Discuss how the images of [ light and darkness,] <—( this is my part ) [sickness and sleeplessness, and order and disorder ] <—( don’t do these, other group members are responsible for these ) reveal the theme of appearances not matching reality.

Macbeth Oral Essay Topics




Discuss how the images of [ light and darkness,] <—( this is my part ) [sickness and sleeplessness, and order and disorder ] <—( don’t do these, other group members are responsible for these ) reveal the theme of appearances not matching reality.







  1. You and your partner will select an essay prompt and together you will develop a detailed essay outline.


  1. The introduction and conclusion should be written out in complete sentences and paragraph form.


  1. Each body paragraph will need a topic sentence that links to the thesis statement and mentions an idea from the directional statement.  The evidence will be developed in point form.  A transitional statement must also be written our between body paragraphs 1 and 2, and body paragraphs 2 and 3.


  1. Specific references to the play, in the form of quotations, are necessary with Act, Scene, and line documentation that uses MLA citations.  A minimum of two separate quotations are required in each body paragraph.


  1. You and your partner will present your topic/outline to the class.


  1. Your presentation must be typed and on a power point the day you are to present.  Students are responsible for making sure their technology is compatible with that of the school.


  1. On the day that you present you must also submit a typed copy of your detailed essay outline to me along with a document containing a peer evaluation for each group.

My internship will be for Washington County, Tennessee School system. I’m interning under a guidance counselor (BSW) for the school system.

APA format

My internship will be for Washington County, Tennessee School system. I’m interning under a guidance counselor (BSW) for the school system.


What orientation will be required before I am assigned clients and tasks?

Who will assign tasks to me?

Is it possible to work with other staff members besides my supervisor?

What are the required and preferred methods of communication within the agency?

What do I need to know about agency structure, function, and chain of command?

Educational Supervision

What training opportunities are available to me?

Is it possible for me to attend in-service training?

Are there any webinars, videos, or other training I can use on my own?

How can I learn to perform the tasks required of me?

What practice models are used primarily in the agency?

How will you coordinate with my faculty supervisor about my practicum?

How can I get feedback on my writing and documentation?

Supportive Supervision

How important is self-care in this agency?

What is the best way to deal with my anxiety about my work?

Who should I talk to when I am struggling or unsure about what to do?

How can I identify my professional strengths and build on them?

How can I prevent burnout, compassion fatigue, and secondary traumatic stress?


Garthwait, Cynthia. The Social Work Practicum: A Guide and Workbook for Students (Connecting Core Competencies) (Page 39). Pearson Education. Kindle Edition.

Choose one of two case studies to analyse and critically reflect upon.


Please get references from this book Crone, Eveline A. (2017). The Adolescent Brain. Psychology Press: Routledge

Also please get references from Australian Sources and that they are recent as in the last 5 years

back to top

Choose one of two case studies to analyse and critically reflect upon.

Each case study will comprise of a description of a student’s learning and bio-psycho-social characteristics. There will be some details regarding their family background, such as would be readily available to you as a classroom teacher.

You are to analyse the case study, looking for elements that might impact upon the student’s learning and bio-psycho-social development.

You will use theories of development and learning to justify your analysis, with reference to appropriate texts.

You are then to identify three (3) appropriate teaching strategies to support the student’s learning and development, based on your analysis. These teaching strategies will directly address the student’s needs as identified by you. They will be designed to engage the student in successful learning.
To do well in this task

To do well in this task, you need to think carefully about what the student is showing you and what conclusions you might reasonably draw from your observations. For example, if a student loses their temper one day and lashes out against another student in your class, would you consider that this is within the range of expected behaviour from a fifteen year old girl? If you do, you need to explain what you know of the emotional and physical development range of fifteen year old girls, with references to support your comments.

Would you think she might require instruction in emotional intelligence? If so, you need to provide the information already mentioned and then explain how emotional intelligence education might help this particular girl, (with references to support your conclusions).

Would you think she has a disorder and should be examined by a professional? In this case, you need to highlight what it is that makes you think this, what disorder you are referring to (with references), how you would work with this student to support her, and so on. Any underlying condiiton would be one of those covered in class to date.

Do you believe there are pressures from peers and/or family that might play a part in this analysis? If so, you need to identify the evidence in the case study and discuss the developmental impact of such pressures (with references). How will you plan for and support this student in the future?

However you analyse the case study, you must provide the evidence from the observations in the study (explain why you think this), provide academic theory with references to support your conclusions (explain what experts have to say about it), and then provide strategies for supporting the student in the future (describe how you as a teacher will respond).

Base on traditional asset pricing models,incorporate behavioral-based interpretation,qualify and quantify behavioral factors, incorporating AI computer Learning algorithms, develop statistical methods in estimating impacts of above-mentioned factors on equity returns and seek for new efficient expected return proxies, develop investment strategy.

Related Background

  1. Emerging markets

1>Higher profitability and volatility, higher downside risk, higher dispersion of returns among stocks than developed markets. The characteristic speculative nature of the stock markets in emerging markets, high presence of noise traders, prevailing speculations. 2> Abundant evidences of market segmentation in emerging markets, suggesting emerging markets are still less integrated with global equity markets than other developed markets. 3> As I investigated in my master thesis, I take mainland China’s stock market as an example of emerging market. The relationship between existing risk factors and returns appears to be weak. It has been established that the standard asset pricing models that have been widely applied to developed markets perform poorly when attempting to explain the abnormal returns observed in emerging markets (see Fama and French, 1998; Rouwenhorst, 1999).

  1. Risk-based factors in explaining asset pricing anomalies
  2. Behavioral finance in asset pricing and investment decision-making

Behavioral models can make interesting predictions about stock returns and explain some puzzles which cannot be explained by risk-based factors.

A variety of studies assert behavioral-based interpretations play a vital role in explaining the difficulties faced by the traditional risk-based paradigm, including limits to arbitrage, psychological biases (investor’s beliefs, preferences)

In some behavioral finance models, agents fail to update their beliefs correctly. In

other models, agents apply Bayes’ law properly but make choices that are normatively questionable, in that they are incompatible with SEU.

  1. Behavioral cooperate finance

Irrational investors and managers could affect the financing and investment decisions of listed firms in several significant ways:

1>, capital structure

2>, dividends

3>, managerial irrationality

Investment policy:

1>, real investment

2>, M&A

Financing policy:

1>, Equity issuances (IPOs, SEOs)

2>, Share repurchases

3>, Debt issuances

Firm managers: Hedge funds are not the only market participants trying to take advantage of noise traders: firm managers also play this game. If a manager believes that investors are overvaluing his firm’s shares, he can benefit the firm’s existing shareholders by issuing extra shares at attractive prices. The extra supply this generates could potentially push prices back to fundamental value.

Therefore, it would be meaningful to investigate the beliefs and preferences of shareholders and managers.


Research Questions

Base on traditional asset pricing models,incorporate behavioral-based interpretation,qualify and quantify behavioral factors, incorporating AI computer Learning algorithms, develop statistical methods in estimating impacts of above-mentioned factors on equity returns and seek for new efficient expected return proxies, develop investment strategy.

  1. Empirical asset pricing of financial assets (mainly in emerging markets): investigation of potential asset pricing anomalies and other expected return proxies, investment strategy development.
  2. Investigate asset pricing anomalies with behavioral-based model using less than fully rational agents. (Effects of investor behavior on stock returns)
  3. Investor irrationality
  4. Applying behavioral cooperate finance in asset pricing (managerial decision considering investor irrationality and managerial irrationality): Relation between firm’s capital structure, financing (equity/ debt issuance) and investment decisions with stock prices, investigate stocks’ misvaluation and investment opportunity.
  5. Institutional frictions (In current literatures, most behavioral-based models captured evidence about investors’ biases or the limits to arbitrage. I would like to investigate the interplay between limits to arbitrage with cognitive biases in my future research).
  6. Determinants of investment-decision making among individual and institutional investors
  7. Statistical methods in estimating the impact of above-mention factors on stock prices and investment strategy development.


Develop your approved topic into a research essay in which you use research to put forth a convincing argument.

Develop your approved topic into a research essay in which you use research to put forth a convincing argument. The most engaging essays are written with passion. Use your sources as the mortar between the bricks of your argument, not the other way around. Your essay should be written for a wide audience of non-experts. Your essay should have an engaging introduction. Your thesis must clearly indicate the position you are arguing and make a reasonable claim.Your argument should reveal your knowledge on the topic as well as an understanding of how to use outside sources to construct a logical argument. In the body of your essay, use at least 6 sources from your bibliography.

You will write a Position Paper about art and social conflict in the U.S. as represented in a current exhibition or gallery/museum/public art installation or performance art event in Los Angeles.

Content:You will write a Position Paper about art and social conflict in the U.S. as represented in a current exhibition or gallery/museum/public art installation or performance art event in Los Angeles. Your choice of exhibition, installation, or performance should fall within the timeframe of the course (1970s to present). Your paper should not be a visual analysis of a single work of art, but rather an analysis of how images, objects, and/or actions work together to create meaning within the context of your chosen exhibition, installation, or performance. In order to articulate your position (an arguable opinion about the topic in question), you will need to conduct research about the artworks, artist(s), exhibition/performance site, and/or their historical and social contexts. In addition to drawing from the course readings and your lecture notes, please use at least five other sources, at least one of which should be a scholarly publication (such as a book, exhibition catalogue, or peer reviewed journal article). Other primary sources might include artist/curatorial statements, interviews, reviews, etc. The paper should be 5–7 pages, not including images and bibliography. All written works will be graded on content, organization, logic, grammar, and the proper citation of sources.

Format and style:

  • 1)  Typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font
  • 2)  Use citations
    3) You may use either Chicago Manual of Style or MLA format 

4) Include page numbers

Recommended Electronic Sources:

  •  ARTstor, One of the largest online digital databases
  •  Oxford Dictionary of Art and Artists, Encyclopedia of art and artists
  •  JSTOR, Database of a wide variety of scholarly articles
  •  ProQuest, Database of scholarly articles, dissertations & news, etc.




In 1997 Don Campbell published the book The Mozart effect suggesting that listening to classical music enhances intelligence. Is this true?

Purpose: The purpose of the Essay is for students to become familiar with how the concepts of reflection, problem solving, and logic form a means of inquiry which can be applied to the construction of arguments used in psychology, broader academic pursuits, and everyday life.

Students are required to prepare and submit an individual Critical Thinking Essay, using “rhetorical tools” for critical and scientific argumentation (use Bassham, ch 13, from required readings to help with the structuring of your paper and writing). Although you will be discussing ideas with your groupmates, it is very important that your essay is written independently. Plagiarism and collusion issues will be checked upon submission. Your task is to discuss the validity of the claims with reference to scientific evidence and using critical thinking tools that you will learn in lectures.

The Mozart effect: Playing Mozart’s music to infants boosts their intelligence.

In 1997 Don Campbell published the book The Mozart effect suggesting that listening to classical music enhances intelligence. Is this true?



You may use as many of these references as you want. In addition is required to find two additional peer reviewed references on the chosen topic.

Bassham, G., Irwin, W., Nardone, H., Wallace, J. M. (2013). Critical thinking: A student’s introduction (5th ed., pp. 1-28, 376-417,455-483). New York: McGraw-Hill. (Ch., 13)

Nelson, C. (2003, January 10). Mozart and the miracles. The Guardian. Retrieved January 19, 2018 from https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2003/jan/10/artsfeatures.shopping

Bangerter, A., & Heath, C. (2004). The Mozart effect: Tracking the evolution of a scientific legend. British Journal of Social Psychology, 43(4), 605-623. doi: 10.1348/0144666042565353

Taylor, A. K., & Kowalski, P. (2004). Naϊve psychological science: The prevalence, strength, and sources of misconceptions. The Psychological Record, 54(1), 15-25. Retrieved January 19, 2018 from https://search.proquest.com/docview/212674773?accountid=8194

Rauscher, F. H., Shaw, G. L., & Ky, K. N. (1993). Music and spatial task performance. Nature, 365, 611.

Steele, K. M., Dalla Bella, S., Peretz, I., Dunlop, T., Dawe, L. A., Humphrey, G. K., . . . Olmstead, C. (1999). Prelude or requiem for the ‘Mozart effect’? Nature, 400(6747), 827-827.

Steele, K. M., Bass, K. E., & Crook, M. D. (1999). The mystery of the Mozart effect: Failure to replicate. Psychological Science, 10(4), 366-369.

Choose any topic related to Homer/The Illiad/The Odyssey

Choose any topic related to Homer/The Illiad/The Odyssey Formal requirements: Paper length is expected to be, though not limited to, ~3 pages long. At the beginning, indicate your name; course; date; paper title. NUMBER YOUR PAGES. At the end, append a short bibliography of the consulted sources (3 entries minimum). In your Bibliography (or References, or Sources): First, list the editions (translations) of the classical authors: alphabetically, by the author′s name and work, accompanied by the name of the translator; the publisher and the year of publication. Next, list the critical works alphabetically by the scholar′s name; the title of the book or article; the journal or publisher; the year of publication. In larger lists of reference, the year is often brought up first (printed under the name of the author on the left side of the page). Whatever is your choice of bibliographic style, be consistent. Throughout your paper: Refer to the passages from classical authors by the author′s name; the title; the traditional line/ paragraph numbers given in your translation. (You may, if you choose, use the standard abbreviations adopted in classical scholarship; not required for term papers.) If your translation does not indicate the traditional lines/ paragraphs adopted in the editions of classical authors, then refer to the book page of your translation. Reference to the classical passages (loci classici) is given in parentheses within the text: do not make a footnote at the bottom of the page. Refer to the scholarly works by the author′s name; the year of publication and the page quoted. Footnotes with critical reference at the bottom of the pages are becoming optional; you may as well refer to your sources in parentheses within the major text. Let the style be your choice. IF YOU QUOTE VERBATIM FROM A CRITICAL WORK, use the quotation mark and INDICATE YOUR SOURCE. (Web-references are getting rather common these days.) Extensive direct quotation with no recognition of the source will be deemed plagiarism.

Fire Prevention in the Midst of Domestic Terrorism

Your research paper will be a minimum of seven (7) pages, and will follow either MLA or APA formatting. The Title page, Works Cited or Reference page will not count towards your page count. Your Power Point slide presentation will be between 12 and 15 slides long. Again, the Title slide and the Works Cited or Reference slide(s) will not count toward your slide total. You may use graphics to enhance your slides. Slides should not be verbatim sections copied and pasted from your research paper. For this paper, you will cite between five (5) and (7) outside resources. YouTube, Wikipedia, search engines and your textbook are not considered academic resources for this project.

Your company wants to implement a Virtual Private Network for employees that work remotely.

Your company wants to implement a Virtual Private Network for employees that work remotely. Research remote virtual computing software products not covered in Chapter 10 ( Microsoft’s Hyper-V, Kernel-based Virtual Machine, VMware, Oracle’s Virtual Box , and Citrix’s Xen are the products in Chapter 10). Then, in 750-1000 words, provide a report to the company’s CIO that includes the following:
1. Compare the top VPN products on the market.
2. Find out how the security features of VPN products may benefit the organization.
3. Provide three suggestions for VPN products for the company. Explain your ideal choice for the corporation.