Louis Pasteur – Rabies Vaccine Introductory Paragraph Attention Grabber Thesis

Historical Research Project – Age of Realism 1880 – 1914 5 Paragraph Paper MLA formatted 3 sources (.edu, .org, .gov – at least one of these on Works Cited page) (YOU may have more but not less) Follow outline provided TOPIC: Louis Pasteur – Rabies Vaccine Introductory Paragraph Attention Grabber Thesis (Include the topic and focus of paper) Briefly give an overview of the paper First Body Paragraph Topic sentence: Supporting evidence (citation) Analysis (your own thoughts) Second Body Paragraph Topic sentence Supporting evidence (citation) Analysys (your own thoughts) Third Body Paragraph Topic sentence Supporting evidence (citation) Analysis (your own thoughts Concluding Paragraph Restate your thesis (NOT IN IDENTICAL LANGUAGE) SUM UP / RECAP POINTS BRIEFLY FROM PARAGRAPHS 2,3,4 YOUR OWN COMMENTS, THOUGHTS (however, DO NOT INTRODUCE ANY NEW CONTENT IN THE CONCLUSION

Tyranny of the majority was a major concern for many of our founding fathers.

Important Information:  These are your essay questions for the final.  You will have no surprises.  There will be 5 essay questions.  Your test will be randomized so prepare for all 10 below.  Each essay will be worth 30 pts each, so make sure you complete each one thoroughly.


*To receive full credit: Your answers to each essay prompt must be at least 8-10 sentences in length and they must address every part of the prompt.




  1. Tyranny of the majority was a major concern for many of our founding fathers. Discuss what it is and address each of the following in your discussion:
  2. What is it?
  3. What event occurred because of the Articles of Confederation which illustrated the possible threat of tyranny of the majority?
  4. What did James Madison argue about tyranny of the majority?
  5. How did it impact the composition and function of our federal government? (Give specific examples of safeguards in our government that still exist today)


  1. Part 1:  What happened in the Plessy v. Ferguson and Brown vs. Board of Education and the Slaughterhouse cases?  What precedents did each set and how did Brown impact Plessy?

Part 2:  Explain what is meant by de facto discrimination and de jure discrimination.  Include the following topics in your discussion:

  1. Strict scrutiny
  2. Jim Crow laws
  3. The Little Rock 9



  1. We have three branches of government at the federal level. Discuss these branches and in your discussion answer each of the following:
  2. What is the role of each one and how do they check each other’s powers?
  3. How are they balanced?
  4. Also, which one used a legal case to give itself powers that are not written explicitly in the Constitution?
  5. Explain who and what case is responsible for this and what the decision was?
  6. Are there limits on that power?



  1. Choose two groups that had to struggle for civil rights and civil liberties.  Discuss how they pursued equality and liberty.  Your discussion must include:
  2. Any relevant events or amendments (be specific)
  3. What role did Congress and/or the president play?
  4. The role the courts played in the process (be specific)



  1. (Part 1) What is federalism? Discuss the March to Montgomery and how the situation illustrates federalism.


(Part 2) Explain dual (layer cake) federalism and cooperative (marble cake) federalism.  Provide real-world examples of each.  Your discussion must include information on the New Deal, the Supremacy Clause, and the Commerce clause


  1. (Part 1) Why were the Bill of Rights added to the Constitution? Who did they protect and from whom?  Do they currently restrict or protect corporations and private entities?


(Part 2) Discuss what is meant by incorporation and selective incorporation doctrine and what amendment is involved in the doctrine.  Address each of the following as well:

  1. How did the court interpret the amendment and what impact has this had on the states and application of the Bill of Rights?
  2. How has incorporation affected the balance of federalism?




  1. Discuss the role of political parties in our system.  Address each of the following:
  2. What role do parties play in the election process?
  3. What are party conventions and how do they impact the presidential race?
  4. What is a closed primary and how does party impact it?
  5. What is an open primary?
  6. In the Senate and the House, what are the impacts of parties on organization, voting, committee appointments, and decision-making practices?



  1. (Part 1) Interest groups are an important part of the American political process. What are they and what are Super PACs or PACs?  How do they impact our government?  Please discuss at least three pros and at least three cons of interest group participation in government. Explain why these are pros and cons.


(Part 2) What was the decision in Citizens v. United and how has it impacted interest groups and their role in the political process?  What act did it address?


  1. Political ideology is shaped by many factors in society. Name and discuss in detail at least 4 factors that can influence political ideology.  In addition to your chosen 4, discuss how media, social media, and alternative media can shape political ideology.  In this discussion, be sure to explain what polarization and rational discourse are and how they are impacted by media, social media, and alternative media.  How does this affect the political process and the diversity of ideas?



  1. (Part 1) Our first system of government was under the Articles of Confederation. How did it organize the American government? Were there problems with it and why?


(Part 2) What are the benchmarks of democracy?  Define each one and, then, assess whether the government under the Articles of Confederation either met or did not meet each benchmark.  Provide a clear, convincing argument with relevant examples.





An aerospace part manufacturing company makes gearbox systems for different OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer). The plant is located in Midlands to support the European market only. Manufacturing is the main activity.

The Brief


An aerospace part manufacturing company makes gearbox systems for different OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer). The plant is located in Midlands to support the European market only. Manufacturing is the main activity. The product engineering is made in their design offices in USA. The company is looking to have a significant change in the business strategy that will be very innovative and thereby, suitable for the current market demands.


The current company situation is as follow:-


  • The product engineering is done in USA but it is facing problems. This is due to the fact that the European market has special needs that are currently not well captured in the design process.


  • There is a need to increase the level of input from the manufacturing side into the product engineering development cycle.


  • Most providers are in the USA, which cause communication problems and lack of flexibility within the UK plant.


  • The company uses CAD system that is different from the one used by the OEM and all the OEM are moving toward electronic communication systems.


  • The gearbox units are made from components that could be configured and fitted to different engine models.


  • The mass production process should continuously cut the manufacturing cost, control the quality and shorten the lead-time.You are required to propose a new and innovative manufacturing strategy to be adopted by the above company. Such new strategy should support the company’s activities in sustaining and improving their market share as well as ensuring the business profitability.


    Discuss and explain in detail what changes that the company should make. This should include any new department that they should create and approaches they should adopt. Provide justification for all action that should be taken by the company, as well as supporting your recommendation with appropriate literature.


    Your proposed strategy should address the three major elements in the development and implementation of innovative manufacturing strategies:


    • Current status of the company- Assessing the current level of capabilities and expertise within the using information provided. This should be supported by appropriate Literature.



    • Where does the company want to be- Determine the position that the company wishes to be in over the next few years. Determine the market issues that would effect such requirements, and set 12 month target levels for them.



    • How will the company get there- Propose a new innovative strategy that would achieve the objects set above. Support your proposal with appropriate literature, and justifications.





    Reading Materials

    Module lecture and support notes.

    See also module reading list

    Note:   These sources are guides only to commonly available material.  Students will also be expected to consult other relevant source material.



    Submission Requirements

    The assignment will need to be approximately 2,500 words in length and submitted electronically.


    Submission Date

    Refer to front sheet.

    The assignment must be handed in to the Student Information Centre on or before the date of submission.  Late submission will be penalised.




According to the Pwr Pnt 3, what is the preferred method for showing others that what you believe is true? 

For this chat read the following: Notes 1, Pwr Pnt 3 and 4, and Chapters 2 and 3 in your text.
This task involves learning about “argument”; not the heated exchange you might have with a friend, family member, or lover, but “rational justification” for one’s beliefs. We will learn about the structure of argument and what it means for an argument to be a good one:
The below questions are not necessarily intended to evaluate your understanding of the material, but rather to present you with a forum from which to begin understanding.
please enter the chat and discuss the following questions with classmates:

1.) According to the Pwr Pnt 3, what is the preferred method for showing others that what you believe is true?
2.) What are the parts of an argument?
3.) What is the difference between logic and rhetoric? There are examples of these in Pwr Pnt 3
4.) What is the difference between an argument and the following forms of language:
a.) What is an explanation (and its parts) and how is it different from an argument?
b.) What is a conditional statement (and its parts) and how does it differ from an argument?
c.) What is a report and how does it differ from an argument?
5.) What is the purpose of an argument?
6.) In general, what is a good argument?
7.) From notes 1 and Pwr Pnt 4, what is the ARG method for evaluating an argument?
answer the following general discussion questions:
8.) What does it mean for a belief to be a good one? So for example, if I believe abortion is wrong, what standards should my belief meet for it to be a “good” belief?
Can someone believe whatever they want? Why or why not?
9.) State one of your beliefs. For example, on any issue, for or against: abortion, capital punishment, evaluating arguments-state your argument on an issue, and evaluate each other’s arguments
reminder: ONLY one person from each group upload a completed and properly formatted chat transcript to Canvas; post the transcript with a list of the persons who participated

Explain how race, class and gender play a factor in Friday.

After viewing the film or reading the script Friday, answer the following questions: 

  • Explain how race, class and gender play a factor in Friday.
  • How are the themes regarding the relationship between Black men and work in America as discussed in Chapter 2 from bell hooks’ We Real Coolpresented and, or addressed through the various characters in this film? (use specific examples from the chapter and the film) 
    • To help you address this question, consider the following:
      • Why does Craig get fired from his job? Does it seem like a reasonable cause to be fired? What do you think the writer O’shea Jackson (Ice Cube) is implying by Craig getting fired for this reason AND Craig not fighting back for his job?
      • How do various characters make money? How are these methods of obtaining money presented? In other words, does Ice Cube praise these methods or is he critical?
      • What is the difference in attitude towards work between Craig and his peers, versus the older generation of his father?
      •  In this film, where characters run for their lives, how much is a human life worth?
  • Who are the heroes of this film and who are the villains? Do the heroes and villains have any similarities? Are there any characters who are wholly good or wholly bad? Explain.
  • How does this film treat and or present flaws/vices i.e. theft, drugs, cheating, vandalism etc.? What is implied by this treatment?
  • This community is filled with vices, but does that mean they are not good people? What are the values of this community?

Topic: Mindset and Educational Success 1 – Write your hook.

Topic: Mindset and Educational Success 1 – Write your hook. (1 sentence) You can use one of the quotes we looked at in class on Monday. I’d rather you did not use any additional quotes from other texts; however, if you can make it work, I am OK with that. These questions might help you with your hook. Is there an interesting fact about this subject that most people do not know? Is there a startling statistic about academic success? Is there an important question that we might ask about the topic? Is there a particular bit of wisdom you know that is suggested by this subject? 2 – Transition (1-2 sentences) After you write your hook, you need to write a sentence or two that would be your transition to the background of the author and book. Think about what we did in class when practicing this part. I know you can do it! I believe in you! 3 – Background information. In this section, you will need to add brief desсrіptions of Chapters 2, 3, and 4 after you talked about the book and the author. Do not panic! All you have to do is write 2-3 sentences about each chapter. Think about the most important idea for each chapter. Do not add any details or stories. Here are the questions you should answer while writing this section. What is the title of the book? Who is the author of the book? What is the book about? Why is the book important? Write a brief desсrіption of the chapters 2, 3, 4. 4 – Now it is time to write your Thesis Statement. Use one of these. Choose ONE only. Option 1: Carol Dweck’s text Mindset addresses the current concern regarding academic success, with which I agree. Option 2: Carol Dweck’s text Mindset addresses the current concern regarding academic success, with which I disagree. then follow the introduction with 2 body paragraphs giving details and quotes from the book mindset by Carol Dweck with page numbers and details about the quotes. then followed by concluding paragraph at the end. and reinstate the thesis statement

Which tissues contain a binding activity that recognizes the sequence upstream of gene X? Is the transcription factor the same in each tissue?

Analyze the Data 9-2: DNA Binding with EMSA


An electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) was performed using a radiolabeled DNA fragment from the sequence upstream of gene X. This DNA probe was incubated with (+) or without (-) nuclear extract isolated from tissues A (bone); B (lung); C (brain); and D (skin). The DNA;protein complexes were then fractionated on nondenaturing polyacrylamide gels. The gels were exposed to autoradiographic film; the results are presented in the figure.


  1. Which tissues contain a binding activity that recognizes the sequence upstream of gene X? Is the transcription factor the same in each tissue?
  2. If the binding activity was purified, what test could be done to verify that this factor is in fact a transcription factor?
  3. What type of assay would be performed to determine the specific DNA sequence(s) within this probe that the transcription factor binds?
  4. If gene X is transcribed in lung and brain tissue but not in bone and skin tissue, what type of transcription factor is the binding activity? Speculate as to the identity of other factors that might be associated at the gene X promoter in bone and skin tissue.

Use the required course materials to help you discuss, briefly, (1) the history of Abstract Expressionism and Pop Art and these two artists in particular, (2) the ways these artists represent the tension between individualism and mass production (a tension that defines American capitalist society), and (3) how the artworks approach questions as to the role of the artist and the role of art in society

20TH CENTURY MODERN ART Case Assignment Image of Pollock’s One: Number 31: http://www.moma.org/collection_images/resized/805/w500h420/CRI_223805.jpg Image of Warhol’s Campbell’s Soup Cans: http://www.moma.org/learn/moma_learning/andy-warhol-campbells-soup-cans-1962 Moving toward the present day in our Art History timeline, the ability to ‘name’ the art period becomes more difficult; however, art historians have come to settle on the term Modernism. Not only is the period difficult to categorize, the artworks from roughly 1907-present day are so wide ranging, it is impossible to pinpoint how different art genres exactly relate to one another. Yet, they are connected by the social conditions in which they exist and are responses to those conditions—though they respond in very different ways. In postwar America (WWII), New York City becomes the art capital of the world and two artistic genres emerged: first Abstract Expressionism and second Pop Art. Both art genres were grappling with the question of ‘what is art’ and how to represent a world shaped by global capitalism, consumer culture, and mass media. In this Case Assignment, you will be comparing Abstract Expressionist Jackson Pollock’s One: Number 31 with Pop Artist Andy Warhol’s Campbell’s Soup Cans. Pollock can be read as championing ‘the role of the artist’ as his art seems a pure abstraction of his body movements and his handling of the paintbrush; whereas Warhol seems to not have any real connection to the making of his art, as he upholds the everyday, mass-produced object as subject matter for high art. Use the required course materials to help you discuss, briefly, (1) the history of Abstract Expressionism and Pop Art and these two artists in particular, (2) the ways these artists represent the tension between individualism and mass production (a tension that defines American capitalist society), and (3) how the artworks approach questions as to the role of the artist and the role of art in society. It is important to note that this assignment is your last encounter in thinking and writing about Art History and Art Criticism, so this is your chance to let your visual literacy shine; you will need it in order to analyze pure abstraction. The required course materials under “How To Write About Art: Art Criticism and Formal Analysis” will continue to be an essential reference here. Assignment Expectations Here are five keys to writing a great Case Assignment! For each Case in this course, please: Make sure you fully address the case assignment prompt- don′t just describe the painting and don’t forget to ‘really look’ at the painting. Be sure to respond to the expectations stated under ″Learning Outcomes″ in the Syllabus. Apply ideas from the background readings to your analysis and discussion of the case assignment prompt. Write, at minimum, three to four pages, not including images or references. Include a separate cover page that includes your name, the course name, the module, and assignment name. Set your format to 1″ margins on all four sides, 12-point font, double-spaced. Include a separate cover AND reference page at the end that includes every website and article on which you base your information and analysis. In the reference list, please note that a URL with no additional information is not a complete reference. Over time, link root will make any URL useless. Each reference should contain all the information a reader would need to find the source. In this Case Assignment, you will: Give an explanation of the values—influences, themes, techniques, subjects—characteristic of the period or style under study. Give some information about how the social, political, or religious history of the period influenced its art and artists. Provide biographical information about the artist whose work is assigned or (in SLP assignments) chosen for reflection.

What do you think about Dr. Shapiro′s belief in the importance of the emotional component when dealing with conflict?

Watch Video Video URLhttp://youtu.be/6eoyPvHfugU 1. Watch this video clip of Professor Daniel Shapiro, Director of the Harvard International Negotiation Initiative and faculty member at Harvard Law and Medical School. What do you think about Dr. Shapiro′s belief in the importance of the emotional component when dealing with conflict? 2. What are the benefits of third-party intervention by a manager among the employees he or she manages? What are the drawbacks? 3. Describe specific conflict situations in your work, or that you might anticipate when you become a manager, and discuss how you might intervene to help the parties resolve their issues. 1. Watch this video clip of Professor Daniel Shapiro, Director of the Harvard International Negotiation Initiative and faculty member at Harvard Law and Medical School. What do you think about Dr. Shapiro′s belief in the importance of the emotional component when dealing with conflict? 2. What are the benefits of third-party intervention by a manager among the employees he or she manages? What are the drawbacks? 3. Describe specific conflict situations in your work, or that you might anticipate when you become a manager, and discuss how you might intervene to help the parties resolve their the paper must be apa formate and refercence

Prohibition: An Economic Analysis

Prohibition: An economic analysis

Prohibition brought together several disparate groups:  business owners (seeing it as a means of increasing productivity); religious and conservative groups opposed to drinking (e.g. Saloon League); progressive political activists (seeing alcohol as wasting people’s lives physically and mentally).  The topic should cover why prohibition was passed and its general results on the economy as well as whether it worked or not. Don’t get too bogged down with the moral issues and focus on economic.

John Burnham “New Perspectives on the Prohibition ‘Experiment’ of the 1920s” Journal of Social History 2 (1968): 51-68;

James Timberlake in Prohibition and the Progressive Movement, 1900-1920 (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1963)

Miron, Jeffrey. “Alcohol Prohibition”. EH.Net Encyclopedia, edited by Robert Whaples. September 25, 2001. URL

http://eh.net/encyclopedia/article/miron.prohibition.alcohol  Good overview and bibliography.  Excessive emphasis on quantitative measurement of effectiveness of prohibition using medical data.

Miron, Jeffrey and Jeffrey Zweibel.  1995 “The Economic Case Against Drug Prohibition.”  The Journal of Economic Perspectives.  Autumn.  175-192.

PBS  Prohibition: A film by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick.

http://www.pbs.org/kenburns/prohibition/ excellent site with lots of video and source info.