The year is 1916. The Great War (WWI) has been raging for over a year. The United States has remained neutral and stayed out of the conflict. Opinion in the States is sharply divided as to what our role should be in this conflict. Should we stay out of it completely and only offer humanitarian aid to victims of the war? Or should the US join the war? If the US joins the war, who should we support?

The year is 1916. The Great War (WWI) has been raging for over a year. The United States has remained neutral and stayed out of the conflict. Opinion in the States is sharply divided as to what our role should be in this conflict. Should we stay out of it completely and only offer humanitarian aid to victims of the war? Or should the US join the war? If the US joins the war, who should we support?


First watch this video that describes the state of the United States at the start of World War I. (9:26)


Next, watch this short clip on Woodrow Wilson and how he wanted to make the world safe for Democracy. (1:26)

Lastly, take a look at these three (3) online exhibits that show how poster art was used to sway opinions of the American people either for or against the war.


Think about the different opinions about America’s involvement in World War I, all the different people who have those options, and why. You will choose one position for or against joining the war and one perspective for this assignment.



Your assignment is to create a “propaganda poster” either for or against the US entering WWI. Your poster must be a combination of graphics, photos, or other images that you find from your research and a short slogan or other motivational saying supporting your cause. You must provide a reference on the poster worksheet for each graphic, photo, or other image that you use in your poster unless you created it yourself. There is a list of resources to get your started at the end of this assignment that are also listed in the course shell.

Your “poster” can be on a PowerPoint slide, a Google slide, Google Drawing, a Word doc, a pdf, or other presentation format. Once you have created your poster, it is best to save it to a pdf format. You will also fill out the poster worksheet to explain your poster and list the sources you used in making your poster.



Links for Research and Images


African-Americans in the War


Anti-War Effort


Immigrants and Other Social Movements


After the Civil War, the United States had to recover from war, handle western expansion, and grapple with very new economic forms. However, its greatest issues would revolve around the legacies of slavery and increasing diversity in the decades after the Civil War.

After the Civil War, the United States had to recover from war, handle western expansion, and grapple with very new economic forms. However, its greatest issues would revolve around the legacies of slavery and increasing diversity in the decades after the Civil War. Reconstruction was partly a period of military occupation of the south by the northern victors. Former slaves now had freedom and new opportunities but faced old prejudices and rapidly forming new barriers. Immigrants from Europe and Asia came in large numbers but then faced political and social restrictions. Women continued to seek rights. Yet, on the whole, America became increasingly diverse by the 1920s. Consider developments, policies, and laws in that period from 1865 to the 1920s. Take one of the positions as suggested below, draw from the sources listed, and present a paper with specific examples and arguments to demonstrate the validity of your position. Possible position—in each case you can take the pro or con position: The Lost Cause narrative of the South effectively sabotaged and influenced racial policy in the US for most of the post-Civil War period. (or you can take the position that it did not) Political policies in the decades after the Civil War generally promoted diversity and “the melting pot” despite the strong prejudices of a few. (or you can take the position that political policies did not) Reform movements between 1865 and 1930, like the Progressives and the agrarian populists, generally led the way to increased democracy. (or you can take the position that these movements did not) Possible position—in each case you can take the pro or con position: The Lost Cause narrative of the South effectively sabotaged and influenced racial policy in the US for most of the post-Civil War period. (or you can take the position that it did not) Political policies in the decades after the Civil War generally promoted diversity and “the melting pot” despite the strong prejudices of a few. (or you can take the position that political policies did not) Reform movements between 1865 and 1930, like the Progressives and the agrarian populists, generally led the way to increased democracy. (or you can take the position that these movements did not) After giving general consideration to your readings so far and any general research, select one of the positions above as your position—your thesis. (Sometimes after doing more thorough research, you might choose the reverse position. This happens with critical thinking and inquiry. Your final paper might end up taking a different position than you originally envisioned.). Organize your paper as follows, handling these issues: The position you choose (from the list above)—or something close to it—will be the thesis statement in your opening paragraph. To support your position, use three specific examples from different decades between 1865 and 1930. You may narrowly focus on race or gender or immigrant status, or you may use examples relevant to all categories. Explain why the opposing view is weak in comparison to yours. Consider your life today: In what way does the history you have shown shape or impact issues in your workplace or desired profession? Research and References: You must use a MINIMUM of three sources; the Schultz textbook must be one of them. Your other two sources should be drawn from the list provided below. This is guided research, not open-ended Googling. You will have an alphabetized list of Reference entries at the end, using APA format. You will have short, APA-style in-text citations appropriately placed in the body of the paper; these in-text citations will match the References listed at the end. Except as your instructor might direct, don’t use other sources for your paper than those listed here. (Of course, for “starter research” you can read many sources.) Source List for Assignment 1: Be sure to use the Schultz text as a source. Use at least two of the other sources listed here. Some sources are “primary” sources from the time period being studied. Some sources below can be accessed via direct link or through the primary sources link on Blackboard. Each week has a different list of primary sources. For others, they are accessible through the Library tab to the left of the screen in Blackboard—once in there, you may do a “keyword” search of the article title. APA Reference for the textbook – Schultz, Kevin M. (2018). HIST5: Volume 2: U.S. History Since 1865 (Student edition). Boston: Cengage. Choose sources relevant to the topic and position you are taking: Abu-Laban, Y., & Lamont, V. (1997). Crossing borders: Interdisciplinary, immigration and the melting pot in the American cultural imaginary. Canadian Review of American Studies, 27(2), 23-43. Black Testimony on the aftermath of enslavement. (1866). Report of the Joint Committee on Reconstruction. Retrieved from Chinese Exclusion Act. (1882). Retrieved from Davis, J. C. Bancroft. (1896). Plessy vs. Ferguson. Retrieved from Fitzgerald, M. W. (2018, Jan.). Terrorism and racial coexistence in Alabama’s Reconstruction. Alabama Review, 71(1), 7-24. [accessible through Library tab; keyword search the article title; get the .pdf file of the article] Foster, G. M. (2002, Feb. 24). The Lost Cause. Shotgun’s Home of the Civil War. Retrieved from Harjo, S. S. (1996). Now and then: native peoples in the United States. Dissent (00123846). Meacham, J. (2017). Our historical ambivalence about immigrants is a great American paradox. Time, 189(5), 23. The Lost Cause. Civil War Journeys. Retrieved from Mississippi Black code. (n.d.). Retrieved from Moody, W. G. (1883). Bonanza Farming and its impact. Retrieved from Parsons, E. F. (2011, Feb.). Klan Skepticism and denial in Reconstruction-Era public discourse. Journal of Southern History, 77(1), 53-90. [accessible through Library tab; keyword search the article title; get the .pdf file of the article] Populist Party Platform. (1896). Retrieved from Schultz, Kevin M. (2014) HIST: Volume 2: U.S. history since 1865 (3rd ed.). University of Illinois at Chicago: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. Sinclair, Upton. (1906). Attack on the Meatpackers. Retrieved from Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced between lines, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

You have successfully gained a junior management role in the UK in an organisation called Vista, which is a multi-national company. This is an interesting time for the business as it has decided to review its mission, vision and strategic direction.

You have successfully gained a junior management role in the UK in an organisation called Vista, which is a multi-national company. This is an interesting time for the business as it has decided to review its mission, vision and strategic direction. In this process the Board wishes to involve staff at various levels in the organisation and it has established a series of teams which will look at the strategy and feedback their work to the Board. You have been asked to join Team Singapore which is comprised of staff from across the company. It will work virtually before meeting in Singapore for a final face to face session.


This is an exciting opportunity for your personal and career development and you are keen to make the most of it.



Task 1

In preparation for the first virtual meeting you decide to make detailed notes in which you:

  • explain organisational vision, mission, strategy and business plans and the relationships between them
  • explain how external factors affect organisations and how changes in the external environment affect organisational strategy
  • evaluate how stakeholder expectations influence organisations


Choose an industry (auto, breakfast cereal, soft drink, beer, electronics, movies, retail clothing, retail banking, etc.) to study. I suggest you choose an industry that you are familiar with and wish to learn more about. It could be that you work in that industry, or you purchase their products and know a bit about it.

1) Choose an industry (auto, breakfast cereal, soft drink, beer, electronics, movies, retail clothing, retail banking, etc.) to study. I suggest you choose an industry that you are familiar with and wish to learn more about. It could be that you work in that industry, or you purchase their products and know a bit about it. 2) Identify the main competitors in the industry and its market structure (monopoly, oligopoly, monopolistically competitive, competitive, or a hybrid of two of them). The market structure helps you think about the ″competitive environment″ of the industry. Is it an industry with a lot of competition between the sellers? Or is it an industry where the sellers do not vigorously compete with one another? 3) Explain how the main competitors in the industry compete. In other words what form does their competition take? Firms compete for market share (more customers and sales) and profits. Do they compete on price? Do they compete by creating endless varieties of their products called product differentiation? Do they have advertising wars with their competitors? Do they compete by trying to be the first to develop a new product? Do they compete by trying to make a higher quality than their competitors? Do they compete on the basis of which firm has technological leadership? 4)Analyze the most important recent developments within the industry. Are some competitors winning/losing the competition with their competitors? Are profits in the industry high? Or low? Why? Are new products changing the industry? Are new business strategies changing the industry? Are new competitors stirring things up in the industry? 5) What is the future of the industry? Do your best to project what is likely to happen within the industry in the near term, the long term, and why. I am much more interested in your explanation as to why certain changes might take place than I am in your particular forecasts. Things to watch out for: 1) You must use the concepts we develop in this class in your paper. It is NOT a paper on marketing, history, or business, but an ECONOMICS paper. This means that 80% or more of the paper must use the types of arguments and language found in an economics textbook. 2) The most basic problem students have in doing well on this paper is they choose a topic that is too broad. For example, you cannot do an effective paper on, say, the auto industry as a whole, because there are way too many types of vehicles and too many competitors in the industry. However, you can do an effective paper on the hybrid car market. Or, even a better paper on the elite market for sports cars. 3) You must have sources for your paper. I suggest at least 4 to 5 good sources. A good source is one that comes from an established publication (like Business Week, Bloomberg) or a writer who is knowledgeable about economics. Do NOT use sources from the players in the industry, like an article about the Apple Watch from Apple. Also try not to make your main source Wikipedia. Wikipedia is a very useful way to get background on a topic, but it should not be the place where you are getting your information from to write your paper. So if I were doing a paper on the very high end luxury sports car market, I might start by looking at Wikipedia to get some ideas. If you Google ″Wikipedia high end luxury sports car market″ you will find the Wikipedia article Supercar.

Mobile Incident Response and Investigations

##Separate the overview and white paper##


Overview (3 pages)

Regarding mobile phones communicate with cell sites, cellular to cellular communication, mobile switching centers, and the base switching subsystem, the technology of mobile networks, including form factors, smart devices, and other wireless technologies

White paper (12 pages)

Be included

Part 1

trends in mobile technology

handset transmission types and mobile operating systems

threats represented by mobile technology

Embedded devices such as GPS units, home entertainment systems, media players, and gaming devices

Part 2

laws and regulations governing the search and seizure of mobile devices

considerations for handling, investigative techniques, mobile forensic tools, and location of evidence

Part 3

file system analysis, techniques for working through security measures , and third-party applications

data carving, file system, and compound file analysis



Miscellaneous ( 1 page)  – end of the white paper

the biggest threat posed by cyber-criminals using mobile technology in the coming years, and a technology that shows promises a solution

If you could spend one more day with someone you lost, who would it be?

For this essay, you need only two well-developed paragraphs. However, if you wish to include an intro and conclusion, as well, that is perfectly fine–as long at the body paragraphs include the info below. Each paragraph must be substantial (12-15 sentences each) or more. Please type, double space, 12 Font Times New Roman. Be careful with grammar, structural and surface issues, etc….Please proofread.

If you do not include an intro and conclusion, the body paragraphs must still be 12 -15 sentences each.

Prompt: If you could spend one more day with someone you lost, who would it be?

Paragraph 1: Describe person (why you would choose him or her)

Paragraph 2: How would you spend the day. The purpose is not to describe each activity, although you may include some of these. Rather, what would you talk about? Would you need to apologize? Would you expect an apology? What did you never have a chance to say and would like to say?

If you are lucky enough not to have had anyone you love die, you may write about someone you had an argument with, lost touch with, etc…

I look forward to reading this!

Make this an A+ paper please, I would really appreciate it. Thank You!!


Effective Presentation in Business communication

Base on the work that you have already provided, I need the following: Submit a draft of one slide to the discussion board as a PDF and provide an outline of what you plan to say during that slide. Remember that your slides should not contain the full text of your statements—that is, you don’t want the viewer to be able to just read them instead of listening to you! Instead, your slides are visual aids, rather like outlines that you share with your reader. The slide you share this week must contain a chart or image that you have created. You can use an image that you have previously created in this course or you can create an image for this occasion. Remember that this image should: Not be decorative. That means it should not be clip art or an image of text Be integrated thoughtfully into the design of your slide Images at this point will be considered for fit and usefulness rather than style and design. Then comment on 1 of your peer′s posts with feedback: what about their slide and their planned comments works well for you as an audience member? What could be more effective? Consider both the content of the slide and how it is organized–colors, fonts, location on the slide.

Referring only to the documents, weblinks, and video provided, along with your Divine textbook, in your second essay you will discuss the evolution of the U.S. Constitution from the formation of early state Constitutions to a federal U.S. Constitutional document

Referring only to the documents, weblinks, and video provided, along with your Divine textbook, in your second essay you will discuss the evolution of the U.S. Constitution from the formation of early state Constitutions to a federal U.S. Constitutional document. Your paper should contrast and compare the various steps we took along the way to the final U.S. Constitution. Themes/questions to explore in your paper include: Explore the Federalist and anti-Federalist sentiments that were at the heart of the conflict between individual statehood and/or a strong federal government. This is an argument that is still being discussed today. How did individual state constitutions contribute to the U.S. Constitution? How did the Articles of Confederation provide the United States with an effective government in areas of political structure, military and economics? Did the Declaration of Independence contribute to the process in any way? If so, how? What are the Bill of Rights? What are the 3 most important compromises in the development of the final US Constitution? Were compromises necessary? Why or why not? Why did citizens feel written documents were important? As an example, in your Divine text, the authors discuss as a foundation of government, the necessity of a written contract that “explicitly define the rights of the people as well as the power of their rulers” (pg 136). Why was that important? Were written documents a practice of European governments like Britain? What are the fundamental freedoms discussed in all of these documents? In your opinion, did the design of the federal constitution and the government it created solve the problems it set out to solve as discussed in the Continental Congress under the Articles of Confederation? http://us%20constitution/

Criminal Procedures

Research Essay

  1. MLA, Font: 12 Times New Roman, Double Spaced
  2. This is 5 pages, 4 full pages of text, works cited on page 5 please.
  3. There will be an uploaded file which is the article. It is an article from The Story of an Hour. You will read the article and answer the questions that follow from numbers 4-7. It is called The Autonomous Female Self and the Death of Louise Mallard in Kate Chopin’s ‘Story of an Hour.’
  4. Must have a 1st sentence identifying the author + article. For example, According to “ Blank      Blank          ”,  you know what I mean right.
  5. First 1- 1/2 to 2 pages: a straight summary–in your own words of the critique (secondary source). So, it’s a 1 page and a half where you will write a summary of the article from secondary sources. There are no “I”; no opinions and no need for direct quotes. You don’t need direct quotes, as what is important is your ability to paraphrase.
  6. Next 2 to 3 pages is your reaction to the article. In this section, you may use I. You may agree, disagree, or both. However, please remember that you will have to cite 3 or 4 times from the primary source (4 lines or less each time) and use MLA guidelines. This section should begin with I agree…disagree..or both… Please make sure to have 4 full pages of text, or as close to this as possible. In your paragraphs, use direct quotes from primary sources please.
  7. A works cited page (we saw how the articles already contain the citation) of the article and the primary source (this will be page 5). MLA, basically copy and paste the work cited from the article.

Your organization remains interested in your work on innovations. As a result, the president of the organization has requested that you provide a brief presentation to the board.

Scenario: Your organization remains interested in your work on innovations. As a result, the president of the organization has requested that you provide a brief presentation to the board.

Assignment Summary: This project will span the final 4 units of the course and will require that you create a presentation with 3-4 substantive slides and a script of what you would say while presenting the materials.


See the attached PDF for more details.


For your final major project in the course, you will create the materials that you would need in order to give a 5-minute presentation about an innovation you researched during either of the previous major

projects for the course.

These materials must include:

  • At least 3-4 substantive slides, not counting a title slide or contact slide
  • At least one non-decorative image that you have made, featured on one of the slides
  • A full script of what you would say during a verbal presentation

You may use any of the previous research completed during this semester in order to create this presentation.

Two ideas for how to structure this presentation are below:

Points to Consider

While drafting your slides, you should keep the following points in mind:

  1. Be mindful of font size on your slides and on the labels for any images. Remember that

someone would need to see the text from the back of the room

  1. Similarly, keep colors and contrast in mind. Would a viewer be able to see the contents clearly

from far away? What if they were colorblind?

  1. Do not put paragraphs of prose on the slides. Instead, think of the text as being like an outline

for your audience to keep them on track

  1. Your slides are visual aids for your presentation. They are not the presentation; you are. The

slides simply exist to support you in conveying your ideas.