Protection, Response, Recovery, and Communications

Overview: Begin each assignment by going through the material in the Lessons. Review any feedback or templates that has been provided to you by the instructor. Review the APA manual or other APA Resource material as the instructor indicates. Ensure that you do not make any repeat errors in your papers. Your papers will be heavily discounted or returned for resubmission if you do not show an effort to improve your work..

Reading: Read the assignment material for the week.

View the weekly TED talk in the Lessons.

Haddow, G.D., Bullock, J.A., & Coppola, D.P. (2008). Introduction to emergency management (3rd ed.). Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann. (Chapters: 4, 5, 7)

FEMA. (n.d.). A guide to the disaster declaration process and federal disaster assistance. Retrieved from

FEMA. (2011, September). National disaster recovery framework: Strengthening disaster recovery for the nation. Retrieved from

FEMA. (2016, April). Community planning and capacity building: Recovery support function. Retrieved from

FEMA. (2017, October). National incident management system (3rd ed.). Retrieved from

FEMA. (n.d.). Information sheet: National response framework (Third Edition). Retrieved from

Homeland Security. (2016, June). National response framework. Retrieved from

Assignment: Provide an approximate 1500-word document analyzing important concepts in the readings. Ensure your apply the discussion points and assume you are writing for an uninformed reader that knows nothing about the topic and has not read what you read. Provide an introduction that gives the background of the resource that you are reviewing, so the reader will understand what they’re reading and why.

Analyze, discuss, and apply the following:

the relationship between the local response, the state response, and the federal response to a disaster to include the presidential disaster declaration system and the Stafford Act
FEMA’s Individual Assistance and Public Assistance for programs for recovery
Community Capacity Building for recovery
the purpose of disaster communication and it’s assumptions
the elements of an effective disaster communication program
DO NOT list out the topics or questions and answer them. They are not meant to be all-inclusive, and your reader will not understand the context. Rather, give an overview of the author’s entire body of work, using the topics as guidelines.

Bullying In Schools and What Can Leaders Do

This is a capstone paper/research. This is a leadership class.
Please take what I have in paper named “Lekeisha Woods” and add to your 20 pages. I’m using from a previous class paper that I did and adding what this professor want for Capstone. Must follow “CAPSTONE GUIDE AND TEMPLATE” (see sample Capstones in uploaded files). Set up as Chapters and the subheadings. Set up Table of Contents like samples where you click on heading and it jumps to page.
Afterward I should have over 40 pages in all.

Research Questions for Capstone
1. What are the impacts on children being bullied in school as they grow into adulthood?
2. What can school leaders do? (because this is a leadership class and professor said I need to add something in reference to leadership.

No less than 25 Survey questions and you can act like you surveyed the questions.


Please explain these in your own words as much as possible.
1. What is delegation?
2. What is supervision?
3. What is the meaning of the term unlicensed person?
4. What are the 6 criteria that must be addressed by the entity (the organization providing the care) before delegation of nursing tasks can occur.
5. What are the 5 criteria that must be met before delegation can occur.
6. What additional criteria are covered by sections C and D
7. What assessment is required prior to delegation?
8. What is involved in supervision of delegated tasks?
9. What nursing tasks cannot be delegated?

Using the Ethical and Legal Issues Power point, answer the following
(There is more information on this power point than we will use in NSG 100. NSG 110 will address legal issues and will not be duplicated here. But legal and ethical issues can be intertwined. Your focus for this class is the questions below.
1. What is an ethical dilemma?
2. What are you learning as a student in NSG 100 that you can use to address an ethical dilemma?
3. Identify the current ethical issues we are currently facing
4. What are the 4 elements that must be proven in a case of malpractice?
5. Identify critical ethical and legal patient-oriented issues.

Using the Code of Ethics power point
1. List each provision and the sentence that description of each provision
2. Based on what we have discussed so far in class and your review of the power point, describe one dilemma you think you might encounter in nursing that you would depend on this code to address. (This does not need to be long and involved, but what situation do you think you might have to face as a nurse that you could think back to this class and use what you have learned to address it.)

You are asked to perform a health history interview on a patient that has be described to you as “challenging”

You are asked to perform a health history interview on a patient that has be described to you as “challenging”. He is new to your practice and has a large list of chronic health problems, but is here today with GI distress and abdominal pain. He has been in your waiting room for 50 minutes and has now started pacing. Your receptionist describes him as angry and disruptive
1. Discuss your approach to interviewing this patient.
2. How will you incorporate the techniques of skilled interviewing that you have been learning about this week into this scenario?
3. Your patient is hesitant to share his life story but only wants to focus on his GI issues and get medications and get out of here. How would the principles of sharing power help open up the avenues of communication?
4. Describe how exploring the patient’s perspective using F-I-F-E( • Feelings – fears about their problem • Ideas – about what is wrong, cause, etc. • Functions – impact of problem on daily activities • Expectations – of the doctor & treatment)might be used to get the patient to clarify and expand his story?
Please answer every portion of the questions with details. Use only peer-reviewed articles. No BOOKS. Must use DOI # for all references.

“Effects of Vitamin D Supplementation on Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors among Hispanics and African Americans with Type 2 Diabetes.”  

Prepare a 10-12-page research paper. The project will be a secondary data analysis of the original research “Effects of Vitamin D Supplementation on Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors among Hispanics and African Americans with Type 2 Diabetes.”

Identify a topic

From the original data base select two variables (Vit D and tryglycerides)


Conduct your library search

Find scholarly research based publications that provide information surrounding your topic. Look for relevant literature on the topic (research published in the last 10 years, peer-reviewed material, only original research articles) in order to analyze what exists and which are the gaps in literature. When you find a useful source, look at its “Reference” page as you may find additional resources that will be useful for your literature review


Organize your information.

Keep your sources organized in a file so you have immediate access to them when you start to write your paper. As you read, take notes and develop an outline of points you want to include in each section. Be sure to save your work along the way to avoid the risk of losing it.


Write your research paper.Top of Form

Bottom of Form


Your work should include the following items:

  • Title page
    • Title that reflects the content focus of the study (independent and dependent variables), the population, and the research approach.
    • Your name
    • Your affiliation
  • Introduction/literature review (3 Pages)
    • Current status of the topic (definitions, statistics(CDC/Census), etc.) going from the broad scenario to the very specific.
    • Background on your independent and dependent variables and how they are related in other populations
    • Justify your population. Why is important to conduct this research in your population?
    • Justify your location. Why is important to conduct this research in South Florida?
    • Group studies with positive results, describe them and explain the results
    • Group studies with negative results, describe them and explain the results
    • Compare and contrast studies with positive and negative results. Explain why they have conflicting results.
    • Explain how your study is going to help clarify the conflict
    • Research problem
    • Purpose of your study
    • Hypotheses
  • Methodology
    • Population: explain how subjects were recruited, consent obtained, inclusion and exclusion criteria, sample size
    • Demographics: how was demographic data collected?
    • Laboratory analysis: how was blood collected and analyzed for each test?
    • Statistical analysis: explain how the data was organized, what groups were compared and described, which test were used, software used, significance level (α).
  • Results
    • Present results in tables or graphs
    • Assign proper statistical parameters (p-values, sample size, means, standard deviations, etc.)
    • Assign a title and number to each table and graph
  • Discussion
    • Explain your results using the literature review
    • Compare and contrast your results to similar studies
    • If your results are unexpected, explain why
    • Limitations
    • Strengths
    • Implications for practice
  • Conclusion
    • Is your hypothesis accepted or rejected?
    • Implications for practice
    • suggestions for future research
  • References
    • A complete list of references (6 citations), formatted in APA style, listing the sources you cited. Term Project must meet the following criteria:


Are Caucasians less likely to get arrested and convicted than African American Males? (In California)

Paper must include the following:
*Must include references from the APA code of conduct
*Must come with a 10 question ‘yes or no’ questionnaire/survey (Design and Procedure)-This is the research of the paper/raw data, either backing up or not backing up the hypothesis, which is “African Americans are more likely to get arrested and convicted than African Americans. Survey should be ‘randomly given’ to 20 different people to collect data. (Don’t have to actually give survey out).
*Problem Statement: (Approx 900 words) an overview of the topic your research will investigate. It introduces and justifies your research question, key variables, their hypothesized relations, and your guiding theoretical perspective. It explains how your planned research is unambiguous in its goals and methods, concerned with a significant issue that will add to the store of human knowledge, theoretically justifiable and testable, practical and feasible to implement, ethical and respectful of human rights, and builds on existing knowledge in the field.
*Literature Review: (Approx 900 words) a critical summary of existing research your project will build upon. Your review will evaluate at least five other relevant research projects from original sources in reputable, peer-reviewed journals. The lit review discusses previous research, as it influences the proposed project. It evaluates the methodological, theoretical, or substantive strengths or weaknesses of those studies and explains how they shape your research plans and also discuss Prop 47 as it relates to the review and this study.
*Ethics & Conduct of Research: (Approx. 900 words) summarizes potential ethical dilemmas, political consequences, and practical challenges associated with designing, conducting, implementing, and disseminating your research. It explains where your research process might go wrong and the safeguards you will put into place to minimize those risks.
*Design & Procedures: (Approx. 900 words) describes and justifies your plans for measurement, sampling, design, (Random sampling Cluster method) and analysis. It explains which data you would collect, when you would collect it, and what you would do with it to make sense of your topic and shed new light on your research question — and how and why. This section is a set of “how to” instructions for actually turning your “good idea” into a real plan for scientifically answering your original question (Survey/questionnaire).
Your research proposal is a carefully constructed argument for why your question should be answered and how a valid and reliable answer might be obtained. It should be a meticulous set of instructions for generating an answer according to the rules of scientific method, and it should make the case to interested parties for how such an answer can be achieved. Must also note about the Pre and Post debriefing given to all ‘participants,’ informed consent etc. per APA code of conduct.
*Limitations section-(Doesn’t have to be a number of words for this section) discussing why only twenty participants…further research on a bigger scale is necessary…etc.
*Discussion/Results-interpretation of results and discussion (Doesn’t have to be a number of words for this section)

*Some peer reviewed articles that should be included, if you can find them: (not mandatory)
-The Black and White in America: Views on Race and Inequality, Worlds Apart. (2017). Journal of Pan African Studies, (3), 397.
-Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Arrests for Drug Possession After California Proposition 47, 2011–2016
Mooney, A. a., Giannella, E., Glymour, M. M., Neilands, T. B., Morris, M. D., Tulsky, J., & Sudhinaraset,

*Please let me know if there are any questions or concerns

Criminal Justice Position Paper: Terrorists

After watching the two videos and reading the study materials,

Choose a position you most agree with. Consider the factors upon which you made this determination: Choose whether you believe 1. Militia fighters are terrorists OR if you believe 2. Militia fighters are freedom fighters. Only pick one of these positions.

For this essay, compare and contrast militia fighters, terrorists, and freedom fighters. Then, choose a position you most agree with. Consider the other perspective, and defend the position in which you disagree. Explain and support your position with APA citations and references.

The paper must be in APA format, double-spaced, and no less than 550 words.

You MUST watch the two videos and read ALL of the attached reading materials. You may also read and cite additional resources on your own to add in, but you MUST read and watch the required videos and attached materials and CITE them.

The most important items to research thoroughly are the “Ganor- Defining Terrorism” and “Terrorist Notes” materials and the two Youtube videos.


Birtley, T. (2016, September 2). Whose truth is it anyway? Tony Birtley, TEDxSWPS (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.[Video File, 17 min 54 sec]. Retrieved from

TRT World. (2017, January 14). Hamas-terrorists or freedom fighters? (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.[Video File, 2 min 27 sec]. Retrieved from

Pervasive Computing


Assignment Overview

What is Pervasive Computing? 

Pervasive computing is computing power freed from the desktop—embedded in wireless handheld devices, automobile telematics systems, home appliances, and commercial tools of the trade. Pervasive computing software helps manage information and reduce complexity for a mobile workforce and a mobile society. In the corporate world, it extends timely business data to workers in the field and drives down costs. In our personal lives, it expands our freedom to exchange information anytime, anywhere. These new technologies will require more mobile hardware devices to support them.

Case Assignment

There are two parts in this Case Assignment:

Part 1: 

Review the mobile mintablets article and the Intel article from the background readings. These will give you some perspective of recent developments in hardware incentives and development which is the basis for many new hardware platforms. Answer the following questions in a 2 page paper.

  1. Where do you think pervasive computing will expand to next? Explain your answer.
  2. How does pervasive computing affect your life? As a consumer or employee, would you make use of these different systems? Why or why not? As a wireless developer, which applications do you think have the most promise and what could you do to make those applications a reality?
  3. Does the idea of an open phone with developers “free” to develop and make available applications make sense? What are the benefits? What are the limitations?

Use information from the modular background readings as well as the given resources. Also, you could use any good quality resource you can find. Please cite all sources and provide a reference list at the end of your paper.

LENGTH: 2 pages and double-spaced.

The following items will be assessed in particular:

  1. Your ability to consolidate ideas from reading materials and your understanding of the materials.
  2. Your ability to write a report with strong argument.
  3. Some in-text references to modular background readings.

Part 2: 

Watch the following video, and scan your environment for devices or objects that utilize pervasive computing (e.g., your watch, car, maybe even your toaster?). Do more research on these items, and write a 2-page summary of your findings and how you view these emerging technologies. Link to the video:

Medication prescribing

View the movie Prescription for Danger (link below)
NCCNERP. (1997). Prescription for Danger. In Films On Demand, Films Media Group, produced by WLIW 21 Productions, Long Island, NY.
• Envision yourself in the role of an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse with prescribing privileges. You are aware that the misuse of prescription medication is a growing problem in the United States and you want to make sure that your patients get the education they need to take their medication properly. Discuss your approach to prescribing medication and educating patients about their medication to avoid potential problem. Use 3 peer reviewed articles only. No books. Include DOI # in all references/

Problem Solving

Scenario 1: You have worked at your company for eleven (11) years. You have returned to college to earn a Bachelor’s degree in order to increase your chances for a promotion. You are nearly finished with your degree, when a supervisor’s position in a competing company becomes available in another state. The start date is in two (2) weeks, during your final exam period for your courses. The position offers a $15,000 per year salary increase, a car allowance, and relocation expenses. Your former supervisor works for the company and is recommending you for the position based on your outstanding job performance; if you want the job, it’s yours. All of the other supervisors at this level in the company have Master’s degrees, so you know that you would be expected to earn your Bachelor’s degree and continue on to a Master’s degree. Your present company offers tuition reimbursement, but the new company does not.
When faced with a problem, what do you do to solve it? This assignment asks you to apply a six-step to problem solving process to a specific problem scenario. You will write a paper that presents a synthesis of your ideas about solving the problem using this systematic approach. As Voltaire said, “No problem can withstand the assault of sustained thinking.”
Step One: Define the problem
Step Two: Analyze the problem
Step Three: Generate options
Step Four: Evaluate options
Step Five: Make your decision
Step Six: Implement and reflect