What is a systematic review? How does this differ to a literature review? When and why is a meta-analysis performed? (5 marks)

ICM7059 RESIT ASSIGNMENT 2000 (+/- 10%) words References are not included in the word count Part 1: What is a systematic review? How does this differ to a literature review? When and why is a meta-analysis performed? (5 marks)

ICM7059 RESIT ASSIGNMENT 2000 (+/- 10%) words References are not included in the word count Part 1: What is a systematic review? How does this differ to a literature review? When and why is a meta-analysis performed? (5 marks) Part 2: Critically evaluate the following paper: A systematic review and meta-analysis comparing mortality in pre-hospital tracheal intubation to emergency department intubation in trauma patients You should include a critical evaluation of the following: · Background (10 marks) · Methodology (30 marks) · Results (20 marks) · Discussion and conclusions (15 marks) · Summary of the strengths and limitations of the paper (10 marks) Assignment structure, grammar and spelling (5 marks) Accurate citation and supporting evidence/references (5 marks)

Analysis of Rhetorical Strategies: Ethos, Logos, Pathos

Analysis of Rhetorical Strategies: Ethos, Logos, Pathos

This essay’s purpose is NOT analyzing what a writer is arguing about but, instead, focusing on how the writer presents his or her argument. You will do this by analyzing the writer’s use of rhetorical appeals—ethos, logos, and pathos.

Each body paragraph should focus on a different appeal, and each topic sentence should clearly state whether or not the appeal is effective. Furthermore, your thesis for this paper should state your judgment regarding the overall effectiveness of the article based on the strengths and weaknesses of the individual appeals.

Once again, your focus should in no way be an agreement or disagreement with the writer’s stance on the subject matter. Your focus is on analyzing HOW the writer is trying to persuade the reader and whether or not the presentation is overall effective or ineffective. Use the text and integrate quotes to illustrate the rhetorical strategies / appeals that the author uses. Cite appropriately.

Points of Consideration for Each Paragraph

Introduction: Who is the author, and what is the name of the article? What is the issue that the writer is writing about? What position does the writer take? In other words, what is he or she trying to prove? How effective is the writer’s presentation of the argument? (ßThis will be your thesis.)

Body (You may choose to write about the following appeals in any order):

Ethos– What are the writer’s credentials? Could he or she be considered as an expert in the  particular field? Does he or she have any relevant background in the subject matter? Does the writer’s overall tone and use of logic contribute or take away from his or her ethos and reputation? (Remember that the type of evidence and tone of presentation can strengthen or weaken a writer’s ethical appeal.)

Logos-What kinds of evidence does the writer use to argue his or her position? Does the writer exclusively use his or her own logical connections, or does he or she present other authorities on the subject matter? What research is used either by the author or by other experts? How is it effective or ineffective? Are there any opposing viewpoints raised? If so, does the author tear down the opposing viewpoint(s) satisfactorily?

Pathos-What reaction to the presented argument does the writer want the audience to have? How does he or she attempt to do this? Are there instances of sarcasm or insults directed to the reader or people who have an opposing viewpoint? Is the author’s tone and style of writing more formal and professional or is it less formal and more conversational? How does this contribute to the overall effectiveness of the argument?

Conclusion:  This is a standard conclusion. You should summarize your three points with multiple sentences, and explain how the writer was or was not overall effective in terms of presenting his or her argument.

Select an architectural complex (such as the Parthenon in Athens or the Colosseum in Rome) or an architectural technique (use of the arch, for example, or the use of columns) associated with the topics and periods covered in this course (you may want to refer to the textbook for topics and periods), and in a 5-7 page paper discuss the influence of that structure or those techniques on modern architecture.

Select an architectural complex (such as the Parthenon in Athens or the Colosseum in Rome) or an architectural technique (use of the arch, for example, or the use of columns) associated with the topics and periods covered in this course (you may want to refer to the textbook for topics and periods), and in a 5-7 page paper discuss the influence of that structure or those techniques on modern architecture.


All papers must be done on a word processor, be double-spaced (using Times New Roman, 12 pt. font) and strictly adhere to length requirements – 5 to 7 pages in length (no more, no less). There is to be a one-inch margin on all sides (meaning top, bottom, & both sides).  DO NOT add extra spaces between paragraphs.  Because this is a research assignment, be sure to DOCUMENT YOUR SOURCES fully and carefully using footnotes, endnotes, or internal documentation/works cited page.  Internet sources can be used, but you must document them fully and correctly, and although you may use the Internet, you will be required to use at least THREE actual books or articles in the writing of your paper (not from the Internet.  You should also, if needed, include a bibliography at the end of your paper (you will only need to include a bibliography if you used any sources to complete your paper but did not cite them in your footnotes/endnotes or works cited page; the bibliography is thus only used to give credit to those sources not cited elsewhere). Bibliographical information for your paper should be single-spaced and include the book’s full title, author’s full name, place of publication, publisher, and year of publication (and page numbers when using footnotes or endnotes).


**Papers submitted without full documentation WILL NOT be accepted**


Grammar, punctuation and spelling should be correct and follow standard usage. You are strongly urged to consult a “Style Guide;” the most widely used (in historical studies) seems to be Kate L. Turabian’s A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses and Dissertations (style guides are particularly helpful for citations). One should always have a good dictionary and thesaurus handy as well; most word processing programs have them built-in, and you are encouraged to use them.  These reference items will help you to express your ideas more clearly and more effectively.


In your paper, you should first, in your introductory paragraph(s), explain your topic and identify your thesis (the argument you will be making in the paper) clearly.  Then, as you begin to present your research, offer a discussion of your selected architectural complex or architectural technique (ancient or medieval), providing thorough background information on the technique or the structure (its date of construction, its place of construction, its builder, its use, etc.).  Then, using various sources, demonstrate clearly (use specific examples – size/dimensions, appearance, use, etc.) how that structure or technique has influenced modern architecture –DEMONSTRATING THIS INFLUENCE SHOULD BE THE FOCUS OF YOUR PAPER.  You may want to make direct comparisons between the original structure(s) and a particular modern building (for example, the Pantheon in Rome compared to Thomas Jefferson’s house, Monticello, or to the Jefferson Memorial in Washington, D.C.), or you may instead want to demonstrate how architectural techniques used in the past continue to be employed by builders in the present.


Because this is a Humanities course, and because visuals (art and architecture) are essential in the study of Humanities, you may want to – and you are encouraged to — include images in your paper (illustrations, photographs, diagrams, plans, etc.).  However, images are not a substitute for writing/text.  Should you decide to include images in your paper, you will still be responsible for 5-7 full pages of text.


As you write, make each word and sentence count – work on making it joy, instead of a labor, to read. Move clearly and concisely from point to point (using effective transitions where appropriate) in English that flows (in doing so, be sure to avoid personal pronouns and contractions).  Proofread your paper very carefully. Please beware that word processing spellcheckers miss many errors of spelling, grammar, syntax, punctuation, sentence structure, word choice, and word usage.





Plagiarism occurs when one copies directly from any source without providing quotation marks and the proper documentation to recognize the copied source, and when one paraphrases by using the ideas, patterns of presentation or wording from any source without the proper documentation to recognize the source.  You can easily avoid plagiarism by using quotation marks to enclose what has been directly copied and citing sources (using footnotes, endnotes, or internal documentation) that have been directly copied or paraphrased.




Please don’t hesitate to consult with me in advance if you are unclear about plagiarism or other violations of Academic Integrity. Even if you use multiple sources, change some words, move some sentences around, or add some words of your own, if you do not fully and correctly indentify your sources (using footnotes, endnotes, or internal documentation), it is still plagiarism. Likewise, even if you claim that you did not mean to plagiarize when you plagiarized, or that you meant to include quotation marks and references but you forgot, or that your computer mysteriously omitted references, or that your friend typed your paper and omitted references without your knowledge, etc., etc., etc., it is still plagiarism and it is still a violation of academic integrity.




If you have any questions about the assignment, please do not hesitate to contact me.


What were some of the main issues and topics that students discussed in the seminar?

Instruction for evaluation paper


This seminar focused on the International Day of Happiness.


I uploaded Power Point presentation that they used for this day

Please prepare a 2-3 paragraph evaluation of the event. Your evaluation should address the following questions:

  1. What were some of the main issues and topics that students discussed in the seminar?
  2. Please make sure you provide some level of description/detail on these issues and topics. DO NOTjust provide me with a list.
  3. How do these issues and topics relate to our class discussions about environmental ethics (Week #5)? (I will upload the video files for week#5
  4. What are your personal perspectives on some of the issues that Professor Kurtz and his students discussed in the seminar?



Week#5 videos

Unit 1, Lesson 4, Lecture 1: “Introduction to Environmental Ethics”

(2 minutes) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KuF-jsiF330)

Unit 1, Lesson 4, Lecture 2: “Environmental Ethics, Part 1”

(14 minutes) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cm28K7xmnI)

Unit 1, Lesson 4, Lecture 3: “Environmental Ethics, Part 2”

(19 minutes) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYH6zirmTIo)


You may find the following resources useful when preparing your response:

Website for the United Nation’s “International Day of Happiness”: http://www.un.org/en/events/happinessday/index.shtml

Website for the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals: http://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/sustainable-development-goals/

Website for Bhutanese government’s Gross National Happiness project: http://www.gnhcentrebhutan.org/what-is-gnh/

A recent, USA-based National Public Radio (NPR) piece about GNH in Bhutan (You can read and/or listen to the piece via this weblink.): https://www.npr.org/sections/parallels/2018/02/12/584481047/the-birthplace-of-gross-national-happiness-is-growing-a-bit-cynical


Children prenatally exposed to alcohol

These are two separate rubrics that are being dropped because they should be TWO SEPARATE ″worksheets″ (they should not be different documents, not both of the rubrics morphed into one paper). The article that needs to be used to complete both of these documents is attached. Read the rubrics carefully, they might look similar, but they do not go hand in hand, again, they should be DIFFERENT documents. I also attached an example for the first rubric where we are figuring out our own gap that we discover in the article. My teacher gave this example to try to help us understand a little better what she′s looking for. For the ″Milestone Three Guidelines and Rubric″ rubric, the A, B, C questions are what is being answered in a separate document than the Milestone two guidelines and rubric, but the answers to those questions are based off of the gap that you wrote about. Thanks!

The Innovation Informal Report

See this sample informal report for an example.

Spotlight on Informal Reports

Happily, informal reports frequently take the form of memorandums, which are relatively simple to write. Keep in mind, however, that informal reports are sometimes fairly length. As a result, you should consider using section headings so that readers can easily find the information they are looking for. In addition, remember the issues of audience, purpose, and style that we covered during Unit 1:

  • Who is going to read the report?
  • What are the reasons why they may be reading the report?
  • How can you best structure your report with that in mind?

In addition, it may be helpful for you to think of an informal report as having four main sections, though note that these are not heading titles:

  1. Introduction: why should someone read this report? What is the subject?
  2. Facts: what are the key details about the topic of the report? What is it that your reader needs to know?
  3. Discussion: what relevant and well-reasoned opinions, interpretations, and recommendations do you have about this subject? This section is not always needed (if someone has requested a purely informative report, it won’t be). However, make sure that if you do include it you are clear and concise.
  4. Conclusion/Recommendation: what actions, if any, does the reader need to take? What is the main take-away regarding the report?

See this sample informal report for an example.


Fraud Control

Examine Table 19-2 in your textbook and review the statutes, regulatory agencies, and organizations relevant to healthcare fraud (such as the Fraud Enforcement Recovery Act of 2009 [FERA] and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act [ACA]). Choose the initiative/organization that you believe has had the biggest impact on healthcare fraud control and write a paper discussing its impact. Consider the following questions:

  • Does this statute/organization prevent or detect fraud?
  • What type of fraud does it prevent/detect?
  • How does it meet the challenges of fraud detection and prevention?

Your paper should be 3 to 5 pages in length (not including the title and reference pages), double-spaced, and in conformance with APA requirements, and it must include a minimum of three additional sources.

Bill Research

FYI: I live in Los Angeles, CA in the valley for your reference. The link below is your source.

Go to the following website: http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

Find one bill that is authored by either your Assembly member or your Senator for the current legislative session. Do the following:

1. Give me the bill number.

2. Summarize the bill in your own words.

3. Give me the history of the bill including dates. Tell me what committees it has gone to and where it is currently. When you find the history you will see that committee names are abbrievated (ex: RLS for Rules committee). Please be sure to replace abbrievations with the full name of the committee.

4. What factor(s) do you think are/were most important to the passage or failure of the bill. In other words, in your opinion, why did the bill pass or fail.

What would you do if your best friend told you your significant other (wife, husband, boyfriend, girlfriend) was being unfaithful?


  1. MLA (including font, spacing, etc.)
  2. Intro, 2 supp paragraphs, conclusion–please review rules for general info in intro, one or two specific examples only in body, summary in conclusion, etc.., –what you learned in English 1. Remember, the general length of a good paragraph is 12-15 sentences.
  3. Proofread/edit.  If you believe you will need tutoring, please time yourselves accordingly to make any necessary appts with the CAS. Of course, I will be happy to answer any questions.


What would you do if your best friend told you your significant other (wife, husband, boyfriend, girlfriend) was being unfaithful? In the first supp paragraph, explain whether or not you would believe your friend–and why. What steps would you take? Investigate your partner? Completely dismiss the accusation?  Why?

In the second supporting paragraph, address one or both of these: What would you do if you discovered your best friend was lying? If your partner was being unfaithful?

Explain two basic principles/foundations of competent/effective interpersonal communication. ◦ These include: Taking responsibility for your behavior, Sharing meaning, Acknowledging your view is only one, Respecting others and yourself and, Practicing being a competent communicator.

• Explain two basic principles/foundations of competent/effective interpersonal communication. ◦ These include: ▪ Taking responsibility for your behavior, ▪ Sharing meaning, ▪ Acknowledging your view is only one, ▪ Respecting others and yourself and, ▪ Practicing being a competent communicator. • Describe an instance of miscommunication that illustrates one or more of these principles. Be sure to give precise details so it is clear what went wrong. • Identify one or more barrier that caused this miscommunication. ◦ Examples include: ▪ Culture, ▪ Ideas of the self, ▪ Various types of noise, ▪ Intergenerational  ▪ Misperception • Explain how the barrier(s) interrupted the process of successful communication. • Explain how these barriers can be overcome. Keep in mind that this is NOT opinion based! This assignment is strictly what you learned in the class this week!  This is not everything that needs to be included (two-doubled spaced paper, title page, in-text citations, references page, introduction, and a conclusion). However, this is how the assignment should be broken down more easily. Sometimes all those words can cause confusion. I want to attempt to make this as simple as possible