Critique Austin’s answer on Four Adaptive leadership competencies/distinguish Leadership from Authority

Critique Austin’s answer to the following questions. (Student answer attached below)
Case Study: Read the case study, “Redeveloping Mission and the ‘Driveway Tax’ Controversy”
Answer the Following Questions:
1. Compare the differences between adaptive challenges and technical fix interpretations in the case study. Critique the interventions used and ways it changed or could have changed the outcome in the case study.
2. Examine the challenges that arose between leadership vs authority in the case study.
3. Relate ways the four competencies were used or could have been used to change the outcome in the case study.
*****Must utilize and cite material from the unit’s course information/readings, including complete internal citations and a reference list.****
Attached is the Case study and the course information/reading that must be cited from. You must familiarized with the unit concepts/reading list/ website…. to answer the questions

Strategic Marketing Options Report

MKT82210 – Marketing – Assignment 1 Report
Study Period 5, 2018
Due: 17 September 2018, 11:00pm (AEST)
1500 words (+/- 20%)
Background to the Assessment
The aim of this project is to identify strategic marketing opportunities of an organisation, and
develop a marketing plan for one of the strategic options. You can select any organisation of
your choice. It is strongly recommended that you use the same organisation for Assessment
1 and Assessment 3, so read the brief for Assessment 3 before selecting an organisation.
Furthermore in making a choice you should bear in mind:
 you will be assessed on your ability to apply concepts from this unit, and
 you need to be able to obtain sufficient current information to provide a
comprehensive evaluation of their current marketing strategy.
Referencing should be included where appropriate in your assignments to acknowledge
relevant information. The required referencing format is the Harvard style – refer to the
MySCU library site link for information on how to apply this style of referencing in your
assignments (
Assessment 1: Report (Strategic Marketing Options)
For this assignment, you are required to outline and discuss the strategic options available to
an organisation of your choice. If you choose a large organisation, you may then want to do
this in relation to a specific product line or particular service. If you have chosen a smaller
organisation, you may prefer to focus on their overall offering.
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Based on your analysis you are asked to consider alternatives for future marketing success
and to outline your recommendations. Using the concepts from Topics 1 and 2, you need to
address the following:
1) Introduce the business, its mission statement and product(s).
2) Present a comprehensive situation analysis which should include:
 Macro environment analysis: an analysis of the environmental forces that may
impact the business.
 Micro environment analysis: an analysis of the market they currently operate
3) Present a SWOT analysis – as a summary of your situation analysis.
4) Now define ‘the problem’ that your organisation faces in terms of ‘where do they go
from here?’
5) Use Ansoff’s Matrix to help you identify strategic alternatives for the future – that will
solve the problem. Evaluate these.
6) Make a recommendation, based on the above evaluation, of which of Ansoff’s four
options you believe the organisation should pursue – to solve the problem. Support
your recommendation with rationale. Outline briefly your recommendations for
implementation (next steps).
To support your analysis you are required to submit at least four different items of current
(i.e. the last 12 months) marketing material relevant to the business and/or product. So for
example: a copy of a web page, a media release, product or packaging information, an
advertisement, a survey and so on.
These should, of course, be addressed as part of your analysis. They should also be
included as an Appendix to your assignment (not part of the word limit).
Guidance for handling case studies
The brief of your Assessment replicates the steps in analysing a case study. A case study
should be considered as analogous to a real–world situation, where you are asked to
investigate a ‘problem’ and then to solve it by making recommendations for future action.
You may perhaps envisage that you are acting in the role of a ‘consultant’.
Page 3 of 4
Firstly you need to analyse the current situation, to understand the key issues and
contributing factors, so that you can clearly define the problem, as opposed to symptoms of
the problem. Next, you have to solve the problem by identifying alternative courses of action,
evaluating these and then making specific recommendations. More specifically a logical
approach to handling a case study follows six steps:
1) Problem discovery: We have a ‘problem’; it is recommended that you discover the
problem in broad terms at the outset (leaving problem definition to later).
2) Situation analysis: Analyse the current situation, concluding with a SWOT as a
summary of your analysis.
3) Problem definition: Make a succinct statement of ‘the problem’ that the organisation
faces and you are now going to solve.
4) Identification of alternatives and evaluation of these: Identify three or four (or more as
appropriate) alternative courses of action; evaluate each, listing the pluses and
5) Recommendations: Make your recommendations from the alternatives and support
your recommendations with rationale – the ‘why’.
6) Implementation: Discuss briefly any implementation issues (e.g. timing, resources)
pertinent to your recommendations.
Academics and authors may differ in their approach to case study. If you refer to your
Introduction to Study and Writing Skills booklet you’ll see a slightly different approach in
terms of steps and sequencing. There is no one best way to analyse a case – the important
thing is to have a logical, structured approach and to ensure linkage between the different
steps. Some further tips for handling case studies:
 Analyse rather than describe. You need to present an analysis/evaluation. You need
to identify the key issues. You need to decide what is the most important and
relevant information.
 Use ‘evidence’ to support your analysis and subsequent recommendations; analysis
evidence can often be succinctly (well) presented as tables/charts/graphs.
 Use your analysis in your evaluation and recommendations and support your
recommendations with rationale (the ‘why?’). There is no one ‘right’ answer to a case
study and the marker is looking for you to support your opinion – ‘Have you explained
how you came to that conclusion?
 Your recommendations must come from your alternatives.
Page 4 of 4
School extension policy
Students wanting an extension must make a request at least 24 hours before the
assessment item is due and the request must be submitted to Student Administration, via
the following link:
Extensions within 24 hours of submission or following the submission deadline will not be
granted (unless supported by a doctor’s certificate or where there are exceptional
circumstances – this will be at Student Administration and/or unit assessor’s discretion and
will be considered on a case by case basis). Extensions will be for a maximum of 48 hours
(longer extensions supported by a doctor’s certificate or exceptional circumstances to be
considered on a case by case basis).
A penalty of 10% of the total available grade will accrue for each 24 hour period that an
assessment item is submitted late. Therefore an assessment item worth 20 marks will have
2 marks deducted for every 24 hour period and at the end of 10 days will receive 0 marks.
Extensions will NOT be approved because of problems with personal computers or storage
devices. Back up your work every day to a secure location.

Business Management Project

This is an individual piece of work (Report). TASKS: Identify an academic journal in one or two of the following areas: -Management (General) -Marketing -Strategic Management -Human Resource -Accounting -Hospitality and Tourism -Entrepreneurship Or any other subject area in management Select three articles from the journal or the two journals you have identified in the previous task. The first article should be using a quantitative approach to research. The second article should be using a qualitative approach to research. The third article should be a review of literature article. Write a summary of 750 words for each article. This will make a total of 2250 words. The summary of each article should include the following: – The aim, objective, question or the main thesis of each article. – The methodology used. – The main findings and recommendations of each article. – Additionally, you need to add your own comments; was the article clear or easy to understand and what you have learnt from it? Generic Assessment Criteria – Foundation Degree. These should be interpreted according to the level at which I am working.

Interview & Reflection Assignment

For this assignment, you will continue to reflect on what it takes to create “innovation architecture” to support a culture of innovation within organizations. As part of the assignment, you will conduct an interview with a local business owner or leader or member of a management team to learn more about the techniques organizations utilize (or fail to utilize) to encourage and support the implementation of innovations. Select your interview candidate and contact the person to set up an appointment. Try to schedule your interview well in advance of the assignment’s due date. You may conduct your interview in person or via phone. You should present the consent letter attached in the Module materials to the person you intend to interview. Prepare a list of at least 5-7 questions for your interview. Your questions should focus on specific processes within organizations for encouraging and implementing innovations and challenges organizations face in when trying to innovate. After you complete the interview, write a 1,000-word reflection on what you learned in the interview and how your understanding of the importance of effective innovation architecture has developed or changed. Address the following in your response: What are the most valuable things you learned about effective innovation architecture? Identify some of the significant challenges you believe you might face when it comes to suggesting and seeing innovations through in the organizations in which you are or may be involved? How might you apply what you learned in your interview and about innovation architecture in general to help foster a culture of innovation within your own organization? Please cite two additional reputable secondary sources on innovation architecture or on creating a culture of innovation in your reflection. Provide an interview summary at the end of your reflection that includes the following information: -The name of the person you interviewed and number of years he/she has been a manager. -The name of the company at which he/she is currently employed. -How long the person has been a manager at the current company. -Date of the interview and whether it took place in person or via phone. -Contact information for the person you interviewed. -The list of your interview questions. PLEASE USE APA GUIDELINES WITH 3 SOURCES, AND USE CORRECT IN-TEXT CITATIONS

You need to choose between one of the following levels for your analysis: • Operations level • Supply network level


Operations management is one of the central functions of all organisations whether producing goods or services. Managers at all levels are expected to have a thorough understanding of operations so that they can ensure their organisations run efficiently and effectively.

Interim assessment – collaborative assessment Purpose Operations management was traditionally considered to be a function which deals with day to day delivery of product and services. However, increasingly organisations have recognised the importance of the strategic role of operation function in achieving competitive success in the market. The purpose of this activity is to evaluate how the operation function can have a strategic impact on a business, and propose recommendations to its process and supply network design.

Assessment brief – This assessment is divided into two phases – both must be completed by you. As outlined below, in phase 1 you post an individual contribution on the forum and then in phase 2 you write a report.

Phase 1 (5 % weighting) Assessment brief  – In this phase, you are required to find an organisation that leads the market in terms of the way they manage their operations and carry out the following activities. The organisation can be your company or any organisation with which you are familiar.

Forum contribution – Phase 1

  1. Identify the top priority operations performance objective for the organisation and, post an individual contribution on the forum with a brief description of the selected operations performance objective. Please ensure that you make a convincing argument on why the selected performance objective is important for the business and how it has contributed to winning the market. (150 words).
  2. When you have posted your individual contribution, find a contribution that has been posted by another student. Reply to their post with a comment that compares their organisation with the one you have found in terms of their key operations performance objectives and the associated trade-offs (100 words).

Note: you will not be able to see any other posts or comments until you post your own contribution first. Your individual post and the comment (total 250 words) will be marked on the scale of 1 to 5: Try-harder, Acceptable, Good, Very good, and Excellent, which represent 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% of the total marks allocated for Phase 1, respectively.


Phase 2 (25 % weighting) Assessment brief

Reflecting on what you have learned from the Phase 1 task and drawing on the insights from the article provided below (Iansiti and Lakhani 2017), write a report that critically evaluates the process design or the supply network design of an organisation with which you are familiar, and propose recommendations for further improvement.


You need to choose between one of the following levels for your analysis:

  • Operations level
  • Supply network level

 In the report, you are required to:

  • Describe the organisation so that the reader can clearly understand what the organisation does and the organisational context (about 150 words)
  • Describe the process flow (or the supply network flow) of the organisation and define the key performance objectives and their relative importance for the business. If it is a large organisation, you may focus on only a part of the operation/network or one product line (about 250 words)
  • Use some of the concepts from process design (or supply network design) topic to critically analyse the current operations design and propose recommendations, which would contribute to improving one or more operations performance objectives that you identify as most important for the business. (about 700 words)
  • Discuss briefly, how emerging digital technologies, such as the examples provided in the article, could assist in further improving the operations performance of the business. (about 250 words)
  • A conclusion which summarises the report (about 150 words)

You are strongly encouraged to:

  • Use the Phase 1 comments from other contributors to broaden and strengthen your understanding of the concepts.
  • Draw on the relevant insights from the following article:

 This article discusses how digitisation is dramatically changing the nature of operations and process management decisions and their implications for the operations managers in the 21st-century.

Iansiti, M & Lakhani, K. 2017, What the companies on the right side of the Digital Business Divide have in common, viewed July 26, 2018, 23C03E12F065/The_Digital_Business_Divide_white_paper.pdf



The required word length for this assessment (phase 2) is 1500 words (plus or minus 10%).

APA 6 – author-date style referencing (which includes in-text citations plus a reference list).

Reference lists for assessments normally contain the following number of relevant references from different sources:

8–12 (for MBA assessments). Ideally, the references shouldn’t be more than 5-years old. – Must be listed alphabetically!!

  • All references must be from credible sources such as books, industry related journals, magazines, company documents and recent academic articles.
  • Your grade will be adversely affected if your assessment contains no/poor citations and/or reference list and if your assessment word length is beyond the allowed tolerance level

Hammer, M 2004, ‘Deep change: how operational innovation can transform your company’, Harvard Business Review, vol. 82, no. 4, pp. 84–93.









 Information to read on to critically analyse for assessment purpose…


The  design  of  the  supply  network  is  simply  the  arrangement  of  the  elements  or  members  of  the  network  that  serve  the  needs  of  the  organisation.  The  network  is  comprised  of  all  the  members  both  suppliers  and  customers  that  have  a  role  in  the  operations  and  processes  of  a  particular  organisation.

The  primary  task  of  the  operations  manager  is  to  ensure  that  the  network  serves  the  needs

of  the  organisation  for  input  goods  and  services,  and  for  efficient  and  effective  flow  of  goods

and  services  to  client  organisations  and  individual  customers.  Because  the  operations

manager  does  not  control  the  network  most  of  it  belongs  to  different  owners  with  different  business  goals  –he  or  she  cannot  really  “design”  it  to  their  own  liking.  What  they  can do  is  to  negotiate  arrangements  with  the  members  of  the  network  in  order  to  obtain  the  best  possible  outcome  for  the  company.  To  do  this,  the  textbook  suggests  that  managers  must  understand  the  individual  components  in  the  network,  their  characteristics  and  the

relationships  between  them.

Mycobacterium tuberculosis/ microbiology

Microorganism Profile Assignment

Below are the documents you will need to complete this assignment.

  • Microorganism Profile Worksheet
  • Organism List
  • Grading Rubric 


As you progress through the Microorganism Profile Worksheet,  you will be asked to fill in the blanks, complete tables, and provide written explanations in your own words.  All written answers are expected to meet accepted standards for grammar, syntax, and punctuation.  Proper microbiology terminology is also expected.   The completed paper using the worksheet as a guide is to be in APA format and is to be submitted electronically via the Assignment Drop Box in Canvas located in week 6.

The Big Picture

As you progress through this course, you will acquire information in a sequential, topic-specific manner. Each topic will include information that is relevant to this assignment. For example, the knowledge you gain from the lesson on bacterial cell morphology will be applied to the first Worksheet topic, Cell Morphology and Growth Requirements.  Your answers are expected to include information from sources that go beyond the textbook or classroom.   Please use at least 4 resources and use APA reference format in the paper and References page.  Examples of resources include peer-reviewed journal articles, interviews with clinicians who deal with microbes on a daily basis, personal experiences, and other reputable sources. You are expected to clearly understand the meaning of each topic before you construct your answer.  For example, you are expected to know the meaning of “epidemiology” and to understand the topics that are connected to it.   Don’t forget to read and understand the Grading Rubric before you start.   Refer to it often – it will help guide you through the process.

Your pathogen profile will cover the following topics:

  1. Description of the Microorganism
  2. Virulence Factors
  3. Immunity
  4. Infectious Disease Information
  5. Epidemiology
  6. Presentations
  7. Prevention
  8. Treatment
  9. Clinical Relevance
  10. References


International Cyber Security Laws and Crims

Topics that must be covered within the document

•Analyze critical issues in global cybersecurity management and policy.
•Analyze critical issues in global cybersecurity technology policy.
•Analyze the principles of warfare that underpin cyberwarfare theory and application.
•Assess cybersecurity policies and procedures for transnational legal compliance.
•Compare and contrast international cybersecurity standards bodies.
•Identify key initiatives in international cybersecurity policy.
•Assess the cross-cutting effects of policy, budget, and technological capabilities upon the ability to address cyberthreats at the enterprise, national, and international levels.
•Assess policy and technology trade-offs that must be considered and made when addressing cyberthreats at the enterprise, national, and international levels.
•Assess and critique cybersecurity programs.
•Assess emerging cybersecurity issues, risks, and vulnerabilities.
•Assess key cyberattack technologies.
•Assess how the theories and principles of war apply to cyberwarfare, and apply those theories to understand cyberoffense and cyberdefense challenges.

Report Sections
•Title Page
•Table of Contents
•International Cybersecurity Threat Matrix
•International Environmental Scan
•Regional Cybersecurity Threat Fact Sheet
•Botnet Evaluation
•Botnet Discussion
•Botnet Conclusion
•Reference Page

I need complete sentences, no grammatical or spelling errors, strong paragraph structures and complete thoughts expressed.

Business plan

  • The business: the opportunity or gap in the market, how the proposed business will fill this gap, company mission and objectives, description of the business model, how it will create a sustainable competitive advantage, current business status and future requirements for growth.
  • Management team: management experience and ability, technical expertise, board of directors, advisory board, professional service providers, business consultants.

Structure and ownership: organizational chart and structure, legal form of the organization and ownership of the business, intellectual property rights and ownership including patents, trademarks and copyrights.


Risk analysis: management, marketing, operating, financial, intellectual property and other.

What are the company’s mission and objectives?


Describe the business model? how do you plan to create a sustainable competitive advantage?


what is the management experience and ability? What are there technical expertise ?



What other  kind of technical expertise does the business?


Do you have board of directors and an advisory board ?( please provide as much information possible)


Are there any professional service providers and, business consultants. ? who are they and what are the areas in which they help the business ?


Does the business have an organizational chart and structure if available please provide.


what is the legal form of the organization?


Who owns the business? (If ownership is a partnership between several people please provide percentage of ownership if possible )


Does the business own any intellectual property rights and ownership including patents, trademarks and copyrights.?



Who are your suppliers for the raw materials? How many suppliers do you have?



Do you have a storage facility for storage of dried vegetable so it can be used to make the product in seasons where producing the vegetables is not possible ?


Do you have any products which you plan to keep constant thought the year to keep the cashflow coming?


Are you aware of any risks you posses  externally and internally ?

This assignment concerns the same water park scenario as 3MER Written Assignments A and C. The work can be very demanding during the cooler months. There have been occasions in the past when some of the permanent employees have argued that those working on a temporary basis do not seem to care about the work that they are doing:

  • One possible problem which has been identified is that the individuals are working very long hours. Explain the legal requirements that address working time. (AC 2.1)
  • Amongst those working on a temporary basis there are parents of young children. Explain the law that protects such individuals. (AC 2.2)
  • It is important to ensure that the individuals are not demotivated due to issues relating to pay. Explain two legal issues that must be considered when determining the pay levels. (AC 2.3)
  • There is some concern that the recruitment processes are sometimes rather chaotic. Not only might this mean that the wrong people are recruited, but there is the possibility that there could be allegations of discrimination. Explain the main requirements of discrimination legislation. (AC 2.4)
  • You suggest to the employer that there is the possibility of a breach of the psychological contract, but the employer does not understand what this means. Explain it to the employer. (AC 2.5)
  • Write a description of the learning process you went through in order to write this assignment: what you knew about employment relations before you attended module 1; what you learnt during the module; and what you learnt in preparing this assignment.


You should also include 3-5 references from up-to-date and relevant sources in order to support your findings.  Please ensure that all reference sources are acknowledged correctly within the text and on a reference list provided.

The assignment requires you to develop a staff development plan to implement in either your current workplace or a workplace in which you have previously undertaken practicum, casual or voluntary work.

ASSESSMENT: Leadership in Action

Value: 60%

Due Date: 12th October

Length: 2500 words



The assignment requires you to develop a staff development plan to implement in either your current workplace or a workplace in which you have previously undertaken practicum, casual or voluntary work. It requires you to work with a minimum of two staff, one of which can be you, to develop the Individual goal setting and Individual development plans. It then requires you to draw together common ideas/themes for the whole staff to devise an Action plan that is relevant for the staff as a team. The purpose of developing the staff development plan is to take a ground-up approach to support the professional learning of staff and ultimately improve the quality of the children’s experiences. It is about developing increased levels of professional competence.

Your ‘Leadership in Action’ staff development plan should be submitted as a report that includes a discussion under the following headings:

Part A (800 words)

  • The role of leadership in supporting staff development

Part B (1700 words)

  • Rationale
  • Individual goal setting
  • Individual development plans
  • Group goal setting
  • Action plan
  • Evaluation
  • References
  • Appendix

Note: The completed templates can be added as an appendix at the end of your assignment and do not count as part of the word count. Alternatively, sections of the templates can also be inserted in your assignment to support your discussion. However, small inserted sections of templates in the body of your assignment will count as part of the word count.