Adolescence Development

A. Answer the questions with 3 paragraphs (8 sentences per paragraph) with complete sentences and check your grammar and refer back to text. B. Respond to one other peer with at least 1 paragraph (8 sentences). (First, read your modules, view the videos and PPT) Also, read the research article: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. 1. Summarize your learning of the article. Find a internet resource that support teens and/or parents dealing with depression. suicide, anxiety, relationships. 2. Erik Erikson was a stage theorist who took Freud’s controversial psychosexual (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. theory (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and modified it into an eight-stage psychosocial (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. theory of development. Refer back to Erikson′s psychosocial stages that children then young adults must go through to resolve their psychosocial conflicts as you answer the next questions. Adolescence is described as being the most difficult times in parenting with intensity in conflict. Why? What are some areas of adolescence growth and development impact their relationships. What are the issues that parents need to understand? Why might conflict between parents and adolescents become greater during adolescence than in earlier years? Why is it important to know about psychosocial development and Erikson′s theory as a parent, teacher and for oneself?

Critically evaluate the Australia – Indonesia Trade Relationship

Essay question 1

Briefly discuss the different exchange rate systems. Evaluate the current exchange rate system of your own country. [Word limit: Maximum 1000 words including tables, figures and references – 15 marks]

Essay question 2

Critically evaluate the Australia-Indonesia trade relationship. Identify the potential sectors where extended trade is possible. Justify your answer. [Word limit: Maximum 1000 words including tables, figures and references – 15 marks]


  1. All written answers must be expressed in the student’s own words, except where appropriate acknowledgement is provided. Direct quotes or close paraphrasing should not comprise more than 10 percent of the word count. There are penalties for plagiarism and collusion (please refer to the ‘Detection and consequences of plagiarism’ available at < >).
  2. Wherever material from other authors is directly quoted you are to – not only use quotation marks but you are required to display the quoted material in italics as well.
  3. It is required to support your findings and argument with the work of other authors. Referencing is critical to the earning of a good mark in this assignment and the Harvard AGPS referencing system should be adopted.

Marking criteria for assignment 2

Area of assessment:

Physical presentation: word length, grammar and structure (spelling, punctuation, sentence and paragraph construction, expression) 15% marks
Introduction and conclusion: (e.g. clear identification/definition of topic and key terms and ‘does the conclusion appropriately address matters raised in the introduction?’) 20% marks
Research effort: extent and use of relevant materials, appropriate referencing 15% marks
Research and analysis: relevant points, critical analysis, arguments 50% marks


Masculinity as Homophbia

1)Responses should be approximately 3-4 pages in length, typed and double-spaced in 12- point font. 2)Title page must include your name , date , couse code and the title of the reading that you are working with. 3) Bibliography and Footnotes if you use quotes (Should use quotes) 4)Body 1- what is the author′s main argument or arguments? 2 body paragraphs- 1) is the argument convincing? Why or Why not? 2) How does the reader relate to your own experiences? -Does it challenge or confirm your assumptions about society? -Have a suitable introduction and a conclusion

Technology and social isolation

TOPIC: Technology and Social Isolation



Research different points of view about this topic, and identify the audience in order to develop an angle on the topic by answering the 5 points below. Each point should have 2 paragraphs



1- Brainstorm five questions on the topic.


2-How is the topic important to parents and how does it affect parents of teenagers? What can a parent gain or accomplish by writing about this topic?


3-Research the topic and provide a brief summary of the current points of view about the topic. Share at least two different/opposing positions on the topic. (Each should be a paragraph in length). To conduct research on the topic, find at least two credible sources that offer opposing perspectives and summarize those points of view in a paragraph. (Give APA reference of the 2 sources)


4-Describe who might be the audience. Who are the readers, and what are their needs, motivations, and influences? In what ways the writing should be structured to appeal to them.


5-What specific issue will you write about within the larger topic, and what unique angle will you provide?  (In this section, take a “side” of the argument and choose a thesis statement). The question should begin with “should,” “must,” or “do we need to” because the thesis will be a persuasive.


The olympics and Illegal substances- Steroids

summarize the introduction and discussion sections of a professional reading. This article will be one within the Physical Education or Exercise Science literature of interest to the student, and will be found in professional journals (a sample of which is found earlier on the syllabus and is repeated below). This assignment will serve as an introduction to the scholarly material that you will be reading and “living” should you choose the profession. What does it mean to summarize? It means to tell the information again in fewer words. It can be challenging to accomplish this while keeping all the important points of the article! As you write the paper, discuss the topic. Back up or be able to substantiate a statement you make using information contained in the book and from our discussions. Your conclusion will reinforce what you wrote in the paper, while you share potential new directions in which the topic can be researched. Naturally, you’ll need an opening paragraph, a body of several paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph. You will often need to give credit (or “cite”) references. If you are citing it in a Reference section, the following would be an example of how it might look. Zach, S., Stein, H., Sivan, T., Harari, I., & Nabel-Heller, N. (2016). Success as a springboard for novice physical education teachers in their efforts to develop a professional career. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education 34(2). You might also want to mention a study while writing. In this case you need only mention the author, and the study year (and then the whole reference is placed in the reference, or bibliography, section). Examples include: Kessler (2003) found that…(the rest of the sentence). Readings may be from: Journal of Teaching in Physical Education Quest Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport

desсrіptive essay

Visit a Web site from a local or national newspaper and find a photograph of an event involving two or more individuals. Describe where the people are, what the event is, what the people are doing, what their facial expression suggest, and anything else you find unique about the setting. You may have to look through several Web sites until you find a photograph that prompts such details. Be sure your details relate to a dominant impression of the scene, and be sure to select a photograph that you find interesting or unique. You will have more to say if you feel strongly, either positively or negatively, about the circumstances. Copy and paste the image into the very end of the essay. Paragraph 1: Introduction Give an overview of the picture. What are the general circumstances surrounding the picture? Provide as much background information as your reader needs to know to understand what’s happening. You may need to conduct some research to find out more details. Include the dominant impression. End with the a good, solid thesis statement that gives your reader a general idea of what you will be describing in the picture without making an announcement (such as ″This essay will describe…″ or ″In this essay, I will describe…″ Paragraph 2: Body Paragraph #1: Describe the scene. Appeal to your viewers’ senses. What did the scene look like? What sounds could be heard at the scene? What did the scene smell like? What tastes were there? What did the scene feel like? The goal is to provide as detailed a desсrіption as you can. Paragraph 3: Body Paragraph #2: Describe the mood of the picture. Is the mood shared by everyone/everything in the picture? Be sure to include details that state why the mood is the way you describe. It helps to select an image that has drama, excitement, suspense, etc. so that you have plenty to discuss in this section. Paragraph 4: Conclusion: What thoughts do you want to leave your reader with? Do you want them to reflect? Take action? ……. Stop texting? Treasure family? Vote?

Introduction, Thesis Statement, and Annotated Bibliography

Introduction, Thesis Statement, and Annotated Bibliography Prepare: To help with the preparation of your annotated bibliography, review the following tutorials and resources from the Ashford Writing Center: Introduction Paragraph Guide Thesis Statement tutorial Annotated Bibliography tutorial Sample Annotated Bibliography Evaluating Sources Reflect: Reflect back on the Week Two Discussion in which you shared with the class the global societal issue that you would like to further address. Explore critical insights that were shared by your peers and/or your instructor on the topic chosen and begin your search for scholarly sources with those insights in mind. Write: For this assignment, review the Annotated Bibliography Formatting Guidelines and address the following prompts: Introductory Paragraph to Topic: Refer to the Final Argumentative Essay guidelines for your topic selection. Write an introductory paragraph with at least 150 words, which clearly explains the topic, the importance of further research, and ethical implications. Thesis statement: Write a direct and concise thesis statement, which will become the solution to the problem that you will argue or prove in the Week Five Final Argumentative Essay. A thesis statement should be a declarative statement that makes one point in 25 words or less. The thesis statement must appear at the end of the introductory paragraph. Annotated Bibliography: Develop an annotated bibliography to indicate the quality of the sources you have read. For each annotation, you need to summarize in your own words how the source contributes to the solution of the global societal issue. Your annotation should be one to two paragraphs long (150 words or more) and fully address the purpose, content, evidence, and relation to other sources you found on this topic. The annotated bibliography must include no less than five scholarly sources that will be used to support the major points of the Final Argumentative Essay. Critical thinking skills need to be demonstrated by accurately interpreting evidence used to support various positions of the topic. The Introduction, Thesis Statement, and Annotated Bibliography Assignment Must be 1,000 – 1,250 words in length (excluding the title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Must include a separate title page with the following: Title of paper Student’s name Course name and number Instructor’s name Date submitted Must use at least five scholarly sources. Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Columbus and Christianity

I already chose Christopher Columbus so I have to write about him. And one of our course themes that I want to use for this essay is ″Conversion, Mission and Power″. I will attach my ″Conversion, mission and power″ note below. Professor really didnt talk about Columbus so as long as I add what my professor said about Columbus, I can add whatever I want. I will write what my professor said about Columbus as much as I remember. Like almost every other religion, one of the primary goals of Christianity is to spread this religion to as many people and many areas as possible. Christians believed that it was almost a duty of theirs to spread and convert people of other cultures and nations to become a member of the “correct” religion and live as a superior being. They viewed any other civilizations to not only be inferior, but perhaps more barbaric or chaotic. For the sake of bringing the word of Jesus and God’s love to various indigenous tribes in smaller and for the most part, underdeveloped areas, many Christians were willing to use any violent way to arguably force a new religion on these indigenous people. Columbus was one of them. His purpose of going to new areas wasn’t to convert the indigenous people, but it was still important to him.

Animal Testing

Argument Research Essay 1.Intro with thesis (claim which contains 3 areas to be discussed) 2.Background Information 3.Reasons and Evidence 4.Opposing View and Refutation (Respectfully acknowledge the other side) 5.Conclusion Using properly formatted MLA documentation style, you will create works cited (annotated bibliography) entries for each potential source (a minimum of 4 with in-text citations) for your argument essay. After each entry, you must include 2 paragraphs, containing the following: A brief summary of the source, containing accurate information showing that you understand it The source author′s credentials to establish his/her credibility An evaluation of the source to show how it will be useful in your argumentative research essay

infulanza growth in eggs

i have the report ,the result were done with caculated. i need from writer that 1- comolete every things i wrote by red line in my report ,the information must take from my manual prac,the manual prac in my attachment file. 2- i have discussion in my report ,i need from writer do perfect paraphrase about my discussion 3-if the writer see my report it is easy to understand what i need 4- the guidline ,i wrote it in my report 4-the report will have (introduction,aim,materials,methods,they will be in my manual prac except that the introduction be any way about my topic 5-do perfect paraphrase about my disscussion 6-dont put the pic or draw 7-the references will be vanc style