Design a Project which incorporates all facets of implementing an EMR.

• You are newly hired Nurse Informaticist at a small Critical Access Hospital. You previously worked for a large multi-hospital/clinic health system who has been “electronic” for 10 years now. Seeing the need to meet federal guidelines, you have decided that the critical access hospital needs an Electronic Medical Record. Your goal is to bring the hospital paper order entry system to a full-fledged electronic medical record. Statistics: No. of Hospitals: 1 No of Eligible Professionals (i.e. Eligible for Meaningful Use): 150 No of FTEs (Full Time Equivalents) under your leadership: 20. Average FTE Salary is 45,000/year. Budget: 5 million Design a Project which incorporates all facets of implementing an EMR. First you must convince the CEO by presenting ALL FACETS of Meaningful Use and the value of implementing an EMR to this rural hospital. (See assignment of providing excel sheet on financial incentives of Meaningful Use). Describe some of the regulatory nature surrounding electronic health record use and why it is important to implement now rather than later. — i.e. What is your rationale for implementing an EMR? What are the various benefits and risks of implementing and not implementing an EHR in a timely fashion. Second, you will need to select a company who sells certified Electronic Health Record software and present this to the CEO. Provide an EHR of your choice and give rationale for selecting the EMR (background, Costs, benefits). Next – develop a Project Vision, Project Scope, Project Timeline, Project Budget. Third, Once the project is implemented and launched, describe the metrics you are capturing to satisfy meaningful use (Core Objectives, etc). The total presentation should be a 10 page report in APA format


You are welcome to turn in a poem or a short fiction piece. Make sure your short fiction piece is 500 – 1,500 words in length. This can be a “to be continued” story if you want to work on a longer story. Your first assigment is due Feb. 14th by midnight. Please upload this assignment to your group and to this assignment section. You have an extra week to respond to everyone elses’s work in your group. I do not accept late work on assignments after three days past the due date. There is a point deduction for latework. You are welcome to turn in work early. Guidelines for Fiction/Nonfiction Your word count should be 500-1,500 words. Focus on characterization—write about a character you like and enjoy writing about. Consider the setting and how this might affect the character. Work on your opening and closing. Consider a surprise ending since this is a short piece of fiction. If you choose to write a nonfiction piece, make sure that you still use characterization in places. Guidelines for Poetry Include at least one strong image in your poem. Do not use form or a set rhyme scheme unless you are making it “new” and not forced. Consider using the medium of poetry to loosely tell a story. (This is not a requirement.) Choose your language carefully and make every word count. Limit yourself to one page. If you need inspiration for poetry, be sure to check out The Poetry Foundation and the American Academy of American Poets. They even have iPhone Apps. ***I do accept late work up to three days after the assignment is due. However, I do count off late points.


Research in nursing


  • The purpose of the literature review is to familiarize the student with published researches, research designs and methodologies.
  • For the assignment, the student will select one research studies (no older then 2010) in nursing and write a brief description (synopsis) of the investigation.

250 words min.

  • Briefly answer the following questions:
  • What type of research? (Quantitative, Qualitative & Design)
  • What was the research question(s) or hypothesis?
  • What is the sample, the sample size, and sample attributes?
  • What was the setting of the study?
  • What were the researcher’s findings? (Identify 1)

You must attach the abstract/research study to your literature review.

Abstracts that are not attached to the research study will not be graded.

Describe the context of your best leadership situation/experience. Where/when did it take place?

Experience is an excellent teacher in the subject of leadership. People learn what to do from trying something themselves and/or watching others. We may tend to base our understanding of leadership on the best experiences, those times when we lead well or watch as others lead well. This reflective assignment provides a way for you to write about your “personal best” leadership experience. Be sure to include these three items in your response: 1. Describe the context of your best leadership situation/experience. Where/when did it take place? 2. List 2-3 important actions or behaviors you took as a leader in this situation. In other words, what things did you do as a leader that made a difference in this situation? 3. What words would you use to describe this experience? Describe your take aways from the experience. [No citations/references required, but be very creative and have fun!

med ethics

TOPIC:  Abortion

Paper Requirements:

  • Discuss the technical aspects of your topic in general terms.
  • Discuss the public policy debates relevant to the topic you choose. This section should cover arguments that are in favor of and opposed to the use of the techniques or products.  
  • Express your personal opinion regarding the importance of the topic and the validity of the pro and con arguments.
  • It is expected that you have the following:
  • A title page
  • The body of the paper: 4‐6 pages of text, double‐spaced, 12 point font with clear and understandable language with no grammar or spelling errors. Provide adequate justification that supports your response with at least three appropriate references using textbooks, websites, and articles are required.
  • Subheadings (technical aspect, public policy, and personal opinion/conclusion.)
  • Appropriate in‐text citations throughout paper
  • A reference page with only the sources that you used in the body of the paper. Sources should be less than 5 years old unless there has not been recent research available. At least one reference must be a peer‐reviewed article from a profession journal. Do not use Wikipedia or encyclopedia as they are not considered a reliable academic source to use.
  • Appropriate formatting as per APA 6th ed. website:

Content :

-Paper demonstrates that the author fully understands and has applied course concepts.

-Paper includes several high‐ quality, thought‐ provoking ideas.

Topic is focused narrowly enough for the scope of the assignment.

Organization/ Cohesiveness:

-Connections among subtopics and the thesis/topic are clear without being repetitive or redundant.    -Concluding remarks demonstrate analysis and synthesis of ideas.

-Writing and integration of source materials is eloquent and skillful.

Supporting Evidence/Research:

-4 or more appropriate sources are completely and eloquently integrated throughout the paper.

-At least one source is from credible, scholarly, peer‐ reviewed materials.

-Detailed, meaningful quotations and paraphrases aptly and accurately support the topic.

Mechanics and APA:

-The assignment consistently follows current APA format and is free from errors in formatting, citation, and references.

-No grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors.

-All sources are cited and referenced correctly.

Strategic Assessment Project

Assignment Instructions Strategic Assessment Project (PowerPoint presentation plus References page) Goal: Develop and present via PowerPoint a strategic plan for your organization, integrating various concepts, components and processes presented throughout this course. Submit the presentation (ppt or pptx) along with a References page (.doc) that verifies sources used. Introduction: Managers who want to improve the effectiveness of the future outcomes of their organization employ strategic planning. In a 13 slide PowerPoint presentation, present a strategic plan for your organization, accompanied by a References-only page as a Word.doc that contains the minimum 10 sources used in the development of the presentation. Your presentation may be a re-developed plan based on the plan your organization already uses. If you are in the military, you may elect to choose a company where you previously worked, or select a company that is not detailed in the text in this course, or in any of the materials used thus far in the course. In any case, you will need to begin by providing a brief history of the company, and then delve into the process detailed more fully below, and which draw from various elements contained in our textbook. Accompany your writing with a minimum five scholarly journal articles that support the assertions made in your strategic plan. You will also need to use at least five other sources—books, magazines, websites, and even interviews to augment your data support for the presentation. Your strategic plan should address [Suggested number of PPT slides in brackets]: The Name of the Company/Firm [1 PPT slide] Brief History of the Company (or Organization), its Mission and Vision [2 PPT slides] Organizational Analysis [3 PPT slides] : This section will present your identification of the firm’s strengths and weaknesses, which emanate from your value chain and functional analyses. There is a maximum of five strengths and five weaknesses and your presentation of them should be prioritized. Exhibits are effective tools to provide strong support for each strength and weakness. Please be as specific as possible and quantify your analysis where appropriate. This section will provide the first part of the foundation for your identification of strategic issues and related recommendations through your analysis of the organization’s core competencies, competitive advantages and organizational weaknesses. Environmental Analysis [3 PPT slides]: This section will present your identification of the major external threats and opportunities currently facing the organization. These will be generated from your analysis of the industry and general environmental factors in light of the organization’s strengths and weaknesses. A maximum of five threats and five opportunities should be identified and should be presented in a prioritized order. Use power point exhibits to support your analysis, be specific and quantify your analysis where possible. This section will provide the second part of the foundation for your identification of a strategic issue and the formulation of related recommendations through your analysis of driving forces, key success factors and industry attractiveness. Strategic Issues And Recommendations [3 PPT slides]: Identify (with support) the most important strategic issue facing your organization. It is extremely important that you clearly integrate the strategic issue with your analysis to the organization’s SWOT. There may be interrelationships between particular weaknesses and threats or missed opportunities, which should be recognized. It may be possible that 2 different weaknesses, 1 threat and 1 opportunity could be combined, due to their relatedness, to form one strategic issue. Similarly, your recommendations should attempt to capitalize and build upon strengths, competitive advantages and opportunities that you identified. The point is to clearly ground your issue and recommendations with the internal and external analyses so that the presentation is clear. Conclusion/Summary [1PPT slide] PowerPoint Suggestions: • The slides need to be detailed, ready for presentation, and professional in appearance. Be sure to provide a separate references page that links to the citations on the PowerPoint. An example of how a references page should look is not provided, since you already should be able to construct that document as you would any other references page in APA. • The scholarship required for this project must be cited on the slides, i.e., 10 overall sources minimum, as specified in the Introduction above. • Upload your PPT and references (.doc) in the Assignment section, just as you would any other assignment. • NOTE about the use of pictures—the website upload limit per PPT is 25MB. • Always present in “third person” • Do not forget to upload your separate references-only page to support the citations that appear on the PowerPoint. Use this text as one of your sources Thompson, A. A., Peteraf, M. A., Gamble, J. E., & Strickland, A. J. (2015). Crafting and executing strategy: The quest for competitive advantage: Concepts and cases (20th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin.

Accounting – Govern/Not-for-Profit

The purpose of this assignment is to encourage and allow critical engagement with recent topics in the field of Not-for-Profit and Government Accounting and how these structures play out in our current environment. Reading this article involves carefully determining the audience, identifying the argument and understanding the significance (making links to larger ideas, trends, and events). Thought papers are intended to give you space to think—to consider how this piece contributes to our understanding of Not-for-Profit and Government Accounting. Thought papers must be typed (single-spaced, 12pt Times New Roman font, 0.5” margins, maximum 2 pages), and turned in via D2L on the day due by 8pm. Be ready to discuss your findings during class. Due dates for thought papers are clearly marked on the syllabus. NO LATE WORK. 1. What is the purpose of this article? Why is the article written? (Min 5 sentences) 2. Why is this topic important? Who is affected by this information? (Min 5 sentences) 3. What is the problem/s described in the article? Does the author address possible solutions? If so, explain. (Min 5 sentences) 4. What are the incentives of the discussed parties? (Min 5 sentences) 5. How does this article fit into ACCT 4600 (Govern/Not-for-Profit)? What do you conclude or take away from this article? (Min 5 sentences)

Public Health

  • Keep in mind that much of our discourse will almost always revolves about our basics,  “…distribution and determinants of health (the health-related) and diseases, morbidity, injuries, disability, and mortality, population focus, studies applied to the control of the health-related issues…” and the understanding of these and related concepts(Friis & Sellers, 2009).
  • Try to address as many of the 5 W’sand the 1 H (Who, What, When, Where, Why and How) as possible in all your writings/responses. Look for the 5 W’s & the 1H in all that you read. Also, try to incorporate our language and lesson objectives in your thinking and writings/responses.
  • Remember to paraphraseand to cite and reference where appropriate.




Part 1

  • What is Public Health? (Write a paragraph of 150 words)
  • Please visit one of the websites listed below. There you will find free web-based courses on Public Health and Field Epidemiology and an overview from the Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health. After reviewing theWhat Is Public Health?Website, please discuss two things you learned about public health and how it affects your life. How is this information relevant to understanding the important concepts of public health?
  • List all references and shareURLs in your posting. (2-3 references)
  • Website:What Is Public Health?





Part 2

  • Mortality and Morbidity (Write a paragraph of 150)
  • Utilizing the Internet, public libraries, and/or books, research the mortality and morbidity rates for your city, county, or state (County: Los Angeles, State: California). Discuss your findings. List all references (2-3 references).
  • NOTE: Choose various cities, counties, and states to research and compare.



The reoccurring research question is how should programs be approached to provide value, in other words how can organizations leverage the strategic value while recognizing and acknowledging the organizational context. How can we, as manager, help the organizations we work for build a business case that brings forward the value of these efforts from an employee engagement perspective?

Question 1. The reoccurring research question is how should programs be approached to provide value, in other words how can organizations leverage the strategic value while recognizing and acknowledging the organizational context. How can we, as manager, help the organizations we work for build a business case that brings forward the value of these efforts from an employee engagement perspective? Question 2. Many companies say that their employees are their most valuable asset, but not all of them live up to this blanket statement. One of the best ways to measure their accuracy is to look at their actual corporate culture and see if it lives up to this or if they are just words. Flamholtz and Randle say that corporate culture is not just an asset but a strategic asset that give corporate advantage, and can be the core of a business model.(Flamholtz, E. & Randle, Y, 2012) Culture is the values, beliefs and norms that influence how employees behave. While some negative cultures can provide short term advantages, such as bonuses for cut throat behavior, long term advantage comes from positive corporate cultures. Positive cultures create strategic assets when they create competitive advantages and are sustainable. Starbucks can credit this when people say “let’s go to Starbucks” verses “let’s go get coffee.” (Flamholtz, E. & Randle, Y, 2012) Successfully using culture as a competitive advantage often involves utilizing the same products that competitors do but having employees who enjoy their jobs, often that feeling can be felt by consumers. Examples are Starbucks who have access to the same beans their competitors do, and South West Airlines who fly the same Boeing planes as other airlines. Culture gaps are when corporations say they value the employees but surveys show employees do not feel embraced by the sentiment, and that the organization is not consistent with the stated culture (Flamholtz, E. & Randle, Y, 2012). An example of this is in March, for Corrections Pride month, for one month corrections staff has posters telling them how they are appreciated, but for the other 11 months of the year rarely ever hear a word of encouragement. How can organizations maximize and synchronize the performance goals of the organization with those of the individual performer? Question 3. When creating a strategy for a company, there are 10 basic managerial tasks that are needed no matter what the situation (Thompson, Peteraf, Gamble, & Strickland, 2015, p. 288). Two of these tasks are staffing the organization with managers and employees capable of executing the strategy well, and instill a corporate culture that promotes good strategy execution. Staffing Ensuring the correct staff is in place will both help a struggling company improve and help a good company become better. As Clark (2013) points out, many businesses place top leaders in struggling departments to help improve their performance, and when a school district decided to use this model, almost all of the 24 low-performing participating schools were turned around proving that this strategy is a good one (pp. 26-27). If one were to put mediocre managers and employees into positions that need to improve, then improvement cannot be expected to happen. In addition, while staffing may be an expensive thing to do, one could argue that the benefits in the long run are well worth the effort of finding top talent to put into the positions the organization needs to improve. Culture According to Thompson, et al., 2015), “corporate culture refers to the shared values, ingrained attitudes, and company traditions that determine norms of behavior, accepted work practices, and styles of operating” (p. 343). If a manager or employee does not fit with the culture, then they will most likely hinder the organization’s effort to implement a strategic plan. Another point to make about organizational culture is when a strategic plan requires a cultural change. Keuning (2008) states that when a strategic plan requires cultural change, management must be alive to the fact that they need to look for ways to encourage staff to adjust their values and beliefs (as cited in Mwangu, Olyao, & Simuyu, 2015, p. 200). Ensuring the organizational culture is taken into account when creating a strategic plan, will help ensure that the strategic plan is implemented the way the organizations wants and will not cause problems with the culture and the employees. What analysis will likely show the leadership team where deficiencies exist that may hinder their strategic efforts? Question 4. A key to Amazon’s corporate strategy is arguably their continued investment in data resources. As described in our text Amazon has utilized its expertise in data management not only to grow their own e-commerce efforts, but to also aid third party companies in their sales. Amazon may have had a advantage in this realm due to their initial inception as an online corporation. Often retailers find themselves working backwards in this arena, where they began in brick and mortar storefronts and moved on line. This demonstrates that they may not have had the initial motives to store and use customer data to build their market share, they simply wanted to offer customers another means to buy their product. What in your opinion is the drawback in Amazon’s approach(s)? Question 5. One of the first elements of Amazon’s corporate strategy discussed in the case study is that of utilizing big data. Amazon realized that storing information about its customers and building a database of it could help them market products in an individualized way creating more sales. Another element discussed is aiding other companies with big data by allowing partner sites to use its big data while maintaining their independent identity as a smaller store. Doing this, Amazon charged its partners a fixed fee as well as commission. Departing from the case study, and expanding on the information given, one of the key strategies for the company was around developing a core culture for employees and that they have key leadership principles that are followed and used in everything the company does. In addition, she mentioned that the single most important thing anyone from Amazon would tell you is that in everything they do, the customer experience is their number one priority. Getting in on the online retailer industry early seems to have been Amazon’s biggest key in being successful. Developing both a culture in which the employees are motivated to make the customers happy, and a place where customers can easily find any number of products they are searching for and get them delivered quickly are also keys to their strategy execution. By following the 5 components of the Big Data Process, Amazon ensures that any information they share with other companies is accurate and validated so that when the other company uses it, they are satisfied with the partnership they have created with Amazon. If Amazon weren’t as careful with the information collected, other companies would not want to partner with them, and this would not be a successful strategy for Amazon. Other than Amazon’s ability to get into the e-commerce business early. What else do you think enabled Amazon to focus on their ability to provide excellent customer service and a significant product base from the internet sales perspective? The attached document is reference for questions 6-8 Question 6. In reference to the current environment at Tucker Knox it would be very difficult for an internal practitioner to have any significant impact due to Howards scope of influence and his ability to use others within the company to achieve his self serving goals. With so much influence centralized in Howards sphere it would be difficult to make any real change without support from both Larry and Jack. CEO Larry Henderson has worked closely with Howard and likes his aggressive management style. Howard already has many responsibilities and more to come with developing and overseeing the new department. But it seems Howards focus was about keeping rivals like Matt Jackson in check rather than overseeing his responsibilities as the director of manufacture engineering. Another point of friction is Howards inability to accept change and his dawdling nature to delegate or relinquish authority. According to Andersson (2015) change is associated with terms like force and friction, often times groups or individual fear change due to the unknown or the thought of losing status or influence. In an attempt to limit Howards influence Jake Donaldson splits Howards machine design team into two teams and assigned Matt Jackson, Howard’s rival to manage the new team. Due to Howards assertive nature rather than staying focused on his responsibilities and filling the empty management positions of the teams he oversees. Howard employs Ed to help develop and present information in order to reunite his machine design team. In the end again Howard is successful in achieving his self serving goals. Although the plan that Howard and Ed present is persuasive the split of the team was still in its infancy and with more time the split may have been beneficial to the company. What are other assessments into the organization’s strengths and weaknesses that move past the internalization focus that achieve positive managerial leadership? Question 7. In reference to the Case Study Problems A. Macro Tucker has certain management that wants to ensure their working environment is ideal based on who they strategically place in their circle. They also have staff that uses place staff I certain positions that may not be qualified as a means of a way to get them to do what they wanted. B. Micro Larry is not stepping up and recognizing the team for their value and hard work when positions are being changed thus pushing some key players to the back such as Ed. ll. Causes The company appears to doing well and they have future plans that will continue to make the business thrive. Although they may appear to work well together it seems to be more from manipulation rather than earned effort. III. Systems Affected Ultimately the restructuring and some of the decisions that were made will cause them to lose someone or others that have played key roles in the company by slighting their efforts or position for others that can be molded to their liking. IV. Alternatives The changes are good but the way it was done especially reassigning Ed to a department and once he was finished building it up advising him he had to find another job within the company or else was not a good business move. V. Recommendations I understand that there are members of the team that are stronger in certain areas than other yet collectively they could complement each other. Where one lacked in an area and as the other they could train in each area so that they could have the dream team. It may work best for some to be able to have those that will jump when they say jump but it seems some in certain positions are using them for their benefit. They should do cross training with everyone so that in the event someone is needed they have available staff rather than rely on a specific person. So do you think that there is an underlying lack of motivation here not only in the employees but also in the management? Do you think that a lack of motivation could be a problem? What are the defining variables that could be causing it? Could it be that everyone’s own desires and organizational silos of management influence their perception and analyses of problem areas? Question 8. Tucker Knox Corporation’s organizational goal is to maintain their sales volume at number one. In addition, the organization’s CEO (Larry Henderson) has set three objects as follows: to compete globally, to maintain/build successful U.S. and global facilities, and to ensure their corporate office remains financially able to operate in the United States as opposed to abroad. One big factor that has stood in their way is the fact that proprietary parts are what make each organization manufacturing automotive breaking systems successful. As a result, costs can be prohibitive. To alleviate this factor, Howard Watson, Director of Manufacturing Engineering, proposed a department specifically to deal with the proprietary aspect of the system. Howard went on to collaborate with Larry Henderson (CEO) to design said department. Ed Leonard was brought own gradually (progressing step by step) by Howard to manage this department. Early in Ed’s tenure, Jack Donaldson (Howard’s direct boss) split up Howard’s team in order to lessen his authority. Howard used Ed’s knowledge and experience to counter this move, which placed Ed in an awkward position with upper management, specifically Jack Donaldson who would likely take over as CEO upon Larry Henderson’s retirement. Nevertheless, the result being Ed Leonard, a profitable member, looking to leave the organization. How did this come about, Ed contemplated in the case. First of all, The CEO appears to be a collaborative individual and effective leader. In addition, Howard Watson appears to a collaborative leader as well; however, in placing Ed in an awkward position he has jeopardized the organization as Ed is now seriously contemplating resigning. Jack Donaldson played the most damaging role in this scenario however by not collaborating with Howard on the decision to break up the department. Decisions such as this should be made only after getting input from all involved. What are if any, the underlying lack of motivation here not only in the employees but also in the management? Do you think that a lack of motivation could be a problem?

Learning Summary

Instructions: Learning Summary The learning summary is not a chapter by chapter summary. It is an analysis of what you have learned and how you can integrate the learning of the organizational development concepts now and in the future. Think of the “ah-ha” moments in your reading. The summary should include detailed objective explanations relating course content to real-world applications from your work experience integrating the organizational development concepts covering the second half the course (that is Chapters.10-16 of the textbook below). Describe any insights that you have gained from other discussions in the class with regards to the organizational development concepts covered thus far in the class. Your learning summary should be thought-provoking and reflective of your learning experiences either inside the classroom or outside the classroom. You will need to support your learning summary with at least two (2) scholarly journal articles and the textbook. You will need to provide in-text citations and references. The paper should be 2 pages of content (not including the title page and reference page). You are required to adhere to specific APA formatting requirements (a title page and a reference page are required). Please make sure to proofread carefully. Grammar and spelling errors may impact the grading. I expect your summaries to reflect critical thought. You are required to relate the course content to real-world applications from your work experience and to the research literature. Use the text below as one of your references. Brown, D. (2011). An experiential approach to organization development, 8th Ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Read Chapters 10- 16