Food Marketing

First off, the essay should not be perfect, and not bad either, use easy and simple common words as possible. The essay should include 9 sources at which 5 of them i will give you and upload them for you, because they are from the university site. And the other 4 sources, 2 of them must be from ″Newspaper″ sources and 2 must be from any truthful sites. The ″Thesis″ must be the last sentence of the introduction, and the essay must include a ″counter-argument″. MAXIMUM 1500 WORDS, i appreciate your help. If you need any help send me a message on my email.

A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry

ENG102- Literature and Composition Essay Questions for Drama Essay PLEASE CHOOSE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING OPTIONS AND WRITE A 750-1,000 word essay in response: 1) Lorraine Hansberry prefaces her play with a poem by Langston Hughes called “A Dream Deferred”. After discussing the images in the poem and it’s meaning, write an essay in which you show how the play illustrates the theme of the poem by taking ONE character in the play and analyzing what his or her dream was, how or why it was deferred, and what has happened by the end. Also, discuss the ways in which the concept of the “dream” is central to the play. Things to consider: Which characters specifically discuss their dreams? Do dreams ever become destructive, a substitute for action? Is it absolutely essential to keep a dream alive? . 2) Through most of the play, Walter is shown in a state of arrested development, meaning he is still very much like a teenager or even a child. He blames Ruth and Mama for not trusting his judgment to run the family like “a man” like his father was. Drawing on what we have learned about African-American masculinity and what it means to be a man in this play, write an essay in which you analyze Walter’s path through the play in terms of masculinity, manhood and maturity. . 3) Asagai sees “what the New World hath finally wrought” in Beneatha, but Beneatha, with a darker vision, sees it in Walter. In what ways are they both right? Using what we have learned about the statistics and conditions of African America at the time of the play, write an essay in which you discuss how American society, with its strengths and weaknesses, has shaped both Beneatha and Walter? . 4) Within the Younger household, there are three generations of women, all having a very different experience with what it means to be a black woman in their time and in their phase in life. Using what we have learned about feminism and the women’s movements, compare and contrast the dreams, struggles AND character development of Mama, Ruth and Beneatha. . 5) Critical reception to A Raisin in the Sun was not all positive when the play first came out. One of the major points of contention was that the play was pro-integration. Some segments of the African-American community felt that integration actually was not the end-all answer to America’s race problem. Using what we have learned from the presentations about the first Broadway production, discuss the ways in which the idea of integration is presented throughout the play. Is Hansberry’s presentation one- sided, or does she raise issues relevant to both viewpoints? . 6) Come up with a thesis of your own in which you defend an idea about one of the following topics as related to the play: Possible Topics: • Epiphanies/Awakenings • African American Identity during the 50’s and 60’s • Midwestern Working Class Identity • Feminine Identity during the African American Civil Rights Struggle • Masculine Identity during the African American Civil Rights Struggle • Materialism • Matriarchy vs. Patriarchy • Afrocentricism vs. Assimilation • Protagonist vs. Antagonist • The Play from a Psychoanalytical Perspective • The Role of a key symbol or group of symbols (i.e. the check, the plant, light, Prometheus, the apartment),

Drawing upon specific concepts of FPA, account for the different approach taken to the Bay of Pigs Invasion and the Cuban Missile Crisis during the Kennedy administration, and the extent to which this evolution proved critical to the successful resolution


Always structure your answers, be they exams or essays.

Ensure that your answers have an introduction, a main body and a conclusion.


In your introduction, introduce the thesis: What question do you intend to answer?

Set forth your hypothesis: What do you anticipate the answers to be?

Explain your rationale: Whey are you doing this?

Finally, explain the process your will engage in: What can the reader expect and why?


Main Body

Explore the question using a series of well-defined sections that introduce and fully examine an aspect that you believe to be relevant.

Ensure that your arguments are fully developed and completed



Tell the reader what you have accomplished, how and why.



Use quotations intelligently.

Neither over use nor under use sourced material

If you quote, you MUST cite a reference!


Footnote Entry Example


  1. James D. Boys, Clinton’s Grand Strategy: US Foreign Policy in a Post-Cold War World (London: Bloomsbury, 2015), p. 109.


Bibliography Example


Boys, James D. Clinton’s Grand Strategy: US Foreign Policy in a Post-Cold War World.  London:

Bloomsbury, 2015.



Ensure you submit on time.

The university’s late submission principles are clear and will be enforced.














Footnotes are the standard style of referencing used by historians, you might not be used to them, but you will be obliged to utilise them for all referencing in any written work submitted on this course. Footnotes not only allow the reader to find the source of the information or the quote under discussion; they also provide space to mention ideas, questions, controversies and other interesting points which do not fit into the main body of the paper. Furthermore, they allow the writer to reference a wide range of different primary and secondary sources.


Footnotes are very simple to use on the Microsoft version of the University network. To create a footnote, place the cursor at the place in the text where you want to put a footnote.  Choose Insert then Footnote.  Make sure that it is set for ‘automatic numbering’. Then hit the OK button and a superscript number will appear in your text where you placed your cursor, and the same number will appear at the bottom of the page.  This is where you write your footnote. When you add another footnote, or delete one, the program will automatically give it the correct number and position it at the bottom of the page in the right order.


When should a text be ‘cited’?


  • All direct quotes.
  • All words, phrases, sentences that have been paraphrased, or are based directly on a source.
  • Any thought, idea or opinion that you read somewhere.
  • Places where you might want to make additional comments that do not fit in the text.
  • Specific examples that support or illustrate your statements.


The footnote system uses footnotes to provide references to sources. The first reference to a source is in full, the second and subsequent references in an abbreviated form. These examples constitute the main features of the Chicago style footnoting you need to know.




Students are encouraged to make full use of the Internet, but they must remember that any information cited from on-line sources must be in addition to the required number of published sources for any piece of written work. Any written work that relies solely on Internet-based sources will be heavily penalised.


There is a great deal of excellent material on the web, but there is also a great deal of unsubstantiated and unreferenced rubbish, so you’ll have to be able to difference the wheat from the chaff. It is therefore vital that you be able to discriminate in the online research process between credible and non-credible sources. Sources such as online academic journals (EBSCO-host, JSTOR) or homepages for universities and research centres are good. Obviously, academic work should be biased towards academic sources. Many other sources are also useful, including news sources, Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs), advocacy agencies, think-tanks, government web-sites and international institutions.


“Europe is indefensible.”

“Europe is indefensible.” – Aimé Césaire , I want you to consider how Robin Kelley defines “surrealism” as a political project in his introduction to Césaire’s text. You will also want to consider how Suzanne and Aimé Césaire define it as a political practice? Why, for instance, does Aimé Césaire’s Discourse on Colonialism (1952) take the form that it does? In what precise ways does it not only describe but also enact an emancipatory vision of the world in its very language (or imagery) and style (or tone)—in not only what the text says but how it says it? Be specific and make sure you refer to both the content of Aimé Césaire’s critique (“Europe is indefensible”; the theme of colonialism’s “boomerang effect”; the vivid, potent, almost horror-film like imagery) as well as the form it takes (the text repeats, for instance, its argument or develops its argument rhythmically; speaks in the first-person; addresses if not interrogates the reader; is a series of declarations or long lists of abuses; takes an ironic tone in order to call attention to Europe’s—or the colonizer’s—contradictions). It will also be useful to remember that Kelley refers to Césaire’s text as both a “third world manifesto” and as “an act of insurrection” (7, 28). A strong response will therefore suggest why the text takes the form of a “manifesto,” from the Latin, meaning, “to make public.” In other words, Kelley is suggesting that Césaire is making something otherwise invisible manifest, or known. How does this effort at making known a truth that otherwise remains hidden—or which refuses to be acknowledged—relate to surrealism as form of “knowledge,” as Kelley suggests, quoting Césaire himself (17)? Why does Césaire’s counter-discourse of European civilization take the form that it does as “poetic knowledge”—that is, why is surrealism so relevant to the claims that Césaire is making to repudiate Europe’s invention of the “barbaric Negro” (21).

Inefficiencies in Managing Human Resources

Inefficiencies in Managing Human Resources

Investigate the degree to which human resources are related to the other factors (project management, product design, process strategy, location decisions, layout decisions, etc.). In a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document, address the following:

  • Identify inefficiencies in the way that human resources are utilized in a business at which you have worked in the past or with which you are familiar.
  • Describe ways in which the inefficiencies that you have identified could be reduced or eliminated.
  • Define what changes would be required to job designs in order to implement your suggested strategies for eliminating the inefficiencies.
  • Identify how the way people are measured might need to be adjusted as a result of your suggestions.
  • Explain whether additional compensation might need to be offered as a result of your plan to change job designs and work measurements. Support your rational with examples.

Support your responses with examples.

Cite any sources in APA format.

Submission Details

Name your document SU_MGT3059_W5_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.

Submit your document to the W5 Assignment 2 Dropbox by Tuesday, November 7, 2017.

Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum Points
Identified inefficiencies in the way that human resources are utilized in a business at which you have worked in the past or with which you are familiar. 50
Proposed solutions that might eliminate the inefficiency in terms of the use of human resources. 40
Defined changes to job designs that might be needed to implement the proposed solutions. 40
Identified changes to work measurement that might be needed to implement the proposed solutions. 40
Explained if and why changes to compensation might be needed to implement the proposed solutions. 30
Written components. 50
Total: 250


Texas and inmigration

In chapter one, you can see that urbanization has only been increasing in Texas and Figure 1.9 (also see ″Who Are Texans″ illustration at the end of the chapter) illustrates this futher by showing the changing demographics in Texas. Both immigrants and non-immigrants alike would like to resolve the issue of immigration. Because of our location, Texas will especially be affected by any legislation that is passed. If you had the ear of the legislators, how would you convince them to come to a solution? What ideas do you have to resolve the issue? Is there even an issue? Why/why not. Submit a one-page or longer (double spaced) answer. This is dropbox. so no one but me will be able to view your answer. book: Champagne, Anthony, et al. Governing Texas 3rd Edition. ISBN: 9780393622737

n real-life contexts. Parameters and guidelines for the assessment are as follows:  Select an organization, e.g., a corporation, company, firm or association (ideally, an organization which you have some interest in starting or running) for in-depth analysis of their management practices.

Term Paper: The term paper is a comprehensive semester-long project. Students will complete this project in the steps described below and on BlackBoard. Your final project is your major contribution, where you will exhibit your learning. Students will individually select an organization, assess its financial effectiveness and make recommendations to improve its finance plans and results though the approaches, principles and methods learning in the class. You are free to choose an organization that you are familiar with, including an organization you have already started or worked for or you may also choose a fictitious organization that you want to start sometime in the future. This project will incorporate important concepts and frameworks introduced throughout the course and will demonstrate the students’ ability to understand and properly apply these concepts in real-life contexts. Parameters and guidelines for the assessment are as follows:  Select an organization, e.g., a corporation, company, firm or association (ideally, an organization which you have some interest in starting or running) for in-depth analysis of their management practices.  The research report should be approximately 6-7 pages (double spaced) with at least 3 scholarly references in addition to your eText for a minimum of 4 total references.  This research should incorporate a wide array of data sources to cover all different aspects of managing the organization in detail and suggests meaningful recommendations to the company based on what you’ve learned in the course.  Data sources may include: trade magazines, library sources, industry analysis, analyst reports, focus group discussions, customer interviews, employee interviews, executive interviews, customer surveys, social media analysis, online community analysis, etc.  Project should be well organized and encompass the above subject and content guidelines, and an electronic copy of the project should be submitted via safe assignment The term paper report structure is as follows: (This structure is only to help students to get started and think further in this directions. Students are free to adapt the structure of the research report as they desire.) 1. Introduction Background and Context: Discuss type of industry, products/services, existing channels, competition in the context of sales and customer service, and how organizational vision and strategies have influenced their management. 7 2. Analysis of current managerial style and philosophy 3. Analysis of key terms and principles learned in class and how they relate to the current status and future goals of the company 4. Analysis of related Organizational Systems, Policies & Culture 5. Recommendations 6. Conclusion 7. References this is my company selection and my teachers response. Hello Professor Kallet, I have decided to do my term paper on L’Oreal. This company is a publicly traded company and it’s the largest cosmetic company in the world. L’Oreal is a vast company with a lot of different fields in which I can focus my term paper in. I myself am an employee at this company where I am starting a career in. which is a plus for me as I am driven to learn as much as I can about this company. I plan to write about the origin of this company, how much as it grown and how it has become the number one cosmetic company in the world. Their social responsibility and their culture, which I can attest first hand. In all the companies I have worked for there is none quite like L’Oreal. Corporate Selection Approved. This is a great choice since it is a diverse company with a great deal of public information available for analysis. One note of caution – General Mills has a very diverse group of product offerings that go well beyond just one or two categories. Make sure that your paper focuses on the ENTIRE company′s performance, not just a segment of it. Remember that the three key components of your paper are to: – Assess the organizations financial effectiveness and then make recommendations to improve their finance plans and results though the approaches, principles and methods learned in the class. – Perform an in- depth analysis of their management practices. – Conduct an analysis of their current managerial style and philosophy. Also remember to follow the paper guidelines as outlined on the syllabus to ensure that you hit the major paper topics and requirements.

Foundations and Applications of Technical Writing

This project is about writing a professional proposal to a Company. The first document (1_Project Proposal details Requirements.docx) are the instructor details and can be used as a template. The second document (2_Project Proposal Summary Requirements.docx) is just a summary of the project requirements. The third, fourth, and fifth documents (3_Task_2_Seamus_Company_Context.docx, 4_Task_2_RFP_Questions_from_vendors.docx, 5_Task_2_Request_for_Proposal-1.docx) are part of the proposal and are explained in the first document) The sixth document (6_Project competent requirements.docx) just shows the requirements to pass the project 1_Project Proposal details Requirements.docx 2_Project Proposal Summary Requirements.docx 3_Task_2_Seamus_Company_Context.docx 4_Task_2_RFP_Questions_from_vendors.docx 5_Task_2_Request_for_Proposal-1.docx 6_Project competent requirements.docx


Details of Project Paper (10%): You must include at least ten references.


Prepare a 10-15 page paper in Microsoft Word (counts as 10% of the final grade) in APA format (see writing expectations in the Policies section) (350 words per page). The paper should be between 2500 to 5300 words excluding the title page content and the references page content. At a minimum include the following:


  • Detailed description of the area researched
  • Technology involved in the area
  • Future trends in the area
  • Example companies involved in the area
  • Regulatory issues surrounding the area
  • Global implications for the area
  • References (minimum of 10)


You may use resources from the any library, government library, or any peer-reviewed reference (Wikipedia and any other publicly-reviewed source is not accepted). The paper must be at least 10 pages double-spaced, 1″ margin all around, black 12 point font (Times New Roman or Arial) with correct citations of all utilized references/sources, (pictures, graphics, etc… are extra – allowed but extra for the minimum page count). The title page and references are also required but don’t count in the minimum page count. A minimum of 10 references are required.


The paper will be subjected to checking against plagiarism. The paper must follow acceptable originality criteria (no more than 15% max total, and 2% per individual source match are allowed).



The Status of Immigration in The American West: Past, Present, and Future

Writing Assignment Options


Students may select from any of the following options:

  1. A) “Who Do You Think You Are, and How Did You Get Here?”
  2. B) The Status of Immigration in The American West: Past, Present, and Future
  3. C) The Status of Native American Sovereignty in The American West: Past, Present, and Future
  4. D) Or some other topic that is subject to instructor approval.



Students who have any questions are encouraged to ask them as soon as possible.



Writing Requirement Format


  • The length of the assignment should be at least 2,000 words (in addition to the words comprising the cover page), however students may write more if they should so wish. This assignment is worth 100 points.


  • Each paper must have at least three (3) references. Class notes, the textbook, or other lecture materials may not be used as references. I may not be used as a reference. However, published materials that are listed in the textbook may be used.


  • Proper headings should be used to identify major, or minor, topics being discussed.


  • The assignment will be due on Friday, November 3rd, at 11:59 PM so that the assignment may be graded, and feedback provided. The document is to be submitted through the course Blackboard to SafeAssign for evaluation.  As per the syllabus, submissions which are late will be assessed a penalty of five (5) points per calendar day regardless of reason. Exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis, but must have proper documentation to support the granting of an exception, and any exception is left to the discretion of the instructor. Students would be well advised to submit their assignment well before the deadline in case there are any problems with their internet connection, or with Blackboard.



Document Format

  • The document must be submitted with a 12-point font size, double-spaced, on 8.5 x 11-inch white paper with one-inch side, bottom, and top margins. It must include a title page that lists the title of the class, the name of the student, and the class section in which the student is enrolled (see last page of this guide).


  • The submitted document must use either of the Microsoft Word document formats DOCX or DOC, or rich-text-format (RTF) which will preserve formatting instructions. Students using a word-processing software other than Microsoft Word, must use the command save the file as and use one of the aforementioned file formats, or else be subject to a 50 point LOSS of points for the assignment.


  • Students are to follow the APA format. There are no exceptions to this. It is the responsibility of the student to become aware of the proper guidelines.



  • Points may be lost according to the following:

No title page point loss : -2 points

Not double-spaced point loss: -2 points

Improper file format loss: -50 points

Insufficient word count point loss between:

1980 – 2000 words, -0 points

1950 – 1979 words, -25 points

1900 – 1949 words, -50 points

Fewer than 1900 words, -100 points

Submitted Late – Five (5) points per calendar day.

No, or incomplete, electronic submission point loss: -100

There may be other points lost according to the scoring rubric, and so it is possible for a student to earn zero (0) points for the assignment.


Special Note

  • The writing style that is used should represent the students’ best efforts. The writing requirement will be graded on spelling, grammar, clarity and coherence, and whether, or not, the overall objective of the assignment was achieved (see scoring rubric).


  1. Students may not use the following words, or phrases, under any circumstances.

“Like”, “you know”, “really”, “thing”, or any words, phrases, or abbreviations that might otherwise be used in cellular telephone text messages.  For example, LOL, OMG, I c u ltr, how r u? would not be allowed.  Examples of the aforementioned text would count for twice the penalty points according to the scoring rubric.



The goal of the student should be to write the assignment as if it were being submitted to a potential employer for review.  Each of you is a university student, and you should strive to write as well as possible.