communication and conflict

Throughout this course, you will have many opportunities to respond to others’ opinions and comments. Please address the Discussion topics below after you have completed the Reading.

Discussion responses should be on topic, original, and contribute to the quality of the discussion by making frequent informed references to course materials and Seminars. Remember to respond to classmates with comments that forward the discussion.

Discussion Topic

Describe a conflict situation you experienced. How could identifying and articulating your TRIP goals have affected your communication with others with whom you experienced a conflict? Explain the importance of conflict goals in this situation.

Describe face-saving and damaging face and provide an example of each. Discuss the implications to conflict.

On the subject of REVENGE (and could use forgiveness with it if it works) I am supposed to either agree or disagree with the author of the Critical Work on this theme. The critical work being assessed is Quint, David. Inside Paradise Lost. Princeton University Press, 2014. In this type of essay I do not know if there is a tie back to the original Milton, John. Paradise Lost. I don\’t think so but do what is right.

On the subject of REVENGE (and could use forgiveness with it if it works) I am supposed to either agree or disagree with the author of the Critical Work on this theme. The critical work being assessed is Quint, David. Inside Paradise Lost. Princeton University Press, 2014. In this type of essay I do not know if there is a tie back to the original Milton, John. Paradise Lost. I don\’t think so but do what is right.

Attached there is a document with some thoughts I had… I just couldn\’t make it come together in my head but feel free to work in anything that makes sense. This professor is old school and he likes straight forward, organized, and formal writing. Thank you.

Community Based Education Plan


This assessment is aligned with the module objective “Discuss educational and community-based programs in Healthy People 2020.” As part of the written assignment, you will complete the following task:

Develop a community based educational plan on student identified goals while meeting the health literacy needs of the community.
Your educational proposal will be based on the data gathered in module 1 and the problems identified in modules 1 & 2. Only one teaching plan is required. You will be using the template provided to develop your teaching plan. You do not need to include a title page, introduction, or conclusion for this assignment. Type directly on the template. The cells expand as you type.

Points: 40

Due Date: Sun, Apr 14 by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST) of the US.


Minimum of four (4) total references: two (2) references from required course materials and two (2) peer-reviewed references. All references must be no older than five years (unless making a specific point using a seminal piece of information)

Peer-reviewed references include references from professional data bases such as PubMed or CINHAL applicable to population and practice area, along with evidence based clinical practice guidelines. Examples of unacceptable references are Wikipedia, UpToDate, Epocrates, Medscape, WebMD, hospital organizations, insurance recommendations, & secondary clinical databases.


Unless otherwise specified, all the written assignment must follow APA 6th edition formatting, citations and references. Click here to download the Microsoft Word APA 6th edition template. Make sure you cross-reference the APA 6th edition book as well before submitting the assignment.

Number of Pages/Words

Unless otherwise specified all papers should have a minimum of 600 words (approximately 2.5 pages) excluding the title and reference pages.

Ford and the World Automobile Industry in 2015

Please read Case # 11 Ford and the World Automobile Industry in 2015 on page 542 of your book and answer the following question:
Case Question: How will the structure of the world automobile industry likely change over the next five years, and what are the implications of these changes on competition and profitability within the industry?
**The Case Study essay will be evaluated based on its integration and coordination of content and the course critical thinking and writing rubrics.
*** the book is attached***
*** 350 words is a requirement***Please read Case # 11 Ford and the World Automobile Industry in 2015 on page 542 of your book and answer the following question:
Case Question: How will the structure of the world automobile industry likely change over the next five years, and what are the implications of these changes on competition and profitability within the industry?
**The Case Study essay will be evaluated based on its integration and coordination of content and the course critical thinking and writing rubrics.
*** the book is attached***
*** 350 words is a requirement***

YOGA journaling assignment

create a meditation script. choose the type of meditation (mantra, mindfulness, focus, movement, spiritual. include asana, mudra and/or pranayama

no need to use any online sources
it has to be personal

create a meditation script. choose the type of meditation (mantra, mindfulness, focus, movement, spiritual. include asana, mudra and/or pranayama

no need to use any online sources
it has to be personal

create a meditation script. choose the type of meditation (mantra, mindfulness, focus, movement, spiritual. include asana, mudra and/or pranayama

no need to use any online sources
it has to be personal

create a meditation script. choose the type of meditation (mantra, mindfulness, focus, movement, spiritual. include asana, mudra and/or pranayama

no need to use any online sources
it has to be personal

The Attack on Pearl Harbor from the Perspective of Franklin D. Roosevelt

Please help re-write my outline my professor did not accept my outline.
Please start where you left off with my paper
Also, help to keep ideas original as you did last time. Since I do not want to get caught for plagiarism.
Here are the requirements for the paper
In this assignment, you will submit your FINAL PAPER. Your final paper must be 5–7 pages of text, plus a title page and APA-formatted reference page. You may include properly cited graphics, such as pictures, maps, and graphs if you like. You must use and cite at least 5 scholarly sources; Wikipedia, encyclopedias, and websites that are intended for a general audience are not scholarly sources. You may supplement the 5 scholarly sources with news articles.

Using Student Performance Data to Strengthen Assessment and Instruction

Review the following:

The two videos Data-driven Instruction and Assessment: An Instructional Observation Process—Bethel School District, Eugene, Oregon and Data-driven Instruction and Assessment: An Instructional Observation Process—Richland II School District, Columbia, South Carolina for the effects of instructional observations conducted by Nancy Gregory and Rhonda Wolter. These two segments demonstrate how data are collected through instructional observation, both traditional and as a “walk-through.”
The videos and data slides from the focus group interviews in the Bethel School District, which demonstrate how valid data were used to drive quality instruction in the district
Readings in Chapter 2 of the Mandinach and Jackson (2012) text
The vignettes in Chapter 4 of the Bambrick-Santoyo (2010) text (Also, examine the article by Hamilton et al.)
To submit:

This Assignment is a paper, 4-5 pages in length, consisting of the following sections. Use the following headings to organize your work:

Section 1: Using Assessment to Drive Instruction
Describe at least two examples of the types of assessments used in examples from this module’s readings and videos. Explain the purpose for using these particular forms of assessment, and how data were utilized to drive instruction. Provide examples of how the data improved student learning. Be specific, and provide details to support your choices.

Section 2: District Practices: Standards-Based Teaching and Learning
Refer to the district you chose in Module 1 to complete the following component.

Review the data provided by the district you selected. Which aspects of the information described in Figure 2.2, “Conceptual Framework for Data Driven Decision Making,” on page 34 of the Mandinach and Jackson (2012) text, were you able to obtain? What does the data tell you about the district’s use of standards-based teaching and learning?

Using Student Performance Data

Review Figure 2.6, “Abbott’s Framework of Improvement and Readiness,” on page 39 in the Mandinach and Jackson (2012) text. How would the district you selected fare in response to this process? Based on what you know about the district, explain what you perceive to be the use of student performance data to lead instruction and school improvement efforts. You may complete this task focusing on a specific grade level and/or content area. Be specific, and provide examples.

Section 3: Describing the Relationship
Finally, address the following question: What is the relationship between assessment, data, and instruction? As a CIA leader, what strategies will you implement to make sure the relationship remains stable and effective? Use scholarly research to support your strategies.


Marsh, J. A., & Farrell, C. C. (2015). How leaders can support teachers with data-driven decision making: A framework for understanding capacity building. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 43(2), 269–289.

Gyamfi, S. A., & Gyaase, P. O. (2015). Students’ perception of blended learning environment: A case study of the University of Education, Winneba, Kumasi-Campus, Ghana. International Journal of Education and Development Using Information and Communication Technology (IJEDICT), 11(1), 80–100.

Scott, R. (2016). Blended learning for school leaders: Combining online instruction with residency offers critical hands-on experience. Principal Leadership, May 2016, 47–51.

business capstone

It is important to choose a marketing strategy that considers the environment, the competition and your products’ strengths and weaknesses. Make sure to practice with the Learning Activity if you are not confident regarding a SWOT Analysis before responding in the Discussion.

What is the competitive strategy for your company? Using Porter’s Generic Strategy, which approach will you use and why?
Once you identify your approach, discuss how your strategy will be implemented given the market forces. For example, if you choose a differentiation strategy, how will you differentiate your product or service from the competition?
Will your prices reflect the strategy you chose? How will you market to the audience reflected in your strategy?

Using Student Performance Data to Strengthen Assessment and Instruction

To prepare:

Review the following:

The two videos Data-driven Instruction and Assessment: An Instructional Observation Process—Bethel School District, Eugene, Oregon and Data-driven Instruction and Assessment: An Instructional Observation Process—Richland II School District, Columbia, South Carolina for the effects of instructional observations conducted by Nancy Gregory and Rhonda Wolter. These two segments demonstrate how data are collected through instructional observation, both traditional and as a “walk-through.”
The videos and data slides from the focus group interviews in the Bethel School District, which demonstrate how valid data were used to drive quality instruction in the district
Readings in Chapter 2 of the Mandinach and Jackson (2012) text
The vignettes in Chapter 4 of the Bambrick-Santoyo (2010) text (Also, examine the article by Hamilton et al.)
To submit:

This Assignment is a paper, 4-5 pages in length, consisting of the following sections. Use the following headings to organize your work:

Section 1: Using Assessment to Drive Instruction
Describe at least two examples of the types of assessments used in examples from this module’s readings and videos. Explain the purpose for using these particular forms of assessment, and how data were utilized to drive instruction. Provide examples of how the data improved student learning. Be specific, and provide details to support your choices.

Section 2: District Practices: Standards-Based Teaching and Learning
Refer to the district you chose in Module 1 to complete the following component.

Review the data provided by the district you selected. Which aspects of the information described in Figure 2.2, “Conceptual Framework for Data Driven Decision Making,” on page 34 of the Mandinach and Jackson (2012) text, were you able to obtain? What does the data tell you about the district’s use of standards-based teaching and learning?

Using Student Performance Data

Review Figure 2.6, “Abbott’s Framework of Improvement and Readiness,” on page 39 in the Mandinach and Jackson (2012) text. How would the district you selected fare in response to this process? Based on what you know about the district, explain what you perceive to be the use of student performance data to lead instruction and school improvement efforts. You may complete this task focusing on a specific grade level and/or content area. Be specific, and provide examples.

Section 3: Describing the Relationship
Finally, address the following question: What is the relationship between assessment, data, and instruction? As a CIA leader, what strategies will you implement to make sure the relationship remains stable and effective? Use scholarly research to support your strategies.


Marsh, J. A., & Farrell, C. C. (2015). How leaders can support teachers with data-driven decision making: A framework for understanding capacity building. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 43(2), 269–289.

Gyamfi, S. A., & Gyaase, P. O. (2015). Students’ perception of blended learning environment: A case study of the University of Education, Winneba, Kumasi-Campus, Ghana. International Journal of Education and Development Using Information and Communication Technology (IJEDICT), 11(1), 80–100.

Scott, R. (2016). Blended learning for school leaders: Combining online instruction with residency offers critical hands-on experience. Principal Leadership, May 2016, 47–51.

Discussion 11/Long-Term Care: Mgt Continuum:

Take a deeper look at one or more of your living spaces – pick your home, your car, your favorite coffee shop, a park, the MSU campus, etc. Using your textbook as a guide, identify at least 3 design problems which could be modified to better meet the needs of an older adult with sensory, cognitive, and physical impairment. Describe how you would modify the environment and what specific impairment you are addressing with each modification. Post your original response by Thursday at 11:59pm and respond to a classmate’s ideas by Sunday at 11:59pm. Support your response with an APA reference to the text and any other sources that you use.