Deming 14 points-Geico

No quotas or numerical goals

Remove annual ratings or merit system

Institute education and self-improvement

  • Paid training in sales, customer service, claims and auto damage
  • Sales and customer service representatives are required to take and pass state licensing exam
  • Licensing and continuing education courses are provided at no cost to associates
  • Offer tuition reimbursement to full time associates ($5250 per year and 75% of purchase textbook cost
  • Geico University: classes include business and management courses, six sigma training, diversity and ethics, Microsoft office, project management, presentation skills, business skills, statistics and more.
  • Family scholarships to associates children

Involve all workers in the transformation

  • Host a variety of programs that recognize associates contribution both inside and outside of work
  • Service awards celebrate associates major career milestone
  • Associates who participate in tuition reimbursement program are recognized when they receive their bachelor’s degree
  • Corporate quality awards program recognizes associates for various contribution to the business
  • Actuaries who pass Casualty Actuarial Society exam may be eligible for bonuses
  • Associates who earn CPCU are rewarded with special bonuses and trip sponsored by CPCU

Database Design

Database Design  

Sample data is provided for the database for the sales system. Using the sample data from the Learning Resources, you will determine the entities, key components of the entities, and business rules for the entities. Using the entities and business rules you will then create an ERD.

To complete your Assignment:

  1. For each entity, provide the name, description, fields, data type, primary key, and foreign key. (25 points)
  2. For each direct entity type pair, provide the business rules. (25 points)
  3. Provide the ERD. (25 points)


Required Resources

Oppel, A. J. (2009). Databases: A beginner’s guide. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Chapter 7, “Data and Process Modeling”

  • Document:Data Modeling Example Top Down Database Design Approach (PDF)

    The top down database design approach starts with the general and works through to the specific. The steps for the top down database approach are listed below. Refer to the PDF for an example.

    1. Find the entity types.
    2. List directly-related entity type pairs.
    3. Write the business rules to determine cardinality.
    4. Draw the ERD.  Designate primary keys (PKs) and foreign keys (FKs).
    5. Identify other needed attributes.
    6. Review ERD participation and constraints and update the ERD.
  • Document:Data Modeling Example Bottom Up Database Design Approach (PDF)

    The bottom up database design approach starts with the lowest level known specifications to develop the database. Typically, the bottom up database design starts with a form, user view or a report.  The steps for the bottom up database approach are listed below. Refer to the PDF for an example.

    To design a database that will support a “form,” “user view,” or “report.”

    1. Find all the attributes on the form.
    2. Establish the dependencies (determinants).
    3. Group attributes that have a common determinant into an entity type; name it.
    4. Write the business rules; finalize cardinality.
    5. Draw the ERD.
    6. Review ERD participation and constraints and update the ERD.
  • Document: Weeks 2–5 Assignment Database Table (PDF) 

    You will use this database table for this week’s Assignment.


Write (1) an explanation of the specific socioeconomic, spiritual, lifestyle, and other cultural factors associated with the patient you selected.

In May 2012, Alice Randall wrote an article for The New York Times on the cultural factors that encouraged black women to maintain a weight above what is considered healthy. Randall explained—from her observations and her personal experience as a black woman—that many African-American communities and cultures consider women who are overweight to be more beautiful and desirable than women at a healthier weight. As she put it, “Many black women are fat because we want to be” (Randall, 2012).

Randall’s statements sparked a great deal of controversy and debate; however, they emphasize an underlying reality in the health care field: different populations, cultures, and groups have diverse beliefs and practices that impact their health. Nurses and health care professionals should be aware of this reality and adapt their health assessment techniques and recommendations to accommodate diversity.


Write (1) an explanation of the specific socioeconomic, spiritual, lifestyle, and other cultural factors associated with the patient you selected. (2) Explain the issues that you would need to be sensitive to when interacting with the patient, and why. (3) Provide at least five targeted questions you would ask the patient to build his or her health history and to assess his or her health risks.


The writer is free to select any of the three cases he/she feels comfortable to work with.

In this Discussion, you will consider different socioeconomic, spiritual, lifestyle, and other cultural factors that should be taken into considerations when building a health history for patients with diverse backgrounds.

Case 1

JC, an at-risk 86-year-old Asian male is physically and financially dependent on his daughter, a single mother who has little time or money for her father’s health needs. He has a hx of hypertension (HTN), gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), b12 deficiency, and chronic prostatitis. He currently takes Lisinopril 10mg QD, Prilosec 20mg QD, B12 injections monthly, and Cipro 100mg QD. He comes to you for an annual exam and states “I came for my annual physical exam, but do not want to be a burden to my daughter.”

Case 2

TJ, a 32-year-old pregnant lesbian, is being seen for an annual physical exam and has been having vaginal discharge. Her pregnancy has been without complication thus far. She has been receiving prenatal care from an obstetrician. She received sperm from a local sperm bank. She is currently taking prenatal vitamins and takes Tylenol over the counter for aches and pains on occasion. She a strong family history of diabetes. Gravida 1; Para 0; Abortions 0.

Case 3

MR, a 23-year-old Native American male comes in to see you because he has been having anxiety and wants something to help him. He has been smoking “pot” and says he drinks to help him too. He tells you he is afraid that he will not get into Heaven if he continues in this lifestyle. He is not taking any prescriptions medications and denies drug use. He has a positive family history of diabetes, hypertension, and alcoholism.

To prepare:

  • Reflect on your experiences as a nurse and on the information provided in this week’s Learning Resources on diversity issues in health assessments.
  • Select one of the three case studies. Reflect on the provided patient information.
  • Reflect on the specific socioeconomic, spiritual, lifestyle, and other cultural factors related to the health of the patient you selected.
  • Consider how you would build a health history for the patient. What questions would you ask, and how would you frame them to be sensitive to the patient’s background, lifestyle, and culture? Develop five targeted questions you would ask the patient to build his or her health history and to assess his or her health risks.
  • Think about the challenges associated with communicating with patients from a variety of specific populations. What strategies can you as a nurse employ to be sensitive to different cultural factors while gathering the pertinent information?




Those are the books we are using for the class.


Ball, J. W., Dains, J. E., Flynn, J. A., Solomon, B. S., & Stewart, R. W. (2015). Seidel’s guide to physical examination (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby.

Chapter 1, “The History and Interviewing Process” (pp. 1-20)


Dains, J. E., Baumann, L. C., & Scheibel, P. (2016). Advanced health assessment and clinical diagnosis in primary care (5th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby.


Chapter 2, “Evidenced- Based Health Screening” (pp. 6-9


DOMESTIC VIOLENCE/INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE: answer the following questions using the latest evidenced based guidelines:

-Discuss the questions that would be important to include when interviewing a patient with this issue.
-Describe the clinical findings that may be present in a patient with this issue.
-Are there any diagnostic studies that should be ordered on this patient? Why?
-List the primary diagnosis and three differential diagnoses for this patient. Explain your reasoning for each.
-Discuss your management plan for this patient, including pharmacologic therapies, tests, patient education, referrals, and follow-ups.DOMESTIC VIOLENCE/INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE: answer the following questions using the latest evidenced based guidelines:

-Discuss the questions that would be important to include when interviewing a patient with this issue.
-Describe the clinical findings that may be present in a patient with this issue.
-Are there any diagnostic studies that should be ordered on this patient? Why?
-List the primary diagnosis and three differential diagnoses for this patient. Explain your reasoning for each.
-Discuss your management plan for this patient, including pharmacologic therapies, tests, patient education, referrals, and follow-ups.

Research project with Bibliography

Essay 4 (Research Project) Review Questions

  1. Is the word count minimum of 1,500 words (about 6-7 pages) met?


  1. Are the 6 required sources (2 UNESCO, 2 peer reviewed academic journal articles, 2 educational institutions) used?


  1. Is the essay in proper MLA Format?


  1. Does the intro lead you right into the issues of sustainable development related to GCE your peer has chosen to analyze, define the key terms and features of GCE that are related to these issues, and make an argument for the specific ways in which particular GCE Programs at specific educational institutions in the United States and around the world are addressing these issues?


  1. Does each of the body paragraphs begin with a topic sentence that highlights a particular way in which a specific GCE program addresses a sustainable development issue and or subset of issues as set up in the thesis?


  1. Do the body paragraphs develop an analysis of how each of the issues and / or subset of issues is treated at specific institutions with GCE programs, citing studies and other types of data that prove how GCE is being used to address each issue sustainably? Is each point supported by multiple sources of support defended from opposing points of view when needed?


  1. Does the conclusion prove how the overall argument relates to the wider needs of humanity today?


  1. Is there a Works Cited page with what seems to be proper format?

To what extent is the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea capable of adequately dealing with modern piracy?



To what extent is the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea capable of adequately dealing with modern piracy? An analysis of the international legal community’s response following the incidents off the coast of Somalia between 2008 and 2011, and the need for reform of international law in this respect.




  • To evaluate how far the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 (UNCLOS) is capable of responding to modern piracy, focusing on incidents off the coast of Somalia between 2008 and 2011 and also more recent incidents in the area; and whether the content of the Convention is relevant to piracy in the current climate. As such, the primary aim of the research is to ask whether UNCLOS is an anachronism insofar as it contains the international law on piracy, and if so, how far and in what sense reform of the law is needed. In this regard, the work aims to evaluate reform proposals already made in the academic literature, synthesise these proposals, and make novel recommendations as appropriate.
  • In order to do this, the work will undertake a black letter analysis of relevant primary sources which govern piracy, including Articles 100-107 and 110 of UNCLOS, Chapter VII UN Charter 1945, relevant Articles in the Geneva Convention on the High Seas 1958 and a number of Security Council Resolutions in respect of piracy off the coast of Somalia. The aim of the analysis will be to place UNCLOS within the wider context of international law on piracy in order to inform the evaluation of its ability to deal with recent piracy, focusing on the situation in Somalia. This black letter analysis will be supported with a socio-legal discussion, not merely of the rationale behind the primary sources and their application and treatment by States, but the context within which modern piracy takes place. It will as such be necessary to evaluate the practical circumstances in which modern piracy occurs, beginning with Treve’s assertions that piracy off the coast of Somalia has developed in the context of “a lack of effective government” (2009, p.400), the growth of terrorist activities and political instability in Somalia and the surrounding region (Treve, 2009, p.400). Thus, by evaluating not merely the content of relevant primary sources, but synthesising commentator views on their application and the practical context within which modern piracy occurs, the work aims to ask whether it would be desirable to amend current definitions and the scope of piracy (Xu, 2007, p.640-643) within current legislative instruments, and what form any such reform should take.
  • As the methodologies employed will be entirely secondary, ethical issues are limited to ensuring comprehensive referencing and do not require further examination.





Research Questions and Chapter Outlines:




This will set the parameters for the work and provide a brief literature review in relation to the scope of the work, as detailed in the chapter outlines below.


Chapter 1


In order to provide context for analysis of the merits of the UNCLOS Articles insofar as they relate to piracy and how far and in what manner reform may be required, it will be necessary to discuss the incidents which have occurred off the coast of Somalia since 2008 (Dahir, 2009, p.24 and Guilfoyle, 2012, p.82-90) within the wider setting of piracy as an international crime; and to ask whether the threat from piracy has changed (Cooper, 2012, p.84-86) since the entering into force of UNCLOS so that its provisions are of limited relevance to the nature of the threat today. As such, the work asks how the provisions in UNCLOS, insofar as they attempt to deal with piracy, fit within the international legal framework and policy, both on the part of bodies such as the UN, and States (UN Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea, 2012), in terms of dealing with piracy.


In this regard, the chapter will examine piracy as an evolving crime, evaluating its historic operation, perspectives of piracy as an “out-dated eighteenth Century concept of chiefly historical interest” (Petrig, 2015, p.843), and recent understandings of piracy as a crime within modern society. This discussion aims to inform analysis of the extent to which UNCLOS is capable of adequately dealing with modern piracy, and whether there is any merit in the views of commentators such as Petrig that the development of UNCLOS in line with perspectives of piracy as being an historical crime has led to a need for supplementation of those rules with further legislative initiatives (2015, p.844). In this regard, the views of scholars such as Guilfoyle that “confusion” (2010, p.142) is inherent in the international law on piracy will be examined. The focus of the discussion here is the framework at the macro level, whilst the content of the law at a micro level will be examined within chapter 2.


Chapter 2


Building on the discussion in the previous chapter relating to the interplay between different areas of international law in dealing with piracy, the focus of this chapter will be to ask how, notwithstanding the changes in the type of threat posed (as discovered in the preliminary research in preparing the aims of chapter 1 in this proposal), various aspects of the law attempt to deal with piracy.


The focus will be on the content of UNCLOS and how far perspectives about piracy during its drafting have limited the extent to which its Articles are capable of dealing with modern piracy; and in terms of the interplay between UNCLOS, domestic State law, and other mechanisms of international law, including how far the codified law on piracy is no longer applicable customary law, and yet remains in an out-dated Convention (Guilfoyle, 2009, online version). The chapter will also examine the development of UN Security Council Resolutions in respect of piracy in Somalia. The analysis will assess whether these Resolutions have effectively become part of customary law, notwithstanding statements to the contrary (Security Council Resolution 1816/2008), and the associated implications for the development of the international law relating to piracy. Regardless of the conclusions reached here, the chapter will ask what their implications are in terms of the general treatment of piracy as a crime which occurs on the High Seas, as opposed to territorial waters (Fry, 2014, p.349), and what this means for the scope of piracy as a crime as framed in UNCLOS. This analysis will necessarily involve a consideration of the role of the State and jurisdictional issues in dealing with international piracy; analysis of the application of international human rights Conventions, such as the European Convention on Human Rights 1950, when States have taken control over a pirate ship (Guilfoyle, 2009, online version); and the role of international judicial bodies.


Discussion of EUNAVFOR Operation Atlanta and the role of the EU in dealing with Somalian piracy (Papastavridis, 2015, p.536-541), and the implications for the role of international law will also be examined. The chapter also asks to what extent discourses which suggest that the Security Council Resolutions have done little but provide permission for using force to counter specific incidents of piracy (Treve, 2012, p.412-414 and Guilfoyle, 2008, p.695-696) have merit, and what the implications of this may be in terms of UNCLOS’ ability to deal with modern piracy.


Chapter 3


This chapter discusses whether reform is needed to improve the manner in which UNCLOS, within the framework of international law, is capable of dealing with modern piracy. The chapter will examine any existing reform proposals, evaluating their merits. In this regard, it will assess arguments made by commentators such as Fry in terms of the desirability of developing an international tribunal to deal specifically with piracy (2014, passim).  Proposals for reform of UNCLOS and the international legal framework will be made based on the conclusions reached in the first two chapters of the work with a view to presenting novel solutions to any problems with the law identified throughout the work.


Initial Conclusions:


It is envisaged that the research will reach the following conclusions:


  • The international legal framework insofar as it relates to piracy is unclear. The interplay between the Articles of UNCLOS and this framework is currently incoherent and the Articles themselves are not capable of dealing with modern piracy.
  • Clarity is needed in terms of the scope of the definition of piracy; jurisdictional issues; the development of customary law notwithstanding the fact that the recent Resolutions do not appear to have formed new customs; and the type of tribunals which should deal with piracy.
  • Conclusions regarding the type of reform recommended are not possible to draw until the research has been completed.


Self-Reflective Note:


Ensure that analysis throughout focuses not only on the text of UNCLOS but its operation in practice, making links between the context in which it was drafted and the context in which piracy off the coast of Somalia occurred, both between 2008 and 2011, and in respect of more recent incidents. Be careful to make sure that any proposed reforms of international law are justified not just with relevance to difficulties with piracy in Somalia, but in the wider sense of modern piracy. The synthesis of materials should go beyond being a mere literature review, but provide critical analysis of the arguments made in that literature in order to reach novel conclusions and proposals.





Relevant Primary Sources Used Within this Proposal:


International Conventions:


  • European Convention on Human Rights 1950
  • Geneva Convention on the High Seas 1958.
  • UN Charter 1945.
  • UN Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 (UNCLOS).



Other Relevant Primary Sources:


European Court of Human Rights Case Law:


  • Al-Skeini v United Kingdom (2011) 53 EHRR 18 (Application No 55721/07)


Security Council Resolutions Including:


  • Security Council Resolution 1816/2008 The Situation in Somalia (UN)
  • Security Council Resolution 1838/2008 The Situation in Somalia (UN)
  • Security Council Resolution 1846/2008 The Situation in Somalia (UN)
  • Security Council Resolution 1851/2008 The Situation in Somalia (UN)
  • Security Council Resolution 1897/2009 The Situation in Somalia (UN)
  • Security Council Resolution 1918/2010 The situation in Somalia (UN)
  • Security Council Resolution 1950/2010 The Situation in Somalia (UN)
  • Security Council Resolution 1976/2011 The Situation in Somalia (UN)
  • Security Council Resolution 2015/2011 The Situation in Somalia (UN)
  • Security Council Resolution 2020/2011 The Situation in Somalia (UN)



Secondary Sources Used Within This Proposal




  • Cooper A (2012), Somali Piracy: A Legal Maelstrom Cov LJ 17(2) 83-92


  • Dahir N (2009), Jurisdictional Problems in Controlling Piracy Cov LJ 14(2) 23-27.


  • Fry JD (2014), Towards an International Piracy Tribunal: Curing the Legal Limbo of Captured Pirates AJICL 22(3) 341-468.


  • Guilfoyle D (2008), Piracy off Somalia: UN Security Council Resolution 1816 and IMO Regional Counter-Piracy Efforts ICLQ 57(3) 690-699.



  • Guilfoyle D (2010), Counter-Piracy Law and Human Rights ICLQ 59(1) 141-169.


  • Guilfoyle D (2012), Somali Pirates as Agents of Change in International Law-Making and Organisation CJICL 1(3) 81-106.


  • Treves T (2009), Piracy, Law of the Sea and use of Force: Development Off the Coast of Somalia EJIL 20(2) 399-414.


  • Papastavridis E (2015), EUNAVFOR Operation Atlanta off Somalia: the EU in Unchartered Legal Waters? ICLQ 64(3) 533-568.


  • Petrig A (2015), Piracy, Chapter 37 in Rothwell D, Oude Elfernink AC, Scott KN and Stephens T, The Oxford Handbook of the Law of the Sea Oxford University Press.



  • Xu J (2007), Piracy as a Maritime Offence: Some Public Policy Considerations JBL Sep 639-655.


Further Likely Secondary Sources




  • Dixon M (2013), Textbook on International Law Seventh Edition, Oxford University Press.


  • Kraska J (2011), Contemporary Maritime Piracy: International Law, Strategy and Diplomacy at Sea


Articles, Reports and Other Sources:





1. This is an individual assignment. You will find more specific instructions in the attached Module 2 PDF file. You will submit Item H (short essay) in one (1) WORD file. You will be graded as noted for each part listed.
H. Short Essay to Analyze Current Ratio and Debt to Equity Ratio calculated in Part G of the Module 2 Excel Workbook Assignment (15 points)

Required: Write a short explanation about what the (1) Current Ratio and the (2) Debt to Equity Ratio that you calculated in Part G of the Excel Workbook Assignment tell you about Shoes for You, Inc. at this early stage of its company life. See additional instructions and grading rubric in the essay assignment file.

You will be graded according to the attached rubric for this item.

Use the following file naming convention when submitting your document: firstinitiallastname_mod2_essay.docx (Ex. tsmith_mod2_essay.docx)

Please refer to the Course Schedule for due dates.
2. By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.


First of all, please change the gap part in literature review, it is not appropriate. Please write gap as “ the problems of Arabic students who are in the UK for academic purposes ’ , not something related to the data collection style.


Please write 2 general dissertation questions, previous ones are not appropriate now.

Firstly, please choose the most interesting parts to discuss. It should be 4000-4200. Please give some additional references. 5 to 8 articles (depending on you). When you give each reference please show where the data has collected (school, uni, women, men) distinguish the students which you discuss. Please discuss all themes (shown in findings part). Discuss students and teachers under one same theme heading which has the same themes. Additionally, main part of the articles is related to university when it comes to the articles related to the school environment please mention socialization process and show school behavior as a source of university problems.






Financial Research Report

Imagine that you are a financial manager researching investments for your client. Research the stock of Loews Corporation for your client. Your investment should align with your client’s investment goals. (Note: Please ensure that you are able to find enough information about this company in order to complete this assignment. You will create an appendix, in which you will insert related information.) Your investment should align with your client’s investment goals.

The assignment covers the following topics:
•Rationale for choosing the company in which to invest
•Ratio analysis
•Stock price analysis
Write a nine page paper in which you:

1.Provide a rationale for the Loews Corporation stock, indicating the significant economic, financial, and other factors that led you to consider this stock.
2.Suggest the primary reasons why the selected stock is a suitable investment for your client. Include a description of your client’s profile.
3.Select any five (5) financial ratios that you have learned about in the text. Analyze the past three (3) years of the selected financial ratios for the company; you may obtain this information from the company’s financial statements. Determine the company’s financial health. (Note: Suggested ratios include, but are not limited to, current ratio, quick ratio, earnings per share, and price earnings ratio.)
4.Based on your financial review, determine the risk level of the stock from your investor’s point of view. Indicate key strategies that you may use in order to minimize these perceived risks.
5.Provide your recommendations of this stock as an investment opportunity. Support your rationale with resources, such as peer-reviewed articles, material from the Strayer Learning Resource Center, and reviews by market analysts.
6.Use at least five (5) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other similar websites do not qualify as academic resources.

*****Please get someone who is familiar with Finance because I already had two assignments done incorrectly and then it had to be reassigned. This time I don’t have time for it to be done incorrectly and redone.**** Thank you in advance.

Gender neutral parenting

How males are given more masculinity (give them the option)
Read about Scandinavians, they are good neutral gender (Netherlands)

KSU databases
Psych info
Sociology info
Google scholars
Web of science

Search for:
“Gender socializations” and parents (2008-2018)
Sex roles
Gender typed toys
Parenting in infancy and early childhood: a focus on gender socialization
Fathers and mothers

Include chapter 1 intro 4-7
Ch 2 long research (what in literature) convince the people what the benefit of gender neutral socialization to both
Ch 3 proposal – outline of my website

General & Separate tabs for
Videos / activity ideas for parents
Verbal communication messages
Tab for gender books for children