Discussion Questions: Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass

Frederick Douglass Discussion Question: 1. What is a narrative? 2. Is this a primary or secondary source? How do you know? 3. Chapter I: The Law decreed that all children born to slave women, no matter the father, were to remain slaves. How does this law benefit slave maters and relate to Douglass. 4. Chapter IV : What is a sloop (use a dictionary)? In what business is the sloop involved on Colonel Loyd’s Plantation? 5. Chapter V: To whom/what does Douglass credit his eventual freedom? 6. Chapter VI: What does Douglass realize after Mr. Aduld’s speech? 7. Chapter VII: What does the phrase “ignorance is bliss” mean? How is this phrase proven true in this stage of Douglass’s life? 8. Chapter VIII: What is “the valuation”? At the valuation, why does Douglass suffer more anxiety than many of his fellow slaves? 9. Chapter IX: How does religion change Thomas Auld? 10. Chapter X: Douglass talks to the boats on the Chesapeake Bay. What kind of things does he say to them? Why does he envy the boats? 11. Chapter XI: What happens to Douglass after the end of his narrative?

Thomas Paine Common Sense Discussion Questions

Thomas Paine Common Sense Discussion Question: 1. According, to Paine, what is the difference between society and government? 2.What is the meaning of “liberty” and “equality” in Paine’s thought? 3. What is the relationship between “liberty and equality”? 4. According to Paine, why is there a need for regulations and government in general? 5. Why does Paine consider the English monarchy to be ineffective? 6. What does Paine think that America will gain by separating from England? 7. List the reasons why Paine thinks independence is necessary. 8. What is the “most powerful of all augments” for independence? 9. For Paine, what is the relationship between law and liberty? 10. How does Paine answer the question, “Where is the king of America”? 11. What do you learn from reading this assignment? (Only type your opinion for this question.) Answer the above questions. Each question is worth 10 points. You must answer each question with 5 sentences. Anything more or less will result in an automatic a 5 point deductions per question. Be precise, direct, and straight to the point. You will earn a “0” for rambling and repetition per question. You do not have to write in essay format, please answer each question in complete connecting sentences. DO NOT RESTATE THE QUESTION OR REPHRASE THE QUESTION IN YOUR ANSWER, this will result in a 5 point deduction per question. An automatic 5 points will be deduction from each question for any grammar error. Do NOT quote, do not use citations, please answer each question in your own words. Avoid the following phrases: “I think” or “I agree,” or any statements that reference your opinion. This is not an opinion assignment, such will result in a 5 point deduction from each question. Your opinion is only required for question #11. In a MS Word document, number and retype each question in this discussion. After you have retyped each question in Times New Roman 12 font, double space twice (enter twice) and then type the answer. Follow this format when answering each question. When answering each question please type in Times New Roman 12 font, using 1.5 line spacing when answering each question. If the line spacing or the type font is incorrect, 20 points will be deducted off the overall assignment.

Based on DeVany’s article one can see that there are many roles that managers play in an organization. Managing diversity could be one of the more critical aspects of their jobs. The research articles chosen for this post cover Flexible Work Arrangements (FWA), diversity identity management, and diversity management programs.

1.Based on DeVany’s article one can see that there are many roles that managers play in an organization. Managing diversity could be one of the more critical aspects of their jobs. The research articles chosen for this post cover Flexible Work Arrangements (FWA), diversity identity management, and diversity management programs. Michielsens, Bingam, and Clark explain that, “A diverse workforce is one that may provide competitive advantage and enhance organizational adaptability to changing marketplaces” (2014, p.51). Flexibility of managers and employees may increase the possibility of having a strong diverse workforce. What are your thoughts about the philosophical musings above? 2. There is no one management style that will fit each and every scenario. According to Mattox (2014) some believe diversity is organic whereas others believe it needs to be cultivated and maintained. Many also believe in a measurement system of diversity, but in reality, not al aspects of diversity can be measured statistically. However, measurement is an important piece of being able to support diversity. These measurements can include figures such as: hiring, termination, promotion and retention. In Addition, any management can do an impeccable job at encouraging, implementing and maintaining diversity, but having diverse teams as a member not a leader, the success of diversity heavily relies on the employees. Everyone has a responsibility to encourage and maintain diversity. To support diversity is to respect the differences others possess. Any thoughts on this? 4. 1. If you were looking at your organization through a relational system lens, how would you return that system to equilibrium following a crisis? 5. How do you think HR can support the restoration of any organization’s relational system should you experience a crisis? 6. Research and analysis of the human system provides insight on key factors used to strengthen the relational system of organizations. Communication, cohesion, and flexibility are some of these key factors that help lessen the impact of organizational crises (Khan, Barton, and Fellows, 2013). Disruptions in any one of these factors affects either system and causes relationship and operational disturbances that diminishes overall performance. The impact of relational system disturbances are dysfunctional patterns of behavior among individuals who pull away from a group, therefore weakening the structure. These disruptions become apparent through feelings of anxiety, fear, and the inability of individuals to respond effectively during a crisis. What do you think are other impacts of relational system disturbances?

How can decision makers anticipate, prevent, and limit and control chaos? 2. How can managers ensure organizational character during a crisis? Remember to write in third person (APA style: he/she/it/one), even though you may be writing about your own experience.

How to Write a Case Study

There are many different kinds of case studies. There are also various uses for writing case studies, from academic research purposes to provision of corporate proof points. There are approximately four types of case studies: illustrative (descriptive of events), exploratory (investigative), cumulative (collective information comparisons) and critical (examine particular subject with cause and effect outcomes). After becoming familiar with the different types and styles of case study instructions and how each applies to your purposes, there are some steps that make writing flow smoothly and ensure the development and delivery of a uniform case study that can be used to prove a point or illustrate accomplishments.


Getting Started

Students should select the cumulative or critical case study method. Your purpose is to thoroughly analyze a situation (or “case”) which could reveal factors or information otherwise ignored or unknown. These can be written about companies, whole countries, or even individuals. What’s more, these can be written on more abstract things, like programs or practices. Really, if you can dream it, you can write a case study about it.[1]

  1. Determine the topic of your case study.Once you’ve picked your angle, you need to determine what your research will be about. What have you talked about in class? Have you caught yourself coming up with questions during your reading?
  2. Start your research at the library to begin delving into a specific problem. Once you’ve narrowed down your search to a specific problem, find as much about it as you can from a variety of different sources. Look up information in books and peer-reviewed journal articles. If the case is very contemporary, you may use DVDs, websites, magazines, newspapers, etc. As you go through each one, take adequate notes so you can find the info later on and make sure you get the reference in APA format.
  3. Search for case studies or other types of research that have been published on the same or a similar subject matter.Talk to your professors, go to the library, surf the web until your bum falls asleep. You don’t want to replicate the research that has already been done.
  4. Find out what has been written before, and read the important articles about your case’s situation . When you do this, you may find there is an existing problem that needs a solution, or you may find that you have to come up with an interesting idea that might or might not work in your case situation.
  5. Review sample case studies that are similar in style and scope to get an idea of composition and format, too.

Obtaining Data and Writing the Case Study


Develop and write your case study using the data collected throughout the research and analysis processes. Include at least four sections in your case study: an introduction, background information explaining why the case study was created, presentation of findings and a conclusion which clearly presents all of the data and references.


  1. The introduction should very clearly set the stage. In a detective story, the crime happens right at the beginning and the detective has to put together the information to solve it for the rest of the story. In a case, you can start by raising a question. You could quote someone you read about. Clearly state the problem at hand.
  2. Make sure to include background information on your study. What makes your problem pressing to give your audience a panoramic view of the issue.
  3. After the reader has all the knowledge needed to understand the problem, present your data. Include customer quotes and data (percentages, awards and findings) if possible to add a personal touch and more credibility to the case presented. Describe for the reader what you learned about the problem, how it developed, what solutions have already been proposed and/or tried, and feelings and thoughts of those working or visiting there. You may have to do calculations or extra research to back up any claims.
  4. At the end of your analysis, you should offer possible solutions, but don’t worry about solving the case itself. Let the reader leave with a full grasp of the problem, but allow them to come up with their own desire to change it.[1]Feel free to leave the reader with a question, forcing them to think for themselves. If you have written a good case, they will have enough information to understand the situation and have a lively discussion.


Create a case study analysis based on two scholarly studies that focus on different elements of human behavior (individual differences, personality, culture, or ethics) and its impact on the functionality of organizations/businesses.

Goal: Create a case study analysis based on two scholarly studies that focus on different elements of human behavior (individual differences, personality, culture, or ethics) and its impact on the functionality of organizations/businesses. After a concise, but thorough, analyses of the cases, summarize the benefits of understanding these components of human behavior in the practice of organizational management. Instructions: Write a 3 page case study analysis based on two different cases that involve differing elements of human behavior (individual differences, personality, culture, or ethics). See procedure below). Obtain your case study articles from scholarly peer-reviewed journals online. Use case studies that were published within the last ten years. After a concise, but thorough and clear delineation and analysis of the cases, complete the content with a summary of what you gleaned from studying these elements of human behavior as they relate to management practice within organizations. Provide in APA format 5 references NOTE: When done with the paper, also upload the pdfs of BOTH case studies, so that I can check the analysis as needed. Use the following outline in your written summary: 1. Identify the business problems of each of the cases 2. Rank-order the critical issues stated in the cases 3. Evaluate the proposed solutions. Are the solutions valid? Why or why not? 4. Submit recommendations you propose beyond what is already stated in the cases. 5. State how the solutions will be communicated in each case. Do you agree? Why or why not? 6. At the end of the paper, express the takeaways/benefits of studying these components of human behavior in management practice.

Academic procrastination and statistic anxiety

Article Academic Procrastination and statistic anxiety Elements of the critique Summary of the article (Discuss what the article is about)  Research Topic o What question is the researcher trying to answer?  Research Methodology o How did the researcher study the topic? Survey? Experiment? Statistical Analysis? Briefly answer who, what, where, and when, and how.  Major Conclusions o What does the author conclude? What recommendations does he make? This section should not be very long, one page at most. Remember that the primary purpose of the critique is not to summarize the paper, but rather, to give an assessment of how well the research was conducted. In-depth critique of the article (Discuss how well the research is conducted) Write a brief paragraph for each of the following listed elements:  Purpose o Is the research problem clearly stated? Is it easy to determine what the researcher intends to research?  Literature Review o Is the review logically organized? Does it offer a balanced critical analysis of the literature? Is the majority of the literature of recent origin? Is it empirical in nature?  Objectives/hypotheses o Has a research question or hypothesis been identified? Is it clearly stated? Is it consistent with discussion in the literature review?  Ethical Standards Applied o Were the participants fully informed about the nature of the research? Was confidentiality guaranteed? Were participants protected from harm?  Operational Definitions o Are all terms, theories, and concepts used in the study clearly defined?  Methodology o Is the research design clearly identified? Has the data gathering instrument been described? Is the instrument appropriate? How was it developed? Were reliability and validity testing undertaken and the results discussed? Was a pilot study undertaken?  Data Analysis/Results o What type of data and statistical analysis was undertaken? Was it appropriate? How many of the sample participated? Significance of the findings?  Discussion o Are the findings linked back to the literature review? If a hypothesis was identified was it supported? Were the strengths and limitations of the study including generalizability discussed? Was a recommendation for further research made?  References o Were all the books, journals and other media alluded to in the study accurately referenced?  Conclusion o Considering all of the evaluation categories, is the article well or poorly researched? The following online article may be helpful to you. Step-by-step guide to critiquing research. Part 1: quantitative research http://lancashirecare.files.wordpress.com/2008/03/step-by-step-guide-to-criti-research-part-1-quantitative-reseawrch.pdf Layout of your paper and other writing requirements Your final report should be organized in the following format: • Brief summary of article  In-depth critique of article  Bibliography Follow these additional writing requirements:  Submit your paper as a Word document. No PDF files.  Double-space  Use 12 point Times New Roman font and 1 inch margins  Use section headings to identify the different components of your discussion  Number all pages after the title page  Use APA format for citations and bibliography  Do not use quotes from the article, paraphrase  Keep the tone formal – write like a researcher. Avoid the use of first person pronouns such as I, we, me, us, etc.  Check for spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors  Keep your paper to 3-5 pages, not including the title page

Using the Osterwalder and Pigneur text as a resource (coupled with the other resources of the course), examine and discuss the observable patterns, designs, and strategies seen in your business model.

Using the Osterwalder and Pigneur text as a resource (coupled with the other resources of the course), examine and discuss the observable patterns, designs, and strategies seen in your business model. You should also integrate metaphors (Morgan’s) and framing (Bolman & Deal) into the discussion of your organization/business. This paper should serve as an investigative tool to inform you further about your business model so that you will be prepared to comprehensively diagnose/assess your model and propose recommendations in your final project for the course. It should lay the ground work for moving into the next stage, which is the substantive diagnosis and assessment. You may also benefit from conducting an Internet search of the Business Model Canvas to become comfortable with how it works, particularly in the investigation of patterns, design, and strategy. There are also various YouTube-type videos on the web that demonstrate the use of the canvas for this phase of your work with your canvas. Instructions: Write a 3 page paper that presents your conclusions about the pattern(s), design(s), and overall business strategy depicted by your canvas. Metaphoric and framing applications should also be discussed. The paper should be written in third person and is not reflective (first person not acceptable). A title page and references page with a minimum of three sources is required (no abstract needed). Use the text below as one of your references: Osterwalder, A., & Pigneur, Y. (2010). Business model generation. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons

wade and ferry argue that the historical pressure to say no to sex has been replaced by a new pressure to say yes. I’m your experience, is this true?

wade and ferry argue that the historical pressure to say no to sex has been replaced by a new pressure to say yes. I’m your experience, is this true? at what age does it begin? how does this imperative manifest itself? does it apply to everyone equally? how does it feel like? how do students navigate this new imperative? freitas, Donna 2013 “time to stop hooking up” (you know you want to) the washington post, march 29 Rosin, Hanna. 2012 “boys on the side” the atlantic, august 22. write 1-2 pages: If you had to pick one or the other account of hookup culture. which would you say is more correct? how so? what is your impression of hookup culture? what are they each getting right and wrong?

medical ethics


Pence, Gregory. Medical Ethics: Accounts of Ground‐Breaking Cases. 7th ed.

ISBN‐10: 0078038456

ISBN‐13: 978‐0078038457

Part 1

  • Discussion Prompt 1

-in your own words, describe the primary difference between consequentialist and non- consequentialist approaches to medical ethics and issues.

  • Discussion Prompt 2

-Choose one of the major theories associated with consequentialist : what objections might be made to this theory?

– Choose one of the major theories associated with non- consequentialist : what objections might be made to this theory?

Part 2

  • Discussion Prompt 1

In your own words, describe the difference between euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide.

  • Discussion Prompt 2

Select an argument for or against either euthanasia or physician-assisted suicide. How would you defend your argument?

Part 3

  • Discussion Prompt

Top of Form

This prompt is about issues surrounding human genetics and eugenics, including stem cell research, cloning, and genetic testing and treatment.

-Choose and describe a scientific technique or practice related to genetics and eugenics. Provide the rationale behind the use of this technique or practice.

-Discuss your thoughts and ideas regarding the technique or practice. Is it ever justifiable? Why or why not?





Part 4

-Animal research is a necessary practice in the world of medical research, allowing scientists to develop life-saving interventions and to spot catastrophic problems before new techniques or products make their way to actual patients. However, this does not mean that we should deny that there are serious ethical issues involved.

-Animal testing is not a pretty or pleasant process. It causes pain and suffering to animal subjects, and legitimate cases of abuse have been uncovered by animal rights groups. Consequently, the practice should be tightly regulated, and alternative methods should be employed whenever possible.

  • Discussion Prompt

-Discuss a specific research study involving animals that had ethical issues.

-What were the ethical issues involved?

-What could have been done to conduct the research study differently to avoid these ethical issues?


Part 5

-Abortion is one of the most difficult and controversial moral issues we will consider. Listen to both sides, even if it is difficult to do. Both sides have important moral insights, even if ultimately these insights are outweighed by the insights of the other side. The goal of this discussion is not to convince you to accept one position over the other, but to help you to understand both sides. As you consider this difficult issue, it is important to distinguish two questions:

-Is abortion morally wrong?

-Should abortion be illegal?

  • Discussion Prompt

-Choose one of the questions above and argue both sides with supporting evidence. Please write your discussion choice in the title line.

Part 6Bottom of Form

  • Discussion Prompt 1:

-Recall this week’s presentation. Does a person in need of an organ transplant have a moral right to obtain that transplant, supposing the availability of the needed organ?

  • Discussion Prompt 2:

-How should we choose who gets a transplant, supposing that there are not enough organs for all who need them?


Part 7

  • DiscussionPrompt 1:

-How do you define privacy?

-Do you believe privacy is a moral right? Why or why not?

  • DiscussionPrompt 2:

-Are there any cases in which public health policy justifies the violation of the right to privacy?

Part 8

Some consider fair access to health care a moral right, while others disagree. We have defined the term moral right as “a privilege to act in some specific, intentional manner or to obtain some specific benefit because one is a moral agent living in a community of moral agents under a shared moral standard.”

  • DiscussionPrompt:

-Is access to health care a moral right?

-Why or why not?

Part 9

“Stem cells are undifferentiated, primitive cells with the ability both to multiply and to differentiate into specific kinds of cells. Stem cells hold the promise of allowing researchers to grow specialized cells or tissue, which could be used to treat injuries or disease (e.g., spinal cord injuries, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, strokes, burns).”(Slevin, 2010)


-Choose ONE of the following issues and write about it with supporting evidence.


  1. Discuss what you feel are the potential benefits of stem cell research for Alzheimer’s patients and their families.
  2. Share your perspective on the stem cell debate regarding donation of surplus embryos to couples for “embryo adoption.”
  3. Why is the task of disposing unused frozen human embryos different from disposing of other medical tissue?
  4. Discuss why you think embryonic stem cell research “crosses a moral boundary.”


Create a case study analysis based on two scholarly studies that utilize metaphors (Morgan’s, or similar) to describe the functionality of organizations

Create a case study analysis based on two scholarly studies that utilize metaphors (Morgan’s, or similar) to describe the functionality of organizations. After a concise, but thorough, analyses of the cases, summarize the benefits of using metaphorical devices in management practice. Instructions: Write a 3 page case study analysis based on two case studies that involve the use of Morgan’s metaphors (or similar) as a tool to understand organizations. Review the Case Study Analysis procedure as presented in the document attached. Obtain your case study articles from scholarly peer-reviewed journals in the online library. Use case studies that were published within the last ten years. After a concise, but thorough and clear delineation and analysis of the cases, complete the paper with a summary of what you learned from using metaphors to understand management practice within organizations. Write using the APA style format, including a title page and references page (no abstract is required). When you upload your paper, also upload pdfs of BOTH case studies used, so I can check your analysis. Use the following outline in your summary (in APA format with a Title page and References page): 1. Identify the business problems of each of the cases; describe the metaphor(s) used. 2. Rank-order the critical issues stated in the cases 3. Evaluate the proposed solutions. Are the solutions valid? Why or why not? How/why did the use of metaphor(s) assist in the solution? 4. Submit recommendations you propose beyond what is already stated in the cases. 5. State how the solutions will be communicated in each case. Do you agree? Why or why not? 6. At the end of the paper, write a paragraph expressing the takeaways/benefits of using metaphors in management practice.