Policy Redesign Proposal on Australia’s High Education Policy

The assignment is to write a brief Policy Redesign Proposal, describing how you would change the policy area described in the 1st Assignment. You should outline briefly the findings of the 1st Assignment, and then describe how you would determine a new set of policy settings. (I have upload my 1st assignment on the additional material, in short it is about Australia’s High Education Policy)

This is a short assignment that acts as a form of policy brief. It is not intended to cover all the elements of the field overview or any changes. The first assignment will provide a background for working forward, but now you need to consider how you would consider re-designing a policy. This is not an opinion piece (ie, “the policy should change because it is bad”), but an examination of the process you would use to understand and change the policy settings, including how and where you would find evidence to support the change. This might also include suggesting that cost-benefit analysis is warranted (although you are not expected to do this yourself), highlighting specific policy tools to be engaged, or what governance/public sector management practices will be examined.

Although this is a relatively short exercise, you will still need to provide support for your proposals (such as indicating that other policy scholars have made this suggestion etc).


You will be assessed on:

the appropriateness and extent of literature used
the quality of evidence provided
the logical coherency of the structure of the design process
the grammar and bibliography

Careers in Finance

Use the Internet and / or Strayer Resource Center to research career options within the field of finance. Consider the Bureau of Labor Statistics Website, and the Websites of finance professional associations such as the Association for Financial Professionals (AFP), Society of Financial Service Professionals (SFSP), The National Association for Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA), and Financial Management Association International (FMA).

Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you:

Describe two (2) financial career options that an individual with a finance education might pursue and explain the value that such a position adds to a company.
Explain the essential skills that would make a person successful in each of the described positions.
Recommend one (1) of the career options. Identify the most attractive features of the position.

development chart

Complete the following chart. For each age range, identify and describe 2-3 changes or characteristics in physical, cognitive, socioemotional, and moral development. Additionally, for each age range, identify one toy or activity that would be most appropriate for this age, and briefly explain why.

NOTE: You must write in complete sentences. Make sure that you define any terms used (for example, don’t just write: “They have theory of mind.” – you must explain what Theory of Mind is if you are going to identify it as a characteristic). Remember, you are demonstrating your knowledge of child development in this assignment, so make sure that you are specific and detailed! Be sure to cite your sources using APA format.

Age (in years)
Physical Development Cognitive Development

What are the advantages and disadvantages of group counselling over individual counselling? What does the research tell us?

Double-spaced and single-sided, using Times New Roman 12-point font. The body of the text for your paper should be approximately 10 to 12 pages in length (2800 to 3500 words), excluding title page and references.
A research paper in which you are expected to critically analyze and synthesize the research to demonstrate a thorough investigation of the target issue. Ensure your paper includes a balanced perspective of the research (e.g., considering both the strengths and limitations), rather than a one-sided argument. Further, it is critical to integrate the research to formulate scholarly conclusions based on your analysis. It is expected that a minimum of 12 primary sources are used for this paper. Minimize (or avoid all together) the use of direct quotes unless necessary.
Please use Canadian spelling for “-our” endings (ie. colour, behaviour, etc.). All other American grammar conventions are fine.

Assess and plan to adapt an evidence based practice- aggression replacement therapy

Professional memo page length = 3 pages, single spaced. An additional document/guide will be provided on how to structure and format your professional memo.
Case study for Assignment 2- Aggression Replacement Therapy
Please note that the case study is based on an actual EBP. The EBP selected for the course is “Aggression Replacement Therapy.” Note that the array of articles included in this case study are listed in the “abstract” on the cover page. While onerous in number of articles, your instructor has collected for you all the relevant materials you likely need to conduct the assignment. Details included in this package include program descriptions, confirmation that Oregon and California use it as an EBP, journal articles on the intervention, promotional materials, logic model and costs for the program and associated materials and reporting requirements. Better than having to track these down on your own, we think!
Your task is to conduct an assessment of the cultural responsiveness of the chosen intervention (in this case, Aggression Replacement Training). You are to apply the advice in Samuels, Schudrich & Altschul (2009) to the case, identifying how to notice the lack of cultural responsiveness and subsequently to modify the EBP.
Your task includes the following core elements:
a. Identify the culturally-bound elements and discourses that inform the current intervention.
b. Given the tight timeframe of this course, it is not possible to bring this analysis to a gathering of service users and/or community members who share the challenges that the service intends to address, nor to invite their perspectives on the utility of the service, the relevance of the cultural underpinnings of the service, and gather their recommendations for strengthening its cultural responsiveness. INSTEAD, we ask you to anticipate what these are and to describe these concerns, as well as a description on what you would do to check in with relevant communities if you had the time to do so.
c. Conduct a short literature review (2 journal articles) to identify practice modifications and alternatives that offer an improved prognosis for serving diverse communities.
d. Prepare a professional memo of recommended options to strengthen the service, along with why these make sense and the literature that either helps you challenge the cultural responsiveness in ART or helps guide your recommended improvements.
To become familiar with the EBP system look up:
National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices – to see a beginning list of sites for evidence-based practices in addictions and mental health
Coalition for Evidence-Based Policy – to see employment programs that are top-tier ranked
Addictions and Mental Health Services – for Oregon-specific recognition of evidence-based practices in addictions and mental health
Registries of Programs Effective in Reducing Youth Risk Behaviors – for reducing youth risk behaviors from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
Compendium of Evidence-Based Interventions and Best Practices for HIV Prevention – of HIV behavioral risk prevention programs from the CDC
I will upload the main sources/resources but also use these
Additional sources/resources:
• Webb, S. (2001). Some considerations on the validity of evidence-based practice in social work. British Journal of Social Work, 31(1), 57-79.
• Nevo, I. & Slonim-Nevo, S. (2011). The myth of evidence-based practice: Towards evidence-informed practice. British Journal of Social Work, 41(6), 1176-1197. Instructor’s recommendation: focus on pages 1186-1195
Gambrill, E. (1999). Evidence-based practice: An alternative to authority-based practice. Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Human Services, 80(4), 341-350.

High Presenteeism in workplace

Assignment Task Effective managers need to be able to identify and address issues and problems that arise in organisational settings. Your assignment is to search the recent scholarly literature in organisational behaviour and, based on the literature you find, present an up-to-date view on a topic of your choice.

  1. What is the problem? Provide a concise summary of the problem itself, based on your reading of the literature. Here you will need to discuss the problem itself, e.g., who it affects, its prevalence in organisations, including evidence and/or examples. You will also need to be able to describe how the problem affects organisations and employees, using valid empirical evidence (see marking rubric). You also must provide a range of views, including perspectives that counter your main argument.
  2. What can be done to solve this problem? Based on the content of the articles you find in your literature review, identify two (at minimum) or three alternative interventions aimed at resolving the problem, and justify a preferred intervention. Here you must draw on evidence from the literature again to build a convincing argument. Your evaluation should look at risks and problems as well as the benefits associated with each intervention.


The learning objectives of the assignment are:

  • To deepen your understanding of a particular contemporary topic in organisational behaviour.
  • To apply models and theories of organisational behaviour to solve an organisational problem.
  • To develop skills in searching the scholarly literature to analyse and to solve an organisational problem.
  • Learn how to cite sources and format a Reference List appropriately.
  • To develop skills in logically presenting evidence-based arguments drawn from the contemporary organisational behaviour literature.
  • To further develop your written communication skills.


  1. Establish your understanding of the problem.
  • The essay task is designed to help you understand a particular organisational problem in depth. Therefore, your essay needs to capture the depth and scope of the organisational problem. This should include insights about the boundaries, and who, or what is affected by the problem, including key stakeholders.


  1. Write your essay Your response to the assignment questions must be formulated as an academic essay with a clear introduction, main body and conclusion (see marking rubric for specific content to include in each section).Keep in mind that the Essay requires:
    • demonstrating your knowledge of the topic.
    • demonstrating your analytical skills (ability to apply knowledge and theory to analyse the research and your organisational problem).
    • supporting your analysis and key points with evidence and examples.
    • all sources must be cited correctly. When you write your essay, ensure you address the criteria in the marking rubric.

    Remember to support any claims that you make. If you talk about a theory, provide the citation to that theory. Avoid the use of speculation and conjecture, as this tends to detract from the scientific approach required for the essay.


    • The Introduction includes a clear definition of the problem using a valid peer-reviewed source, an explanation of why it is a problem for organisations, a statement about your preferred intervention, and statement about how your essay is structured
    • The discussion must be supported by at least 6 articles with a publication date (I have attached)
    • The Conclusion includes a clear summary of your essay, including mention of your preferred intervention and lessons learnt
    • Go through marking rubric and make sure you have effectively satisfied all the criteria listed


Change in Healthcare Scholarly Paper

4-5 pages total (plus a Title and Reference page) with at least 5 peer reviewed references
Leading Change: Many changes in the healthcare system fail because leaders view change as an event rather than a process. Identify a change which yielded positive outcomes in your organization. Discuss the process of the change, and why it was successful.
a. Assess Your Personal Reaction to Change: Leaders must continuously engage in new activities and thinking as part of change. Leading others is difficult if you do not embrace change yourself. Recent research found that leaders who do not embrace change increase their staffs’ resistance to it, and transformational leaders, who focus on creating a positive vision, lower their staffs’ resistance. People’s response to change varies /identify your own response. Do you believe you are a change proponent and why?
b. Recognize the Pace is Fast: Rapid change is the new norm. To adapt to change, a leader must consistently look ahead. You cannot remain stagnant and task oriented. The key to success is not to become ‘buried’ in fast change, but to rise above it by detecting what change is needed, and how it will successfully be implemented. What type of change do you believe is needed to make the most positive impact in healthcare today, and why?
c. Create a Network of Change Agents: Leaders must recognize informal followers and advocates of change are quite powerful in an organization. Leaders listen to what they have to say, and support them in helping drive the change. Who do you see as an informal follower that could support you in a positive change in your organization and why?
In today’s accelerated healthcare environment, the ability to anticipate and actively lead change is essential for leaders in all areas (bedside, information services, case management, charge nurses, unit mangers and directors as well as senior leaders). Discuss (as a Christian Leader) how you lead change on a daily basis, and what change means to you.

Spanish Conquest

These instructions are the same for all future bonus opportunities regardless of the format
(documentary/film/lecture/article, etc). Look to page #4 of syllabus for more details.
The responses must be 1-2 pages (max), typed, double-spaced, 12-pt font, TNR, 1″ margins. Please
address ALL of the following in the bonus assignment for full credit (3 possible pts towards Exam #1,
Exam #2 or Final Exam):
1). Provide a concise summary of the lecture/documentary/film/etc.. (1 paragraph—least space)—0.5pt
2). What did you enjoy/appreciate about the bonus opportunity? (1-2 paragraphs—most space)—1 pts
3). What did you not enjoy about the bonus opportunity? (1-2 paragraphs)—1 pt
4). Indicate questions you still have after the bonus opportunity and a concluding statement with your
final thoughts on the opportunity (1-2 paragraphs)—0.5 pt
In addition to answering all these questions, for full credit you must prove to the reader through details
that you attended/watched/read the bonus opportunity and internalized it (substantiate your arguments
with points from the lecture/documentary/film/article).you have to watch the following PBS documentary on the Spanish Conquest and I will attach a file that describes what I want exactly on my paper. it will be 4 things that you should mention in the paper please make sure you have them there. thank you. link of the documentary Spanish conquest — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-Sp7oavH74&t=170s

Introducing social studies on primary school to raise the sense of norm

Study aim: the student is aware of the facts, insights, theories and concepts of the social studies program. The student can therefore:

In the introduction to the thesis (reason and objective):

– introducing the subject, giving a problem sketch

In the introduction to the thesis (reason and objective) make a link with sources relevant to the program:
– use this logically in the problem sketch
– with theory relevant to subject and problem sketch
– with concepts relevant to subject and problem sketch
– with facts relevant to the subject and problem sketch

Study aim: on the basis of the aforementioned knowledge, further study or a practical reason (the school practice, an event, interest in a specific detail), the student can name knowledge gaps in these theories.

In the introduction to the thesis (reason and objective):
– Well formulated to give his interest to the subject
– Well formulated to quote an experience, anecdote or event
– quote a striking and original quote
– to make a well-chosen link with current events

In the introduction to the thesis:
– Well formulated and accurately indicate which knowledge gaps in the above sources, facts, theories, reasoning
– occur to spell out exactly what the reason for the research is

Study aim: the student can formulate a problem or issue on the basis of the abovementioned knowledge gaps, including a research question, sub-questions and objectives. The student can therefore

In the introduction to the thesis
– express an objective (the ‘to which’) with a recognizable a-part (the contribution of the research) and b-part (which research is therefore done)
– and the following criteria
o contains a- and b-part
o Is unambiguous and concrete
o Is feasible, given the time
o Is well formulated
o Is useful

With the objective documented, properly formulated and motivated clarify if
– It concerns a practical problem
– Especially an exploratory or correct testing goal
– The goal is relevant for the social studies teacher training program
– The goal is scientifically relevant
– The goal is socially relevant

In the introduction a question (the ‘what’) to put into words, where these:
– Directly in line with the objective
– Causal
– Unambiguous and concrete
– Well formulated
– Original

Structure, Change, Stress

Cameron Mechanical & Automation, Inc. (CMA) is a fictional company that has been in business and operating in the Silicon Valley since 1998. The company began as a successful Internet-based company (dot-com) and experienced great success with the introduction of high technology. The company also experienced decline with other dot-coms in 2001. As a result, CMA restructured and focused on its primary products; that is, computer components. The early changes in the company were done quickly to downsize. Although many other companies failed during this time, CMA managed to move forward.

CMA rebounded and continued to manufacture and sell its components to computer manufacturers worldwide. The company structure was divided into product divisions, with each division focused on specific components. For the company, this structure was meant to streamline sales and delivery worldwide.

In 2008, the economy had an effect on company profits, but the chief executive officer (CEO), Jared Smith, was in a position to focus on several internal strategic areas, including structure, work design, motivation, conflict, and company culture as a whole. To stay profitable, the company had to eliminate several management positions in an effort to flatten the organizational chart. Many of the responsibilities fell to the employees, and many people resisted the change.

As the economy recovers, CMA continues to rebuild. Since 2012, the company has been divided into a functional structure that includes four departments: Research and development (R&D), marketing, production, and finance. Each department is headed by a vice president who has responsibility over each of the functional areas. The company currently sells components to computer manufacturers. As technology continues to advance, the CMA R&D department and its vice president, Kevin Adams, are feeling pressure to keep up with the competition. However, because of the differentiation and separation between the departments, the CEO is concerned that communication is hampered.

Because of the current structure and culture, the vice presidents who run each division of the company have autonomy and are able to use different leadership styles. For example, the vice president of marketing, Jim Stevens, uses a more democratic leadership style, while the vice president of production, Melissa Simons, is adamant that her autocratic or transactional style is the only way to get results. Each leadership style has advantages, but the lack of consistency between divisions may be causing problems for the company as a whole. Further, the CEO is concerned that the workforce may not be as diverse as it should be, but he is not sure how to address the issue.

It is the end of the day, and you are meeting in Jared’s office to talk about his conference with the vice presidents.

Jared, the CEO, says: “We talked about how we can change the infrastructure so that it helps organizational culture run efficiently and consistently. Everyone is getting the same message now about how structure and culture need to work in a healthy company.”

“You know, it would help if I had something that explained the link between culture and structure. I need to talk to the board about the changes we’re making, and I will be talking to staff about what they can expect to happen over the next 6 months. You’re a better writer than I am, and I could use a well-written explanation for my discussions.”

Jared also says, “Besides explaining the link between culture and structure in this assignment, and based on the problems that CMA has had, what additional changes would you suggest for the company? I want to include your recommendations in the agenda for the next quarterly meeting with the board.”
3 references APA