International Strategy

Maximum of 15 double spaced, 12 font, times new roman, 1” margins.
Diagrams and charts are part of the page count. Note: Anything less than 13 pages will not be sufficient for 230 points.
Late papers will not be accepted.
b) A rubric will be provided to help you understand how
I will evaluate the work. There are also the already mentioned quality guidelines in the appendix.
c) Choosing a Topic
i) Select a country that you would either like to work with or in. Ideally this is tied to your language study (e.g., Mexico for Spanish speakers)
ii) Select an industry that you are interested in working (e.g., Food service).
iii) Select a firm in that industry here in ALABAMA (or the state that you come from if you’d prefer) that is currently or could possibly do business in that country (e.g., Chester’s International).
Alternatively, if you have a job waiting for you, you may select that company.
d) Writing the paper. The paper should contain 4 elements:
i) A history of the company and its competitive advantage here in the domestic market.
(1)You might also put relevant sales, profits, trends, countries
in which they’re doing business in here. Anything relevant about the company that a potential investor might want to know when evaluating your project.
ii) An overview of your selected country and industry.
(1) You could give the relevant numbers for the country here as well as cultural differences and the implications of those differences on doing business in that country. Also, any concerns about doing business in this country (e.g., security, fraud, government red tape)
iii) Can your company compete in your country? Can it transfer its competitive advantage to your country? Challenges of your company in that market.
(1) This is the most critical part of the paper. Be honest with yourself here. Can your company really pull this venture off? If not, what can you do to reduce the risk (e.g., joint venture instead of acquisition). If it was your company, what would you do?
iv) Proposed action steps in order to move forward.
(1) What would you do next? Get into the details here. Do you do more research? Do you send someone down with the Governor during a trade mission? Do you find a partner? What about a timeline? Is this year ideal given the state of the company and country

I am from Michigan, so the industry I would like to work with would be the automobile industry. You can pick the country to work in.

Quality Standards for Writing Assignments
Typical Characteristics of “A” Level writing
• The paper never strays from its purpose or mistakes its audience. The subject and its treatment are focused, significant, (application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation) interesting
• The paper is organized by an obvious logic.
• Each paragraph has a controlling idea, solid detail, smooth transitions.
• The sentences are varied in length and structure.
•The word choice is uniformly good. Words are chosen for precise denotation, connotation, tone.
• Mechanically, the paper is correct. Note that > 3 errors puts work out of the above average categories.
• Format decisions are appropriate and effective.

Attached is an example of how the final paper should look.
Also attached is a grading rubric

YOU will assign the grade on the individual project. You will provide me with a 30- point range that you believe reflects your performance on the paper. If you give yourself 210-230 points (the maximum), and your paper is not of high quality, then I reserve the right to veto your grade and select a grade that reflects your paper’s contribution relative to the rest of the classes’.

Cover Letter

Cover Letters
The purpose of a cover letter is to communicate to a potential employer why you are the best
Candidate for the position based on your skills, education, and experience. Cover letters are
generally three to four paragraphs long and should be tailored to the position you are seeking.
Some employers use cover letters to determine your ability to write.
Please follow the steps below to prepare for writing your cover letter:
Step 1
Review the job description and highlight
important skills and qualifications the
employers are seeking.
Step 2
Write down the skills you possess that
match the skills they are seeking.
Step 3
Pick 3 to 4 skills you possess that the
employer is seeking and emphasize them
in the cover letter.
Step 4
Give an example of where you used or
obtained your three skills from your resume.
Cover Letter
1. List your contact information.
2. List the information for the
employer you are contacting.
3. Address a person by name
whenever possible.
4. Tell them why you are writing
and demonstrate some knowledge
of their company.
5. Using your three skills and
examples, tell them why you are
qualified for the position.
6. Thank them for their time and tell
them what you want to happen next.
Your name
Today’s Date
Company Name
Dear (Name of Recruiter/ Hiring Manager),
I am excited to apply to the Association Membership Administration position with XYZ company, which was
located on It would be an honor to work for an organization that is so dedicated to improving health
care and staying abreast to the latest research. Given my health care education and background, I feel I can make a
positive contribution to XYZ organization.
In 2010, I completed my Bachelor of Arts degree in Health Care Studies fro m Ashford University. Through my
undergraduate experience, I was able to obtain a tremendous amount of knowledge regarding the US health care
system and current obstacles and challenges the Health care industry is facing.
As the Program Coordinator at Memorial Hospital, I regularly built relationships with both internal and external
customers. In addition to relationship building, I honed my database management skills while serving as an
Administrative Assistant at GE. In this role, I utilized PeopleSoft to manage clients’ information.
I would like the opportunity to discuss this position and my qualifications in further detail. Thank you in advance for
your time and consideration.
Best Regards,
Jane M. DoeFor this assignment, you will explore the components of a cover letter, reflect on your most relevant skills, and assess what action steps you can take to make your cover letter stronger.
The Cover Letters (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. the resource contains step-by-step instructions for creating a cover letter including formatting suggestions, tips regarding how to highlight your best skills and qualification and how to tailor your letter for the specific job you wish to apply to.
For more in-depth guidance for writing a cover letter, please watch the Creating a Compelling Cover Letter (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. pre-recorded webinar (58 minutes).

For your assignment:
First, identify a position on
the job I’m applying for
that interests you as a potential job opportunity. Using the job description, identify three skills or qualifications that match your background and type them out.
Next, using the format suggestions from both the webinar and cover letter sample, create a two to three paragraph letter that addresses the three matching skills and/or competencies you would like to highlight for the employer. The goal is to tailor the body of your cover letter to the position you seek.
Include the link for the job description you are interested in at the bottom of the cover letter along with the proper citations for any additional resources you utilize.

the job I’m applying for

Art History Essay and Discussion

Please read the questions and the guideline carefully. For the first question you need to write at least one page and for the second question you need to answer in 300 words, please answer the questions briefly. Thank you.


1.Art History

 15th Century Artwork Analysis

This assignment will deal with the analyzing a piece of artwork. The final product of this research will be a one-to-two-page typewritten paper, double-spaced in a 12-point legible font (Times New Roman preferred), and in MLA format with a Works Cited page. The student should discuss an artwork in your textbook, Stokstad. You are required to follow the following guidelines.  Wikipedia is not an academic source.  If used, grade will automatically drop to C and errors will be taken off from the C. (I upload the attachment for 15th century artwork. You may pick any artwork you like to talk about.)

Project Parameters

Students must include the following parameters when developing their paper:

  • A thesis that contains critical thinking and should be introduced in the intro paragraph of the paper
  • A thorough description of the visual content with appropriate vocabulary
  • A description of the process and materials
  • The context in which the art was created
  • All critical museum labeling information connected to the piece
  • Your response (critical thinking) created from the combination of the above information and possibly the surroundings of where the art is installed. (i.e. hanging on a neutral wall or a sculpture in a garden setting)

Essay Rubric

Topical Insight- Proficient: Student thoroughly addresses all aspects of the prompt and demonstrates critical thinking by using resources to support their own, unique thoughts.

Sources & Citations- Proficient: Student uses three (3) sources and cites them properly both in the body of the paper (in-text citations) and in the works cited.

Sequence of Ideas- Proficient: Reading the essay is easy. The student writes in a manner that allows his/her ideas to flow clearly and effectively from idea to idea. The order of content is logical.

Writing Mechanics- Proficient: No grammar, punctuation, capitalization, or spelling mistakes were found. Student properly formats artwork titles. High academic quality.

Length- Proficient: The submitted essay presents 1-2 pages of content and takes into consideration space lost by embedded images and/or heading information (in MLA format).

2.Art History

 Discussion: Perspective

What types of new systems of perspective are being used in the Early Renaissance and how do they affect the artwork of the period?


SQLite queries

For this assignment, use the following database schema: (please follow the schema exactly)

1) Patient—PatientID, Name, DOB

2) Doctor—DoctorID, Name, MedLicenseNumber, Phone

3) Medication—MedicationID, BrandName, GenericName

4) Prescription—PrescriptionID, Date, PatientID, PrescriberID, MedicationID

Specify the SQL queries to retrieve:

1) A list of all doctors.

2) The number of patients that were born before 01/01/1994.

3) The patient information along with the ID of any prescribing doctor for each patient.

4) The prescription information along with patient name, DOB, medication brand name, and prescribing doctor name sorted by most recent date.

5) The most prescribed generic medication name.


SQLite statements for each step must be copied from the command prompt and pasted into MS Word file.

The final paper must look like this

Sqlite> CREATE TABLE PATIENT (PatientID varchar(10), Name varchar(100), DOB date, PRIMARY KEY (PatientID) ) ; (please check syntax thoroughly)


Sqlite> .SCHEMA (as an evidence for the Professor)


Sqlite> INSERT INTO PATIENT ( PatientID, Name, DOB ) VALUES ( “1234567891”, “Michael Soros”, “12/25/1957” ) ;

Sqlite> SELECT * FROM Patient (for each table as an evidence for the Professor)

Sqlite> SELECT * FROM Doctor

Sqlite> SELECT * FROM Medication

Sqlite> SELECT * FROM Prescription

…. SQLite queries ……. Etc.



Here is prepared database content for each table and row. Each table must contain 4 rows.

For Table “Patient” (PatientID, Name, DOB)

Row 1 ( “1234567891”, “Michael Soros”, “12/25/1957” ) ;

Row 2 ( “7526523478”, “Anna Tores”, “05/11/1929” ) ;

Row 3 ( “5289764853”, “Ivan Kors”, “09/05/1998” ) ;

Row 4 ( “3892174568”, “Natasha Delores”, “02/07/1934” ) ;


For Table “Doctor” (DoctorID, Name, MedLicenseNumber, Phone)

Row 1 ( “4562”, “Diana Copas”, “252450”, “917-347-8579” ) ;

Row 2 ( “7890”, “Mark Gupta”, “447823”, “718-252-5228” ) ;

Row 3 ( “0287”, “Fernando Mitchel”, “874659”, “347-678-5262” ) ;

Row 4 ( “5477”, “Dereck Sanders”, “579301”, “646-252-7578” ) ;


For Table “Medication” (MedicationID, BrandName, GenericName)

Row 1 ( “732”, “Gralise 600 mg”, “Neurontin 600 mg” ) ;

Row 2 ( “457”, “Singulair 10 mg”, “Montelukast 10 mg” ) ;

Row 3 ( “358”, “Nexium 40 mg”, “Esomeprazole 40 mg” ) ;

Row 4 ( “292”, “Lyrica 75 mg”, “Pregabalin 75 mg” ) ;


For Table “Prescription” (PrescriptionID, Date, PatientID, PrescriberID, MedicationID)

Row 1 ( “MX5VGG97”, “03/05/2018”, “1234567891”, “4562”, “732” ) ;

Row 2 ( “YR8YRE63”, “04/14/2018”, “7526523478”, “7890”, “457” ) ;

Row 3 ( “NB7SWT71”, “02/18/2018”, “5289764853”, “0287”, “358” ) ;

Row 4 ( “LJ9SAL86”, “08/02/2018”, “3892174568”, “5477”, “292” ) ;



A minimum of two references is needed: One – is a just reference, another one – for SQLite syntax.

Identify two reasons for the existence of different valuations produced by the Price-Earnings Method. Which would you use and why?

Answer the following questions
1) Identify two reasons for the existence of different valuations produced by the Price-Earnings Method. Which would you use and why?
2) Briefly distinguish each of the three forms of market efficiency from each other. Which do you think best represents US markets?
3) Stock ABC has a beta of 1.3, a risk-free rate of 2.25%, and a market return of 9%. What is the expected return for this stock?
4) Company QRS just paid a dividend of $1.35. It is expected this dividend will grow at a constant rate of 3% indefinitely. What is the price of this stock if the required return is 7%?
5) You make the following investments in stocks: $4,000 in IBM, $6,000 in F, and $9,000 in MSFT. The betas for the stocks are IBM: 0.97; F: 1.05, and MSFT: 1.3. What is the portfolio beta?
6) Why would a bank be interested in a long hedge?
7) Briefly describe the characteristics of a single stock future. What type of investor might be interested in these?
8) You decided to buy Treasury bill futures contracts with a quoted price was 95-60. When you close this position, the quoted price was 94-50. Determine the profit or loss per contract, ignoring transaction costs.
9) You decided to sell Treasury bill futures contracts with a quoted price was 93-40. When you close this position, the quoted price was 92-65. Determine the profit or loss per contract, ignoring transaction costs.
10) You sell S&P 500 stock index futures that specified an index of 1,750. When you close this position, the index specified by the futures contract was 1,830. Determine the profit or loss, ignoring transaction costs.

Landscape section for policy analysis on “improving access to affordable healthcare

Landscape section for policy analysis

Last week you wrote your Problem Statement and Background on “Improving Individuals’ Access to Affordable Healthcare” for your policy analysis. This week continue to develop your “landscape” section for your policy analysis paper on “improving individuals’ access to affordable healthcare.”


  1. Create the “landscape section” for your policy analysis topic of “improving individuals access to affordable healthcare.” Refer to box 14-1 on page 284 of the Essential of Health Policy and Law text for questions to help you develop this section. Please do not write a list of questions and answers, but comprehensive paragraphs that answer the most important questions related to your topic.


3 pages

No abstract is needed.

APA format

4 peer-reviewed journal articles (no books).

Reference page




Teitelbaum, J. B., & Wilensky, S. E. (2017). Essential of health policy and law (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.


Read pages 282-284 about the “landscape section.”



Teacher’s introduction this week:

Many of us believe the United States has the best health care system in the world and it should be made available to every citizen. But, as Kronenfeld (2009) explains, “researchers in medical sociology, public health and health services have emphasized for decades that America tolerates extremes of wealth and poverty much greater than most European countries” (p. 4). Moreover, our tolerance of extremes is not just about salary; it also touches the way social and health services are delivered.

Think about all the ways health disparities can occur and what leads to them. Racism, poverty, discrimination, violence, environmental destruction, and faltering education systems are only a few. They are born in individual communities, which means they must be solved through policy implemented in communities (Kennedy, 2013).

Social determinants of health are numerous. Teitelbaum and Wilensky (2017) explain several types, including access to education, medical services, and technology; availability of recreational resources, food, and public safety; and culture, segregation, and transportation. These are areas of great concern, and can lead to policy development in an attempt to improve them. It is possible the policy analysis you chose to create in this class addresses one or more of these areas. In this module, we will discuss policy surrounding health disparities, and you will continue your term project in preparation for Module 8 where you will develop the recommendations section of the policy analysis.



Kennedy, B. R. (2013 Winter). Health inequalities: Promoting policy changes in utilizing transformation development by empowering African American communities in reducing health disparities. Journal of Cultural Diversity, 20(4), 155-162.

Kronenfeld, J. J. (2009). Social sources of disparities in health and health care and linkages to policy, population concerns and providers of care. Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

Teitelbaum, J. B., & Wilensky, S. E. (2017). Essential of health policy and law (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Would you characterize the U.S. dollar as a freely floating or dirty float system? What characteristics support your answer?

Answer the following questions
1) Would you characterize the U.S. dollar as a freely floating or dirty float system? What characteristics support your answer?
2) What is direct central bank intervention in the currency markets and provide an example of this from the last 50 years.
3) Assume that Canada suddenly experiences high inflation. How might this affect the value of the Canadian dollar according to the purchasing power parity (PPP) theory?
4) Australia’s central bank decides to increase the value of the Australian dollar against the Japanese yen. How might it use direct intervention to do this?
5) Assume the following information: • Mexican one-year interest rate = 15% • U.S. one-year interest rate = 11% If interest rate parity exists, what would be the forward premium or discount on the Mexican peso’s forward rate? Would covered interest arbitrage be more profitable to U.S. investors than investing at home? Explain.
6) Create a balance sheet for a typical bank, showing its main liabilities (sources of funds) and assets (uses of funds).
7) The Federal Reserve has increasingly favored the use of Repurchase Agreements as part of its open market operations. Briefly describe these and why the Fed or banks prefer to use them.
8) Banks engage in proprietary trading as part of their operations. Briefly speculate on why they now must adhere to much more stringent trading activity as a result of the 2008-09 financial crises.
9) Briefly describe two off-balance sheet activities and why banks favor the use of these.
10) If you were the CEO of a US bank, would you consider establishing a foreign branch? What might be a concern related to doing so?

Powerpoint Presentation

Here is the template guideline:


1-3 minutes: Share a little about you, things that aren’t on your resume and reflect more about you as a person. (See BIO attachment)


5 minutes: Introduce the technical challenge/project that you will be presenting on. What is the problem? Why was it necessary to fix it?

5 minutes: What did YOU do to solve the challenge? Obviously teamwork is important in any construction or manufacturing environment, but we really want to hear about your individual contributions. Something I have noticed is some people tend to use “we” a lot in this portion and it makes it difficult to identify your individual competencies.

5 minutes: Solution – What was the outcome? How did your solutions help solve the challenge and how did this benefit the company?

Graphs/spreadsheets – Visual aids are welcome and encouraged. Data driven problem solving is huge here.


Bullet points from Niagara Falls project:




  • Company was projecting a $2M+ loss
  • Company received letter of intent from client to be kicked off the project due to mismanagement, quality concerns, and schedule delays. Previous complaints stopped at site management.
  • Site manager of the project had been with the company for 20+ years and got complacent.


  • CEO and Owner went to the project immediately upon receipt of letter
  • CEO called me up while @ Disneyworld to come to the project. Vacation was cut short and I flew to the project the following day
  • Met with client and requested 2 weeks to make changes while our Owner provided guarantees. My assignment was in the spot light of the entire company. I had absolutely no idea what the issues were nor how I was going to fix them. CEO and Owner introduced me to the team and left that day.
  • I met with the team and presented myself as an aid to help with whatever issue needed. I listened to their complaints and concerns “Everything was the clients fault”. I.e. engineering issues, changing priorities, scope growth, other contractors, even our own HQ’s lack of support. No one took ownership of the situation.
  • I observed our internal operations for 3 days and attended meetings without saying a word.
  • After 3 days, I walked into the SM’s office and presented my finding as well as my solutions. His answer: “I don’t know why you are here to begin with, we don’t need your help”. I walked out of his office and made a phone call.
  • I was forced to use the nuclear option. My message was simple, give me full authority to do what is necessary and I will make this project successful and deliver it on time. Our CEO gave me the green light.

End results:

  • I re-negotiated our contract to include milestone incentives worth $1.25M
  • Repaired client relations
  • Was awarded 30% additional scope
  • Completed project 1 week early
  • Final contract value $23.5M and made 26% profit
  • Established repeat business with the client
  • The project was the most financially successful project of the year


1-3mins: Wrap-up – This is when the panel will ask you questions about your presentation.


2000+ hours of Code CE


  • Assessment Coordinator
  • Craft Instructor
  • Curriculum Performance Evaluator
  • Assessment Performance Evaluator for (Generic PV, Inst Fitter, Industrial Elec, Inst Tech, Industrial Maintenance Elec, Commercial Elec, Inst Tech Spanish
  • Certified+ Industrial Elec Cert & Hands on cert
  • Licensed in 21 states
  • High-voltage certs


Personal statement to apply to grad school

The personal statement is an opportunity for you to tell us about your academic and career direction and goals.
Be sure that you answer the question that is asked on the application. Make a case for why you will fit into a particular program and what you will be able to contribute, rather than just what you hope to receive

Personal Statement for Graduate School Application

My interest in pursuing a master’s degree program in microbiology got driven by the urgent need to prioritize global disease management in both the medical and public health sectors across the world. This specialist pathway will allow me to understand major diseases that have significant contributions to the overall morbidity and mortality across the globe, as well as the various ways of preventing or treating them.

Experts today believe that six children die every minute globally as a result of the consumption of water and food that are contaminated with microorganisms. Besides, research into viruses and bacteria that are responsible for various water-borne and food-borne illnesses are rapidly advancing. As a consequence, the demand for well-trained and qualified graduates who can understand or translate such new advances and apply such skills and knowledge in careers within the healthcare industry and other microbiology-related sectors is high. A study of microbiology at the master’s level will, therefore, enable me to have an important insight into most fundamental biological problems in the society(doesn’t make sense, poor choice of words).

My expertise in epidemiological, clinical, and laboratory research have enabled me to have adequate skills for scientific planning, evaluation, and analysis, which are key for a successful microbiology program (too vague and besides I never did any kind of research). Besides, my undergraduate studies have taught me the importance of using resources appropriately during research, as well as the role of teamwork in making informed conclusions during scientific experiments. Also, having attended various conferences organized by the Microbiology Society( what society, which conferences, be specific), I will be in a position to share the acquired skills with my colleagues to improve our shared understanding of different fundamental concepts of microbiology.

In overall, my undergraduate course in microbiology combined with my job experiences (I never had any kind of job that was related to microbiology) have prepared me well to enroll for a master’s degree program in microbiology, and I believe I am best fit to pursue a master’s degree program in microbiology (poor choice of words). Studying microbiology at the master’s degree level will enable me to develop a broad range of subject-specific skills( more specific), which are essential for finding solutions to various microbiology-related problems( what porbelms) that affect our society.



The evaluation of a potential business
Thinking about a specific opportunity that you have considered, critically assess the prospects for this opportunity. You should consider the market, the risks, the isolating mechanisms that will enable you to sustain competitive advantage, your customer focus and value proposition. Develop business models and consider the ways to the financial aspects including cash.
Marks will be awarded for critically evaluating the process and suggest how your approach fits with the existing ways of approaching this task.


Embedded references/citations
Images (e.g. photographs which include words, images)

Reference list
List of contents


1. Cover page:
2. An executive summary
3. The table of contents:
4. The idea, the vision and the company:
5. The market:
6. The product and method of supply:
7. Marketing and promotion:
8. Finances:
9. Risk:
10. Managerial resources:
11. Appendices:

1. The first critical variable is the potential profit margin.
2. The second critical variable is the magnitude of the opportunity.
3. The third variable to consider is where exactly the profit is created, sometimes labelled the business economics (Muzyka 2000).
4. The fourth variable to note is the length of time an opportunity is anticipated to last.

We deal with three issues:
1. Minimum efficient scale. Minimum efficient scale (MES) defines the smallest size a firm can be in order to have a chance of competing with larger competitors. What is the long-run sustainable number of firms in an industry? Thus, we need to be aware of a number of the causes which affect the size of MES. These include:
• Economies and diseconomies of scale
• Economies of scope
• Learning by doing economies of scale
2. Barriers to entry.
Pure economics barriers to entry
• Switching costs refer to the costs to switch from one product to another.
• Advertising and goodwill:
Impure economics barriers to entry
• Uncertainty:
• Financial constraints:
• Note that an entrant without financial constraints finds economies of scale a barrier to entry only if they involve sunk costs.
3. The competitive process and business shakeouts. How will an industry evolve in terms of entry, exit, survival and growth?

PORES analysis (Please use this)
PORES stands for Profit Opportunity Recognition and Exploitation Strategy.

PORES analysis

1. The consumers
Do you know the size of the market?
Is this related to the target geographic market?
Do you know the profile of customers and their preferences for particular product characteristics? Are key customers identified and interviewed where possible?
Does the plan use competitors’ price, sales, size, product variety and service to reveal information about the potential market (in other words, benchmarking)?
Does it use substitute suppliers and parallel firms in other markets for the same purpose (benchmarking again)?

2. The competition
Does the business plan contain an assessment of competitors’ ability to compete against the product or service?
What is the core of their competitive advantage?
What is the core of the venture’s competitive advantage?
How are they likely to respond to the venture’s exploitation strategy?

3. Shakeouts
A shakeout occurs when an industry becomes rapidly concentrated and in the process many firms either exit or are bought out. In effect, the weaker firms are shaken out of the market.
There are two forms of shakeout: overshooting, and seismic shift.
The first is due to an overshoot of the supply of entrepreneurs relative to the level of opportunities available. In other words, too many firms try to exploit the same market opportunity.
Thus, there are two features to look out for: a) factors encouraging heavy market entry; and b) factors which cause the sustainable number of firms to decline.
a. Factors encouraging heavy market entry
• New high growth and booming markets
• Low barriers to entry
• Potential entrants are nearly all new

b. Factors which cause the sustainable number of firms to decline
• Downturn in industry growth projections.
• Obsolescence
• Scarce resources/increased input costs reduce the sustainable number of firms

Seismic shift
A change of a factor capable of altering industry structure
Deregulation: Competitive forces are freed up, which may increase industry concentration if minimum efficient scale (MES) is larger than average firm size.
Economic integration:
Converging cultures:
Competency of competitors:
Technological or factor price change,

4. Timing
When is the right time to enter a market?

5. The resource-based view (RBV) of the firm
1. Each firm is a cluster of resources and capabilities, both tangible and intangible.
2. Each firm has a heterogeneous (dissimilar) distribution of resources.
3. Resources are ‘sticky’ – it is costly to transfer resources.

6. The tool: a VRIO analysis of resources (Please use this)
1. Value: Does the resource help to increase sales or decrease costs?
2. Rareness: Is the resource rare enough to enable you to charge more than competitors who lack the resource?
3. Inimitability: Can we ensure that the competition cannot imitate the resource? Are we sure that the competition cannot hire people with the expertise that gives your firm the edge?
If you answered yes to all these questions then:
4. Organisation: Can the firm make use of the resource to increase sales or decrease costs? Firms might have the ability to lock in rare resources but they also need to act on it.

1. Managing share allocation at start-up
2. Defining a break-even point
3. Cash flow management
4. Sources of finance and choosing financial structure
5. Debt
6. Equity finance
7. Types of equity

Four valuation models
1. Revenue earnings: This method, as well as the price-to-earnings ratio method, in effect uses valuation of firms in financial markets to proxy for the value of the new venture.
2. Price-earnings ratio
3. Asset based assessment
4. Discounted cash-flow analysis