Ponder an event or phenomenon you’re interested in (on any scale from the path of dust motes to the origins of the universe), and then ponder the causes OR effects.  You may also examine a chain of causality. 



  • Students will understand the conventions of a collegiate-level cause-effect essay.
  • Students will analyze their chosen topic to make connections between cause and effect relationships (or a chain of causality).
  • Students will apply the conventions of collegiate-level writing in terms of mechanics and punctuation.
  • Students will apply the conventions of collegiate-level cause-effect essay organization.
  • Students will compose a collegiate-level cause-effect essay following those conventions and standard, collegiate-level mechanics and cause-effect organization.
  • Students will remember, understand, and apply the conventions of MLA format in their papers.




Ponder an event or phenomenon you’re interested in (on any scale from the path of dust motes to the origins of the universe), and then ponder the causes OR effects.  You may also examine a chain of causality.


The introduction establishes the significance of the topic choice.  The thesis should clearly and explicitly state causes or effects.  Remember that one employs cause and effect to make a larger point or to offer analysis, and please also remember that examples are just examples until they are analyzed.  Each paragraph should be dedicated to a single cause or effect and should have a clear topic sentence that is reflected explicitly in the thesis.

  • Avoid oversimplification and false causality.
  • Remember that you can have
  • multiple causes for a single effect
  • multiple effects from a single cause
  • single cause/single effect
  • chain of causality
  • You’ve only got 3 full pages, so choose your subject matter wisely.



20 percent      Students will understand the conventions of a collegiate-level cause-effect essay.

Students will analyze their chosen topic to make connections between cause and effect relationships (or a chain of causality).


40 percent      Students will compose a collegiate-level cause-effect essay applying conventions of collegiate-level cause-effect essay organization.


40 percent      Students will compose a collegiate-level cause-effect essay applying conventions of collegiate-level mechanics and punctuation.


Following public concern that dry cleaners are using hazardous chemicals, Parliament enacted the (fictitious) Dry Cleaners (Licensing) Act 2018.

Answer the question below


Based on the following case study, answer all three question(s) numbered 1) to 3) below.


Each part is worth equal marks.





Following public concern that dry cleaners are using hazardous chemicals, Parliament enacted the (fictitious) Dry Cleaners (Licensing) Act 2018. The DCLA, which was brought into effect on the 1st July, 2018, states that any business wanting to operate a dry-cleaners must obtain a licence, renewable every five years, from the local authority responsible for the area where the dry cleaners is to be located. The DCLA provides that local authorities should grant licences to businesses that can demonstrate that they will not be using hazardous chemicals.

Penstowe District Council (PDC) announced guidelines that it would normally grant a licence to a business wanting to open a new dry-cleaners within its area, if the business had operated at least three dry cleaners for five years without having failed an inspection by local environmental health officials.

Sparkle and Shine Cleaning Ltd, (SSCL), has operated two dry cleaners for five years and has never failed an inspection by local trading standards officials. It has also obtained a report from environmental health consultants confirming that SSCL’s proposals for its new dry cleaners comfortably exceed the standards imposed by environmental health legislation.

On the 29th June an inspector from PDC served SSCL with a notice requiring SSCL to stop trading immediately. Rita, the manageress at SSCL ignored the notice believing SSCL was doing nothing wrong as the DCLA did not come into effect until the 1st July, and SSCL’s current licence was not due to expire until the end of July.

1) On the 2nd July Rita was served with a summons stating that she is being prosecuted by PDC for continuing to allow SSCL to trade in breach of the DCLA. If convicted SSCL could be fined up to £10,000 and Rita could face a sentence of imprisonment of up to six months. The date of the hearing has been set for the 4th September at Penstowe Magistrates Court. SSCL continued trading pending the outcome of its application for a new licence.

Advise Rita of any grounds that she may have for appeal if she is convicted of this offence, including the routes of appeal that may be available to her.

2) On the 4th July the Penstowe local paper published an interview with an executive officer from PDC who happened to let slip that SSCL was being prosecuted for being in breach of the DCLA. The implication was that SSCL was using prohibited chemicals.

Following publication of the newspaper article, Quality Care Homes, (QCH), that has an account with SSCL for the cleaning of its staff uniforms, is now refusing to pay last month’s dry-cleaning bill worth £2,500 and has cancelled its existing contract without giving a month’s notice as required.

Advise SSCL as to any action it may have against QCH for breach of contract, including any remedies that may be available.

3) On the 16th July, PDC rejected an application for a new licence from SSCL, claiming that SSCL did not meet its guidelines.

Advise SSCL on the likelihood of it succeeding in a claim for judicial review.


transfer of learning, human resource management

Dear writer, I want to write the dissection part around 1700 words and the conclusion, recommendations and limitation of my dissertation around 1000 words.

1. I need the discussion part to follow the same structure of the literature review

2. show the main findings of every aspect or hypothesis then compare or contract with the other results/ studies from my literature review.

3. the attached file named (my dissertation work) you will find my literature review. by the way, the writer ID number () who did this literature review. and also, you will find the analysis chapter.

4. the attached file named (dissertation sample) it is not my work but it is similar to my topic and my finding that could help you, but please do not copy it.

 5. follow the steps below for the discussion part:

Chapter 5: Discussion of Findings (around 1700-1800 words)


around 250 -300 words please related to our literature review and our Saudi case study if possible.

5.1 The Impact of Establishing Learning Goals on Training Transfer

to test H1 around 250 -300 words please related to our literature review and Saudi case study if possible

Hypothesis 1: The establishment of learning goals (supervisor support) has a positive influence on the transfer of learning at Kawader organization.

5.2 The Effect of Support from Peer on Training Transfer

to test H2around 250 -300 words please related to our literature review and Saudi case study

Hypothesis 2: At Kawader Company, support from co-workers has a positive influence on the transfer of learning.

5.3 The Impact of Supervisor Support on Training Transfer

to test H3 around 250 -300 words please related to our literature review and Saudi case study

 Hypothesis 3: At Kawader Company, support from supervisors has a positive influence on the transfer of learning.

5.3 The Influence of Knowledge Sharing Among Peers on Training Transfer

to test H4 around 250 -300 words please related to our literature review and Saudi case study

Hypothesis 4: Sharing of knowledge (co-worker support) has a positive influence on the transfer of learning at Kawader Company.

5.5 Theoretical and Practical Implications of Findings (paraphrase this topic) and then write around 250-300 words make it as summary.

Chapter 6: Conclusion

Conclusion and recommendations: 800-900 words


limitations: 250 -300 words

Each one of Langston Hughes’s poems accomplishes something different. Write a 5-paragraph essay explaining what 3 of the poems achieve.

Prompt: Each one of Langston Hughes’s poems accomplishes something different. Write a 5-paragraph essay explaining what 3 of the poems achieve. Use one quote in each body paragraph. Follow the outline. Outline: Introduction grabber background thesis Body Paragraph (discuss how “The Negro Speaks of Rivers,” captures Hughes’s pride in African-American culture because it recognizes the connection among all humanity) main idea set up quote insert quote further explain quote Body Paragraph (discuss how “I, Too,” reflects the every day lives of African-Americans because it chronicles discrimination) main idea set up quote insert quote further explain quote Body Paragraph (discuss how “Harlem,” captures the feelings of African-Americans in that anger is conveyed about racial injustice and hope for a more just future) main idea set up quote insert quote further explain quote

You are to write an essay which analyses a case study in order to discuss appropriate biopsychosocial factors and nursing management or interventions relevant to that case. Recent and relevant literature must be used to support your discussion.


Aim: to understand the importance of a thorough biopsychosocial assessment to reliably identify factors that will lead to diagnosis of a mental health issue and appropriate nursing care management.



You are to write an essay which analyses a case study in order to discuss appropriate biopsychosocial factors and nursing management or interventions relevant to that case. Recent and relevant literature must be used to support your discussion.


  • Select a case study
  • Use recent literature to support your discussion:
    • Identify and discuss biopsychosocial factors that contribute to the development of the selected
    • Describe and discuss nursing management or interventions appropriate for your selected case
    • Outline and discuss ethical implications for the selected case

Other elements:



  • Ensure that you use scholarly literature (digitised readings, research articles, relevant Government reports and text books) that has been published within the last 10 years.
  • Provide a clear introduction and conclusion to your
  • You may use headings to organise your work if you


  • Unless otherwise instructed, write in the third
  • Use academic language
  • Refer to the marking guidelines when writing your assignment. This will assist you in calculating the weightings of the sections for your
  • State your word count (excluding your reference list) on the Title




Marking Criteria Possible marks

–           Assignment has as an opening paragraph that contextualises the assignment.

–           Clearly identifies the aim of the assignment 100 words





–       Clearly identifies and discusses biopsychosocial factors influencing the development of the disorder in the selected case study.400 words




–       Using research evidence clearly identify and discuss nursing management or interventions appropriate for the selected case study.700 WORDS




–       Clearly discusses ethical implications appropriate for the selected case study 400 words

5.        CONCLUSION

–           Has a concluding paragraph that summarises the overall argument in the assignment.

–           Does not introduce any new information or references in the conclusion.150 words


–           Identifies, analyses and uses good quality evidence to support the outlined relevant points. Uses at least 10 relevant sources from the scholarly literature published in the last 10 years.

–           Referencing as per APA Style 6th Edition

–           Separate page for reference list headed “References”






–           Conforms to the Assignment Presentation Formatting Guidelines.

·         Correct word count (1800words). Uses academic language throughout.

·         Essay is well presented, with correct spelling, grammar, and well- constructed sentence and paragraph structure.






Case 3: Depression

Amy is a 75-year old woman. She has been diagnosed as having depression for ten years. She started to feel depressed after she was diagnosed with diabetes and hypertension. She felt more depressed after the loss of her husband three years ago. She was hardly eating anything and wasn’t sleep. She felt like she had no one to talk to. After the death of her husband, Amy moved to a retirement village. While living at the retirement village, Amy manages her medications by herself. Sometimes she forgets to take her medications.

Amy has two daughters. They live in another city, about one hour drive from her home. They visit her almost every month. Amy is a quiet but caring person. She likes to keep things to herself. Amy has similar characters to her mother who also had depression and passed away fifteen years ago.

Amy was brought to a mental health hospital by Sue, one of Amy’s daughters, after the retirement village manager contacted her. This is her fourth admission to the hospital. Over a period of two weeks, Amy has experienced a loss of interest in her activities and sleep disturbance. Amy was restless at night and she found it hard to fall asleep. Over the past two weeks, Amy has felt increasingly tired and fatigued, resulting in her not wanting to get out of bed. Amy has lost her appetite. She has lost six kilograms in the past two months. Amy expresses feelings of worthlessness, helplessness, and hopelessness. She feels she is a burden for her daughters. Amy reported low mood and stated “If I were gone, things would be easier for my daughters”.

The doctor prescribes Amy another group of antidepressants. While she is in an inpatient unit, she attends cognitive behavioral therapy as well as art and craft group activities.





A biological assessment………..(references) or Depression is…..(refrence).The aim of this case  study is to demonstrate the importance of a through biopsychosocial  assessment to……….(no reference please refer to aim stated in assessment details).It will focus on the case on Amy ,a 75 years old women …….(no reference please just very short summary of case ).It will ……….(refer to the things that must be covered in the case scenario,2-4(no reference needed).It will argue that Amy was……..and should…..(no refence,your thesis)



PLEASE use REFRENCE given below along with others as this are given in my course material that might help to get me good marks ,I just copy and past please fix according to APA6th style


Depression in older adults

BMJ 2011; 343 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.d5219 (Published 28 September 2011)Cite this as: BMJ 2011;343:d5219


Farach, F. J., Pruitt, L. D., Jun, J. J., Jerud, A. B., Zoellner, L. A., & Roy-Byrne, P. P. (2012). Pharmacological treatment of anxiety disorders: Current treatments and future directions. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 26(8), 833-843. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.janxdis.2012.07.009



Evans, K., Nizette, D., & O’Brien, A. (2017). Psychiatric and mental health nursing (4th ed.). Chatswood, Australia: Elsevier.


Kenworthy, J. (2013, November 8). Your brain on stress and anxiety [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmwiJ6ghLIM


Rwrrryan. (2010, June 27). Leah has a panic attack (RW/RR Challenge: The Inferno) [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2W3sTf7Duw



In the personal endeavor students explore an area of the program focus. So we have looked at the various aspects of religions, so you get to choose one aspect from one religion to focus on

In the personal endeavor students explore an area of the program focus. So we have looked at the various aspects of religions, so you get to choose one aspect from one religion to focus on. You should choose a specific thing in the aspect and not the aspect in general. For example you may look at Christian pilgrimage within religious experience, but choose one in particular eg the Camino. It is recommended that you narrow the focus within your chosen aspect. You may choose a particular prayer or ritual or festival within a religion and really investigate it in depth and get a good sense of its origin, development, meaning, and relevance today.

You also need to choose one capability to develop within this task. You need to explicitly discuss your understanding about how you have developed this capability in doing this task.


This personal endeavor is to be presented in two parts:

A:         investigation – this has to have an outcome or conclusion (max 750 words)

B:         explanation of the connections between the focus of your personal endeavor and the capability you chose. (about 250 words)


Max word limit: 1000 words (absolute)


The following specific features of the assessment design criteria for this subject are assessed in Assessment Type 3: Personal Endeavour:

application and understanding — AU1, AU3

inquiry, analysis, and evaluation — IAE1, IAE2

collaboration and communication — CC2.




The aspects and capabilities were listed on both previous tasks (the practical inquiry and the connections task)





How to Read Literature Like a Professor by Thomas C.Foster and Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

*Using Chapter 3 (Nice to Eat with You: Acts of Communion) and Chapter 9 (It’s More Than Rain and Snow in the book, How to Read Literature Like a Professor by Thomas C.Foster. *Analyze the novel Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte using the literary techniques you learned in Chapter 3 and Chapter 9 from Thomas C. Foster’s book, How to Read Literature Like a Professor.
*Use specific textual evidence from the novel, Jane Eyre to support your interpretation of Chapter 3 and Chapter9 from Foster’s book, How to Read Literature Like a Professor.
*Analyze and look for the larger meaning created with the use of literary techniques.
*Discuss why or how it is important to the overall understanding or meaning of the novel, Jane Eyre.





The United States went through dramatic economic change during and after the Civil War, as industrialization spread rapidly and changed society. This transformation and some of the apparent abuses that developed led to an increased role of the government in regulating businesses and society. This role was heightened as government was viewed as the arbiter between business and organized labor. One can explore these developments from 1865 on through to World War II. Take one of the positions as suggested below, draw from the sources listed, and present a paper with specific examples and arguments to demonstrate the validity of your position.

Possible position—in each case you can take the pro or con position:

  1. From the Progressive era through the New Deal period, political interventions generally tended to favor big corporations and hurt the common workers, leading to economic instability. (or you can argue that they helped the workers and promoted economic stability)
  2. From 1865 to 1940, the development of labor unions was generally a negative force leading to economic disruption and unnecessary laws that stifled businesses and hindered job growth. (or you can take the position that labor unions had a necessary function and generally positive impact)
  3. From 1865 to 1940, expansion west was devastating to Native American culture, but government policies promoted economic growth in these territories and generally equal opportunities to the settlers. (or you can take the position that government policies did not promote those benefits in those new areas)

After giving general consideration to your readings so far and any general research, select one of the positions above as your position—your thesis. (Sometimes after doing more thorough research, you might choose the reverse position. This happens with critical thinking and inquiry. Your final paper might end up taking a different position than you originally envisioned.) Organize your paper as follows, handling these issues:

  1. The position you choose (from the list above)—or something close to it—will be the thesis statement in your opening paragraph.
  2. To support your position, use four specific examples from different decades between 1865 and 1940.
  3. Explain why the opposing view is weak in comparison to yours.
  4. Consider your life today: In what way does the history you have shown shape or impact issues in your workplace or desired profession?



The paper should be 600-to-850 words in length. This normally means 3-to-4 pages for the body of the paper. (The title page and References page do not count in these calculations.) Double-space between lines. Format instructions are below.




Research and References:
You must use a MINIMUM of three sources; the Schultz textbook must be one of them. Your other two sources should be drawn from the list provided below. This is guided research, not open-ended Googling. You will have an alphabetized list of Reference entries at the end, using APA format. You will have short, APA-style in-text citations appropriately placed in the body of the paper; these in-text citations will match the References listed at the end. Except as your instructor might direct, don’t use other sources for your paper than those listed here. (Of course, for “starter research” you can read many sources.)


Source List for Assignment 1:  Be sure to use the Schultz text as a source.  Use at least two of the other sources listed here.

Some sources are “primary” sources from the time period being studied. Some sources below can be accessed via direct link or through the primary sources link on Blackboard. Each week has a different list of primary sources. For others, they are accessible through the Library tab to the left of the screen in Blackboard—once in there, you may do a “key word” search of the article title.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced between lines, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.


Why is cultural safety important for Indigenous children and their families in an early childhood setting?


Students are required to complete both Part A and Part B. They may use headings to separate each requirement for this assessment item. Please submit the assessment in one document (Microsoft Word).

 PART A (1300 words) Critical Reading & Short Essay

1) Read the following two articles

2) (300 words) Select one of the articles from above and provide a short critical reflection.

  • A brief summary of the article
  • One point derived from the article (with detail) on how it relates to cultural safety
  • One point derived from the article (with detail) on how cultural safety benefits Indigenous students3) (1000 words) Utilise the above articles, modules 1 & 2 readings and your prescribed text to answer the following question.

3) (1000 words) Utilise the above articles, modules 1 & 2 readings and your prescribed text to answer the following question.

Why is cultural safety important for Indigenous children and their families in an early childhood setting?



PART B (700 words) Diagram

1. Watch and/or read the following case studies from SNAICC

  1. Create a diagram that demonstrates (with at least 3 different strategies) how an early childhood centre can create a culturally safe learning environment for Indigenous children and their families. Make sure the diagram reflects; why they are effective and how they are reflected in one Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) outcome, principle or practice (for all identified strategies). (200 word limit)


  1. Provide a brief explanation (500 word limit) on why one of the strategies you have demonstrated in your diagram reflects
  • How the strategy is effective in creating a culturally safe environment for Indigenous children; and
  • How the strategy reflects one EYLF outcome, principle or practice.





This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:

  • 1.be able to recognise the importance of community consultation and the participation of Indigenous people in educational environments.
  • 4.understand and develop aspects of a culturally safe education environment.

This task reflects the following subject modules

  • Module 1 – Why Aboriginal Education; and
  • Module 2 – Aboriginal Education and the Early Childhood Sector.

Teachers are faced with the ongoing task of gaining, demonstrating and critically reflecting upon knowledge and resources in order to achieve student outcomes. This task will allow the student to explore and articulate the relationships between learners, community and early childhood settings.
The authenticity of this task will be evident in your future education settings by

  • Articulating and visually representing EYLF in your practice;
  • Identifying how your practice can incorporate Aboriginal Education;
  • Developing communication strategies between families and communities about your education setting and practice; and
  • Aligning the needs of the learner with EYLF outcomes and expectations.

Marking criteria and standards

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Students demonstrate how research and journal articles can influence practice and knowledge of cultural safety and community participation in an early childhood setting (10 marks)
Students demonstrate an understanding of cultural safety in an early childhood setting (15 marks)
Quality of diagram and general content. (10 marks)
Students demonstrate the relationship between EYLF, Aboriginal cultural safety and Aboriginal community involvement. (10 marks)
Use of language and referencing (5 marks)

Student will research and select a US Supreme Court case. The topic I picked is the Brown v. Board of Education.


  1. Student will research and select a US Supreme Court case. The topic I picked is the Brown v. Board of Education.


  1. Student will complete a paper, 5-6 pages in length, explaining the case, what the issue was, what the arguments were on both sides and what the Supreme Court ruled and why. The paper will end with what YOUR position on the case would have been and how, if you were on the Supreme Court, you would have ruled and why. Your position must be supported, not just “I agree with what the High Court ruled”. Please put some thought into your position and support it with facts, if applicable.


  • The assignment shall be completed in proper APA format and should include a title page, abstract and bibliography. The student should also include at least five (5) reference materials and the use of proper citations are recommended. Wikipedia is NOT an acceptable reference.


  1. The final paper will be due no later than July 30, 2018. You will also have to present your paper to the class during the last two days of the semester.