write a response of at least 300 words to this material. What were the results of your decisions, and how did they compare to the actual experience of the settlers at Jamestown as revealed in the “now we know” section?

The writer should play the “Jamestown Online Adventure” game at the following website:


Then write a response of at least 300 words to this material. What were the results of your decisions, and how did they compare to the actual experience of the settlers at Jamestown as revealed in the “now we know” section? Were the instructions you got from the London Company or the advice you got from your fellow settlers and Native Americans helpful or not, and in what ways? What ultimately seems to be the most critical elements or elements in determining the success or failure of the first British North American colony at Jamestown? Be specific in your comments and analysis (and note that grammar and spelling also count in these discussions). NO ADDITIONAL SOURCES BESIDES GAME!

A Diamond as Big as the Ritz

Research Essay Outline

  1. Introduction – could be multiple paragraphs
    1. Hook reader (quotation, anecdote, shocking statement, etc.)
    2. Transition into:
      1. Identify primary work and any information (biographical, historical, etc.) that is relevant to understanding the work
      2. Possibly summarize critical opinion and/or describe critical problems about your topic
  • Identify any special circumstance, issues or controversies associated with the work
  1. State research lens that you’ve selected for your essay
  2. Possibly hint at “So What?” element – gracefully – and any connection of the work to today’s issues and themes (optional in intro; mandatory in conclusion)

Organize body paragraphs by categories.  For example, in an essay on symbols, create a list of symbol categories: symbols relevant to Greek mythology, symbols relevant to the Bible, symbols relevant to American history, symbols relevant to Shakespeare’s works.  Similarly, in an essay on historical context, categories may be broken down by years or significant events or simply categories like: social, political, financial, etc.

  1. Body – multiple paragraphs with the aim to show how the details from the work you’ve chosen are illuminated by the research lens you’ve selected:
    1. Topic sentence (argue something specific) – see our work on writing strong TS
    2. Specific research component derived from research theme in thesis (quotation/paraphrase)
    3. Analysis of Research (keep in mind the 2 to 1 ratio so for every quote there should be two analysis about the quote)
    4. Detail from primary work (quotation/paraphrase)
    5. Analysis of primary work detail within the context of the research (ratio)
    6. Concluding thought – back and forth between primary work and research component culminates in a meaningful concluding point addressing the “so what?” question and adding something to the “unending conversation”
  • Conclusion – can be multiple paragraphs
    1. Instead of merely summarizing main points, answer the question “So What?” and “Who Cares?” – to clarify, this connection needs to be woven throughout the essay and should culminate in a clear conclusion by this point in the paper

Child Restraint Law in Arizona

Note to the writer: This order is not for a school assignment, there is no grade, and this submission shall not be subjected to any of the typical school-related scrutiny. You can use outside sources and place them in your own words. No need to jumble sentences or change word spellings. Additional resources are available should you require them; simply ask.


Please write 500 words about the Child Safety Belt Laws in the state of Arizona, USA.


Questions to consider/answer:

  • What is a child restraint?
  • How many child safety restraint laws are there in arizona?
  • What is the Arizona Revised Statute (ARS) number?
  • What aged children should be in a child safety seat?
  • What are the child weight considerations?
  • Why should your child be in a child restraint system?


Supporting information to draw upon (this is merely an example; you may use other sources or information).


Tell us about something that really sparks your intellectual interest and curiosity and compels you to explore more. It could be an idea, book, project, cultural activity, work of art, start-up, music, movie, research, innovation, question, or other pursuit.  

Tell us about something that really sparks your intellectual interest and curiosity and compels you to explore more. It could be an idea, book, project, cultural activity, work of art, start-up, music, movie, research, innovation, question, or other pursuit.


My goal to become a cultural (Islamic) anthropologist arose from my renewed faith in Islam. Previously, I bordered on being agnostic. I saw my moderately religious parents pray once a week on Fridays and fast during Ramadan, though the Qur’an dictates that Muslims should pray five times daily and always maintain purity.

Like most people post 9/11, I viewed Muslims as egoistic, narrow-minded, self-serving, and uncivilized fundamentalists who acted impulsively, failed to use their brains, and blamed others for their problems without realizing that they created problems for themselves. They also never understood what was written in the Qur’an.

Today, I understand that there are no good or bad religions, but people tarnish them. I would like to change this by learning the language of the Qur’an (Arabic) and understanding the book’s deeper meaning. I aim to follow the way of life of the Prophet Muhammad (Sunnah), an example of a good Muslim and human being, while restoring Muslims to true Islam, as I feel that religious clerics have failed to address the rising disconnect between Muslims and Islam.

As a cultural anthropologist, I hope to study and understand Muslims worldwide and to offer guidance based on my knowledge of the Qur’an, anthropology, and its related subjects, which are applicable to both religious and nonreligious matters encountered in our daily lives. Although my ubiquitous ideas will need extensive fine-tuning, the associated tasks will be difficult, and I will face numerous hurdles, I am determined to bring my goals to fruition.

Positioning factors of Croatia as touristic destination

Your parts

Under the title “Marketing of a Tourist Destination”, the importance of tourism for the economy, both globally and Croatian, is addressed by the theoretical part of the significance and role of marketing of tourist destinations in the management of the same, emphasizing the specifics of the services in the services sector.

In the part of the paper titled “Branding of the destination as a precondition for positioning”, the significance of the interior, the elements of the interior design of the destination, the phase of creation within the destination as well as the challenges that the branding of the destination carries with it.

Positioning as a key element of competitive advantage is the title of the xxx part of the work and apart from the definition in which the positioning formula is set up, the difference in the positioning concepts and the unique sales proposition are considered, often used as synonyms, although not in their fullest sense. The strategies, process, and positioning stages of the destination are considered, and the best examples of branding and positioning in practice are discussed.

What law are you researching (You are to choose a specific law. Please do not choose a topic)? What position do you want to take in regard to your chosen law? You will need to decide if you agree or disagree with the current way the law is written. You can choose to like certain aspects of the law and not others.

Submit a one page outline with your proposed term paper title, thesis statement, and an outline of the subtopics you will cover in your paper. This project provides you with the opportunity to increase and demonstrate your understanding of cyberlaw theory and practice. You will need to choose a law(s) that you are interested in researching. The paper must be 4-6 pages in length detailing the below questions. Before completing the below steps, please make sure that the topic is approved. 1. Thesis: What law are you researching (You are to choose a specific law. Please do not choose a topic)? What position do you want to take in regard to your chosen law? You will need to decide if you agree or disagree with the current way the law is written. You can choose to like certain aspects of the law and not others. 2. Background: What is the existing point you want to challenge or support, and how did the law get to be that way (This is where you would need to find cases, background information, etc.)? 3. Inadequacies: What are the deficiencies in the present way of doing things, or what are the weaknesses in the argument you are attacking? 4. Adequacies: Discuss the positive aspects of the law? 5. Proposed Changes: How will we have a better situation, mode of understanding or clarity with what you are advocating? In short, how can the law be improved (or not diminished)? (This is where you have the chance to change the law with your own ideas of how it should be written). 6). Conclusion: Why should and how can your proposal be adopted?

Google’s Cloud Technology for Businesses

Statement of the Problem and Research Question(s):

Significance of the Study:

Delineate the significance of the research, what knowledge will it create, what gaps in our knowledge will it help fill, how will it advance the selected theory or theories, what new research methods will it advance, how the results may be applied to improve existing policy or procedures, etc.—as appropriate for the study.

Provided at least 10 references to support selected topic in the reference area.

Specific Instructions for the Term Paper:

1. Customize the title page for your own paper. This includes editing the “Running Head” in the page header, the title of your paper, and your name. If you don’t know how to edit a header in Word, Google for instructions on how to edit a header in the version of Word you are using and follow the instructions.

2. Add a table of content with an outline of all your major points and subpoints.

3. Write a 150-250 word abstract for your term paper (on p. 2 of the Paper Template). The abstract should be a brief summary of your paper.

4. Add an Introduction

Introduction goes after the Abstract. Be sure the students include all of the following using level 2 heading:

The background of the topic
Statement of the Problem
Statement of the Purpose
Research Questions
Significance of the Study

5. For each major section of the paper, you need to customize the sub-headings. You may add additional sub-headings, as needed, but each section must have a minimum of three sub-headings, except for the Recommended Improvement section, which must have a minimum of five sub-headings. Be sure to be descriptive in your sub-heading names, so that I know what content you intend to cover in each sub-heading.

6. Add your references. 10 references

Research one or a combination of these job-related topics found within organizations: job discrimination, sexual harassment; bullying or unsafe working conditions.

Please choose a writer that has a good command of the English language when writing, it takes too long to rewrite the paper. Also, the writer must know how to write a BASIC THESIS STATEMENT, as this is one of the requirements to the assignment. Please follow the instructions completely, and only USE SOURCES PROVIDED.
INSTRUCTIONS: Your response is to include an INTRODUCTION, THESIS STATEMENT, and a clear discussion of the questions/topics listed below, using LEVEL ONE HEADINGS FOR EACH ONE.
Background: Ethics in business relationships include both the external and internal relationships that develop around the organization. For this assignment , you will focus on the internal relationships that develop inside the organization. Studies have indicated the more positive the environment within the organization, the more productive the employees.
Research one or a combination of these job-related topics found within organizations: job discrimination, sexual harassment; bullying or unsafe working conditions.
1) Briefly describe the issue.
2) Analyze the impact on overall morale, relationships within the organization and ultimately overall productivity levels.
3) Research a minimum of one company that was caught up in this type of issue.
4) What best practices might a company implement to avoid negative behaviour within their organization.
5) How would you rate the ethical practices of the company that you chose (excellent, fair, poor)? EXPLAIN.
These videos may be helpful to the assignment:
www.ted.com/talks/shawn achor the happy secret to better work,
www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cZ2CC0219w, Apple employees sue after criminal treatment
www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wo2lcd3Bal Costco VS Walmart

American Indian Culture

FINAL PAPER TOPIC The paper requires you to choose one of the people groups studied in the course and apply as many applicable social theories from the coursework as are appropriate. It will be supported by other work related to that people group such as movie reviews, discussion boards, article research, key words, and the like. Students will include at least five sources from outside of the coursework to supplement the paper. The paper must show how pluralism, diversity, multiculturalism, ethnocentrism, racism, and assimilation are elements of American society.

• Your paper should be 6 to 8 pages (2200 – 2500 words) and should cover the directives already given.
• You should follow accepted research approaches and citation format (APA).
• Your paper must be double-spaced in Times New Roman 12 point font. 30
• Your paper is to include a simple title page in Times New Roman 12 point font including: Name of paper, Course, Professor, School, Date, Student Name. It is NOT to include any pictures or artwork.
• Your paper must include an APA-style reference page that shows the sources used.
• Your paper should be well developed and convey your understanding of the readings and concepts.
• Your paper should be organized, coherent, and unified.
• Your paper should be free of spelling and grammatical errors.
• Base your research paper on at least five different research sources which must be listed in the concluding bibliography list. It must also include pertinent reading from the course and the textbook. Use an outline to structure your paper ensuring that you include:
• Course theories
• Examples from the textbook
• Five articles from other sources
• Examples including materials from the course (discussion board, web articles, film reviews)
• Be sure to document all contentions and “facts” mentioned in an academically acceptable manner. (See writing resources below) If you have questions about the requirements of the paper, be sure to discuss them with your mentor well in advance of the final submission. Consult the course Calendar for this paper’s due date. It must be submitted by the last day of the semester.

By comparison, only about 24,000 U.S. elementary children study Chinese. Why would it be helpful for more U.S. students to study the Chinese language?

Business Communication Discussion 3 Instructions

Click on this link to be able to watch the video by jay walker 2009 The World’s English mania or can search it on youtube. And click the bleu writing said “the world’s English Mania”



Discussion 3: Understanding Culture

Discussion Topic

Top of Form

Bottom of Form

After viewing the video “The World’s English Mania” (also available in this week’s Instructional Materials, answer the following questions: Why is it important to understand cultures other than our own? English is a compulsory subject for all Chinese elementary school students; more than 200 million Chinese children study English. By comparison, only about 24,000 U.S. elementary children study Chinese. Why would it be helpful for more U.S. students to study the Chinese language?