How do Niemöller′s words in ″First they came for…″ repeat the theme developed in ″I Sit and Look Out″ by Walt Whitman?

(MC) ″I Sit and Look Out″ Walt Whitman I Sit and look out upon all the sorrows of the world, and upon all oppression and shame; I hear secret convulsive sobs from young men, at anguish with themselves, remorseful after deeds done; I see, in low life, the mother misused by her children, dying, neglected, gaunt, desperate; I see the wife misused by her husband—I see the treacherous seducer of young women; I mark the ranklings of jealousy and unrequited love, attempted to be hid—I see these sights on the earth; I see the workings of battle, pestilence, tyranny—I see martyrs and prisoners; I observe a famine at sea—I observe the sailors casting lots who shall be kill′d, to preserve the lives of the rest; I observe the slights and degradations cast by arrogant persons upon laborers, the poor, and upon negroes, and the like; All these—All the meanness and agony without end, I sitting, look out upon, See, hear, and am silent. ″First they came for…″ Martin Niemöller First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out-— Because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. Use the excerpts above to write an essay, at least two paragraphs, supporting the question below. Remember to clearly state your main point and use quotes from the text to support your response, using the proper MLA format. How do Niemöller′s words in ″First they came for…″ repeat the theme developed in ″I Sit and Look Out″ by Walt Whitman? (100 points)

cyber crimes

Cyber crimes

INSTRUCTIONS: This is a formal academic paper and must follow proper MLA format. Please adhere to the following guidelines:

  2. b) Your essay must be a minimum of 800 words and a maximum of 1000 words (not including the title header and Works Cited). If you do not remain within the required word count, you will be penalized.
  3. c) You must double-space your essay and use size 12 Times New Roman type font.
  4. d) Please number your pages and include your last name in the header of each page (using the “Header and Footer” and insert “Page Numbers” options in Microsoft Word).
  5. e) You will be evaluated based on proper language skills (grammar, spelling, and mechanics) and for meeting the requirements of a formal, academic essay.
  6. f) You must include supporting evidence from your sources by paraphrasing and integrating direct quotations (however, quotations should make up no more than 10% of your essay). Any support must be properly-formatted and integrated using MLA citation style
  7. g) You must include a properly-formatted MLA title header, in-text citations, and a Works Cited in your essay (please see “Sample MLA Title Page and Works Cited”).
  8. h) Your essay must be submitted via SafeAssign as a Microsoft Word (.doc/.docx) or .PDF file. Any failure to adhere to the above requirements will result in a loss of marks..

TOPIC/TASK: Your task is to choose a topic from the list provided below and discuss the possible problems, concerns, and debates that have surrounded your chosen topic. Your research must make use of a minimum of 4 credible sources, such as books, journal articles, A/V sources, etc. Please follow these guidelines when choosing your sources:

Only ONE of your sources may be from an Internet website (Wikipedia does not count)

.·  At least ONE source must be from a periodical or journal article (accessed either from an

  • online database or a library database). NO source should be older than 15 years. The newer the publication date, the better.
  • NO encyclopedia or dictionary references should be included

.·  DO NOT use class textbooks or lecture notes (this is an independent research assignment).

  • NO personal interviews should be included·

Since you will have approximately 4 weeks to work on this essay, I expect a quality, wellresearched, well-written, and well-cited essay. You will be graded on all the relevant criteria: writing skills (spelling, grammar, and mechanics), analytical skills, essay structure, content, research, citation style (both in text and in your Works Cited), preparation, and time management skills (submitting your work on time).


HOOK SENTENCE (GRABBER)                __________________________________________________________


SUBJECT OF MY THESIS           __________________________________________________________

THESIS STATEMENT                  __________________________________________________________


TOPIC #1 OF MY THESIS          __________________________________________________________

TOPIC #2 OF MY THESIS          __________________________________________________________

TOPIC #3 OF MY THESIS          __________________________________________________________

CLOSING/TRANSITION            __________________________________________________________



TOPIC #1 OF MY THESIS          __________________________________________________________


SUPPORT/INFORMATION 1: __________________________________________________________

SUPPORT/INFORMATION 2: __________________________________________________________

SUPPORT/INFORMATION 3: __________________________________________________________


TOPIC #2 OF MY THESIS          __________________________________________________________


SUPPORT/INFORMATION 1: __________________________________________________________

SUPPORT/INFORMATION 2: __________________________________________________________

SUPPORT/INFORMATION 3: __________________________________________________________


TOPIC #3 OF MY THESIS          __________________________________________________________


SUPPORT/INFORMATION 1: __________________________________________________________

SUPPORT/INFORMATION 2: __________________________________________________________

SUPPORT/INFORMATION 3: __________________________________________________________


REMINDER OF THESIS/POINTS__________________________________________________________


STRONG CLOSER                        __________________________________________________________


Understandings of death in different cultures

These are the instructions from my professor. This is for a humanities class: Death is the ultimate mystery in our lives. Please describe the ancient Mesopotamian, Egyptian and Hindu understandings of death. Support your explanations with 3 examples of art, architecture, literature, sculpture, etc. for each culture. Therefore, you will present 9 artistic examples in your paper. In the Mesopotamian, The Epic of Gilgamesh is the first literary treatment of death. Everything in Egypt revolved around their enterprise in faith, and the Hindu of India is the oldest of the world′s great religions. Include an introduction and summary paragraph as well as a Works Cited page of your sources and citations in MLA. Be sure to italicize the titles of artworks in this 4-5 page paper.

Describe three action steps you would like to take to safeguard the donations. Explain why each step that you have selected is essential to the campaign’s success. 

Final examination is designed as an individual work open-book open-notes test. The approximate exam time is 1 hour 50 minutes. The examination must be submitted between 6 PM and 11:59 PM on the date of the Exam on Canvas by email to the instructor at xxxx. The exam can be typewritten or handwritten. Be sure to show your work and write neatly. Do not forget to underscore numeric answers and to write conclusions. Good luck!



Final Examination Structure (30 points): Part A. Three essay questions (18 points) and Part B. Three financial analysis questions (18 points) – choose any five out of six questions provided below (30 points for the entire examination).




Part A. Three essay questions.


Do not spend more than 20 minutes answering each question. Be specific and to the point. Check your responses prior to submitting the examination.




A1. Internal Controls and Audit                                                                             (6 points)



Seattle University is running out of rooms on campus, and, if student enrollment increases in line with the current projections, a construction of a new building will be essential to meet the demand for classrooms. To be finished by the fall of 2020, the new building will cost the University about $20 million.


You are in charge of Seattle University’s capital campaign and your goal is to raise money for the construction. As you probably know, the University does not have a large internal audit department. In fact, your fundraising duties will be combined with the basic tasks of an internal auditor. You are requested to develop the policies to safeguard incoming moneys and to keep an eye on any potential fraud.


The task: Describe three action steps you would like to take to safeguard the donations. Explain why each step that you have selected is essential to the campaign’s success.



A2. GAAP and IFRS Principles                                                                              (6 points)


  1. Highlight the roles of GASB and FASB in regulating accounting principles in the United States.
  2. Elaborate on each of the below financial reporting concepts:
  • Materiality
  • Objective evidence
  • Conservatism



A3. Financial Condition Pre-Screening                                                                   (6 points) 


Seattle University’s Eastern Washington Engagement Initiative is a long-term commitment by Seattle University community to connect classroom concepts to service experiences both in the community and throughout the State. That direct experience is a learning tool that provides opportunities to apply theories you learn in class. It’s also part of educating students to be informed citizens, one of Seattle University’s defining characteristics”.


Your role as a Program Director at Seattle University is to pre-screen community organizations in Spokane willing to host Seattle University students for short-term service assignments. Some of these community organizations may have prepared their financial reports, making your task relatively straightforward, while others may still lack high-quality financial data.


Your task is to obtain some level of comfort about the potential partner’s indebtedness, their liquidity position and overall compliance with annual reporting to the IRS. You must find out about all of these during a 1-hour conference call.


Prepare five questions for the Executive Director of the prospective partner organization inquiring about these three areas of interest. Do keep in mind that questions about specific financial ratios may not yield revealing answers, since your counterparty may not be familiar with such ratios. Frame your questions in a “non-expert” and friendly way.



Part B. Financial planning and financial analysis questions.


Be careful not to spend more than 20 minutes answering each question. Be specific and to the point. Check your responses prior to submitting the examination.



B1. Statement of Activities                                                                                       (6 points) 


The Task. Fill in all the blanks in the below table, estimate profitability ratios and discuss the levels of profitability of Seattle City Light in 2014-2016.


Seattle City Light – Results of Operations ($ in millions) 2016 2015 2014
Operating revenues 903.2 882.9 886.4
Non-operating revenues 14.5 16.7 18.5
Total Revenues      
Operating expenses 795.8 772.0 734.1
Non-operating expenses 75.1 76.5 77.9
Total expenses      
Income before capital contributions and grants      
Capital contributions received 37.9 39.0 27.7
Capital grants received 0.5 0.4 0.7
Total capital contributions and grants      
Change in net position      
Net assets at the beginning of the year     1,250.5
Net Assets at the end of the year      



B2: Financial Analysis                                                                      (6 points) 


Seattle Parks and Recreation department considers new applications for the provider of basketball lessons across its 26 community centers. The goal of the department is not only to support the best basketball youth initiative, but to also to select community service providers in good financial standing.  Two providers have applied for the tender. Their financials are provided below.


The Task: Based on the information contained in the financial statements, compare and contrast the financial standing of each provider without calculating financial ratios. Which organization appears to have stronger financials? Why? Support your arguments with specific numbers from the Statement of Activities and the Statement of Financial Position.


B3. Financial Analysis (continued from B2)                                               (6 points) 


The Task: Calculate four financial ratios of your choice for each provider (a total of 8 ratios). Justify your selection of ratios based upon the information that they convey. Which provider has a better financial standing based on your ratio analysis? Be careful to use a mosaic, or complex, approach in your interpretation.


Northgate Basketball

Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2017 in USD


Assets Liabilities
Short-Term Assets   Accounts Payable                                     10,000
  Cash                                                                  20,000   Wages Payable                                          13,050
  Accounts Receivable                                           2,000   Short-Term Debt                                       20,000
  Grants Receivable                                             10,000   Long-Term Debt                                         1,000
  Total Liabilities                                        44,050
Long-Term Assets  
  Buildings, Property, Plant and Equipment       5,000 Net Assets
  Investments in Equity of a Subsidiary             10,020   Net Assets                                                    2,970
Total Assets                                                       47,020 Total Net Assets                                           2,970



Northgate Basketball

Statement of Activities for the year ended December 31, 2017 in USD


  Program Revenues 78,000
  Contributions from Grants 4,000
Total Revenues 82,000
  Purchases of Inventory 33,000
  Payments to Suppliers  35,000
  Equipment repair expense 2,000
Total Operating Expenses 70,000
  Interest expense 5,000
  Other non-operating expenses 1,000
Total Expenses 76,000
Change in Net Assets (Net Income/Loss) 6,000




Kare for Basketball

Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2017 in USD


Assets Liabilities
Short-Term Assets   Accounts Payable                                          6,000
  Cash                                                                7,200   Wages Payable                                              3,050
  Accounts Receivable                                    10,500   Short-Term Debt                                           1,000
  Grants Receivable                                        20,500   Long-Term Debt                                                   0
  Total Liabilities                                             10,050
Long-Term Assets  
  Buildings, Property, Plant and Equipment           0 Net Assets
  Investments in Equity of a Subsidiary                  0   Net Assets                                                      28,150
Total Assets                                                   38,200 Total Net Assets                                             28,150




Kare for Basketball

Statement of Activities for the year ended December 31, 2017 in USD


  Program Revenues 95,000
  Contributions from Grants 2,000
Total Revenues 97,000
  Purchases of Inventory 23,000
  Payments to Suppliers  15,000
  Equipment repair expense 2,000
Total Operating Expenses 40,000
  Interest expense 6,000
  Other non-operating expenses 3,000
Total Expenses 49,000
Change in Net Assets (Net Income/Loss) 48,000





History of Chicanos

  1. For your discussion, explain any changes you found in both texts. Then explain whether or not you would change anything in the Constitution that exists today. Remember, changes to the Constitution can occur, so long as a Constitutional Convention is called and 3/4 (38 States) ratify the amendments.Explain why you would make those changes. 

Some changes that have been made to the Constitution include the prohibition of Alcohol in the Country, the abolition of that Prohibition, the reduction of terms (two) for a President, the right for women to vote, lowering the voting age to 18.

  1. Select from one of the following Discussion topics and explain your answer citing at least 2 sources from the readings, movies, or the lecture.
    1. Were the fights for independence actual revolutions? Why or why not?
    2. What role does social class play in the independence movements? What about race?
  2. Three questions from the video of Marty Robbins – Ballad of the Alamo.
    1. What is the point of the song? What message is the song trying to get across?
    2. Do you think that this is an appropriate way to memorialize the soldiers of the Alamo?
    3. Are the men of the Alamo heroes? Why or why not?
  3. Choose two of the artists in the pdf, select one piece by each artist, and answer the questions below.
    1. What message is the artist(s) trying to express?
    2. Does the artist consider the history of Mexico? How?
    3. Does anything significant strike youabout that piece of art?
  4. After reading the Plan de San Luis and the Plan de Ayala, in your opinion which “Plan” has a revolutionary ideology?
  5. Think back to Article X from the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. It was removed in order to facilitate the taking of lands from Mexican people. Fast forward to the 1950’s and the battle for Chavez Ravine where Mexican people’s lands were taken.
    1. In your opinion, was the Chavez Ravine incident, and the Zoot Suit Riots that had happened 16 years before a result of the removal of Article X? Why or why not. Please include examples and at least two citations.
  6. How have housing laws and regulations affected where you live today?


Analysis of Joel Katelnikoff’s “The Accompanying Illustration”

Narrative Project Guidelines and Objectives


Thus in a storied world…things do not exist, they occur. Where things meet, occurrences intertwine, as each becomes bound up in the other’s story. Every such binding is a place or topic. It is in this binding that knowledge is generated. To know someone or something is to know their story, and to be able to join that story to one’s own. (Tim Ingold 161-62)



The narrative project is designed to encourage students to see assigned readings as part of a meshwork that includes their own stories. The project is also designed to help students think about their own subject positions (situated perspectives) in relation to the course material.


Students will write a story that demonstrates their situated perspective (frame of reference).


Students will also write an “Artist’s Statement,” which demonstrates the student’s understanding of the following question: Why is it important to recognize and acknowledge the perspective of the reader/listener in a course that studies close analysis of textual material?



The Written Narrative can be a family story (with permission), or it can be something the student has experienced.


The student will avoid the following:


  • Appropriating voice.
  • Disclosing someone else’s hightly personal information.
  • Making generalizations.
  • Retelling the plot of a novel or film.



Please type and print the story. No handwritten assignments.                Grading Rubric for Narrative Project


Artist’s Statement (50%)

500 Words


Your “Artist’s Statement” will be an analysis of the connection between your story and your situated perspective. You will:


  • explain why you chose to tell this particular story.
  • explain how your story demonstrates(论证) your particular subject position.
  • choose one or two texts that we’ve studied this term and discuss how your own story influences your perception and understanding this text, or these texts.
  • discuss how this course material has added to your story and augmented(扩张) your perception.


Written Narrative (40%)

1000 Words


My assessment of this document will be based on the following:

  • use of specific detail (no generalizations).
  • a clear demonstration of your situated perceptions in relation to this course.
  • connection to the major themes of this class: relationality, interconnection(互相联络), and dynamic systems.


Participation in Narrative Project Workshop (10%)

This aspect of the project requires that you submit a draft of your written project and your Artist’s Statement and work with a classmate to improve his/her project. Our Project workshop date is listed on the course syllabus.


“The Change I Want to Make”. (What is the one thing you would like to change the most to make your school, workplace, community, country or the world a better place?

Please make an essay based on these guidelines: 1. Topic: “The Change I Want to Make”. (What is the one thing you would like to change the most to make your school, workplace, community, country or the world a better place? How would you bring about that change? Please share your concrete ideas.) I am an artist and a serial entrepreneur. Please make an essay that represents me like I am the one who writes the essay. What would you do if you were me and asked the question above? Feel free to write your wildest, brightest and concrete ideas. 2. Please make sure that the essay is original and unpublished. Please write it from scratch. 3. If you use quotations, please include the reference at the bottom of the essay. The reference should not be included in the word count.

Executive Summary

I need you guys write one page of

Excusive Summary:




Nutcase was founded in Oregon, where there is that states riders under the age of 16 must use a helmet. The maximum fine for violating this law is $25, although there are exceptions to this law, such as if wearing a helmet would violate religious practices. Along with the age-defined limit, Oregon has a statute that “prohibits evidence of failure to wear a helmet form being used in a civil trial”, should a bicyclist be injured or killed (Does Oregon Have a Bicycle Helmet Law).


The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) tests helmets to ensure they meet a basic standard if they want to be sold in the US. The requirements include: the “peripheral vision test” to ensure a rider can see while wearing the helmet; the “positional stability test”, to ensure the helmet stays on while riding; the “retention strength test”, to ensure the straps keep the helmet on in case of impact; and the “impact attenuation test”, which ensures the helmet provides significant force reduction in the event of force (Bicycle Helmets Business Guidance).




Helmets are a safety item that most people don’t like wearing. Although there is laws requiring certain ages to wear helmets, studies have been conducted showing the percentage of people with head injuries and how the injuries were attained. Bicycle injuries came in at the lowest percentage at 6%, meaning bicyclists were less likely to be hit by a car than a pedestrian crossing the street. Helmet laws caused many people to stop biking, as they’d rather not wear a helmet, which, in turn, caused less people to bike on the road, causing cars to be less aware of bikers. Helmets account for another hindrance in safety, which is people are less likely to be wary on the road when they feel safe, they are more likely to take risks.


There are also people who prefer to wear helmets due to the statistic that there is an 85-88% of injury reduction for people in bicycle accidents




Helmets are engineered to protect a rider’s head in the event of an impact. Helmets are typically made by covering a layer of Expanded Polystyrene foam (EPS) with a polycarbonate shell. The outermost shell is designed to crack and spread impact along the outside of the shell, before the EPS foam absorbs the more of the force. Helmets are not suitable for more than one impact and must be replaced for safety after an injury.


Options exist for additional safety, such as multi-directional impact system (MIPS) and Koroyd. MIPS allows the shell to slide over the foam to provide additional safety during impact. Koroyd adds an additional layer on the inside of the helmet of polycarbonate honeycombs that will absorb for force by collapsing when impact occurs (Newcomb, Tim).



Size: $337.2 million (revenue) protective sports equipment industry

  • 9% growth
  • 65% of total industry is Helmets
  • Increase in Bike sales from 2008-2016


  • Competition: No direct competition, as they work in a niche market.
    • Non direct competition: Giro, Bell, Schwinn,  Specialized, Smith
      • Most specialize in road biking helmets
    • Key Players: Amer Sports Oyj (6%), BRG Sports Inc. (7.2%), Performance Sports Group Ltd. (17.4%)


Macro Environment:

Bike purchases have steadily increased in the state of Oregon since 2008.  In Oregon, it is required by law that anyone riding a bicycle must wear a bike helmet.  The protective sports equipment industry has been steadily increasing at a rate of 0.9% per year (IBIS).  Many people are always looking for the latest creative way to express themselves to the people around them.  Nutcase helmets give them a way to do that by selecting a unique helmet that suits their personality.  This trend has continued to grow and grow throughout the population, especially with millenials who value their individuality and the ability to express it far more than past generations.


Trends and drivers:

  • Oregon requires helmet use on bikes
  • People looking for a creative way to express themselves, Nutcase provides that option.
  • Bike purchases have increased steadily since 2008
  • Protective sports equipment industry is increasing at 0.9% every year (IBIS)
  • Desire for customization and self expression of the population (millennials specifically)s


Company Analysis


Nutcase is a helmet company, founded by Michael Morrow. Morrow got the idea for Nutcase during a football game between two rival teams in Oregon back in 2000, when he decorated a helmet and got a lot of positive feedback. Michael realized that graphics on helmets were designed for kids and were cheesy or based on cartoon characters which meant there were no fun adult helmets on the market. He believes that any age should be able to ride in a helmet build for fun, be able to express themselves, and not be forced into using generic aerodynamic cycling helmets. Nutcase’s objective is to let people express themselves while staying safe, whether they are on a bike, skateboard, scooter, skate, or any other sport they need head protection.  Nutcase was acquired by bravo sports in 2016. Bravo sports includes many brands that predominantly cater to the skate population. This acquisition allowed reps to offer more product.  Most promotion is word on mouth, people like and share their helmets. A couple who used Nutcase Helmets on a ride from Alaska to Peru ride.


Sales Strategy


Nutcase uses and outside sales force made up of 15 reps that sell primarily to stores that sell skateboards and places like bicycle shops that cater to outdoor activities where you would need to wear a helmet.  The area that each rep is responsible for is largely determined by how far they are willing to travel.  Some prefer to stay local and only work in a few markets while others are perfectly content to travel farther in order to get as much business for themselves as possible.  Nutcase has been very accommodating to it’s reps in this fashion by allowing them to work as much or as little as they want to.  The new corporate owners of Nutcase have started the policy of pushing more for pre-order sales as opposed to the standard methods.  The store owners aren’t crazy about this idea because they don’t want the risk of having too much product that they are unable to move.  The sales reps are encouraged to push them and make higher commission on pre-orders than regular sales.

None of the reps that Nutcase employs work exclusively for the company.  Most of them sell products for multiple companies.  Because of that, Nutcase doesn’t really have a formal training process.  When they hire a rep, all they really need is a general knowledge of the company and what they have available to sell.  Beyond that, the sales knowledge they already have will likely get them through.  Nutcase also has a very low turnover rate.  The need to develop a formal training program for new hires has not been necessary up to this point.


Sales Operations


Nutcase’s compensation structure is currently 100% commission based for its sales representatives.  This encourages employees to work harder to get more money while those who want to work less simply receive smaller areas to cover and contribute less time to the company in exchange for lower sales and commission.  Quotas for each area are determined by the industry manager and are based on how the market looks as well as how other helmet companies are doing.  The new national director for the parent company is pushing for a $5000 per day sales goal.  This is based on Protec which sells products geared toward skating and basic design.  It is unclear how that would be divided up between each rep considering that some have much larger areas that they are responsible for than others.  It is likely that this is based off of an average amount of territories per rep while the actual quota expected is calculated more on an individual basis based on the area each rep is responsible for.


Sales Management


Each sales rep will have a budget determined by their direct supervisor.  When each sale is made and an order produced, it is sent back to Woody, their sales coordinator, who then submits the orders to be filled.  Customers also have the option of contacting Woody directly and placing orders with him instead of with their local sales rep.  If this happens, the sales rep that is responsible for that area then still gets credit for the order as if they had sold it themselves.

Nutcase also has a new sales manager who was recently promoted from the parent company, Pro-tech, who bought Nutcase back in 2016.  It is currently unclear as to what the new manager’s role because he is inside his first month since his promotion and still adjusting to his new position.  He will likely be in charge of hiring and overseeing current sales reps performance as well as establishing their quotas.


(leadership, forecasting, budgets, profitability,


  • Leadership- Newly promoted sales manager from Pro-tech, the company who bought Nutcase.
  • Evaluation- Reps are commission only, evaluation is determined if more orders come through them, or if customers directly call Woody to fulfill orders. Forecasts: Protech is trying to use the Helmet industry to estimate desired sales for Nutcase,
  • Secondary research conducted



Preliminary findings: Nutcase has many potential for changes and growth within it’s business structure communication between reps, managers, and formal structures seem to be lacking. The industry itself has a lot of potential, as biking and exercise has become more and more popular. In Oregon, it is required by law to wear a helmet, and fun, expressive helmets make people more willing to wear them.

More research will be conducted once we have the second interview and are able to find more specific information on the helmet industry (rather than the broader protective sports equipment industry, which we were able to find data for).



“Bicycle Helmets Business Guidance.”, CPSC, 9 Jan. 2018,–Manufacturing/Business-Education/Business-Guidance/Bicycle-Helmets.


“Does Oregon Have a Bicycle Helmet Law?”, 13 Jan. 2017,


Newcomb, Tim. “How a Bike Helmet Works.” Popular Mechanics, Popular Mechanics, 22 Nov. 2017,




  1. Client Contact Information:


Woody Nevils (Sales Coordinator)


Phone: 1-866-956-8889


  1. Interview with Woody


  1. What does the sales process look like in your company? How long does it take to close a sale?

Normally only 2 days for an order to be created and sent out.

Motivation is dependant on the client and rep, proactive reps go to stores to check on inventory and clients. New orders are then sent to woody to check and sent to full fill net team (48 hours or less).

All dealers, have a number direct to woody and woody takes care of it.

Only one protec being integrated with nutcase, new sales manager from protec- Protec is the  company who bought nutcase and is integrating their and Nutcase’s products.

  1. How are you compensated via salary, or commission, or both?

    woody- just salary

Outside reps- all straight commission. Most reps are multi branded (Nutcase and Pro-tec)


  1. What expectations are expected in the workplace?
    Each rep has their own personality and area. Don’t push image, and wide variety of designs

Kids stores, more fun and flashy.

(Side notes on products) Production and design-¾ new helmets each year, some people want discontinued designs

When discontinued, can suggest another mood/vibe

Discontinued motorcycle division for niche market find a need when discontinued item is almost gone-increase the sale at the last moment


  1. How do you find new prospects?
    Most outside reps, have established customers and rapport, that are still active. To get a sale: go in person, have samples, forward email for what they have, send to rep to go and
    meet prospect

    5. What characteristics do you look for when hiring a new sales rep?
    Depends on the area needed, have specific sales group that goes only to toy stores, looking for some:

High energy, Charismatic, Good foundation in bike division (not toy sales)

Find people who are connect -turnover, reach out to reps in the area first


  1. What is turnover rate in your sales team?

Only had 2 reps that stopped in the past year, same 15 reps for the past 6 years.

Buy out from Protec changed commission structure.

  1. How are reps paid/compensated?


  1. How do you divide up the territories for your reps?
    based on where rep lives, by population for particular areas – CA 4-5 for bikes, 4-5 for toys

1 rep/duo team, OR, WA, ID. AL

Seattle guy, mostly stays in Seattle

By population in an area and how much a rep can handle, some like to travel and some like specific area.


  1. How do you set sales goals and quotas?
    New national director trying to have about $5000/day in sales, based on protec (geared toward skating and basic design), based on market of how other helmet companies are doing, really pushing pre season


Metro rud helmet- commuter, closest to a road bike, look up couple in bend, who wore helmet straight through


  1. How do you evaluate your employees?

Know some reps wont push nutcase as hard, base a little on pre season (first year pushing pre season orders), base them also on how many orders are coming through them, or bypassing and calling into woody directly

Check to see if orders created by them, or customers calling into woody to create order


  1. Interview with Jeff


  1. What characteristics do you look for when hiring a new sales rep?

Reps that are in the industry of the product being sold. Good relationships with retailers, looking for a seasoned rep that knows the territory

Bike industry

Calling on retailers, reaching out to friends for recommendations. Traits don’t mean as much as references.

Past time in the industry, reference will matter! retailers/other sales reps,

Personality doesn’t mean as much as will they get the job done.


  1. How do you set sales goals and quotas?

Looking at year over year numbers, increase by 20-25%


  1. How do you evaluate your employees?

By performance, hitting goals, opening new accounts


  1. How are reps paid/compensated? (More detail in compensation/benefits desired)

Strictly commission, that % varies, sometimes vary by pre season, based on what product, who selling to,

increase/decrease based on product pricing, whether discounted or full price, who selling to, etc

There’s a cap, usually commission would go down, usually pretty commission. Not usually overstock items.


  1. How often do you coach employees/or plan to coach?

Try to coach every year, at a chosen trade show. Could be on a different basis, daily, weekly, unofficially, officially once/year

Not looking for reps that he has to train

15 reps, looking to bring on a few new and make a few changes


influence of multicultural workplace towards employee satisfaction

1. Initial description of Problem situation (Tip: apply journalistic questions to describe the problem/critical situation. Give examples of the researched problem/situation).



2. Initial purpose (Give an answer to the question: What could be done with the results of my research?)
I would like to have an in depth understanding about how the employees are satisfied with the hotel in such globalised workplace.


3. Provisional problem statement (Please note: Formulate an open question)
What is the influence of multicultural workplace on employee’s satisfaction?


4. List possible topics related to the problem that could be discussed in the literature review, and reference (APA referencing standards apply) some relevant sources (e.g. handbooks & research articles)
Multicultural workplace

Rozkwitalska, M., Sułkowski, Ł., & Magala, S. (2017). Intercultural Interactions in the Multicultural Workplace. Gdansk: Springer.



Misra, R. N. (2009). ∑. New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. .


Cultural diversity

Barak, M. E. (2011). Managing Diversity: Toward a Globally Inclusive Workplace. Thousand Oaks: SAGE publications.



5. Present initial ideas for your research method (quantitative/ qualitative research, possible instruments, possible participants (guests, employees etc.), and motivate your choices.
Type of research:  Quantitative.

Possible instruments: Surveys.

Participants: Employees and interns.


Main reason for choosing quantitative research in this case is because there are over 300 employees and by handing out surveys it will gather needed information in shorter period.


6. Commitment of company (Give an answer to the following questions:

Does the company agree on the research topic? Does the company formulate any possible restrictions in regard to ideas about used research method and / or participants? Does the company agree on the use of databases, internal documents etc.?

Yes, they believe is an interesting topic and they agree and are willing to help me out if needed.


7. Time Planning for the Management Project (Please fill in the MP Schedule attached below; red asterisk indicates mandatory fields)


You are required to write a 6-8 page paper on Piaget’s Cognitive Developmental Theory. 


To provide students with an opportunity to further understand developmental theory and to apply theory to child development

Learning Outcomes

  • Gain knowledge of developmental principles, theories, concepts related to human thinking, behaviour, emotion, personality, and physical growth
  • Gain an understanding of how culture, biology, and environment influence aspects of development
  • Gain an understanding and appreciation of your own stage in the developmental process

Assignment Directions

You are required to write a 6-8 page paper on Piaget’s Cognitive Developmental Theory.  The paper will have three sections: an introductory paragraph briefly describing Piaget’s theory and your approach to the paper, the body of the paper, and a succinct conclusion describing how the toys/activities you were exposed to influenced your development.


The body of the paper must include four sections (one for each stage in Piaget’s theory: Sensorimotor, Preoperational, Concrete Operational, and Formal Operational) in which you will:


  1. Describe the theoretical stage, including factors which influence human development.
  2. Explore websites, stores, or catalogues to find one toy that would meet the developmental needs of this stage. Provide a brief description of the toy and how it works. Explain how the toy meets the needs identified by Piaget in this stage.
  3. Recall a toy you played with or a game you played when you were in this developmental stage. Provide a brief description of the toy or game and how it worked. Explain if this toy or game met or did not meet the needs identified by Piaget in this stage.


  • Proper APA citations must be provided for at least three Students may use the textbook as one of their sources.  The remaining sources must be scholarly in nature.
  • Papers that are missing a reference list or in-text citations will not be graded and all papers will be checked for academic dishonesty.
  • Papers must adhere to the APA formatting guidelines set out in your APA Template & Guides on D2L. When formatting your paper, select Times New Roman, 12 point font.  Use one-inch margins (2.54 cm) on all sides of the page and double-space the entire paper.  All papers must be word-processed and submitted to D2L on the due date.
  • Correct grammar (including correct verb tense), sentence structure, spelling, and terminology are expected. You must also eliminate run-on sentences (sentences that do not end or have proper punctuation) and incomplete sentences (fragments).

Marking Criteria – Piaget’s Toy Project

0 1 2 3
Introduction Information provided is inadequate, confusing, and lacks quality.  Does not give the reader enough important information to understand the context.


Partially relevant or inconsistent details give the reader some of the important information required to understand the context.


Mostly relevant and generally consistent details give the reader most of the important information required to understand the context and student’s approach to the paper. Relevant, telling, quality details give the reader all the important information required to understand the context and student’s approach to the paper.  
Piaget’s Stages and Examples (x4) Two or more of the required components completely missing

OR information does not accurately describe applicable stage.


Toy descriptions barely provided or not relevant to applicable sphere. Little to no connection to the theory.


One of the three required components completely missing

OR information partially describes a developmental stage.


Toy descriptions are partially relevant to the applicable stage. Connection to theory may be incomplete.

All three required components provided.


Developmental stage is mostly described with a proper APA citation.  


Past and Present examples are generally relevant and include some connection to the theory.

All three required components provided.


Developmental stage is clearly described and includes a proper APA citation.


Toy descriptions are extremely relevant, and include detailed connection to the theory.

Conclusion Summary is vague and does not include either a topic summary OR  influence of toys/activities on development.


Conclusion does not provide topic summary OR is missing influence of toys/activities on development.


Conclusion generally summarizes the topic discussed and includes  influence of toys/activities on development.


Conclusion succinctly summarizes the topic discussed and elaborates on influence of toys/activities on development.  
Mechanics Major mistakes in mechanics and APA format.  Assignment is difficult to read. Several mistakes in mechanics & APA format.  Assignment is somewhat difficult to read. No/Minor mistakes in mechanics and APA format.  Assignment is easy to read.