Social Media Censorship

Describe effective methods you used in identifying and narrowing down to just one of the topics to further research for your Final Paper.
Explain three ways you can critically analyze sources to determine if they are scholarly.
Summarize information from at least two scholarly journal articles from the Ashford University Library that will support your claims for your chosen topic.
Explain why scholarly sources should be used to support your writing on the selected topic.
Download and attach a PDF copy of one of the peer-reviewed scholarly articles that you found from the Ashford University Library to your answer using the “Attach” function located below your response.
Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length, which should include a thorough response to each prompt. You are required to provide in-text citations of applicable required reading materials and/or any other outside sources you use to support your claims. Provide full reference entries of all sources cited at the end of your response. Please use correct APA format when writing in-text citations (see In-Text Citation Helper (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.) and references (see Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.).

Music at Noon University of Lethbridge Musaeus String Quartet

Music 3261 – Fall 2018 Concert Report # 2 – Due March 9, 2019

NOTE… this is different than concert report #1, so read carefully.

You must attend and report on a “classical” music concert (meaning not popular music of the 20th or 21st centuries, and avoid world music for now, please… look for the kind of music that we hear in our noon concerts and in class). Yes doing one of the Noon concerts is also OK. Reports are to be typewritten with a 12-point “Times” font, 1” margins, double spaced, and approximately 5 pages total in body length as per Step 1, 2, 3, below (plus extras such as a title page, concert program attached, etc. Please read below). Reports must contain the following information:

• A title page with the usual info…course#, your name, report title, etc. • A copy of the program attached to the report (so I can see the date of the concert and which works were performed.) • STEP 1 – Research (and write 1½-2 pages on what you found in your research) material that gives background on one or more composers or genres that you encountered at the concert. This means you have to try to find out what will be on the program. Please try to prepare STEP 1 in such a way that you come to the concert with expectations based on your research (I can tell you that the booklets you find with many CDs sometimes have really good information. So going to the U of L library and listening to a work before hand, while reading the booklet, is a good strategy.) For this part of the assignment, do not simply cut and paste from the internet. Be sure that the writing is your own synthesis of information gleaned from other sources. Try to look for information that will help you with your listening. For example, information on a composer’s musical “style” or influences might be more helpful than mere biographical information. • STEP 2: ANALYSIS – Go to the concert and take notes that will allow you to write an “SPI” (Sensual, Perceptual, Imaginal) analytic section (About 2 to 3 pages in length) where you use the three “levels of listening” to contextualize what you HEARD at the concert. Use appropriate musical terminology in greater depth than for concert report # 1, especially on LINKING cause and effect relationships between the Sensual &Perceptual and Perceptual & Imaginal levels of listening. • Step 3 – A descriptive section where you discuss how doing the research before the concert specifically affected your concert experience (not more than 1 page). Refer to the 3 levels of listening and give specific details as possible. This is a reflective part of the assignment. There is a “culture” to most activities, including concerts. Your description should take into account that you, as an informed and careful listener (now, after attending Music 3261 classes and doing your own research), are becoming part of that culture. If it doesn’t affect your experience then you may reflect on why that might be, in spite of your advanced preparations. • Bibliography listing – you don’t need an extensive bibliography… 3 to 4 listings are good – however, if you CITE your sources, you need to acknowledge that. Be sure most of your sources are academically reasonable and credible. • Concert Reports are to be well organized and clear. Grammar and spelling count, as does the correct use of technical terms learned in the class. Write in a manner that meets typical academic and grammatical conventions. Organize your thoughts.

In general, it is better to deal with parts of several pieces on the concert, not just one composition. But, if you feel one composition provides you depth and variety of material for discussion, you may choose to focus your efforts on the one piece. This assignment is about depth of listening analysis …not volume of material covered.

Renal System

1. Create a diagram/table/illustration (this must be original and not taken from an alternative source) that illustrates glomerulonephritis. Then, below your diagram/table/illustration write three to four paragraphs explaining the pathophysiology and associated manifestations of glomerulonephritis.

2. Develop a chart comparing and contrasting nephrotic syndrome and nephritic syndrome. (Include at least 5 differences/similarities).

**You must also discuss pathophysiology of both conditions (Nephrotic and nephritic syndrome).**

Be sure to utilize 3 credible references no less than 5 years old.1. Create a diagram/table/illustration (this must be original and not taken from an alternative source) that illustrates glomerulonephritis. Then, below your diagram/table/illustration write three to four paragraphs explaining the pathophysiology and associated manifestations of glomerulonephritis.

2. Develop a chart comparing and contrasting nephrotic syndrome and nephritic syndrome. (Include at least 5 differences/similarities).

**You must also discuss pathophysiology of both conditions (Nephrotic and nephritic syndrome).**

Be sure to utilize 3 credible references no less than 5 years old.

Masculinity Struggle in August Wilison’s Male Characters

This paper will examine the male characters in the following August Wilson’s plays, Jitney, Fences, and Joe Turner Come and Gone and their struggles with masculinity. There is a silent scream among the male characters to prove their masculinity. The male characters in each of these plays are fighting to prove their worth while trying to escape from someone or something. Each male character cry out for their sense of dignity and will fight to death to get it. The paper has to be a minimum of 22 pages, not including the works cited page.The paper has to be a minimum of 22 pages, not including the works cited page.

Personal Counseling Theory Creative Project Paper

15 page paper (not including title page, abstract and references) . My Working Theory that will be used is: “Cognitive Behavioral Therapy” . I will upload further instructions. Please be sure to include all that is asked for in this paper. It worth over 200 points of my grade. I will send pages for the 2 class books that are mentioned Seligman and Reichenberg text and Tan Integration text. These references must be used along with 10 others

15 page paper (not including title page, abstract and references) . My Working Theory that will be used is: “Cognitive Behavioral Therapy” . I will upload further instructions. Please be sure to include all that is asked for in this paper. It worth over 200 points of my grade. I will send pages for the 2 class books that are mentioned Seligman and Reichenberg text and Tan Integration text. These references must be used along with 10 others

Flim “Lone Star”

Write an essay examining the social-ideological value of John Sayles’ 1996 film Lone
Star. In your evaluation you must accomplish three things. One, argue whether the
film’s ideology is neutral, implicit or explicit. Second, determine where the film’s
ideology lies on the left-central-right political spectrum. Three, base your claims
largely on an examination of the film’s editing, sound and tone. Although you can
examine other elements of the film to support your claims, you should devote the
majority of your effort to an examination of editing, sound and tone.Write an essay examining the social-ideological value of John Sayles’ 1996 film Lone
Star. In your evaluation you must accomplish three things. One, argue whether the
film’s ideology is neutral, implicit or explicit. Second, determine where the film’s
ideology lies on the left-central-right political spectrum. Three, base your claims
largely on an examination of the film’s editing, sound and tone. Although you can
examine other elements of the film to support your claims, you should devote the
majority of your effort to an examination of editing, sound and tone.

Strategic Brand Management

1. This assignment must refer to the Assignment 1- Starbucks (PPT).

2. There’s a failure assignment with feedback provided. Please refer to the feedback.
There are the things I need to emphasise about the assignment:
1. Limit the word counts to 2500 max!

2. Please do accordingly to the SBM plan structure as I just uploaded.

3. PR: mock-up visuals?

4. Sales promotion: mock-up visuals?

5. Direct marketing: Please amend accordingly to Assignment Feedback

6. Radio Advertising & TV commercial: radio scripts & storyboard for the TV commercial?

7. Timing and Budget strategy- need to list out when (month/year) would each one take place? ONE YEAR plan! There’s no evaluation chart to explain & evaluate alternative plan if 1st/2nd quarter is not effective???????

8. Redo Evaluation and Recommendation-Don’t copy from the Assignment Feedback.

Article summary : medication management / APA format

The article must be from a peer reviewed journal and contain some type of statistical data (i.e., p score/value) and must relate to some form of OT intervention technique or strategy. This can be a qualitative or quantitative study but may not be a systematic review. You will summarize the article. The summary must include: The correct APA citation, an overview of the article, and a summary of what the information means to a new OT in practice. The summary MUST be only 1 page, double spaced, no more than 1 inch margins. You must submit the summary with a copy of the article.

Article Summary
Article Summary
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Identified appropriate article
20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Quality and content of summary
20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome APA formatting: title page, reference and paper
20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Clear identification of what this article means to OT practice
20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Paper is 1 page, double spaced, no more than 1 inch margins
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Copy of article submitted
10.0 pts
Total Points: 100.0

Task Description: To write a critical review of 2,000-2,500 words based on a selection of materials (e.g., academic books, journal articles, policy documents, newspaper articles, EDB documents etc.) on a chosen topic related to second language acquisition and English language education in Hong Kong secondary schools. The overall purpose of the critical review is to offer a summary of current knowledge regarding the chosen topic and provide your own interpretation or critical analysis of what you have read.

Task Description: To write a critical review of 2,000-2,500 words based on a selection of materials (e.g., academic books, journal articles, policy documents, newspaper articles, EDB documents etc.) on a chosen topic related to second language acquisition and English language education in Hong Kong secondary schools. The overall purpose of the critical review is to offer a summary of current knowledge regarding the chosen topic and provide your own interpretation or critical analysis of what you have read.

Task Description: To write a critical review of 2,000-2,500 words based on a selection of materials (e.g., academic books, journal articles, policy documents, newspaper articles, EDB documents etc.) on a chosen topic related to second language acquisition and English language education in Hong Kong secondary schools. The overall purpose of the critical review is to offer a summary of current knowledge regarding the chosen topic and provide your own interpretation or critical analysis of what you have read.

Skills & Technical Training – Coaching & Performance Management

Analyzing the role of coaching and performance management in organizations.
Think about the last time you had a problem or were disappointed with your own performance, either on the job or in one of your classes. Try to identify the cause or causes of this problem, and discuss what you think could be done to correct it in order to avoid the same problem in the future. In addition, describe the role of your supervisor and/or instructor in helping you to identify potential solutions to problems that may be interfering with your success on the job or with your course(s)?