How to Read Literature Like a Professor Thomas C. Foster and Jane Eyre-Charlotte Bronte

*Using Chapter 3 ( Nice to Eat with You: Acts of Communion and Chapter 9 ( It’s More Than Just Rain and Snow) from the book, How to read Literature like a Professo by Thomas C. Foster, Analyse the novel, Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte using the literary techniques in Chapters 3 and 9 from Thomas C. Foster’s book, How to Read Literature Like a Professor.
*Use specific textual evidence from Jane Eyre to support your interpretation of Chapter 3 and 9 from Fosters book.
*Analyze and look for the larger meaning created with the use of literary techniques.
*Discuss why or how it is important to the overall understanding or meaning of the novel, Jane Eyre.

Walden University’s doctoral programs are designed to help students develop the skills needed to grow as professionals. What are some skills you want to develop in your doctoral program at Walden?

Prompt: Walden University’s doctoral programs are designed to help students develop the skills needed to grow as professionals. What are some skills you want to develop in your doctoral program at Walden? What will these skills allow you to do, and how will they help you grow as a professional?



Write a 1-page (approximately 350 words), double-spaced personal essay in response to the prompt above.  To present your strongest writing skills, submit an essay which:


  • Provides a focused and clear central idea which responds to the assignment prompt with developed ideas;
  • Organizes ideas with paragraphing and transitions;
  • Uses grammar and mechanics to effectively communicate meaning to readers;
  • Maintains academic integrity by demonstrating your original work. Using outside sources is not required for this essay; if you use them, however, then you must cite any information you paraphrase or quote.


Religion and Politics have traditionally been highly debated topics in our society. Recently, the Pledge of Allegiance has added to this debate.

Religion and Politics have traditionally been highly debated topics in our society. Recently, the Pledge of Allegiance has added to this debate.

American citizens have generally recited the Pledge of Allegiance at important ceremonies ranging from presidential inaugurations to the beginning of the school day. The pledge has a great deal of sentimental value to many Americans, but also creates a great deal of controversy for others.

Review the Supreme Court case Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow, which highlights the debate.

Write a five to eight (5-8) page paper in which you:

Summarize the salient points of the Supreme Court case Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow.
Discuss the levels of the court through which the case evolved before it reached the Supreme Court.
Explain the decision of the Supreme Court in this case in brief.
Explain the fundamental impact that the court decision in question has had on American society in general and on ethics in American society in particular. Provide a rationale for the response.
Discuss whether you believe that the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance is a religious issue or a sign of respect for the United States.
Discuss whether or not you think public schools should be allowed to recite the pledge.
Use at least three (3) quality academic resources. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Examine the current ethical issues inherent throughout the criminal and civil justice systems.
Describe the dispensation of justice through the criminal and civil justice systems.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in the criminal court and the judicial process in America.
Write clearly and concisely about the American court system using proper writing mechanics and APA style conventions.

Select two (2) U.S. Supreme Court decisions that impacted the manner in which the juvenile justice system handles juvenile delinquency.

Select two (2) U.S. Supreme Court decisions that impacted the manner in which the juvenile justice system handles juvenile delinquency. Next, describe the significant manner in which the court rulings in juvenile delinquency cases have altered the judicial system’s treatment of juveniles as compared to the treatment of adults. Justify your response.
If a 17-year-old boy, who is a senior in high school, has consensual sex with a 15-year-old girl in high school he can be charged with Rape in the 2nd degree and have to register as a sex offender for ten years. Based on this scenario, debate whether or not you believe this is a just sanction? Provide support for your response.

An Investigation into the causes of workplace Conflict and the types of Conflict Management Practices Used in the Hospitality Industry

iew questions for managers:

What would you say is the biggest reason for workplace conflict? Why not plural, just singular?
Do you have any systems in place to aid in detecting and managing the problem? What system do you have? and separate into 2 questions re detecting on one side, and managing the issue on the other side
Do you make use of alternative dispute mechanisms to manage the issue? What do you mean by alternative? Getting some support from outside the company? Maybe ask For what kind of dispute have you used alternative dispute mechanisms? This would give you some more detailed data.
What is the duty of line managers when handling the problem? Role instead of duty? Maybe asking them as well what kind of support they get and from whom?
Have you trained the line managers to detect and manage workplace conflict? Why not asking them if they have themselves been trained and what is provided in their organisation (and how to get access to this provision) instead?
Do you give any other assistance to the line managers to enable them address workplace conflict? I think my previous recommendations would already cover this?

Questionnaire for workers/employees:

1. What factors do you think have the greatest potential to make you clash with your fellow employees? See my comment above in the first part of my email re this.

2. Why do you consider these factors to be the most significant?

3. What systems does your enterprise use to manage conflicts at your workplace? Ask for procedures/mecanisms are in place rather than calling it systems I think.

4. What alternative dispute resolution mechanisms do you use at your workplace? Same comments as for the managers questionnaire.

5. What role do line managers (for instance supervisors) play to resolve conflicts in your workplace?

6. Do you think that the line managers have training to handle the problem of workplace conflicts? Ask if they believe their managers have a sufficient level of competency or access to relevant support when required instead I think. Maybe in 2 separate questions.

7. Do you think alternative dispute mechanisms would be valuable in helping to address workplace conflicts? Maybe more broadly ask them if they have some recommendations for additional recommendations to their companies for a better management of conflicts?

8. Would you consider line managers to be more effective in addressing conflicts between employees? Who are the different parties involved in resolving a conflict in your company and to what extent do you think this is effective may work better as a question here.

9. Do you think the line managers are capable of dealing with the problem if given the opportunity or do you feel the need for more training? Already covered in question 6 with my comment?

DescriptionAn Investigation into the causes of workplace Conflict and the types of Conflict Management Practices
Used in the Hospitality Industry

Its a HRM Dissertation. I have uploaded the handbook for the dissertation with the requirements of the university as to its format and structure and my proposal of the masters. Even though I have scrapped the interviews I proposed to use and decided to stay with the questionnaires only as a method- however this too can be discussed further. Not sure on how many sources exactly

The objective is to analyze a published text from either the course anthology or one of the longer essays we “wrestled” with in class, and assert your own ideas, observations, and conclusions.

Text-Wrestling Essay Guidelines:


The objective is to analyze a published text from either the course anthology or one of the longer essays we “wrestled” with in class, and assert your own ideas, observations, and conclusions.


As you wrestle with the thinking of the author, be sure to incorporate quotes and paraphrased material. Avoid summarizing or generalizing. As we have done with previous essays, it is important to back-up your statements with explanation.


You are welcome to choose a text you already wrote about, and use ideas/writing from your post.


Please use the techniques for text-wrestling that we have been practicing in class. As this essay is longer than the exercise posts, you may be more aware of the need to “go back in” for more quotes and details from the text as you write. Be sure to consistently integrate your quoting and paraphrasing of the text with your own ideas.


The guidelines for the format remain consistent: three pages, double-spaced, titled, and formatted according to MLA-style.

Analyze how do the posters reflect nurses’ changing role and image in mid-twentieth century America?

World War II Posters Paper (20 pts) a 2 page paper on 2 World War II posters (a primary source) from course materials addresses the question: Analyze how do the posters reflect nurses’ changing role and image in mid-twentieth century America?



All written work (except for posts) must be submitted to Blackboard/Safe Assign.  This is a site that checks your work against the Internet and a database of papers to make sure your work is original and your own.  All written work must

a)have a thesis

b)be double spaced with normal margins and 12 pt. font

c)use Chicago style citation (NOT MLA).  I will provide instructions on how to cite using Chicago style citation. 



Link to the posters:


(There used to be a link that had all the World War II posters together but as can be the case with the internet, it is no longer.  Here are some more World War II propaganda posters.  This is a commercial site selling posters and some of them are directed at nursing babies vs. the profession of nursing.

Be sure the posters you pick are labeled World War II.)



Some advice on the World War II papers:
To make a persuasive argument, your paper must show change over time. That is, in order to show that nurses’ roles and images were different in the World War II era, you must discuss the roles and images before that time. I would not recommend going back to Nightingale/ The Civil War however.   The textbook will help you do that.  The bulk of your paper should be focused on the World War II recruiting posters and your analysis of the images.
Be aware that not all the posters are of nurses(ie) WAVES or SPARS-those are for posters recruiting for different branches of the military) , so only focus on the posters that directly recruit nurses.
When you are examining the posters think about:
1)the words that government leaders (and their advertising firm consultants) directed towards American women
2)how would you describe these women in demographic terms?
3)Look at how women are dressed and think about how the book described nurses’ uniforms and how nurses were supposed to present themselves?
4)What does the book tell you about societal attitudes regarding gender in this era and what respectable women might do and still remain respectable?
Before you complete your second paper for this class, please reach out to me if you have any questions about my comments on your first paper  I’m happy to meet with you in person or chat over Facetime.
This week, you are reading in your textbook about World War II and the expansion of nursing in the United States.  You have your 2nd and final individual paper due this Sunday.  Just as in your paper on Hospital Sketches, this paper also has you analyze a primary source document.  In this paper, you are analyzing 2 posters from the course materials for this week.  The prompt is as follows:  “Analyze how do the posters reflect nurses’ changing role and image in mid-twentieth century America.”

Students should know that

  • When you paraphrase or summarize you are required to cite the source of the idea.  If you do not do this you are claiming the ideas as your own.  A bibliography at the bottom of the page is not enough!
  • When the words you use are not your own, they must be enclosed in quotes.  If you find yourself confused by an assignment or in a time bind or family crisis, please communicate your concerns to me.  Allot enough time to do assignments and meet deadlines.  This may mean starting to prepare earlier than you are accustomed to.


Argue if the American education is a divided system of marginalization.

You must develop an introduction that lures the reader into your discussion. You must develop a thesis statement that is specific. Your thesis must be arguable or controversial or debatable; it cannot be a fact and cannot be illogical. Please use the resources that are available. NO THESIS…NO ESSAY Each paragraph should relate to the thesis. In each paragraph, you should develop an example that is supportive of your topic sentence and thesis. Your example must begin to push your reader to think critically about the topic and must begin to help the reader to visualize the concept you are setting forth. You cannot just merely mention an example; your example should begin to clarify your point so that your reader can understand the point you are trying to make about the idea you have set forth. I know this is repetition, but I will say it again here: Please use the elements (topic sentence, a critically engaging example, and an explanation that begins to push the reader to critically think beyond the example) that we have discussed in class. Your paragraphs should have levels of critical engagement/analysis/critical thinking to push the reader to think deeper about the subject for each major part. PLEASE UNDERSTAND YOU CANNOT WRITE ABOUT NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND. Scholarly and academic sources: You must have at three scholarly or academic sources from the Lincoln Land Community College Library. This does not mean that your essay should have three quotes; if your work only has three quotes, it will fail. In fact, you must strike a balance with the outside information and your voice. Your work should be thoroughly documented. You should be selective of the direct quotes you use. You may only use direct quotes if they advance your argument or your idea. If your work has only four quotes, it will fail. Please understand that each paragraph must have scholarly evidence in it. Your word alone does not mean anything; you are not the expert. You must use the article, not the abstract…You must use the article…. You must develop a works cited. The works cited is not included as part of the four complete-six pages written text for the work. But it is included in the overall essay’s grade; it will not be graded separately. You may want to consider how you can employ ethos, logos and pathos in your essay. You must develop an effective closing. Your work must have a title. Your essay must grammatically and mechanically correct. Choose one idea below to develop your essay. NOTE: DO NOT USE THE PROMPT STATEMENTS AS YOUR THESIS. FOR INSTANCE, DO NOT WRITE: Education is a divided system of marginalization. Each idea is broad; therefore, you should take time to develop your thesis and narrow your focus. If you do not write a controversial, debatable, or arguable thesis, your work will FAIL. It will receive a failing grade because you have not developed a clear, effective thesis. We have discussed that an essay revolves around the thesis statement. We have also discussed that Fs range from 59-0. Please do not allow your final grade to be greatly affected because you do not take time to plan and/or use the resources that are available.

A public policy is a plan of action with which the government attempts to solve an economic or social problem. 

A public policy is a plan of action with which the government attempts to solve an economic or social problem.  In this paper (worth 50 points) you will examine a specific public policy.  Possible topics include:



Affirmative action

3-strikes law /mandatory sentencing guidelines

The Affordable Care Act

Tax policy

Gun control

Reducing mass shootings

Racial profiling

Law enforcement reform

Welfare spending/reform

Environmental regulation

The endangered species act

Climate change policy

Military spending

Military intervention abroad

Immigration reform

The war on drugs

Congressional term limits

Campaign finance reform

Stem cell research

Mandatory helmet laws

Marriage equality

Accommodations for transgender people

Adoption by homosexual couples

Legalization of drugs

Media regulation

Farm subsidies

Hate crimes legislation

Financial aid for college students

Reducing the national debt

Balancing the budget

Domestic partner benefits


Choose one of these topics or another policy issue approved by your professor.


Your paper must address the following three points:


First discuss the details of the policy issue you are examining.  Give the basic facts such as what the problem is, how the policy attempts to solve the problem, who would be affected by changes in the policy, and whether the issue has been addressed by policy makers in the past.  Include any other pertinent details.  This section of the paper should be at least one and a half to two pages long but you can make it longer if you like.


Second discuss the opinions of those in favor of the particular public policy change and those against it.  For example if you are writing about the three-strikes law, tell why some oppose it and why some think it is a good idea.  This part of your paper should not reflect your opinion on the issue, rather it should be an unbiased look at both sides of the issue.  It will take about a page and a half to adequately cover each side of the argument so this section of the paper should be around three pages long.


Third identify your position on the topic and explain why you hold that opinion.  This section of the paper should be at least one half a page long but may be longer if you have a lot to say about the issue.


Papers must be 3-6 pages long (not including the bibliography), typed and double spaced.  If you use particularly large font, your paper must be correspondingly longer.  You must cite at least three sources which can include books, journal articles, newspaper articles and the internet.  You can use our textbook but it will not count as one of the outside sources.  You should have at least three source citations per page, more would be better.  You must include a bibliography in one of the major styles.  I recommend  APA, MLA, or Turabian since you will probably use one of them in other classes.


Papers will be evaluated based on the amount of relevant information they contain and how well they integrate and illustrate concepts learned in class.  The paper is not simply an opportunity for you to express your opinions on political issues (except for the third section of the paper). Your paper must provide a well researched, balanced examination of your topic to earn a satisfactory grade.


Please see the syllabus for the due date.  Remember that papers will lose 5 points for every day of the week they are late and will not be accepted after the last day to turn in research papers date listed in the course outline.

ssume you have been given the ability to travel back in time, and you are about to set off on a trip to the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The purpose of your trip is to visit artists in their studios and view firsthand the creation of some of their paintings and sculpture.


Time Travel

Assume you have been given the ability to travel back in time, and you are about to set off on a trip to the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The purpose of your trip is to visit artists in their studios and view firsthand the creation of some of their paintings and sculpture.

In your time travels, you will collect information on five different styles of nineteenth- and twentieth-century art, as represented by one artist from each style. Before you set out, decide which specific styles you would like to explore.

Select one style from each of the five categories listed below:

  • Late Nineteenth Century: Impressionism or Post Impressionism
  • Early Twentieth Century: Fauvism, Expressionism, or Futurism
  • Cubism: Analytic or Synthetic
  • Post-World War I Art: Dada or Surrealism
  • Post-World War II Art: Abstract Expressionism, Minimalism, or Pop Art

For each of your five selected styles, identify one artist who represents that style whose studio you will explore in your time travels. In your visits to each artist’s studio, plan to identify one work of art that best exemplifies the artist’s style.

When you return from your time travels, prepare a report that includes the following information for each of your five representative works of art:

  1. A photograph of the object
  2. Identifying information:
    1. Name of the artist
    2. Title of the work
    3. Date of the work
    4. Medium/materials used to create the work
  3. Identify the style of the work of art. Then, write a paragraph of 4-6 sentences that:
    1. Describes the visual characteristics that makes the object representative of its style
    2. Places the work within its social and historical context and explains why it is culturally significant

Finally, in a well-developed paragraph of 6-8 sentences, summarize what you have learned from your “time travels,” highlighting key similarities and distinctions between the artists you visited and their representative works of art.

Your report should conclude with an explanation about which style you find most interesting and why.

Offer a citation of your sources for each image and the information provided as appropriate