  • Visitor supervision
  • Restricted access to sensitive or vulnerable areas
  • Computer data storage restrictions
  • Key storage area restrictions
  • Mechanical and utility room restrictions
  • Telecommunications room restrictions
  • Mailroom restrictions
  • Executive office suite restrictions
  • Vendor access
  • Vault or safe security
  • Controlled substance security
  • Hazardous material security
  • Liquid asset protection
  • Proper signage to direct visitors
  • Alarm and Surveillance Systems


Fire Protection

  • Fire alarm system
  • Sprinkler system
  • Fire extinguishers
  • Fire suppression
  • Fire alarm system testing
  • Gas line protection
  • Electric power cord protection
  • Fire doors functional
  • Flammable material storage
  • Fire notification plan
  • Fire evacuation plan
  • Fire exits unobstructed
  • Fire exits secured from outside
  • In-house fire brigade
  • Fire safety policy and procedures
  • Address prominently displayed



  • Employee background investigations
  • Previous employer verification
  • Security for personnel records
  • Exit interviews upon employee termination
  • Organization property retrieval at termination
  • Employee and visitor safeguards against accidents, theft, assault, and workplace violence



  • Critical information identification
  • Critical information security
  • Information hardcopy destruction
  • Employee nondisclosure agreement in place
  • Intellectual property identification
  • Intellectual property security
  • Client and customer list protection
  • Access to computers restricted
  • Access to computer transmissions restricted
  • Laptop and personal computer security
  • E-mail access restrictions
  • Internet connection security
  • Electronic document destruction procedures
  • Software licensing
  • Prohibition against installation of outside software
  • Terminated employees immediately denied access
  • Disaster recovery plan
  • Duplicate data files maintained at remote location
  • Password security
  • Information security indoctrination and training
  • Cellular phone communication protection



Background Investigations

  • Employees (new)
  • Employees (existing)
  • Vendors and contractors
  • Partnerships with other organizations
  • Security clearances


Incident Investigations

  • Investigation of any loss
  • Accidents
  • Safety hazards
  • Crime
  • Natural disasters



  • Competition counterintelligence
  • Criminal intelligence
  • Foreign travel intelligence


Reporting Procedures

  • Background investigations documentation
  • Background investigation confidentiality
  • Security activity log maintenance
  • Recording of incidents
  • Incident reported to proper manager and/or authority
  • Adherence to reporting procedures



  • Audit procedures
  • Employee locker or workstation inspections
  • Accounting function separation
  • Package control system
  • Opening time ambush controls
  • Closing time ambush controls
  • Receiving area security
  • Shipping area security
  • Delivery driver controls
  • Separation between shipping and receiving areas
  • Equipment inventory
  • Contractor and vendor audits
  • Customer or visitor service



  • Mission statement
  • Vision statement
  • Organizational goals
  • Organizational values
  • Quality improvement initiatives
  • Employee code of conduct
  • Employee misconduct policies
  • Disciplinary procedures
  • Termination procedures
  • Search or inspection policies
  • Removal of organization property
  • Bomb threat procedures
  • Evacuation procedures
  • Severe weather procedures
  • Natural disaster procedures
  • Contraband detection
  • Chemical abuse policy
  • Drug testing policy



  • Indoctrination for new employees
  • Training for existing employees
  • Executive protection
  • Foreign travel training



  • Contact with local police maintained
  • Contact sheriff maintained
  • Contact with state police and highway patrol maintained
  • Contact with fire department maintained
  • Contact with appropriate federal agencies maintained
  • Articulation and collaboration with other security organizations

pick a bacterium from the book or that you found in another source. DO NOT TELL US ITS GENUS AND SPECIES NAME. Write a few sentences (around 5) about why it is interesting and/or important for nurses to know about.

pick a bacterium from the book or that you found in another source. DO NOT TELL US ITS GENUS AND SPECIES NAME. Write a few sentences (around 5) about why it is interesting and/or important for nurses to know about. Make sure to answer the following questions:

Gram reaction, morphology, and arrangement
type of disease it causes
how it is transmitted and how is it treated
is there anything that makes it expecially pathogenic (virulence factors) or dangerous to certain people
what a nurse can do to prevent their patients from contracting it

This does not need to be a huge amount of information. Bullet points are fine. Just make sure everyone knows the important distinguishing features.


Engelkirk, P.
G. & Dublin

Engelkirk, J. (2015)
Burton’s Microbiology for
s (10th ed.).
Philadelphia, PA
: Wolters Kluwer Health.

Biomolecules and Nutrition

1-Text book
2-Nutrition label of your choosing
3-FDA Guide to reading and using nutrition labels

1-Review the sections on biomolecules in your text
2-Read the FDA guide to reading and using nutrition labels
3-Find a nutritional label of a food that interests you and analyze it with respect to the prompts below.
4-Respond to seven prompts (1-7) in a single MS Word document, using complete sentences. Your responses will be evaluated for completeness, content, comprehension, clarity, and citation.

Nutrition Labels and Biomolecules

The four major classes of biomolecules made and used by living systems include Proteins, Lipids, Carbohydrates, and Nucleic Acids. These molecules are the building blocks of cells and organisms such as ourselves. As humans, we acquire these nutrients through the foods we eat. It is therefore important to understand how our foods are fulfilling the needs of our bodies.

Food Expectations:
1-What is the food you have chosen? Why are you interested in learning about this food?
Do you have any expectations before you examine the label in detail?
2-Serving Size and Calories
What is the serving size of this food? Does it match well with your typical consumption? (Do you usually eat more or less than the serving size?)
How many Calories are found per serving of this food?
3-Consider the lipids in this food
How many Calories come from lipids/fats per serving? What percent daily value of fat is found per serving?
Is there any cholesterol present in this food?
Are there more saturated fats or unsaturated fats per serving?
4-Consider the carbohydrates in this food.
How many grams of total carbohydrates are included per serving? How many of those grams are simple carbohydrates (sugars)?
Many times cellulose is a component of insoluble dietary fiber, while other plant carbohydrates form solubule dietary fiber. What percent daily value of dietary fiber is found in a serving of this food?
Simple sugars can be digested and used immediately, while complex carbohydrates take longer to digest. Based on this, is this food geared for quick or long-term energy? (Is there a greater proportion of simple sugars or complex carbohydrates in this food?)
How many grams of proteins are found per serving of this food?
Can you identify the source of the protein from the ingredient list? (look for ingredients that ultimately came from living organisms).
6-Nucleic Acids: Nucleic acids are not typically listed on nutritional labels. However, nucleic acids depend heavily on the element phosphorus, a mineral required by the body. Examine a diagram of nucleotides or a DNA molecule, such as figure 2.22 and 2.23, and answer the questions below.
What percent daily value of phosphorous is provided by a serving of this food? Why is phosphorous needed for nucleic acids?
Many vitamins such as niacin, thiamine, folic acid, and B vitamins are chemically related to nucleic acids. Is this a food good source of any of these vitamins?
7-Overall Nutrition
How would you rate this food as a source of biomolecules? Were you surprised by anything you found? Why or why not?

Formulating a Hypothesis: Cellular Pathogens

1-Website on current disease outbreaks: CDC Current Outbreak List
2-Web research on current disease outbreak listed by Center for Disease Control

Review the sections on characteristics of cells in your textbook
Read a website on disease outbreaks
Determine the classification of a current disease outbreak
Respond to six prompts (1-6) in a single MS Word document, using complete sentences.

Imagine you are a medical researcher in charge of investigating a new disease outbreak. In order to treat this new disease, doctors must understand more about this pathogen, the disease-causing agent. You have collected samples of diseased tissue from infected individuals, and you must determine if the pathogen is a non-cellular virus, or whether the pathogen is a cellular prokaryote (Domain Bacteria or Archaea) or a eukaryote (Domain Eukarya). This is an important distinction, as the treatment for this disease will be impacted by your results. In general, viruses are organized collections of protein and either DNA or RNA. How will you determine what type of pathogen you are studying?

Respond to six prompts:
1-List and describe some of the features that all cells have in common. Consider how you could use these features to determine whether the pathogen was a cell or a virus. (Remember that viruses are not cells!)
2-With this information, write a hypothesis that you could use to test whether the pathogen was a cell or a virus. Remember that a hypothesis is a tentative explanation that suggests experimental predictions.
Remember that a hypothesis is a tentative explanation that suggests experimental predictions. You may share this hypothesis with your classmates through the discussion thread—see instructions.
3-If your experiments revealed the pathogen to be a virus, would this pathogen be considered “alive” by our definition? Explain your answer using the 3 components of cell theory.
Now, assume that your tests reveal that this pathogen is a type of cell.
4-Identify and describe features that differentiate eukaryotic cells of the domain Eukarya from prokaryotic cells in domains Bacteria and Archaea. What are some organelles that would typically be found in eukaryotic cells?
5-Develop a hypothesis you could use to determine whether this pathogen is a prokaryote or eukaryote. You may alternatively share this hypothesis with your classmates through the discussion thread.
6-Visit CDC Current Outbreak List for US-based disease outbreaks. Choose a disease from among the currently listed outbreaks, and look up whether it is caused by a virus, bacteria, fungus, or other. Report your chosen disease and its classification.

Reasons for Revolt: The Revolutionary American Colonial Perspective on the British Monarchy (paper)


The British King and bureaucracy (the Crown) thought the colonists were acting like spoiled children. The colonists thought the British were overbearing, taxing unfairly, and ignoring their grievances. For this assignment, take the perspective of American colonists and write a paper explaining why the British colonies in North America revolted against the Crown.

Below are some of the items to consider:

  • The colonial relationship to the British before/after the French and Indian War
  • The acts passed by the British government
  • The grievances stated in the Declaration of Independence
  • The events that escalated the division between the Crown and the colonists.


  1. Write a two-page paper (not including the required References page) that is formatted APA
  2. Your paper should include at least four paragraphs with an introduction, a body with at least three fully developed paragraphs, and a conclusion. The essay should contain a fully developed and supported thesis statement.
  3. Include a minimum of two academic sources (journal articles, books, etc.) other than the textbook.

Comparison/Contrast Paper (625 words). Compare and contrast two different things. Aim for a critically thought out, interesting, well-supported thesis statement.

Compare and Contrast what causes something to look good or not look good (or sound good—a good video game?) and what makes both, but remember to think in untraditional ways./ Compare and contrast how something becomes good or evil and why? Remember to think outside of the obvious./ Compare and contrast sin and virtue, remembering to focus on critical thinking moments. How does sin develop in a life in subtle ways we should all be careful analyze and compare and contrast./ Compare and contrast idols and non-idols. / Compare and contrast how one develops courage vs. stupidity, focusing on the subtle differences. Compare and contrast how happiness develops and explain why it is happiness. / Compare and contrast wealth and poverty. What does Jesus mean by emphasizing it is easier for a camel to go through an eye of the needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven?/ Compare and contrast how different economic classes develop. Is it true there is class warfare, as Marx said? Or compare and contrast the different classes./ Compare and contrast the development of democracy with tyranny–its strengths and weaknesses, especially in relationship to other forms of government. Or compare and contrast different forms of democracy with other forms of government./ Compare and contrast the best ways to discipline a child/student and why./ Compare and Contrast different philosophies of deciding when war is necessary and when peace. Consider Just War theory to start your thinking. Or compare and contrast war and peace./ Compare and contrast different processes of determining the best types of punishment for those who have broken the law (including drug users or the so-called victimless crimes). Why is this the best process? You might present your analysis and viewpoints on capital punishment. / Compare and contrast different ways one comes to believe or disbelieve in the Christian God or other Gods. Or compare and contrast belief and unbelief. / Compare and contrast the ways you know something is knowledge or opinion.

Compare and contrast different methods of dealing with death, using Ernest Becker’s Denial of Death./ Compare and contrast the best way to balance emotion and reason. How does one know when the balance has been lost? Or compare and contrast emotion and reason./ Compare and contrast fear and the best way to overcome it. Or compare and contrast approaches to dealing with fear. / Compare and contrast different approaches to how one overcomes depression or anxiety.

Note About Papers: Follow the paper format at with Times New Roman 12 size font. The spacing should be double. Unless otherwise noted, all graded, out of class, writing submissions will be typed.

Students are reminded they may use first person in their papers as long as they do not do so repetitively and in-concisely (i.e. Students should not repeat ‘I think’ over and over again when it is already clear that these are the student’s opinions). Students should use first person if they feel there is personal experience they can use to sharpen the paper’s ideas and make them more insightful.

Grading Policy on Writing Paragraphs: I have a specific policy in class that paragraphs should range from 4-7 sentences and be no longer than 7 sentences. There is even an argument from professional writers today that paragraphs should be even shorter as a result of the need to constantly impress today’s audience and keep their attention, but 4-7 sentences is sufficient for our class. Any longer than 7 sentences, and points are taken off for Organization.

Nursing leadership

How do you think that complexity science and quantum leadership provide a framework for an initiative to advance the competencies and skills of frontline managers and to change the management culture to a leadership culture in an organization?

How effective do you think that Cameryn was in transforming the leadership culture in her organization? What might she have done differently to facilitate the change process?

One of the roles of the quantum leader is to read the signposts that give direction and feedback regarding the change process. What were some of the signposts that Cameryn encountered during the development of the frontline manager group, interactions with her colleagues, and the encounter with the Human Resources department?

In your opinion, what effect will advancing the frontline managers, her own colleagues’ competence, and transformational leadership culture have on the organizational climate, nursing satisfaction, and even patient outcomes?

Literature review of academic articles describing factors that may lead to failure in information systems development processes

There is an extensive history of failure in one or more aspects of information systems development projects. This is documented and discussed extensively in the research literature. In order to increase the chances of success in information systems development projects, it is essentially helpful to understand potential failure points in the development process in order to avoid them.

The Task:
conduct a literature review of academic articles describing factors that may lead to failure in information systems development processes. A search on these topics in www:// (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. will help you to identify academic sources, which you should find particularly helpful. Academic sources identified through this means but not providing free full text can often be located through the UNA Library Business and Economics electronic resources (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

From your literature review results, identify and describe five factors that can lead to failures in information systems development projects. For each of the five factors propose potential solutions for avoiding the failures as decribed in your research sources.

You must cite a minimum of four sources on this topic located through web-based research in writing a four to five page paper. Your paper must be in paragraph format, clear and concise, opened with an introductory paragraph explaining the purpose of the paper followed by the body of your briefing and closed with a high level summary of the topics presented and discussed in labeled sections.

Completion Requirements:

Compose your paper, double spaced, in a Microsoft Word document.
Carefully use in-text citations and provide a References list (last page of the briefing) in APA format a Microsoft Word document with a minimum length of four pages and a maximum length of five pages, not counting the required Title page, Abstract page and References page.
Use APA format (this reference site (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and this sample paper (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. will help you with using correct APA formatting) for in-text citations and the entries of the References page. Make certain to absolutely avoid plagiarism in your content!
Submit the completed report in a Word document as an attachment to this assignment link.
Note: A Turnitin analysis (see (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for information on this product) will be automatically applied to your assignment submission to indicate the potential degree of “originality,” which means that you have interpreted and are discussing your research results “in your own words” (paraphrasing, but with APA in-text source citations) or are using proper APA citation methods for exact quotations to include the words of others. A Turnitin analysis percentage of 15% or higher will result in your having to repeat this assignment with a single attempt to achieve a percentage less than 15% in order to receive any credit for it.