choose a civilization from any period before the 1700’s.

Research paper guidelines: For the research paper, you must choose a civilization from any period before the 1700’s. You should discuss how this civilization began, who were its rulers, what kind of economy, social and culture did it have. What was its major religion, who were its enemies, how did it manage to rise to power, and how did it eventually fall from power. Why did you choose this civilization and what do you think are its contributions to world history. (I was heading more towards having the paper be on Incas over all…) Paper should be at least 4 pages long. This does not include the title page or bibliography. You must use at least 6 references, 3 of which must be from a book or journal. Every page must include at least one citation from one of these sources.


Your final paper involves three main tasks:
1. Provide a clear and careful exegesis of two distinct
approaches to the foundations of normative ethics.
2. Evaluate each of those approaches.
and 3. Defend one of the two positions (explaining why the other
should be rejected) or present grounds for rejecting
both accounts of morality.
W.D. Ross’s “What Makes Right Acts Right?” pp. 87-105
Donagan, “Fundamental Principle” & “First Order Precepts”
Richard B. Brandt, “Some Merits of One Form of
Rule-Utilitarianism”, pp. 418-436
Bernard Williams, “A Crit
In the film, “The Last Supper”, a group of graduate students consider
the following hypothetical situation:
You are a time traveller. It is 1909 in Austria. You are
sitting in a pub, at a table with a young man named Adolf
Hitler. It is 1909, so the person you encounter is neither
bitter nor angry. He has not committed any crime, he does
not bring weapons to the dinner table, he has not started a
world war and he has not (yet) slaughtered millions of people.
Should you poison Adolf’s drink?
In order to help you to develop a focus for your paper I invite
you to consider the above situation and reflect upon the following sorts of
Assume you are an act-utilitarian, what would your answer to this
question be? Describe the appropriate act-utilitarian analysis to
justify your claim.
How, if at all, would a rule-utilitarian’s analysis (such as Brandt’s)
differ from that of the act-utilitarian? What answer would a
rule-utilitarian give in the end?
How would deontologists such as Ross or Donagan reach a decision.
To what principles would they appeal? How, if at all, would their
analysis differ from that of an act-utilitarian or a rule-utilitarian?
Assume you are yourself. What would you do? Explain the
principles which inform your decision. Either way, would you or
should you feel guilty?
How might Bernard William’s notion of negative responsibility figure
into an assessment of the above situation? What other considerations
might William’s bring to bear?
If Judith Jarvis Thompson is right, can consequentialism provide
practical guidance in the above situation?
Your assignment is to write a carefully constructed essay which
addresses the relevant issues based on a detailed exploration of textual
arguments. This exploration requires that you compare and contrast the
structure of consequentialism with that of a morality containing
deontological constraints. Your paper MUST REFER to SPECIFIC
AUTHORS and THEIR ARGUMENTS rather than speak generally about
consequentialism or deontology. You are expected to explore foundational
issues from an informed, analytical point of view and to provide a solid
analysis of key arguments. DO NOT MERELY PRESENT AN “OPINION
Having set out an account of the contrasting moral visions, you are
required to evaluate each and to adjudicate between the two. You should
draw explicit criticisms and objections from the readings & class discussions,
consider the merits/faults of these objections and present your reasons for
supporting or rejecting such objections. How do deontology and
consequentialism measure up, at the end of the day, according to your
The final paper assignment is intended to encourage you to emerge
with an overview of where things stand in the debate between
consequentialists and non-consequentialists. It is also intended to allow for
some flexibility in focus. (You are not expected to discuss all the readings
in the same degree of detail. Rather, you are expected to make insightful
selections.) Therefore, as part of the assignment, you will have to define a
more specific focus for your paper, within the broad areas described above.
Be sure to start with a clear, well-organized first paragraph which outline
the structure and content of your essay and its arguments.
Your essay should be about 2000 words in length (8-10 pages),
preferably typed, double-spaced (normal font & margins). Essays longer
substantially longer than 2000 words may be penalized. Late essays
without authorized extensions (for cause) will be penalized at the rate of
3% per business day beyond the due date.

either lower or keep minimum wage the same

Your assignment for this semester will be to write a passionate position paper on a global or domestic economic issue. What do I mean by passionate? Write about a topic that gets your thoughts flowing, either for or against this subject. When you take a position on either side of the issue, you must be willing to stand up for your decision, so think about the topic carefully.


The idea of a position paper requires you to defend a particular thesis on a controversial and important topic in such a way as to convince an informed, rational, intelligent, but highly dubious reader that the position is the correct one.

With a position paper, you must utilize critical thinking skills, to analyze and evaluate a position that you have taken. You must construct arguments throughout your paper and make the ties between factual information and the conclusion that the facts are intended to support. Remember that you must link every sentence in your paper to your position statement to build a strong argument.

  • Your paper should not be greater than four pages; APA formatted with a cover page and references. The abstract is not required.
  • You must use at least six reference sources.
  • You must prepare anOral VideoPresentation not longer than ten minutes

Below is an outline that will assist you in constructing your argument:

Section I

Build a single declarative sentence which states the position (thesis) clearly, precisely, and succinctly.


“Returning to the Gold Standard will increase U.S economic growth.”

“A Balanced Budget will create prosperity for the U.S. economy.”

“Our Current fiscal policies will eventually result in severe inflation.”

“Tax avoidance will be eliminated with a flat tax.”

“The Federal Reserve is ripping off the American consumer.”

“Food Stamps made people lazy and unwilling to work.”


You can select any issue as long as you can defend it from an economic perspective using facts to support your position.


Section II

 Defend the thesis with solid reasoning and utilizing precise concepts and correct facts. Each distinct argument presented anywhere in the paper should have its separate paragraph.

Section III

Presents the case for the opposite view and any possible objections to the points raised in Section II.

Section IV

Responds directly to the points raised in Section III.

Section V

In this part of the paper summarizes, evaluate, and reaffirms your position statement (Section I).



 How will this assignment benefit you personally?

When you present a new idea to your boss, he/she will expect you to put it in writing in a memo form. Your submitted position will allow a discussion to take place among managers within the office about your idea and what the decision should be on this idea. Therefore, you must convince others that your idea is a good one, and position statement is a good way to do this. Therefore, this assignment will provide a significant personal value for you.

  • Here is my great idea boss
  • Here is why it is an excellent idea.
  • Here is why someone might (mistakenly) think it is not a worthy idea.
  • Here is what is wrong with their thinking;
  • My idea is super, and management should act on it immediately!

    Oral Video Presentation

You must develop anoral video presentationnot longer than 10 minutes of your key pointsfrom the position paper. I suggest that you use props such as PowerPoints, etc. You can use many different formats to present your position paper. Here’s your opportunity to be a star!

For example, you can use the format of yourfavorite TV news reporter or other presenters that you would like to emulate.

Ted Talks, Bloomberg,PBS,Oprah,
FOX, CNN,MSNBC, and others, etc.

You must dress in professional attire for thispresentation.

Be Resourceful and develop a quality project. Good Luck!

Maintaining Ethics in a Team Environment

I am looking for an edit of this powerpoint. I feel it needs more information on the actual team/life experience and possibly better notes Create a 15- to 20-slide PowerPoint® presentation discussing the importance of maintaining ethics when working in a team environment. Use a real life experience, such as a team that you may have worked with in your current or past position, as the basis for the presentation. Include the following in the presentation: The purpose of the team. The number of members on the team, and the team structure. Was there a team leader? An overview of the team dynamics. The goals the team was seeking to accomplish. Address the following concerning the ethical issues within the team: What ethical issues were at hand when working as a team? How were the issues resolved? What outcome(s) resulted from the resolution? Did the team agree with the outcome(s)? If so, why were they in agreement? If not, why were they in disagreement? Did the outcome(s) help influence change in the organization? If so, was the change positive or negative in your opinion?  Include detailed Speaker Notes and at least six scholarly references in your presentation.  Format references and in-text citations consistent with APA guidelines.

Legal Assignment on APPLE INC.

Investors need to understand how legal protections and risks might influence the company’s future. In this work it will be important to thoroughly research the implications of any legal matters affecting the firm. Next come the decisions on how to handle informing the potential investors. This is not time to overwhelm the client with a litany of all legal situations. Much to the contrary, effective performance depends on careful interpretation of the implications and deciding which are worthy of explanation, observation and conclusion. Research and investigation should cover areas like: Applicable and pending laws and regulations Industry legal risks Lawsuits Labor collective bargaining Trademark and copyright Long term contracts Citations for compliance issues (Federal, State & Local, SEC, FDA, EPA, etc.) International Trade Law Patents & their timing Remember that topic papers are about digging into the full spectrum of potentially relevant data and information and then deciding what is commonplace and what rises to the level of “need to know” for the prospective investor. The focus of your written work is on the “need to know” aspects vs. background material. Written Assignment: Submit a 3-4 page paper of approximately 1000 words on Legal by your selected firm (Font: Times New Roman; Size: 12; Line Spacing: multiple 1.15; Paragraph Spacing Before and After: 0 pt; Document Name (your last and first name and topic): Smith_John_Legal). Paper to identify and answer: “What would an investor need to know for making an investment decision?” and determine “What specific information and analysis would help the investor make an informed decision?”.

In the United States, we typically use the plurality voting method, augmented with a sequential runoff system (primary elections). The primary election serves to narrow the pool of potential candidates to two (or one from each party, depending on the stat

In the United States, we typically use the plurality voting method, augmented with a sequential runoff system (primary elections). The primary election serves to narrow the pool of potential candidates to two (or one from each party, depending on the state), then the general election decides between those remaining candidates. It is commonly claimed that our voting system favors a two-party political system, where there are only two major political parties, while other voting systems can favor multi-party systems (this is called ″Duverger′s law″). A poll found that about half of Americans think we need a third party, yet few are actually willing to vote for one, not wanting to ″throw their vote away″ or take away support from their less-disliked major party candidate. For this writing assignment, read this highly opinionated and inflammatory article . Then, Reflect on the article. Are the author′s claims reasonable and/or logical? Are there aspects you agree with? Disagree with? To what extent, if any, do you think an alternative voting system (instant runoff, Borda count, Copeland′s method, etc.) would help or hinder smaller political parties in the United States. Be specific about the method and how it would help or hinder. How do you think voters would respond to voting using an alternate system? Be sure to include a list of at least 3 references in your answer (books, newspapers, websites, etc). You need to write a formal bibliography using APA formatting, and remember that using someone else′s words or ideas without citing them is plagarism. What you submit should be your own words and ideas. While there is no limit to how much or little you write, it is imperative that you address the three items above in a coherent essay that addresses the rubric attached. Click on the blue ″Writing Assignment″ link at the top of the page to submit your assignment.

methods of interpretation of the hebrew bible

scholars of the Bible use various methods to interpret it. On pages xi-xii of your Carr & Conway text (see below) there are fifteen such methods listed. Reread carefully all of them and choose the three that you can argue make the most important or the most effective or the most valuable contributions to biblical exegesis (critical explanation or interpretation of a text). This requires an argument so you need to decide what is or are the most important, effective or valuable things to know in life and which three methods provide this better than the other twelve. Typically your introductory paragraph will explain briefly this essential thing to know and then in a thesis statement argue, for example, A, B and C are the best methods for showing D (insert your essential item[s]). This will be followed by three paragraphs proving what you say is valid. For the finished paper, worth 10% of your final grade, you must have a title that suggests your thesis and not simply the assignment. For examples, “Reflection Paper” is NOT a proper title. Type using Times New Roman font, size 12. Double-space (not 1.5 spacing). Include page numbers. Minimum five pages; maximum seven pages, not including Works Cited List. Use MLA for in-text citations and the Works Cited page. Do not provide a cover page. Use MLA first page rules (

Analyzing ads throughout History

Using the sources in Packet #2, explain the uses of advertising during three periods of conflict in the United States: the American Revolution, the Civil War, and World War I. How did the ads reflect larger themes in American society? Why did advertisers use these techniques? What does this tell us about the role of consumers during wartime?This essay requires you to explain why advertising changed over time or why it took the forms it did. Don’t just describe change; explain why it occurred. You must make an argument and support it with analysis of primary and secondary sources. You must ground your argument in historical context. Once you have gathered your documentary evidence, take a look at the essay by Susan Strasser on the development of modern advertising on the ELMS/Canvas course site. This background essay will help you shape your own argument.

Literary theory

  1. Introduction


Briefly, your exam should do two things:


(1) Research and define a literary theory (reader-response, deconstruction, new criticism, and so on). What is it? Who developed it? How is it applied? Be careful here because you will be gleaning information from secondary sources, and this makes plagiarism a real threat, and any person caught plagiarizing will fail. You should use Modern Language Association (MLA) documentation Style (two elements: in-text citations + works cited page). You should use enough sources to fully prepare yourself to write this essay; in essence, you need to become an expert on the literary theory you have chosen. Rhetorically, you need to use enough sources so that you can effectively explain to readers the primary tenets of the theory.


(2) Apply literary theory to a story of your choosing. Make sure your application of the literary theory is (1) appropriate, that is, it applies the theory to the story correctly, and (2) purposeful. The point of using a literary theory is to offer readers a lens, or paradigm, from which to interpret and analyze.


You may use *any* story from the Gwynn Anthology, “Fiction: A Pocket Anthology,” and the essay should be 8-12 pp, typed, double-spaced, #12 font, and 1” margins all around.


Plan your time wisely. This is not an assignment that can be completed the evening prior to the due date. The Success Center will be a valuable resource for you. They can help you with MLA documentation style, and help you shape and form your essay and argument.



  1. Part 1: Define Literary Theory


This part of your exam should be 2-4 pages.


First of all, what is literary criticism / literary theory? From Wikipedia:


Literary criticism is the study, evaluation, and interpretation of literature. Modern literary criticism is often informed by literary theory, which is the philosophical discussion of its methods and goals. Though the two activities are closely related, literary critics are not always, and have not always been, theorists.


To make your task easier, I am going to supply you with a list of key Literary Theories for you to choose from:


  1. New Criticism;
  2. Structuralism / Post-Structuralism;
  3. Reader-Response Criticism;
  4. Feminist and Gender Criticism (if you research this, make sure you distinguish between Feminist philosophy and Feminist literary criticism; you do not want to use Feminist philosophy);
  5. Historical Criticism;
  6. Psychological Criticism;
  7. Marxist Criticism;
  8. Archetypal Criticism.


Choose (1) of these theories, research it both online and using SWIC’s library research databases (if you are trying to connect to the research databases from off-campus, you will need to call the library, or visit the circulation desk, to get the username and password to access information from off-campus).

business plan

A Business Plan has many different sections. Each section explains an important part of your business idea. The purpose of this assignment is for you to develop a better understanding of the various components of a business plan. Of course, if you were developing a business plan for a real business idea, your document would be 50+ pages long. For the purposes of this assignment, you only need to demonstrate that you know what information needs to be included in two particular sections of a business plan. In addition, you will not be required to complete the typical level of detail required for a formal business plan. This is your opportunity to think like an entrepreneur! Think of an idea that you have for a new health care organization or service. For this written assignment, you are required to write a 1-page Service Desсrіption (excluding the header) and a 1-page Income Statement (excluding assumptions) for your organization or service. Your assignment should not exceed these page limits. Because this course is not an accounting course, your Income Statement section can reflect only Operating Income (Revenue, Expenses, Operating Income), in the same manner that you completed last week′s budget GHA. In order to complete the financial portion of this assignment, you will need to make some assumptions. In order to make these assumptions, you will need to complete some basic research. Be sure to clearly identify every assumption that you make and provide the source of the information. I encourage you to keep your financial statement simple! It is better to be simple and correct, then complicated and wrong. 🙂 To help guide your business planning process, you should refer to Exhibit 23-2: Basic Information for the Service or Equipment Desсrіption and Exhibit 23-6: Basic Assumptions for Business Plan Income Statement Projections as a guide for your work. You can also refer back to the answer key for the Operating Budget that you last week and Table 15-4: Static Budget Example for an Open Imaging Center (p. 182). Caution: If you choose to look on the internet for business plan samples, be sure to avoid acts of plagiarism!! Every assignment will be checked with Safe Assign. Preventing Frequently Made Academic Writing Errors: o Avoid using the first person (I, me, my, we, etc.) in professional and academic writing. o Avoid using contractions. Instead of “don’t” use “do not”. Instead of “can’t” use “cannot”. I look forward to reading all of your wonderful ideas and well-crafted explanations.