What roles do Gertrude and Ophelia play in Hamlet? Do these feminine characters merely fulfill the gender roles in the play, or do they also add to our understanding of Hamlet’s character? How do Hamlet’s attacks on these characters and on women in general affect your response to the play?

For this assignment, you are expected to do some limited research on your topic to see what other literary critics have to say about the issue.  You need to read and utilize two critical articles in the process of writing this paper. The articles need to be from legitimate sources, preferably from databases available at the library. The main ideas of the two articles should be summarized in a paragraph that follows the introduction. You should use these ideas to support your analysis throughout your essay. The purpose of the requirement is to develop your ability to utilize and integrate relevant ideas to further and support your own interpretation of a literary work.  The essay must express an independent opinion of your own; reference to secondary criticism should only be used to reinforce, not to pre-empt your voice. The format, citation, and documentation of the essay should follow the MLA style. For specific information on the guidelines, refer to any writer’s handbook or the MLA handbook.


  1. The final essay should be on Shakespeare’s Hamlet . The essay should pose a specific question or problem about the play. The consideration of such an issue is expressed in a thesis statement that shapes the form and development of the entire essay.
  2. The discussion of the issue should be well organized and hinged upon analysis of specific textual details. For each major point you make, you should support and illuminate it through short or long quotes from the text to give the reader an informed and critical context of discussion.
  3. At least two sources of secondary criticism should be referred to and integrated into your discussion of the issue to form a comparison or contrast with your own perspective or argument. The scholarship, or what other critics have said about the work, should be used selectively and critically to give the reader the context of understanding, and it should not become the dominant view that pre-empts your own voice.
  4. The essay should demonstrate the knowledge and appropriate use of basic literary terms we’ve discussed in class.
  5. The MLA style of in-text citation and documentation should be followed in writing this essay.


Guidelines for drafting the essay:


Title (center spaced with proper capitalization)

  1. Introduction


  1. Opening statement: You should start your essay with an interesting statement that is attention grabbing and relevant to the story you are about to analyze. For example, you could start your essay on “A&P,” and “Where…Where.” by stating, “Young people are always fascinated and lured by the mysterious and the unknown force lurking near what’s close to home…”
  2. Follow the opening statement with your thesis that clearly introduces the                           author, title of the work, the claim you make about the story, and the key                    literary elements to be analyzed.


II-IV.   Body Paragraphs


There should be a separate paragraph that includes a summary of the two articles you researched on.  The summary should be brief (including no more than three main ideas from each source) and there should be a transition phrase or sentence in between the summary of the articles.


Each of the three body paragraphs that develop your own analysis should start with a topic sentence that states the claim that you want to prove and the literary element you analyze. For example, your topic sentence can be, “The dark forest, the setting of the story where the main action, the murder of the entire family, takes place, provides the gothic backdrop for O’Connor’s deeply unsettling story.”




Each of the body paragraphs should follow the following steps:


  1. Topic sentence that states your claim on a key literary element is used to advance your main argument
  2. Introduction of text detail
  3. Analysis of text detail (with your comments and primary source quotations)
  4. Introduction of a quotation or paraphrase from a secondary course
  5. Explanation of the meaning of the quotation and how it backs up your claim
  6. Concluding sentence that reinforces your claim


Each body paragraph should include at least two ONE detail from the primary source and ONE quotation from the secondary source.   All quotations must be introduced and cited according to the MLA format.


You should use formal, analytical language and literary terms in your discussion of the stories. Make sure you use appropriate literary terms when necessary.  Key literary terms we’ve learned include: point of view, plot, characters, theme, setting, symbolism, irony, protagonist, antagonist, round character, flat character, first person narrator, limited omniscient point of view, epiphany, and allusion.


  1. Conclusion


Recap, not repeat the purpose of your comparison.  Choose slightly different expressions to sum up why the attention to the points of comparison supports your understanding of the stories.


  1. Works Cited


Prepare a list of works cited at the end of your essay according to the MLA format.



Suggested Topics:


  1. What roles do Gertrude and Ophelia play in Hamlet? Do these feminine characters merely fulfill the gender roles in the play, or do they also add to our understanding of Hamlet’s character? How do Hamlet’s attacks on these characters and on women in general affect your response to the play?
  2. A formalist reading of Hamlet requires close attention to the use of formal devices, such as irony, paradox, metaphors, symbols, characterization, and soliloquy, to understand the meaning of the play.  Study closely some of the key soliloquies by Hamlet and Claudius to see how they reveal their character and inner conflicts.
  3. The plot in Hamlet, like that in any play or novel, is fraught with numerous conflicts? Write an essay in which you analyze three major conflicts that help advance the plot, such as the one between Claudius and Hamlet, Denmark and Norway, Hamlet and Laertes?  Explain in detail the cause, progression, and resolution of these conflicts.
  4. Reader-response criticism places much emphasis on the literary experience of individual readers not only as interpreters of texts but as producers of meanings. Each individual’s encounter with a play such as Hamlet is different. Choose some issues, scenes, and characters in the play that challenge, baffle, or even threaten your own understanding and beliefs, and in return, how your own experience affects your reading of the play?
  5. In a tragedy, all main characters have their own weaknesses, known as hamartia. Write an essay in which you examine the fatal flaws in Hamlet, Claudius, and Gertrude.
  6. In usurping the throne and marrying Gertrude, Claudius assumes onto himself new roles and identities that go on to affect his relationship with other characters. Write an essay in which you examine three main characters whose identities and relationships are seriously altered because of what Claudius has done in the play.
  7. Although Hamlet is a very complicated play, it is essentially a story of revenge. A king who is murdered by his own brother is eventually to be avenged by his son.  The play is not simply about revenge, but also about dealing with the internal conflict Hamlet feels about his obligation as a son and his own aspiration as an individual.  Focus on three key moments or scenes where such tension is most palpable.
  8. As a protagonist, Hamlet combines in himself many complicated and even contradictory attributes. He may appear emotional and cynical, or methodical and determined.  Write an essay in which you draw a profile of Hamlet focusing on three of his notable traits.
  9. Hamlet decides to use the players to reenact the murder scene in front of Claudius to observe his reaction. This reenactment is known as the “play within a play.”  Write an essay in which you analyze the design, the performance, and the effect of the play inside a play.
  10. Is Hamlet really insane or does he merely pretend to be so? Write an essay in which you argue for either belief.  What are the three causes of his presumed insanity? Or, what are the three advantages for Hamlet to act insane?


You will create a curriculum plan as a document using Microsoft Word and a media version. The media version can be a website (e.g., using Weebly.com (Links to an external site.)

The focus of the final project is to develop a one-week unit plan. You will create a curriculum plan as a document using Microsoft Word and a media version. The media version can be a website (e.g., using Weebly.com (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., GoogleSites.com (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., NewHive.com (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., Wix.com (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. or LucidPress.com (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.) or an alternative format (e.g., PowerPoint), which must be approved in advance by the instructor The curriculum plan demonstrates your mastery of the four course learning outcomes and the media version demonstrates your ability to use technology to communicate your mastery to a wider audience. The curriculum plan you create will span one week of instruction and include several components, which are described in the instructions below. Additionally, review the Instructor Guidance for Week Five for additional assistance beyond the instructions provided here with the assignment. Be sure also to review the Grading Rubric associated with this final project to understand how you will be evaluated. It is recommended you use headings throughout your writing to organize sections. Sections are indicated below in italics and bold font and are followed by the instructions for that section. Instructions Professional Curriculum Plan • Developmental Age (1 point): In one to two paragraphs, describe the developmental age/level of the children for whom the unit plan is designed. • Classroom Management (1 point): In two to three paragraphs, explain your philosophy of classroom management using examples from Jaruszewicz (2013) for support. • Theoretical Alignment (1 point): In two to three paragraphs, describe the theoretical alignment of your unit using specific examples (e.g., Does it align to Piaget, Vygotsky, or another theorist?). • Curriculum Approach (1 point): In two to three paragraphs, describe which approach to curriculum you most closely adhere to using specific examples (e.g., Do you adhere to a Montessori, Creative Curriculum, or other model?). • Developmentally Appropriate Practices (DAPs) (1 point): In two to three paragraphs, explain how your classroom setting will foster developmentally appropriate practices using specific examples. Connection to Family Plan • Parent Letter (3 points): In one page, write a letter to parents that includes the following components: ◦An overview of the unit. ◦The purpose of the unit. ◦The objectives of the unit. ◦The recommendations for home support. ◦An overview of the assessments. Content and Developmental Domain Plans and Assessments • Content Lesson Plan and Assessment (4 points): Develop one lesson plan with an assessment that addresses one content area (i.e., language arts, math, science, social studies, or diversity and character). It is required that you use the Lesson Plan TemplatePreview the document to complete this portion of your assignment. It is suggested that you utilize the Early Childhood and Child Development: Lesson Plan HandbookPreview the document as a guide for how to more effectively plan this lesson. • Developmental Domain Lesson Plan and Assessment (4 points): Develop one lesson plan with an assessment that addresses one or more of the developmental domains (i.e., cognitive, affective, and/or psychomotor). It is required that you use the Lesson Plan TemplatePreview the document to complete this portion of your assignment . It is suggested that you utilize the Early Childhood and Child Development: Lesson Plan HandbookPreview the document as a guide for how to more effectively plan this lesson. Free Play/Center Plan • Center Overview (1 point): In two paragraphs, write an overview for the center plan that describes the importance of play. • Centers Plan (2 points): Include a completed version of the Centers Plan TemplatePreview the document. • Center Layout (2 points): Using the software of your choice, create a classroom layout of the center(s). Other Instructions • Introduction (.25 points): Write a succinct introduction to the unit plan that describes the contents of the plan and the organization of the contents of the plan. • Conclusion (0.25 points): Write a succinct conclusion to the unit plan that describes the contents of the plan and major points from the contents of the plan. • Media Version (1.5 points): Include a link to your media version in the document you submit that contains the components described above. The media version can be a website (e.g., using Weebly.com, Google Sites.com, NewHive.com, Wix.com or LucidPress.com) or an alternative format (e.g., PowerPoint), which must be approved in advance by the instructor. • APA Formatting (0.25 points): Use APA formatting, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center, consistently throughout the assignment, which includes the title page, references list, and all content in the document and media version. • Syntax and Mechanics (0.25 points): Display meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. • Source Requirement (0.5 points): Reference three scholarly sources in addition to Jaruszewicz (2013) to provide compelling evidence to support ideas, examples, and so forth. At least two of the sources must come from the Ashford University Library. All sources on the references slide need to be formatted and cited correctly within the body of the presentation, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

The late nineteenth century is often cited as a critical point in the development of a “modern” art. Impressionists and Post-Impressionists turned to the contemporary world as primary subject matter,and depicted elements of that world using an innovative style.

Question 1: The Painting of Modern Life

The late nineteenth century is often cited as a critical point in the development of a “modern” art. Impressionists and Post-Impressionists turned to the contemporary world as primary subject matter,and depicted elements of that world using an innovative style.

Carefully examine the following paintings:

  • Monet, Rouen Cathedral: The Portal (In Sun), 1894
  • Manet, Bar at the Folies-Bergère, 1881-82
  • Seurat, A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte, c. 1884-86

In 3 well-developed paragraphs, address the following questions:

  1. How is the subject of each painting representative of Impressionism or Post-Impressionism?
  2. How are the style and visual characteristics of each painting representative of Impressionism or Post-Impressionism? Be sure to discuss specific elements such as brushwork/application of paint, use of color and light, and composition, in your response.
  3. Describe the specific ways that each painting shows tension between its inherent two-dimensionality and any illusion of three-dimensionality created by the artist.

Question 2:

Modern and Contemporary Art may seem alien to many people— seemingly without content, message, or purpose. But it can be argued that Modern and Contemporary Art visually reflect the complex and abstract ideas that we experience every day. Although not for everyone, art of the 20th and 21st centuries is often a key part of the collection in many art museums. As you consider the wide range of modern and contemporary art types that we studied this week, think of yourself actually visiting a modern art museum. In 2 well-developed paragraphs discuss:

  1. While you are visiting, what type of Modern or Contemporary art will you most want to see and why? Be sure to name the specific style (e.g., Analytic Cubism, Pop Art, Abstract Expressionism)
  2. What type will you put last on your list of “things to look for?”
  3. Why do you feel that way?

Be sure to explain your ideas clearly and support them by discussing specific works of art that you have read about this week, talking about how they illustrate and support your ideas. Include the images of these specific works of art in your response.

Respond to both questions as thoroughly as possible, making sure to use information from the readings and the lectures. All responses should be in complete sentence form, using proper spelling and grammar.

Hawkeye Pierce and BJ Hunnicutt built years of unethical situations on the popular show MASH.


Please choose a writer that has a good command of the English language when writing as it takes to long to rewrite the paper. This is an on going problem. Please follow the instructions completely.
Write one full page in reference to the following:
Hawkeye Pierce and BJ Hunnicutt built years of unethical situations on the popular show MASH. Through their comical depiction of these situations, the viewer might have been left with the impression that the unethical behaviour was actually appropriate. SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS ABOUT WHAT CAN HAPPEN TO A BUSINESS IF ETHICAL STANDARDS ARE NOT TAKEN SERIOUSLY. ONLY USE SOURCES PROVIDED.

Is Reverse racism real? my stance is NO because it implies one specific race started racism

Planning a Speech

The questions below will help you plan your speech. You may have already answered some of them in your Student Guide, so refer to it if you wish.

Total score: ____ of 50 points

(Score for Question 1: ___ of 10 points)

  1. What is the general topic of your speech? How will you focus this topic?


The general topic of my speech will be racism. I will focus on the idea of “reverse racism”.

(Score for Question 2: ___ of 10 points)

  1. What thesis do you intend to develop in your speech? Remember that a thesis should be written in a complete sentence.


My intended thesis is the fact that reverse racism implies that one particular race started the conflict of racism as a whole; which, in history, is simply untrue.

(Score for Question 3: ___ of 30 points)

  1. Write an outline for your speech in the space below. You may use a formal outline or an informal outline. Remember that regardless of the form you use, your outline should be an accurate representation of what you intend to include in your speech. That means you need to include information for the introduction, the points you will cover in the body, and the way you intend to wrap up your speech in the conclusion.



Topic: Reverse Racism

Thesis: Reverse Racism implies that one race started the conflict of racism as a whole: which, in history is simply untrue.

Personal Stand Point: As someone of mixed race, Africa-American and White, I have a unique view on racism and the concept of it being “reversed. I have seen both of my parent’s experience racism of all kinds from people of various ethnic backgrounds. Weather the racism be common stereotyping or blatant disrespect.

Common Stand Points Today: White Vs. People of “Colour”

  • White- Commonly the white community argues that they experience the same racism that people of various ethic backgrounds do. They consider common stereotypes and backlash from coloured communities from actions made by people of the “white” race to be hurtful and racist.
  • Coloured- Many colored communities argue that there is NOT racism towards the white race. They simply believe they have brought hate upon themselves with harmful actions towards coloured communities.
  • I plan to find 2-3 credible sources to reference in my speech to represent each racial group on my topic.

Personal analysis: restate my thesis (racism did not stem from one racial group) advocate for both sides and highlight the need to abolish hypocrisy on the topic of racism from both sides.

Conclusion: To abolish racism both sides need to have a self-aware stand point on their ideas of said “racism”. In order to understand that the idea of reverse racism is racist in itself needs to been seen through mutual understanding of the affect that stereotypes and general assumptions are harmful to the unity of two or more cultures.

You will undertake the Ethics-LX Human Resource Simulation. You will be provided with payment codes in order to complete the registration process. You need to work through the simulation, Cloud Development.

You will undertake the Ethics-LX Human Resource Simulation. You will be provided with payment codes in order to complete the registration process. You need to work through the simulation, Cloud Development. This covers aspects of human resources professional practice such as recruiting, promotion, compensation, and diversity initiatives. You will analyse the current work environment and experience real-life human resource situations faced today, such as the impact of social media and affinity groups in the workplace. You have to complete the simulation, working through the issues, making decisions, and addressing the questions that arise. Note: Upon completing the simulation, then complete a report, which consists of the assessment of your answers to two out of the eight questions in the simulation debrief, and one short essay question of about 600 words.

Redevelopment Of Nicollet Mall

-A brief introduction of Nicollet Mall in minneapolis

Current problem


-Expression of current problem on the Nicollet Mall in Minneapolis.

Main Character

Visitors(tourist): Lack of special places for the tourists or visitors, lack of spectacle things in the street, refresh, lack of shopping spaces (places), lack of public restrooms, not enough space for people resting on the street.

Purpose of project

– economy boost in Minneapolis from redevelopment (reconstruction) of Nicollet Mall and create a better cultural street(spaces) where people can enjoy the entire Nicollet Mall area.


Solution plan

-Create new trails for bikes and pedestrians at the ends of north and south zone of the nicollet mall, so that people could access Nicollet Mall more easily.


North Zone – (community center – New constructed building for visitors from Mississippi river and any where, sculpture park)


Central Zone – (artificial stream)


South Zone – (small performing park – any people possible to performing their talent, maze park – small activity attraction for visitors.)


Create shopping streets with various fashion brands so that tourists could shop more.


Create natural relaxation space using artificial river in the middle of Nicollet Mall.


Create a relax station in old macy’s building (spa, sauna, and massage area.) for visitors and employees in downtown area.


Move the current motorway to the different directions for car free access on the entire mall.


Install public restroom everywhere for visitors.


Design Strategy

The Flow of Water.


-Water is perhaps one of the friendliest element of nature, as well as being a symbolic feature of Minnesota found in the form of a lake or a river all around us. In this new design of the Nicollet Mall, its spatial features and overall composition materialize in an S-curve, resembling the natural flow of water. Using this “S-curve design”, I tried to induce the innate tendency in people to flow into the mall just the way river water flow into the oceans.


How does the poet’s stylistic choices (rhyme scheme, figurative language, literary devices) contribute to the overall structure, meaning, and impact of the poem?

Introduce Analytical Summary Research Assignment: Research papers Employing the MLA format, write a 2-3 page essay addressing the question: How does the poet’s stylistic choices (rhyme scheme, figurative language, literary devices) contribute to the overall structure, meaning, and impact of the poem? In your essay: describe how the author’s style and use of literary devices effect the presentation and meaning of the poem and addresses the question. Support your discussion with evidence from the text and research. Objective: 1. Annotate the Poem 2. Once the annotations are complete, it′s time to write an analysis. *Remember: an analysis consists of facts and commentaries. It is not a summary, a listing of facts, or random, unsubstantiated conjecture. Use the following outline: Review Instructions and Homework Expectations Provide at least two sources in support of your Analytical Summary: 1. Reference 2. Periodicals (Articles) – Brainstorm Ideas – Develop a working Thesis Statement – Bring to class for approval *Review poem, sources, (reference and magazine), and thesis statement for Approval of Analytical Summary Research *Examine Format Outline *Paragraph 1 Introduction – Stating the title of the poem, the author, the poem′s theme, and historical background. – Attention Getter (question, quote, fact) – Strong and Clear Thesis that names the key elements to be analyzed *Paragraph 2 – Statement #1: Topic sentence to begin your paragraph. Surface meaning (what is happening in the poem?) Identify ONE poetic device and discuss THREE examples from the poem. – Evidence #1: Explain how the evidence supports the designated idea. Deeper Meaning (what is the poem actually about?) – Analysis/Interpretation #1: Explain relative significance, expressive ideologies, thematic implications and applications *Paragraph 3 – Statement #2: Repeat – Evidence #2: Repeat – Analysis/Interpretation #2: Repeat *Paragraph 4 – Statement #3: – Evidence #3: Repeat – Analysis/Interpretation #3: Repeat * Paragraph 5 Conclusion – Repeat thesis in different words – Summarize main points – Relate the poem to broader themes in life. What can we learn from it? Work on poetry annotation: Steps to Annotate a Poem 1. Initial reading of the poem. Write any questions that pop into your head while doing the initial reading. 2. Identify any words that you do not understand and look them up. Write the definitions on the poem. 3. Discover and mark rhyme scheme. 4. Count the amount of syllables in each line and mark the number at the end of the line. 5. Identify figurative language used within the poem. Think about the literal meaning of each figurative device. 6. Identify sound devices such as alliteration, assonance, and consonance. How does it impact the text? 7. Identify text that is repeated. Why? 8. Look closely at punctuation. Does it reveal anything about the speaker of the poem? (Example: Does it make them seem rambling, confident, nervous?) 9. Circle any words that are impactful or interesting. Determine connotative meaning. Are their any patterns? What does it reveal about the speaker’s attitude towards the topic? 10. Reread the poem and review the annotation process! Questions you should be able to answer after annotating a poem: 1. What is the theme of the poem? 2. What kind of strategies does the author use to point out the theme? 3. What is the mood of the poem? 4. What kind of strategies does the author use to make the mood clear? 5. How does the figurative language impact the poem as a whole? 6. How does the punctuation/number of syllables/ rhyme scheme impact the poem as a whole?

How did each painting reflect or inspire social change or revolution? What was the social or revolutionary context of the painting?


Art as Revolution

This week, we have studied works of art produced in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries that reflected, or in some cases, incited, social change or even revolution.

Carefully examine the following works, and read about each one in your textbook, course and video lectures, and through reliable internet resources:

  • Hogarth, The Marriage Contract, from Marriage à la Mode, 1743-45
  • David, Death of Marat, 1793
  • Delacroix ,Liberty Leading the People, 1830
  • Goya, Third of May, 1808, 1814-15
  • Courbet, The Stone Breakers, 1849

In an essay of 5-7 well-developed paragraphs, address the following questions, making specific references to the five paintings listed above:

  1. How did each painting reflect or inspire social change or revolution? What was the social or revolutionary context of the painting?
  2. What additional historical events or social factors may have influenced the creation or interpretation of each painting?
  3. Explain how the style and specific visual characteristics of each painting contributed to or reflected its overall content or meaning.
  4. Do these paintings have the same impact or meaning to audiences today? Why or why not?

Include details about the visual characteristics and content of each painting in your response. Provide proper citations for any information from outside sources included in your essay.

Please give a definition for 2 of these and use the following terms/phrases throughout your responses to each question.

  • (Mandatory): Please give a definition for 2 of these and use the following terms/phrases throughout your responses to each question.
    • Ideology
    • “In terms of”
    • Fundamental
    • Infer or “ one could make inferences
    • Lack or lacking
    • “Lends itself well”
    • Relevant or irrelevant
    • Contrary
    • Context
    • Pragmatism or “being pragmatic” or “to be pragmatic”









I would like you to answer 2 of the following questions using this kind of response. Explaining not only what happened, but also:

  • Why,
  • Explaining the context that may have assisted or hindered progress/events from happening,
  • Defining the long term effects, the relevance to today (for example; the14th amendment’s use in Supreme Court Ruling on Same Sex Marriage or how Social Security continues to affect the lives of individuals today).


*Note: Please remember this is not a reflection, but a critical analysis of the historical content*






  1. Precedents in any context, government, private/public organizations, and in even in social interaction are important to note. They are the first step in a new or different direction. Many times they influence others to follow suite, ultimately setting a trend. If we are speaking of a new type of fashion design, they are perhaps not necessarily noteworthy. Yet, if they referring to Obergefell v. Hodges (the Supreme Court Case ruling on same sex marriage), they affect society overall. Precedents such as this case set a liberal trend, which opens the door for other progressive liberal rulings to be arrived at more easily. Please describe how Reconstruction policies altered the prior concept of “Federalism” (the federal government/state relationship) and specific achievements of Reconstruction that set a precedent for the new progressive understanding of that ever evolving relationship between the Federal Government, the States, and the individual. Please be specific and give examples.


  1. NONE


  1. NONE


  1. The Populist movement is an excellent example of how mass movements can arise to be the voice of the people, “the People’s Party”. Please explain their cause, their platform (what they hope to accomplish….some that do come to fruition by the way), and finally why the Democratic nominee William Jennings Bryan (supported by Populists) advocated freely coining silver to accompany the gold standard (bimetallism). Why is there a resistance to this proposal? Finally, with the Republican candidate McKinley’s presidential win, what two policies were implemented that were favorable to wealthy businessmen?


  1. Nativism is a word that is relevant in today’s society and there is no doubt that race is still an issue in America. With terrorism being a consistent topic in the news today, the question of who how to control our borders without discrimination is a difficult task. This leads many to adopt an anti-immigrant stance for various reasons (ex: the Syrian Refugees Crisis of 2015). Please explain what Nativism is, to whom it was applied in the late 19th/early 20th century, and briefly compare this issue to a topic of today. Secondly, race is an inescapable topic in American due to both our history and the multicultural society we live in today. If you would, please explain the impact of Plessy vs. Ferguson, including the precedent it sets for the first half of the 20th


  1. The Progressive Era points to the fact that, at times, it takes unfortunate events/circumstances (ex: Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire) in order for change to occur. Perhaps more importantly, for those issues to come to light there is a need to stir the public’s emotions and ultimately the policy maker’s as well. Let us remember the role emotions have on human behavior. Individuals have incredible influence on the world in which they live, in other words you have the ability to have an impact. This being something I hope you do take away from this class, as seen through so many activists throughout history. These include women’s rights advocates, “Muckrakers” such as Lewis Hine’s work for example, and many others. A lack of success or only partial success in one’s movement does not always equal failure, many times the message sent is enough to be a catalyst for future change. For instance, the Black Lives Matter movement of today (which has taken an inexcusable turn towards violence, which should be abandoned at all costs and regardless of any need for change) begins a dialogue that perhaps at the very least creates awareness. Regardless of where your political affiliations lie, the point is to see the power of being an active advocate in a cause for which one believes. Please describe how events as well as individuals exerted influence during the Progressive Era, using multiple examples of the success and failure in regards to their work.


  1. Several aspects arise during the early 20th century that will have long terms effects on society overall. These include laws, but perhaps even more significant is the fundamental change in societal norms. Please explain the rise of consumerism, as one could argue that both then and now freedom is equated not with political activism as in the previous centuries, but the ability to buy! In addition, it is well known that Henry Ford implemented the assembly line, however in terms of a consumer society, please describe another concept implemented and named after Ford that has had more overarching results. Next, please explain the use of the Anti-trust Laws during the Roosevelt and Taft Administrations that illustrated a short-term shift in government and big business relations. Finally, although an overly simple question, yet having a substantial bearing on your life today as every contemporary president candidate addresses it, explain what amendment is ratified in 1913. Potentially more important, why there was support for it? Hint: (Prior to this, with the exception of the Civil War, most of the Federal Government’s revenue comes from tariffs on alcohol, tobacco, etc.)…….. “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.”- Benjamin Franklin


  1. The United States is country that embodies the ideals that so many have looked to for guidance in creating their own republics and constitutions. It is a country that without a doubt offers incredible opportunity throughout its history. Despite these assertions, it is not without flaws. Ethnocentrism is a pitfall to which no American should succumb. An inability “to look in the mirror”, if you will, taking note of our shortcomings when they are occurring, rather than studying them in a textbook leaves us at a disadvantage as a country. Please explain how U.S. intervention was justified in Latin America to gain access to build the Panama Canal. Secondly, during World War I, America effectively uses propaganda (Committee on Public Information CPI) in explaining the need for our participation in the war, despite the irony in this as freedoms regressed at home. While some freedoms will soon be gained, (1920, the 19th amendment grants women the right to vote) please explain the oppression happening on the Homefront during the Great War. (Edward Snowden is the perfect modern day comparison). Your focus should be specifically on government policies making those anti-war protestors and movements a crime and also include the anti-immigrant ideology that promoted the Americanization of multiple ethnic groups.


  1. The 20’s are a decade of prosperity that in the mid to latter half, truly masked or covered up the numerous telltale signs (watching for the increase in decrease in demand for freight trains for example in today’s world) of the coming depression. They are nevertheless present, as we see that once WWI comes to a close and European countries begin to rebuild their economies, demand for American production decreases. (Specifically in farm crops as well as others). We also see those working in urban industrialized jobs such as manufacturing decrease by 5 percent in this decade. I would like you to tell me at least three specific examples that are catalysts for the Great Depression. Please remember, we mark the start of the Depression in 1929, however in its essence the depression begins much earlier. The analogy I would give is a cavity. A throbbing tooth did not become a cavity the day it begins to ache. It happens months or years before, that day is just the day you happened to begin feeling it and taking notice. Of course, we cannot discount the effects of the stock market crash and the run on the banks had in worsening and prolonging the economic downturn. However, I would like you to tell me what leads to 1929, throughout the early, mid, and latter 20’s? Feel free to cite anything prior to the 20’s, if you find such.


  1. Liberals and Conservatives are used interchangeably to describe Democrats and Republicans, respectively. If I am a Democrat I am also a liberal, if I am a Republican I am also a conservative. The modern definition of a liberal (or liberalism) is founded during FDR’s presidency with the implementation of the New Deals. This a radical departure from the status quo of what liberalism meant and government’s relationship in the individual’s everyday life. The lasting effects are in a word, dramatic. For this question, I’d like you to describe this change, explaining how FDR’s programs would be considered a redefinition of government’s role in our daily life. As well as how this was in complete opposition to the philosophy of Hoover and comparable others of the same mind set. Please also describe what I mean by the founding of modern liberalism. *We talked quite a bit about this in class*  Lastly, while discussing the Great Depression in class, I gave you a timeline of the three different stages of economic intervention and what the focus was in each stage of Roosevelt’s plans throughout the 1930’s. Please describe this.


  1. Supreme Court Judges serve a unique purpose, the Framers of the Constitution had the foresight to know the impact politics has on decision makers and flaws that are innate to all humans. Therefore, they installed a court that would have Justices serve life sentences, as not to be influenced or biased by popular opinion, nor by elections. Now, of course, the court evolves with the times, (good or bad), you see this happen both during the 1930s, as well as today. FDR was a pragmatist, this point can be conveyed through examining his advisor’s as well as his own plans for economic recovery and security. Inevitably, change always comes with those who challenge it, in hopes of continuing the status quo. Please list a few of FDR’s very programs that are struck down and a few that are upheld by the Supreme Court. More importantly what is the long term result of this change in opinion within the Supreme Court during the Second New Deal?



  1. I still remember watching the planes crash into the Twin Towers on live T.V. I have no doubt my feelings were much in line with many other Americans at the time. Support for military action was high and with good reason. However, a decade later we are questioning if how we approached the Middle East was necessary to the extent that we did, practical, or well planned. The role emotion plays in generating support for war is undeniable. Seen in virtually every war, at times with positive outcomes and other times with devastating results. Please describe American sentiment for war prior to Pearl Harbor (isolationism), how the attack on the naval base as well as propaganda (Four Freedoms, etc.) plays a role in drastically creating a change in American’s perception on war. Please use all of the aforementioned in a connection to human emotion. Feel free to cite other wars where comparable effects of emotion were seen and even utilized for the purpose of creating support for the war effort. (For example, Paul Revere’s Boston Massacre Portrait of the American Revolution)


  1. The Cold War illustrates how relatively quick new political changes can occur and the prolonged time it can take for them to disappear, if ever. For instance, despite Communism being proven ineffective for creating a good viable economy, it has disappeared in some countries, while at least elements still being retained in others. Communist China (Look up Ai WeiWei on YouTube) drives that point home. That being said, the Cold War was an ideological war, one largely based on exchanging ideas with the hope of proving to other societies that your political structure is superior. (The Kitchen Debates, etc.) Please explain what I mean by an ideological war and how the concept of containment was used in this regard. If you can find a connection to the use of ideology in our 21st century conflict in the Middle East in terms of the fight against terrorism, please feel free to cite it. Next, so many individuals response when asked about Communism is, “that it is bad”. “Communism bad…….Capitalism/Democracy good.” Yet, many have no true understanding what the fundamental concept is and structure of that political system. Please explain the theory/philosophy of both Communism and Socialism, the differences, and explain how both have been implemented in the real world (look up the Hukou System in China), ending with the outcome or effectiveness (or lack of) in those specific societies.