Nurse Scholarly Activity Summary

In 550 words write about your scholarly activities participation outside of clinical practice or professional practice. Examples of scholarly activities include attending conferences, seminars, journal club, grand rounds, morbidity and mortality meetings, interdisciplinary committees, quality improvement committees, and any other opportunities available at your site, within your community, or nationally.

Answer the following question: who, what, where, when and any relevant take-home points.
Scholarly Activity Summary
1. Overview- Describes the scholarly activity that you attended/participated in, the target market for the activity, and the benefit of the activity to you.
2. Problem- What was achieve by participating in the scholarly activity?
3. Solution- Describes the solution to a proposed practice problem that the scholarly activity addressed and how it addresses the problem outlined in the previous section.
4. Opportunity- How will attending/participating in this scholarly activity help you grow
5. Program Competencies Addressed– program competencies that were addressed in this scholarly activity

Web and Document Design

Find two Fortune 500 Corporate websites that you believe do an excellent job in terms of design. Write up an analysis of specifying why the two sites are designed well. Then find two Fortune 500 Corporate websites that you believe need improvement in terms of their design. Write up an analysis specifying what improvement you would make. The excellent ones are Apple ( and IBM ( The ones that needs improvement are Berkshire Hathaway ( and Coach ( You are asked by your company (Kraft / to write up and design a document about product sales at your company over the last 10 years. Please write up and design the document. The document should be no longer than three pages in length and should visualize the data you come up with. First part of paper can be 1 ½ pgs, Second part can be 2 pgs. Please complete both sections

Trader Joe’s Case Study

The second Case Study (Trader Joe’s) is due by the end of Week 2.

1.Identify problems: The Problems can be succinctly stated in a 2-3 sentence (short) paragraph for each.
2.Conduct strategic analyses: Identify the Strategic Issues. Each issue can be summarized in 1-2 sentences, and then follow it with a short analysis of what you think needs to be done to address each issue. I want you to determine what would solve/address the issue. Examples might be related to more training of staff, more investment in equipment, greater use of specific types of technology, etc.
3.Propose alternative solutions: Then, once you have done that, evaluate each as to its effectiveness and/or appropriateness.
4.Make recommendations: The actions that you propose should address the very next steps that the organization needs to take.

Case study papers should be 4-5 pages in length, doubled spaced.

Calculate your weight based on the BMI formula and the Hamwi method

Instructions 1. Calculate your weight based on the BMI formula and the Hamwi method (page 7): Analyze where you are on the BMI and Hamwi scale in terms of health- provide documentation and references to support your position. 2. Keep a food Diary for one week of everything that goes into your digestive system or body, i.e. everything you eat, drink or drug (prescription, over the counter medication or recreation.): After ingestion keep track of how you feel both physically and emotionally. 3. Analyze your weekly food, liquid and drug intake by food groups and nutrients. 4. Estimate the quantity of what you are ingesting but it is better to use the package information of quantity, calories and nutrients or measure the quantity rather than estimate. People usually underestimate how much they are actually eating or drinking and underestimate the calories they are consuming so it is important to learn just how much you are actually consuming. You can later use this exercise with patients so you need to learn it now. 5. Analyze the strengths and weaknesses in your weekly intake of nutrients and drugs.: Is there any interactive effect with the diet and the drugs? 6. Analyze how you felt, where you were, what you were doing, why you ingested what you did and when you ingested the food, liquids or drugs. 7. Are there other medical conditions you presently experience that contribute to your diet, nutrient or drug intake? 8. Is there a cultural influence to your diet choices that may negatively affect your health? If yes what are they and what can you do to change that? 9. Develop a diet plan for yourself that best suits your actual dietary needs based on height, weight, BMI, culture, activity level, health and drug use. 10. Explain how you plan to implement the change and what obstacles you will have to overcome to meet his goal. 11. Describe how this exercise helped you learn more about why, what, how, where and when people eat and how this influences what they ingest. 12. The report itself should be 5-8 pages in length in APA format, typed (word processed) double spaced.

Describe the morphologic characteristics of prokaryotic cells, their functions and importance to virulence

Cellular Characteristics
Unit outcomes addressed in this Assignment:
 Describe the morphologic characteristics of prokaryotic cells, their functions and
importance to virulence
 Compare p
Kaplan University School of Health Sciences
HS320 Microbiology
 Click the “Add Attachments” button.
 Follow the steps listed to attach your Word document.
 To view your graded work, come back to the Dropbox or go to the Gradebook after
your instructor has evaluated it.
Make sure that you save a copy of your submitted Assignment.
Unit 2 Assignment Grading Rubric = 50 points
Assignment Requirements Points
earned by
Compares and contrasts the cellular characteristics 0–10
Compares and contrasts the cellular morphology 0–10
Compares and contrasts the cellular functions 0–10
Identifies prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells using specific
Identifies the cellular characteristics which allow for
microbial survival within a therapeutic environment
Total (Sum of all points)
Points deducted for spelling, grammar, and/or APA
Adjusted total points

Human nature and the blank slate

Unit 1 Writing assignment: 1) Choose to either read “Humbled by History” or to watch at least one of the TED talks videos (you can watch as many as you like). Human Nature and the Blank Slate 10 Myths About Psychology Debunked 2) Then in a typed, double spaced, 12 point font, Times New Roman paper of at least two pages write a response. Your response should begin with at least one paragraph summarizing what you read/saw followed by a response utilizing at least three of the following criteria: Analyze Analyze the main ideas and purpose of the reading/video(s). First identify the main ideas, and then find examples from the reading/video(s) that support the purpose. Connect Make connections between important ideas or experiences. You can connect to prior knowledge, other books you’ve read, and/or other discussions or assignments you’ve completed. Evaluate Rate the quality of the writing, the narrative, and/or the ideas expressed, etc. Explain the parameters of your rating and your rationale for the rating you give. Extend Pick a main idea from the reading/video(s) and extend it in some way. You can react personally with an opinion in support of or against it. You could ask a series of questions that the reading/video(s) raises for you. Or, you could make correlations to other parts of your educational experience. Illuminate Choose key passages or phrases and expound upon the ideas expressed. Explain what you think each passage or phrase means and why it is important. Opine Express your opinion about the reading/video(s). Explain how you disagree or agree with ideas expressed.

Analyze various policy options that the United States might pursue with respect to North Korean nuclear and strategic missile capabilities.

. Introduction including your thesis statement. (about a paragraph or so) Opinions on Policy options for North Korea are not in short demand these days. Since Kim Jong-un came to power, North Korea has dominated the news headlines with saber rattling, threats of war and provocative acts toward South Korea for the past three years. The U.S policy so far has been rhetorical public statements denouncing North Koreas actions, the deactivation of 2nd ID and upon the most recent actions announced, and the recent announcement the U.S is reviewing war plan for defending South Korea amid North Korean buildup. This paper will explain why he Korean conflict has reached a high watermark and the young grandson of the “Kim dynasty” spanning three generations will see the great grandson take the reins someday. No one wants a war on the Korean peninsula especially China, this would only guarantee the U.S would find their way into their backyard. 2. The Main Body – Analyze using the Strategy Formulation Framework and the USAWC Strategy Model considering what objectively is doable, under what circumstances, and with what commitment of resources, while providing a general sense of how a strategy might come together. If you think that one of the following options is difficult to support, point out the specific challenge or dilemma that has to be overcome. a. Address the containment of North Korean capabilities. (about a paragraph or two) Globalization b. Address the Destruction of North Korean capabilities without regime change. (about a paragraph or two) Social media and the information age- Egypt Spring Rising c. Address regime change in North Korea. (about a paragraph or two) Trends, Norms, Trade and Stability for Nations allowing governments their own freedoms 3. Include a conclusion with your general findings and come up with your strategy recommendations based upon your DISPASSIONATE analysis without advocating for a specific policy. (about a paragraph or two) Global Environment Forces and Trends

Identification Techniques

View a video introduction to the Assignment by clicking here. Be sure to adjust your audio settings. A transcript of this video presentation is available in Doc Sharing. Unit outcomes addressed in this Assignment: •List important discoveries in microbiology and their importance •Discuss the classification schema •Select appropriate microscopic method to study different types of microorganisms Course outcome assessed with this Assignment: HS320-3: Select appropriate methods to study microorganisms. Instructions •In an essay, describe the various mechanisms utilized within the field of microscopy for studying microbes. •Be sure to include the appropriate staining techniques. Requirements •Your essay should be a minimum of 500 words •Be sure that your grammar, sentence structure, and word usage is appropriate. This means that you will have to edit your work yourself. Use APA format, the Kaplan Writing Center, and, review the document in Doc Sharing named “Writing Center Resources.” Submitting Your Assignment Put your Assignment in a Word document. Save it in a location and with the proper naming convention: username-HS320-section-unit1-Assignment.doc (username is your Kaplan username, section is your course section). When you are ready to submit it, go to the Dropbox and complete the steps below: •Click the link that says “Submit an Assignment”. •In the “Submit to Basket” menu, select Unit 1: Assignment. •In the “Comments” field, make sure to add at least the title of your paper. •Click the “Add Attachments” button. •Follow the steps listed to attach your Word document. •To view your graded work, come back to the Dropbox or go to the Gradebook after your instructor has evaluated it. Make sure that you save a copy of your submitted Assignment. Please click on the View/Print icon below to print the Assignment directions and grading rubric

mock research proposal on immunizations

Goal The goal of Get Write is to provide you space to draft your ideas and sections of your mock research proposal. Posting early in the week can provide time for your instructor and student colleagues to provide feedback that you can use to refine your work before you submit it for an assignment grade. Get Write Directions Post your initial draft by the end of the day on Sunday and provide feedback to at least one student colleague by the end of the academic week (Tuesday by 11:59 PM). Your initial post must include APA formatted citations in the body of the post and full references at the bottom of the post to acknowledge the your source(s) of information so you can practice APA formatting. Refer to the Get Write rubric in the course Syllabus for more specific information about requirements and grading standards. Get Write Topic This week you will identify a health issue or trend that is of concern to you that will become the basis of your mock research proposal. Remember to choose something that you are passionate about to make the mock proposal easier to do and more fun and meaningful for you. For example, are you concerned about the growing problem of childhood obesity? Does a family member or do you have a health problem that you want to research? Are you concerned about health management issues, such as the infection rate in hospitals or safety of alternative supplements available in health stores? Do you worry about the rising rate of type 2 diabetes in seniors? Your concerns are probably important to others and likely already have information related to the problem or trend. This week you will lay the foundation for your mock research proposal. In your initial post: •Identify a current health issue or trend that is of concern to you. •Identify and summarize at least one reference from a credible source(s) that helps illustrate a problem. The reference could contain data or a discussion of the issue and its potential consequences if it is not addressed. If you are focusing on a health disorder, information from a credible reference defining the disorder would be a great item to use in your post. •Summarize information in your own words rather than quoting information. Remember when you summarize information you must include citations in the body of the text to acknowledge the source of the information and a full reference at the bottom of your post. NOTE: You might find you want to focus on a health trend or issue that is also of interest to another student. Feel free to collaborate with others to brainstorm ideas and find potential references. Researchers do not work alone and you do not need to do so either, except of course you must write your assignments independently.

Do specialized caucuses within Congress, such as the Tea Party and CBC, provide advantages or disadvantages to the political party to which the caucus belongs?

Do specialized caucuses within Congress, such as the Tea Party and CBC, provide advantages or disadvantages to the political party to which the caucus belongs?


Has the Tea Party Caucus helped or hurt he GOP?


Has the CBC helped or hurt the Democratic Party in the House?


Why do presidents so often rely on foreign policy successes to provide a popular boost to their administrations?


Is a Supreme Court justice who shifts back and forth between competing constitutional positions a “fair and open-minded” jurist, or a whimsical, unprincipled court position?


What disadvantages do modern-day pioneers in battles over equality face?  Is the fame they gain for being first worth the price they must pay from their opponents?


Revolving door” laws prohibit public officials from lobbying activities for one year after they leave office.  Do you think one year is a sufficient period of time to discourage public officials from making decisions in office that might affect their future financial gain?


In running for the party’s nomination, what are the advantages and disadvantages of a candidate who has a stronger ideological record?  For example, in the 2012 GOP nomination race, what advantages did Rick Santorum (the stronger socially conservative candidate) have as compared to Mitt Romney?


Can one justify the assassination of foreign leaders (military or otherwise) other than those recognized by the international community to be mass murders?  Are there any foreign leaders in place today whose assassination would be welcome world-wide?  Who are they?