Free Market

Requirements for Free market reproduction learning Scenario


  • Of the four responses offered in the scenario, which do you feel is the most ethical and why?
  • In this assignment, you are asked to reflect on responses to the presented scenario. This should not just be writing down your first reaction or what you already know. Reflection involves critical thinking, which means rethinking your existing knowledge and previously held opinions in light of what we have learned about theories of ethics, logic, and reasoning. You will need to question your existing knowledge and beliefs. Why do you feel the way you do about assisted reproduction?

Support your conclusions with evidence and specific examples from the textbook, as well as other sources as needed.

Your reflection must be at least 300 words in length and follow APA (6th ed.) formatting and citation guidelines as appropriate.

Dubowitz/Ballard Scoring

PowerPoint Criteria for Dubowitz/Ballard Scoring

Cover slide: Title, Name and Date

One slide per assessment value.

There should be 6 slides for each: Physical Assessment and Neuromuscular Assessment.

Include picture and description of measurement, what is being scored and why it is used to determine gestational age.

Based on your assessment of a 37 week GA infant’s Dubowitz/Ballard scoring, write one prioritized nursing diagnosis written correctly with proper format with proper etiology with sufficient data to support the diagnosis.

Health care

Requirements Debating the Right to Health Care

  • Of the 4 responses offered in scenario, which do you feel is the most ethical and why?
  • In this assignment, you are asked to reflect on responses to the presented scenario. This should not just be writing down your first reaction or what you already know. Reflection involves critical thinking, which means rethinking your existing knowledge and previously held opinions in light of what we have learned about theories of ethics, logic, and reasoning.
  • You will need to question your existing knowledge and beliefs.
  • Why do you feel the way you do about the right to health care?
  • Identifies and demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of the main issues in the scenario.
  • Makes appropriate and powerful connections between identified issues and the concepts studied in the course readings and presentations; supplements the reflection with relevant and thoughtful research and documents all sources of information.
  • Support your conclusions with evidence and specific examples.
  • Your reflection must be at least 330 words in length and follow APA (6th ed.)formatting and citation guidelines as appropriate.




This paper is based on your experience with obstetric-gynecology class. Explain the experience that you had on the attended classes (ex: breastfeeding classes, post vaginal delivery care, how to bathe a newborn, etc).

  1. Name, address and purpose of organization: Provides the name and address of the organization. Details a clear description of the purpose of the organization


Presbyterian Intercommunity Hospital – PIH Health – Whittier, California

12401 Washington Blvd, Whittier, CA 90602

  1. Population served: a. Type of patients served
  2. Type of health care concerns

Shows an excellent understanding of the population served at this organization.

  1. Professional services: Identifies professional services available in this setting
  2. Geographical/environment al issues a. Facility
  3. Physical layout
  4. Accessibility
  5. Transportation issues

Details a complete analysis of geographical and environmental issues of the organization.

  1. Social issues of the population: Insightfully details and discusses social issues of the population.
  2. Organization’s internal and external means of communication: Discusses with detail the ways the organization communicates internally and with the community
  3. Activities during the community experience: Discusses with detail the activities experienced during the community experience.
  4. Programs or changes to better serve the community: Analyzes what program changes might better serve the community.

PIH teaching


Comprehensive Assessment

  • Clear and concise discussion of patient’s admission diagnosis, demographic data, and anticipated learning needs
  • Clear and comprehensive patient assessment data to support a deficient knowledge nursing diagnosis.

Patient Learning Needs Assessment

  • Clear and complete assessment of learner (patient /family), teaching needs, and special learning needs, if present.
  • Clear identification of patient’s strengths and weaknesses relevant to learning needs.

Organization/ Evidence-based Information

  • Open and closing remarks that capture patient’s attention.
  • Clear and correct statement of 2 teaching objectives.
  • Clear and organized presentation of evidence-based patient teaching.

PLAN: submitted to the clinical instructor during the teaching experience. Your clinical instructor must approve the topic.

  • Develop nursing diagnosis(NANDA)
  • Develop two (2) learning objectives
  • State methodology (teaching methods)
  • Provide and utilize teaching aids
  • State needed resources



The development of the vision of a company is complex, but easy. I imagined the same for the crafting a strategy. Once you have a vision of what you want to accomplish, and where you want to go, you can start to develop the plan to get there. This is the strategy to achieve your goal. You need to answer all the how questions. How will you satisfy the customers, how will you remain at the forefront of innovation, how will you be able to be aware of the coming changes (Ahenkora & Peasah, 2011).

1. The development of the vision of a company is complex, but easy. I imagined the same for the crafting a strategy. Once you have a vision of what you want to accomplish, and where you want to go, you can start to develop the plan to get there. This is the strategy to achieve your goal. You need to answer all the how questions. How will you satisfy the customers, how will you remain at the forefront of innovation, how will you be able to be aware of the coming changes (Ahenkora & Peasah, 2011). There are four levels of developing a strategy, corporate strategy, business strategy, functional strategy and operational strategy. A corporate strategy is the overall business plan for the entire corporation, no matter how large or how many interests the company has. The business strategy is how to deal with one particular industry or interest. The functional strategy is dealing with one portion of the organization and finally the operational strategy is how you are going to go about business on a daily basis. What is a specific approach – broad – that organizational leaders and managers can take to achieve alignment between vision and operations (day-to-day performance)? 2. According to Kohrman II (2008) the first step to understanding how to set objectives for change in an organization is to understand the future of the company. According to Liedtka (1998) the ability to use strategic thinking to create informational objectives and goals within the organization is needed. This is because strategic thinking is based on using innovated ideas in order to drive an organization forward. In addition it can be shown in Thompson, Peteraf, Gamble & Strickland (2015) that there are two main focuses that strategic thinking can be applies to; financial objective and strategic objectives. This is based on understanding the financial and marketing strategies while using strategic objectives to create near term and long term objectives based on delivering a high quality of performance form employees. In order to achieve these goals requires the organization to know how to implement management techniques best suited for the organization. Discuss the best way forward to achieve this management techniques. 3. Papa John Telling the Papa John Story (w/CC): (click) Go to the textbook (Thompson, Peteraf, Gamble & Strickland, 2015), Part 2, Case 4, and read the case regarding Papa John’s International, Inc.: Its Strategy in the Pizza Restaurant Industry (C-40 – C-49). From the case, answer the following question, being as specific as possible: How does Papa John’s distinguish themselves among the other three large rival pizza chains and also from other small pizza chains and competitors? 4. Papa John’s has remained true to what they were founded upon and has found themselves in the top four pizza chains. Because of this, I would say they are doing pretty well at executing their strategic plan. They have maintained high quality and have adapted with the times. They have added technological advances into their company, they have made changes to their menus in order to appeal to new customers, yet they have kept their menus simple and have not over-invested in new products. They continue to set high goals for the organization and because of this, they continue to grow and will probably remain in the top four for years to come. What in your view are some of the pros and cons of the Papa John’s strategic plan? being as specific as possible: 5. The main cause for the micro and macro problems is due to the lack of innovation. Leadership has failed to adapt to changing technologies, which should improve techniques and procedures within the company. Instead, they have stuck with what was working in the past and that stagnation of ideas and creativity has put the company behind the power curve compared to their competitors. As a company what are the remedies to these alarming problems? 6. The company systems being affected is the management structure, lax in change and profit. Everything else false up under these areas but a focus should be placed on management to take a better approach on making change that would benefit the company. Change is one of an elusive concept and it is inevitable and paradoxically but it depends on the will and those actions of everyone involved. Although we try to embrace change it is natural to resist it. We structure social movement, campaigns and business strategies around the need for change yet we don’t understand how it works. What kind of systems change would work for the Grayson Chemical Company? 7. Analysis of the Grayson Chemical Company case study indicated many areas the new CEO must place specific focus before the organization can reverse its negative trends, which include data gathering action as well as the use of diagnostic models to identify barriers to success. First, it is recommend that Mr. Baker take into consideration all of the inputs from the board members however; he should also employ data gathering techniques, such as interviews, with managers of the organization to determine current behavioral intentions such as motives, values, and attitude towards change. This data gathering will ultimately inform the CEO if management changes are truly required or if he can reach the desired changes through an organizational culture shift, as the culture will permeate all levels of the organization and not just the management teams. Look beyond what is obvious and come up with what you think is really the CEOs main focus in order to reverse the negative trend. Please provide a reference for each question.


Requirements HIV/AIDS Prevention

Of the four responses offered in the scenario, which do you feel is the most ethical and why?

In this assignment, you are asked to reflect on responses to the presented scenario. This should not just be writing down your first reaction or what you already know. Reflection involves critical thinking, which means rethinking your existing knowledge and previously held opinions in light of what we have learned about theories of ethics, logic, and reasoning. You will need to question your existing knowledge and beliefs.

  • Why do you feel the way you do about HIV/AIDS?
  • Support your conclusions with evidence and specific examples from the textbook, as well as other sources as needed.
  • Your reflection must be at least 300 words in length and follow APA (6th ed.)formatting and citation guidelines as appropriate.


Identification of Main Issues:

  • Identifies and demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of the main issues in the scenario.

Links to Course Readings and Additional Research:

  • Makes appropriate and powerful connections between identified issues and the concepts studied in the course readings and presentations; supplements the reflection with relevant and thoughtful research and documents all sources of information.



Case Analysis Guidelines

Why Use Cases?

Case studies allow a learning-by-doing approach. The material in the case provides the data for analysis and decision making. Cases require you to diagnose and make decisions about the situation and to defend those decisions to your peers.


Objectives of the Case Method

  1. Helping you to acquire the skills of putting textbook knowledge about management into practice.
  2. Getting you out of the habit of being a receiver of facts, concepts, and techniques, and into the habit of diagnosing problems, analyzing and evaluating alternatives, and formulating workable plans of action.
  3. Training you to work out answers and solutions for yourself, as opposed to relying upon the authoritative crutch of the professor or a textbook.
  4. Providing you with exposure to a range of firms and managerial situations (which might take a lifetime to experience personally), thus offering you a basis for comparison when you begin your own management career.


How to Prepare a Case

  1. Begin your analysis by reading the case once for familiarity.
  2. On the second reading, attempt to gain full command of the facts, organizational goals, objectives, strategies, policies, symptoms of problems, problems, basic causes of problems, unresolved issues, and roles of key individuals.
  3. Who are the key players in this situation? What are their roles and their styles?
  4. Arrive at a solid evaluation of the organization, based upon the information in the case. Developing the ability to evaluate organizations and size up their situations is the key to case analysis.
  5. Decide what you think the organization needs to do to improve its performance and to set forth a workable plan of action.


(Brown 27-28)

Brown, Donald R. Experiential Approach to Organization Development, 8th Edition. Pearson



Requirements Transplant Tourism Learning Scenario


  • Of the four responses offered in the scenario, which do you feel is the most ethical and why?
  • Identifies and demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of the main issues in the scenario.
  • Makes appropriate and powerful connections between identified issues and the concepts studied in the course readings and presentations; supplements the reflection with relevant and thoughtful research and documents all sources of information.


  • In this assignment, you are asked to reflect on responses to the presented scenario. This should not just be writing down your first reaction or what you already know. Reflection involves critical thinking, which means rethinking your existing knowledge and previously held opinions in light of what we have learned about theories of ethics, logic, and reasoning.
  • You will need to question your existing knowledge and beliefs.
  • Why do you feel the way you do about transplant tourism?
  • Support your conclusions with evidence and specific examples.
  • Your reflection must be at least 300 words in length and follow APA (6th ed.)formatting and citation guidelines as appropriate.



Requirements debating abortion learning scenario

  • Of the four responses offered in the scenario, which do you feel is the most ethical and why?
  • In this assignment, you are asked to reflect on responses to the presented scenario. This should not just be writing down your first reaction or what you already know. Reflection involves critical thinking, which means rethinking your existing knowledge and previously held opinions in light of what we have learned about theories of ethics, logic, and reasoning. You will need to question your existing knowledge and beliefs. Why do you feel the way you do about abortion?
  • Identifies and demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of the main issues in the scenario.
  • Makes appropriate and powerful connections between identified issues and the concepts studied in the course readings and presentations; supplements the reflection with relevant and thoughtful research and documents all sources of information.


  • Support your conclusions with evidence and specific examples from the textbook, as well as other sources as needed.
  • Your reflection must be at least 300 words in length and follow APA (6th ed.)formatting and citation guidelines as appropriate.