You may have innate abilities, but Emotional Intelligence isn’t one of them. How can you improve your Emotional Intelligence and your abilities to use it in business communication?

Self-Assessment 3: Emotional Intelligence


1-You may have innate abilities, but Emotional Intelligence isn’t one of them. How can you improve your Emotional Intelligence and your abilities to use it in business communication?

2-How many people do you have to be aware of in business communication and in what ways do you need to be aware of them? How does knowing this help you become more Emotionally Intelligent?

3-What place, if any, does perfection have in business communication? How will you use this knowledge to help you communicate more successfully in business?

4-What role does criticism play in improving your business communication? How will you actively seek out criticism?

5-What role does Emotional Intelligence play in collaboration? How does collaboration support successful business communication?

write an essay that offers an ‘object biography’ of an item that you consider interesting in the way it can be used to demonstrate your knowledge of one or more of the specific lecture topics, such as ‘design under imperialism’ or ‘beyond the object’.

task is to write an essay that offers an ‘object biography’ of an item that you consider interesting in the way it can be used to demonstrate your knowledge of one or more of the specific lecture topics, such as ‘design under imperialism’ or ‘beyond the object’. The essay should make a case for the item’s importance; situate it within broader geographical, historical, social and/or cultural contexts; and make connections to wider cultural tendencies and implications through its style, design or genre. Using at least two texts in the course reading list provided, as well as additional good-quality textual sources found through your own research, you should use and reference appropriate written scholarship on the item to help evidence its situations and relations
Tips on method.
Selection of the object:
You do not need to read ‘importance’ as only meaning something of high repute, cultural or monetary value. Neither does it have to be three dimensionalor ‘hard’. It could be virtual for example. It can be something that might be easily dismissed or passed by, but even so stands to illustrate its larger context.
Your assignment should address the following four aspects:
A close visual analysis, taking into account genre and design style.
An outline of its context, taking into account its history.
A critical discussion of the wider cultural tendencies and implications it might beperceived to present.
Use of both textual and visual/ material evidence, and integration of other researchers’ view points.
As an indication only, the total word count (1800) might break down as follows: • Introduction (200 words): briefly explain what you will do, how you will go about it,and why you have chosen the item.• Visual analysis (450 words).• Discussion of context (450 words).• Critical discussion of wider cultural tendencies and implications (450 words).• Conclusion (250 words): summarise the essay’s main findings and argument, andre-cap on how these were reached and why (ie. synthesising the threads of theanalysis together). Please note that footnotes, quotes and bibliography are NOT included in the word count.
Sources should be credible.
Please contact , if additional information needed.
Object could be for example Women’s sanitary towels
Sources could be:
Naomi Klein “No logo”
Tap Kirkham “Gender object”

analyze publicly available information about a Fortune 500 Company and develop an assessment of the corporate strategy and its ability to increase competitive advantage.

For this Individual Project you will analyze publicly available information about a Fortune 500 Company and develop an assessment of the corporate strategy and its ability to increase competitive advantage.

This assignment requires you to obtain and analyze information at the company, industry and market levels using various databases and reports found in the AIU library, in addition to at least eight (8) professional or academic peer-reviewed articles.

Your analysis should include an in-depth review of the Company’s most recent SEC Form-10k Annual Report and Form DEF-14A Proxy Statement. These SEC filings can be found at the SEC Edgar Database located at the URL . Pay particular attention to the Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) sections of the SEC Form 10-K and the DEF-14A Proxy statement. Direct competitors are identified in the “Comparator Group” section of the DEF-14A Proxy Statement. ) These SEC filings also contain information relative to external and industry analysis that will be helpful in your assessment of the Company’s strategy and competitive position.

A thorough analysis requires evaluation of various external stakeholders:

Governmental entities
Internal stakeholders that should be considered in the analysis include:

Board of Directors
A comprehensive SWOT analysis should be performed relative to the Company’s ability to improve its competitive advantage.

The comprehensive analysis should include both qualitative and quantitative elements, leveraging information available in SEC Filings, business databases, and peer-reviewed articles.

Your work should demonstrate your ability to:

Apply critical thinking skills to analyze business situations.
Apply principles of quantitative and qualitative research to business cases.
Describe the opportunities provided by technology for businesses.
Appropriately use effective communication techniques.
Apply the standard of APA style to all research and writing tasks.
You will prepare a report presenting the findings of your comprehensive analysis examining the Company’s corporate strategy and its ability to increase competitive advantage. The written report will have a body length of 10-12 pages excluding title, abstract, references and appendices. Quotation limits should be Not more than 10% of the body of the paper can be quotations, all of which must be properly attributed in APA format.

What four virtues, that Aristotle believed were critical for governing human behavior, are missing from the “sleep test ethics” discussed in chapter four? What does Aristotle’s “sleep test ethics” look like, and how does it differ from the common test? Do you think Aristotle’s view can be useful in your own leadership life? How? 

#1 and #2 assignment are what’s due…thanks.

BOOK: Defining Moments: When Managers Must Choose Between Right and Right.
(1997) Badaracco, JL, Harvard Business Press
Assignment #1
“Defining Moments” Part 1 – Questions

Answer the following questions (250 word minimum)

Right vs. right choices force you to decide what is the right thing to do, not the wrong thing to do (Badaracco, p. 13). If you make the right choice, you walk away from the right choice too. In this way you define yourself, and potentially the values of the organization. An important point in right vs. right choices is that you really can’t have it both ways! However, you can minimize the risk once you’ve made a choice. Before you finish the second half of the book, what choices would you have made as Steve Lewis, Peter Adario, and Edouard Sakiz? Why?

What four virtues, that Aristotle believed were critical for governing human behavior, are missing from the “sleep test ethics” discussed in chapter four? What does Aristotle’s “sleep test ethics” look like, and how does it differ from the common test? Do you think Aristotle’s view can be useful in your own leadership life? How?

Assignment #2
“Defining Moments” Part 1 – Original Observations
Post your original insight comments on “Defining Moments” (through Chapter 5)

Topic: Decision making and communication in “right vs. right” situations
Learning Objectives: Upon successful completion of this session, each learner should be able to:
• Understand the essential “right vs. right” framework that Badaracco outlines in the first half of his book Defining Moments.
• Discuss the trade-offs that are a part of leadership, including the necessity to “dirty ones’ hands” in difficult ethical dilemmas that involve “right vs. right” situations.
• Articulate initial positions on each of the three case studies outlined in the book.
• Discuss the shortcomings of a “sleep-test” ethics.
• Evaluate the claim that it is more important to develop an ethical framework upon issue of character development (revealing, shaping and testing) than upon the application of grand principles or abstractions of ethical reasoning.
• Read and take notes on the Preface and Chapters 1 – 5 of the Badarraco book Defining Moments. (Please do not read past page 66.)
• Answer the questions posted by the instructor in the week two forum of eLearning and respond to your seminar peers.
• Post your original insight comments on the reading in the week two forum.

Victims Right’s Legislative Critique

Resources should be summarized or paraphrased with appropriate in-text and Resource page citations.

Project 1 requires you to assume the role of a system-based victim advocate working within a law enforcement agency or prosecutor’s office. In this role, your supervisor requests you to review a section of a newly proposed bill and offer a 4-5 page memo critiquing the bill’s language. This project requires you to cite to course materials throughout your analysis to highlight and demonstrate your knowledge of crime victims’ rights learned throughout the first few weeks of the course.

Project 1—Victims’ Rights Legislation Critique

In your role as a system-based advocate, you have been asked to offer analysis on a new proposed bill in the jurisdiction of Virtual. For your Final Project in this course, you will be conducting a Victims’ Rights Legislation Critique in the form of a 4-5 page memo to your supervisor.

Project 1— Victims’ Rights Legislation Critique

Your memo should review Section 4 of the bill proposed in the jurisdiction of Virtual and must provide the following analysis:
Introduction: Based on your review of the proposed bill, what issue/s involving victims is this legislation designed to address?
What processes would be required for this legislation to work in practice?
Does the section seem to have clear ways to enforce the victims’ rights if violations occur?
What could make enforcement stronger in the bill? Consider special rights for vulnerable and special populations that we have addressed in the course.
What common victims’ rights seem to be missing?
What are possible consequences of these missing rights?
What, if any, liabilities attach to those who violate these victims’ rights? What recommendations would you make regarding possible liability of those who violate the rights of crime victims’ under this law?
Conclusion: Summarize how this bill aligns with common victims’ rights you have learned about in the course. Below is the link to the bill.

Christian Education


The proposal document should be minimum (6) six pages, excluding references [the reference list].

  • Must contribute to the existing body of knowledge.
  • Should show where the existing gaps in the knowledge base of Christian Education.


  • The format of the document should be:



Some general guidelines for your essay:

Your essay must be at least five full paragraphs in length. It also must be at least 750 words long. Failure to meet the minimum paragraph mark and word count will result in a zero on the essay.

EVERYTHING must be Times New Roman, size 12. Failure to meet minimum requirements on your essay will result in a zero.

Your essay must include an introduction with thesis statement and a conclusion.

The essay should be saved as a .doc or .rtf document, attached to the assignment, and submitted.

All body paragraphs should have topic and concluding sentences.

The focus of your body paragraphs should be on clearly articulating your argument and providing the reader with details and evidence that back up your argument.

No first or second person.

You must use at least three scholarly sources. Make sure to follow all MLA requirements for in-text and Works Cited citations. Failure to properly cite material gathered from sources will result in a failing grade for plagiarism.

You may not utilize personal examples, interviews, or non-scholarly sources.
Do not use Wikipedia,, or anything similar.


Your heading on the first page should include your name, the date, the class and section, and the words “Final Draft.”

Your last name and a page number should be present in the top right hand corner on all subsequent pages.

If you type your essay, it should be in Times New Roman font size 12.

Your essay needs a title that indicates something about the content of the paper.

Make sure to edit thoroughly for grammar and sentence structure.

Safe Medication Administration

This paper should discuss the following:
1.Current understanding of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics.
2.. Provide 4 examples of current understanding of how medications interact with body that are correct and accurate.
3. Clearly and accurately describe 4 interventions that will be put into practice to ensure safe medication administration takes place.
4. Provides 2 examples of future learning goals in relation to safe medication admiistration.
5. Identifies 2 areas within the healthcare industry that require change. Each suggestion should be clear and has strong rational.

P.S Needs abstract.
Use CLPNBC website as main source of information.This paper should discuss the following:
1.Current understanding of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics.
2.. Provide 4 examples of current understanding of how medications interact with body that are correct and accurate.
3. Clearly and accurately describe 4 interventions that will be put into practice to ensure safe medication administration takes place.
4. Provides 2 examples of future learning goals in relation to safe medication admiistration.
5. Identifies 2 areas within the healthcare industry that require change. Each suggestion should be clear and has strong rational.

P.S Needs abstract.
Use CLPNBC website as main source of information.

3 paragraphs on the foundation of zen hospice. 1) Frank Ostaseski the founder of zen hospice in San Francisco and what his training model for zen hospice workers included. 2) Values and goals 3) where zen hospice is being implemented and why 

This paper is an overview of Zen Hospice Workers.

A) 3 paragraphs on the foundation of zen hospice. 1) Frank Ostaseski the founder of zen hospice in San Francisco and what his training model for zen hospice workers included. 2) Values and goals 3) where zen hospice is being implemented and why

B) 3 Paragraphs on the current training for zen hospice workers in San Francisco and NY (e.g. the New York Zen Center for Contemplative Care

C) 3 Paragraphs on what the challenges and benefits are as a zen hospice worker e.g. hospice workers have personal relationships with clients who die and change the way they think about death, their own mortality and general ideas about death

conclusion: Zen Hospice Workers have a specific orientation and training toward working with dying people. Some challenges and benefits for the workers include an intimate understanding of death.

A) How Zen Hospice Workers are

Assessing and Treating Clients with With Bipolar Disorder

Assignment: Assessing and Treating Clients with With Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder is a unique disorder that causes shifts in mood and energy, which results in depression and mania for clients. Proper diagnosis of this disorder is often a challenge for two reasons: 1) clients often present as depressive or manic, but may have both; and 2) many symptoms of bipolar disorder are similar to other disorders. Misdiagnosis is common, making it essential for you to have a deep understanding of the disorder’s pathophysiology. For this Assignment, as you examine the client case study in this week’s Learning Resources, consider how you might assess and treat clients presenting with bipolar disorder.

Learning Objectives
Students will:
Assess client factors and history to develop personalized plans of bipolar therapy for clients
Analyze factors that influence pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes in clients requiring bipolar therapy
Evaluate efficacy of treatment plans
Analyze ethical and legal implications related to prescribing bipolar therapy to clients across the lifespan
Learning Resources
Note: To access this week’s required library resources, please click on the link to the Course Readings List, found in the Course Materials section of your Syllabus.

Required Readings
Note: All Stahl resources can be accessed through the Walden Library using this link. This link will take you to a log-in page for the Walden Library. Once you log into the library, the Stahl website will appear.

Stahl, S. M. (2013). Stahl’s essential psychopharmacology: Neuroscientific basis and practical applications (4th ed.). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

To access the following chapters, click on the Essential Psychopharmacology, 4th ed tab on the Stahl Online website and select the appropriate chapter. Be sure to read all sections on the left navigation bar for each chapter.

Chapter 6, “Mood Disorders”
Chapter 8, “Mood Stabilizers”
Stahl, S. M., & Ball, S. (2009b). Stahl’s illustrated mood stabilizers. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

To access the following chapters, click on the Illustrated Guides tab and then the Mood Stabilizers tab.

Chapter 4, “Lithium and Various Anticonvulsants as Mood Stabilizers for Bipolar Disorder”
Chapter 5, “Atypical Antipsychotics as Mood Stabilizers for Bipolar Disorder”
Vitiello, B. (2013). How effective are the current treatments for children diagnosed with manic/mixed bipolar disorder? CNS Drugs, 27(5), 331-333. doi:10.1007/s40263-013-0060-3

Note: Retrieved from Walden Library databases.

Chen, R., Wang, H., Shi, J., Shen, K., & Hu, P. (2015). Cytochrome P450 2D6 genotype affects the pharmacokinetics of controlled-release paroxetine in healthy Chinese subjects: comparison of traditional phenotype and activity score systems. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 71(7), 835-841. doi:10.1007/s00228-015-1855-6

Note: Retrieved from Walden Library databases.

Required Media
Laureate Education. (2016f). Case study: An Asian American woman with bipolar disorder [Interactive media file]. Baltimore, MD: Author

Note: This case study will serve as the foundation for this week’s Assignment.

Optional Resources
Mostafavi, A., Solhi, M., Mohammadi, M., Hamedi, M., Keshavarzi, M., & Akhondzadeh, S. (2014). Melatonin decreases olanzapine induced metabolic side-effects in adolescents with bipolar disorder: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial. Acta Medica Iranica, 52(10), 734-739.
Retrieved from

To prepare for this Assignment:

Review this week’s Learning Resources. Consider how to assess and treat clients requiring bipolar therapy.