Muslim Mosques

Observation-Reflection Paper:


One of the best ways to understand a particular tradition is to observe its practitioners, especially when at worship. For your observation-reflection paper in this class, you will need to go visit and attend a service at a local Orthodox church or a local mosque. If you are Muslim, you are not permitted to “visit” your own mosque for this paper, but must visit an Orthodox Church or at the very least another mosque other than your own. Equally, if you are Orthodox, you are not permitted to go to your own parish as sufficient for this paper: you must visit a mosque, or at the very list an entirely different Orthodox church. There are three “full-time” Orthodox churches in Ft. Wayne:


Visiting:   (Orthodox Church of America)      (Antiochian Orthodox) (Greek Orthodox; they will use a lot of Greek during their liturgies)


Use the contact information on the website to find a liturgy you can attend. It is a good idea to call or e-mail to confirm service times.  If you do not live in Ft. Wayne, consult this website (use the “Church locator” button at the top to find a parish near you:


There are at least two Islamic centres in Fort Wayne. Be advised that all Muslims will pray almost entirely in Arabic:


You are to visit any one of these—or an Orthodox church or mosque near where you live if you do not live in Ft. Wayne. It is strongly advised that you contact the church or mosque in advance of your visit to confirm the time of service, and also to establish the purpose of your visit and find out any pertinent information before going. Additionally if you call first, the church or mosque may be able to make available to you someone who can give you a guided tour or be there to help answer some of your questions. Before you go to an Orthodox Church, please read the following:


If you are going to visit a mosque, please read the following:


When you attend a service, you are going as a “representative” of the university to some extent, and you need therefore to be respectful and to act appropriately. Dress and act accordingly. This means that at an Orthodox church, you participate fully in the service (e.g., you must stand when everyone else stands, sit when they sit, etc.), but would not normally receive Holy Communion unless you are yourself Orthodox and prepared through recent Confession, fasting (from midnight), and prayers.


At an Islamic mosque, you will sit at the very back of the room or, if a woman, likely in a separate room entirely with your job being not participation but simple observation, as unobtrusively as possible. Here you would not normally be expected to sit, stand, and prostrate when others do, but simply to sit or stand quietly and out of the way.



Writing the Reflection Paper:


The purpose of your paper is to attend a service, note the component parts of that service and its practitioners, and then to describe your own reactions.



If you use sources, please ensure that you consistently follow one style sheet (whether APA or the Chicago Manual of Style). I do not need a printed copy of your paper, but you are required to e-mail me a copy of your paper in Word format.

This paper is normally 7-10-pp. in length (double-spaced and with 1” margins in a standard 12-point font like Garamond or Times New Roman), and must consist of the following clearly labeled sections:

(1) Title page: with your name, course information, and date; the name, address, and website of the church or mosque you attended, the date on which you attended, and the name of the service you attended (1 page). (You are also strongly encouraged to submit a copy of any bulletin or service leaflet you may have picked up at the church or mosque.)

2) A sketch of the notable characteristics of the service you attended, i.e., what happened, part by part, using proper terminology if known, and telling also the number and nature of the participants (e.g, 1 cantor, 2 priests, 3 imams, etc), ritual gestures employed, languages used, etc. (1-2 pages).

(3) Your own reactions: what you thought and felt during and after the service (2-4pp).

(4) Your overall reflections on what you observed during the service in light of what we have covered in our assigned readings and classroom lectures and discussions (2-3pp). Connect what you observed with the material in the readings and in class. Show integration of your experiences with what you’ve read, and any differences between what you observed and what you read.

(5) If you were to become a member of the mosque or church you observed, and you wanted to “explore personal spiritual development” there, what would you be most interested in exploring, and what would you be least interested in exploring? (2-3pp).


“You are asked to write an essay about an ethical issue that you have faced, or might hypothetically face, as a leader in an organisational setting. Based on the theoretical and practical knowledge you have gained about responsible leadership, reflect critically on the described ethical issues and suggest the appropriate leadership responses,

The essay brief (see Module Outline)
“You are asked to write an essay about an ethical issue that you have faced, or might hypothetically face, as
a leader in an organisational setting. Based on the theoretical and practical knowledge you have gained
about responsible leadership, reflect critically on the described ethical issues and suggest the appropriate
leadership responses, i
BUS243 Responsible Leadership – Essay Guidelines
How should I structure my essay?
Below is a suggested rough structure, including some questions that may be useful for you to think about.
Introduction (c.a. 5% of word count)
Main Body (c.a. 90% of word count)
Ethical leadership issue
– provide an anonymised description of an actual or hypothetical ethical dilemma(s) that has arisen in the
workplace. What are the ethical issues involved (e.g. breaches of organisational codes, favouritism,
harassment, unfair treatment?) Which ethical principles (e.g. integrity, confidentiality, professionalism)
may be being compromised?
– Describe the actual or hypothetical leadership role in the situation. Who is the leader here? What makes
her/him the ‘leader’? What is the ethical dilemma faced by the leader, and who are the key stakeholders
affected? What would be the most responsible way for the leader to respond?
Critical discussion of relevant leadership theories
– While you will already have referred to leadership writings in the previous section, you should selectively
develop the linkages between your case study scenario and the most relevant leadership theories (e.g.
transformational, transactional, contingent/situational, responsible, shared leadership or followership
theories). How useful are the theories for helping you to diagnose the leadership issues involved and for
prescribing appropriate leadership responses? What are the limits of the theories, and how could they
be more helpful?
Reflection own leadership development needs
– Put yourself in the position of the leader in your scenario. How well did you/would you have responded
as a responsible leader? What did you learn about yourself as a (potential) leader from the ‘Giving Voice
to Values’ workshop? What are the main skills and behaviours that you need to develop as a responsible
leader in the future? Discuss your preferred development methods, including your rationale for these
preferred methods and their possible limitations in practice.
Conclusion (c.a. 5 % of word count)
What is the word count?
The word count for this assessment is 3000 words. This does not include reference lists and bibliographies.
The stated word count may be exceeded by a maximum of 10%.
BUS243 Responsible Leadership – Essay Guidelines
How will my essay be graded, and what will I get feedback on?
Marking descriptors:
▪ Outstanding (80-100) Exemplary description of the ethical issue in the workplace, very thorough and
comprehensive literature review, outstanding connections between theory and practice, excellent
critical discussion of rationales, limitations and skill development.
▪ Excellent (70-79) Excellent description of the ethical issue in the workplace, thorough and
comprehensive literature review, excellent connections between theory and practice very good
discussion of rationales, limitations and skill development.
▪ Very Good (60-69) Very good description of the ethical issue in the workplace, thorough and
comprehensive literature review, very good connections between theory and practice, very good
discussion of rationales, limitations and skill development.
▪ Good (50-59) Good description of the ethical issue in the workplace, comprehensive literature
review, good connections between theory and practice, good discussion of rationales, limitations
and skill development.
▪ Satisfactory (40-49) Adequate description of the ethical issue in the workplace and relevant
literature review, satisfactory discussion of limitations and connections between theory and
practice, rationales, and skill development.
Your feedback will cover the four main areas in each the marking descriptors described above. We will
identify: what you did well; what you did less well; and what you could improve in your future work.
Do come and see either of us in our office hours if you want to discuss your essay one-to-one or in pairs.
Please note, however, that we will not be able to comment in detail on essay drafts, only on essay-outline
Good luck!

write an essay about a person, place, or event in your past that has special significance. You should think of your audience as people who do not know you at all. You should try to find a way to make your reflection interesting to a wide array of readers.


  1. Double space your paper. Set your margins to one inch. Use the Times New Roman font and 12-point typeface.
  2. Put a header on your essay following the example above.
  3. Be sure to title your work. Do not underline, italicize, boldface, or enlarge your title. Do not use all caps. Do not put your title in quotation marks.
  4. Be sure to include a clear thesis statement in your essay. For this assignment, your thesis can be anywhere in your essay, as long as it is somewhere. Some students will save their thesis until the end.
  5. You will be telling a story in this essay. Make sure your story has a beginning and ending. You should make a larger point that can be generalized to the reader; this will be your thesis.
  6. Make sure to include a lead-in at the beginning of your essay. You will not need an essay map for this assignment.
  7. Your essay should be at least three (3) pages long. There is no maximum number of pages, only a minimum.
  8. This is not a five-paragraph essay. You can have as many paragraphs as you like.
  9. You will be submitting your paper to insideranken, and you do not need to give a hard copy to me. I will get your essay off insideranken. You must also submit the essay to
  10. This essay will be due at 11:59 p.m. Sunday, April 1.


Using the concepts covered in Chapter 6 of your text, you will write an essay about a person, place, or event in your past that has special significance. You should think of your audience as people who do not know you at all. You should try to find a way to make your reflection interesting to a wide array of readers.

Following the steps outlined on pages 88-98 of your textbook, you should choose and focus your topic.


I will use the following criteria to assess your essay:

Does the essay tell a good story?

How clear is your purpose in writing this reflection, and is your purpose appropriate?

How well does it convey significance through details?

Does the essay focus on something significant, whether great or small?

How relevant will your personal experience be to others?

I will also, of course, be grading spelling, punctuation, and all the other standard criteria for a college-level essay.

memo on alternative ways to gun control on adolescence

The first document in the group project is the topic memo. Your group will create a topic memo that outlines your proposal that is a synopsis of your final research paper for the semester; for more information on the group project. Your memo document should follow the basic conventions of memos. It should outline the basics of your proposal, including: 1) The problem you are addressing: why do we need this manual? If one already exists (such as for a Blu-Ray player), why do we need a new one? 2) The methodology you will use to research the problem: what research will you do to determine how to create the most effective paper? (Will you compare similar manuals? Conduct a survey or interview to gain user feedback? Know more about a topic? Research page design?) Why have you chosen that research? 3) The solution: a brief overview of your paper. What changes will you make to the original manual? Since this is an initial topic memo, it is understood that some of your information will be tentative. You may decide that additional (or different) research would be useful; some of your proposed solutions may change as you continue to research and create a good paper. But remember that the more specific your information, the clearer (and more persuasive) your overall project becomes. For example, if you simply claim that “the old Blu-Ray manual is confusing and poorly formatted,” your readers will remain unconvinced unless you are more explicit: what’s wrong with the formatting? What, specifically, is confusing? Offer evidence (examples from the original manual, or testimony from users who are confused, or survey results…) to show your readers that your claim is true. If you cannot convince your readers that there is a problem with the current manual, they will not be interested in hearing about your proposed solutions. Audience: Your audience for this memo is your supervisor at the company (a.k.a. me, your instructor). As your supervisor, I will be the person who oversees your group’s project before you present your ideas to the board of directors in the more formal written proposal. Format: Use standard MLA format (or APA). Length: Approx. 2-3 pages

Describe the purpose of behavior management in early childhood education settings, including why it is important to think proactively.

Focus of the Final Paper Review the Week 3 assignment, “Functional Behavioral Assessment Short Paper,” in which you outlined three challenging behaviors (and a possible function for each behavior) commonly observed in young children. Then, explore the purpose and process of behavior management in a paper in which you: Describe the purpose of behavior management in early childhood education settings, including why it is important to think proactively. Integrate the specific challenging behaviors to be detailed in this paper. Discuss three strategies teachers may use to determine the functions of challenging behaviors. Design an individual support plan for each of the challenging behaviors which includes: the possible functions of the behavior specific positive behavior supports replacement behaviors Summarize the role of the teacher in designing and implementing a classroom behavior plan. Writing the Final Paper The Final Paper: Must be six to eight double-spaced pages in length (not including title and reference pages), and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Must include a separate title page with the following: Title of paper Student’s name Course name and number Instructor’s name Date submitted Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought. Must use at least three scholarly sources in addition to the course text. Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

How does knowledge about breastfeeding (prenatal education vs education on admission vs none) impact a mother’s decision to initiate breastfeeding?

How does knowledge about breastfeeding (prenatal education vs education on admission vs none) impact a mother’s decision to initiate breastfeeding?

Evidence based medicine research paper. PICO QUESTION: Population; intervention, Comparison, Outcome. I have attached a word document with my PICO question based on my topic. To elaborate, my PICO question is referring to prenatal breastfeeding education versus breastfeeding education on admission to hospital for labor (lactation consultant and/or nurses coming to the room vs. no breastfeeding education. I am also attaching a document with sources i acquired from the example PICO I uploaded. Please feel free to add any other sources you see fit. Please e-mail me if you have any further questions. This needs to be submitted through turn it in. com. Thanking you in advance.

What was more significant in shaping Harriet Jacob’s experiences: her race or her gender?  

Essays will address one of the following questions:


What was more significant in shaping Harriet Jacob’s experiences: her race or her gender?




As a slave and as a runaway, did Harriet Jacobs suffer more from physical or psychological abuse?



1000-1750 words

(The Paragraphs can be longer than usual)


In text citations

Use only the book Provided (No outside citations)


Paragraph 1

  • Intro
  • Hook
  • Summary
  • Thesis/main point (A,B,C)


Paragraph 2


  • Topic sentence for point A
  • 3 Citations
  • Transition


Paragraph 3


  • Topic sentence for point B
  • 3 Citations
  • Transition



Paragraph 4


  • Topic sentence for point C
  • 3 citations
  • Transition


Paragraph 5


  • Conclusion
  • Restate thesis, main points and reflect
  • Do not provide new information

Sex Offender Registration and Sex Offender Civil Commitment Laws

Research Project Paper The research paper is to be “at least” 15 pages in length (size 12 New Roman Times font, default margins, double spaced). The 15 page limit does not include the title/heading page, table of contents, abstract or reference pages. Although, in all other ways, the paper must follow a formal research paper presentation in APA Style (e.g., Abstract, Introductions, Headings/subheadings, discussion/conclusion, reference and citations). Please present a comprehensive presentation of your topic using adequate resources (at least 10 sources from scholarly, peer-reviewed journals) and also chapter 9 from the text book (see attachment and citation below). The paper grade will be based on comprehensiveness, scope, analysis and balance in presentation, synthesis, logic, grammar, spelling, organization, clarity, APA style, empiricism, and content. Hemmens, C. (2015). Current Legal Issues in Criminal Justice (2nd ed.). New York: Oxford University Press.

Human Experimentation and the Doctrine of Double Effect

Consider the applications of ethical theory to human experimentation in our readings, class discussion, and in your research. Although not all ethicists agree that the Doctrine of Double Effect is normative, for the class you should know how to apply it to the relevant situations, and doing so can often help you order your thoughts on the matter. Please apply the Doctrine of Double Effect to cases (possible or actual, factual or imagined) of human experimentation and argue whether the case would pass the test. You will find the Doctrine of Double Effect discussed in our ethical overview chapters (here and here), and also here: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

hypocrisy of media on terrorism

For your project, you are required to research and report on one topic. This is not an essay but there are three required outcomes.   First, you are required to briefly introduce project (This part has been done already: What is Terrorism? Terrorism is an act of violence against innocent citizens in order to achieve political aims. Majority of the time, this term is commonly linked to Muslims or immigrants. My project will discuss the hypocrisy media plays when it comes to terrorist attacks done by non-Muslim/ immigrant individuals. Terrorism is terrorism, Anyone can be a terrorist, those who commit these horrible acts should be held accountable and publicized for their actions no matter what the religion, race and ethnicity may be). You will ideally receive feedback within this forum from your peers, while presenting your ideas, initial research and data to one another. This is an unstructured forum for each student to plan, organize and prepare your material and questions for the class. There is a separate forum for the final products and questions to be posted. Second, the following week in the assigned discussion forum, you are to present your findings. There should be central thesis (argument) and subsequent research to support your position. This material should be 5-6 paragraphs in length. There should also be several ″points to ponder″. These are questions for your peers to consider and respond to after having read your presentation. Third, you are required to submit an annotated bibliography on this project material. For this assignment, you are required to read and summarize five academic articles (peer reviewed) you have used for your project. You should properly cite them using APA or MLA. The annotated bibliography, citing the sources in APA format requires that a brief (7 to 8 sentence) summary (in third person format) follow each citation, which describes the main points, arguments, thesis, and conclusion of the resource.