Education Report: Policy(VEYLDF)

Assessment 1- Written report: Policy in Action


Assessment Purpose

The purpose of this task is to understand strategies in policy that seek to promote parent and community involvement in the educative process. Through analysing such policy you will gain an understanding of the importance of centre-community partnerships for children’s educational success.


    Assessment Details

Quality early childhood education derives from partnerships between the educational setting, learners and community. Using the Victorian policy document, Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework (VEYLDF), you will:

1.         Explore and identify the Framework’s policy on parent and community partnerships

2.             Briefly summarise the policy on parent and community involvement (What does it aim to achieve? What does it include?)

3.            Identify and analyse one practical strategy, process or action in this policy that relates to parent and community involvement in the educative process and any gaps, silences or potential issues with the policy. (Eg: One of the eight practice principles: Partnership With Families)

4.            Connect the policy aims or gaps you have identified to the academic research that discusses family and community involvement and partnerships. Develop a brief argument or recommendation regarding the chosen policy. (need to include at least 5 academic research reference to prove it)

Assessment Criteria

The written task will be assessed using the following criteria:

·         Identification of relevant policy and a strategy or action included in the policy

·         Summary and analysis

·         Research and awareness of academic literature on the issue

·         Ability to demonstrate clear written structure and expression

·         Ability to systematically apply APA academic referencing conventions appropriately and accurately



Three words are causing some confusion- ‘policy’, ‘report’ and ‘analysis’.

In terms of this assessment task, ‘policy’ is used a number of times. The VEYLDF is a product of policy. The positions it communicates about its contents are regarded as policy. Your readings on policy discuss the different types and levels of policy. For example, the practice principles are considered policy on the expectations for the priorities in early years’ educators practice. The framework gives specific examples of how this may look. In terms of parent and community involvement, there are also statements across the Framework document that refer to parents, to families, or community.

The task is to write a ‘report’. This is not a Lab Report with sections for test results and findings.

As a short Task you will not need an abstract. Consider the following sections (from your assessment brief):

1.       Introduction (short)

2.       Body of report: the sections described in the assessment brief.

3.       Conclusion

4.       Reference List

5.       Appendices :if necessary.

The reference list is not included in the word count.

The tasks requires ‘analysis’. This is where you go to the literature on policy analysis (such as in the further readings). Use the further readings on this, and your set readings for the policy lecture will assist you in identifying the particular policy’s aims.




Main focus reading in this assessment:

Using the Victorian policy document, Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework (VEYLDF)


Further Readings list (optional):


Policy and practice

Taylor, S., Rizvi, F., Lingard, B., & Henry, M. (Eds.). (1997). What is policy? In Educational policy and the politics of change. London: New York: Routledge.


Cohrssen, C., & Niklas, F. (2016). Partnering with families to promote learning. In J. Page & C. Tayler (Eds.), Teaching and learning in the early years (pp. 90-109). Port Melbourne: Cambridge University Press.



Ball, S. J. (2015). What is policy? 21 years later: reflections on the possibilities of policy research. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 36(3), 306–313.

Policy and policy analysis

Lingard, B. & Rizvi, F. (2009). Globalizing Education policy analysis, in Lingard, B. & Rizvi. F. (2009). Globalizing Education Policy. : Taylor and Francis.


Woodhead, M. (2006). Changing perspectives on early childhood: theory, research and policy. International Journal of Equity and Innovation in Early Childhood, 4(2).



American Holocaust

Essay Instructions: Write your responses formally in essay form. All Essays should be 1 1/2 pages long typed and double spaced! Do not include the questions! Essay Questions 1. What religious and cultural beliefs justified the killing of Native Americans and the destruction of their cultures? Include a discussion of the Spanish, British and US in your response. 2. Describe what happened to Indigenous People after Europeans arrived in their land. 3. Why do you think history textbooks and Western Civilization courses rarely portray European religion and culture in this manner? American Holocaust / David E. Standard CH.4

How does digital technology enhance your life? What negative or disruptive effects does digital technology have on your life?

How does digital technology enhance your life? What negative or disruptive effects does digital technology have on your life? ″Do you ever feel you spend too much time online (or gaming or watching tv or texting or talking on your cell phone, or whatever)?″ Why or why not? Provide examples of when you do or do not feel overloaded with technological input. How do you know you′ve spent too much time ″connected″ or why do you know it′s not too much? How are you feeling? What is the state of your mind and body? What is the quality of your breathing? What is your posture like? Where is sensation present, absent? What is your emotional state? What is the quality of your attention (mental focus)?

Corporate Essay

Corporate Habit Essay “We’ll be sending you coupons for things you want before you even know you want them.” Andrew Pole, Target data expert (qtd. in Duhigg 212) You’ve read how corporations take advantage of habits. You’ve researched and written about a company or product that takes advantage of habits. Now write an essay explaining how this movement or product utilizes “Habit theory” found in Charles Duhigg’s book. Essentially you are informing your audience of the ways a corporation takes advantage of habits to initiate change or make money, respectively. Focus on concepts described in Chapter 7 of The Power of Habit: data mining, taking advantage of life-altering events to change habits, and simple tricks that take advantage of human psychology. Assignment parameters: –typed, double spaced, 1,000-1,400 words — at least two direct quotes from the text The Power of Habit –at least two direct quotes from another source — parenthetically cite the sources –include a works cited page at the end of your paper From the Power of Habit. My topic is about Amazon

Social Media in the Classroom

ED 504: Proposal 2 Grading Rubric Student name: Final grade: Turnitin: Element Target Acceptable Unacceptable Comments APA (10 points) – Format of the paper – Reference page – Sources referenced correctly on reference page – Table of contents – Abstract No or very few minor problems (9-10 points) Minimal problems throughout the paper (7 – 8.9 points) Failure to use APA consistently in paper (0 – 6.9 points Points awarded: Revisions to part 1 (10 points) All problems were addressed and correctly revised (10) Most problems with proposal 1 were addressed and most were revised correctly (4-9) Very minimal if any attempt at correct revisions (0-3 points) Points awarded: Chapter 3 (65 points) – all required sections included and contained in specified headings – Each required section is thoroughly and correctly discussed – Graduate level writing; spelling/grammar/punctuation – Third person (no “I”, “we”) – Future tense – Instruments and other necessary information properly referenced in body of paper – Appendices correctly referenced if applicable – Proper citations included in reference list No or very few minor problems (59-65 points) Minimal problems (30-58 points) Failure to comply to most requirements (0-29 points) Points awarded: Appendices (15 points) – 3 appendices minimum – Consent form – Permission to conduct study (business letter, block format) – All instruments described and/or included (if you create your own instrument this section should contain 1-2 sample questions per instrument. No or very few minor problems (14-15 points) Minimal problems (9-13) Failure to comply to requirements (0 – 12 points) Points awarded: Turnitin • Failure to submit is an automatic 10 points reduction • Papers with high similarity = reduced points • Papers with extreme similarity = grade of zero Late paper • 15 points per day late penalty

Meaning and Religion

Topic: Meaning and Religion- all religions in general


The term paper should be 5-6 pages, 12 font and double spaced.

An example of what this term paper would contain would be:

  • An opening paragraph stating what the paper is about. (Be sure to define your terms.)
  • The main body of the paper describing your topic and how it fits into the search for meaning.
  • A discussion of the positives and the negatives of how your topic helps or hinders the search for meaning.
  • A final discussion on where you stand in relationship to your discussion.
  • Include bibliography (references) used in preparing your paper at the end listing them 1, 2, 3, etc. and indicate the source of quotes, direct or indirect, or ideas not your own by placing the number of the reference being used.

The Pleasures and Pitfalls of BYOD

First Page – Executive Page Main Issue: Security Risk Alternatives 1. Don’t allow employees to use certain apps/widget 2.Restrictions/Guidelines for Employer a.Protection of employee personal privacy (files, videos, call-log) b.Monitor GPS and location information c. Username and password concerns 3.Agreement a. Employees have to connect to the company network while using their own device at work, that way when they are at work they are monitored and when they aren’t at work, they aren’t monitored. Second Page – Alternative #1 1. Don’t allow employees to use certain apps/widget

Quality Management

Actions for Research paper topic and outline: Please post your research paper topic, your research question/s and research paper outline here. As you look for research question/s of interest to you, focus on the peer-reviewed academic journal articles in your area of interest that were published in the last 3 to 4 years; and that no previous researcher has solved the research problem completely, or that certain research questions have been left un-answered. You may also review the Implications for Research section and/or Future Research Directions section in these published articles for potential research questions.


5.1)  why is it important to distinguish between fixed and variable cost?

Fixed cost are the cost who remain the same and don’t change, while the variable cost the cost that varies with the level of activity. It’s very important to distinguish between them because of the decision making as we have to consider only variable cost most of the time.

5.2) Explain how a decrease in input prices or an increase in efficiency would affect costs.

The decrease in input price or an increase in efficiency, would affect the cost because it will lead to decrease the cost in market price. In case of increase the efficiency the same effect will applied because it will also increase the production with same price of input.

5.3) you spent $500,000 on staff training last year. Why should this be treated as a sunk cost? Why should this cost be ignored in making a decision whether to switch coding software? 

The sunk cost is a cost that incurred and cannot be retrieved. The sunk cost could be time, money, building, or any other resources that cannot be retrieved. The staff training cost is a sunk cost that any firm or institution have spent to their employee and cannot retrieve it back. For example if the firm has spent cost to develop their employee and the employee has quiet from the firm. The sunk cost be ignored in making decision because it is irrelevant in the decision making. Instead, decision maker should base the strategy on how the company proceed with the business in the future cost.




5.4)  Your president bought two acres of land for $200,000 ten years ago. Although it is zoned for commercial use, it currently houses eight small, single – family houses. A property management firm that wants to continue leasing the eight houses has offered you $400,000 for the property. A developer wants to build a 12 – story apartment building on the site and has offered $600,000. What value should you assign to the property? 

The value that should be assigned to the property, should be based on the value when that acres land was purchased. If the land was $200,000 ten years ago, the current evaluation should be based on the rate of interest in the market that would swell the merit of $200,000 to its value.

If the market’s value is less than $600,000, the decision should be agreed to sell it to the developer. However, if the market value is more than $600,000, the decision should be revised and sell it within the market’s value.

5.5 A community health center has assembled the following data on cost and volume. Calculate its average and marginal costs for volumes ranging from 25 to 40. What patterns do you see? 

Visits                                       Total Costs

20                                            $2,200 

25                                            $2,250

30                                            $2,300

35                                            $2,350

40                                            $2,400




Average cost = Total cost / number of visits

Marginal cost = difference between successive total cost values

visits Total costs Average Cost ($) Marginal Cost ($)
20 $2,200 / 20 110
25 $2,250 / 25 90 50
30 $2,300 / 30 76.77 50
35 $2,350 / 35 67.14 50
40 $2,400 / 40 60 50





It is obvious that within specified range, the average cost is decreasing but marginal costs are the same at $50.







discuss your own strengths in terms of the Kouzes and Posner list of five practices. Which of the five practices is the most natural for you, and what contributes (or contributed) to making it stronger in you than the other practices.

Qn 1 As you reflect over the leadership practices emphasized in the text, discuss your own strengths in terms of the Kouzes and Posner list of five practices. Which of the five practices is the most natural for you, and what contributes (or contributed) to making it stronger in you than the other practices. What are your plans to more effectively develop this leadership practice in your life beyond what it already is? (No citations/references required). Kouzes, J. M. & Posner, B. Z. (2012). The leadership challenge (5th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons. Qn 2 As you reflect over the leadership practices emphasized in the text, discuss your own weaknesses in terms of the Kouzes and Posner list of practices. Which of the five practices is the least natural for you, and why is this so? What contributed (or continues to contribute) to this being the “least” among the practices in your life. Propose a plan of action that may result in improved leadership practice in your life in this area. Kouzes, J. M. & Posner, B. Z. (2012). The leadership challenge (5th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons. Qn 3 Read the attached articles and answer the following question. What logistics strategy would you use in the managing of your supply chain if the threat of gridlock became a reality? Review all the articles you have read this session to respond to this question. If you come up with you own strategy give it a name – I want you to be creative here. This assignment is also geared towards you doing extra research to help reinforce your answers and guaranteed full points for full research. Cite these sources in APA 6th edition format. Supply Chain Interfaces_ defining attributes and values for collaborative logistics management.pdf The Threat of Global Gridlock.pdf Please provide 2 references for Qn 2 and 2 references for Qn 3