Using the Osterwalder and Pigneur text as a resource (coupled with the other resources of the course), create a business model canvas of the VA Hospital ( Pick any Veterans Hospital in the country ).

Using the Osterwalder and Pigneur text as a resource (coupled with the other resources of the course), create a business model canvas of the VA Hospital ( Pick any Veterans Hospital in the country ). Since every organization has unique features, do your best to work at the application of the various components of the building blocks of the canvas. Show as much detail as you can so that it is evident that you comprehend the general business model of your organization. There must be a demonstration of synthesis of the procedure on your part. You may need to interview some of the management team to verify the business model details of your organization. You may also benefit from conducting an Internet search of the Business Model Canvas to become comfortable with how it works. There are many other YouTube-type videos on the web that demonstrate the use of the canvas. Your submission should consist of: A Cover page that provides a general description of your organization/business:  Name of the organization (preferably your present organization/business)  Date of origination (or incorporation)  Location (as appropriate; some entities require discretion)  Brief overview of the purpose of the organization/business  Description of your relationship and role in the organization/business  Other details that enable fuller explanation (if applicable) Note: You may create a Word.doc that lists the nine building blocks (clearly identify each one) and uses bulleted points in the same manner as Post-Its. or use the blank copy provided. Osterwalder, A., & Pigneur, Y. (2010). Business model generation. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons.

Hemodialysis VS Peritoneal dialysis for Chronic Renal Failure

Hemodialysis VS Peritoneal dialysis for Chronic Renal Failure

-Purpose of the research  (Background and  Purpose)

  • Clear and concise discussion of current issue and rationale in students’ own words



-Begin with an introduction that defines the subject of your critique and your point of view. Defend your point of view by using evidence and raising specific issues or aspects of the argument.

  • Keep the text brief. Blocks of text should not exceed three paragraphs. Limit the text to about one-fourth of the poster space, and use “visuals” (graphs, pictures, etc.) to tell the “story.”
  • Use text to introduce the study (what hypothesis was tested or what problem was investigated?
  • Why was the study worth doing?
  • Use text to explain visuals and direct viewer’s attention to significant information and relationships portrayed in the visuals
  • Use text to state and explain the interpretations that follow from the data. In many cases, conclusions can be summarized in a bullet-point list.
  • Cite and reference any sources of information in APA format, just as you would do with a paper. The “References Cited” is placed at the end of the poster.

– Make it obvious to the viewer how to progressively view the poster. The poster generally should read from left to right, and top to bottom. Numbering the individuals panels, or connecting them with arrows is a standard “guidance system”

– When you begin to make your poster, first create a list of the visuals that you would use if you were describing your project with only the visuals. Write the text after you have created the list of visuals.

  • Visuals should be simple and bold. Leave out or remove any unnecessary details. SIMPLICITY IS THE KEY. Keep to the point, and don’t try to cover too many things. Present only enough data to support your conclusions. On the other hand, make sure that you present sufficient data to support your conclusions. Make sure that any visual can “stand alone” (i. e., graph axes are properly labeled, maps have north arrows and distance scales, symbols are explained, etc.). Each visual should have a brief title.
  • Use color to enhance comprehension, not to decorate the poster. Neatly coloring black-line illustrations with color pencils is entirely acceptable.
  • Present numerical data in the form of graphs, rather than tables (graphs make trends in the data much more evident). If data must be presented in table-form, KEEP IT SIMPLE.


Eliminating tenure for teachers will benefit students and up-coming teachers

will Purpose: The position essay will introduce you to argumentative writing. In the course of your writing, you construct meaning rather than just report information. You will learn to construct an arguable claim, identify reasons and evidence, and consider other writers’ positions. You will begin to consider the rhetorical appeals of logos, ethos, and pathos as the means of making arguments. Description of Assignment: To successfully complete this assignment, you will: 1. Identify a current issue that is debatable. (If you are struggling to locate a topic, you may look for issues that interest you in Opposing Viewpoints Database, current news media, etc.) 2. Take a position/side on that issue. 3. Research the issue and find appropriate resources and support to develop your position. 4. Address the opposing side’s views and refute those with logic and reason. 5. Demonstrate an awareness of your target audience and appropriately use appeals for that audience to persuade them of your position. Source(s) Required: Use a variety of sources that include journals, books, magazines, newspaper articles, or other reference materials. Databases such as ProQuest, Opposing Viewpoints in Context and Infotrac are good sources. You can access the databases via the ENG 102 Research Guide. Sources should be timely, unless you need to present a history of the topic as part of your argument Audience: You are writing to a target audience with comparable knowledge regarding the topic. You should identify and demonstrate an awareness of the audience

Quality Improvement (QI) initiative

Choose a Quality Improvement (QI) initiative that is current in your healthcare organization.  Using information from the chapters we have covered, the IOM, AHRQ, the IHI, and Joint Commission websites as appropriate, describe the initiative with the following elements:

  Press Ganey is the quality improvement initiative used at the University of Iowa Hospital

  1. Define quality improvement.
  2. Describe the purpose of the quality improvement initiative in your institution, including factors leading to the QI initiative.
  3. Identify strategies for implementation of the initiative.
  4. Identify barriers to implementation of the initiative.
  5. Explain the meaning of a “Culture of Safety
  6. Describe your institution; is it a culture of safety or one of blame? Provide examples to support your assessment. (Institution is a culture of safety University of Iowa Hospital)
  7. The 2001 Institute of Medicine (IOM) report has identified (6) aims/goals for healthcare improvement, please define each of the six goals and discuss strategies for effective implementation of each goal. Use both the textbook and the IOM website to obtain your information.
  8. What is the purpose of the Joint Commission or the purpose of the regulatory body in your facility?
  9. Define adverse events and give (3) examples of adverse events and (3) examples of adverse event causes.
  10. Define and describe the use of root cause analysis in nursing.
  11. Choose one of the examples you provided in #9, and explain how the root cause analysis might look and help improve quality.

Posttraumatic stress disorder

The paper should include 3 sections: A summation of the information found and justification of its credibility, an analytical paragraph focused on psychological implications of the information, and, a conclusive paragraph of your thoughts and perceptions about the data you viewed. Do not discuss or report the topic, but share information you find in 2 credible professional journal articles written by different authors, in different journals. Use proquest or ebscohost as search sites. Minimum of 3 complete double spaced pages, written in 12 pt font. Must include a title and references for research following commentary.

• Discuss the genesis of the Business Model Canvas • What are the unique features of the approach of the Business Model Canvas?

The author of the textbook below developed his business model canvas approach to business planning through the instrument of his doctoral thesis. Note the two articles in the reading material (Lessons area) that relate some of the development of the Osterwalder and Pigneur business model canvas (along with other models). These articles, plus additional sources you can locate in the online, will help to give you insight into the person behind the management approach that is the central focus of our comprehensive course project. In a 2 page research paper (using the two scholarly articles referenced above, plus two additional journal sources) that lend insights into the development and use of the business model canvas and the person(s) who developed it. NOTE: Four (minimum) scholarly journal sources are required for the paper. DETAILS: • Discuss the genesis of the Business Model Canvas • What are the unique features of the approach of the Business Model Canvas? • How does the Business Model Generation compare/contrast to other business model approaches? • What are the benefits and/or limitations of using Osterwalder’s business model canvas in the context of your organization? PROCESS: Utilize the APA Helps as necessary in the Course Materials (in the Lessons area) to help you present your brief paper in APA format, which means that you need to write a Title Page and References Page separate from the body of the text of the paper (no abstract or author note are needed). NOTE: Do not use macros or automatic referencing in your papers for this course. The auto features usually cause unforeseen problems in format. Plus, part of this course involves the student’s acquisition of the essentials of the APA style format The text in reference is below and can be used as one of the references. Osterwalder, A., & Pigneur, Y. (2010). Business model generation. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons.

Do you think that the attitude towards management might have something to do with how a person approaches a task that has been assigned and how they perform? It’s always believed that management is a reflection of moral and their employee’s performance. Do you agree or disagree and why?

1. Do you think that the attitude towards management might have something to do with how a person approaches a task that has been assigned and how they perform? It’s always believed that management is a reflection of moral and their employee’s performance. Do you agree or disagree and why? 2. What do you think about gamification trainings? provide some personal experience if any. Provide 1 reference for each question please.

In every organization, effective combination affects how smoothly the activities of the organization will run on a daily basis. Problems with the workers have effects that do not take long before they are realized. There will be a likely high rate of absenteeism, big turnover rates, and neglecting of duties.

International Business Practices

You want to launch a business internationally, and you need to choose 3 countries—1 in the Middle East, 1 in Asia, and 1 in Latin America.

What are some of the components of these cultures that you need to understand from a business standpoint?
How are they different in each country? Specifically, what considerations will be necessary to facilitate collaboration across these cultures? Identify supervisory skills appropriate to respond to your considerations.
Can you have a U.S. management style in these countries? In support of your answer, show how various issues would influence the success of multicultural teamwork.
How are their economic systems classified? Explain why they are classified as such.
After studying these countries, explain whether you should or should not move forward with your business plan.

The “BEST” Critical Thinking Model

Using your Module 4 written activity as a basis, as well as any other knowledge you have regarding critical thinking models, and construct what you believe to be the “best” critical thinking model that could be used in homeland security.

Discuss how that critical thinking model could be used in support of homeland security, using one historical event that might have been prevented or mitigated by using this model. The event should be something that occurred in the past 20 years and may relate to international or domestic security. Also reference any fallacies of logic you found (including poor statistics) that influenced decisions (or non-actions) regarding this event. Your paper should be 8 – 10 pages in length, using APA style.

Document Review of the Sikes-Picot Agreement

Instructor Guidance: You should review your chosen document by giving a short summary of the document…what is it about? Then discuss the historical context of the document and the intent of the framers of the document…the why? or what for? Next you go to assess its success or failure. Finally you examine its historical significance of the document…the why was it important. Be sure to reference the use of any outside sources. Please see this site for the document to be reviewed: