Carefully examine the scenario below and answer the questions below in complete sentences, demonstrating your ability to connect choices, actions, and consequences to ethical decision-making


Enter your Vnumber in the header section.  Then answer each question below.  Carefully examine the scenario below and answer the questions below in complete sentences, demonstrating your ability to connect choices, actions, and consequences to ethical decision-making.  Please use logical thinking in your analysis rather than relying on personal bias.  Save this document with your answers to a flash drive or your Documents folder and submit (upload) through the Personal Responsibility Activity Assignment.


Tony, a data analyst for a major casino, is working after normal business hours to finish an important project. He realizes that he is missing data that had been sent to his coworker Robert.  Tony had inadvertently observed Robert typing his password several days ago and decides to log into Robert’s computer and resend the data to himself. Upon doing so, Tony sees an open email regarding gambling bets Robert placed over the last several days with a local sports book. All employees of the casino are forbidden to engage in gambling activities to avoid any hint of conflict of interest.

Tony knows he should report this but would have to admit to violating the company’s information technology regulations by logging into Robert’s computer. If he warns Robert to stop his betting, he would also have to reveal the source of his information. What does Tony do in this situation?

  1. Identify the factors make this scenario an ethical dilemma and analyze each factor.  Please describe in detail and use complete sentences and proper grammar.




  1. Identify all possible actions that Tony could take and analyze each action.




  1. Using the possible actions that you listed above, predict the logical consequences that would arise from each.  Attempt to analyze these consequences without using personal bias.




  1. Draw a conclusion.  From the actions and consequences listed above, draw a conclusion stating what action you think Tony should take and support your choice.

Describe Dziga Vertov’s concept of the Kino-Eye in relation to documentary filmmaking. What does he envision to be the point or purpose of the Kino-Eye? Draw from examples from one of three Vertov films discussed in class: Kino-Eye (1924), A Sixth of the World (1926), and Man with a Movie Camera (1929), as well as his manifesto “We”

1.Describe Dziga Vertov’s concept of the Kino-Eye in relation to documentary filmmaking. What does he envision to be the point or purpose of the Kino-Eye? Draw from examples from one of three Vertov films discussed in class: Kino-Eye (1924), A Sixth of the World (1926), and Man with a Movie Camera (1929), as well as his manifesto “We”. How does this purpose relate to vision and perception? Why is this important? (all three Vertov films are on Youtube) I attached the WE manifesto reading Please answer one of the following questions in a 2 pages research paper: Make sure that your answer takes the form of an argument, and that the form of your paper supports your argument with proof through both examples from the films (i.e. shot-by-shot analysis) and the readings.

Describe how teachers collect data in order to determine the functions of a behavior. Analyze the importance of collecting and reviewing data before implementing specific interventions to address challenging behavior.

After reviewing the reading for Week 3, address the following in a two- to three-page paper: Describe how teachers collect data in order to determine the functions of a behavior. Analyze the importance of collecting and reviewing data before implementing specific interventions to address challenging behavior. Discuss three common behaviors a teacher may see in young children and target for modification or replacement. Propose possible functions for each of these common targeted behaviors Your paper must be two to three pages in length (double-spaced, not including title and reference pages) and utilize APA formatting. It must cite at least two scholarly resources (including the course text). Citations must be properly formatted in APA style. Lastly, please note that this information will be used for your Final Project, due in Week 5.

Article Critique

References PICKETT, L. (2018). Get Thee to the Cloud–or Get Left Behind. Quality, 57(1), 37-42. Be sure that you examine programming tools and determine secure programming principles and/or development. Your article critique should consist of no less than three pages, and the article you choose should be no older than three years. In your article critique, you should do the following: • Write your critique in APA format. • Begin with an introduction that defines the subject of your critique and your point of view. You will need to identify and explain the author’s ideas. Include specific passages that support your desсrіption of the author’s point of view. • Defend your point of view by raising specific issues or aspects of the argument. Offer your own opinion. Explain what you think about the argument. Describe several points with which you agree or disagree. • Explain how the passages support your opinion. • Conclude your critique by summarizing your argument and re-emphasizing your opinion. • For each of the points you mention, indicate specific passages from the text that provide evidence for your point of view. Please be sure that any sources you paraphrase or quote are cited and referenced properly.

The purpose of this assignment is to inform the audience about a culture. You may choose a culture or a subculture. Through your information, explanation and examples, the audience should gain insight into the uniqueness of the culture and its people

Speech #2: Culture Speech

The purpose of this assignment is to inform the audience about a culture. You may choose a culture or a subculture. Through your information, explanation and examples, the audience should gain insight into the uniqueness of the culture and its people. Remember: the focus is a culture not on the geography or history of a country or group. You should keep in mind the audience that you are speaking to and try to select a topic that is audience centered. Additionally, please make sure the topic is classroom appropriate.

Remember, the purpose of this assignment is to inform, not persuade. You are to keep your opinion of the subject out of the presentation and objectively “teach us” about your topic. Through your information, explanation and examples, the audience should gain insight into the topic you have chosen. Your speech should not make judgments, but rather, be an objective

Presentation Requirements (100 points)

  1. Your speech is to be 5-7 minutes in length.
  2. It should include at least three outside sources that you cite verbally in your presentation.
  3. It should include at least one appropriate visual aid.
  4. It should have all of the elements that constitute a successful introduction, body and conclusion.
    1. Introduction: Attention Grabber, Statement of Credibility, Preview of Main Points
    2. Body: Main points should be clear, organized, well-developed.
      1. Use effective/appropriate transitional phrases
    3. Conclusion: Summarize Main Points, End with a STRONG final statement (“That’s all everyone” or “Thanks…I’m done” does not count.)
  5. You are to use an extemporaneous mode of delivery.
  6. You are to display appropriate energy and enthusiasm regarding your topic.
  7. You should give the presentation to an audience of 5 or more adults. Your speech is to be video recorded and I should be able to see the audience. You can introduce your audience briefly or pan the room before you begin speaking to them but I must see that they are in the room watching you the entire time you’re speaking (do not show an audience and then turn the camera off and then back on).
  8. Record the speech on a webcam or phone and then upload it to YouTube. Afterwards, please post your speech in the following two places: (1) The discussion board under the thread titled “Speech #2 & Peer Reviews” for the class to view and (2) In the “Speech 2 Submission” folder located in the Speeches tab in Blackboard.

Preparation Outline Requirements (45 points)

  1. A full sentence, typed outline must be turned in the day your speech is due.
  2. This outline should include every single sentence or phrase from your presentation.
  3. You must label the major parts of the introduction, body and conclusion, as well as your transitional statements and put your documented sources in bold font.
  4. The outline should resemble the sample outline that is posted under the Course Documents tab on Blackboard.
  5. A typed works cited page using MLA format should be included as the last page of your outline.

Speaking Outline Requirements (5 points)

  1. This outline is what you take to the podium with you.
  2. It should be no more than 2-3 pages and should also be typed.
  3. This outline should only include key words or phrases and NOT complete sentences.
  4. A sample Speaking Outline can be found under the Course Documents tab in Blackboard.


Online learning is better than face-to-face learning.

NAME: ___________________



Please choose one of the formats below and make an outline of your essay.



Thesis statement: ____________________________________________________________



Body paragraphs


Paragraph I. Counter argument & refutation


Counter argument 1: __________________________________________________________



Refutation: __________________________________________________________________

  1. __________________________________________
  2. __________________________________________


Counter argument 2: __________________________________________________________



Refutation: __________________________________________________________________

  1. __________________________________________
  2. __________________________________________


Paragraph II. Counter argument & refutation


Counter argument 1: __________________________________________________________



Refutation: __________________________________________________________________

  1. __________________________________________
  2. __________________________________________


Counter argument 2: __________________________________________________________


Refutation: _________________________________________________________________

  1. __________________________________________
  2. __________________________________________





Thesis statement: ____________________________________________________________



Body paragraphs


Paragraph I. Counter argument & refutation


Counter argument 1: __________________________________________________________



Refutation: __________________________________________________________________

  1. __________________________________________
  2. __________________________________________


Counter argument 2: __________________________________________________________



Refutation: __________________________________________________________________

  1. __________________________________________
  2. __________________________________________


Paragraph II. Pro Arguments


Topic sentence: ______________________________________________________________



  1. __________________________________________
  2. _______________________________
  3. _______________________________


  1. __________________________________________
  2. _______________________________
  3. _______________________________



Research Paper

Short Essay   For your final paper, you will be writing about a topic that was at its inception or peak during the first part of the 20th century, from 1900 to 1920. For this paper, you will begin that research and write a 3-page introductory paper into this topic. It’s important that you want to explore this topic. If you don’t like it, you will have difficulty focusing on both this and the longer paper. If you Google timelines of that period, you will find a plethora of ideas to choose from.   You can choose a person, place, event, invention, etc. Please understand that the end of your final project will explain the connection between your topic and the world of 2018, so be sure you can make that connection. For example, many of the Amendments to the Constitution were ratified during this time period. You can choose one, research the hows and whys, who was involved in getting it ratified, and why it matters today that it was ratified.   In this 3-page paper, you will begin the exploration. This will be your preliminary, surface-scratching research. For this, you may use Google searches. You are permitted to get a general overview of the topic from Wikipedia, but Wikipedia can be only a preliminary source and not the premier source of your information.   You will need a minimum of 3 sources for this paper. If you find others, hold onto them for your expanded paper.   The paper needs to be 3 full pages (maximum of 4 full pages), typed in 11 or 12 pt. font, double-spaced, with standard margins all around.   This paper is due on March 12. I already have my thesis statement done but you can switch it around or add to it if you feel need to but I want the topic to generally stay the same. I will upload it as a file later but right now I’m on my phone so I can only screenshot it

Research essay

Research essay


You are to create a research question or thesis surrounding the issues associated with attachment and bonding.   You will begin by demonstrating an understanding of the theories and content learned in class [ nurture/nature, classical and operant conditioning, Harlow, Bowlby and Ainsworth, Erikson, Freud, Piaget ] as well as contemporary studies and theories surrounding attachment and bonding in the first years of life.  You may focus on special interests, social, cultural or economic factors, future considerations, or special conditions surrounding adoption, non-traditional families or issues caused by abuse or neglect to mention a few. Choose one major condition and create a focused research analysis as well as consider predictions, effects and solutions associated with your chosen focus.


To receive full marks for your paper it must be: 4 pages in length [double spaced] and must include obvious connections to the criteria listed above.  You must include all resources [print and online] at the end of your paper.  You will also need to complete a midpoint teacher conference where you must demonstrate you research progress as well as completed work.


Animal Testing

1. Cite the source correctly in MLA documentation style. The citations should be organized in alphabetical order by author. 2. Follow with an annotation that begins by summarizing the source (approx. 3-5 sentences). Then, continue the annotation by evaluating the source, including the authority, background, and education of the author(s), the intended audience (for whom was it written (general public/any reader, subject specialists, college students? What skill level or education level must the reader have?) (approx. 3-5 sentences). Finally, conclude the annotation with a discussion of how this work is relevant or important to your selected topic (approx. 1-2 sentences). The annotation must be in your own words—no quoting, no copying and pasting. 5+ scholarly articles from the electronic databases.  5+ sources from other areas (books, websites, etc.).  Sources documented in MLA Style (by author).  Thoughtful and complete annotations of approximately 150 words. Above are the specific instructions for this assignment, the audience is my class mates.

Accounting Information System Comprehensive Project


  • BGS is a one-store “mom and pop” type of business.  It has a limited budget, so you should not recommend controls that are too expensive for that type of business to implement.  Think about affordability and the trade-off between cost and benefit when choosing controls.
  • Similarly, you should not over-rely on technology to solve all problems.  It’s too costly for this type of organization, and leads to its own problems.  The case states that BGS is going to implement a new system; this new system, to fit BGS, will be small and have some basic technology, but will not have anywhere near the capabilities of larger systems.  A mix of both manual controls and simpler technology controls is more reasonable.
  • As in part (b), you should not recommend additional employees be hired or existing employees take on responsibilities that are inconsistent with their positions in the company (and duties you assign them in part (b)).
  • You can’t recommend controls that already exist in the case; you aren’t adding value by doing this.  Your task is to recommend additional controls for each control objective.  (Many times having a mix of controls for each objective makes sense, as we discussed in class.)
  • Also, you can’t use identical controls for more than one objective, although you can use similar types of controls.  For example, you can use segregation of duties once for purchasing/receiving and once for disbursements, because the duties you recommend to be segregated are different.  You should use different controls for the other control objectives, however.


  • Make sure you read the control objectives carefully and understand what each one implies (and what each does not imply).  Restate the objective in plain English as specifically as possible.  For instance, for the occurrence objective “Recorded purchases are for goods actually received,” restate it as:  “Office Administrators only record journal entries when the company has actually received goods.”  This should help you to identify the right risks and controls.  [Note also what this objective does not imply; for instance, “received goods” is not the same as “received ordered goods” – the authorization objective covers the “ordered” part.]
  • When we covered controls, we took a certain approach that I recommend you take in part (c).  Specifically, I’ve given you a list of control objectives.  For each control, first find a risk that would impact the achievement of that goal.  What bad thing(s) could happen, based on your knowledge of how BGS works (from parts (a) and (b)), that may threaten the information’s reliability for that objective?
  • Then, once you’ve determined the each risk, choose a control that would help either prevent, detect, or correct to help minimize the risk’s potential impact on reliable information.  I noticed, in grading homework assignment 5, that most all students focused mainly on preventive controls, and not much on detective or corrective controls.  Note that you’re not limited to using preventive controls; you can use any of the three types for each control you choose.