SHORT ANALYICAL ESSAY ON ARCHETYPES Both blood diamond (movie)and the alchemist (book) are narratives that incorporate archetypes to develop themes/ideas that are universal to all people, times and places. Identify and analyze a specific archetype that is used in both the movie and the novel. Compare the archetype in both works and decide what each author’s intent is in using it (e.g. What does the audience learn through the use of the archetype? How has the author adapted the archetype to develop his/her themes, characters or conflict?) This is a very short essay- 500 (can be 60 words less or more) words (2 pages)- so you’ll need to narrow your focus and make your analysis concise. Don’t retell the stories and don’t “pad” your paper. Organize it into four paragraphs with strong examples from the novel and the movie to support you analysis. Be sure to make valid point about the use of the archetype.

Death Penalty

I want you to argue for a way the death penalty is wrong. I need 5 full pages, 6 sources (3 for your side and 3 against), with no paraphrasing or summary, proper MLA citation, proper MLA format, no 1st or 2nd person, and correct spelling and grammar. When writing your paper, keep in mind that moral and ethical laws and rules should have to apply to all people, in all situations, in all places, at all times.  In fact, we need moral and ethical laws and rules for human society to function and exist.  However, there are many contradictions.  For example, if not killing people is morally/ethically good, then is killing in wartime acceptable, is killing in self-defense acceptable, is the death penalty acceptable? Also, be careful of moral relativism, the belief that everyone should have their own subjective personal views of what is moral or immoral or ethical and unethical. The question I want argued is: why is something good or bad, right or wrong, moral or immoral, or ethical or unethical? If you are going to cite religious texts, quote from a variety of them.

How did the Africans experience the Middle Passage?

Research Project-History 1301

  • You will pick one of the approved graphic novels and beginning reading.
  • Depending on which historical graphic novel you read, you will answer the


Central Historical Question:

1- Inhuman Traffick by Rafe Blaufarb and Liz Clarke


How did the Africans experience the Middle Passage?


2- Nat Turner by Kyle Baker & Kindred by Octavia Butler


How did slavery shape the family life of the enslaved in the American South?


3-In this course we look at the history of slavery and how it evolved in the United States, so your research project will take an extensive look into how slavery evolved.

4-You will look at various resources (primary and secondary sources) that deal with either the middle passage or plantation life depending on your novel selection.  You will need to annotate your sources.  Requirements:  two books, three scholarly articles, two websites and three primary source documents such as government documents, newspapers, slave narratives, etc.


5-This will be a digital research project, which means it will contain a multimedia component and a written component.  Technology-savvy students will be able to create an impressive video for their presentations—suggested presentation software and media include:


Adobe Spark



Augmented Reality Apps-Layar, Aurasma




Windows Movie Maker

Post a video on YouTube





This is NOT a “cut-and- paste” project!! Thought, research, and organization must be evident to obtain a high grade.

Part I: Research

You will conduct research to answer the central question for which graphic historical novel that you choose to read.  I advise students to research at the library the various primary and secondary sources.  I have provided a list of suggestions for getting started on the course website under the “Research Paper” tab. These links will point you to digital archives of appropriate primary sources, and help you access the scholarly works (= books and articles) to which our library has access for the secondary sources. You can, of course, use other materials, but when in doubt check with me to make sure your sources are appropriate.


Conduct a thorough research process, locating 2+ appropriate text source(s) to help you understand, theorize about and contextualize your 2+ primary sources. You cannot accomplish this by simply Googling; you must employ our library’s print and electronic resources, and perhaps even expand beyond those if needed.


Part II: Annotated Bibliography

You have already begun writing an annotated bibliography. You will use this aspect of the project to complete a more thorough review of the research on your topic. Annotate bibliography is a list of primary and secondary sources used in your project. You do not necessarily have to list all the resources you read being that not all will be helpful, but if you use facts from a source or decide that a particular

primary source will be used in Part IV, then it should be listed in the annotated bibliography. An annotated bibliography has three elements to it:


  1. separated alphabetically (author’s last name) into primary and secondary sources;
  2. lists the bibliographically information of each resource;
  3. and under the bibliographically information is a 1-2 sentence summary of what you learned from the source and why it is important for your project. That is, how does it help address your research questions and other content knowledge requirements.

Here is an example:



Part III: Audio-Visual Presentation

The multimedia presentation show should be 3-5 minutes in length and explore the topic in depth. In order to, complete the topic students must complete the following steps:

 gather and organize relevant photographs, video, and audio clips of interviews and relevant sound effects;

create a audio visual storyboard and audio script; (write out your script based on researched information)

 construct a visual slideshow and then record voice-overs, be sure to have an introduction slide;

 edit final projects;

 and create a credit slide(s) that highlight annotated bibliography.


After watching your video essay, a viewer should know the basic details concerning your topic as well as have an appreciation of its significance to American history. As video historians, your first task is to accurately research and describe your topic. Imagine that your audience is a peer (a friend or fellow student) who is not in this class. Your finished video essay should seek to inform this intelligent but uninformed viewer who or what your topic was – the significance of your topic to the major themes of American history, either in what it caused or in how it reflects upon larger issues, and also why they should care about your topic – that is, you need to make it interesting and engaging.




Wikipedia entries are not a reliable secondary source and should not be cited in your paper, although sometimes they provide links to references that can be useful in the initial stages of research. Likewise, websites are not an appropriate secondary source for this assignment.

write a comprehensive essay, based principally on the primary source documents found in The Lowell Offering

Your goal is to write a comprehensive essay, based principally on the primary source documents found in The Lowell Offering, as well as the additional sources that I have posted in Blackboard.


Some women worked in the mills, relishing the freedom and independence they felt away from the farm for the first time, while others developed a cult of domesticity, thinking themselves free to not have to work.


The central question is this:  Was life better for women who chose to work in the Lowell mills or the women who chose to stay on the farm?  Compare the meaning of freedom for these two groups of women.


Things to think about:

  • Shift from artisan to factory workers – advantages and disadvantages?
  • Daily life in the Lowell mills
  • Changing societal values for women in the early 19th century
  • Role of women during the market revolution vs. “republican motherhood” during American Revolution
  • Incorporate the information from the additional document pack found in the ‘Assignments’ tab in Blackboard


Your essay should be 5 pages (double spaced) in length.  Please use standard font and margins.

DO NOT PLAGIARIZE!  The only sources that you should be using are your textbook, the Eisler book and the additional sources that I have posted in Blackboard.  That means absolutely no internet sources are to be utilized.  If you include direct quotations, use quotation marks and be sure to explain how the quotation relates to your argument.  Include frequent references to the assigned readings each time you draw upon them, not only when you are quoting.  Use parenthetical citations — example:  (Eisler, 75).  A works cited page at the end of the paper is not necessary.


*** If you plagiarize any portion of this assignment from the internet, or any other source, you will receive a zero.  If you have questions about what constitutes plagiarism or how to cite material, you should consult with MCC’s Writing Center (you can find the link in the ‘External Links’ tab in Blackboard).

Your essay is due by Saturday evening (October 28) at 11:30PM.  Late submissions will be subject to the penalty discussed in the syllabus (10% per day).

Please attach your submissions to an email ( as a WORD document (or in a compatible format).  Failure to attach as a Word document may mean that I will be unable to open your essay and you will not receive credit for the assignment.  When I receive your essay, I will send you a confirmation email.  If you do not get a confirmation email from me within 24 hours, please contact me.

Op-Ed about the American Red Cross and it′s reactions to recent disasters. The piece should make a clear argument about why the American Red Cross is not achieving one or more of its stated goals. 800-1000 words

In order to facilitate practical application of the literature covered in the first portion of
the class, write an 800-1000 word mock op-ed on an international organization that is
currently in the news or that you believe deserves further attention. The piece should
make a clear argument about why the international organization is or is not
achieving one or more of its stated goals.
Although op-eds are generally opinion pieces, this assignment should make a clear and
concise argument, and be rigorously supported with reference to empirical
evidence. They tend to be aimed at a general audience rather than an academic
audience. You are encouraged to look at published op-eds for guidance, but your work
must be original.
Grading will be based on the clarity of the position taken, concise writing, well reasoned
support of the argument, and inclusion of concepts from the relevant literature covered in
the course. The literature that is relevant to each op-ed will vary. Op-eds do not
traditionally contain in-text citations. However, since your op-ed will be produced
within an academic context, please use footnotes or endnotes for any citations (any
standard citation style is ok). You should cite any ideas that are not your own,
including any reference to concepts learned in the class. You can cite lecture but I
prefer that you cite the original assigned reading whenever possible. Citations should not
be included in your word count.
The written assignment must be turned in as a hard copy at the beginning of class
on October 26th AND submitted electronically prior to the start on bCourses.
Please use a 12 point standard font and at least one inch margins and include page
numbers. Include a cover sheet with your identifying information (full name, email
address, etc.) and a word count.
If you cannot get bCourses to work or your printer fails you, please email a copy to your
GSI. When it doubt, be redundant in your submission of the document to make sure it is
on time. Late submissions will be penalized at the instructor’s discretion, with the
presumption of half of a letter grade for each day that it is late.

Comparison/contrast Essay

Comparison/contrast essay. Write an essay showing the X is/is not like Y on the basis of specific points. Choose one of the following topics for an essay developed by comparison and/or contrast. The topic on which you decide should be something you care about so that the comparison and contrast is a means of communicating an idea or clarifying a choice, not an end in itself. In selecting a topic, consider (1) what your purpose will be; (2) whether you will emphasize similarities or differences; (3) what specific points you will discuss, include, or use in order to explain, clarify, or point out; (4) what organizational pattern will best suit your purpose, i.e. divided or alternating; and (5) your audience. Outside of personal or anecdotal supporting elements, use third person P.O.V. Your paper must include at least 1 reference or citation. Use MLA format for documentation and your ″Work Cited″ page. Be sure your readers see the significance or your comparison. Have a clear basis of comparison that includes no more than 3 areas/points. 1. Compare and/or contrast 2 fictional characters. (For example: Batman/Superman) 2. Write a paper comparing 2 activities. (For example: going to the movies/renting a video) 3. Write an essay comparing 2 distinctly disparate styles of art or entertainment. (For example: don′t try to compare soccer to American Football. Focus in on a more specific area related to both sports-equipment, rules, fan base, or techniques.) 4. Compare 2 movies-the original and its remake. 5. Compare 2 attitudes, beliefs, or philosophies. These can be 2 inherently different attitudes, beliefs, or philosophies or 1 attitude, belief, or philosophy which has changed over a period of time.

Consumer Health

Your cousin is lawyer, but he/she doesn′t have time to research her personal health. She has asked you to answer ONE of the following questions for her: – Does taking antioxidant supplements reduce the chances of future disease? – Does following the mediterranean diet help people lose weight or maintain a healthy weight? – Does chiropractic care reduce back pain and headaches? Since your cousin is a lawyer, he/she will only believe your answer if you provide him/her with evidence. Thus, you will need to find three (3) original research papers that can help you formulate an answer to the question. We will also spend quality time in-class to help with writing the paper. All rough drafts within your group are MANDATORY and should be a full-length version of the paper that you will submit to me. Your final paper will: – Be 7-10 pages in length – Be type in 12 point font, double-spaced, with margins no larger than 1 inch – Contain proper references to your research sources in American Psychological Association (APA) style (both in the body of the paper and in a separate References section at the end). – Be written formally (NO I, me, you, your) – Contain a clear answer to the question you have picked, along with explanations of the scientific papers you chose and evaluation of their quality. – Contain a clear thesis statement.

Developing nuclear weapons

The topic is Developing nuclear weapons.

Nuclear weapons pose a great threat to the world’s human civilization, after the Second World War, people treated this new weapon with caution.

The first use of nuclear weapons in Japan, Hiroshima and Nagasaki has enabled mankind to fully recognize the tremendous lethality of nuclear weapons.

But recently, the issue of North Korea’s nuclear weapons has been further deepened, this dangerous question is once again mentioned by people. The plan for denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula has not been fully implemented. And in violation of the 1968 international introduction of the “Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty”

Despite the threat of nuclear weapons, it also makes a symbol of national military power and enhances the deterrence and international influence of a nation.

So, we need to discuss nuclear weapons from the following perspectives.

  1. Which countries can possess nuclear weapons?
  2. The presence of nuclear is a peace or a threat.
  3. Consider the meaning of nuclear existence from the ethical point of view.
  4. Whether nuclear weapons should be abolished altogether?
  5. What effective methods and means should be taken to prevent further proliferation of nuclear weapons?


Length: 1500 words in MLA format (Times New Roman 12″ font, 1″ margins, double-spaced)



Preferred formats: .doc, .docx, .pdf, .rtf, .odt (pretty much anything other than .pages)


For your first assignment, you are asked to write an argumentative paper in the Classical Oration style which answers the following question: Is gentrification good? You may answer this question however you wish. Your paper must have a thesis which focuses and drives the paper. Your introduction should clearly provide the facts and background information on the topic. Your thesis should also clearly state your position and rationale for that position. After presenting your argument, you should cogently refute any counterarguments to the best of your ability.


You are also asked to use at least one but no more than four outside sources in your paper. It is recommended that you use at least one reading from class towards your sources (though you are welcome to have all four sources come from class readings).


1.“Why Suburbia Sucks” (

2.Osman “Gentrification in the United States”

3.Feldman “Gentrification, Urban Displacement, and Affordable Housing (

4.Vives “A Community in Flux” (


-Please use at least 2 of the article use all 4 if you think you can make it work thank you

When Affirmative Action Was White

Read When Affirmative Action Was White & write a review (900-words minimum) of this book. I have
placed a copy of this book at the campus library, or you may purchase it at the campus bookstore.
This assignment’s due date, as well as my policy on late work, are located in the class syllabus.
Mandatory Requirements:
• Your book review must be at least 900-words in length.
• I strongly recommend you review all assigned Writing Guides before beginning this
assignment. Remember, college-level writing is expected of all students at all times!
• WARNING: Proper citations are required at all times. Any and all uses of a source without
proper citation may be considered plagiarism, and will result in severe penalties!
• For this assignment, you may only use the following sources: the book your are reviewing, the
materials provided in this class (lectures, readings, etc.), and all scholarly sources obtained via
the campus library. Popular sources, whether print or online, may not to be used for this
assignment without my express written permission. For assistance with finding, identifying,
and accessing scholarly sources, please contact the campus library.
• You must follow either MLA or Chicago style for this assignment. If you need assistance
with this, contact the campus library to obtain a MLA style manual or a Chicago style manual.
Submitting your work:
Students must submit their work via the Blackboard course website. Navigate to the Blackboard
course website, click “Book Review”, and open the Turnitin link for this assignment. Follow the
direction provided to upload and submit your finished work to the Turnitin system. This is the only way
I will accept this assignment. See syllabus for late work policy.
If you have any questions about this process, or need assistance with Blackboard, please contact
SCC Distance Learning. Link –
This assignment is worth 15 total course points, and will be graded as follows:
 Composition (5 course points possible)
◦ Some issues to be considered: Is this a good example of college-level writing? Are all
sources properly cited? Are scholarly sources used, and popular sources excluded? Does
the work follow MLA / Chicago style? Has the assignment been edited and proofread?
• Exceptional work = 5 to 4.5 course points awarded
• Good work = 4.4 to 3.5 points awarded
• Poor work = 3.4 to 2.5 points awarded
• Incomplete / No work = 2.4 to 0 points awarded
 Book Review (10 course points possible)
• Some issues to be considered: Does this work adhere to the writing guide on book
reviews? Does it fulfill the basic requirements or an academic paper, including a strong
thesis statement, a clear argument, and the proper use of evidence? Is it convincing?
▪ Exceptional work = 10 to 9 course points awarded
▪ Good work = 8.9 to 7 points awarded
▪ Poor work = 6.9 to 5 points awarded
▪ Incomplete / No work = 4.9 to 0 points awarded