Business Research

This is the first part of a business proposal (totally 3 parts). The main part in this assignment is literature review and define Research Questions/ Hypothesis. First we need to give a topic for lecture’s approval. You can choose topic you are confident with and I need to email lectureror before writing. Plz see the assignment requirement and notes I made to find the detail. Remind that to find “knowledge gap” betwwen literature and selected topic is very important. There are 2 more parts for this research which I will be back and ask for your help later. (In “outline” attachment) The proposal will end at research methodology phase (the plan). Real data collection and analysis is not needed. So do not worry about the implementation.
This is the first part of a business proposal (totally 3 parts). The main part in this assignment is literature review and define Research Questions/ Hypothesis. First we need to give a topic for lecture’s approval. You can choose topic you are confident with and I need to email lectureror before writing. Plz see the assignment requirement and notes I made to find the detail. Remind that to find “knowledge gap” betwwen literature and selected topic is very important. There are 2 more parts for this research which I will be back and ask for your help later. (In “outline” attachment) The proposal will end at research methodology phase (the plan). Real data collection and analysis is not needed. So do not worry about the implementation.

Latest revision commentDear Writer, Unfotunately, your paper does not meet all the requirements. It seems you do not understand the importance of knowledge gap in this research. The knowledge gap is not where you simply write “it i important because it is important”. You need to prove that the topic you have chosen to investigate is worth studying. Now, it is not. I have found a good example of how a knolwedge gap should look like. Please, take a look at this thesis and note how this section as well as the section of research objectives should look like: Please, make all the necessary changes Best wishes,’Word count: 1500 to 2000 words
1. Introduction
2. Project Objective
3. Project Scope
4. Literature Review
(Students’ needs to summarise Assignment 1 literature review (2-3 pages) and justification
from Assignment 1 literature problems, gaps opportunities, Hypothesis)
5. Research Questions/Hypothesis
– Primary Question (only one question)
– Secondary Questions (1, 2 ….)
Research questions should be linked to Literature Problems, Gaps, and Hypothesis
6. Research Design and Methodology
– Qualitative research
(Students should propose the Process of the Qualitative Research (Main Steps),
Approaches to reliability and Validity, Sampling, Sample Size, Data Collection
Method, Variables Specifications)
– Quantitative research
(Students should propose the process of the Quantitative Research Design Process
(Main Steps), Research Instrument, Quantitative Data Analysis Process, Sampling and
Simple Size, Interviewing and Questionary Design, Reliability and Validity of Data)
7. Research Limitations
8. Time Schedule (Research plan)
9. Conclusion
10. Reference List
11. Appendix
NOTE: Students are not with requirements to collect and analyse data

Customer Relationship Management

I need an outline for a 10-page essay. I’m attaching three sources and the title of a source I am unable to download. Please locate this source and use it. Please use these in the outline. I’m also attaching my discussion points. THANKS!

Below are the assignment instructions:
This assignment will consist of 3 pages in total:

Page 1: APA Style formatted Title Page

Page 2: Please provide a 1,000 word discussion of your retail topic that you have selected for your final paper. Treat this as a rough draft of your final paper.

Page 3: APA style formatted Reference Page with a minimum of 4 references (which must include your textbook).

Source notes: Chapter 6 and Chapter 8 are from one source and Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 are the second source. I cannot download Customer Relationship Management which is by Francis Buttle. Please find and use that as a source.

If these sources are not adequate, please let me know what you plan on using so I know my school’s library has access to it.

You will create a strategic plan that aligns the human resources (HR) function with the organization’s mission, vision, and objectives.

Portfolio Project #1: Human Resources Strategic Plan

Portfolio Project #1 provides data from a hypothetical organization. The data can be found at the bottom of the page.

You will create a strategic plan that aligns the human resources (HR) function with the organization’s mission, vision, and objectives. The overall scope of the Portfolio Project is to create a “Shared Services” structure for HR that will be housed at the organization’s corporate offices.

Milestone Deliverables due Weeks 2, 4 and 5

Week 2: Portfolio Milestone: Outline (25 points of the final Portfolio grade)

Prepare an outline of your plan project and submit it to your instructor for review. Please use APA format and include a two- to three-sentence description of each section.

Week 4: Portfolio Milestone: Annotated Bibliography (75 points of the final Portfolio grade)

A solid foundation of research will support the theoretical base and practical applications of your strategic plan. Prepare an annotated bibliography of the 10 or more sources you have selected. Submit the completed document to your instructor for review.

Week 5: Portfolio Milestone: Purpose Statement (50 points of the final Portfolio grade)

Most of us are aware of the term “purpose statement” but are unsure of its real meaning within an organization. It is a statement describing the organization’s purpose, or the reason for its existence. The purpose of an organization reflects a desired position in the marketplace. It should accurately answer to the questions below. The purpose statement is the written summary of those answers.

Who are we?
What do we do?
For whom do we do this?
How do we know when we are getting it done?
The purpose statement is the written summary of those answers. The most effective purpose statements are short, concise, and direct. A good purpose statement is between 2–3 sentences.

Answer the four questions above and create a purpose statement for your HR department. Submit the answers to the four questions and the purpose statement to your instructor for review.

NOTE: At this stage, you will need to name your company and decide the service they provide or products they manufacture.

For all Portfolio Milestone assignments: Although you will not earn points the weeks you submit these deliverables, they are required components of the Portfolio Project and you will lose points on your final project grade if you fail to submit these assignments as required by the end of the weeks they are due. See the Portfolio Project grading rubric on the Course Information page for details.

Final Deliverable due Week 8

Required Topics – Be sure to cover the following:

Strategic Contribution,
Personal Credibility,
HR Delivery Metrics,
Key Performance Measurements (KPM),
Action Plan for each functional area,
HR mission statement,
HR vision statement and objectives.
Your strategic plan should include:

Title Page
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Body of your plan
Reference Page
Appendix (optional)
Submission requirements:

Ten pages minimum (not including the title page, table of contents, reference page or appendix) will be needed to complete the project.
Support your analysis and recommendations with 5 credible sources documented in accordance with the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements.

The Necessity of Judicial Review and Judicial Supremacy to the Rule of Law in Western Democracies

I want this proposal to examine comparative judicial and political systems looking into the practice of judicial review, the doctrine of judicial supremacy, and the conflicts which may arise between the judiciary and other branches of government in a nation-state. If possible, I want to include comparative studies of the judicial systems of the US, UK, Germany, and Italy to show how these nation-states address the concept of judicial review or not. Furthermore, I would like to include jurisprudential/legal theory regarding the rule of law and the role and power of the judiciary from such authors as John Austin, HLA Hart, Lon Fuller, Ronald Dworkin, and Jeremy Waldron. This is a research proposal for a dissertation, so it should indicate an understanding of these various topics and include an explicitly stated research question, abstract, methodology section, and a section detailing the significance of the research. I would like an emphasis on the importance of judicial review and judicial supremacy in maintaining an effective rule of law that also applies to the sovereign and lawmaking branches of government. I would like you to incorporate these ideas into a cohesive and compelling research question and dissertation proposal for entry into a doctoral program. Please refer to the attached Word documents which detail the specifications for the format of the proposal, as well as instructor comments on my first draft (also attached) that must be taken into account. I have also attached some of the work I have already done exploring the topic with some additional reader comments. Please use that as a starting point and be sure to address the concerns expressed in the “Incorporate These Suggestions” document. Please contact me with any questions/concerns so that we can make this outstanding.

Components of Nursing Knowledge

Please write using active voice.
1. Organization – Information in logical, interesting sequence, the paper has a clear and well-developed introduction, body and conclusion.
2. Introduction – Interesting, clear & concise introduction to the topic of the paper, telling the reader what will be discussed.
3. Content – Interesting, clear & concise discussion of the
assumptions & core concepts of the theory, model or topic fully
support points with convincing arguments, ideas, and data.
4. Theory & Case Study – The theory is clearly explained, and the case study helps to demonstrate the theories usefulness. Problems with the theory are also discussed, the bibliography is complete and reflects appropriate
Sources. Used Case no more than seven years old, but if there is an original, please acknowledge it with the current case.
5. Use of APA format references NO older than seven years old – Uses at least seven relevant professional references, not including the textbook, and at least five from academic journals. Please used peer review journal and nursing peer review journals. Use quotation marks and give page(s) number for all quotes in the paper. Uses APA correctly.

Hand-in Assignment 3 Chose and read one article from the University of Liverpool eLibrary that relates to your dissertation subject. Evaluate its content and quality. In your answer carry out a critique of the article using the two sets of questions listed in the lecture just above the assignment section.

Sources of Information
As research aims to add to the world’s body of knowledge, researchers must be
aware of the existing body of knowledge for the area in which they work It is
therefore important that the researcher knows how to search for that data and
has the ability to read, understand, and interpret it.
Thus, one of the most important issues when conducting research is the ability to
search for meaningful information in the vast world of data that surrounds us.
With the invention of the Internet and the WWW, much more information is
available to us than at any other time in history. This is a blessing, but it also
poses a problem – how the proper and relevant information can be found.
The frontiers of the world’s body of knowledge are not documented in text books,
but rather in:
Remember that reading this kind of literature is important in identifying a problem
that is academically credible. If the problem in which you are interested is not
discussed in the academic literature, you should probably conclude that it is your
definition of the problem that is at fault. Knowing how to access the information is
thus the first step in research. By now you should know how to do this, having
taken the self-paced “Information Literacy Resource”. If you haven’t taken it by
now then it is strongly suggested that you do it as soon as possible, overlapping
it with the current course or even taking a break from this training and the “DS”
course until you have done so (of course, you will notify your DA if you do this).
A helpful guide to the “Best Search for Your Information Need” is found at (Best
Search, 2006).
Library Training Module
By now you should have taken the Library Training Module self-paced course
and be well acquainted with its units (Library Training Module, 2015):
Unit 1: Library Foundations
Unit 2: Searching for E-Resources
Unit 3: Referencing and Plagiarism
Unit 4: Your Subject Area: Computing
Unit 5: Research and Study Skills
All of the above have to do with the subject matter of this seminar. In case you
have not taken it yet or have not worked through all the units, we suggest that
you stop reading this lecture at this point and complete the missing parts of the
Library Training Module which is found at the Library. Links to additional
instructions and tutorials are listed in the DS Template.
Literature Search
The following is a short description of Literature Search which complements (but
does not replace) the above mentioned Library Training Module.
You can search for literature through many different sources, such as: Literature
Sources, Databases and Search Engines (of publishers, literature DBs and Web
Search Engines).
The questions you should ask are “what am I trying to find out?” and “what type of
information do I want to find?” Is it an overview of a subject area? Is it an answer to
a specific question? Or is it just a specific document? Define why you need this
information and how quickly do I need it: if immediately then try the Internet, if in a
day maybe the library will help or if it in a week then you can use the inter Library
Sources for literature on the Internet are freely available collections, publishers’
websites and databases and literature databases.
Interrelation of Sources
 Authors submit paper to conference/journal for peer review
 If accepted, paper is revised by the authors and submitted to
conference/journal editor
 The paper is processed to bring it into the publisher’s format
 The paper is then
– included in the publisher’s database,
– made available on-line via the publisher’s website, and
– possibly published in printed form
(not necessarily in that order)
 Literature databases
– collect the bibliographic information from several publishers, and
– add additional information (references with links, citation index)
– link back to publisher for full-text of papers

Design a 12-week periodized training program for the client described in the Client Profile.

Tips For This Week’s Assignment:
This week’s assignment is a client assessment/case study. This is where everything you’ve read and learned over the last 8 weeks comes together. The best way to go about completing this assignment is to treat this as a client who is being presented to you. I want to know the steps you would take starting from the moment you meet this individual. This is a theoretical client; you can make-up what his answers/results would be after conducting a proper assessment.

As mentioned before you need to be VERY informative with your assessment. Include the formulas for your calculations. Your 12-week programs need to be set up in a way that your client would be able to conduct their own workout reading off what you recommend if you are not meeting with them every session for some reason. If you decide to have “active rest” days, specify what you recommend doing on these days. Make sure to review Unit 15 of your text in regard to “Creating a Periodized Program.” It will help you!!! Also, make sure to include and use the important, guiding training principles that help to build your programs and set your recommendations and make sure to explain the principle and how it applies to your particular program. You do not need to create a complete meal plan, but make sure to discuss how many calories the client should be consuming and where they should be getting these calories. Don’t forget to discuss possible supplements and why you would recommend them. Also, make sure to review the guidelines for this type of client. Please take all this into consideration when completing this assignment. This should be a periodized, progressive program with every detail outlined and why you are adapting and changing this program accordingly.  Again, let me remind you that these assignments are meant to illustrate your understanding and practical application of the material you learned throughout this entire course; therefore, the assignment and this News Forum post are not going to spell out exactly what you need to do with this Case Study—STRUT YOUR STUFF AND DEMONSTRATE YOUR KNOWLEDGE!!!

Week 9 Case Study

Client Profile: Selina Kyle

Age 31

Gender Female

Resting Heart Rate 70 bpm

Height. 5’7

Weight 159

Body Fat 33%

Selina just had her first baby a couple months ago and is determined to shed excess pregnancy pounds before summer. Selina has very limited exercise experience. She did not play high school or college sports. Prior to having her first child, she did like to hike, go out dancing, and take the occasional yoga class. She is eager to start a program to lose the baby weight. She can dedicate 3 or 4 days per week to exercise and is willing to sign on for 12 weeks to start.


Design a 12-week periodized training program for the client described in the Client Profile. Be very specific as you design the training programs as this is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your full comprehension of the information and concepts discussed throughout the course. List the types of exercise, duration, sets, reps, rest intervals, and so on.


A description of your professional responsibilities as discussed in the stages of the drawing-in process. (Unit 12)Discussion of any fitness tests, methods of evaluation, and data collection used to assess and evaluate the client’s needs . Calculation of the client’s target heart rate using the Karvonen formula.Specific conditions that you have identified in the client profile .A detailed 12-week comprehensive and periodized training program including specific exercises, sets, repetitions, suggested rest times, etc. Use an integrated approach in your program recommendations. Use charts to illustrate the training program. Specific and detailed nutritional strategies and an explanation as to how the strategies will assist the client in meeting energy needs.Explanation for your chosen assessment, programming, and nutritional recommendations. (Be sure to reference course concepts when discussing rationale for your recommendations.)

Keep in mind that a client should be able to take your program and put it into practice without having to contact you to clarify what you intended by your recommendations or to explain parts of your program.

Don’t forget your explanation for WHY you listed and recommended what you did. Reference the concepts and theories covered in the course. Be sure to address why the program and exercises recommended are appropriate for the specific client given the client’s history, current abilities, and intended goal(s). For example: if you are developing a program for a beginner client without any resistance training experience, explain how your program addresses the lack of experience, initial need for foundational development, process by which you would safely progress the client, etc. Tying your program to course concepts is a critical component of your case study.

Community Health

Scenario: In this assignment, you are required to design, develop, and implement a mini-online, six (6) week course, using the Course Management System (CMS), Blackboard. The subject matter of the course must be approved by the class instructor provided in feedback of Assignment 3: Proposed Course for Development Part 1.


Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you:


Part A Course Content – Described


Revise Assignment 3 based on feedback from your professor.

Name the course and provide an ID.

Provide a course description with three (3) goals and a welcoming announcement.

List one (1) or two (2) required instructional materials for the course and at least three (3) supplemental materials (in APA format), providing a rationale for each.

List three to five (3-5) learning outcomes for the first three (3) weeks of instruction.

Recommend three to four (3-4) instructional strategies to be used in the course, providing a rationale for each.

Design a weekly schedule for these first three (3) weeks that includes: (a) Topic(s) and (b) learning outcomes that are aligned with the topics.

Include in the weekly schedule (a) two (2) discussion questions for each of the three (3) weeks and (b) required activities.

List two (2) assignments: (a) a five (5) -question quiz and (b) a writing assignment

Aspects of Spectral Doppler imaging

Assignments are to be written in a professional, formally structured, yet straightforward style. They are also
to be written in such a way as to demonstrate clearly your understanding of the material. As would be expected
when reporting formally to a professional body, a high standard of presentation is required. Do not use sketches
or colloquial language.
Numeracy and quantification
Because this is a physics assignment, you are expected to be numerate. A physicist will not just say “… the
spatial resolution is significantly higher with this method” or even worse, “… the spatial resolution is
unparalleled”!! He would always say, where possible, “… the achievable spatial resolution is xxx mm at yyy MHz
in zzz mode” or similar. You will be expected to quantify your text by quoting typical numerical values often
through this assignment to demonstrate sound knowledge.
The assignment is to have a title, date, student name and number. It will be divided into standard sections,
with section headings: Introduction, appropriate intermediate sections to break up the subject matter into
logical components, Conclusion and References.
The introduction will contain some history and background to the subject matter in question citing several
references from the standard literature and highlighting any difficulties or complications involved. References
should include a number of journal references from the professional literature and perhaps some text book
references. You are not required to go into excessive detail on the contents of such journal articles, particularly
if it is highly technical and mathematical, but you should be able to summarise the key results and make an
informed comment on them in a few sentences.
Tables and Figures
Data must be included in the form of properly labelled tables each with a suitable caption. Tables are always
numbered and labelled as Table 1, Table 2 etc. For tables, the table number and caption go on top of the table.
Images, diagrams, graphs and charts must be included as properly numbered and captioned figures. All diagrams,
plots, graphs, images and so on are labelled and numbered as figures and nothing else. You do not have Graph
1, Image 2 etc. For figures, the figure number and caption go below the figure. Units must be included. Full
understanding cannot be demonstrated without showing units. Search the literature and find your own figures.
Your conclusion should include key numerical results along with a summary of the contents of the report.
Mention any technical difficulties or assumptions involved in the report.
Marks will be lost for incorrect spelling and grammar. Do not use dot points or note form. Use grammatically
correct and complete sentences. You can use properly enumerated complete sentences occasionally and where
Do not use direct quotation. In arts, direct quotation is essential, in science, it is virtually never used. (Perhaps
an insightful statement by Einstein or someone of that calibre might, on rare occasions, justify a brief direct
quotation but not otherwise.)
While you may include references to the module notes and text books, this exercise is designed to bring about
wider reading on the topic and to assess your ability to study and assess the existing state of knowledge in the
given field, therefore, your submission must include reference to a minimum of six journal references, that is,
references to the peer reviewed scientific journals.
The following guidelines must be followed. References cited must include no less than six peer reviewed
‘journal’ references, that is, they must be taken from some of the hundreds of professional journals available
using the library databases. Relevant articles may be found by searching databases like Medline, Inspec and
Compendex. Medline has a clinical bias while Inspec and Compendex have more of an emphasis on physics.
In citing references, websites, such as may be obtained by a Google search for example, are not considered
sound in academic work and are little used in scientific literature because they are not subject to the stringent
peer review process of journal articles. Websites may be written by anybody including totally unqualified people
and may be, and often are, full of errors. If a Google search locates a reference to a professional journal, the
proper journal reference must be given, not the website.

Case: The Stimson Company

Review the case on The Stimson Company in Chapter 8. This case deals with internal dissatisfaction and tension with regard to the company’s project budgeting system. After you have thoroughly reviewed the case, compose an essay in which you respond to the following:
1. Provide a summary of The Stimson Company case.
2. Discuss the disconnect between the project leaders/operations people and sales engineering regarding the budget estimation process. Which group likely has the best numbers to provide to this process? Please explain.
3. What was the impact of the scope changes/budget revisions for Project 14321? What action was taken by the leadership team to monitor and contract the project costs?
4. What three takeaways do you have from this project? Submit your response in 2-3-pages, Include a cover page and a reference page.
When citing sources, please use proper APA citing and reference techniques.

Required Texts:
Merchant, K. A., & Van der Stede, W. (2017). Management control systems: performance measurement, evaluation and incentives (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Trans-Atlantic Publications. ISBN: 9781292110554