As Virginia Woolf argues in her text “Shakespeare’s Sister”, women are not given autonomy over even their most basic rights to their own bodies. What are the consequences, physically, mentally, and emotionally, of this lack of autonomy?

• Final synthesis: 4.5-5 pages, double-spaced, 12 point font, MLA-style formatting • Essay MUST use at least two texts; one MUST be a text that we used as a whole class, and the second MUST be a text you have done on your own. For the second source, you may either consult the recommended list of sources (on Canvas) OR you may find a second source independently. • Source integration may take the form of direct quotes, summary and/or paraphrasing. Sources should be used to support the writer’s ideas, not as a substitute for the writer’s own argument (ie: over summarizing, overly-long quotes, etc). Sources should be integrated throughout the essay, not simply used in one paragraph. PROMPT: 1) As Virginia Woolf argues in her text “Shakespeare’s Sister”, women are not given autonomy over even their most basic rights to their own bodies. What are the consequences, physically, mentally, and emotionally, of this lack of autonomy? Teacher is big on this (Please have direct quotes and examples throughout my essays as many as you can Thank You!!!)

Use relevant strategic management tools and techniques to evaluate the current strategy of the organisation based on what you know of their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats

Your informal report should be for the company that you worked on for Assignment 1. Use relevant strategic management tools and techniques to evaluate the current strategy of the organisation based on what you know of their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, derived from your analysis in assignment 1. Firstly, you need to provide some ‘performance’ data on how the strategy is working, trends in sales, profits, market share etc. How the organisation competes (e.g. Differentiation/ Cost/ Focus). Evaluate how the strategic direction of the organisation (Ansoff) relates to growth, innovation or international expansion. Analyse why this strategy might be suitable, acceptable and feasible given what you know about the SWOT for the organisation. Given the nature of this analysis there must be a contemporary and inventive flavour to much of the relevant data. Is the recent change in government likely to impact on their strategy? Examine Brexit and the slow growth on the UK economy. Briefly identify and justify a potential improvement in strategic direction for the organisation. An effective structure might present key trend data on how the organisation has been performing as the starting point for evaluating the strategy. Re-evaluating how the organisation tries to compete, its competitive advantage. The directions the organisations strategy is taking it in and how this matches what you discovered in terms of its SWOT from assignment 1 and what this means in terms of its growth, innovation or movement into international markets. An evaluation of the strategy through SAF or another suitable model and a suggestion of how the strategy could be developed or augmented. REPORT LAYOUT like this below The organisation is ASDA. 1.0 Introduction to the UK Sector/ Industry analysis and your chosen organisation (Market share, performance data) 2.0 Organisational Objectives 3.0 SWOT analysis 4.0 Ansoff Matrix/ VRIN analysis / Bowman’s Strategy Clock/ Generic Strategies/ Porter’s 5 Forces 5.0 Evaluation  Strategic Direction  Vision  Market Strategy 6.0 Strategic Analysis – SAF  Suitability  Accessibility  Feasibility 7.0 Recommendations 8.0 Conclusion 9.0 References

Lifespan Development

Read Chapter 1 in Lifespan book (pwpt) and the articles below. Also read through or listen to the Power Points, including the narrated Power Points on the theories.Reflect on the articles and articulate how spirituality and faith impacts lifespan development theories. Essay must be in APA style and between 300-350 words. Must include At least 2 scholarly resources to support the post, at least 1 is a resource outside of the Lifespan Development book. NO title page or abstract needed…
I have posted resources below including power point for Lifespan book reading. Thanks. Let me know if you have any questions.

Must include At least 2 scholarly resources to support the post, at least 1 is a resource outside of the Lifespan Development book. NO title page or abstract needed…
I have posted resources below including power point for Lifespan book reading. Thanks. Let me know if you have any questions.

Review and Reflect on Advance Nursing Practice Course

Review and reflect on the knowledge you have gained from this course. Based on your review and reflection, write at least 3 paragraphs on the following:

As you reflect on the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing, what Essentials did this course assist you in meeting?

How will you integrate your newly learned theory into current practice as a Charge Nurse in Emergency Department?

How will practice integration of these Essentials improve patient outcomes?

The main post should include at least 2 references to research sources published within the past 5 years, and all sources should be cited using APA format.


Select a civil society organisation (CSO) that is primarily directing its activities to an ethics or sustainability issue and that has either sought to change corporate behaviour or sought to involve business in fixing the issue (such as Greenpeace, World Wildlife Fund, Red Cross/Red Crescent).
Write a report that:
 summarises the extent to which the CSO’s strategy has evolved over time
 identifies specific examples of its interactions with business
 evaluates the strategy and tactics used in working with and/or against business
 makes recommendations about how the CSO might improve or strengthen its strategy
 contains a brief summary and conclusion
 contains appendices in support.
Key assumptions
The chosen CSO needs to have a history of working with business (which may or may not include partnering with business) or clear opposition to certain business behaviour.
The CSO needs to have enough public information to enable you to meaningfully demonstrate your research (and allow the marker to do the same). It also needs to NOT have been analysed to the extent that it will be difficult to show your own analysis.
Ideally, you will be able to identify a change of strategy by the CSO, so that you can analyse a previous strategy, the reasons for the change and the effect of a new strategy. Note that you may be able to identify various strategies by the same CSO depending on their approach to a particular business organisation.
In identifying the strategy of the CSO, you will need to identify relevant stakeholders who are concerned about the same issue and identify their interest.
The organisation selected can only be a not-for-profit enterprise (e.g. a public sector organisation or a charity) and CANNOT be a profit-making enterprise nor a government agency.
You can use a wide variety of perspectives on stakeholders and stakeholder theory and practice, and you can draw on ethics and sustainability where relevant.
Recommendations need to be practicable and implementable, either at the time of management’s decision or going forward.
If you are using detailed data (statistics, and material that defines or explains the meanings of terms used in the report, etc) to support your discussions in the main body of the assignment, these should be put in appendices.

Failure to use Appendices to provide relevant background and other information, workings and analysis will result in a reduced mark and may result in a fail grade.
The Assignment should contain a reference list, however there should not be a bibliography, meaning that there should not be any references in the reference list not used in the Assignment.
Diagrams, footnotes, tables and references will not be included in the word count. Diagrams, footnotes and tables will only be given a reward (in the marking process) if the text of the Assignment refers to them.

Show your workings and your evaluation, including critical analysis, and also a wider appreciation of alternative perspectives.

Improvement by connecting each section (synthesis) and ensuring alignment would help.

# Complexity
Show critical thinking and understanding of industry practice. Don’t spend too long describing the reporting ‘standards’ – that isn’t required

Master’s Prepared Nurse Role in Implementing Affordable Care Act

As you continue to consider the various roles of the master’s-prepared nurse, you also need to consider how health care is changing and the effect it has on your role as a nurse. Keeping in mind the American Nurses Association (ANA) standards and the Institute of Medicine (IOM) report on the future of nursing, your role as a nurse is becoming even more essential as the Affordable Care Act (ACA) continues to be implemented. How does the master’s-prepared nurse fill gaps or needs in health care with the implementation of the Affordable Care Act?

Complete the following for this assignment:

Describe how a Nurse Administrator will specifically fill the needs to implement the Affordable Care Act.

Discuss 2 specific aspects of the Affordable Care Act and how those aspects affect nursing and the master’s-prepared nurse.

What role do regulating agencies (American Nurses Association, California state boards of nursing, etc.) have in implementing health care in your area or community?

How does the Institute Of Medicine report support the Affordable Care Act?

Use at least 4 scholarly articles to support your paper.

Analysing supply chain risk

Assessment Information


This assignment is designed to assess learning outcomes 1 and 3.


  1. Critically demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the complex organizational relationships of managing inventory, supply chain risk within modern global business operations and constraints.
  2. Critically analyse, recommend and justify the selection of suitable logistics approaches for selected aspects of the global supply and distribution systems of various types of international enterprises


This assignment is an individual assignment.




The globalization of supply chain networks has introduced new challenges to organizations. These include the need to manage risks in the supply chain and the requirement to proactively mitigate theses risks. The case study paper “BUILDING THE RESILIENT SUPPLY CHAIN” Martin Christopher will be reviewed. Using this paper, your knowledge and other publications, critically review the area of supply chain risk management.













Instructions to students


You are required to produce:

  1. An overview of supply chain management
  2. A critical evaluation of supply chain risks
  3. Identification of risk mitigation strategies


Criteria for Assessment


Criteria Proportion of overall module mark
1. Introduction/summary

·         Is the topic well introduced and clearly defined?


2. Review of the Case study

·         Have the most relevant theories and ideas regarding  supply chain operations and risk been critically discussed

·         What insights have been drawn from other literature?

3. Critical Analysis


·         Is there a clear and logical flow to the arguments presented?

·         Have the main findings been reviewed and are they consistent with research and practice?

·         Are arguments supported by theory and/or practice?

·         Is the discussion clear and coherent?

·         Is theory and practical aspects linked?

4. Presentation, grammar, spelling and referencing 10%
Total 100% (x 30% weighting)



Word Count

The word count is 2000


There will be a penalty of a deduction of 10% of the mark (after internal moderation) for work exceeding the word limit by 10% or more.

The word limit includes quotations, but excludes the final reference list and appendices.




What are the group decision-making processes and structures in place at your current or with a previous employer that were designed to eliminate bias, create structure, and cultivate consistently better decisions?

Groups may be both a boon (for example, they statistically outperform individuals) and a bane (for example, they take too long) of decision making. While they can systematically outperform individuals, groups are also prey to systematic bias and organizational skewing.

Consider the systematic decision-making processes of your own organization. Using the readings for this module, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, respond to the following:

  • What are the group decision-making processes and structures in place at your current or with a previous employer that were designed to eliminate bias, create structure, and cultivate consistently better decisions?
  • Were the processes successful? Why, or why not?
  • How may the structure have facilitated organizational skewing?


Marketing Concepts and Strategies

Requirements: This assignment focuses on enhancing your learning of our course material by asking you to apply some material of interest to you to the real world. First, select a topic and describe what aspects of that topic you will cover and how you will do that. For example, will your research be based on interviews with people in the profession or from articles about organizations that illustrate the points that you will examine in your paper. Send your topic and a brief description of your objectives to the instructor by Friday 11:59 in week two: 3/16/18 If you decide to use interviews, you will select whom you will interview and develop the interview questions.  Both the interview approach or focus on articles and organizational examples should focus on the “real-life” application of aspects of your topic to the day-to-day business operations marketing employees or managers/organizations. The interviews that you conduct should be based on your review of research on the subject matter before the interview. On Saturday 11:59 in week three, March 24, 2018, submit an outline for your research paper to the instructor.

After conducting the interview (s) or completing your review of the research and literature, prepare a seven-paper in-depth paper discussing both the interview (s) and research background that prepared you for the interviews or your presentations and critique of your research topic based solely on articles. Follow the APA format for your paper.

choose two documents that support government intervention in the economy and two documents opposed to government intervention in the economy, and write a 750-word essay that demonstrates the arguments the proponents and opponents of government intervention used.