Australian Business law case study

1. This assignment is to be completed in a group of two to four students – no exceptions.
2. The group is self-managing and you are to form your own group.
3. You may form a group with students enrolled in the unit – need not be in the same tutorial
4. All three questions are compulsory (worth 10 marks each).
5. Maximum number of words: 1,500 total (excluding references).
6. Hard copy to be submitted to the School of Business by 4.00pm Friday 26th September,
plus a softcopy submitted on Turnitin.
7. Submit only one per group – it is the students’ responsibility to have their names and
student numbers listed on the assignment to be awarded a mark.
8. 10% of the maximum available marks (i.e. 30 marks) will be deducted per day of late
9. Essay format: legal problem solving format.
10. Referencing format: Australian Legal Citation.
Answer all questions
Question 1 (10 marks)
D, a manufacturer of widgets, runs a promotional competition. Part of the “fine print” on the
entry form reads:
“It is a condition of this competition that nothing herein shall give rise to any legal
relationship, rights, duties or consequences whatsoever or be legally enforceable, but
shall be binding in honour only.”
When P learns in the media that D has lost a number of the entries, P wishes to sue D for
negligence. Can P sue D? Analyse on the contractual point only. Ignore all other areas of law.
Question 2 (10 marks)
Retail Pty Ltd sells domestic and commercial hardware to both trade and retail customers. At
the time of sale, Retail proposes to hand to all customers an invoice on which is printed in
legible, but very small, print one of the following:
1. “All implied conditions and warranties are excluded to the extent, if any, permitted by
2. “No returns and no refunds.”
3. “The liability of Retail Pty Ltd is limited to the cost of repairing defective products.”
What is the legal effect of each of these under the ACL? Ignore all other areas of law.
Question 3 (10 marks)
Norris had decided for some time that he wanted to purchase a motel. After looking at several
different areas, he settled on Port Stephens in New South Wales as offering both the potential
for a business and the lifestyle he was seeking. He rang a number of real estate agents,
inquiring whether they had any motels listed for sale. He finally found a motel and general
business listed with an estate agent called Evatt. Evatt told Norris that once he got going in this
business it would be a gold mine. Norris sought an accountant’s advice and then proceeded to
buy the business. Within six months of buying the motel and general business Norris was broke
because there were neither the tourist numbers nor the local population to sustain the business.
Can Norris sue the estate agent for his negligent misstatements about the business? Will he
succeed? Ignore all other areas of law.

Genetic engineering

For this assignment, you will write an 1100-word research paper using proper apa format and in argumentative mod. This paper must be written in third poerson point of view. The abstract should be 100 words and the body (excluding the cover page and reference page) of the paper should be 1000 words. Provide direct support from your sources. It would be best to use the reading from your textbook, but other reliable sources can also be used. At least three sources are required. Many see the development of cloning and genetic engineering as holding the potential to solve many of humankind’s ills. others see the potential for danger if progress is left unchecked. Write an essay in which you argue for or against genetic engineering as a method of improving the circumstances of humans.

Business Venture Project Proposal

Summarize the following questions by answering each in their own respective paragraph. SAMPLE ATTACHED
content/enforced/54839-OFFR_2017-SU-A5-BA-325-5A-77/Proposal Sample.docx
What business are you in?
What are the mission and goals of the business?
What is the pain or problem you are addressing?
Who is the customer and what is the value proposition (solution) being delivered?
How will the value be delivered?
How will you differentiate the business?
This paper should be no more than 4 pages excluding the reference page.
Number of Sources – Include a reference from the text and 2 outside resources that demonstrate you researched the industry you intend to create a business within.
In-text citations and Reference page in APA format.

Human Resources

Choose an organisation with which you are familiar. Your chosen organisation has employed you as a consultant. Your brief is to write a 3,000 word consultancy report. This report should:

  • Briefly provide background information about the organisation
  • Describe the human resource approach in force in the organization and the internal and environmental considerations affecting this
  • Identify key strengths and weaknesses in the human resource approach in force in the organization
  • Critically evaluate one specific policy, examining the internal and environmental considerations affecting it and to what extent it addresses these
  • Recommend changes/enhancements to this specific policy and provide a theoretical and practical rationale for these changes/enhancements
  • I want a small company to be chosen
  • I want all references to be relevant and recent
  • I want the report section to have a large section on this “Critically evaluate one specific policy, examining the internal and environmental considerations affecting it and to what extent it addresses these” – please for it NOT to be descriptive
  • The analysis part has the most point- I do not want the report to be descriptive I want it to be analytic
  • Please apply key human resource theories


APPLICATION PAPER: INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION Think about your current communication skills. You might consider your general communication skills (such as expressing yourself clearly, thinking before you speak, making up your mind firmly, saying “no” without feeling guilty), your self-awareness skills (such as understanding your own strengths and weaknesses, being able to identify your values, recognizing the impact of your behavior on others, setting realistic goals), and your interpersonal skills (such as listening with an open mind, being a good “people reader,” expressing feeling appropriately), and so on. In narrative (essay) form, respond to the following questions: What do you identify as your two or three most significant strengths in the area of communication? Illustrate each of these strengths by a specific personal example. What do you identify as your one or two most significant weaknesses? Illustrate (specifically) why you feel these are problem areas. Now determine three to five goals (in the area of interpersonal communication) you would like to set for yourself this semester (Please refer to chapter 1 and always use in-text citations when using material that is not your own). What is one specific thing you could do now to begin reaching one of those goals? Application Papers are due on the date specified in your syllabus and will be collected at the beginning of class. Late papers will be subject to a 15% reduction (or a 1 1/2 letter grade), per twenty-four hour period, including weekends. As expected, papers should be carefully edited and proper grammar and language rules must be followed for you to receive a desirable grade. Please use 1-inch margins, 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spacing (refer to this page as an example), and totaling 2-3 pages. Successful completion of each Application Paper demonstrates your progress towards accomplishing the learning goals of this course. I look forward to reading your papers!

Eroticism and Love of the Medieval times

Please compare a definition of love that you found or that we discussed in class with Luhmann’s definition of love as a medium of communication. In what ways are they similar or dissimilar? (One page*) All assignments must be submitted as single-spaced, typed, and printed hard copies. No electronic copies will be accepted. No late assignments will be accepted.   *One page is the equivalent of ca. 500 words. Please include word count. Definition of love that I found: “Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get — only with what you are expecting to give — which is everything Katherine Hepburn Paper Due 10 am chicago time.

Reflective Essay

Craft a stylish essay that analyzes all the writing collected in your portfolio. In this essay, you will introduce yourself as a college-level writer reviser with your own voice, you will intricately analyze all the drafts you’ve completed across the course, and you will uniquely pose arguments for what makes (or breaks) you as a writer/reader. Your goal is to to answer the question, “How has your writing process evolved with each assignment/draft you completed in 39A?” by using your own writing in the portfolio as your textual evidence. Focus on the breakdown of the process-work that underlay each assignment and draft, and make interesting and persuasive claims about your progress in 39A by supporting your claims with specific references to moments in the drafts collected in your portfolio. This means you will be doing a hefty amount of summary and quotation of your own 4 DANA MURPHY WRITING 39A (ONLINE) JULY 7 – SEPT 11, 2015 DMURPHY1@UCI.EDU 33045-Z15@CLASSES.UCI.EDUCANVAS.EEE.UCI.EDU/COURSES/336 writing in this essay. This essay should reflect what you’ve learned stylistically by having the writing in this essay itself evidence awareness, style, and improvement. Like all academic essays, even your reflective analysis essay should be grounded by an overall argument/thesis. The essay should therefore have already passed through a thorough drafting process before submission. It should be well-argued, sensibly organized, and clear. You can look at my tumblr to see my writing style: And this is the course syllabus..

Critiques on “The form of form” by Johnston Marklee

nspect a given architect (Charles Jencks) and broadly apply
their strategies to a specific contemporary project (The Form of Form, Lisboa by Johnston Marklee). The submission includes the text paired with a drawing/photography or any relevant document that complements the short text. Basically you need to mimic the writing style of Charles Jencks to critiques on an architecture project “the form of form” by Johnston Marklee. It is recommended by my tutor to read the book “architecture 2000 and beyond” by Charles Jencks to see his style of writing. I Can provide photos of pages of the book if needed.

nspect a given architect (Charles Jencks) and broadly apply
their strategies to a specific contemporary project (The Form of Form, Lisboa by Johnston Marklee). The submission includes the text paired with a drawing/photography or any relevant document that complements the short text. Basically you need to mimic the writing style of Charles Jencks to critiques on an architecture project “the form of form” by Johnston Marklee. It is recommended by my tutor to read the book “architecture 2000 and beyond” by Charles Jencks to see his style of writing. I Can provide photos of pages of the book if needed.

While some retailers have a more simple process for returns, the automotive industry’s process is complex and costly. Discuss some of the several different reasons and outcomes for vehicles being brought back through the logistics system.

1. While some retailers have a more simple process for returns, the automotive industry’s process is complex and costly. Discuss some of the several different reasons and outcomes for vehicles being brought back through the logistics system. 2. Most customers in the automotive industry are always looking for the next big thing (newer model/year). The reverse logistics in the automotive industry has its ways of operating. According to O’Reilly (2005), most of the reverse logistics processes involved with automotive deal with dealers return. There are hundreds of auto dealers in the United States, and according to the director of supply chain and logistics for Hyundai Motor America, “every automotive company has a policy that allows dealers to return products they no longer need” (O’Reilly, 2005). Discuss by agreeing or disagreeing. Please provide 2 references for each question.

Type 2 diabetes in seniors

Get Write Directions Post your initial draft by the end of the day on Sunday and provide feedback to at least one student colleague by the end of the academic week (Tuesday by 11:59 PM). Your initial post must include APA formatted citations in the body of the post and full references at the bottom of the post to acknowledge the source(s) of your information so you can practice APA formatting. Refer to the Get Write rubric in the course Syllabus for more specific information about requirements and grading standards. Get Write Topic As you know, scientific research is designed to add to the body of current knowledge. For this Get Write conversation, •Identify your health issue or trend •Briefly summarize the information you found in Unit 1 about the health issue or trend. Remember that you need citations and references for the sources of information. •What new information do you think you can learn related to the issue or trend? •What information is most important to you? (What is most important is likely your research problem.) •Identify your research problem. Remember your research problem will guide step 2 of your scientific research process, the literature review. •In responding to your student colleagues, consider whether the research problem is narrow enough to be the focus of a practical scientific study. Suggest ideas to refine the research problem question if needed.