5 paragraph cause she effect essay (own thoughts) not a research paper

Cause and Effect Essay Assignment Sheet

Essay Assignment:

Each student must create a Cause and Effect Essay response to ONE of the following prompts:

  1. Why do many adults enjoy animated movies?
  2. Why are more and more students enrolling in online classes?
  3. Why do so many people eat junk food?
  4. What are the effects of putting pressure on students to earn good grades?
  5. What are the effects of a team or coach on your life?
  6. What are the effects of moving to a new town or city?

Essay Requirements:

  • Your essay must be 5 paragraphs long (each paragraph must contain 5 to 7 sentences)
  • Your essay must be typed in a Word document
  • Your essay must be typed in MLA format (heading and page numbers)
  • The hard copy is due at the start of class on the due date. (If the hard copy is not submitted at the start of class, the essay is considered late.)
  • The electronic copy must be submitted through the plagiarism tool by 10pm on the due date.

Essay Structure:

  • One introduction paragraph
  • You must include a clear thesis statement that can be found in the last sentence of your introduction paragraph.
  • 3 full body paragraphs
  • One conclusion paragraph

* Remember that there are requirements specific to a cause and effect essay. Refer to class notes and your textbook.


group identity

General Guidelines Topic Focus:

Sociology makes us aware of the larger social and historical forces that can impact our individual lives. What we experience in different social settings with others may be traced back to larger events, established patterns of interaction, and changes in the social structure. We can exercise our “sociological imagination” in order to understand what type of impact these larger social processes have on our individual lives. The core assessment for this course is a major essay in which you will write about how you believe your individual identity and opportunities or life chances have been shaped by your group identity (racial, ethnic, gender, religious, or sexual preference) and the established patterns of majority-minority relations in this society. You will incorporate course materials, concepts, theories, and models from this course, sources of original peer reviewed research, and demographic data to describe, explain, and analyze the processes that have shaped your group and individual identity and current status. You will also critique and evaluate the conclusions reached by theorists and authors regarding how patterns and processes shape minority-majority relations by contrasting your personal experience and evaluating both against findings from the peer-reviewed research and demographic data you locate.

While it is preferable to do this paper based on your racial/ethnic identity, you may elect to write your paper based on another aspect of your identity such as gender, religion, or sexual preference. The group identity you choose should be applicable to you personally. You may also choose to combine two or more of the dimensions of personal identity, perhaps noting which dimensions are more important in terms of your individual identity. For example, an African American female who is a lesbian may choose to write about how each of these various dimensions has impacted her personal identity and life chances in society, perhaps noting which she believes has had the most impact. This may make the paper a little more challenging. You are encouraged to consult your instructor for guidance. Resources for Content and Analysis

In writing your paper, you will integrate selected course materials from your assigned readings, concepts, theory, typologies, and models from the course, demographic data, and at least five outside sources of original academic research from peer-reviewed journals or books. You must incorporate these sources of information and analysis into your paper. Five is the minimum number of peer-reviewed sources you need to meet expectations. If you want to “exceed expectations,” you will need to include more than that. Only reputable, peer-reviewed academic sources will count toward the reference requirements of your paper. You can and should draw on what you have learned about locating, evaluating, and integrating such sources with course material from your weekly library research/writing activities and assignments. Links to appropriate sources for statistical and demographic data are provided in your list of web resources. You may also include interviews with relatives and additional information from newspapers, magazines such as Newsweek, news organizations such as CNN, and other well-selected Internet sources to supplement your analysis, but these should only be used for illustration and background information. They should not be used to support or substantiate your analysis and evaluation of theory or course materials. You must use peer-reviewed academic sources (academic research journals or books that reflect original work) or demographic data for that. If you have questions about a source or how to use it in your paper, contact your instructor for guidance.

Citation and Formatting Guidelines

Length of Paper: Your paper should be approximately 3000 – 3500 words excluding title page and references. Do not exceed 3500 words. Your paper should include a title page, an abstract, and a list of references.

Citation Requirement: You are required to cite all of the sources used in your paper by using citations within the text as well as providing a list of references. If you do not properly cite your reference sources, then you are guilty of plagiarism. Plagiarism will not be tolerated and may result in immediate and serious academic penalties. Given that, it is imperative that you follow the rules for citing your sources, especially those that pertain to in-text citations. If you quote directly, paraphrase, or summarize any information that comes from a reference source and do not note this appropriately in the text of your paper, you are guilty of plagiarism and will suffer the consequences. Citing your sources in a list at the end of your paper is necessary, but it is not sufficient to avoid charges of plagiarism. Any direct quotes, paraphrases, factual statements, or ideas used from your sources should be so noted in the text of your paper at the places where they appear and properly cited using parenthetical in-text citation in the APA format. Your work must be your own! Do NOT copy and paste without giving the proper credit to the person where you got the information from.


Your paper should include an introduction that contains your thesis statement (a statement that indicates the overall point of focus for your paper) and a summary of the major points you intend to cover in your paper to support your thesis.

Part I Relative Importance of Group Identity to Personal Identity

How does your group identity shape your personal identity? Many things influence our personal identity—ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, gender, religion and even our physical capabilities. These are also things that form the basis of minority or majority status in society. Individuals share in a group identity, and the extent to which they do so varies according to the individual. Guidelines for writing this section:  Define one or more aspects of group identity that are part of your individual identity and indicate whether or not you feel your group identity represents a

minority or majority status and why.

  • Differentiate your group identity from other group identities in terms of symbolic and/or cultural markers. What cultural or symbolic markers differentiate your group identity from that of other group identities?
  • Explain the meaning group identity has for you and how it forms a part of your individual identity. To what extent is it significant for you? How do you feel you compare to other individuals within this group in terms of how you identify with it?
  • Indicate what factors in your personal experience have played a role in the extent to which you identify with this group. How have your experiences with other contrasting groups shaped your own identity?
  • Indicate how you perceive your group identity as shaping your daily experience in this society and interaction with those of other groups.

Consider the reasons people identify themselves by race, ethnicity, or some other basis for group belonging as well as the meanings of categories and terms people use to identify themselves and others. Consider how minority and majority groups are defined and the consequences of those definitions, including such things as prejudice, discrimination, marginality, etc. What concepts, theories, and findings from research can you use to describe, explain, and support the points you make in this section? If you are part of the majority, you may not feel your race or ethnicity is a significant factor in your personal identity. You would want to explain why you believe it is not significant or why you feel that way, using what you have learned in the course and from your outside research to support your analysis.

Part II Historical Context and Impact

Link your family history and personal experiences with larger historical and social structural forces. Research and discuss the history of your group in American society and how its status may have changed over time, comparing/contrasting it with your individual family history. There will be some information available in your text, but you may want to look for additional background information from outside sources. Research your family history to the extent that you are able and compare/contrast this history with the information you located on your identity group. Guidelines for writing this section:

  • Indicate how your identity group became a part of this society. What the history of your identity group is as indicated by your course materials and outside research?
  • Indicate how that history compares to your particular familial history. Are there similarities and differences? What are they? How would you explain them? What historical events have shaped your group’s and your family’s circumstances?
  • Indicate how your identity group may have changed over time. What factors led to those changes? Is your group identity different than it was for your parents, their parents or earlier ancestors?
  • Indicate whether or not life is different for you today than it was for your ancestors. You may want to interview older family members to find out what things were like for them as a member of this group and how they felt their group identity influenced their lives. If older relatives are not available, you might consider other older members of your identity group that you know.
  • Interpret the underlying processes that shaped the status and experiences of your identity group and that of your ancestors, especially any strategies your group may have used to carve its niche in American society. Use course concepts and theory relevant to your group as well as findings from your outside research for your interpretation. Try to see the links between the experiences of the larger group and your personal life or to see areas where these may or may not match up.
  • Explain how you feel your personal experience compares with your group as a whole and with what social theorists have said about the overall experience of your group in American society. Indicate similarities and differences and try to explain those using concepts and theories from the course. To what extent did your group have a cohesive identity? Does your group have a cohesive identity today? Why or why not?

In writing this section, consider the ways in which majority and minority status is created and maintained and the consequences for both. Think about how you might use theories of ethnic stratification, theories of assimilation, and minority coping strategies (accommodation, separatism, radicalism) to explain and analyze your group’s experience and your family’s experience. You will also want to critique and evaluate those theories against your own personal experiences and the findings from your outside research. Are there areas of agreement or disagreement? What do you feel are the strengths and the weaknesses of some of these models or theories and how would you justify your conclusions?

Part III Impact on Life Chances and the Future

In this section, you will write about how and to what extent you believe your group identity has affected your life chances (your opportunities to benefit from such things as a good education, job, home, and/or good health) and how you see the future in terms of opportunities for your group and yourself:

  • Indicate how your group identity provides you with either advantages or disadvantages. Perhaps you believe it does both or neither. Compare your identity group to that of other groups in terms of life chances.
  • Discuss the extent of acculturation and assimilation of your group and whether or not you perceive that as affecting your current status and life chances.
  • Examine and evaluate your identity group’s strategy or strategies for advancing within the larger opportunity structure (those things you covered in Part II). Evaluate the relative success of these strategies and whether or not you feel they have played a role in your current life chances. Have you followed the same strategies or different ones? Are there strategies that you, as an individual of the group, believe would better serve your group? What are they, and why do you think they would be more effective?
  • Discuss the future of your identity group in terms of the prospects for your group over the next two decades based on current trends and demographic data available. What larger historical forces do you see as shaping the future for your identity group and for yourself? What do you think the future holds for your identity group and for yourself, and what are the things that support your conclusions?

In writing this section, continue to consider the impact larger historical forces and established patterns in the social institutions of society might have on your identity group and you personally. What types of things are currently happening in the areas of education, politics, the economy, the family, the criminal justice system, etc., that may impact the present opportunities and future opportunities of your identity group? How do you see these as applying to yourself as a member of this group?


In your conclusion, discuss what you feel your group/personal experience has to say about the nature of minority-majority relations in the US. Draw some conclusions about what you have learned overall from taking this course and writing this paper. If you have questions regarding any aspect of the Core Assessment Essay Please feel free to e-mail me or call my office and I will be sure to help each of you as due.

Abeng Short Answer and Analysis

Part I (Short Answer)
In 200 words or more (each), respond to three the following. Be sure to fully address each
question and provide support from the text (10 points each).
1) What difficulties do the women in Abeng face? To what extent do women exert agency? In
particular, consider how Nanny of the Maroons, Mma Alli or Mrs. Stevens function within the
2) What does this text have to say about colonialism and imperialism? In what ways does the
legacy of exploitation become personal? To what extent can we consider Abeng to be a historical
3) How does Cliff depict race and race relations in this work? What role does racial identity play
in Clare’s identity crisis? In what ways does alienation enter the text?
4) How does Cliff treat sexuality in Abeng? How are female bodies described? What truths does
Clare’s relationship with Zoe relationship reveal? In what ways is Clare’s menstruation
Part II (Analysis)
Provide textual analysis for two of the passages below (200 words or more each). Discuss the
significance of the quotation (both in itself AND to the work as a whole). Remember,
significance is not a paraphrase of the quotation nor a summary of the text (10 points each).
1) “‘Look here, you have a chance someday to leave Jamaica behind you…But to get there you
have to learn the rules. That girls like you don’t fire guns. Girls like you have a better chance at
life than other girls. I know what I am talking about. What I would have given to have the
chances you are going to have. Mrs. Phillips can teach you to take advantage of who you are. I
can’t do that for you.’
‘I don’t understand. You’re my mother.’
‘Jamaica is just a tiny little place. There are no opportunities for someone like you here. I don’t
want to leave Jamaica because my place is here. But you don’t have to be confined by this sad
little island. Just take your medicine. Go stay with the old lady and learn what you can from
her’” (Cliff 150).
2) “The people in the Tabernacle could trace their bloodlines back to a past of slavery. But this
was not something they talked about much, or knew much about. In school they were told that
their ancestors had been pagan. That there had been slaves in Africa, where Black people had put
each other in chains…The congregation did not know that African slaves in Africa had been
primarily household servants. They were not seasoned. They were not worked in canefields. The
system of labor was not industrialized. There was in fact no comparison between the two states
of servitude: that practiced by the tribal societies of West Africa and that organized by the Royal
African Company of London, chartered by the Crown” (Cliff 18).
3) “The definition of what a Savage was like was fixed by color, class, and religion, and over the
years a carefully contrived mythology was constructed, which they used to protect their
identities. When they were poor, and not all of them white, the mythology persisted…They were
emphatic in their statement that James Edward Constable Savage, the puisne justice and advisor
to the Crown, who had studied law at the Inns of Court, had been one of the only Jamaican
landowners never to impregnate a female slave or servant–that is not to say, of course, that he
never raped one” (Cliff 29).
4) “On Angel’s Hill, across the river and up the slope, was a wild pig who had lived in the
underbrush for what people said was at least twenty years, but no one really knew. No one had
ever been able to kill him, although once someone caught him sidewise with a bullet, so he could
be recognized by a small scar on his snout, in the shape of a teardrop. The pig was named Massa
Cudjoe and was the descendent of what had been the predominant form of animal life on the
island before the conquerors came, outnumbering even the Arawaks, who would not kill them.
There had been thousands and thousands of wild pigs, until the planters began to shoot them, and
the Maroons stalked them for food. The Maroons turned the hunting of the wild pig into a ritual,
searching for the animal only at certain times of the year and arming themselves with nothing but
machetes and spears. It was a man’s ritual–the women took part when the pig was brought back
to the settlement” (Cliff 112).

Written Assignment from Schaefer, R.T. (2015). Sociology: A brief introduction (11th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Education.

Part A
Compare and contrast the functionalist, conflict, and interactionist theoretical approaches to the study of society. How does each approach view society, the individual, social order, and social change? Your textbook analyzes sports in terms of various perspectives. Using the analysis of sports as a model, analyze the role of television from the functional, conflict, and interactionist approaches. 550 words

Part B
C. Wright Mills invented the term sociological imagination. In your own words, what is the sociological imagination? Select an article from a news magazine (such as Time or Newsweek) that describes conflicts and the changes that are taking place in a community. Describe these conflicts and changes. How can the sociological imagination help us to understand them? Be sure to provide your mentor with full bibliographic information for the article you have chosen so that she or he can locate and read the article. 550 words

Any movie of writers choice

Paper # 2: Movie Review ENG 1110/MWF classes Dr. Leaf-Prince Assignment: To write a complex and critical review of one of the following: • A movie/film (over 1.5 hours long) • Three episodes of a show that are at least 45 minutes each Important: You need to have access to this movie or program (as discussed in class); you will need to watch it/them at least three full times while watching certain scenes as many as ten times. Length: 600 – 800 words Form: MLA—this includes page numbers and original title; your paper should be printed and stapled and ready to submit the minute class begins. Due Date: Wed., Sept. 30: Paper due at the beginning of class Paper submission and Works Cited page information for Wed Your final paper should consist of the following, stapled in the order listed below: • Movie review • Works Cited page (this page is part of your paper, so the header & page number continues on this page) • Workshop/peer editing sheet Important: Works Cited page info: Your Works Cited page will contain your movie (one citation entry) or program (with an individual citation entry for each episode). Research was not assigned; however, any outside source you use must be included on your Works Cited page. Document Format Example: See this page in Writing Commons: http://writingcommons.org/index.php/open-text/writing-processes/format/mla-format/formatting-the-works-cited-page-mla Here are the citation entry formats you will primarily need Film Title. Director name. Distributor, Year of Release. Name of Service Provider. Medium of Publication. Day Month Year of Access. Should include elements: Movie info: Director Primary actors Genre: science fiction, documentary, rom com, drama, adventure, western, mafia, horror… Year of release Main characters Studio Runtime Your Thesis: Evaluation/stance Your Analysis/Main Body: Plot Summary Try to point out a few positive and few negative aspects Key moments & scenes, esp as relate to your review Analyze how the moment/scenes support your thesis

discuss the background of the psychologist and their theory.

Writing Guidelines

Read about the psychologist and his/her theories using the textbook, internet websites ( not Wikipedia) , and or books in the library.


In three pages or more discuss the background of the psychologist and their theory.

Page One “Background Information”: Discuss background information including: education, country of origin, birth date (and date of death if applicable), marital status and marital information, family background information, and any other interesting information about their life such as winning a Nobel Prize


Page Two “Theory”: Discuss their theory. For example: if discussing Pavlov be sure to explain his theory of classical conditioning.


Page Three “Application/Critique”: Discuss the importance of this theory in the field of psychology, and how this theory is applied today. If the theory is controversial, then discuss the controversies regarding the theory and arguments for and against it. For example: Kholberg’s theory is considered controversial because he had only male participants in his study which makes it challenging to apply some of his conclusions to females.


Page Four “Bibliography”: Cite any sources used in your paper using APA format.


Additional Important Information:

Standard English grammar, punctuation, and appropriate capitalization.

Times New Roman 12 point print.

Double spaced.

APA format of citation within paper (APA format)

Bibliography using APA format


All comments must use “standard” English grammar, punctuation, and appropriate capitalization.

Please note: cutting and pasting from the internet, use of another author’s thoughts and/or words from any resource without citation in the response and a bibliography, using sentences such as “Scientists/Researchers say that…” or “According to current research” (without citing who the scientists are…what the research is…and not citing them/it) is considered plagiarism.

epidemiology of teen obesity

Definition and description of epidemiology Gather information and analyze the steps and methods of epidemiology, to include: Analyze routine data (demographic, census, birth, death, and surveillance records) Analyze research data (medical and health records) Analyze epidemiological data (surveys specific to your topic) Epidemiological triangle Selected population and diseases of interest Conduct a comprehensive assessment of the population and disease and identify how characteristics of these selections influence population vulnerability. Identify your own values and potential cultural biases. Identify cultural considerations in this selected population and how these considerations may impact health issues. Identify legal and ethical considerations that must be addressed for when working with the selected population. Explain how to manage potential conflict with personal values and biases during the interaction with [populations] that have different values. Incorporate evidence-based medicine and evidence-based nursing in decision-making for the topic chosen and give rationale for the decisions made. Describe the relationship of the disease to various levels of prevention. Feasibility of prevention Evaluation of prevention

Full and clear liquid diets for a geriatric patient (TEACHING PROJECT)


THERAPEUTIC DIET:  Full and clear liquid diets.”


PURPOSE: The purpose of the patient/family teaching project is to develop and implement a teaching plan for a geriatric patient utilizing teaching learning principles.

OBJECTIVES: By the conclusion of the presentation, the students will be able to:

  1. State the various indications for a specified diet
  2. Explain the scientific rationale for a prescribed diet
  3. Describe food/fluid restrictions appropriate for diet or food/fluids encouraged to meet nutritional needs?
  4. Describe how to present a short nutritional teaching plan to a patient& family with cultural differences.
  5. Apply current research related to the nutrition topic.


  1. Utilize teaching experience rubric for essential criteria.
  2. The paper should be between 3-5 pages (not including title page and references).
  3. The paper must be typed and conform to APA format.
  4. A minimum of two references are required.

Rubric for essential criteria:

  1. Comprehensive Assessment

-Clear and concise discussion of patient’s admission diagnosis, demographic data, and anticipated learning needs Clear and comprehensive patient assessment data to support a deficient knowledge nursing diagnosis.

  1. Patient Learning Needs Assessment

-Clear and complete assessment of learner (patient /family), teaching needs, and special learning needs, if present. Clear identification of patient’s strengths and weaknesses relevant to learning needs.

3. Organization/ Evidence-based Information

-Open and closing remarks that capture patient’s attention. Clear and correct statement of 2 teaching objectives. Clear and organized presentation of evidence-based patient teaching.

4. Organization/ Evidence-based Information

-Open and closing remarks that capture patient’s attention. Clear and correct statement of 2 teaching objectives. Clear and organized presentation of evidence-based patient teaching.

5. Teaching/ Learning Evaluation

Clear/appropriate evaluation of patient’s response and effectiveness/ineffectiveness of teaching. Reflective analysis of teaching including discussion of strengths and weaknesses.

construction falls

Unit IV Research Paper Topic In this course, you are asked to prepare a Research Paper on a construction-related fall accident. To prepare you for the Research Paper, you will need to gain some knowledge and familiarity of construction accidents. Search the Internet, the CSU Online Library, safety organizations, or use an accident you are familiar with to complete the following: Write at least two pages of your initial thoughts about the accident. Include the following elements:  Briefly summarize the accident.  Discuss your initial thoughts about the cause of the accident.  Include a cover page and a reference page. Format your paper topic using APA style. Use your own words, and include citations and references as needed to avoid plagiarism. The accident must be a construction accident. Unit VI Research Paper Outline By now, you have had the opportunity to review research topics regarding falls in construction, select one, and briefly reflect on the topic. In order to stay on track and continue making progress on the Unit VIII Research Paper, prepare an outline with the major headings or topic sentences. An outline is a great way to provide organization for papers and projects. For this assignment, it is not intended for you to write an accident analysis or investigation. You may use an accident(s) to support your research, but it cannot be the focus of your paper. Your outline should include the following:  cover page,  the topic,  one paragraph that describes the importance of the topic, and  at least four major headings in outline form. (You do not have to include more than the heading.) APA rules for formatting, quoting, paraphrasing, citing, and listing of sources are to be followed. You do NOT have to commit to the details of your outline until the Research Paper is finished. As you continue to research the topic and draft the paper, the organization of your thoughts (i.e., the details of the outline) may evolve. That is expected and acceptable. To organize those thoughts, it is a good idea to begin with an outline. Use your own words, and include citations and references as needed to avoid plagiarism. Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below. Unit VIII Research Paper Falls are one of the leading causes of death and injuries in the construction industry. Your final assignment is to write a research paper on falls in construction. It is not intended for you to write an accident analysis or a paper on OSHA. Your paper should use an accident(s) to support your research, but should not be the focus of your paper. It is also not necessary to give the name of an injured person, describe the effect on family, and give the OSHA violation and fine amount, etc., as they are not desired in this paper. An acceptable example would be falls from ladders, to include: 1. What are the common causative factors? 2. What does data indicate? 3. What are the effective proven corrective measures? Always remember the most important aspect of a research paper is the summary analysis by the writer of the research.  Your Paper must be a minimum of five pages in length not including the cover page or reference page.  APA format is required. Be sure to have in text citations and more than one or two references.

creation stories comparison

Read the Doing History #1 Writing and Power in the Doing History Readings folder on Laulima. As you read, consider the five cosmologies presented in the essay: The Atra-Hasis (Source 1) The Rig Veda (Source 2) Genesis (Source 3) The Yijing (Source 4) The Popul Vuh (Source 5) What does the creation account of each of the peoples excerpted in the chapter tell us about the peoples themselves? What can we discover about how these peoples viewed the universe, the environment, themselves, the role of a god or gods, and the unfolding of history itself? 1. ASSIGNMENT: Write a 3-page essay comparing and contrasting two of the creation stories you read. Use the questions above to shape your reasoning and help you develop a clear thesis.