Evaluate how decision makers can manage or confound a crisis.

Review the two questions below and write a 4 page paper but in actual sense it’s a 2 page answer for each question. Use and follow the assignment rubric also attached when formulating your responses. APA standards must be followed for the work: include a title and reference page, properly cite in text references, and proofread your work carefully. In addition to your textbook, you must include a minimum of two outside, academic, scholarly references for each response. 1. Evaluate how decision makers can manage or confound a crisis. Refer to your reading materials thus far. 2. What impact does effective communication have on an organization during crisis events? Please remember that APA style does not permit subjective pronouns (I/we/you). Avoid using those pronouns.

.Read the attached article by Van Engen and discuss why he concludes that metaphors “give dimension to language.”

1.Read the attached article by Van Engen and discuss why he concludes that metaphors “give dimension to language.” Your response should contain 3 scholarly citations and 3 references minimum. Reading: • Osterwalder & Pigneur: pp. 160-195, Morgan’s Metaphors, Part 2 NOTE: (This textbook may NOT serve as a source for this assignment , use outside sources to corroborate your findings and responses). Osterwalder, A., & Pigneur, Y. (2010). Business model generation. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons. 2.Answer the following discussion questions after reading the article below. Reilly, A. H. (Spr 1987). Are Organizations Ready for Crisis? A Managerial Scorecard. Columbia Journal of World Business, 22(1), p79-88. 10p. 4 Charts. a). Describe the Six facets of Crisis Management and how each facet impacts on the organization. b). After reading the article; what are the major implications for the development of future leaders as it pertains to crisis leadership? Submit your responses in APA writing style. Include a references section and use at least one outside source to corroborate your findings and responses. Please provide 3 reference for each question

Occupational Therapy’s Role in Helping Clients Work

OT 201: Introduction to Occupational Therapy                                             Fall 2015




OT Practice Article Review: Grading Sheet


Assignment is due on the date that corresponds with the 1st letter of your last name.

It is due at 9:30 AM.  No late assignments will be accepted.




Name  __________________________________________




Note:  There is no specific page length for this assignment.


1)  Appearance

  1. a) Paper is stapled together and accompanied by the hard copy of the article

Both the paper and the article are submitted in a double-pocket folder                5


  1. b) Paper is typed, double-spaced with one inch margins and printed on only

one side of the page.  Include a cover page that has your name,

article title & author, date and course number                                                          5



2)  Structure

  1. a) Each subheading is clearly identified    5


  1. b) Spelling, grammar, syntax, and punctuation are used correctly 10




3)  Content

  1. a) Each subheading is completely addressed                          40


  1. b) Includes thoughtful responses that indicate effective communication,

including discussion that goes beyond providing a synopsis of the

article                                                                                                                        35





4)  Total Earned Grade                                                                                             / 100



Write an investigative summary that discusses the involvement of two theories/concepts of management that affect the functionality of your organization

GOAL: Write an investigative summary that discusses the involvement of two theories/concepts of management that affect the functionality of your organization. Instructions: Write a 3 page theoretical summary based on two theories/concepts that affect your organization. Select your two theories/concepts from what is presented in the “. . . Theoretical and Conceptual Foundations . . .” PowerPoint, go to the site below http://www.screencast.com/t/UP66vmAdG Augment your discussion by obtaining at least two research articles from peer-reviewed journals online that demonstrate the use of each selected theory—two research articles for each theory/concept; four scholarly articles minimum. Use research studies/articles that were published within the last ten years. You want to select research that presents each theory and its usefulness in organizations and management. Again, choose leadership theories found within the “theories” lecture. Remember to cite your references in text. The paper should be written in third person and is not reflective (first person not acceptable). A title page and references page are required (no abstract needed).

The statement that “recruitment of the right personnel for the task is paramount in the attempt to create a business model canvas that will add value to an organization and be sustainable at the same time.”

1. The statement that “recruitment of the right personnel for the task is paramount in the attempt to create a business model canvas that will add value to an organization and be sustainable at the same time.”. There was a quote that was supposedly attributed to a baseball manager when he was asked what made him such a great manager. He reportedly replied, “Great players.” the importance of the recruitment of the right people cannot be underestimated (even if I am unable to validate who supplied the alleged quote!). The model, in each of its sectors, involves the interaction of the common ingredient throughout the canvas–people. What insights can you provide here about what an organization must do to obtain the best recruits. OR, what they SHOULD do to get the best recruits. Response to Ashley 2. The two most fundamental aspects of the canvas include the value being offered and the intended customers. These two aspects are the basis for any business. In order to be successful the value being offered must satisfy the customer’s needs (Stefan, 2014, p.41). Having a clear understanding of the value being created is the first step in the business model process (Euchner, 2014, p.34). If the value proposition changes it can impact how the organization is viewed, both internally and externally. The same could hold true if the customer segments deviated from expectation. Having a current understanding of these two key components of the business model is critical to the success and advancement of the business. With changing markets and in constant competition with others, businesses must be able to adapt and avoid assumptions in order to elude failure. The “Business Model Canvas” provides executives a valuable tool for evaluating assumptions, remaining nimble, and focused. A contemporary study by Heidi Bertels (2015) demonstrated that challenging assumptions in any of the building blocks is a critical aspect of being successful. Any thoughts of approval or disapproval? response to Husted C 3. It is my understanding that Osterwalder’s Business Model Canvas provides a visual representation of the current business model. It is then the user’s responsibility to look at the model, identify future business needs, and redesign the model to fit the identified needs. This also allows the user to identify value creation within the agency. The memo attached suggests that the organization needs to develop strategies for defeating the competition. It also suggests that the organization should look towards product development in order to create value. Who does the writer view as competition? Also, as a former employee at a VA Hospital what types of products do you deliver and what types of products are need to meet the future needs of hospital visitors? response to Rebecca’s C qn to me 4. Review the three attached model Canvases . Make your responses to each other as substantive suggestions, questions, comments, or insights gleaned by what was created. Be constructive. [No citation/references required] 5. In the corporate world it is common that employees have no idea that there is a crisis. Remember when Bernie Ebers (CEO of MCI-Worldcom) was arrested for embezzlement. We all read about it in the paper. There had been no preparatory drill, no early warning signs (except for low morale). That entire company (which was the largest telephone company in the world) disappeared. How would you suggest a manager prepare for that type of corporate crisis? Response to Dr. Brook’s qn for me. 6. Experience and knowledge are two of the most important aspects in measuring success. In the crisis planning and preparation phases of drill exercises, experience and knowledge are an asset. These two aspects assist by incorporating real-time scenarios that help to better prepare team players (managers and employees, etc.) in applying skill sets and lessons-learned from prior events. Though, the intent is not to imitate a learned method or skill, but to gain the ability to think on your feet and be flexible to gain the best possible outcome. But then how do you recommend a company prepares for a top executive to embezzle funds? Remember Bernie Madoff? How could you prepare for him? Response to Miriam Williams Please provide one references for questions 1,2,3,5 and 6

Sustainability Report

Take-Home Assignment: Sustainability Report My mission is to provide a sustainability report on a company of your choice. Ideally, this company is your current employer. (If you are not currently employed, or prefer not to write about your current employer, please ask the instructor to assign a suitable organization to you for purpose of this assignment). The objective is to assemble a brief, objective sustainability report for the company. You should write this report from the perspective of an external “auditor” (not an organizational member or PR representative). The level of detail for this report will not be the same as what you find in sustainability reports generated by companies themselves (e.g., the focus is not on reporting specific metrics, such as CO2 emissions). Rather, the report should evaluate overall environmental performance on the various dimensions we will discuss in class, identify reasonable goals for the company’s particular industry and evaluate status quo vis-à-vis the goals, and provide a perspective how progress towards these goals could be supported by people-based initiatives in this particular company. The handout you will receive outlines a structure for your report. You are free to deviate from the structure, but should make sure you address all major sections (or discuss why you cannot do so because of the lack of available information). For the first part of the report, you will need to summarize information from two sources: a) Your own research using company resources (e.g. website, sustainability reports, or other information made available publicly), and b) external sources (e.g. media reports, published case studies, sustainability and business rankings, etc.). The second part of the report will be based on your own analysis of this information and will constitute your recommendation. The report should not exceed 10 double-spaced pages in length. Please see attached instruction and related articles.

Write about a concept or two that impacts how your view organizations, as based on what we have covered through the Osterwalder and Pigneur textbook

1. Write about a concept or two that impacts how your view organizations, as based on what we have covered through the Osterwalder and Pigneur textbook. You may also relate insights in the process of using the canvas. Share tips about how to develop an understanding about the generation of a business model. Although the question here sounds somewhat reflective, write as a scholar, using third person. Use scholarship to support your assertions and insights. Please provide 3 scholarly citations and 3 references at a minimum and note that the Osterwalder and Pigneur textbook should NOT serve as a source for this assignment. 2 . Answer the following discussion questions for this week. This week’s reading, from which the following questions are based can be found in the link provided or word doc attached in case you are not able to get into the site. http://web.a.ebscohost.com.ezproxy1.apus.edu/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?sid=8e9cced4-f1d6-4a43-8217-d5dad53c948e%40sessionmgr4005&vid=1&hid=4214 LOFGREN, D., & NELSON, J. (2013). Practice Makes Perfect. Marketing Health Services, 33(2), 12-13. a). What major factors should go into a simulated crisis drill? b). Success is an important element in any simulated crisis drill. What aspects in measuring success are most important in your opinion. Why? Your writing should be in APA writing style. Include references section and include at least two outside resources as well which should be cited in text and in the references list. Provide 3 references for Qn1 and 2 references for Qn 2.


Our social issue = Shelters separate homeless people and their pets


Problem = There is currently only shelter available for homeless people without their animals, or shelter for animals without their owners.


Solution = We want to provide a space for homeless people to stay accompanied with their pets.


Why is this important?

There are several factors which cause someone to become homeless (e.g. refer to obesity systems matrix). Some of the causes are related to mental illnesses, which are a result of another issue, or which lead to further issues such as substance abuse. The process is a complex system, and needs to be addressed with this in mind.


We propose the above solution as homeless people should not be separated from their pets as it may assist in their rehabilitation. Their pet may be their only possession, and is also a form of companionship. Homeless people are usually rejected from society, their family and their friends, leading to a very isolated existence. A pet provides them with a purpose, empowers them and encourages them to move out of a lifestyle of homelessness.


PART 1 – LITERATURE REVIEW (900-1000 words)


What are the main research themes/topics/debates?



The following literature review explores the current research themes and conceptual subjects for our social issue:


What is homelessness?

Homelessness has been described as causing significant social exclusion. It is a state in which people are not only excluded from basic shelter, but also from security, a place to belong and intimate relationships (Noble-Carr 2006, p. 38). The result of not having a place to call one’s own’, leads to a compounding set of reinforcing disadvantages ((Talbot, 2003, cited in Noble-Carr 2006, p. 38).


Chamberlain and McKenzie (1999, cited in Noble-Carr 2006, p. 13), identifies the different types of homelessness:

  1. Primary homelessness (people without conventional accommodation, such as those living on the streets).
  2. Secondary homelessness (people who move frequently from one form of temporary shelter to the next, described as couch surfers or those staying in refuges).
  3. Tertiary homelessness (medium to long term boarding house residents).


Pet Vs. animal companion

There has been a consistent reference of the pets of the homeless being more than just a pet, but in fact a companion providing a mutual psychological bond (Walsh 2009, p. 465, cited in Slatter et al. 2012, p. 378). Slatter et all. (2012, p. 377) argued having a pet provided friendship and responsibility and contributed to emotional well being (Slatter et al. 2012, p. 377). Pets are able to mitigate the sense of isolation from others, giving a sense of ‘non judgemental affection’ (Slatter et al. 2012, p. 380).


The concept of pets as social enablers has also been explored, suggesting the presence of animals can put the owner in touch with other people, as it positively and unconsciously modify opinions of others (Slatter et al. 2012, p. 378). Rew’s (2000) research identified that the need to care for an animal appeared to encourage responsibility and good decision making, with companion animals making the difference between just surviving on the streets and integrating back into the community.

The family unit

Newtown (2013) identified that there is a redefinition of family emerging, especially for people who are homeless. As they often lack supportive social networks, their pets can sometimes be their only family and form of social interaction (Newtown 2013). The rise of anthropomorphism towards pets suggests that companion animals have a significant position in the family (Newtown 2013). Walsh (2009) argues that family systems theory also provides a framework for understanding the various roles that pets have in families.


The Australian Companion Animal Council (ACAC 2009, cited in Slatter et al. 2012, p. 378) found that 63% of Australian homes had a pet in 2007 and that families also accounted for 26% of the Australian homeless population in 2006 (Slatter et al. 2012, p. 379). There is therefore a distinct discrimination with inadequate services available for homeless pet owners, who do not consider companion animals a member of the family unit.


The influence on mental and physical health

The type of companionship that pets provide are extremely beneficial to a homeless individual’s well-being (Newtown 2013). Research on the effects of homelessness on mental health and emotional stability show homelessness as a severe stressor that can trigger emotional and psychological issues (Newtown 2013).


Walsh (2009, p. 466) asserts that the effect of pet ownership is mutually beneficial and correlates with positive physiological measures. The act of simply stroking a dog significantly reduces blood pressure and cholesterol levels in both the person and the animal, as well as increasing neurochemicals associated with relaxation and improving human immune system functioning (Walsh 2009, p. 466). Velde et al (2005) conducted a study into animal assisted therapy with individuals who had severe mental illness, arguing animals have been effectively used in preoperative settings to reduce anxiety, improve positive attitude and reduce the need for medication (Slatter et al. 2012, p. 378).


Enders-Slegers (2000) indicated that ‘being responsible for the well-being of another living being enhances feelings of self-worth and self esteem’ (Slatter et al. 2012, p. 379). In a study, Slatter et all (2012, p. 381) found that pets provided a form of protection while sleeping rough. Participants discussed the stress of being homeless and that it’s easier to sleep and feel more at ease when protected with an animal companion (Slatter et al. 2012, p. 381).


Animal companions therefore play a vital role in the psychological health of humans by improving motivation, sensory modulation, attention and concentration, social interaction, responsibility and emotional wellbeing (Slatter et al. 2012, p. 379). Pets provide an opportunity to care for “someone” without the complexities of human relationship dynamics which are often dependent on conditional love and approval’ (De Souza 2000, cited in Slatter et al. 2012, p. 379).


Barriers to pet ownership

Homeless people face many barriers to maintaining their ownership of animal companions. They are often presented with the dilemma as to whether to choose accommodation over homelessness to keep their pets (Slatter et al. 2012, p. 381), however Newtown (2013) argues because of  institutional policy there is no          choice available for homeless people.


There is a lack of shelter for inter-species families, with social services arguably practicing a form of discrimination because of their human-animal status (Newtown 2013). Renters and low-income earners have been described as the population most at risk of animal relinquishment, given the limited options available when seeking new accommodation (Brown and Rhodes 2006, cited in Slatter et al. 2012, p. 378). With only 17% of rental properties in Australia with pets, compared with the national average of two out of three homes, there is a real need to increase the number of pet-friendly accommodation options (ACAC 2009, cited in Slatter et al. 2012, p. 378).


Families experiencing violence are particularly vulnerable to homelessness and family pets are also often threatened with 33% of women have reported delaying leaving a violent relationship due to concern for the welfare of pets, as many women’s refuges do not permit animals (Lee 2008, cited in Slatter et al. 2012, p. 378).


In a sample of 26 participants, the majority shared of having lost animal companions as a direct result of being homeless (Slatter et al. 2012, p. 380). Half of participants identified accommodation policies preventing pets as being a reason for not being able to have a pet (Slatter et al. 2012, p. 380). As a result, there was a strong theme of grief and loss, as well as their anger, loneliness, and decreased emotional well being (Slatter et al. 2012, p. 380).




In Australia, the key bodies for providing shelter/services for homeless people include –


For the pets of the homeless in Australia there are the following services/shelters –


Why should homeless people remain partnered with their pets?


Related articles –




Assisted Suicide: should we have the legal ‘right to die’?

For the research paper, select one issue from the textbook—obesity, steroids and sports, education, the American Dream, etc.  or an issue that is not in the textbook. An issue is something that is debatable-something people are discussing or a problem they are trying to solve, something of public concern.  Issues are complex—that’s why they create controversy and do not have simple solutions. Select an issue that you are interested in learning more about then write a research paper that explains the controversy to your peers.


Your audience is first-year college students—basically the people in your classes.  Make sure you take time to evaluate and know your audience; you will be graded on content, mechanics and how well you connect with your audience


For a paper that meets minimum expectations, you must use at least three and no more than four sources in the paper; be careful, selective, and cautious when evaluating and selecting sources. Though you may quote any source more than once, you may not quote more than three lines in one quotation from any source.  Instead, use your paraphrasing skills.   Remember the Learning Lab, too.


The objectives of this assignment are:

1)  to demonstrate that you have become  well-informed about a particular issue

2)   to demonstrate your ability  to address  a specific  college level audience

3)  to demonstrate your ability  to use a variety of source material,  as well as to integrate  and cite it

correctly with MLA documentation



Details (these are not optional):


-typed, double-spaced with one-inch margins (do not justify the right margin)

-12 point, Times New Roman font, black ink

-use MLA documentation style for the entire document (a Works Cited page is required)

-do not use block style quotations (three or more sentences in one quotation)

-do not use more than three sources without specific permission from me

-put a title on your paper- do not use the assignment’s title as your title

-do use something interesting about or significant to the paper’s topic as your title

-do not use I, me, my our, us, or we

-do not use contractions

-check the syllabus for word count and other specific details about writing assignments

-use classification as your method of organization

-use an informative-referential purpose

-complete Info Game worksheet— submit the form with the paper in your folder

include copies of all source material that is not in your textbook  

  -check your essay to make sure you have followed the instructions


The Info Game is an online tutorial—go to ACC’s Library Services home page.  Find Instructional Programs and click on Online Tutorials; then click on The Info Game for English 1301.  Follow the instructions to complete the game

Or, the URL is:  http://library.austincc.edu/help/infogame






Sample Possible Outline: (Make changes to the outline to suit your paper.  CAUTION: More body paragraphs usually create papers that rely on sweeping generalizations and vague comments about the issue.

  1. Introduction You are not arguing a position—you are required to explain the issue which means the “They Say”.
  2. See your textbook template on page 26 for introducing an ongoing debate—leave out the “In my view” part.
  3. OR: Write a classification thesis statement. Example thesis statement:

Although the controversy about _____________________ is complex, three of the main concerns are _____________________, ________________________, and ______________________.

  1. Write a topic sentence using the first concern you state in the thesis statement—add developing ideas to develop and explain—They Say. Use in-text citations for your sources with MLA style.
    1. Developing idea
    2. Developing idea
    3. Transition


  • Write a topic sentence using the second concern you state in the thesis statement—add as many subtopics as you need to help develop and explain They Say. Use in-text citations for your sources with MLA style.
    1. Developing idea
    2. Developing idea
    3. Transition


  1. Write a topic sentence using the third concern you state in the thesis statement—add as many subtopics as you need to help develop and explain They Say. Use in-text citations for your sources with MLA style.
    1. Developing idea
    2. Developing idea
    3. Transition


  1. Write a conclusion—restate the thesis, but also try to leave some kind of lasting impression on your audience.

Use this sample to create your own outline.  You should make changes to it to suit your own paper, but be careful if you decide to add more body paragraphs—more body paragraphs usually cause students to rely on common knowledge and sweeping generalizations that lead to low scores on the assignment.  Thoroughly developed, carefully constructed paragraphs are always a better choice—three body paragraphs are just about right.



Get approval on your topic before you begin. Sufficiently narrow your topic to something you can write about in a short, 1000-1100 word essay. Get help from tutors in the Learning Lab and/or from your instructor.


1. The learned needs theory has potentially strong use in management. However, one of the things to always keep in mind is that these are “theories,” and that means that not all may agree on their definition or use. This is one of the theories that especially takes some “heat” from the research community, since much of the data that supports the theory comes from research conducted by McClelland and his associates. Some of the findings also run contrary to the literature of other theoretical streams, such as the assertion that the need for Achievement can be learned as opposed to evidence that typical motivational development during childhood is difficult to change in adulthood. Nevertheless, working with the McClelland material can add insight to why people do what they do, and so effective managers will want to be aware of the potential motivators that may affect the people in their organization. What are your thoughts or insights? 2. In your view of the philosophical arguments with regard to the use of technology in management, where do you draw the line in terms of the involvement of personal “touch” in working within an organization. Even in an environment using the best graphics, the lack of person-to-person connection can cause deficiencies in production. What are your further thoughts? 3. Once subordinates figure out that their manager is wishy-washy and makes decisions based on the way the favored “wind” is blowing, they will lose respect and are likely to perform less for that person. The team’s success is the manager’s success, therefore what is right for the manager needs to be right for the team. When a selfless manager makes a decision based on the question of, “what is right for me”, they are ultimately deciding what is best for their team as well. Do you believe this ? if yes why if not why explain the pros and cons of the statement. 4. In analyzing Drucker’s lessons of management (#7: focus on the customer), what should a person dealing with people that have committed crimes do?, especially family members that are irate about their loved ones being in jail. Sometimes one forgets that in all actuality they are customers too within the enclosed facilities(Prison or jail). In this case, the customer is not always right, but you must treat them as you would to an extent, a customer would be treated within an actual business. As a supervisor in such a work environment, you must treat everyone with respect, and be a good role model and leader for the organization, no matter how much the customer/inmate is screaming and cussing you out. What are your thoughts? 5. Discuss or identify who is the most important person or persons to communicate with in a crisis. Is the customer the only segment of people who surround an organization the only target for crisis communication? Response to Brooks qn to me 6. If a company has online customers, do you think it is as important to notify the public at large of a crisis? Response to Brooks qn to Sonsare. Please provide at least 120 word responses and one reference for each questions.