Describe the medicinal effects of an exercise program, and other lifestyle recommendations; and compare the effects to the conventional health care’s “ABCs of CVD Prevention.” In your essay, describe the dose-response when using exercise as medicine, and summarize the findings of a landmark study that demonstrates the effects of exercise on disease prevention.

Describe the medicinal effects of an exercise program, and other lifestyle recommendations; and compare the effects to the conventional health care’s “ABCs of CVD Prevention.” In your essay, describe the dose-response when using exercise as medicine, and summarize the findings of a landmark study that demonstrates the effects of exercise on disease prevention. 

ABCs of Cardiovascular prevention

  • Aspirin; anti-inflammatory; study showed lowering inflammation may even be more important than lowering cholesterol, LDLs, as shown in the Jupiter trial
  • Blood pressure medication; beta blockers can cause lower cardiac output- sprint trial showed its better to lower BP to 120
  • Cholesterol lowering therapy; usually statin drugs but they weaken cell membranes making more DOMS making patients more sore and lower vitamin D and Coq levels which act as antioxidants;
  • Don’t smoke and diet- recommend low saturated fat but should recommend high fiber, low sodium and sugar diet
  • Exercise or estrogen replacement therapy- 150 minutes per week of exercise where you “sweat”
  • Fish oil (omega 3)- or flaxseed
  • Glucose lowering medication


Leading killer in the US is CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE; stroke and heart attacks. Leading cause of disability and have trouble with high quality of life and doing daily living activities.


Lifestyle change has the ability to work on every one of the ABC aspects; exercise and diet you lower inflammation systemically. Exercise lowers BP and diet does too and you get chronic acute effects; after a workout it will continue to lower it. With a plant based diet you can continue to lower it. Reducing sugar and solid fats in your diet you can also lower cholesterol.  Exercise improves glucose sensitive and can help with obesity; study showing this is the Diabetes Prevention Program which compared lifestyle to metformin. In over 3000 pre-diabetic patients the primary outcome was diabetes. Lifestyle could prevent diabetes in 1 out of 6.9 patients. Metformin could prevent diabetes in 1 out of 13.9 patients.



List the order of events in an effective health screening and wellness assessment protocol, and provide some information to describe each. 

  1. Informed consent
    1. You need to ask if the patient has any questions and watch them sign the consent in order to not be liable, need a witness to sign it as well
    2. Waiver of liability
    3. Explain the benefits/risks of exercise and exercise testing
    4. Protection when you aren’t negligent
    5. Free to stop at any time. Aren’t forced to continue
  2. Health screening: Health status questionnaire (HSQ) and/or PARQ
    1. Allows to get a good detail of information about a person; PARQ for self assessment/ checklist of walk ins; physical activity readiness
    2. Health appraisal looking for risk factors
    3. HSQ- face-to-face format to help make sure the client understands the questions; helps get idea of diet, behaviors, exercise, etc.
  3. Resting measures (RHR, RBP, lipids, etc.)- **Decide if medical clearance is necessary**
  4. Assessment:
      1. Body composition: BF%, BMI, waist circumference, regional fat distribution looking at central obesity
      2. Cardiovascular: VO2 max, HR, BP
  • Flexibility
  1. Strength- posture, movement screen, grip strength
  2. Muscular endurance
  1. Modified version: CV, Body Comp (metabolic), musculoskeletal (flexibility, strength), nutrition




What factors determine that a patient will need to be medically cleared prior to an exercise program? In your answer, make sure to cite the risk factors for CVD as discussed in class. 

Any chronic disease like cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, osteoporosis, pregnant, etc. automatically require medical clearance. IF they have a resting heart rate greater than 100 or irregular that is a symptom. Resting blood pressure over 160 systolic or diastolic is over 100 that automatically need medical clearance. If a male has a body fat percentage of over 30% or female greater than 40% they would need a medical referral.

Risk factors

  1. Smoking
  2. Sedentary less than 150 minutes of moderate activity (walking) per week or less than 75 minutes of vigorous activity (jogging/weight lifting); less than 10,000 steps per day
  3. Family history; first degree male relative having coronary event <55 years old or female 1st degree relative <65 years old
  4. Elevated hypertension- blood pressure of over 140 systolic or over 90 diastolic; however the disease of hypertension such as those treated with medication for high blood pressure or someone diagnosed with hypertension
  5. Lipidemia- non-hdl cholesterol of 160 or more; cholesterol over 200 or HDL less than 40 or LDL over 130; or cholesterol medication
  6. Elevated blood sugar; fasting over 100
  7. Obesity- BMI > 30; waist circumference for male over 40 inches and female over 35 inches; or waist to height measurement over 50%


People at risk:

  • Male with 2 or more risk factors over 45 years old and a female with 2 or more risk factors over 55 years old.
  • 6 METS or more requires medical clearance- such as weight training or jogging


Negative risk factors (subtract one of above): HDL-C > 60 mg. If someone has two or more risk factors but over 60 HDL, then that eliminates a risk factor.


Analyze Non-Experimental (Non-Causal) Correlational Designs

Using the article by Beauvais, Steward, DeNisco, and Beauvais (2014), prepare a written analysis that addresses the following:

Determine the general strengths and weaknesses of correlational designs. Based on your findings, identify the strengths and weaknesses of this particular study.
Explain when a correlational design is most useful in an educational setting, and summarize whether this is an appropriate use of a correlational design in this study. Explain why, and if it is not, recommend a more accurate research design.
Identify and explain the types of problems correlational designs could best address. Determine if this study’s problem is best addressed by a correlational design.
Review the research question being asked in this study, and then provide a sample research question corresponding to a different hypothetical correlational design.
Support your assignment with at least this scholarly resource. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.

Length: 5 pages, not including title and reference pages

Your assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Academic Integrity Policy.

Link to article:

PTSD among law enforcement officers caused by job related traumas

Times New Roman 12 pt font. (4) full pages on the topic. The title page and the reference page are what makes adds to the make it a total of (6) pages. There needs to be (4) references, (3) of which can be reliable internet articles and (1) that has to be either from an academic paper, journal or book. You can find it on the internet if needed but all references I must be able to access please. Additionally there needs to be a minimum of (1) citation from each reference in the body of the writing and please use quotations if it is applicable but do not quote whole paragraphs. No abstract is needed. In the (4) body pages of the paper, no headings are necessary.

How does the Constitution and the Federalist Papers contribute to the notion of a bureaucracy? Please include all relevant class content, external content and references in your response.

This is just 5 questions essay.not regular paper work,this subject is Foundation of Public need answer the below 5 questions essay:
1.How does the Constitution and the Federalist Papers contribute to the notion of a bureaucracy? Please include all relevant class content, external content and references in your response.

2.What major administrative decentralized measures were taken following the WaterGate scandal and its subsequent ethical issues? Please include all relevant class content, external content and references in your response.

3.Describe in significant detail the social action programs of the 1960’s. Include content that describes the changes that were made and how those changes have been enhanced in subsequent legislation in the 1990’s. Please include all relevant class content, external content and references in your response.

4.How prominent are ethics and ethical distinctions in practice and terminology between public and private management? List and briefly describe the types of characteristics associated with decision-making in both sectors. Please include all relevant class content, external content and references in your response.

5.In two fully developed paragraphs (5-7 sentences each) describe and detail how the content of your Final Paper expands a particular discussion within the course topics and subject matter. Please do not simply cut and paste responses from your paper but rather give a clear synopsis of how your content builds the discussion of the subject matter. Please include all relevant class content, external content and references in your response.

Southwest Airlines and Koch Industries are both known for their distinctive organizational cultures, and both have been highly successful and profitable companies.

Southwest Airlines and Koch Industries are both known for their distinctive organizational cultures, and both have been highly successful and profitable companies. Southwest Airlines is known as a “fun” place to work, where socialization and humor in the workplace are strongly encouraged. Koch Industries, on the other hand, has a culture defined by the principles of “market-based management,” where performance and revenue growth is emphasized.

Do some background reading on the cultures behind Southwest Airlines and Koch Industries. Here are some articles and video to get you started on your research that will give you some background about the cultures at these two organizations:

Klein, D. (2011). Creating cultures that lead to success: Lincoln Electric, Southwest Airlines, and SAS Institute. Organizational Dynamics 41(1), 35-39 [Available in Science Direct. Note: you only have to read the middle portion of the article concerning Southwest Airlines and not the whole article]

Bird, A. (Mar. 13, 2011). Southwest: Corporate culture combines work, play. The Post and Courier. [ProQuest]

Whatley, H. (2013). Principles and dimensions of market-based management. Independent Journal of Management & Production, 4(1), 126-135. [ProQuest]

Dissecting the Kochtopus. (Jun. 7, 2014). The Economist, 411, 76. [ProQuest]

WorkatWorkTV. (2010, February 16). Successful organizational cultures [Video file]. Retrieved from

Case Assignment

Prepare a 4- to 5-page (not including title page and references) critique per the following format:

Title Page. Be sure to include the relevant information (e.g., Name, Class, Professor, Assignment, Date) on this title page.

Introduction. Discuss the topic of the paper and how you will approach it. It is best to write this section after you have written the rest of the paper.

The Culture of Southwest Airlines. Describe the key elements of the culture of Southwest Airlines and explain why these cultural elements are essential to Southwest Airlines’ success. Be sure to apply the background material.

The Culture of Koch Industries. Describe the key elements of the culture of Koch Industries and explain why these cultural elements are essential to Koch Industries’ success. Be sure to apply the background material.

Koch Industries Should Not Purchase Southwest Airlines. Make an argument that Koch Industries should not purchase Southwest Airlines. Discuss the specific differences between the cultures of Southwest Airlines and Koch Industries in support of this position. Be sure to use the background material to support your argument.

Conclusion. Discuss the key points in your analysis that demonstrate the importance of understanding that organizational cultures are not easily changed and why culture should be a primary consideration when organizations contemplate merger.

Reference List: List all references that you have cited in the paper using APA or other standard formatting. References include materials from the required background readings as well as any outside Internet or library sources you used in researching and writing your paper.

Upload your assignment to the Case 4 Dropbox. Be sure to review your TurnItIn Originality report. If the score is over 20%, you may not be writing in your own words and you will need to contact your professor and arrange to revise and resubmit your assignment.

Assignment Expectations

The Case papers in this course will be evaluated using the criteria as stated in the Case rubric. The following is a review of the rubric criteria:

  • Assignment Requirements:Does the paper directly address all aspects of the assignment? Have the assignment instructions been followed closely?
  • Critical Thinking:Does the paper demonstrate a college level of analysis, in which information derived from multiple sources has been critically evaluated and synthesized in the formulation of a logical set of conclusions? Does the paper demonstrate that the student has read, understood, and can apply the background materials for the module?
  • Writing and Assignment Organization:Is the essay logical, well organized and well written? Are the grammar, spelling, and vocabulary appropriate for college-level work? Are section headings included? Are paraphrasing and synthesis of concepts the primary means of responding, or is justification/support instead conveyed through excessive use of direct quotations?
  • Use of Sources and Mechanics:Does the paper demonstrate that the student has read, understood, and can apply the background materials for the module? If required, has the student demonstrated effective research, as evidenced by student’s use of relevant and quality sources? Does the student demonstrate understanding of a consistent (e.g., APA) style of referencing, by inclusion of proper citations (for paraphrased text and direct quotations) as appropriate? Are appropriate sources from the background material included? Have all sources cited in the paper been included on the References page?
  • Timeliness:Has the assignment been submitted to the Dropbox on or before the module’s due date?


There is a youtube video that should be watched as part of the assignment.  You can find the name of the channel in these instructions.



Describe corporate social responsibility.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Assignment Overview

In this assignment please read the articles in your background readings and respond to the following:

  1. Describe corporate social responsibility.
  2. Describe corporate social irresponsibility.
  3. Where do you stand on the issue of CSR v CSI? Do corporations have a right to ignore their responsibility to some stakeholders in order to add to the short term bottom line? Provide a well-reasoned response and do some of your own research to provide some examples to support your arguments.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Your paper should be 2–3 pages, double-spaced and in 12-point type size.

Your paper should have a separate cover page and a separate reference page. Make sure you cite your sources.

Use APA style, and proofread your paper.

Upload your paper to by the end of the module.

Organizational Ethics and CSR

A Critique of Lockheed Martin

In this assignment you will be asked to review Chapter 4, the final chapter of Terris’ book, and to spend some time applying your critical thinking skills in evaluating Lockheed Martin’s efforts.

Case Assignment

  1. What do you think about the notion presented by Terris that Lockheed’s ethics program does little to prevent ethical breaches at the highest level of the organization?
  2. Are the efforts put forth—such as making sure higher level executives participate in training—enough to help executives navigate what Terris calls the ‘ethical minefield’ faced by leadership in such an organization?
  3. What are some things that could be done to address the issue related to ethics at higher executive levels of the organization?
  4. Terris points out that the company’s program is overly focused on individuals and that it doesn’t really address group dynamics that can impact ethical situations. For instance, there can be a tendency for groups to ‘go with the flow’ of the group decision making process and overlook ethical issues in the process. What would you recommend that Lockheed Martin do to address this situation?

(Hint: reviewing p. 128 and the following pages – before section headed “Personal Responsibility, Collective Innocence” – of the text might be helpful).

Assignment Expectations

Write a 3- to 4-page paper, not including title page or references page addressing the issue and upload it by the end of this module.

Your paper should be double-spaced and in 12-point type size.

Your paper should have a separate cover page and a separate reference page.  Make sure you cite your sources.

Use APA style, and proofread your paper.

Upload your paper by the end of the module.

All the reading material can be found in the Case 4

ETH301 Background or in the Trident library.



The assignment requires you to develop a staff development plan to implement in either your current workplace or a workplace in which you have previously undertaken practicum, casual or voluntary work.


The assignment requires you to develop a staff development plan to implement in either your current workplace or a workplace in which you have previously undertaken practicum, casual or voluntary work. It requires you to work with a minimum of two staff, one of which can be you, to develop the Individual goal setting and Individual development plans. It then requires you to draw together common ideas/themes for the whole staff to devise an Action plan that is relevant for the staff as a team. The purpose of developing the staff development plan is to take a ground-up approach to support the professional learning of staff and ultimately improve the quality of the children’s experiences. It is about developing increased levels of professional competence.

Your ‘Leadership in Action’ staff development plan should be submitted as a report that includes a discussion under the following headings:

Part A (800 words)

  • The role of leadership in supporting staff development

Part B (1700 words)

  • Rationale
  • Individual goal setting
  • Individual development plans
  • Group goal setting
  • Action plan
  • Evaluation
  • References
  • Appendix

Note: The completed templates can be added as an appendix at the end of your assignment and do not count as part of the word count. Alternatively, sections of the templates can also be inserted in your assignment to support your discussion. However, small inserted sections of templates in the body of your assignment will count as part of the word count.

Semiotic Analysis

This is an individual assessment. You will submit a 400 word semiotic analysis of one of the three visual texts provided below. You will be marked on how well you demonstrate knowledge of semiology, the depth and quality of your analysis, and the precision of your grammar, punctuation, and referencing. Instructions Choose one of the visual texts below and follow the process of semiotic analysis to decode its meanings. You should first identify/describe its denotations (its ′literal′ meanings, what you actually see) and then examine the connotations it communicates (the feelings and ideas it evokes, its personal and socio-cultural associations). In your analysis, address some of these questions: What iconic, indexical, and/or symbolic signs are present? What is its level of modality? Does it have an implied narrative? Does it rely on intertextuality to construct meaning? Do its captions function as anchorage? How does it position or address the audience? How does context influence its meaning? Does it use metonomy? Does in reinforce/resist particular ideologies? Please note: we do not expect you to answer all of these questions, you must decide which aspects are most relevant to your chosen text and your analysis. Use correct terminology wherever relevant. Your analysis should be written in complete sentences (do not use bullet points or sub-headings). Try to use a formal, academic writing style, avoiding slang, contractions (don′t, can′t) and first person (I, me, our) etc. We suggest structuring it as two paragraphs. You do not need to follow the stucture of an essay in this task but your analysis should flow logically. 400 words need in 2 hours

Information Technology for Management


  • Use font size 12 Times New Roman
  • 5 line spacing
  • Paragraphs must be fully justified
  • Pages should be numbered
  • Maximum of 1,500 words (excluding the appendix & reference list).
    • Write 400-500 words for each question. o Disclose the word count in your final submission. o If your assignment exceeds the word limit, check that all your content is relevant, avoid repetition of the same ideas and paraphrase lengthy quotes
  • Use APA referencing style o You can perform an on-line search using ProQuest or another search engine accessible through the USP Library website.
    • You may use a maximum of 8 references including:
      • At least 2 articles from peer-reviewed journals (the articles must have been published in the last 5 years i.e. 2013 onwards)
      • At least 1 accounting text book
      • You may only use one direct quotation for each question.
    • Ensure that any illustration used is relevant to the discussion. These should be included in the appendix with proper in-text referencing in the body of the report.
    • Assignment is due on the 5th of October 2018 (Friday) at 11.55pm. Ensure that you upload your assignment before this time.
    • 10% will be deducted each day the assignment is late.
    • Marks will be deducted for failure to adhere to these instructions
    • This assignment addresses Course Learning Objective 7 in the Course Outline








Facebook–Cambridge Analytica data scandal

The Facebook–Cambridge Analytica data scandal involves the collection of personally identifiable information of 87 million Facebook users and reportedly a much greater number more that Cambridge Analytica began collecting in 2014. The data was allegedly used to attempt to influence voter opinion on behalf of politicians who hired them. Following the discovery, Facebook apologized amid public outcry and risen stock prices. The way that Cambridge Analytica collected the data was called “inappropriate”.

In December 2015, The Guardian reported that United States Senator Ted Cruz was using data from this scandal and that the subjects of the data were unaware that companies were selling, and politicians were buying their personal information. In March 2018, The New York Times, The Guardian and Channel 4 News made more detailed reports on the data scandal with new information from former Cambridge Analytica employee turned whistleblower Christopher Wylie, who provided clearer information about the size of the data collection, the nature of the personal information stolen, and communication among Facebook, Cambridge Analytica, and political representatives who hired Cambridge Analytica to use the data to influence voter opinion.

The scandal was significant for inciting public discussion on ethical standards for social media companies, political consulting organizations, and politicians. Consumer advocates called for greater consumer protection in online media and right to privacy as well as curbs on misinformation and propaganda.

Cambridge Analytica stated that the data obtained from Kogan was not used in the 2016 presidential campaigns of Donald Trump, and Ted Cruz.

According to the Associated Press, a company run by former officials at Cambridge Analytica, Data Propria, has been quietly been working for President Donald Trump’s 2020 re-election effort.

Source: Required:

  1. Identify 3 measures a person can take to protect against the online brokering of their personal data.
  2. Identify 5 pieces of personal information that are most valuable to companies such as Cambridge Analytica. Why are these important?
  3. Analyse the consequences of the breach to Facebook and Cambridge Analytica (e.g., effect on stock price, sales, fines, etc.)